This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on February 12, 2024 on the new site, United Network Productions. I can’t wait to start updating all the UNN video links for 250+ reports yet again. LOL! In this update Kim lets us know the operatives have made a decision to stand with us. Let’s hope that is the case, but time will tell of course if they have a different agenda. She also updates us on the SSPs latest attempts to kill us all which has a link to the Superbowl and Las Vegas. She also delves a bit deeper into how we can manifest.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Operatives Made a Decision to Stand with Humanity
After looking at different options the operatives finally made a decision yesterday to stand with us. These are the folks with boots on the ground operating everything we see in the world of deep state governments. Each of these parties, individually and collectively had a different responsibility. Some handle the military, the political sector etc. which is how it is in every country of the world. So this was huge. Let’s hope it sticks.
I know there are people on the fence about what operatives can and cannot do and the definition of an operative is still confusing to people. But the TV series called The Black List is a good watch to learn about the different types of operatives as they are all not the same. The guy they call Red was a high-level operative and fixer and he helped the FBI in the show.
SSP Operatives Still Going for World Domination
There are still SSP operatives who want to continue the dream of world domination. Those falling in this category are those with the Trump organization. They had big hopes and aspirations that fake Trump was going to get one of those 13 seats at the New World Order because they were promised grandiose things.
SSP Was Trying to Create a Massive Disease X Outbreak
We’re seeing these SSP operatives in weird places creating some havoc. They were down in Antarctica searching for some technologies, they were also in the Falkland Islands, and they were in Las Vegas where they definitely had some things planned for this weekend and not just for the people in Las Vegas. It just so happened that this underground facility in Las Vegas had a connection to another facility in Paris, in Sweden, and in Mozambique and other locations in the world tied to this one facility where they intended to create a massive Disease X outbreak and severe neurological disorders for those who happened to be right above this facility.
How were they planning on connecting to the human body?
Did you know a VIRUS is a Virtual Integrated Repeater Unifying System. This ties into the reason as to why the Aids virus is in the vaccines. Now the Aids virus is a type of herpes, so is chicken pox, and there are other types and a few other diseases that are created by the same type of virus. The system they were trying to utilize underneath this facility in Las Vegas was connected to this type of herpes virus. So if you ever had chicken pox as a kid or a cold sore, etc., you would have fallen victim to what they were trying to do over the weekend.
The reason they say if you had the chicken pox you can have shingles is because it lays at the base of the spinal column dormant until it’s activated. It was all run and controlled by a system. But when they tried to fire up the system there was nothing tied to it in the earth’s orbit that would allow it to utilize your person as a repeater and then spread this disease.
What is a Repeater?
If you have Wi-Fi in your house and a modem that’s where all your internet comes into your home. If you have a large home, you may buy these little boxes that you plug in which helps you to receive a signal the further away you are from the modem. Well in this case, if you had chicken pox or any of these diseases you are one of those boxes, a repeater of that signal using your energy that runs through your spinal column to your neurological system, to then become an antenna for this system.
Rumors of the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) Again
There were also rumors going around about the EBS going off because they intended to utilize this event calling it an electromagnetic pulse or something like that and the intended perpetrator or terrorist organization was going to be Iran. This alleged “inside event’ was also circulating through Congress and political sector over the last few days which then propelled Congress, to submit a big funding bill in order to protect us against the impending terrorist threat. And they had a promise of money on Saturday therefore they acted accordingly and ahead of time, like always. No money came of course.
More Disturbance in the Middle East Was
Another thing that happened that caused a lot of disturbance in the Middle East to get the remaining people to leave Israel was all about the funding that was supposed to come from the US to fund the Greater Israel Project. We know Israel is Rothschild and has been controlled by those Families for a long time. Well, when they and then the SSP failed to come up with the money, everyone started to question what they are doing there again, except this time it’s a little bit different.
SSP Tried to Sway the Pentagon and Congress to Their Side
Once the decision was made amongst all the operatives, the crazy SSP people who were still listening to the Order of the Dragon decided to call the Pentagon and members of Congress to try to sway them to their side promising this Friday is the day. Well, I was pretty surprised what happened after that.
