This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 10-Jul-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast the plot thickens as Kim unravels other fakes behind the fake Angel Marcos. Three more fakes who stole the assignments from Angel are the ones who put him in jail. And the deep state world think they are the men who rule the world, all because of those assignments they stole from Kim. And the US Military thinks they are charge after special approvals from some random Chinese guy. Meanwhile banks are defaulting in China.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

10-Jul-24 News (
The Plot Thickens
Things are really heating up everywhere since the disappearance of these OTIC accounts. Angel Marcos is still in jail but still operating. It turns out he is part of a larger network of people. In the past there were 3 people, usually men who were what we would call the ultimate heads of the Black Sun. They were over the head of the Eagles.
Black Sun Heads: Mr. White | Mr. Black | Mr. Neutral
These heads of the Black Sun have no real title. One of them played the role of the good guy so I call him Mr. White. The other played the role of Neutral guy and the third one played the role of the dark so I’ll call him Mr. Black. Originally, they were three different covens and they all reported to the same people we discussed on Monday. And in the past, they were trying to maintain balance on the planet.
The 3 original heads of the Black Sun were gone, but 3 more came in and took their place. Then the one who replaced Mr. White passed away so Mr. Black decided to be both, Mr. Black and White. But now all 3 of these fake Heads of the Black Sun are dead. We found one of them hiding out under the central bank in Thailand. Another was in Jamaica and the third was in Buton (I think she is referring to the island in Indonesia). One was a clone and the other two each had 2 clones or doppelgangers left and they were playing to role of the three men who run the world.
Sunny: Do they have that much authority Kim?
No, but the entire world hung on everything these two men who were left said. Meaning the Pentagon on Monday went to the Treasury and tried to issue Treasury Notes based on what they said they had and because they gave them approval to do this. They tried to issue an enormous amount of Treasury Notes against what they thought were these accounts. But like I said on Monday, I was working feverishly to get rid of everything that was hanging there in Web 5. And it turns out whatever they were planning on leveraging was against what I ended up taking out. So, nothing worked for them. But they are still confused because they thought they were in charge. They even posted online the Military is in charge of the financial system, and it was because one of these men gave them approval. This particular man who gave them the approval also held the title of Golden Eagle, which is why their approval came on a yellow paper, and he is also Chinese. You cannot make this stuff up. The whole world is listening to these people.
Angel Marcos Update
Turns out what happened with Angel Marcos once I had done the assignments in 2012, is he was forced into jail by these same people, and then they took over everything and told the whole world these assets were theirs.
Sunny: Did they have any proof? These people just believe them because of a title?
Yep, a title, some fancy rings. I don’t know. I need a Chinaman costume stat, with funky jewelry, because apparently that gets the job done. Everyone was depending on them, the Pentagon, the Treasury. But remember it was something that if you had a higher clearance, you could actually see, but you couldn’t touch it. So, this was the base root behind them saying they had control of everything. There was crypto currency and all kinds of things involved.
40 Banks in China Go Belly Up
Over the last couple of days since we started making things disappear over 40 banks in China have gone belly up. These 40 smaller banks were absorbed into some larger banks but there are a lot of people’s accounts that didn’t migrate over. There are database issues and there are a lot of people in Hong Kong and China having difficulty accessing their money they had on deposit.
It’s been in the media too. We have a clip of the Central Bank in China.

Fake Mei Wa Scammed Fake Mr. White, Mr. Black and Mr. Neutral
China was in really deep due to the fact the Deep State of China had created their own fake Mei Wa who took up residency in the temple in Shanghai. So fake Mei Wa was giving instruction to the fake generals, the Mr. White, Mr. Black and Mr. Neutral and they created this worldwide scam based on assignments I did years ago.
Because of the report I put out on Monday everyone is starting to figure out what is really happening. But even the fake Mei Wa and the fake Black Sun Heads didn’t have any idea I made those assignments until Monday. So, by last night these ‘Black Sun Heads’ led by desperation did some very stupid things which of course then led to their deaths. These guys made all these promises to governments, and it was even discussed at the G8, two months before, and all these countries were signing up. So far, we received calls from Thailand, the Philippines, Laos, and some countries in Europe as to what is going on because this is what was holding up the entire financial system of the world. These fake Heads promised them money was going to be released from these accounts by the 15th of July. They made a whole lot of promises and no delivery and when it all started to disappear countries started panicking.
