Sulfur Clouds Over Baghdad Due To Secret Mining Operation Prompted By Both the US & BRICS Orgs | Deep State Gets 100% On Probability of Success Should They Work With Kim’s Office & 0% Should They Stick With Their Current Overlords, But They Keep Going | Rothschild Declares War Against Kim Yet Again Hoping It Would Release Tax Money | Oops, Trillions of Dragon Family Funds Disappear Instead | More Facilities Outside the Hologram Found at Palace of Versailles & Pine Gap & One Within At Germantown, Danbury, CT

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on which is available for subscribers. In Iraq the recent appearance of sulfur clouds at night over the city of Baghdad were coming from a secret underground mining operation prompted by both the US and the BRICS organization. Oddly enough they were both promised the same thing. And the deep state did an analysis on our Office’s chance of success. Turns out our odds were 99.8% while their chance of success with their current overlords was 0%. And Nathan Rothschild panics as trillions in Dragon Family funds just disappear. He wants to know who stole their money; well, we are going to tell you.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


Sulfur Clouds Over Baghdad Lead to Secret Mining Operation

The Prime Minister of Iraq and some other officials from Iran both agreed to an underground mining operation to revive some old tunnels that were essentially under Iraq. For those who have been around in the alt media world you would have seen videos of US soldiers holding bricks of gold and all kinds of things, well yeah, it definitely happened for quite a long time. But this case was really interesting so I thought I would let you know what is happening now.

Apparently, this started about a week ago and we originally thought the sulfur was coming from some other esoteric space junk that was in the area. In part, I guess you could say it was, but the cloud quickly changed so there were no longer these red sulfur clouds that were over the city, now they were more like a gray color and only appeared at night. So, we had to figure out where it was coming from.

We figured out they revived some of these tunnels. Originally there were 14 tunnels and for 2 of them the entryway was in Iran, Iraq’s neighbor. Most of the other tunnels were accessible on the border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq and another was on the border by Iraq and Iran. Those particular places were heavily guarded by people for no apparent reason, and that’s when we discovered the underground mining had begun again. The air was horrible and unsafe. These emissions would come every single night between 10pm and midnight and they told the citizens to stay inside. We even have footage here that was taken from the US Embassy there in Iraq and some was taken by some contacts we have there on the ground. We figured out where it was coming from and how it came to be.

For those who don’t know the original mining of the underground in Iraq began approximately in 1974. The US Government has nuclear powered boring machines and bored the tunnels for the underground mining. It is very similar to what I have seen here locally in Durango, which actually went all the way from Dulce Military Base to Silverton, Colorado. The Black Sun used to like to do a lot of mining underground, and of course it was on behalf of their alien overlords. So, they donated an awful lot of gold to an awful lot of people and were even stockpiling it at one point. That stockpile here in Durango disappeared in 2019 and the stockpiles in Iraq disappeared not that long ago, maybe within the last couple of days. They were desperately trying to get to these stockpiles and were using this really caustic method of mining gold and other minerals that contained highly acidic sulfur. And it wasn’t just sulfur, it was a number of other chemicals which is supposed to extract the gold and other minerals from underground.

Interestingly enough, we waited last night to see who was actually going to come, like who was in involved. In tunnel number 1 we had the Chinese. The Chinese love to use their prisoners to do things like mining and build airports around the world because the labor is absolutely free. The places and the exposure and the inhumane conditions in which these Chinese prisoners are forced to work are worse than anything I’ve ever seen in any other country and this was no exception here. So around 10-10:30pm these Chinese prisoners started showing up for work and there were prison guards who were ushering them into tunnel number 1.  

For some reason the Iranians feel the own everything in Iraq, probably because Iran is where the Order of the Green Dragon is located and they feel like they own everything in the region, which is absolutely false, that ship sailed a long time ago. But they are ones together with Iraq that made the deal with the Chinese to basically mine gold for free and to pay them personally in their own pockets somewhere between 10-25%, depending on who you are.

We had Global Headquarters and the US Military in cooperation with the Order of the Black Sun in tunnel #2. They too were promised the same thing as the Chinese, that they would be able to extract this gold and they would have full rights to extract the gold from all the tunnels. But they were told you have to start over here because we don’t want you to find out what we already promised the Chinese. It’s kind of a situation of he who mines first wins, I guess, I’m not sure.

