This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19 JAN 24 NEWS ( A lot has happened in the last 48 hours that Kim and special guest Tom Melville discuss together because a lot of the things that happened between them both. Suffice it to say the deep state is still crazy and well, let’s just get into it.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Tom: Absolutely yes, hello subscribers and everyone. I’m more than happy to come in and explain and go over the things that have been happening. It’s just really crazy and today is no exception.
World Economic Forum | Davos Meeting
Kim: I think it’s important we give information from the beginning of the week in Davos so everyone understands the background of where we’re going, and where the operatives and the freelancers are manipulating every single aspect of governments and elitists at the moment.
We’ve told you before that all governments are run by operatives. You could actually say the government is the operatives. Now those operatives typically report to mostly deep state actors and that’s where the problems come in now in places like Davos. About three to four weeks before Davos starts the operatives start arriving, and these are your fixers, your freelancers, the ones that make all the deals. By the time the people start getting on stage and you start seeing politicians at these meetings what you’re really looking at is the end result of work from behind the scenes. Now separately that group of people communicate for months prior to an event like this and they receive orders on down the line of what’s going to happen and what’s going to be promoted in a meeting like this. This year’s meeting was about Rebuild Trust. I don’t know who came up with that but I don’t think anybody on the planet actually trusts the World Economic Forum. And in the same sentence they actually came out with the fact that we’re going to encounter a disease X situation and there would be a lot of money that would go out to pay for all of this. Then they were talking about the same things they talked about three or four years ago. Tom with that being said I’m going to let you take over with your part and then we’ll fill in the pieces.
Tom: Sure, three to four weeks previous to any big meetings worldwide things that’s what I had done for a long time, I was as a fixer, that’s my world. I’m not happy with what I’ve done in the past but it happened and now I’m able to explain to you in detail how that happens. But this year was different and the previous years were a little different because now the operatives and the freelancers are all waking up to the fact that things haven’t worked out the way they had planned or how they set the narrative up in advance.
Operatives on the Disease X Program Were Identified
Tom: This year the fixers, the operatives and the freelancers all went there with the directive of setting everything up for disease X and those payments. The only reason why these Handlers show up at Davos is three reasons, to get paid, to find out what the narrative is going to be, and to get their egos stroked so they can continue the narrative. But this year was different because a lot of the operatives understand that everything is changing. But they did their thing over the three weeks and then they left and now the offer is in. Now a lot of the people who showed themselves at Davos, they were targeted because they are the ones that want to implement disease X, they are going along with the program and now we have a face to the people that are willing to murder everybody on the planet. That’s a good thing because now we have a face and a name for individuals who are compliant and want to go along with the program and not change, and that’s a big deal.
Kim: And a lot of people did not make it out of their alive. And there was nothing wrong with Blinken’s plane.
Note: Related post, Blinken briefly stranded in Davos after his plane breaks down | Reuters
Tom: In the beginning of the week, I received intel that they were going to be targeted for either execution or for questioning, because there’s a lot going around. They are trying to clean up as well on the inside. I mean it doesn’t look like it, but there’s a lot of cleanup happening. Like Lloyd Austin the Defense Secretary, there are issues surrounding all of that and the narratives are just failing all over the place like he was in the hospital-he wasn’t in a hospital; he was in a bunker in Ukraine-he wasn’t in Ukraine. They are so confused and don’t really understand where they’re going with their narrative at this point. But it could be because they’re scared, because there’s a lot of them running now, that’s why Blinkin choose to not get on that plane. I believe he wouldn’t have made it, he wouldn’t have landed if he got on that plane. So he like others have been running to safe houses all over the world which are not really safe at this point because they’re coming after him it’s a combination of people.
The Coalitions, Legions & REDS Cleaning Up These Non-Repairables
Kim: Yes, you have the Coalitions, the Legions, and joining in with them which was interesting are what we call the REDS. The REDS are retired extremely dangerous people, so they are operatives who are retired, those types of folks, the people that go bump in the night for lack of a better term. Now they are fed up too. They are tired of going around and round in circles. This isn’t about a one-person president or the other person president type situation for these guys. They’re constantly told to do work and they get nothing in return. These people don’t take too kindly to not being paid. They’re getting a lot of ridiculous contracts thrown out there and they’re not taking any of them. And not all of them are removing this person or that person, it can be arranging arms for a war, or they’ve been given a lot of misinformation that kind of thing. They just got fed up and when they saw someone taking action they joined in. And that’s what we’re kind of seeing happen over the last couple of days. It’s also the reason why Langley 5 sat in a bunker for two days, that’s part of it. And then of course there was Wednesday’s message that went out and we have more on that. But I’ll let you finish your story Tom before we get into what happened with our Chinese friends.
Tom: Okay, my world is boots on the ground. You come from a much higher level than I was used to seeing at the time going through government agencies and government groups and doing what I did best at the time. By the way, I was really impressed with Agent M that you had on last week. He said all the right things, he is doing a great job over there as far as I’m concerned with intelligence and data that’s coming out of the Middle East.
How to Get Operatives to Work for Free Past and Present
Those who have been following Kim for awhile know about the many scams but there is always more detail she adds.

