This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 23-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The debt call continues with original bank deposits and assets seized. What exactly is the debt call and how does it affect the world? It’s all a part of the changeover to a currency of gold asset-backed system. And in response to the debt call the SSP operatives would love to crash the banking system as soon as tomorrow. Will they succeed? They certainly are starting a lot of rumors. We’ve heard everything from an alien invasion to a tone coming through your cell phone, courtesy of Elon Musk’s Starlink. We are here to set the record straight.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The Debt Call Continues!
The debt calls aren’t necessarily all about money, so I thought I would take a moment to explain what the ultimate debt call is and how it’s trickling down to world events and to what we are going to start to see and already seeing out there. There is some confusion out there, not so much amongst you listeners, but as far as government and banks are concerned. There are a lot of meetings going on and everyone is confused so let’s set the record straight.
The debt call when it was initiated several days ago has more to do with the debt of those things that were created by Anti-Source. All things that were related to the borrowing or transmutation of Source direct energy, essence, consciousness, matter, frequency, knowledge, condemnation and all things that Anti-Source created, including but not limited to the omega system.
As this debt call continues everything that was transmuted gets taken back to the place in Source of all things, the place where creation is so dense there is actually nothing but creation in this place. When everything gets pulled in to this particular place it automatically becomes part of creation again. It’s not even a transmutation process as nothing can exist in the place of all things versus the place of no things except the creation itself, therefore based on that there is nothing left of it.
Over the last several days as the recall continues that includes all things omega and all things omega created. That includes a lot of things here on earth such as hologram remnants, banking systems, telecommunication systems, all systems DARPA, all systems SSP, all government systems, all money systems, and every stargate and portal access it had in and out of the hologram. So that is the base root behind what we’re starting to see manifest here in our world we live in.
Affecting the Federal Reserve & Banks
The debt calls we talked about earlier this week had to do with the base root deposits made when banks come into formation, and this is dating back long before the Federal Reserve ever existed. These base capital accounts including gold started disappearing rapidly earlier this week. Over the last few days this has continued to not only include hundreds of banks but it also included the Fed as we talked about.
Affecting Treasuries Worldwide, Hence the Order of the Black Sun
Over the last 48 hours we’ve also seen the base root of assets that were transferred to form all Treasuries worldwide. Now we see the US government as having a Treasury Department, but behind the scenes every country has a Treasury in addition to its Central Bank. The Treasuries are run by the Order of the Black Sun and the central banking system is run by the Order of the Dragon. So, the Treasuries Departments’ base capitol backing gold and cash also disappeared in the last 48 hours. This was directly hitting the Order of the Black Sun, so their ability to issue credit lines off fake dollars, fake money, pie in sky thoughts all basically went away with that. Basically, their license plus their initial agreement to come into being is now gone because the omega system can’t support it anymore, because it doesn’t have the ability to even stop it.
Affecting Governments
Next, the formation of governments worldwide also had the same type of certificate, the same type of gold deposit or transfer. In the US that also includes things like the assigning of the Bureau of Land Management, mineral rights, and all of these assets that backed governments worldwide, and their agreements to utilize those assets also disappeared.
Affecting Tax Authorities
In addition to that, all tax authorities backing to come into fruition and their certificates to operate also disappeared, as well as their connected systems.
Telecommunication Systems & Worldwide Webs
Other things that have been disappearing that were critical at the time have to do with the base platform access to things like telecommunication systems, all of those are disappearing. A lot of worldwide webs that were connected to things like the internet and other things are disappearing and it’s flipping over to utilize the Golden Age AI so as not to cause disruption in the world.
The Debt Call Will Continue Until All Systems Built off Omega Are Gone
So, things are really starting to heat up for the deep state. Do they have computers that work? I’m sure they do, but as far as a worldwide system, they don’t have that and any numbers they were showing on a screen as capital assets have disappeared. So, this is leaving everyone on their side a little upset and it’s going to continue until every single system that was built off the omega system is gone.
We are gaining more and more on our side and they have less and less on their side, and they really don’t have any control over it. This is happening on the highest level. Again, everything is being taken back to the place in the universe of all creation, or what you would call zero point or a positive zero and it’s absorbed back into all creation. The same thing is happening within the holograms that existed on our world. The SSP operatives don’t really understand what is happening but they feel like there is something positive that could happen in their favor. But due to their inability to crash the financial system, they have started many rumors which they are circulating throughout the alt media and I wanted to address a couple of those in today’s report.