The handlers on behalf of the deep state, the direct handlers to the Pentagon as one example, who told them what to do, as well as the direct handlers to GCHQ and equivalents in other countries consider the Pentagon, GCHQ etc. to be their Asset, the entire military is their asset in this instance. So, when the Pentagon started getting phone calls from the crazy SSP they formed a barricade around their asset. By barricade I mean they ensured the SSP phone lines didn’t ring inside the Pentagon, they intercepted those lines and will do all negotiations on behalf of their asset. They told the SSP this place doesn’t belong to you, we have been handling this place and will continue to handle this place. Then the SSP started promising the handlers money which didn’t end well. They asked if they had any money today. Oh, well no.
The same thing also happened at the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve, what is left of it. Now when they started entering these sectors over the weekend the Fed came back and told them they run the financial show on the planet, they got it covered and you don’t know who you’re messing with. They said okay, well if you’re in charge pay us right now. We’ve been working for a few years and we haven’t gotten paid. Oh you can’t. Well it doesn’t look like you’re in charge of anything and they are doing this on behalf of the Order of the Dragon.
Their One World Order is Not Working Out for Them
Suffice it to say, their plans of a One World Order, of utilizing what’s left of their assets is kind of going out the window, and that is becoming more and more evident as the day goes on. This is happening not only in the US but in the UK, Israel, throughout the Middle East, Russia, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria.
Operatives to Meet with Kim This Week
Kim said she can see operatives making moves and she isn’t interfering. Every single asset they are securing at this moment in time could be useful for change and that is what she is hoping for. With these guys at the helm, they can get the job done and we could see a lot of change. Now we have a definitive owner of the facility whether it be the Fed, the Treasury Dept, the Militaries, the Intelligence Agencies etc. So, if something is going right that’s the guy or girl we go to, if something is going wrong that’s still the guy or girl we go to. We’ll give them a certain amount of time to correct the issue and get everything in line. They are very capable, so we’ll see how that goes and if that actually happens. Once the operatives get a full handle, when they know no one is coming against their asset, whether they run the military of Nigeria or politics in Ghana or any combo of those, they will send a few chosen people to meet with Kim and discuss what are we going to do from here. Kim is hoping it will be as early as Tuesday.
Recent Attacks Against Kim
Anna Von Reitz put out a report with a lot of swear words about Kim and another report came out from Benjamin Fulford evidently that Kim’s not a human. I haven’t found the latest reports Kim is referring but I’ll take her word for it, and I’m assuming she is mentioning this for a reason.
Anna Von Reitz
Anna works with two people, one is Scott Lenin an IMF ( assassin, the other one was also from the IMF, a fixer named Michael Young who claims to be part indigenous from some tribe out of Alaska which technically would make him Russian, but they don’t acknowledge that fact. I met Scott Lenin in person in 2016 and he actually introduced me to Anna Von Ritz the first time. We had several sorted conversations. There are also 2 ladies, they are a couple and I know them, they are lovely people. They went to jail for trying to issue bonds against in-ground assets of the US, predominantly the western part of the US to then turn over these bonds to sell them to the Vatican. I still speak to these ladies and I’ve tried to help them out a little bit. They are both out of jail but not before they lost their home and a lot of things over what Anna Von Reitz has been trying to do.
When she brought those bonds to me, she wanted me to give cash against these in-ground assets of the US and assist her in signing over these bonds, to give the Vatican the cash and she could have the bonds and I said no. Human beings as a whole do not want in-ground assets being assigned to the Vatican again, or their own persons, or their souls or anything else to the Vatican ever again. We don’t want to be collateral again.
There were threats from her as she was going to send people to come and see me and then in 2016 I became the person who was doing all these horrible thing. Am I aware of Project Crimson? No, I’m not. Have I ever worked for the CIA? No, never. I’ve never been an asset; I came here as a VIP guest. I’m well aware of who used to run this place, that Bush Sr. and Cheyney had houses here and I’m very aware of what happens around here. To waste time to acknowledge a fake judge in Alaska who sends letters to the Vatican every other day, and to this President and that President which has gone ignored for 15+ years now is not worth my time. And nobody cares you’re running videos in Antarctica because I found you this morning in the Falkland Islands and I think it’s funny. And they know who I’m talking about.