Well as of the time of this report both sides already know they were duped by the other side and which officials were responsible for that. So, whether you were doing business with the Iranians and you happen to be from China, or you were doing business with the Americans and happen to be from Iraq, either way you were duped. Do you guys even have an intelligence agency anymore? I have to know because the information wasn’t that hard for us to find. Once we knew what we were looking for it really wasn’t that difficult. We just ran the operation to see who would show up last night. But as of today, there are no more tunnels, so you both can turn your soldiers and your prisoners home. Nothing is going to come of it.  

God bless you for trying to steal gold from another country. As for you Americans, there is plenty of gold in the United State. As a matter of fact, you have one of 7 supersites in the entire world in this country. Why are you stealing gold from Iraq and what in God’s name led you to believe we haven’t already leveraged that gold?

That’s right folks, by 1992 pretty much every single iota of gold in the Middle East was already leveraged to the financial system which we are still using to this day, not your financial system, it’s ours. That gold has been leveraged and it’s generating dinar against that gold and US dollars on behalf of the Iraqi people. For Iran, we already got that gold and oil and everything else you already pledged to us. Don’t forget who you are Green Dragon people, we have all the records.

Deep State Analyzes Their Probability of Success With Kim’s Office & Their Current Overlords

Global Headquarters, SSP operatives and some higher-ranking Military Generals continue their meetings over the weekend. The only thing I found interesting and worth mentioning is they did run their little analytics on their probability of success, which most militaries do when they plan on running an operation for war, or theatre maneuver or whatever. So, they decided to run some different probabilities this time.

What is our team’s, humanity’s success rate without them?

  • Result was 99.8% and that number has grown since they ran the report on Saturday, and it has grown because the more we take out and the more we find the higher our success rate is.

What is their success likely to be with us, meaning would they be successful if they decided to work with us in a different way quite obviously?

  • Result was 100%. They are still talking about it at the time of this recording.

What is their success rate if they try to run the entire planet without us, which means with both the Black Nobility and with the Rothschild Family, aka the Dragon Families.

  • Result was just under 8% at the time they ran the report.

Well, those odds went down a little bit don’t you think. I mean you would say 100% to 8% wow, it’s a lot lower. But not these people, it means they have a lot more to contemplate. I don’t know if they continued to run reports or not but I figured I would the same analytics using the same data they were using just to see how those numbers have changed.

  • Now those odds are down to 3.98%.

What is their success likely to be with just the Order of the Dragon (Rothschild Family, Lee Family in China, Russian Dragon Families, Iranian Dragon Families and so on and so forth)

  • Result was 0% and I’m not surprised there.

What is their success rate likely to be if they decided to partner up with just the Black Nobility and not the Dragon Families?

  • Result was 0%.

But true to form, the lack of success rates being in their favor didn’t stop them from trying several operations against us over the last few days.

More Facilities Outside the Hologram Found

Lucky for us we managed to find a couple of those facilities we talked about that were outside the hologram which they were trying desperately to get access to. The first facility was under the Palace of Versailles. They stood there with their crystals chanting waiting for something to happen to see if they could break through the hologram and get access to that room that was under there. But no dice. I have conflicting information at this time, but I would say they all were involved, the Black Nobility, Global Headquarters, the SSP and people within those groups who don’t want to give up. The location of the second facility was in Pine Gap.

Today we found a similar facility which was within the hologram under Danbury, CT in Germantown. A lot of German immigrants came to that town and settled there. Would it shock you to know that some of those Germans just happened to be Nazi scientists? It was the location they took all the Project Paperclip scientist to, and therefore birthed in this location, with the help of alien partners one of these rooms within the hologram. If you’ve ever been in a facility where they control drones it looks kind of like that. They pull up this hologram of the person or place that is their target jut like you do with a drone and they have a holographic version of me now up on that screen, me and others and then they start sending really negative frequencies and all kinds of things from this hologram because I am their target. So, it was a fun and exciting day.

All of these rooms that we found, and I have a feeling I’m going to be finding more after this report, but anyway are remnants of what we call a Black Magic AI. You take your target, then do a like a holographic voodoo doll and you keep poking and sending frequencies at it to make their head spin. For me, I’m so used to this stuff now, they used to do it a LOT. But now they are limited in what they can do and I just shield up, I attack it back, then I pull the string and find out where this is located so that I can actually destroy it and everyone in it. And that’s what I’m going to do at the end of this report.