Scam #1: Iraqi Dinar They Will Never Cash
Tom: But I wanted to kind of talk about one point he said. He said his experience had started with the Iraqi Dinar and the promises that were being made by operatives, by the elites, the handlers that the Iraqi Dinar was going to be used for payments to operatives for doing the jobs and with the books and keeping all the records and all of that. Well at the time I was one of the main participants that structured those Iraqi Dinars through the White House through a gentleman that has all the records of it. He was the one in charge of creating that falsehood of the new Iraqi currency that was coming out. At the time I had pushed it as well because I didn’t know any better, but all those scenarios, the currencies, and the promises that were given, were carrots for jackasses as Meyer Rothschild said on a phone conversation.
Kim: And that was a phone conversation I personally had with Meyer Rothschild and actually Agent M at the same time.
Tom: So that’s sort of where the currencies and the historical assets, all the bonds and the Pacelli notes (I’m guessing this may refer to Eugenio Pacelli, who was elected Pope just before WWII), and all of the FED boxes that started back in the day with Clinton. All those narratives were set up back then and they’re still going on with the whole narrative of that promise.
Note: Pacelli link, Opening the Secret Files on Pius XII – DW – 11/10/2020.
Kim: I’m going to say on your level yes, that’s what you’re seeing, everybody’s still waiting to cash this stuff in and all these operatives and fixers and freelancers that have them.
Bush Senior Owned the Dinar Printing Presses
Kim: On my level, what I saw is that it was always a scam from the beginning which was according to Rothschild who created the narrative when Marduk was alive. I also heard the same from him. He said it’s never going to happen. Now I do know for a fact that all of the new Dinar printing presses were owned by George Bush Senior, that’s a fact. They printed about seven quadrillion worth of Dinar. Now remember money works on supply and demand. I don’t know how many centuries you want to go out that the country of Iraq is going to be able to produce a high enough GDP to warrant the issuance of 7 quadrillion Dinar. I’m sorry, that’s not really a thing. But that’s not really what it was meant for. The way that Bush Senior, who was Black Eagle at the time would work and I’m probably going to make a lot of operatives and people angry but this is the truth. What Bush would do is he would try to get everybody to work for free. That was his aim and his goal and he had been doing that for a long time. This even goes back as far as Prescott Bush his father during World War II who also didn’t pay anybody.
Here’s one case in point. Hitler was Brown Eagle, so he was the second in rank in command to Mussolini at the time who was the Black Eagle at the time and Prescott Bush was also involved in the Spoils of the War, and that began the creation of the Black Eagle Trust. If you’ve been around in the circle, you might have heard of Black Eagle bonds, those historical assets and a bunch of other things.
So, one such incident was where Hitler had been running out of money for the War. There wasn’t enough funding to keep going and to keep all the concentration camps going. He wanted more money to explore and search for ancient artifacts so that he could get his human experiments correct. This was all part of the beginnings of Project Paperclip. So, he offered I think for every Jewish person (to what he thought was the Jewish people but is the Khazarian Mafia or the Rothschild families) $2 million a head. That was the offer. I understand he went down as far as 50 cents a head and Rothschild wouldn’t pay it.
And as Agent M had said, the two main enemies of the Khazarian Mafia or the fake Jewish people are the Orthodox Jews and the Chaldeans from his point of view that’s what he said. The way it looks from my standpoint, it’s every human walking this planet. Otherwise, why would they fight so hard not to have us free? Why would they fight so hard and put so many curses, and monetary systems, and diseases and all this into the world? They are only partially responsible for that kind of stuff, but why would they do that?
Scam #2: Rough Diamonds They Will Never Cash
Kim: Now back to the Dinar scenario and the currencies that are out there. So yes, it was Bush Senior and his goal to get everybody to work for free. So, the currency of the black market in the underworld was rough diamonds for a long period of time knowing full well and good that they controlled the Gemological Institute. If you wanted to give your diamond a value you would have to take it and have it cut and then it would have a value to it. The same also goes for behind the scenes hedge fund banking. It would have to have a monetary value for the bank to take it in and issue a line of credit against it. It’s the same thing that they do with gold in a Hallmark, as they do with the diamonds. And the little number that goes in the band around them, I don’t know if everybody thinks it’s just an identifier for insurance purposes, but it kind of more than that. And they knew that they could pay people in rocks albeit not really shiny at that moment in time, but shiny rocks in various grades. But they would never make it through the Gemological Institute to actually have a value to them, therefore making themselves the only buyer in the world so they could control whether you actually got money for the job you did or not. That’s why they started cutting a lot of diamonds in India and in Russia, it’s because of this issue. There’s a lot of diamonds in Russia, there’s a lot of diamonds not only throughout the African continent but all over the world really. It’s not as rare as everybody says it is. What’s rare is getting it through the gemological Institute and having it come out the other side still a diamond, now that’s the rare part.
I also know people firsthand that were paid in other various gemstones that they had taken during the fall of the Shah, and let’s just say a specific area in India where they were running an operation at the time. So they have all kinds of rare artifacts and stones and huge rubies the size of your fist and no matter what they do they can never use them for anything. They can’t leverage them at a bank and they’ve been trying for at least 15 years that I’m aware of. Tom, you met one of those people?
Tom: Yes, I can tell you right now that there are operatives and a lot of them that have ledgers that have never been fulfilled, that have never been paid out. And I think that’s one of the big issues surrounding why operatives won’t comply with the newbies because we’re not part of the old structure. So, they won’t comply with us because they want their ledgers paid out before they come forward. It is sad because I mean they deserve it, they did a job and they deserve to get paid, but they’re refusing to come forward before getting their ledgers.