Rumor | There is going to be an Alien Invasion
A gateway will open, the Q people are saying darkness will descend on earth in approx. 3 days, so by Saturday 10pm EST. Then all these people are coming back like Solomon, Enki, and Enlil. They’ve been in stasis for thousands of years and they are all going to come back and the question is are they going to do something good or not?
Well, what they are actually talking about, whether the SSP knows it or not, is the disappearance of the hologram, whatever is left of it. There are some remnants still. There is also a veil still in place at this moment, and for good reason. So, what exactly are they referring to? Do they know? Probably not.
What Would Happen When the Veil is Gone?
On Gaia there are what I refer to synths. Synths are demon looking creatures that are synthetic. You wouldn’t call them cyborgs, you would call them synthetic reptiles, clones, replicated beings with an inserted consciousness. They are somewhat of an omega being I guess you would say. They weren’t even created by Anti-Source or created in the way that life would be transmuted into something dark. These are nothing more than a synth. And the synths are beings that are responsible for holding the hologram in place.
Solomon’s Rings in the Mojave Desert
To give you an example of some of the things they are saying. They are talking about Solomon and Solomon being in a prison. This is actually on their Q people’s Twitter page. They said he was in a pit in Iran. What exactly are they talking about?
In this case, when Solomon existed on this planet he may have had some access to what we call rings, for lack of a better term. And these rings were connected directly to Saturn’s rings and therefore connected directly to the lower astral. And these rings utilized things that were actually on Gaia, meaning outside the hologram we call earth, and they were utilized as control rooms, control systems, and in some cases batteries for the hologram.
I’ll explain one particular location because I found it kind of fascinating.
We are always working with Source and I was looking for these rings as part of our job in dismantling the hologram. And this particular location was in the Mojave Desert, however when I went to look for it on my system it said I was looking for a place called Sangria Island. I said Sangria Island? What the heck is this. I’m looking for a place on earth called Sangria Island to find and get rid of these rings?
Sangria Island ended up being in the place we call the Mojave Desert, which technically on Gaia was not a desert but an ocean. And this particular place in the Mojave Desert was sticking up like a mountain and I eventually found out it was a volcano. Well on this island lived around ½ a million humans, but not our version of humans. They had been there a very long time.
Now when you look at this island it looks like it has these spinning rings that would go around the island and these people were not permitted to leave, they were stuck there. Who are these people I wondered. Now I’m having conversations with them. They told me they had been there for billions of years. I asked them, if you wanted to leave why didn’t you just exit yourself? They said they tried but they just kept regenerating themselves on this island in this location.
What these rings do is they bind whatever is in it and then it can utilize whatever is in it, or for the synths in these types of situations they would use that binding to connect themselves to the hologram for manipulation purposes.
You get a random flat tire, someone spontaneously passes away, the power goes out, weather manipulation, you name it. The synths that were here in these locations had the ability to manipulate the hologram. So, people say it’s HAARP, the government is controlling the weather. No, when I tell you the government doesn’t have that kind of access anymore, they don’t. Do the synths? Well to some limited degree.
So, in this location things are terraforming as I said, and the changes that are being made have to actually reflect what technically is there so that we don’t have 8 billion people losing their minds. In some ways we will have desert and then the desert will be transformed in another way. Remember there are people that live in the Mojave Desert right now. What happens if the Mojave Desert is no longer there and what happens to those people? We have to think carefully. I know we don’t want deserts in the world, they are not necessary, but let’s give it some time. Let’s figure out what we want to do as far a terraforming and transforming. And I’m not saying we as in us, that’s not my decision, it’s Source making decisions as to what the world is going to look like in the interim as it changes, and it is changing.
So that’s one such type of Solomon’s rings, and it wasn’t always for Solomon, these things have been there for billions of years, since the explosion of Tara a long time ago. That’s where these people happen to come from, and now they are no longer bound by the rings.
