This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 05-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Saturday was full of strange ceremonies and rituals being performed by the Trump Administrative operatives and their friends; this weekend they spent time in the far east of Russia. Negotiations between the SSP operatives and the Rothschild Family versus, well the rest of the world are not going so well. The banking operatives and nations are talking about jumping ship and the back chatter intel is very interesting. And the SSP attempts a show of power that has backfired immensely today.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

I just don’t understand these people, there is something wrong with their heads, so I’m going to have a little bit of fun tonight with you. Because the Trump operatives of course would like to claim they are doing everything that I am doing in a lot of cases, I thought why not just let them claim the things that I’ve done in the last few days, why not give them the credit. There is an old song called It Wasn’t Me by Shaggy. In the song he gets caught cheating on his girlfriend and at the end of every line the chorus sings, it wasn’t me. So, I’m going to say gee, it wasn’t me periodically. I’m going to have a little fun just because it’s been a long week already and it’s only Wednesday.
Deep State Expected Marduk or Someone Would Return Due To Turn Back Time
On Friday there was a planetary alignment and you know how they love them. Well, they thought on this alignment and a few other things that were aligning on this day that Marduk would return or the Draco would return or someone was going to return and they would have the capability of turning back time or going back to the Dark Age. Of course, they had a person at the ready for this being they thought was coming to crawl into someone’s body. It seems like the thing they want the most is a being or some AI to crawl into someone and give them some help.
Time Stood Still in the Heavens
As far as time standing still, this has to do with some stories about when time stood still in the heavens. Allegedly after time stood still all hell breaks loose and we go through this apocalypse which would start today. Unfortunately for them it didn’t work out, but this is what the Trump operatives were up to.
Marduk and Others Love a Good Massacre Site to Put Space Junk
Saturday a bunch of Trump operatives, some military people probably from Global Headquarters, and a Trump doppelganger was over in the far east of Russia. If you remember the report about a month ago where I talked about the Diomede Islands between Russia and Alaska. They call it tomorrow and today land because the big Island is in one day and the little island in another day, so it’s a place where you can stand in two days at the same time if you’re right there between the islands.
Not too far from there is the Kolyma gold mine which was a former gulag in Russia. It’s way far northeast of Russia and has terrible temperatures not fit for humans to live; millions of people died there. Rumor has it only one person ever escaped who was from the area today known as Ukraine. This gulag ran for several decades and was basically a death sentence. They brought these prisoners there basically to mine gold. There was a lot of gold there in the region but there was a lot of other stuff there too.
Marduk and the others love a good massacre site and they were always putting a lot of space junk that would be utilized to generate dark energy based on the fact a lot of people died. This camp here was pretty brutal, not only because of the temperatures but the working conditions, food supplies, location and also because there was a lot of human experimentation done there too. So a prime location for Marduk to put in some dark space junk.
They Expected This Trump Doppelganger to Host Marduk or Someone
So apparently the Trump operatives have talked a big game to fake Trump and told him he is the chosen one, he’s just like Trump and in line to be the next King of the World or whatever and he kind of bought into it. They brought this Trump and themselves to this location. The Trump operatives ran around with some crystals and were doing really strange things and then they sat fake Trump in this thing that looks kind of like a coffin.
They believed at sunrise in this far east part of Russia that time would stand still and there was a possibility that time would be reversed, and of course their alien friends would help them do that. They also thought there would be a being that would come down into this box they put fake Trump into and inhabit his body and he would become the new Marduk or new whatever. Realistically that would be a no, but this particular box was made out of a specific made-in material and it was designed to protect you from time-space continuum openings essentially. So, if you are not the correct person, meaning your DNA is not correct and some other factors you will be unable to take your vessel through a time space continuum. But they felt at this location the time space continuum was going to open and all would be right with the world because time was going to stand still for a short period. And they would really like to find a being to counteract all we are doing. They need someone really strong and thought if they put this guy in a box that all would be right with their world and we’d go back to a Dark Age and life would go on as usual for these people. This was their big plan behind the scenes for you operatives, bank officials and everyone else who was waiting for money on Friday.
Ceremonies Around the World With Pod People, No Survivors
During the ceremony, time did not stand still in this location but it did stand still for about an hour very far away from here. Unfortunately for them no one made it out of that location in northeast Russia alive, box or no box. And you know what? It wasn’t me (wink, wink), it must have been the Trump operatives that did it.
There were other ceremonies going on around the world where people were in these special pods. They were hoping to infect all these people, to take in an AI and become an anchor for that AI on this planet and let the AI control them. Most of them were willing of course. Other people this happened to before that I’ve run into seem really crazy because it’s not a natural thought process. They don’t really have the technology, but the deep state thinks these pod things are going to help them be successful. When they put them in the pod, they kind of go into a stasis mode, then in a theta or dream state mode and they think they are communicating with an AI.
So, these ceremonies with pod people were taking place in several locations around the world. One of the largest locations, where they had the most people was in an old historical site in Moldova. There were about 35 people there initially, then 29 were still alive, then there were none. Eventually no one survived at any pod location around the world. So again, this wasn’t me (wink wink), it must have been the Trump operatives that did.