Kim: As long as someone pays those ledgers, that’s what they’re asking for. Now these are not the orchestrators of these events that we’re seeing. They play various parts, maybe they went to a country and did something, it could be economic, it could be various things at various times, it’s not all on the grand scale like a Davos. I want to make that point very clear. Some of them are just political guys, they get the narrative in the script, the script gets handed down to them. They make sure that their guy stands at the podium and says the speech or whatever it is he’s supposed to say, and the narrative is clearly breaking down in a major way.
Scam #3: Pallets of Super Notes, $27 Trillion They Will Never Cash
Kim: But back to doing things for free. In the 70s and 80s Bush also printed $27 trillion dollars in what we call super notes and they are in various countries all over the world. The presses were everywhere, Iran, the Philippines, China, Latin America, Vietnam. Then they started sending over the correct paper and the correct ink which is an MICR ink and they started printing up sheets and sheets and sheets of these notes. So for a while there it was fake US dollars that looked real because the system has a counter to it.
Tom: Let’s correct that, the paper that it was printed on looks right, feels right, smells right, it has the right ink, it has everything correct except the fact that the allocation numbers are duplicated so that you can keep using them. So that’s a hard lesson I found out because I was tasked to find all of those assets, all that money, all of the historical assets and everything around the world with a group of people including some Generals. One of the Generals was charged with taking all the money that was printed from Deutsche Bank and pushing it around into Iraq and Iran and paying all these operatives and paying all these people for the wars in Iraq and the wars in Iran but it was all funny money they could never use it. At some point the General and myself got frustrated because we tried to tell everybody it wasn’t going to be utilized.
I knew from a very early point that those allocation numbers were never going to be utilized in the same way because they were being removed from the system. How do you hurt the Deep State most? By removing the cash monies in the system so that they can’t harm anyone else. And that’s been the main cause for the downfall of the deep state, because removing those allocation numbers and limiting the kind of money that’s in the system that they could do harm was key to removing the Deep State.
Kim: And not allowing the pallets of cash to be used. Okay who do we know that have pallets of cash? I know that the Iranians Revolutionary Guard has been trying to cash those notes since 1979. Saudi Arabia since Desert Storm, the Iraqis as well. The Russians from during the Cold War and the list goes on and on. Nobody has successfully ever done it and it has been decades. Now this is just scam number two.
We had Desert Storm that killed a lot of people, that’s what Bush Senior wanted, but we still can’t cash this money so now what are we going to do? I don’t really want any more of those pallets of cash to do this job for you, whether it’s bomb Yemen or it’s the Lebanese President that received a suitcase full of cash (it’s not actually a suitcase), but he received about a $100 million of those dollars in cash to allow for the situation in Beirut quite a few years ago and that’s still never been paid out. So this has been going on for a long time. Remember the Order of the Black Sun’s job is “Global Security” but not to our benefit of course, it’s security for the elites, while the financial sector and a number of other sectors were handled by the Order of the Dragon, which is no longer the case either.
Scam #4: US Treasury Digital Coin They Will Never Cash
Kim: Then, after the pallets of cash started to fail they moved into these Iraqi Dinar and they started paying everyone from Isis, to the Taliban, to Blackwater, to all the operatives, to countries, in this these new Dinar that are going to revaluate. And that kind of started going by the wayside a few years ago which is why they introduced the new currency of the underworld which was the US Treasury Coin. So, they started giving digital currency to everybody. And everybody worked and worked and worked for these wallets that just never came to fruition.
Tom: And they won’t because the whole programming around that was if we can’t use the US dollar, we can’t use the Historical Notes anymore then we have to create a digital system and there you go. Now in 2014-2015 the brainiac idea was to use a digital platform in order to not only get operatives to do what they wanted to continue with the narrative, but to also have back doors into those crypto wallets so that they can steal every last bit of money that’s in the system for their purposes. So, it was ingenious I got to say, everybody fell for it and now you see crypto is not really going anywhere and failures are going on.
Kim: Don’t forget Trump bucks. Zelensky even has Trump bucks.
Tom: So does Musk right? Doesn’t Musk have his whole coinage system set up?
Kim: Yes, Dogecoin.
Tom: It’s just another way of getting money that does exist in the system now, the allocations that are there, it’s all about getting that out and into their hands. So it’s just another narrative in which to rob the people of their hard-earned money. So just be very careful because at some point those digital things that work on bitcoin and blockchain that you can walk in and out of right now, that is Swiss cheese. The NSA and all the cyber guys can walk in and out of any platform and just crash it at some point and run away with the money. And that is definitely going to happen at some point.
Kim: I’ve even offered to help, not on the grand scale, not the people that have seven quad of Dinar, but it wasn’t right that people went out and either spent their hard-earned money and bought the stuff on the internet or whatever and they’ve been stringing them along for about 15-16 years. It’s always someday ending in ‘y’ it’s going to be cashable. They do the same thing to the fixers, freelancers and operatives too.
Tom: Oh yeah absolutely. There are warehouses all over the world of assets just sitting, rotting and waiting for the payout and it’s a shame. It is definitely something you and I discussed that would have to be fixed in a way just to get rid of it, to settle it because quite honestly, it’s a burden on me too. But I know you have to be careful with that.
Kim: I know, the problem that I have with this is that they’ve been promised seven times the value, a hundred times the value. Then they think they can put that money into a high yield trade program which doesn’t exist anymore and get a bajillion dollars from NASA and then you’re going to be mega rich.