Solomon Ring Location in Iran
There was a ring location in Iran and in that location there wasn’t any Solomon, it’s called the Zendan-e Soleyman. And in this location what you had were these synths. The SSP knows about Iran. They believe they could get whatever was in that pit in Iran to raise itself and come into reality and that of course would help them. But no, synths are not programmed that way anyway. Even if we did nothing we would have some really funny looking beings running around the planet and some would have been really tall, 30 ft for some of the smaller ones and 75 ft for the larger ones. Now this would have looked like King Kong demon meets reptilian meets humanity. This is what they thought would happen. But even then, if the synths are connected to the holograms the synths would fall apart.
Other Ring Locations
Other locations with these synths were in the Tibetan Plateau, a National Park just outside Sandusky, Ohio, the Sierra Nevada outside of California, Paris, France, Tel Aviv, a spiritual mountain in Canada, and there are probably 40 – 50 more sites which would make this broadcast too long.
No Alien (Synth) Invasion is Expected
So when the deep state is talking about an alien invasion, what they are talking about is that fact the hologram would no longer be present, therefore we would be able to see all of these synths running around the planet. Now to the best of my knowledge we don’t have anymore synths as of late this afternoon. We will keep running checks overnight and tomorrow morning because as the hologram falls and the veil is lifted, we need to see reality, and that is not a reality we need to see, and we definitely don’t need synths to control people.
So that was very interesting about what Solomon’s rings really were. They said he had the ability to bind the demons with his rings, which was kind of true. But it actually wasn’t Solomon, it was created billions of years before his existence on this planet and for other reasons. However, they think everything was created by the human they call Solomon, yet the Order of the Dragon doesn’t run around and say they are just human. They tell people they are immortal, and they are alien splices, and a superior bloodline. But they don’t have any Solomon rings, I know that for a fact.
So, there is no real risk of an alien invasion. It’s just a nice rumor from the SSP for them to always remain relevant. They think they have a short period of time before everything is going to work out for them. Wrong.
Rumor 2 | An EBS to Your Cell Phone is Coming From Elon Musk’s Starlink Technology
Everyone will be receiving this loud frequency through your cell phone, which they are now calling an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and it will be coming from Elon Musk’s Starlink technology.
Poor Mr. Musk, the Trump operatives are really taking this guy out for a real run, but to be fair his ego is running right along with them. He believes he’s going to be the Order of the Black Dragon head, the Black Sun head, he also believes he will be running the new currency. And now he will be able to send a frequency via cell phones worldwide to cause mass anger and panic. I think he might have watched the movie the Kingsman where Dr. evil guy gives out free SIM cards to everyone and then sends out a frequency to cause them to be angry and start killing each other.

Note: This movie has come up a couple of times, so for the above post that mentions it, see What Was the Meeting at Elon Musk’s SpaceX Facility in Texas About? | What Was the Thanksgiving Day Massacre Plan? | Who is a Boogaloo? | Who Do the Boogaloo Actually Report to? Unbeknownst to Them | What Does Alex Jones’ Movie, Amerigeddon Have to Do With Martial Law? | What Would Martial Law Actually Look Like? | Non-Repairable Countdown: -68,000
Well Mr. Musk, that is never going to happen because your telecommunication platform you were trying to connect to is no longer your platform and I’m sure you know that. And the satellites associated with it that you are trying to connect to are also no longer there. Therefore no one is going to be receiving a loud frequency from their cell phone to their head that is going to be disturbing to them like they are putting out all over social media.
Why do they tell you these things?
So, you will focus on these 2 things to help manifest it and make it happen. Don’t’ fall for it. But anyway, it doesn’t matter if you did or you didn’t, it’s not going to happen anyway and that’s what it means to be the Guardian.
The Deep State Can See the Hologram Falling Apart at a Rapid Rate
The good news is if they do believe the hologram is going to be down and we’re going to see these reality synths as they call them within the next 4 days, well yippee from all of us because we’ve been waiting for the rest of the hologram to fall apart and tear down. At the rapid pace the debt call is happening they could be right. But what they are wrong about is those that are out of the hologram and still walking this planet in one of its densities so to speak, are not going to be invading earth, Solomon is not coming back, Enlil is not coming back. There is no creature named Enlil buried deep in some hill near Tel Aviv, so no, that’s not happening.