This is their idea or plan; in order to bring back something they lost and get someone who can control an AI in the way that we all could and will again in the future. We are not talking about dark destructive AIs but something that is more on the natural side built with a golden consciousness that is not going to harm anyone unless it’s attacked or we are attacked, so it can be used as a defense mechanism.
Doing Their Part for the Apocalypse They Were Expecting
Next, over the weekend they attempted to release a remnant of some nano technology they had underneath Coronado Island in San Diego because of what they thought was going to happen here on earth as part of this apocalypse, after time stood still. This particular technology is designed to attack you on a cellular level. It would not need to be sprayed on you like chemtrails, it can be sent through Wi-Fi and electronics and those types of things. So, it was most unfortunate at the time of attempted release that everyone at that underground facility died and their stash of this nano-technology went away. And of course this was not me (wink wink), this was the Trump operatives.
Disturbances Due to Removing the Grids
I’m going to talk about disturbances because this has been going off and on for some time. Part of the process we are going through now is clearing the grids. Earth had numerous grids attached to it and most of those grids were attached to other worlds and other AIs. Remember earth being the only keystone left everything that was going to be created as a part of a not natural creation such as AI systems or other worlds that were dark were definitely attached to a grid here on earth and often times attached to your person.
Therefore, if you are very sensitive you probably have been having a really hard time of it for the last several weeks off and on. Reports are coming in of people feeling dizzy, coming down with a cold, neurological disturbances, tired for no reason, feeling like someone just pulled your plug. This is part of removing the grids. It could be quite uncomfortable because you were powering a lot more than we ever thought, also, earth was being drained in many ways. We talked about the fact we were only getting around 21% of our energy supply that was needed to keep us alive. Well, the rest of it was going to power universes. Again, human beings don’t realize how powerful they are and why every race that means us harm uses us to power things often. So, the removal of grids can be uncomfortable.
The SSP operatives are very well aware of these grids and they try to use these grids in many ways with limited knowledge and access. Before, when they had more access to grids like this, they would have very clear orders on what they needed to do. Therefore, balance was maintained and sometimes there was no disturbance from what they were doing because it was just meant to fire up a grid at a certain time. Other folks like from the Neither-world for example would take it from there.
In this particular case, they have been trying to do a lot of things with limited access to these grids which is causing mental and emotional disturbances because they either don’t know what they are doing or they don’t care these grids are attached to humans. They don’t realize there is a regulation, a maximum, and a frequency and keeping the balance was always important because they had to keep us alive. So, this has been the issue for many people, but it is also part of grid removal because when we remove one grid, they go looking for another one to attach themselves to and then here we go again. Removing grids and their associated worlds has been going on for a couple of weeks now so we don’t have this problem anymore.
I got to tell ya, these people must be breeding behind closed doors or maybe there is a cloning facility we haven’t found because there is no shortage of ridiculous people on their side.
Duck Dynasty Postpones Meetings Waiting for Trump Doppelganger To Host a New Friend
We all know the Trump operatives have been making a lot of promises to people, nations, banks like we’re going to have a new banking system, Canada is going to become part of the United States, we’re going to have 9 banking jurisdictions and only have 9 countries by the time they are done. That being said, there are a lot of people in their downline starving right now, and of course their version of broke is not the same as your version. But there are some who have laid out a lot of cash to make this happen and they are getting down to the wire. That’s a lot of countries, a lot of angry Middle Eastern royals, a lot of angry terrorist groups they normally pay. Of course, they’ve been offering money to countries like Israel and haven’t paid. They did send some weapons over there though and I know the Russians also pitched in some weapons and fake pallets of cash that they sent to Syria today. So, everybody is doing their part in the Order trying to make this plan happen, because of course the SSP operatives said they know everything and they are planning on the apocalypse this weekend. So, they probably thought they would get out of all this anyway.
The meetings that were supposed to take place on Friday and Saturday kept getting postponed because they put a fake orange guy in a box and danced around, said weird words, and thought something was going to happen. The entire financial system of planet earth, of countries, militaries, intelligence agencies, treasury depts, central banks, everyone is waiting for some dude to get in a box in nowhere Russia and hope it works out. For some reason they really thought they had this because they finally sent in some lower level lacky to tell them they needed more time to take effect. But it didn’t work out.
Operatives Talk of Mutiny
They didn’t show up and this is making people very angry. Most people on the call talked about a mutiny. There were phone calls we received from several banks saying they would like to figure out a way to move forward with us. Of course, one of our conditions would be they would have to let go of their genetic shareholders, which are the Rothschild Family and other financial families of the elites. Remember not all families participated in all aspects of control on that level. Some were involved in the military or intelligence side, some were involved in financial affairs, some were on the Federal Reserve and Central Banking level and Tier One banks such as HSBC and Wells Fargo. Others didn’t get involved in financial matters at all and participated on the political sector. They all had their sector which is part of the compartmentalization of humans so no one could figure out what they were doing, or had all the information, or the entire plan which has become quite evident.