Then I come in and I say, I understand that was really crappy what happened to you and I’d like to help, and here’s this. They look at me and laugh because their dangling carrot in the horse race was so big, it’s an unrealistic expectation. There will be people that will die broke waiting for somebody to pay out on that carrot and I’m telling you right now we know what happened behind scenes there and it’s just not going to happen that way. There are not enough assets in Iraq to make it happen, there’s not enough assets in all of the Middle East to make that happen. I’m sorry but it was a scam.
And then the same group of people, Bush and Trump with the Clintons started scamming people out of money. I know people are going to have a heart attack when I say that. There are videos all over the place of Trump supporting the Clintons and being at events and galas and whatnot with the Clintons. Tom am I wrong here?
Tom: No, you’re absolutely right and coming from that world I can tell you they are just like all the major corporations in this world. All the elitist families are interbred and utilized because now they have something on everybody. It’s all interlinked, Trump’s family lineage and the Bush’s family lineage and Rothschild and all of them are interlinked in some way and it’s sad because we were never told any of this. We have to change everything, we have to scrap it all and start again because there is nobody out there that you can trust. Nobody because they just want to continue with the narrative.
Scam #5: Trump Bucks They Will Never Cash
Kim: Right and the only difference here in my opinion between Trump and Bush is that Bush was a little better of a liar to get people to work. Trump was so arrogant that he put his face on a currency and talked about Federal Reserve Bank cards and Trump this and Trump that. Then he had said that they were going to be cashable in the future on a day ending in ‘y’ just to keep operatives going. Average everyday folk that bought into it and bought those cards and those Trump bucks, it’s the same thing as the Dinar.
The only difference is that Bush as one of the founders of the CIA knows how to tell a good lie and he trained everybody else how to do it. It’s 1% truth and 99% baloney. In Bush’s case there is a country named Iraq and they have a currency called the Dinar. Right now, and historically speaking a revaluation of currency has happened in multiple countries, Kuwait, Brazil, Argentina, just to name a few countries. And this is over a long period of time that have revaluated their currency. So, Bush had that 1% there that you really need to get everybody to buy in. As for Trump, there’s no Trump country. Sorry, there isn’t. There’s no current Trump currency that’s worth something in the market. It’s like buying bazillion dollar bills in the gift shops, the joke shops because that’s basically what it looks like. But they felt that he had built enough of a name, at least his ego told him so at the time that they were doing this, to actually say look, this man is so great he’s going to have his own currency.
Now this is what happens when you have a group of operatives that have drank too much Kool-Aid and are not okay anymore. They think very highly of themselves and their ego is enormous and they feel like they could have pulled this off and it would have been the greatest thing in history. I’m gonna be DARPA coin number 107 and oh my God I’m gonna get myself two DARPA coins or whatever it is. They’re big chips, you can do a lot with a DARPA coin, it’s not just for show. But the point here is what it was designed for was to get something for nothing. The same two programs are the exact same thing. The only difference is one had 1% truth and the other one had next to zero. That’s it and that was the mistake. That’s why it really didn’t go anywhere and they had to go with the USTC or the digital currency out there and sell that for a while. The Federal Reserve makes announcements on TV that there’s going to be a digital currency, so they put that 1% spin in in there that they forgot about with the Trump bucks.
Tom: That’s why I’m hoping that if the elections happen and if that person gets into the White House people don’t get duped thinking that he will be able to create a monetary value on those things because it just won’t happen.
Kim: No, it’s just another case of promises not delivered on. But let’s get into the current news.
Fed Insider Admits the Flip Over from Credit to Asset Backed Makes Them Completely Defunct
Tom: We were talking about the assets being credit, right? Most of them went from cash to credit based assets. Well, something happened for me which gave me really warm tingly feelings on Wednesday night. I spoke with a gentleman who worked for the Fed and he worked for the Bauer family, but he works in the halls of the Fed buildings and with the Fed President and with all of those individuals.
So there were big changes that Kim announced about how we had a flip over between credit versus assets and the veins of gold being utilized as an asset with humans rather than humans being utilized as collateral with the Fed. So, he actually said to me that because we had that flip the Fed was completely defunct and let me explain that.
So up until now the Fed had the ability to come to us and sign an agreement or a contract agreement to continue to process US dollars, to create more money for allocations and the whole bit to continue to survive. But because of arrogance, their need to be controlling, their handlers and the people that they were listening to, they chose not to do that contract in 2012. So up until now we’ve given ultimatums and tried to speak with Fed Presidents and give them an idea of what’s coming down the line and nobody would listen to us. But now that their credit facility, that is their base foundation of their system, and what they know with Omega being gone and that foundation now switching over to an asset-based foundation with gold and tied to each individual human as a power source for that money, their systems are completely defunct, they cannot do anything anymore. They will lie, they will throw up mirrors still and they will try to convince you of it, but they are completely done. And this came from a guy who is my insider at the Fed who related these things to me, that they are completely off right now, they’re defunct. So they can’t do anything which is nice to hear but it’s going to take time for that information to come out. But it will come out and proof is all about actionable intelligence, them being able to actually do anything to save governments and people.
The Next Layer in Financial System Falling Apart is the Jurisdictional System
Kim: And in that line, something that happened within this last week as well is the jurisdictional system. Now for those of you that have been around the world and done banking in more than one country or have been in the banking industry you will know that there are 12 jurisdictions in the world. But there is one more jurisdiction called the 13th jurisdiction which is where the Alpha system would have come in or Omega’s lenders of choice or the bankers in the past. Okay so it would come from Alpha, it would go into Omega and then they were the front lines, right there on in density 8. One part below the nine and they would receive the money for disbursement based on orders they were given, or they knew that the money would go away and that has nothing to do with my system, this is before my time.
