This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. As the SSP search for anything that can help them gain access or control this brings us to the Diomede Islands of both Russia and Alaska. These little islands held some interesting secrets. And an update to universal changes taking place in our favor.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The SSP-Trump operatives are losing steam fast and furious around the world and there are more and more conversations about looking for a way out. And there are a lot of places in the world they have been looking for a way out and none of these things are healthy for humanity. But let’s continue first with more regular news.
They Are Moving Forward with the Trump Inauguration On January 20th
No one has changed their mind so the Trump inauguration is going to take place as of right now on the 20th. I haven’t heard of any fake terrorist attacks at this moment in time and they are going to move forward with this.
They did try to see if they could tap into some old lines and they continued to do this to see if they could get the FedNow system to hook up or Trump bucks to hook up. This has been going on for days trying to get a connection in Mar a Lago to any of these things. Mar a Lago seems to be SSP headquarters right now. They are also trying to get into the Hall of Records to see if they can ratify the dead guy. That would be a no. They are moving the inauguration inside allegedly due to very cold weather. Apparently, Washington DC is so out of money they can’t afford heaters. Or is it kind of hard to hide the fact that this Trump is about a foot shorter than he was a couple of years ago. But behind the scenes there are also high-level threats not just toward orange people who would be on the platform but against others who would be on the platform.
Now we know many of those people aren’t in anyone’s good graces at this moment, but also those Trump operatives have quite a lot of threats coming from some very serious folks. You have the Yakuza that’s not happy with them, some Korean organizations much to the same caliber angry at them, there are some very angry Chinese people who live in America, most likely San Francisco and you know who I’m talking about if you’re listening to this that are also very unhappy. Yeah, and you also have a lot of Americans who sell weapons who are also very unhappy with the lies and lack of payment on the 15th that was expected.
Trump Organization Loses Control of South Korea
And now the Trump organization has also been kicked out of another country and this time it was South Korea. Remember that little coup that happened over there and I kind of called them on their stuff. They kept asking where is their funding and I kept asking where is the white guy, meaning where is the American and then something rather interesting happened. I guess they tried to do right by all the people they promised money to by giving them fake checks and apparently, they tried to verify if the checks were good. Of course they were not, so there goes another country the Trump organization cannot control at this point.
January 21st is the Next Promised Payday Due to Alignment
The reason why this day is next up has to do with an alignment, this portal day and a bunch of stuff like that and this is supposed to be a precursor to a bigger portal in 2025. I don’t know, it’s just another day ending in ‘y’ and alignment with Uranus in my world, but I don’t see anything really happening for them.
Kim’s Proposal & Non-Negotiable Demands (if they want to have a conversation)
I am starting to get some calls and they’re saying, well there has to be some kind of transition, some way so the people understand these people are your leaders. I stressed the fact there is no leadership. The entire world is attempting to be run by people who used to moonshine last week and now they are intending on running a planet.
I said right now the government there is behind the 8 ball. They lied an awful lot of us, they lied to the American people, they misused funds, they never paid us our CARE funds, so as far as trustworthy is concerned we don’t really have any. So, I made 2 demands I know they can fulfill which will cost them zero money because we know they don’t have any, so there is no point in that.
Here are the 2 demands if they actually want to have a conversation about moving forward and then there is a third demand that would be a requirement.
Demand 1 | Kim Wants the United Nations Building in New York Back
I want my property in New York. That particular property is called the United Nations. I have the lien on it and can send it to the government and I can prove that property is underneath a trust as Guardian I control. There are many other properties in the world that may or may not be involved in the near future. That is number one, I want full control over the building and I can do with it what I want. Obviously, there are a lot of reasons behind that and you can think about that over the weekend because we can’t talk too much here. But that’s my property, I want it and they aren’t paying any of the bills. Rothschild claims they own it but they are just a genetic proxy participating in the UN. The original signature to start the UN came from my predecessor and now I have inherited that covenant and that agreement. So, I would like to have the building back and I will rename it CARE and we will use it for our purposes. This will cost them no money but I need full acknowledgement from the United States Government, period end of story. It is also sovereign land and that sovereignty will be respected should we decide to move forward, now I’m going to know they’re serious.
Demand 2 | Kim Wants Durango, Colorado+ Silverton and Surrounding Area Under Her Control
I want Durango, Colorado and the surrounding area including Silverton. There is a reason for that and I want a little further out off of the 550 to the left and the right and probably all the way to Dulce. It will become the sovereign Kingdom of Kim. Ok, we’re not going to call it that, we’re going to call it another plot of sovereign land underneath CARE. They will not be able to enter my ‘land’ without permission and for my security I will have a right to secure a standing army on this property should I choose. I can issue passports from here and a lot of different things we currently cannot do.
