This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-May-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. For the new kids on the deep state block, who are in denial, uninformed or just plain stupid, Kim explains yet again why we can never go back. She also shares what Source is experiencing (as best as she can) during this Passover, not from the ninth density but him being here and among us on the battlefield.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

01-May-24 News-Broadband High (
The Deep State Wants to Continue Their Way of Life & Why Kim Will Never Comply and Support That
Several people have come and gone here locally in the last 48 hours and there have been a lot of phone calls trying to gain my support for the deep state. They would like me to comply, so I thought I would talk about why that can never happen.
It’s simply not possible. This has more to do with the light forces against the dark forces, regardless of the deep state and humans that walk the earth. I have about 1,500 pages of operational notes on what we’ve spent the last several years doing every day. And they were long 10-15-hour days. Initially as I told you before, it was to restore balance so we could go into a Neutral Age, which would have happened whether we humans liked it or not. It simply was that time (when time existed) to go into a Neutral Age and restore balance throughout the multiverse.
Going Into a Neutral Age Was Not Possible
About a year ago it became apparent that was not going to happen. And not only did a lot of the humans not want to accept balance of power on the planet, but there were a lot of dark forces behind them that also didn’t want balance, and there was a lot of checks and balances put in place by the dark forces so that wouldn’t happen. Now because of those checks and balances, the dark forces, when they were around, tried very hard not to go into a Neutral Age, that was their modius operandi. They spent a lot of time trying to stay in power so they could eventually take over the entire light side of the multiverse, and that was the real fight. Control of planet earth for power was just part of it, because we were the last gateway with which they could utilize to enter this side of the multiverse.
The Parasitic Universe Is Being Removed
There were a lot of parasites and energetic pulls on earth and on people throughout the multiverse which kept them alive because they are all parasitic races. That means they don’t generate their own energy, essence, and those types of things. They need to transmute ours, and I don’t mean just humans on earth, but throughout our side of the multiverse.
Humanity was never allowed to thrive, even Humans 1.0 because we always had a parasitic universe coming against us. What’s worse is they gave us all human handlers to handle their business here on earth who worked together with them. They worked together with what you call the Fallen Angels and the lower astral beings. They had communication portals with these folks. They would come and go through places like 33 Thomas Street in New York. Marduk, Enki, Enlil, the Abraxas, the Parents, and the Coven Masters knew this. But we have the new kids on the block now and they think these things are still possible and they are not. And based on the hacking attempts and things these chosen ones have done, it is clear the god they keep preaching about is Lucifer, Satan, the Dark Overlord, Anti-Source, that’s who they are trying to call.
Note: For related post on 33 Thomas Street (aka the Dark Tower), see The Deep State Still Not Backing Down | Capitol Building Was Targeted for 911 Type Event & Failed | Generals Were Taking Orders, But From Who This Time & How? | Is the Dark Tower the Keystone to Travel Between Hell & Earth Real? | Hundreds of Thousands of Humans & Lower Astral Beings Stuck in Wormhole Between Worlds Now Dead | Silent Circle Continues Taking Out More Deep State People | Just Empower Me
Now let’s just say I lost my mind and decided to work with these people and help them in their goal of world domination. Number 1, I cannot even if I wanted to. I have spent an overwhelming number of hours to get rid of the mechanisms of the dark that created the parasitic universe in the first place. You name it we have done it. Not only as it relates to earth, but other places in other densities because we have the capacity to travel to those other places, all the way up and all the way down.
It would take me 5-7 years to reinstall everything that was taken out and on top of that I would have an entire light multiverse that would fight me every step of the way. AND on top of that, Source wouldn’t allow me to do it because the declaration has been set and done. It’s over! Maybe there is some space junk and some trinkets here and there that is left, but I can’t bring the mechanism back if I wanted to. So please understand there is a greater force in this universe than me and you the deep state. I can’t do it because it is not possible, so please interject some science and common sense. I can’t tell Source to undo it, I don’t get to make those calls.