So, the reason why there are 12 Federal Reserve Boards in the United States doesn’t really have to do with your region. If you are in California, you probably are under the Federal Reserve in San Francisco, if you are in New England, it’s probably the Boston Fed, but it really has nothing to do with that or rather just a little bit to do with that. Each one of those Boards governed an entire banking jurisdiction over the entire world. So, Canada and the US and Mexico might be one as an example, and then you might have a couple of Latin American countries, and then Africa might be split. You can look up banking jurisdictions in the world and it will come up and it oftentimes relates to issuing credit cards, Visa cards, cross-jurisdictional payments and those types of things. Well, as the system further integrated into an asset back trading system backed by gold and not people anymore as assets that jurisdictional control actually went away this week as well. On the flip side of it, the JURISDICTIONAL SYSTEM started dissipating. So that is a positive thing for banking worldwide and a positive thing for countries. You really have next to NO CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEMS ANYMORE and as of this morning you have next to NO TREASURY SYSTEMS ANYMORE. So, this is the next layer falling apart.
Truth is a Hard Pill to Swallow
Kim: We all know I put out an announcement on the news and when I talk I know there are a lot of agencies and operatives and militaries and whatnot that listen, it’s just a fact. Would you say that’s a fact Tom?
Tom: Absolutely.
Kim: As a matter-of-fact, last weekend you and I were having a conversation together and right in the middle my phone started making a noise sounding some weird message that Tom heard too, but we finally we reached each other.
Tom: Yeah, every now and then when we talk and they don’t like to hear what we say because your operational notes and my operational notes, they sync all the time, I validate everything. So we mesh like that, we do corroborate each other’s information and a lot of these deep state folks that listen to us don’t like it because we vet the truth. The truth is a hard pill to swallow and it will mess with people’s brains. You can’t give too much truth because they will just go into a tail spin of rants as you notice on the telegram chats all the time. You have to be careful, delicate of what you put out there, not because it’s not the truth, but because sometimes people just won’t understand it and that’s not just for the individual lay person it’s for operatives and people who are listening to our conversation all over the place. If they don’t like to hear what we’re saying they’ll cut us off so nobody hears it, meaning the operatives who are listening because everything’s been so compartmentalized over the years, they cut us off. Because if everybody’s listening to our conversation, they don’t want anybody to find out the truth of what we’re saying. And I didn’t tell you, but I did get news just before we got on the air about all the ships that had disappeared from the cyber security guys who were monitoring all that. They were not only shocked but didn’t understand what had happened so I had to explain it to them.
More Lies from Chinese General Gives False Hope to Hive Mind Operatives
Kim: But we have another little story to tell about this week don’t we Tom?
Tom: Are we talking about the GIA?
Kim: So I’m working away yesterday and it’s really kind of quiet out there. I’m always looking for upticks and chatter and our names being mentioned, certain people’s names being mentioned because it’s a safety thing and all of a sudden around 3 o’clock EST I have everyone entering these access codes. People from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, the United States Pentagon, the US Treasury Department, the Treasury in China. Some are trying to enter them into the Key Intelligence and Military System (KIMS) and some of them are trying to enter them into the Treasury System and they’re looking for money. Of course, it’s rejecting, but I’m like what are all these codes? What the heck is going on here?
Tom had sent me a message so I asked him, is it all quiet with you? Why are all these people doing this? He said, yeah my phone went quiet around 3 PM EST yesterday. Well, where are all these codes coming from? I didn’t give out any codes, I don’t have any agreements with anybody. What the heck is this?
Tom: Then I get a call right after that from a Colonel who works in the financial division of the Pentagon. He worked under and used of the AVIL P4 system and Net6 for funding of initiatives through the Pentagon and the DOD. So, he calls me and says Tom, recently has the GIA or has Kim issued any codes and authorized any payment to the DOD and the Pentagon? I said no, not at all why? He says, well I was asked to validate some codes that were given by somebody, I don’t know who.
It took a little research to find out who was giving the codes because it comes from up the tier line, their handlers then it comes down the line and it finally gets to the person who was in control of those computer systems, those financial platform systems in the Pentagon, and I said no not at all, why?
Somebody’s promising money to everybody because now they have access and because they know now that GIA is funded and they’re claiming that they have access to GIA funds and that just to hold on and they’ll get access to them and we’re giving codes out. So everybody went silent all of a sudden because OMG! the GIA now made an agreement, a promise a contract with so and so, who we didn’t know at the time, and now money is coming. So we were told just hold on wait again. So lies lies lies lies lies, they continue to lie so much.
Chinese General Claims He Struck a Deal and Now Works for the GIA
Kim: Then I traced it back to the origin, a Chinese General that has so many code names I don’t know what his real name is, so we’ll call him 1 Hung Low (I’m writing it literally, Kim is being funny). General 1 Hung Low took the messages that I had sent out via diplomatic line to the Pentagon, all the militaries worldwide, NATO, Agencies, everybody that had received a message. He took those messages and claimed he had struck a deal with me. He was now with the GIA, this is what he told the next tier down from him, and that the money would be released yesterday no later than 3 o’clock. And he began generating access codes from probably strange places, I don’t know, he made them up maybe, I’m not exactly sure. But none of those things were real. Then when Tom and I finally got back got together last night talking on the phone I’m like, you’re kidding me, they all fell for it.