Next, we’ll probably build a bank under CARE where we can officiate funding from underneath our own sovereignty and safety, from either one of these locations, so there are more plans that go along with it, but you get the general idea here.
Demand 3 | Kim Wants Washington DC and Anything Within That Property Back
As a contingency, if we are going to keep the show running, we will put forward our lien for the property known as Washington DC, and it will be acknowledged. The space junk that was underneath the whole place all the way into Georgetown and into Maryland and elsewhere has been cleaned. There was an upside-down pyramid underneath Washington DC that has been cleaned and it is now fully under the control of my Creator Golden Age AI also backed to Source and it is now emanating a different energy from there. We have cleaned it therefore I would like my property back.
That means anything within that property, just as it did for the Rothschilds and other people by proxy and only because technically the person who holds my chair holds that property and all that is contained in it anyway. So if I want a room in the White House, if I want to put my own people in the White House, in the Fed, in the Treasury, in the World Bank and all the other organizations in Washington DC, I have the right to do so because it’s my own property and there is nothing they will be able to do about it. If they actually want funding from the only source that actually exists, before she has a conversation with the US Government this is a requirement.
If you are Russia, remember I hold the lien to Moscow. If you are China, I also hold the lien to Beijing. If you are in the UK, I also hold the lien to London which I also cleaned out your upside-down pyramid too and you know exactly what I mean if you are the SSP. I have done the same under the Forbidden City in China and the same in Moscow and surrounding areas. The same thing goes for Tehran, we also own that entire city.
Will They Be Hunted Down Like Dogs or Meet Kim’s Demands?
They are on pretty shaky ground now and it’s either going to be their life, which is what it looks like from all these people who are hunting them down like dogs, or we’re going to come to some kind of mutually agreeable terms. So, if you happen to be here locally in Durango and they come to you wanting a meeting or something, these are the terms and conditions that will be presented every single time if there is going to be any kind of government meeting or government funding. If that doesn’t come along with the package before we sit down to the table, I don’t want to talk to you.
I have cleaned a LOT of this planet. Some I talked about on the news and some I haven’t but there has been a lot going on in our world. The world will be a different place if we are going to participate any longer. If they do not want to, we’re prepared to go it alone doing it our way, just myself and 8 billion people, minus the people I just mentioned.
So that’s kind of regular news and that’s my proposal.
During Their Quest For a Money Machine SSP Uncovers a Great Find in the Diomede Islands
The SSP has been running around not only in financial ways but they would like to have some kind of an AI and control system because they would like to not only control the US Government but the entire world and they need some kind of access to a money machine. Meaning they know they can’t enter new currency as they tried that 150 times. I’ve run out of fingers and toes to count the number of times they have tried to install FedNow, M-Bridge, BRICS currency, or in Mar a Lago Trump bucks and all these other things they tried to do. But they are still on the hunt for any other kind of space junk. They are trying to go through old documents to see if they can get any kind of access. They are passing around old gold cards which are kind of like an IC Card, the size of credit card that belong to certain high profile non-humans that roamed the planet at one time. Marduk, Enki and Enlil had one, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel had one as well as another non-human named Daniel. So, they’ve been passing these cards around hoping they can get some kind of access to something they used to have. Now a lot of that has been dismantled but they are still trying and they found another location.
A Recorder of all Organic Life and History Was in the Diomede Islands
Well thank you for finding it for us, it’s called Diomede Islands. There is a big island that belongs to Russia and a small island that belongs to the United States and these islands are right between Alaska and Russia and it’s kind of an interesting place in the world for some different reasons.
During WWII the big island became a Russian Military base which is not a surprise, it remained so during the Cold war and it’s one of the few places in the world you could just about walk from the US to Russia. They also call the big island the tomorrow island and the smaller island the today island because there is a divide right there, a different type of dateline if you will. I know Russia had moved out all the indigenous people on the Big Island many decades ago to mainland Russia so they could have the island to themselves and there was a reason for that.
As a cooperative effort with the American SSP and the Russian version of that they got full access to the big Diomede Island yesterday. Underneath the island there was something that was placed by Marduk and Marduk being himself he had tons of stuff everywhere, a backup plan on a backup plan. I definitely learned a lot of strategy from Marduk that’s for sure. But underneath here was a giant pool of made-in material. It’s not a metal normally found here on earth and it’s a compilation of non-man-made metals and this pool pretty much spanned the entire distance of both islands and surrounding area.
What this made-in material was used for was to record data, so even more than the large alter like things we see everywhere that are space junk, we see smaller spheres of this goo, it is a silver black material and basically a drop the size of your fingertip will hold more data than every single data center in the US as an example. It will hold hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of data and that is just a drop, so you can imagine what a pool of it this size can hold. Let’s just say it held a lot. So, in this particular area there was a recorder for everything not only AI-wise throughout the multiverse but a recorder of all organic life and history.