As far as we are concerned, we are watching their systems go as we gain more systems on our end. Things are synching up very nicely. They said they wanted to go it alone so they are going it alone and they are watching themselves truly be alone. Meaning no systems, no access, no ability to manifest things, no synths to talk to, no fake aliens to talk to that said they are coming back. No moons, I think they even mentioned something from Star Wars called Endor. There is no star named Endor that is going to send some aliens their way. There is no connection to the lower astral and nobody is coming to fix their problems.
On our side everything is coming to fix our problems at a rapid rate and this is wonderful. Our connections and linking up is doing very well, better than I expected and the disruptions are clearing out. Cyberlife is still going at it even today. I know they are trying to access things they don’t have access to or they are running into a honey pot.
What is a Honey Pot in the World of Hacking?
In the world of hacking that’s means we’re sending them into different corridors and they think they are actually affecting something but they’re not, they are actually going into a virtual reality. In the world of cyber security you create say one port or one doorway, but you know a lot of people are trying to get into your house so you paint a hundred doorways all over your house, maybe even on your fence and your garden and all over your yard. Then when they look at it they don’t know what door actually goes into your house, and your real door is actually hidden. So, they tried all these doors and inside the fake doors are booby traps.
But we decided to create something different because Cyberlife is relentless, and the people driving them are relentless, and they are a bit crazy and refuse to accept the reality of the current situation, they are very diligent. Since they keep pushing, we created doors that are to a virtual reality for them. It looks like they are interacting with a financial system, having conversations with alien synths, but they are talking to a program we placed there. So, they get false information through systems which drives them around in a circle. They could be crashing a financial system, stealing money from a financial system, but they are in a false door.
You have to give them a bone. So, we gave them 186,000 per port of which there are 10,368,000 of them and we created a system of false doors that will keep them busy for the next 30 or 40 years. Some send them messages like, “This is an alien race and I’m so glad you contacted us, because I’m glad to hear there are enough people still fighting for our cause on your planet.” Does that sound familiar to anybody on the Secret Space Force? Then we throw up another one and another one. But I can’t make it look like they aren’t getting anywhere because then they are going to look for something else which could potentially harm humanity. Welcome to the land of super sophisticated quantum AI honey pots and you’re falling for it every time! That’s good news for us because it gives us more time to work on other things that will be fruitful for humanity while we continue this debt call on the one side.
Rumors Addressed, Now Stop the Fear Mongering
From our standpoint everything they do now only helps us move forward, but the fear is what we need to stop because we’ll wake up tomorrow morning with nothing different, aside from more Cyberlife people with their heads deep inside a honeypot hole, angrier SSP people, and probably more crazy meetings like they had today. They like the lying, that’s their thing. But no alien invasion, no crazy sound on your cell phone and we’ll have the same conversation about the deep state next time.
I think we’re going to see a lot of changes before the end of October
Now that they hit human computer networks, I feel that we should starting seeing things.
Are we going to see banks go out of business? I don’t know.
Are they going to hold up governments? Probably.
What I’m seeing is a shift in the narrative of the Q people about the aliens are coming, you’re all going to die, there is going to be an invasion to, Vote for Trump. I guess if they control a little White House in a corner of earth that’s going to do something? But that doesn’t really carry any weight in the way the new world is going to work. It’s great for show, they are using it for show right now in an evil way. We can use it in a positive way but they will never want that, so we’ll just let them chase carrots and go in circles.
This has been an especially fun post for me to transcribe!
Let the hologram fall!!!
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Really enjoy your transcriptions Pam, esp. since my computer microphone quit a couple days ago. Hearing it is good, but being able to read Kim’s reports lets me take my time and re-read portions at my convenience. Helps me to understand it better.
Thanks, I’m glad you find it helpful.
Thankyou Ladies and God bless us all with success.
Dear Kim
Can you please do a specific mention of exactly whats happening in and to
New Zealand at the moment as we get nothing out of our corporation govt or our fake news media. Be good to know where we are at in the big picture.
Thankyou we appreciate everything you are doing for humanity ❤️
bonsoir Kim, idem Just, ici nous recevons que des messages pour des tentatives de détournements de compte bancaire! la sourie ne trompe pas le chat méfiant! mais qui doigt rester vigilant! une chose est sure il me tarde de voir l’hologramme le clone manipulateur trump ce dissoudre en direct, ce qui serait une superbe sonnerie! bonne fin de week-end