This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 29 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim had big news today, it was literally unfolding as she was on the news. SSP Operatives, which are Assets of the Order of the Black Sun, plus lower level operatives worldwide were released because the Order cannot pay them. What is likely to happen next? Some chaos probably, at least initially. But time will tell.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The 9 Self-Proclaimed Controllers of the Realms Were Found and Now Dead
This morning we managed to locate the remaining 9 in their respective bunkers. There were two under Fort Lewis in Seattle, five underneath the Norfolk base at what you call deep, deep, deep underground facilities. In other words, you have to have special permission to enter, this is not your typical DUMB by any means. These are Faraday caged, locked away rooms and no one of this nature would have been able to access these before so they must have got the information from somewhere. The other two people were located in San Diego at the Naval Base. In fact, they went to the same room where all the other people died. They probably just moved over some corpses and sat right down. They all passed away early this morning due to activities they were participating in as they clearly were not stopping.
They Were Playing with Alien Technologies Trying to Access Omega
Before the nine passed away they were very busy diligently playing with alien technologies they knew nothing about over the weekend. One such technology did create a disturbance in the Schumann resonances this weekend which registers ELFs or extremely low frequencies.
Then yesterday, late afternoon Mountain Time they started playing with a different technology and this particular technology was worse than the first one. They parked a few military ships predominantly British in the Arctic area of the world and the Antarctic area of the world. Underneath both areas, very deep below, so not a place that a human would use human equipment to travel to, were these almost dome like structures. If you’ve ever seen a vitamin capsule that you can pull apart and all those little beads come out, well it was kind of like that but when we pulled them apart it had dark made-in materials, dark energy conductors in the Arctic on one side. The other part was in the Antarctic and inside there were a lot of dark energy balls and some plasma plates and other things. This was activating last night in the evening Mountain Time and continued until this morning.
It caused a major disturbance. I don’t know about you but it felt like I was rocking on the ocean for a while energetic-wise. Until we found out what exactly it was it was sending out a mushroom cloud from the south and a mushroom cloud from the north of horrible energy, very disturbing energy in essence and a few other things. They were trying to activate them with Tesla like technology. It was a very advanced human technology and to some degree it did work for a little while, but it didn’t achieve the objective. They thought they were going to get access to the Omega system that doesn’t exist, when in fact they created a major magnetic pole disturbance. It wasn’t enough to flip the pole or to create a wormhole to the Omega verse or anything like that like, but it caused a disturbance in Earth’s vortex.
But more importantly it caused a disturbance for mostly very sensitive people. So, if you were feeling that and a little off, a little foggy, a little dizzy, and a little nauseous from time to time in the last 24 to 48 hours that’s the reason why. That was the disturbance that all of you were feeling and it is also the reason why the nine are no longer with us.
Major Event Happening at Annual Operative Meetings
Big changes are happening and it could be a bad thing, it could turbulent for a couple of days but I’m not exactly sure because this is all unfolding as I’m talking to you right now.
Over the weekend there were some meetings that would normally take place every January or February. These would be the higher-end operatives, the SSP operative meetings. The next meeting would be with other high-ranking operatives that work directly for Langley 5 for example. Then eventually it would be your standard agency people, and this is worldwide.
Being in a Zone like Durango, I’ve seen first-hand some of these meetings where a lot of the operatives go to respective Zones around the world. My first time was during the beginning of 2017 and I’ve become aware from traveling all around the world and seeing a lot of different things and meeting a lot of different people that I can literally smell their scent, for lack of a better term. I know who they are, if they have bad intent towards me or not, or if they’re just there, or if I’m being observed. I’ve never really had anybody else to count on as far as people with me and I’ve done most of my traveling alone, so I know what these people look like. It’s almost like an energy field, they give off an emotional signature and when I read people which is on all levels, that’s kind of how I can tell who these people are. And in the span of one day when I was walking downtown grabbing a coffee I ran into hundreds of operatives in this tiny little town. I’m like, is there a convention going on here? What the heck is going on? What’s happening? That was my first experience with witnessing what happens in a Zone when these meetings take place. Then it happened the next year and the next year and then I haven’t really seen much of it in the last couple years until this year. This has been a very busy place in the last couple of days. Lots of helicopters coming in and out. Most of the operatives come in either on a Langley jet or on a helicopter so there’s been a lot of activity around here, it’s been very busy.