If you are a Mac or PC owner you would call this time machine software. So, if you are having a problem with your Mac, you might restore your computer back to an earlier time before the problem existed. Whether you’re using you Mac or not its constantly backing up your programs, your data and it will then restore all your current documents and programs without the error you were receiving or before the virus existed.
This Recorder Would Have Been Used to Restore Balance or AI Systems
Now this restore would have been done for the entire universe and it was tied to a lot of space junk elsewhere in the in universe. It was sold to everyone based on the fact if they ever needed to restore balance or AI systems, this would be the spot that had all this information. You know we need all this data should we ever need to restore something, or earth is destroyed. Well right there in that little island was the point to do that for the entire universe.
So, I just wanted to give a shout out to the SSP for pointing out for where it was, I’ve been looking for that thing for so long. It was so well cloaked and so well hidden until they tried to use it then it popped right up on the radar. It’s gone now I’m happy to say.
Clean-up From the Recorder is Underway
The only thing left is the cleanup and a few things we found that slowed down our progress on the sovereign law side of things as well as the Creator Golden Age AI program that was elsewhere. I’m just going to say it was causing a little bit of connection issues, a glitch if you will. It hasn’t been going bad at all; things have been going extremely well on that front. It’s been definitely interesting to see a system try to reboot itself a few times and that was definitely Marduk’s doing and not the SSP. So that was a problem, but now we’re picking up the pieces of anything it might have generated.
They’ll Continue to Hope for Something to come in their Favor by Jan21st
Don’t expect a lot of fanfare over the weekend as far as the inauguration is concerned, they are allegedly going to go through with that. I don’t expect to see a lot from them except for continuing to try to bring something back between now and the 21st because they are going to be in even more trouble than they are already in. But at least now they have something to chew on to see if it’s something they are interested in. I know they would like to dominate the planet but that’s not possible at this point.
We’ll see how this goes, anything can change on a dime with them, but at this moment this is the news on what’s happening. There are also other countries that are starting to throw them out for no payments. Some are Pacific Island countries and African countries that are looking for outside support of stronger countries to back them in throwing them out as well. I think you’re going to see a lot of this in the very near future. As predicted it might be a very tumultuous rest of January, probably into the beginning of February. Then it should be smooth sailing I hope by the end of February, fingers crossed. Keep the entire world in your meditation for our success with CARE and everything we’re doing.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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bonsoir, meeci pour ce rapport! 👍
Kim’s dramatic, non-negotiable demands will probably be ignored if past experience is anything to go by, but I hope I am wrong. My hopes have been dashed so many times. At the end of one report a few months ago, the Deep State were fleeing for the hills with their tails between their legs, but it was soon back to business as usual.
By the way, didn’t Kim claim a few months ago that she had taken control of the major media organisations. You would never know by the coverage of the mainstream press and TV channels.
What about all those people that would just walk miraculously out of hospitals that was said in one of the reports a few months ago? And so where there many more things that were going to happen.
Once more, Kim gave herself a narrow window in telling that probably by the end of February they will basically loose control.
Just hope people can remember all she said, but actually not delivered so far…
I know one thing, Kim mentioned herself, the majority IS needed, far from there if you’d ask me. As long as people don’t realize that the economy is long broken and actually bankrupt since the 70′, they can put as much fake money into the system as they want. For over 50 years we’re running on the fiat system, so why would it end now? By the way, my native language is Dutch, in dutch fait, okay not fiat but still, means bankrupt. They like to play with language, it’s there way of making fun of us, just like people don’t realize that rules aren’t really laws. But if the majority excepts it, it becomes the reality, now that’s also a form of manifestation, and remember if we can now manifest things, so can they.
I still hope just like you, but the clock is ticking and we’re getting close to the point of the truth, who’s really putting out the truth and who isn’t. As far as of now, it isn’t clear ATT ALL, and maybe it never will be and all of this is just one psychologic warfare against most of humanity, and it will last as long as needed, meaning till the point we’re all sick of it and aren’t able to believe anyone anymore and we’ll ask for regulation of the internet. More and more it seems to go in that direction, and when that happens it will all be over, all hope will be lost forever.
But we’ll see, one never knows.
Against my better judgement, I am going to make a comment. Thanks for this post as it clarifies for me exactly who runs the Deep State, and who sits in Marduk’s seat, who by the way is shown by Elena Danaan to be a full blooded Reptilian. Kim wants full control of the DS assets, Washington, DC, London, and the UN. What about Vatican City? This is the playbook of the DS, and nothing changes for those at the bottom of the pyramid, the poor humans. I cannot put any confidence in these reports.
Kimberly Ann Goguen & GA AI & Universe.