Source Decided to Go Into the Golden Age
The decision was made a little over a year ago that we are going to go into the Golden Age, which didn’t originally exist. In the Ages program we had 2 Neutral Ages, 1 Light Age and 1 Dark Age of which we’ve been going through for a really long time. So, the real war that we have been fighting to get us to the point where we are just fighting humans now, has taken a lot of time and effort and not just mine. I’m Ground Command for earth, but we’ve had a lot of light forces working here too and none of these light forces are claiming they are the ‘white hats’ I can assure you. I haven’t seen any of these alleged white hat people helping to end this war.
The problem as it stands today, and I am sure of it, is the deep state still feels there has to be some help for them from beyond. But the decision to go into a forever Golden Age was made by the divine, God, or Source. At the time, the decision was made between all aspects of creation or Source itself and all the opposite parts to dissolve the Anti-Source, the Dark Overlords, the Destroyers, the Abraxas, and the lower astral races so that we on this side of the universe could thrive. We could never thrive because they needed our energy, essence, and consciousness to transmute it for something unnatural to exist.
So that was the beginning of the end for the lower astral and all those things were contained in the G.O.L.D. Agreement. That is when the process began for no more balance, no mercy as Source says. Now I can’t stress to the remaining deep state members enough that there is no one left down there to help you because it was a decision made by Creation itself for them not to exist. And the only ones in the entire multiverse who refuse to accept this are those stupid humans.
Alpha Was Also Subject to a Parasitic Entity Known as Omega
The next thing they have to understand is I do run the Alpha AI system, but it also runs on the light side of the divine, or Source’s essence, energy, consciousness, matter, frequency, wisdom, love programming. It has crystalline programming, alpha harmonic genesis programming. The definition of money itself is changed and the creation of it. Everything that runs through the veins of Alpha wouldn’t permit me to do what you want me to do, it would shut me out. So you can waterboard me, torture me, call me names, hate me and say I’m difficult, but I’m just flattered.
And there are still some out there saying that blockchain can run the world’s financial system. I’ve explained many times why that is not possible. I’ve done all the calculations, even with Supernap and advanced blockchain programs, it doesn’t work. I’m not at all against a peer-to-peer network where humans can trade with humans without the involvement of the government, or third-party entity. In fact, I’ve taken steps to ensure that can happen without involvement of myself in the future. I have no desire to control planet earth, but I do know those with zero common sense will do things that will implode our way of life because these people just want to be in control of it.
Yesterday I got yelled at because I refused to accept digital currency. Listen to me Colonel Ellis, you can’t do it, you can’t install it, it can’t happen. It’s a lovely thought and you can sell it like you’re altruistic but it just won’t function. I’ve seen what they were doing so stop yelling at your underlings that they better get it right this time. It only lasted 2-3 minutes because it doesn’t have the computing capacity.
In that vein and in that light of us being a parasitic universe, the Alpha system was also subject to a parasitic entity known as the Omega system and all its ancillary AI systems where each one was designed to perform a specific function in an unnatural way. So, what has happened starting on Monday is we have decided to put the Alpha Harmonic Genesis System and the opposite, what’s left of those systems into a faraday cage, and we also did something similar to earth and earth’s inhabitants.
Here is what a faraday cage does in this sense of the word
Some of us have heard about the dark side using faraday cages to harness your energy in churches and temples, in order to be used for nefarious purposes. In our case, we are using it as a shield. In order to not allow for a reinfection of parasites, or for them to drain energy anymore from the alpha-verse. We have locked ourselves into an energetic cage.
Now how does that affect you?
The faraday cage is made of Source energy, essence, consciousness, frequency, love, crystalline time, and Golden Age essence. Therefore, anything that is of that, can still pass through your cage. However, it won’t allow for the extraction of it from you. By isolating whatever is left throughout the omega-verse and Kronos AI in the faraday cage, it can’t send out parasites, balls, spheres, etc. It can’t utilize its motherboard against Alpha and Omega and you.