In the grand scheme in the freedom of Humanity, we would like to not be collateral, we would like them to stop spraying us like cockroaches and stop infecting our food and water, stop messing with the medical system and stop creating false belief systems. We would also like to be able to spend more time with our families which would require a more reasonable living wage in all areas of the world. But the world has to change in steps. And that change I believe starts with you as a co-creator, with me as a co-creator, and if you are a group all co-creating the same thing at the same time with the Creator to bring that into our reality.
More About Manifesting Change
People had questions about manifesting change using consciousness, energy, essence, and frequency and Kim explained more on this by giving an example. Say you want to lose weight. If I believe it enough I will lose weight right? Well not exactly.
Look at yourself in the mirror and start talking to yourself like someone you love. In addition, there is a certain amount of mental and emotional and even conscious and subconscious thought that takes place when you take care of those you love. There is a frequency to every aspect of this in order to bring this into a physical body. You don’t want to say I want to lose something, take that word out. Say I love this body Source has given me, I love every cell, they all work harmoniously to create my best self. In order to affect a physical change that part has to be there and you have to believe what you’re saying. That is part of it.
Now you do other things for those you love so they are healthy and well taken care of. For instance, you cook them a nutritious meal because you try to make sure they eat the right things and try to get organic foods and try to nourish them in that way every day. Now ask yourself, do you do the same thing for yourself? When you pick up food, what you deem to be the right thing, which isn’t the same for everybody, how does it make you feel when you’re eating that chosen food?
Close your eyes and imagine that food healing your physical body. For example, the Medical Medium talks about healing foods for all sorts of things. But if you mentally and/or emotionally don’t believe that food has those properties, or you’re subconsciously doing it for the wrong reasons then that food might not heal you. If you’re looking for a desired physical effect whether a cure for a disease, abdominal discomfort, etc. it’s great to follow the Medical Medium’s advice, but you have to believe this food is healing your body or you are at your optimal weight because of this food.
So, you’re taking in this food which is taking an action that requires mental, emotional, conscious and subconscious thought, and you’re putting all these things together and you’re bringing it into the physical, you’re manifesting it into the physical, you made an action which requires it and everything here is participating.
Additional Actions One May Take
Other actions you can take because you love yourself could be with a practitioner, another device, an essential oil, a supplement. Anytime you buy a new one, hold it to your solar plexus and put all your energy into it that it will do what it says it’s going to do. Then you’ll see them work better than you ever had before. Everything you see as a solid object doesn’t look solid when you look at it in the right way. And everything you put in your body becomes your essence, your energy and your consciousness.
Take a few minutes every day to reset your mind and recenter yourself and just breath and figure out how important this is to you. Take a walk at night, listen to music, rock out, dance around, anything to help your body because that energy that goes through your body when being creative heals your cells.
If you want to lose a couple of pounds, focus on the fat cells, because we want to keep the muscle, bones, etc. and focus the light from your solar plexus and push it into those particular areas. Use that light to start melting that away. You’re using that energy, your mental, emotional, soul, source energy connection to your physical self to start helping your body because you love yourself. Your putting Source co-creator energy into it, Source co-creator consciousness into it, you’re bringing it all into your physical self. If you have an injury, use that same energy to heal it. Or ask what that problem is and then use the above techniques if you realize you have an imbalance and need a supplement for example.
The part of your brain that triggers anxiety attacks or puts the body gets into a stress mode is right in the center of your brain. Try stroking that part of your brain, imagine you have a feather and just lightly stroke it. You can change your life mind, body and soul and then you can use these techniques to change the world. This is part of restoration. You wanted DNA repair, well this is part of it. Remember we all signed up for this and we can’t blame anyone else.
I could tell you all about everything that went wrong this weekend but it’s not going to get us anywhere, 99.9% of my focus is on improving the planet. And remember, when one door closes a better door opens and when you look back, you’ll see that is true.
Kim is so right, you’ve really brightened up the news, so Thank You!

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