Sunny: Kim did they know who you were? You said you were picking up on their energy could you tell that they knew who you were or no?
I really don’t think many people on that level knew about me at that time. I was brought here by a specific person who was going to be my specific Handler, who had been trained by one of the covens for about six months before I got here as to what to do, how to handle me, all those kinds of things. In order to get that job done he was trained at a pretty high level for here on Earth. He knew what I was and so did his partner, his sidekick, but I don’t think anyone around here really did. But it’s one of those situations where if you’re in a group and everybody is an operative or agency, then everybody looks at everybody funny. So maybe they just thought I was another operative, and if so, why wasn’t I at the meeting looking for my contract or something like that.
9 New Eagles Show Up Expecting to be Officially Appointed
The meetings actually started yesterday afternoon and it was kind of informal, just operatives talking, comparing intelligence information, talking about potential contracts and those types of things. It was pretty calm and then 9 people got on the call, all were men and they disrupted the entire meeting intentionally. These 9 people were promised that they would hold the position of the Eagles. That means one of them would be Black Eagle, one Brown Eagle, one Purple Eagle, one Green Eagle and so on. They believed those positions were going to be handed to them today and they were waiting for this to happen. But they had to disrupt the operatives from giving too much truth amongst each other in the meeting yesterday because there were discussions about the GIA, about Ground Commander Kim, financial things, etc. So, way too much information was getting out and these people had to put a stop to that. And that was yesterday.
Flash forward to this morning. These nine potential Eagles were waiting for a call from the 9 self-proclaimed controllers of the realms who obviously didn’t come at their scheduled time this morning, so they went to check on them and found they were no longer breathing. They went into a bit of a panic because they also had a call scheduled for 9:00 a.m. MST today with a lot of operatives which they then postponed until 9:30 to try and figure out what they’re going to do now.
Now evidently there is a way they can tell if they actually are the Eagles. It’s some kind of a ring and ritual when they get on a call and introduce themselves as the new Eagle. There’s a thing they do. I’m not really aware of the whole thing, it might have something to do with some kind of brain wave frequency, infrared, or ring that goes on them. But I’m not sure what changes in them as I’ve never seen that happen before so I don’t know exactly what it is. However, I do know that everybody was expecting to see this being performed because the SSP operatives themselves were wanting to see if it happened.
Instead the 9 Eagle Candidates Released the Operatives as an Asset of the SSP & the Order
The potential new Eagles then got on the call at 9:30, and this is really important.
They basically said that they did not get appointed and that there was no one left to appoint them. They explained that those who were going to appoint them had passed away. They probably didn’t use quite those terms but I’m being polite, and then they released them all as assets. I’m talking about the potential Eagle folks worldwide, there were nine candidates who then told all of the operatives that they were released from the Order.
Sunny: That sounds big.
It is big and let me explain to you what an asset is.
What is an Asset?
An asset is not only collateral, an asset is like ownership, like if you own your car, you consider that an asset of yours. But these people take asset to a whole other level. In part it has to do with finances, being able to pay them money going in through the down line. If one person gets paid, then the next group down, that line gets paid and so on and so forth. It also has to do with a certain amount of protection in a second oath. So you take an oath to the Order, to these people and you may also take an oath to an agency or to a military in your respective area. But your second oath is much more important than your first. So, you may be double collateralized so to speak, you may be collateralized by the military and you may be collateralized by the Order, but one supersedes the other.