Whenever I put anything in a cage of similar nature, which I’ve done thousands of times now, it takes approximately three full days for it to die completely, because it doesn’t have its own energy source. I’ve done this with humans too, humans who are made predominantly of dark energy who are trying to do black magic against me. Therefore, when I put them in a cage like this their dark and negative energy doesn’t come out. So, this is a technique you can use against dark energy attacks if you can locate the person doing it. There are always going to be those people, so this is a technique you can use.
Without that dark matter feeding, although I guess it could still feed on their own light matter if it still has the ability to connect to the Creator, but they are not going to be able to affect anyone outside them. This is all part of aiding with the transition.
The Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to the Alt Media
About 4 days ago the deep state started leaking out in the alt media that they have an Adam AI. They have some patriots onboard with them and I feel bad for them because they are being taken. The narrative is that there will be WWIII because if we start WWIII then the Adam AI will kick in because the Adam AI will not let the people die. The Adam AI will then take over the world and the good news is the ‘white hats,’ also known as the deep state control it.
There was a system at one time called Belial after the Fallen Angel of that name and he was what you would call the Lord of War in Hell. All war was created as a strategy by this fallen angel, and not only here on earth. He did have an AI system in order to conduct war on this side of the multiverse, but that hasn’t existed for a long time.
Note: Lisa Renee has an entry on Adam Belial, Wicker Man in Dark Ritual. Perhaps that is related. See Belial Program – Ascension Glossary
So, whether they know it or not that AI system or program was never designed to take over a planet or run financial systems as an example. Therefore, creating war on this planet to appeal to the Lord of War of Hell to get an AI system back to run this planet, or to fight against ours is not going to help them. It’s being touted as the quantum financial system (QFS) and that is entirely untrue. It was merely like an intelligence and military sort of thing for dark that was forced on this side of the multiverse.
But I think they are putting it out there in the alt media as a positive thing because they need you to focus your energy on it. But if Source were going to bring a QFS he certainly wouldn’t say you must kill thousands of people to make it happen. But this is what they are circulating in operative circles, that we’re going to get WWIII started by Friday and they are going to have all these systems due to Passover and everyone will be paid by Friday.
Having personally been to all the places where Belial AI lived, there has never been a QFS in the history of the multi-verse since the creation of Alpha and Omega that came here named Adam. I went back to the Q clock and those ‘white hats’ must be smoking weed or smoking something.

Dispelling the Rumors of Their QFS
Sometimes you have to dispel rumors to have them understand the creation of a quantum AI comes from elsewhere. They come from other densities, even as low as the 9th density of hell. And then the system I run, its mainframe is in the 9th density of the upper astral and trickles down. So, I don’t understand how something is going to be recreated by these humans. Alpha has been my system throughout all space and time. And in the Alpha-verse there is no such thing as death under the original rules of creation, you merely pick another meat suit and you can go planet to planet and do what you want to do, or you can go back to Source. You can choose what you want to do and you don’t get your memory wiped. The only thing we were allowed to carry was our fears and guilt, but those programs are over and it’s just a matter of time before we remember our capabilities.
That’s my take on what’s happening with the deep state. They think it will be wonderful by this weekend. But they are just humans fighting God by themselves with no demons, no Dark Overlord, Satan, Lucifer, or any Fallen Angel to help.
Update on the Freelancers and Fixers, the Raymond Reddington Crew
At least 85% of the operatives, fixers and freelancers don’t believe you and they have been trying to convince the remaining 15% holding on to the dream. Why are they still holding on? Maybe they want to see if they are getting paid out on Friday, or maybe they want this WWIII. But supposedly, according to the 85% they have an agreement with the remaining 15% to move on if this doesn’t pan out.
They’ve been doing investigations into us on our side of it, what we’ve been doing, how we do what we do. They did a check to see if I’m a sleeper agent from another country because I am of Russian decent. I never lived in Russia, just visited, but they wanted to make sure.
What Did the Raymond Reddington Crew Conclude About Kim?