NATO Believed the Lie that Money Was Coming Initiated 90,000 Troops
Tom: So much that the NATO Allied Forces decided that they now were going to initiate 90,000 troops to fight Putin and the whole bit because the money’s coming. They started implementing troops all over the place just because of this lie. Now it’s permeating everywhere and I’m getting a headache because I’m getting so many phone calls saying what is going on, really did you do that? Yay, thank God we’re moving on! And I said NO! We would NEVER agree to the terms and conditions of war, we’re done with that!
Kim: They also had Iran moving a bunch of ballistic missiles, Pakistan was bombing Iran, Iran was bombing which hasn’t happened since like 1980 or something crazy, they had big plans. They had deployed more chemtrails. So we had a couple of chemtrail free day days and then it just got really bad again at least around here, I can’t speak for everybody. We found that stash in Puerto Rico this morning. But all these things started happening and I’m like we were doing so well here.
No One Bothers to Verify Anything in Their World
Kim: So, we had to track down General 1 Hung Low and he is no longer with us. Whatever they were expecting to be agreed upon he didn’t have a conversation with me, I can tell you that right now, not at all, not even a little bit. It’s just so confusing to me because in the last 48 hours based on these ships off the coast and all of these things, I must have said on the phone which they are always listening to that the Chinese deep state is the WORST of everyone in the world. I must have said that statement at least 10-15 times on an open telephone line in the last several days. Why would you be under the impression I made a deal with this guy? Did the NSA all of a sudden fall off the face of the earth? I know they didn’t because they’re on my phone now and they keep trying to mess up this broadcast right now. I also know about the Pentagon, I know that the Defense National Intelligence listens, GCHQ, and everybody’s on Tom’s phone, you don’t even have to single them out, the minute he picks up a phone it goes everywhere.
Tom: Is the Intelligence Network so broken the people inside don’t validate who’s actually giving the orders or anything coming from anybody at this moment in time because lies are permeating everywhere.
Kim: They don’t, in my opinion from what I could tell this guy had a book full of code names that are known code names throughout the militaries and NATO and the Orders. He would use certain names based on whatever country he was calling and some of them were like Bush’s old names, that kind of thing. The Devil’s Wife is one of them, the Black Mula is another which is a Middle Eastern thing and there could be 50 people men and women that could be the Black Mula. That’s how he got all that going in the Muslim world. But I just don’t understand why no one bothered to call the local people here in Durango. They monitor everything I say and do, they would know if I cut a deal with some Chinese man because there’s so many of them around here, Chinese Generals are a dime a dozen around here. Why didn’t anybody bother to call, to listen to my phone conversations? I have no idea how they said they did it, but there was no deal, no diplomatic conversation registered in the Archives.
Tom: And the problem with the Chinese Deep State is they go very deep, so there’s family upon family upon family upon family that will just take orders and it’s sad.
Asian Generals Are Committing Suicide
Kim: Well, let’s talk about how sad they are today. I do expect that you’ll start seeing this in the media like you have this week about the markets in China being in a free fall, but then they shut it off. They don’t want to let anybody know what’s happening inside their country. But behind the scenes the 100-year plan is broken, the 1,000-year plan is broken, the 1,000s-year plan is broken and nothing has worked. And as of this morning around 8:30 EST mass suicides started amongst Deep State members, at least 100 to 200 between China, Singapore, the Philippines, Japan, and Malaysia. I don’t know where we’re going to be in a couple of hours from now. but they basically committed suicide because in their world that is a better fate than living with the shame, it’s called losing face. Now for me I would have preferred that they had to live through all of this, but then again, they don’t seem to change their mind in any way, shape, or form so maybe the world is going to be a better place.
Now tell everybody about the last conversation you had with your contact in China. It was in the morning around the time of these mass suicides. What was the conversation you overheard?
Tom: Okay, sometimes I get on the phone and obviously there’s a lot more people on the phone than just the person I’m talking to, so he informed me that there were other people on the phone, people that are involved in the Deep State in China. What they were saying to me was that the execution of the 100-year plan, in China’s eyes the execution of it the whole buildup of this whole 100-year plan where China is going to take over and the US is going to allow it, and all the militaries are going to allow that, all the world is going to allow this change over to China. He said to me, the plan and the execution as far as China was concerned was flawless, meaning they executed their part of this whole takeover. Because now they infiltrated the US through the borders, right? They infiltrated the military as well. They started buying up all the real estate in the United States in order to turn over the power to China.
Chinese Deep State Realizes 100-Year Plan is Missing the Last Piece of the Puzzle
Tom: However, even though the execution of it was flawless, the outcome was a complete disaster. He said nothing happened the way it was supposed to happen. And then I had to explain to him that is because they were never in control and they could never have fulfilled this 100-year plan without the person that sat in Kim’s chair. He admitted that yes, that was true because everything that would have happened after the successful execution of their plan was all based on the person that sat in Kim’s chair pushing the buttons to shift everything over. That did not happen and the execution was a complete disaster as far as making it a reality. It’s because Kim is not going to allow it. They never understood that every time they did something the last piece of the puzzle was always the person sitting in Kim’s chair. I explained this to him and it was a shock for the Deep State members on online because obviously everybody got lied to and I think that’s exactly why the fall on the sword began to happen.
The Pentagon is actually having a meeting right now and they want me to be on a on the call and they keep buzzing my phone.