Next, in the regular world, and I use that term loosely, an agency person or an operative would recruit someone who would give them information, like in a war zone for example. Then that particular agency would claim them as “our asset” or we are an NSA asset. It’s almost like a worldwide gentleman’s agreement or an unwritten rule that makes them untouchable by all the other sectors of the Order. You can’t kill them or harm them in any way.
Now the claiming ownership of an asset not only happens with intelligence agencies and your average everyday folk, this also happens within the Order and there’s a downline. For example, different members of Langley 5 would also have assets of their own that they would claim. This also took place on a higher level of Families in the Order; they would claim you as an asset of the Family even though you were not a family member. It’s kind of like being a pet unfortunately, someone that works for them but is not of their bloodline. This continued all the way up to the food chain to what we talked about last week, where Marduk claimed assets, Enlil claimed assets, Satan and Lucifer and the Fallen Angels all claimed assets under different Family Bloodlines. So, these are people they have converted, regular average everyday organic non- bloodline family people.
Other assets could be Melchizedeks from the Light side. They recruit these assets and then kind of include them in their group so to speak. But there are rules for assets, things you can do and things you cannot do, places you can live and places you cannot live. It’s kind of a restrictive program, but they tell you this all under the guise of, well we saved your life. They have to get your consent to be an asset and then register you as an asset.
The same thing happens with the Secret Space Program, they obviously recruit assets to work for them and/or work for the Order, and/or work for the Abraxas at the higher level and/or work for Lucifer. So technically in your upline from there you are an asset over and over and over again in belonging to that downline so to speak.
That’s what it means to be an asset. So, releasing these guys as an asset of the SSP means there is no more obligation, there are no more contracts for these people.
What Does Releasing Operatives as an Asset Mean?
This is huge and it’s a little bit confusing and a little bit disturbing because number one, they all came to their respective Zones waiting for contracts and money today. They were told that by the 9 who are no longer with us. This is just unfolding in the last two hours so we don’t know what’s going to happen from here. These operatives have their own Sovereignty will now, they can make their own decisions but we’re still kind of in that angry, grieving kind of stage. These people have done this their whole life, they’ve been in these programs, they’ve been fractionated in some cases, their personalities aren’t normal people personalities anymore, so what are they going to do from here?
This Means No More Continental Hotels for Operatives Worldwide
The second I heard that I thought of every single Zone in the world (John Wick Continental hotels plural). That could have been disastrous because these are highly trained extremely dangerous people and there are a lot of things they’ve done in their life that make other extremely dangerous people angry with them and they’re not protected anymore. So, I actually went ahead today and registered all the Zones under the Global Intelligence Agency so that there’s some order and some structure there and they see that there’s an enforcement unit over those respective Zones because this could be disastrous. I went ahead and I registered them all and we’ll have to sort the rest out later with those that guard it, that they receive payments for those people and those types of things. I’ll probably do that later today at least through the Key Intelligence and Military system. Where it goes from there, they’re going to have to try to figure that out. But that was a very big concern because can you imagine all the John Wicks of the world running around with no Continental Hotel, no place to go? That could be very bad.

This was very upsetting to them; it seems to be slightly calmer now than it was. Maybe they’re realizing they can do other things now. There’s no hierarchy, they don’t have to sit and wait day after day, year after year waiting for money. Some of these people have been waiting for money owed to them for almost 20 years now. They have not been paid going all the way back to 2006-2007. It also means they’re not going to get paid. That second oath when you become an asset is a restriction, you can only take orders from the upline, you are now owned like a dog. I’m not calling these people dogs by any stretch of the imagination here; I’m just saying when you own a dog you call yourself a dog owner. And I’m not saying we don’t treat our pets like family, but we’re different people over here.
Hopefully they are starting to see the possibilities of other directions and no one can tell them no anymore. But like I said, it’s been maybe 2 hours since that announcement was made so we have to give people an opportunity to wrap their mind around something this momentous. This has never happened before.