We received panic calls from these countries saying we have gold! I asked, are you sure you do?
Because they actually assigned gold, not as an ownership transfer but assigned gold to every country in the world as part of that system from the assignments I did and the depositories I put there. I was like are you kidding me?
But it all tied back to these few people, and technically they are not even the original people, but just playing the role. They only thing they know is they are in trouble as things disappeared.
Mr. Black and White, the Operative & Pending Phone Call to Kim With an Offer
Mr. Black and White placed a phone call last night to someone I know and talk to personally. This person thought Mr. Black and White was the end all-be all of the financial system of the world. He was actually involved in the trading in the off-ledger funds and was told of course that the money couldn’t come out yet because they’ll have allocations when the Fed contract transfers over. Yeah right.
But Mr. Black and White called him directly and tried to order him to contact me to make me a ridiculous offer. Mr. Black and White would have never contacted him before, he would have always had someone in between to keep that mystique of who is in charge thing going. By the way, of the two fake heads who are left both were declared legally dead. They love masked people, I guess to keep the illusion of power. In any case, Mr. Black and White had no choice but to reach out to somebody he knew who could call me to get me to do a reassignment to them. Now I’m supposed to have this phone call today. The operative doesn’t know that I know the background.
Governments Also Want to Make Kim an Offer
In addition to that, some of the government departments that are dependent on this worldwide scam that affects every country in the world, they would also like to make me an offer. And from what I understand, for replacing some facility they would like to give me 1%, that’s what they landed on. And of course, the more I put in the more I will get.
Sunny: But you hold the cards.
Yeah, and the 2% agreement I had years ago had to do with an old agreement that I inherited and lasted over 100 years. I’m like that ship sailed like years ago.
All the Fakes, (Now Dead) Including Fake Mei Wa Have Been Ordering the Silent Circle
I know these people would love to have their stuff back, but unfortunately these people all passed away last night including fake Mei Wa in Shanghai, so there is no one. Are they going to put another fake person in that slot? I don’t know. But it would be wise not to take that position because I promise you, you’re going to land in a whole sack of crap with nothing to offer except a lie, a funky ring, and strange looking necklace.
To further add to this, these people were even ordering the Pallavicini’s, the Orsini’s, the Silent Circle. Oh yes, and this is why everything is screwed up in this world and nothing is making any sense because they don’t know what heck they are doing. They just know this guy had some stuff and at the time there was the OITC line there and they put the stuff in there and these guys came in took that over.
The Base Root of the Scam from Assignments Kim Did in 2012 Is All Crumbling
This whole thing is crumbling and it’s starting to hit home in banks in China and other places because they were the most heavily leveraged. But when it comes to the US, so far today they are telling the banks it’s just a glitch and will have the system back up later today. Why? Because this guy they have contacting me they think bought into the program. As far as I can tell though he is not. I don’t think he understands the extent and amount of people that are aware that he exists. He is fully aware of his technologies and his capabilities, he’s been a financial contract operative for a number of operations, meaning he ran high-level trade operations and leveraging for years, on the promise that he was just looking to finish up on some technology that he wanted to own on his own. He wanted to buy some other telecommunications and that kind of stuff. He’s not really looking to make billions of dollars and he definitely hates the Fed. So, the mindset is right, I just think he thought he was doing something good by trying to hold up the financial system because the new QFS is coming out right? Because they are all sold the same bill of goods by the same people with some proof that there is something there that could potentially be released in the future.
But the truth at the base root of that ugly tree was something I did in 2012. The base root of every war, Gaza, the SSP’s doings, Trump in office, movements in the world that sound crazy in the news, all trace back to these guys who stole something I did way back in 2012.
Kim Is Not Going to Clean Up Their Mess
Now I’ve learned an awful lot since 2012. I’ve been schooled by every operative in every country and every language since that time and I can promise you I have no respect for any of these people and I have proven overnight everything bleeds and everything dies.
