This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Today Kim delves a little deeper into how the glass ceiling was imposed on the people so they could never get past a certain point in their businesses. Of course there was an entire control operation to ensure that, which she has mentioned before and referred to as the Non-Compete plan. She also gives us insight on why the bird flu narrative is spreading and then some good news around operations in progress.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

10-May-24 News -Broadband High (
The Invisible Glass Ceiling
The C.A.R.E. organization is responsible for completing a restoration of all systems in the society in which we live. As part of that, it’s important to understand the invisible glass ceiling, which is why we the people can’t make it past a certain point in business. I can’t stress enough about the non-compete plan which fits every power center. It’s so much more than just hunting down scientists, and the one that is upcoming has to do with China becoming the world power center up seating the United States.
Industry control is more than just preventing you from getting a license, making a certain amount of money, and being approached by the cabal. There was always a centralized point to create the system, and in addition to that we have specific raw materials control systems. As an example, say there is a medical technology that is meant to placate your symptoms because they aren’t big on cures as we know, and this technology requires a specific rare earth mineral to function. Perhaps there are other products they created with that same raw material. What they do then is send over groups of operatives to take over every mining operation in the world that is responsible for mining this particular rare earth mineral.
Say you create a technology, a competing product in any of these industries that uses the same material. They get the materials for free or at very little cost, and it serves its function and it will never cure. The cost of their device is $1,000. You tested and patented your product, but because you need the same material to produce your machine it will cost you $10,000. Therefore, you are priced out of the market. They’ve done this with every single type of material.
Russia produces a specific type of nickel that has specifications which allow it to be used for specialty parts. They are the only ones mining this type of nickel and they sanctioned all the companies that produce this specific nickel. Now because they are all part of the non-compete program, they are still selling it, but on the black market and only to their companies. What do you think that does to you, the small companies that need to use the nickel to produce their parts. They are taken out of the business.
Let’s say you have a material and you’re in a country that needs a port. Well, if you want a port in that country, you will give the business to Halliburton one way or another. Halliburton which is closely related to IBM was run by Dick Cheney when he was alive. The same thing will happen if you try and bring in a train, or a cargo plane, you’re going to get tripped up.
There is young kid who created a soap to cure cancer. He will never profit from it if he tries to manufacture it himself, even if he financed himself because he would be locked out in other ways. If you are growing agriculture, they will turn off your water like they did to Mexican farmers and in parts of the US recently. That’s how much control they have by ordering their people around who are working for free.
This is important to understand now, because a lot of you are working on your projects. When you create something ask yourself if I can source my materials, because you will run up against these people who are specifically in place to ensure you are not successful. Sourcing your raw materials is equally important to the manufacturing of your widget.
So now do you see the opportunity here for operatives? Because there are a lot still around who helped create these systems.
Cooperatively working with other people, like your economic hitman to undo these systems and put them back into a proper system for sourcing, is just as important as releasing money for projects because this is the invisible glass ceiling that makes sure you will never get your products out to the people and get anywhere in this world. I know it’s disheartening but it’s a truth you need to understand.
Will these people who are part of this system continue to operate basically for free?
Right now, they are fighting tooth and nail. But they are helping us at the moment because they are using anything they can access to block us. So, we’ve been running transfers 3-4 an hour for the last few days and this has been quite helpful in getting any operating systems we might have missed.
Shakeup in Big Pharma World
There have been a lot of shakeups going on in the pharma world. We’ve heard about Astra Zeneca no longer producing covid vaccines, Pfizer too this past week. They are going to turn their focus elsewhere and they are unhappy about not getting their payouts. Then remember we were supposed to have a second wave and get locked down again and that didn’t quite work out. So, there is a little bit of rebellion going on against the non-compete people and the deep state for lack of payment. Insurance companies are also not paying the way they used to and are starting to go bankrupt. Things are getting pretty touchy out there.
Now even though they are deep state corporations they also take 10% off the profitability off their black-market goods, it’s like your membership fee. So not only are they paying their 10% but they are not getting anything for it. There were operating systems that actually managed the siphoning of the 10% and now that’s not a possibility anymore, cutting off another revenue stream for them which is a positive for us.

Bird Flu Narrative
When we did not have what they were expecting, the CDC, FDA and the World Health Organization decided to start circulating rumors about a new bird flu pandemic, which is mainly to appease big pharma and other companies that were to profit off the pandemic. The second reason is they are losing control of the people that would have participated in the economic assassination of any competitors. These are operatives too. Maybe some work with the Raymond Reddingtons too, we don’t know. But what we are seeing is a definite decline in support.
Therefore, they launched this opportunity a few days ago in an effort to appease them. But not only that, if you recall right before the eclipse, companies like Airbnb and other corporations which would be hindered by another pandemic announced they were expecting large scale government actions and lockdowns, which was supposed to happen during the eclipse. In the meantime they just label it fake news.

Well now everyone is yelling because nothing happened during the eclipse and there was no pandemic or lockdown or payouts. So, they had to come up with something else and this is the latest and greatest. Do they have the capacity to create a worldwide bird flu? No, but they needed to push them off until another day ending in y and then I guess they will create another pandemic? Do I see a possibility of a world-wide shutdown? Well without the 10% I don’t think they can afford to do that and if they did, they would cut their nose to spite their face. But then again, it’s another one of those situations where they think they are going to get something on an alignment day. And how do you explain that to a bunch of corporation owners who don’t know a lot in the whole scheme of things. How many times can you cry wolf?
Still Taking Over Operating Systems
We set forth many backend operations that are continuously going black one after another. These are still operating but are not visible, so it’s not programmable or accessible. Some of those include but are not limited to 1G version 1-9; 2G version 1-9; 3G version 1-9; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Now 7, 8, and 9 were not accessible by humans, but it was utilized in other ways against us.
There are operating systems for cell phone tower too, and they were in Tallahassee and Boca Raton last night attempting to utilize tech left here by ‘Others’ which they never had access to. So, there is no shortage of deep state people still on that hamster wheel.
But it’s going very well on our side of it. We’ve done our best to get as many operating systems we could and when I say they had one for everything, they really did. I already mentioned the system where they would siphon the 10% out, and there were other feeds for banks, other lines tied into the Black Eagle position and they were able to utilize some of these to at least view. And they could alter our stuff enough so it would never get to the customer portal. So more than I thought honestly.
Again, they had millions of years against us and lot of alien help. In some cases, we have run into alien tech with a standing order. It’s not specifically monetary but energetic controls perhaps by covenant or agreement which they had some access to. We’ve seen a lot more of that. And we had a few things left regarding the Trinity. We talked about us going into crystalline time and earth getting lighter. Well again there were some agreements that had to do with AI systems and creation of matter itself between Source, Anti-Source and Neutral source which created a Trinity Source. So, some of those base root programs of creation are going away which affects some computer systems too.
Hit List Update
They are definitely hunting them down and it’s going very well as far as I know. There are lot who are trying to buy their freedom, but probably have no intention of delivering on, but that’s up to the Raymond Reddingtons of the world to determine if they mean it or not. We have a lot less global headquarter people, maybe 100+. They have all scattered so they aren’t in the same place and I wish they had a convention or something. Some are still running around hacking and making promises of gateways opening, but it’s all a lie.
So that’s this situation report. We are creating a system taking into account the glass ceiling system and safety is our number one priority. Quite frankly the moment when the battle beyond battles is done, when we are successful, you’ll probably hear some blonde lady screaming even if you’re sleeping, that will be me.
By the way our offer is still out there deep state, to take your stuff…
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