The Silent Circle & The Anti-Silent Circle
So now that leaves us more people in the upline as we discussed on the whiteboard in the previous broadcast and those people would be your Black Nobility. These were the ones that reported to the Abraxas, they felt like they were the bloodline of the Abraxas, therefore the bloodline of Lucifer. And they were waiting for specific information to come in before they started releasing their downline. It’s a little tougher at that level because they have had so much power, they participated heavily. This is what I call the Anti-Silent Circle people to differentiate because people were asking on the threads about these people.
There is the Silent Circle and the Anti-Silent Circle. Not to say that they aren’t aware of each other and not to say they don’t communicate with each other, and not to say they haven’t crossed each other in the business world, but I would say they don’t necessarily participate in the same types of activities.
It’s kind of the same way that the Fallen Angels and the Angels. They all work for Source, on the dark side or the light side when two sides of Source existed, and they recognized each other as well, that we’re just doing our job here. We all go back to the same places, we get our orders the same way, and we execute on our orders the same way. We try to get all these people to come to the light side and you try to get all those people to go to the dark side and we see who wins at the end of the day. So, it’s kind of the same way with the Silent Circle and the Anti-Silent Circle as it relates to operatives and countries and political manipulations, corporate manipulations and those kinds of things.
In a lot of ways, you would see some of these Families in the upline as their assets, they would have big companies that you would know, Pfizer, Moderna and they would then run the operatives that run those companies. They are also the ones that are involved in the human trafficking and a lot of that. So, I’m aware that there’s two sides of the Silent Circle for lack of a better term and these people were waiting to make sure that their downlines assets were released, the contract and covenants that they signed were released and then there’s nothing they could do.
Anti-Silent Circle is Likely to Release Their Assets
When I jumped on the news the Anti-Silent Circle had gotten on the call with all your political operatives worldwide, these are operatives a notch below the SSP or equal to on the other side, or two sides of the Black Sun. Your high-ranking Langley 5 would be on that call as in the downline for example. They are political operatives, media operatives, military operatives, assets in the militaries they would have worldwide. You would even have Jesuits on that call, a lot of different people in that call.
When I left, the Anti-Silent Circle was buying time to make sure all the final covenants were gone before they released their assets. I don’t know what they’re going to do going forward because all these operatives were waiting for money to adhere to their agendas that they’re trying to put forth. So that could definitely change politics in the world. It could change a lot of different things because again, operatives run countries, they run the financial sector of countries, they are running the Federal Reserve even though the Federal Reserve Board gets on TV and talks like good little actors, each one of them has a group of aids that reported to the Black Nobility or the Anti-Silent Circle. Security equals control, they are the security they are their ‘aids,” policy makers, the ones that get the orders directly and therefore get paid directly. The Treasury departments worldwide are the same, Central Banks are the same. All people that actually work there are all the security. So I’m not sure if they’re going to release the assets or not, I won’t find out until I’m done with the news here, but this could be a game changer, but it also could cause a lot of disruption for a little while.
There Will Be Big Changes in One Way or Another in Government
The Black Nobility families do not have enough money to fund governments. Don’t get me wrong, they make big money to do what they do. I’m not saying it’s ethical money, but they do not have enough money to afford the continuation of government, to pay everyone in the downline. And not enough to continue wars in the Middle East, potential world wars or even keeping governments afloat.
Fulfilling Promises to NATO Partners
They don’t have enough money to keep NATO afloat, so are they going to be able to fulfill all their promises to all the NATO partners that they promised last week? They’ve got billions, maybe even have hundreds of billions but it isn’t going to keep even the United States afloat or China, everybody’s so far behind in their bills so to speak, they don’t have that kind of wherewithal and they know it.
They Are Just Waiting to Confirm No Money Came from Closes Loops in Financial System
The last I heard was they were waiting to see if those closed loops in the financial system received money as normally would happen, even though it would have been fake money with no allocations. Each asset pool or collateral pool each group of Assets in the downline would receive money from a closed loop in the financial system, and I use that term loosely because it was really outside the financial system. But it would have shown like a remnant of an AI system, like the Fallen Angel AI or something like that. So that’s what they were waiting to verify, but those closed loops haven’t received money in a long time and they already realized that did not take place but I guess they want to wait just in case. Then they were going to have to release their assets because they can’t pay for them anymore.