I had a heated conversation last night, on the right phone line and said I don’t care if we have a government or not. If they want to listen to these crazy people at Global headquarters so be it. Speaking of which, Global Headquarters people went over to Thailand and did some weirdo ceremony to get some stupid clearance that doesn’t work. And they know it doesn’t work because we run up against each other every day. But now I know where they are getting this information from and why they are doing this stuff.
Back to that Pending Phone Call with the Operative
So, Mr. Black and White had to die before I take this phone call later today. And anyone else who thinks I’m going to take 1% probably will also die too before I take this phone call because there is no way I’m going to participate in this.
However, this particular operative does have the technology to do a lot of things for like Life Assurance. He has a lot of telecommunications experience, a lot of trading, a lot of algorithms. I mean, it would take me probably an hour to set up a platform for him to help the people. That of course would be underneath my system, but he could make a lot of money and do a lot of good things. He has been messed around with a lot though by the DOD, so we’ll see what side of the fence he plays once he gets all of the information. It could get very interesting. But as far as these people and getting approval from One-hung-lo over there in Thailand or somewhere, I cannot help you. I don’t know that person and why should I clean up their mess.
Governments Feed the Beast
Remember the government feeds the beast. For example, they used to do long-term contracts every year for hundreds of millions to all the major hotel chains. But as the beast is no longer feeding the 10,000 corporations, you’re going to see more breaking down as those corporations are not being fed and the credit lines, they had against fake assets go away. They wanted to control everything in the world yet had no mental capacity to even understand that if they achieved their goal. They left every country that signed up for this including the US high and dry. And those assignments expired 2 years ago. I just didn’t know they were using them for something crazy to scam people and countries out of money. What are they going to do from here? Are people still going to work under the pretense this is going to work? I don’t know.
To be very clear we are here to support Humanity through this change and restore the planet and the people. As far as the 95% on this planet who have no idea what we are talking about, we all as a collective group are going to support the people. We will have new programs, new agricultural programs and all kinds of things that will support the people in a sovereign way. Meaning I don’t need to control it, but the management of C.A.R.E. will manage it until the people can manage it themselves. We are looking to fix every system because every system is broken, the water, sewage, bridges, all infrastructure, and there is no going back.
About the Banks
Sunny: What about other banks in the US and around the world? Are you expecting the same thing to happen as in China?
Banks need to make a life choice at this point because the fantasy and false assets are not there. Right now, they are telling everyone it’s just a glitch and we’ll get it fixed. Hang on, don’t worry. And come next week things are going to start getting desperate. I don’t see a run on the banks, but depending on how this goes today there could be a lot of other positive things that could come out of this. Meaning different relationships, different service fees, meaning different relationships, meaning different providers instead of custodial and these asset weirdo things.
Remember the agreement with the Fed already expired, but these banks are under the impression it was extended until July 15th which was a lie. It’s only 5 days away and they are going to figure it out. The Fed is panicking today because the information is getting out there and they are still waiting, along with the US Military for a phone call from a dead guy.
Sunny: Is it worth sending them to the Archivists for info or do we just have to let this play out?
Well on Sunday night the Archivists had a meeting with some military people who showed them their approval from the crazy Asian and they obviously didn’t hear what the Archivists had to say because on Monday they still ended up going to the Treasury Dept to do the same thing they planned on doing anyway. They would rather listen to a pleasant lie than the ugly truth. They tried and failed just like the Archivists told them they would because all roads lead to Kim.
So, on Monday after our report, they were like hum, because they don’t know this Angel person. They only know One-Hung-lo over there in Thailand. That’s who they recognize as the ultimate authority. Now word is getting out that they are not the ultimate authority and no one is calling anyone back. So, you guys in the Pentagon or the Military might want to send someone over there to do a wellness check on your friends because we did leave the one in Thailand, in the Palace.
So, we’ll see if this information comes to light for them. They are a little slow on the uptick. Aside from that there is some other cleanup with fake mirror accounts, etc., and it was not an easy cleanup, it was hot mess. But there are more and more people starting to question the financial reality. What is this new currency? There are countries asking us for credits against gold I know they don’t have. I’m just cleaning until it’s all gone, the scam is gone. They are just trying to buy time until the 15th and still telling them they can’t issue new allocations numbers until the 15th of July until the Fed contract expires.
Oy vey!
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