Nathan Rothschild Wants To Know Who Stole Trillions of Dragon Family Money

I have another funny story and if you’ve been following me for awhile you’re going to find it funny and extremely ironic.

First Kim reviewed again the ANNA and X/N systems for new viewers.

We talked in the past about the ANNA, the Association of Numerical Numbering Agency in Belgium. For those who don’t understand what this place does, they are responsible for numbering all stocks and bonds and all securities, that is its primary function. Not only did it number those bonds in the past but all your birth certificate bonds and every corporation receives a number which then gets registered there. If you think you’re self-employed and it gives you freedom, well kind of not really because you still have to pay corporate taxes and all those other things. Think about how many things in your life involve numbers, like Social Security Numbers, Tax IDs, Driver’s License Numbers, etc., ANNA is kind of a collection for all things with numbers around the world. And all those went into a big huge machine which some people refer to as the Beast. In the past that machine would transfer all those bonds into the alpha system and the allocation numbers would come out, whether that was to provide you with free education if you had that where you’re at, free healthcare if you are under NHS in Canada, the UK or South Africa, that’s what these were designed to do.

There is a certain interest rate on those bonds and securities that is required and we call that tax.  Taxes are collected through its sister system called the X/N system.

We found something very interesting though.

The system that was utilized for the collection of all these lovely taxes coming from the IRS and other tax authorities in other countries, it doesn’t matter where, all those taxes were going into a separate system that was meant for the 80% only.

Now this has been really painful for the Rothschild Family and some other people because they could see all these numbers on the screen and they could also see those funds were being traded and traded and traded and the numbers were just getting bigger and bigger and bigger, but all they could really do is lick the screen and there were several screens worth licking. There were screens in different places around the world which I will list in a second. So, this was your Rothschild tax collection system.

The only thing they did do is get a little shady with these off-ledger funds. A lot are tied to the Rothschild Bank in Switzerland and a few other select banks who would then issue the Rothschilds credit lines against them.

Did Rothschild share those credit lines with all these Global Headquarters people and SSP people who they owe money to?

Of course not, they didn’t did get anything. You see these high-level security Black Sun folks think very highly of themselves. They think those people care whether they live or die. But no, they don’t. And without access to hundreds of trillions of dollars, for which Rothschild was only willing to part with a small little stipend for you Black Sun people or you US military people, or how about the IDF in Israel who were also promised a lot of money.  

Once they take it out of the actual financial system and put in these other fake backdoor systems it isn’t real anymore. It’s all hiked up fake numbers without allocations and they still would have needed me to get it into the system. So don’t create war against me you crazy old ‘bleep’ it’s not going to help you any.

Funny enough we did get a call from a person who was in another meeting with the Black Sun at the time so we asked, why did the Rothschild family declare war against me for like the 10th or 15th time?  They said, oh it’s not about her its about a bunch of money that went missing from their Swiss Bank and they want to know who stole it. Well, I’m here to say loud and proud that person was me and I’m not looking back either. It’s gone, it was part of an old omega line and it’s just not there anymore. So good luck finding that money Nathan Rothschild, and Global Headquarters and whoever else is looking for it. And good luck in keeping Rothschild bank afloat in Switzerland, you’re going to need it.


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3 thoughts on “Sulfur Clouds Over Baghdad Due To Secret Mining Operation Prompted By Both the US & BRICS Orgs | Deep State Gets 100% On Probability of Success Should They Work With Kim’s Office & 0% Should They Stick With Their Current Overlords, But They Keep Going | Rothschild Declares War Against Kim Yet Again Hoping It Would Release Tax Money | Oops, Trillions of Dragon Family Funds Disappear Instead | More Facilities Outside the Hologram Found at Palace of Versailles & Pine Gap & One Within At Germantown, Danbury, CT”

  1. bonjour, kim, idem juste. merci pour ce rapport! et bien ci plus 1 seul personne dans le monde ne sera débité sur son compte de l’impôt sur le revenu, de l’impôt fonçier, ou n’importe quel autres impôts d’ici le 25 de mois d’octobre, et bien je vous tire mon chapeau, ainsi ka vos équipes! 👍👍👍

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