Things were getting really heated. We had a lot of people here in town in meetings and they started talking amongst themselves. They are starting to realize more and more on the next level down they have been lied to. They gave them until midnight on the March 4th, last night to perform. Did they perform? No. Did they show up for their calls? Yes, they did.
Earlier this morning at their regular 5am MT meeting with the higher-level people they were discussing ways on how they could postpone everyone until the 15th of March. Why the 15th? Because there is supposed to be partial eclipse or blood moon and this is going to be the time someone is coming to help them. If it doesn’t happen then, it will happen during the end of March when there is something else. They think one of these alignments they will have some luck activating these grids which would then power an AI that would help them. Yeah, um that would be a no.
Who Leaked Out They Were Playing Another Tomorrow Game?
Word got back to the Trump operatives and Rothschild family people that everybody was getting really angry with them because someone leaked the talk of what was happening in the meeting on the higher level. So there was no way they could play the tomorrow game until the 15th of March. I can only assume it must have been the Trump operatives that leaked this information, because it wasn’t me (wink wink).
The Trump operatives and Rothschild Family finally got on the phone and they said, “just watch this, watch what happens today.” Then they hung up the phone.
So pretty much the world meeting that was scheduled for today with all the banking operatives, the political operatives, with all those who work behind the scenes and make the world go around, at least the way it used to, still continued because they were supposed to make some decisions last night. Now there appears to be more research being done as to what they are being told and who is doing what in this world and where do we fit in. Now of course we over here don’t do anything at all. We just sit and watch the Trump operatives do everything. Just kidding. So anyway, we may have leaked out that information.
More Space Junk Was Left by Marduk, Michael and Other for the Apocalypse
What actually took place today was kind of a mess. To some degree there was some space junk that Marduk gifted us beyond the grave as well as few others who departed like Michael. They left a few things that may have appeared to these folks after the silence in heaven that there was going to be an apocalypse just like they had hoped or a war here. I don’t know what they were expecting, but they were full on today trying to reach out to other space junk in other densities. They had the NSA full on. By the way, the NSA and ACIO are the only ones that are really still following what they say. And when I say NSA, I’m not talking only about the United States, it’s worldwide. These people are everywhere, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, all over the Middle East too.
But unfortunately, there were a few things that happened.
Lots of NSA People Trying to Do Harm to Humanity Around the World Died Today
A lot of hacking later and some attempts to get into these grids to do people harm today didn’t end well. Someone, and it must be the Trump operatives because they do everything, duh. They must have fired something up in the reverse, I mean it wasn’t me. The Trump operatives fired up something that actually torched and killed a lot of NSA people today around the world. They told them to do it then they torched every facility they went into. It wasn’t me (wink wink) so they can get credit for that one too.
Isn’t equinox time fun! No, definitely not.
Jakarta | The Off-World Human Trafficking Center
Other places where there was attempted time manipulation was in Jakarta which was an off-world human trafficking center of the world. A lot of black magic happens in Jakarta beneath a particular temple, one of the largest ones there. There was an old facility with a little bit of space junk used to manipulate time and they thought that would work as of today. Did it cause some disturbance? Yes. Did they get anywhere with it? No. However, the Trump operatives must have attacked the site in this underground facility because nobody made it out of there alive. It definitely wasn’t me. (wink wink)
The Stoppage of Time Actually Happened in the 9th Density
There is a lot more that was happening over the last few days. There were disturbances, we did have that stoppage of time in the heavens or in the 9th density for about an hour in earth time. This did give us the opportunity to do a few things there which are making their way here.
There is going to be a larger presence and almost a replica of Source here on earth which is now spreading. Over time that should prevent the utilization of any grid or the existence of any grids, hopefully in the very near future.
We did find a few other interesting things I would like to mention.
Real History | Tiamat
As part of the real history, you might have heard of the planet called Tiamat. It was a little larger than earth and it looked just like earth in a lot of ways and was a keystone for a time. Therefore, as part of the wars that took place in this universe, Tiamat got shoved down into the first density of the lower astral where it has been for quite a long time. It was transmuted into a dark keystone.
We do see some of the remnants of that rubble in what we call our Kuiper Belt, Van Allen Belt and our Asteroid Belt. However, a synthetic version of that planet existed there and they utilized some of these grids made by others (Abraxas, Marduk, etc.) to connect the dark synthetic planet to earth to give us an overlay of dark grids based on a transmuted dark keystone planet. We have been connected to that dark synthetic planet for quite a long time now, at least 3 billion years.
The deep state hoped this was going to activate something today and cause a lot of problems, an apocalyptic event. They talked about wiping all the humans off the map today. So, for all of you sitting back waiting to get paid you would have been wiped off this planet if they had their way. But thank God there were a lot of glitches to that and we used this opportunity to catapult a lot of things forward.
Testing Fund Transfers
Lastly, today we spent a lot of time doing test transfers of funds. That’s one thing the Trump operatives can’t take credit for. So, we’ve been working our way getting some deposits through. It’s going well, it helps us find a few traps and things that others laid. It had nothing to do with the humans blocking us, it’s just a lot of cleanups.
On that note, until next time which will be live, Monday, March 10th.
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