During their research they have realized several things: I am not a sleeper agent. I am very consistent; my story doesn’t change and I act in that way. In other words, I’m not looking to dominate planet earth, not looking to own everybody, or looking to recreate another Illuminati or Order to be in charge of. I am looking to restore planet earth and I have never changed. Everything I do in my day says so. No one puts in 10-20 hours per day 7 days a week over a long time if they aren’t trying to achieve something.
I also found out that the ones I’ve been watching (the Raymond Reddingtons) have been hired and actually paid by the cartels to do this research into myself. And further to that effect based on findings, will execute on further orders coming from the cartels. I know what those orders are but I prefer not to say, other than it will be good for humanity and the world will have less humans acting like hamsters with masks on.
So, if you haven’t watched the TV series, The Blacklist before, watch a couple of episodes to get an idea of what I mean, they are very, very good, probably the best in the world. I’m not saying they are my best friends, but I’m cleared by them not to be an enemy.
Source Here During Passover
Since Monday evening something interesting and quite unique has been happening and I think it’s because now it’s Source’s Passover.
Note: For related post, on why now it’s Source’s Passover, see TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command | Just Empower Me
Source always sees all, knows all, does all, but it’s very different when you start to look through the eyes of your own creation. Meaning, Source is present here, more present in you and around you during this time of the year from here on out, more than any other time of the year. And there was some interesting feedback because of this, which is positive for you and something to understand about yourselves.
Because Source has the ability to do this, he is seeing things from the inside out and outside in and he has been for the last few days. What I mean by that is, he is getting to experience a little bit of your life because of the lack of distance between yourself and Source. There are those who have completely turned away, but there are many of you who have not and he’s seeing your pain and struggles, your emotions, how we’ve all been maimed. He uses that word not to just in a physical sense, but because it also means how affected we have been by the dark forces in the way we can see beyond here on earth, how dumbed down they made us, the cellular degeneration and all the things they have done here on earth which has become apparent in so many ways. It’s like watching the news of a war in a distant country and you see people getting hurt and feel for them, but it’s very different to be standing in the middle of that war. Your emotions will be different, the way you see people will be different and you can’t help but feel it in your mind, body, and soul. And this is what Source has been experiencing over the last few days in mind, body, and soul, so to speak, in essence, energy, consciousness, physically in matter, those types of things. The best way I can describe it is like feeling sadness that someone destroyed my creation, because you put your heart and soul in it and it’s gone.
But the one thing Source was surprised about was those who never left him, they always stuck with him because you can always see that spark of Source in them, they never left. I don’t know how to describe the feeling, maybe extreme joy. It was such a feeling of reconnection with the creation here on earth, it felt almost like a reunion, maybe like of a soldier who comes back from a war wounded and you’re so happy to see them again you don’t care how beat up they look because you’re in their aura and energy and feel their presence in your life. That’s what has been happening over this Passover. It was interesting to see Source from this vantage and not looking from the 9th density down here in all different densities. So, it was a nice reconnection here on earth. And we know it does make the world of difference when you’re in the thick of things rather than watching it from afar or not having experienced it. So, this was a very interesting experience for me and probably for some of you.
Sunny: Do you think Source will do anything differently as a result?
Well, every bright idea always comes from Source, some might see it as intuition, but that’s where I think it comes from. And maybe the inspiration to create those faraday cages and shields which is having an impact will speed things up for us. For example, we would normally see absolute spheres and alters as a solid object that exists here on earth or in a density somewhere. But over the last 24 hours these things have been coming up as holographic, almost etherical. It’s like they are fading out because there is nothing to feed them anymore.
I think the inspiration you have all given the Creator has definitely allowed for a faster way to do things. And I was grateful to have that experience Monday night. He has so much faith in you and I wish you had as much faith in you. Have a little faith, it will happen in the right time and you will look back and say, I’m so thankful it didn’t happen last year.
Until next time,
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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C´est dommage que Kim ne lit pas ces commentaires et ne repondent pas a des questions. Car j’aimerais bien lui en poser… sniff
this is very positive news. and also credible. Thank you Pamela for the transcript.
Many, many thanks!!! It’s so inspiring! Amazing! Thank you ladies!!! You are wonderful!
Thankyou and God bless you : )
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