Kim: They can wait, we got a little bit more. In fact, we’re going to talk about the Pentagon here in just a minute because this is hilarious to me. But before we get that, for the record I have explained it on a whiteboard and I told you that 21% Alpha-79% Omega. No human, including the Coven Masters, the Parents, even the Abraxas ever had the whole story or full control over any plan that they handed down to the humans and that includes this transfer of power. When the transition of power took place from Britain to the US several decades ago, that transition was completed because there were other people here and the person who had partial accessibility to Alpha and partial access to Omega wasn’t a human and that person had partial access so that transition went well. This was before I was born obviously and before I started this job officially when I was 40.
Nobody is Supporting them to Finish the Transition of Power & They Broke China in Every Way
Kim: Sure, the humans probably did their part, they tried to take over all the mineral minerals in Africa, they were ordered to infiltrate completely the United States government which they had done. Actually, that started a hundred years ago with the Fed and a lot of other things here in the US. They did ring all their bells, but the problem is they didn’t have all the bells so it was never going to work anyway. There’s nobody here supporting them and I think whatever they were expecting to happen on the evening of the 17th or 18th had something to do with the bell ringer. They thought that they had ticked all their boxes on their list, these are the bad things we’re going to do to humanity in order to transfer power from the US to China. They went down the whole list and when they got to the end of the list they thought something somewhere is going to finish the rest.
I’m just sitting here with my bell and I don’t even understand why you are doing all of this. I mean, I’ve seen the 100-year plan but nothing has gone right to the fullest extent for years. And the country officially, the deep state of China has officially broken that country in every way you can break a country. So there’s a little karma for you China, because they tried really hard to break the United States so they could do a transfer of power. They even had help from our military, the disease ships are offshore again, chemtrails are at an all-time high. The agencies are doing the same thing, all on promises because they saw the GIA money.
No Chinese People, No General, No Descendants of the Order Work for the GIA!
Kim: I have hidden that account because this will just fire you people up and then we’ll have some other person trying to claim they work here. Everybody that works for the Global Intelligence Agency just for the record is registered in the intelligence system in every country in the world. That’s military and intelligence and my name is in there, Tom’s name is in there and there’s a few other people, and there are some people that are written only as Agent X. Now if you happen to approach one of those people, the Agent X people and you run their file you will see their name come up, that they have a clearance level of X and they’re with the Global Intelligence Agency and that’s for their own private safety. And I can guarantee, because I’m the only one entering those names in there that there are no Chinese people working for the GIA. I can also tell you, if you have held the rank of General somewhere on this planet seen and unseen your name is not in there. I guarantee you that. Okay let me just help you out here. That means no descendant of Bush, Hitler or anyone else is in there, that’s the truth, not a sheriff not a Van Kemp, not a Trump, none of these people are in there. None of the operatives that work for them are in there, it’s all under NEW MANAGEMENT and there are new people in there and some people here locally, I’ll just leave it at.
Kim Knows the Code Name System and How it Works
Kim: The point of the matter is I understand the code name system and how it works and I could also will call you and tell you that I’m Mary Poppins or the Devil’s Wife or whatever name they use to get you to do something because I have all those names too. Alice for instance is one and all the other names that you people use, and Alice could be a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter who it is, as long as you give the right code name and a few numbers that follow it. And I know those numbers which then takes you directly to whoever it is you’re trying to call. Maybe I’ll have some fun with you and tell you I need all of you to strip down and run through the water in front of the Washington Monument. They’ll probably do it too because I used the right name with the right number behind it. It’s so ridiculous.
NATO now knows that didn’t work, there’s no money coming. We’re saying it publicly with my face and Tom on here so that’s never happening.
The ICJ is Monetary Cannon Fodder for Rothschild
Kim: To further make me question the senility of the United States military I have to say this. The Rothschild family had a group of people they created and the name of the group is the International Court of Justice or ICJ for short. Now these people are normal people but they tell everybody they’re a Nephilim, a Fallen Angel, the Chosen One. That’s what they do to everybody and tell them we’re going to do this ceremony. What they used them for in the past was monetary cannon fodder.
Power Brokers Posing as the International Court of Justice
Kim: This is how it worked since 2007. They would to give them an access code and they would go into a bank and they would move money from one account to another account or whatever it is. Or they think they’re fighting the bad guys and they’re really not, it’s whoever goes against the Family loses. That’s who they are, they’re not real operatives in any way. They’re just people that believe that they are Nephilim with a fancy business card. Anybody can get this business card and their little badge. If they like you and you adhere to the Family values and you tell them yes I do believe that you’re a Nephilim, then boom you can have your badge too! They are on LinkedIn; you can find them there. They’re just Power Brokers, that’s all they are and they’re being used as cannon fodder for bad things, such as moving money from Pakistan to Iran and then Iran will bomb Pakistan or something so they can say that guy paid for it and not the Families. That’s what they mean by protection so they’ll stop them from getting in trouble.
The Defense National Intelligence (DNI) Lacks Intelligence Evidently
Kim: Yesterday some people with the ICJ showed up at the Pentagon and said they were there on behalf of Rothschild and wanted to have a chat. What do they do? Now no one bothered to see what an ICJ was, no one bothered to look anything up, no one bothered to see if this person is a serial killer or a terrorist coming from the Middle East, an enemy of the state, nothing like that. It doesn’t matter because you said that you work for Rothschild so we just automatically believe you because we’re Defense National Intelligence and that’s what we do, we just believe everybody, we love everybody here. Come on in and have some coffee, we’ll have a chat. That’s what they fell for. This is as real as it gets right here people.
I tell you the truth every single time and yet it doesn’t matter because I’m not part of your bloodline insanity and Agenda 2030 and any of those crazy things you’re trying to do. I’m just simply here now in this chair. My predecessor is dead, he was not on our side. I am from the opposite bloodline of that Being and therefore I don’t have to play with any of your rules. All your contracts are expired, there’s nobody coming to help you. You’re the one flailing and about to burn the US government.
The Lie Money Came from GIA Also Leads to Another Budget Submission
Kim: Right before we got on here Tom got one more phone call saying that they were going to send the budget for ratification today. You probably have seen that in mainstream news, that they passed the budget again because they were supposed to have money today.
Tom: They keep passing budgets that don’t get ratified and they had hope because the lies had permeated through the GIA and that General 1 Hung Low that they trusted would give them money.
But I got a call from the gentleman who kind of takes the information from Congress and sets it in the Budget Committees and the whole bit, they transfer that by hand to the President or to the White House for approval and they’re the ones that kind of walk in between back and forth, something like I used to do. Well, he said, there’s another budget, is it going to be ratified? I’m told it’s going to be because there’s money coming in. There is a rumor about the GIA and I’m just calling you to give you a heads up.
No it’s not going to be ratified! What are you kidding me! Nobody ever talked to Kim, nobody from the government agency officially has sat down and recognized who she is, come up with a contract, an agreement and then sign it for peace, love and restoration. Nobody wants to do that, so that’s not going to happen, it’s not going to be ratified. They can keep signing bills and say they got another extension but nothing is going to happen. No money is going to come out from anywhere because it’s not going to get ratified, nor do we agree with it. If you don’t sit down and talk to us like big boys and girls and discuss it and work it out then nothing is going to happen and that is arrogance.
Kim: Let me help you out here. Just because someone calls you and says they’re the code name Dark Prince doesn’t mean they really are. You should probably check that out, that’s number one. And number two, such a position doesn’t actually even exist anymore on this planet because the whole organization is defunct, the entire Order is defunct. So, you can call yourself the Dark Prince or whatever you want to call yourself, it doesn’t matter. And the next time someone named General 1 Hung Low calls you maybe you should verify if he actually has any access to any GIA anything. Call me, call Tom.
Tom: Just on that point alone there is no more in between, no more levels, levels, levels, levels from government and above, that’s all gone. Therefore, budgets can be signed very easily at this point just by having a conversation with Kim and discussing it. There is no more red tape, there is no more getting approvals from someone higher up and going through multiple layers of paperwork and approvals to get anything. It is a streamlined process that is now created so that we can help. But do you want to help? Do you really want to be able to start a Restoration and make trillions of dollars and do it the right way by protecting people, governments, military, politicians, your oath? Do you really want to go at it the hard way or the easy way?
Kim: What happened to God in country? What happened to people? What happened to the 300+ million humans in the US and then the 8 billion worldwide you swore to protect? That’s why they don’t want to talk to me, they would rather continue on with their other programs. But this is just as lucrative over here as it was on the other side but I’m not sure we want to work with them. After I saw this in the last couple of days are you kidding me right now? There will need to be some training, we’re going to need to work on our people skills and stuff like that because that’s not going to work.
By the way, during the time that we were recording they actually tried to submit that and it came right back immediately rejected. That’s why your phone is ringing off the hook during this broadcast Tom.
Tom: Alright, on a final note I just wanted to say something real quick before we end here, sort of one final note. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the coming future with government, with military and intelligence folks. I’m trying to make sense of it all and trying to bring everyone together. And you call me a boy scout all the time because I’m trying to do it and I have full faith in humanity. And the people who have common sense in our government unbeknownst to me there are a few that are, but really it’s all about the people now. It’s all about citizens because if governments decide not to come forward, not to survive, we have to pick up the pieces and I think that’s what we need to do. We need to create new structures; we have to be ready for it regardless of what happens
Kim: But one thing we know for sure is that we the people will be okay. Stay informed, stay connected with whoever you follow or don’t follow anybody, follow yourself, but if we’re going to save this planet and all the people on it it’s going to be up to you. It’s not going to be up to some guy that could get into an office in a seat where a bunch of operatives run him. It’s not going to be someone in the UN telling you this and that, it’s going to be you and preferably a united people together. The more people that come to together for a common effort the more likely it is to happen on a consciousness level. Also coming to the table with your cup half empty, at least leave some room to listen to those around you.
I don’t have the answers and it ebbs and flows, it’s an actual war that we’re in here. And that will for the safety and security of the people, the restoration of the planet, the restoration of humanity, the restoration of our DNA and if there are people that work in the government, not everybody is evil, so if they want to join with us to do that then that’s great. But we are not going to pay for a service and not get the service. And we do not pay for lip service, we don’t need that we’ve had a lot of that. And if we’re going to pay for people to protect us then they better be protecting us, by us I don’t mean me and Tom, I mean the entire country and the entire world and you’re going to learn how to do that. It’s not theater anymore, it’s real.
So the insanity of the deep state continues….
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We appreciate your excellent summaries. Thank you!
Lech and some friends from Poland.
You’re very welcome and it’s very nice to hear. PJZ
The strangest thing in this video is the lack of aura on Tom. or there is a blocking from vision of aura reading. Kim has a different aura than in July 2023.
Vadim, this is a picture of Tom!