Expect These Assets to be Released in Next Few Days
I definitely know they were late getting on the call by about almost 30 minutes so the operatives start talking amongst themselves, and for the love of God, the Duck Dynasty Trump operatives are like well, we’re going to do this! we’re getting the money! we’re going to finally do it! Oh God they just make no sense to me. Anyway, they should have already gotten that information by now which will probably result in them releasing their assets as well, if not now, then in the next few days. They can now go and do what they want whether that’s their own personal thing, or they can partner with the GIA if they wanted to do something like that. That’s their call and their choice. So we’ll see what happens from here, it could be a little chaotic for a while
Sunny: Like in what way Kim, like when you say chaotic does that what does that mean?
Operatives are Going to be Fair Game for Either Side
Well, again to be an asset means they have a Handler and that Handler has a Handler and that Handler has a Handler until eventually you get up to the Black Nobility and then eventually up to the Abraxas, then eventually up to Lucifer, then eventually Anti-Source. So everybody’s got a Handler in the downline or someone they report to. Now with no one to report to, when you’re released that means your fair game for either side. That’s a little scary for these guys that have fallen under their protection. And number two there’s no money. All those budgets everybody’s signing, there’s no money. They would get paid the same time budgets got paid and there’s no money.
Also, there is to some degree an honor amongst the groups, a little bit at least amongst each other, but they’ve been beating each other up knowingly and unknowingly for a long time. It’s a compartmentalization thing, you’re on the Republican side, you’re on the Democrat side and they’re full-fledged operatives, they do what operatives do. You can watch enough movies and figure that out. If you ever saw the show The Blacklist, that would be one of them. When you’re looking at political fixers, you’re looking at operatives like in the Scandal (TV series). That’s the way it really is guys. These guys now suddenly don’t have anyone in the upline they report to and the compartmentalization is so deep, what are they going to do? We don’t know. Again, this is a real-time news broadcast right now and we’re still waiting to see if they’re going to release them or not or what’s going to happen from here.
The only way to win the game was not to play right? So we had to figure out how we were going to make this work for Humanity without governments, without these people, without anybody in the Order and now we’ve got to convince eight billion people of it. That’s a lot of people we need to convince. The social media marketing people have a big job ahead of them. You’re going to see us come out with several different things because I see it falling over there and someone has to do something somewhere in an organized fashion to where people have a resource. Think about it, what about the SNAP Program which is the government funded and sponsored food assistance program in the US. I’m sure you have them in other countries as well. Not say they function great or anything like that, but they function and people depend on that, so where are they going to get it from? We have to figure it out. So, we basically took it and are building something completely different completely from scratch because we realized there was no hope over there.
We are prepared to go alone. There is an entire plan on how to do that and that’s what the CARE Admin team has been diligently working on, making sure it happens because we saw no hope over here. Today there’s a glimmer. Am I counting on it? No, but you see the difference. Yes, there’s huge dysfunction over here in that it’s bankrupt, it’s screwed up in so many different ways, but if the downline is released there’s an opportunity here for us. I know people get upset about that, but remember you’re a small percentage of planet Earth that are understanding and listening to this. There’s eight billion people and probably more because I’m not including the people that don’t actually have a birth certificate and lots of people in this world are born without one in very rural areas.
Can We Buy the Downline?
Maybe now we have an opportunity to buy the down line, not just the operatives but also the governments. What I’m trying to say is, we can take an existing broken widget factory that is bankrupt, this happens every day in the world. Then you take over the staff and make sure the staff has jobs, you restructure the business and then you make it functional. So, we could perhaps use both hands. One hand would be on the right and one on the left to help wake up 8 billion people and get the world running straight.
What is Meant for Our Harm Can Be Used for Good
Everything that’s meant for our harm can be used for our good. Ultimately it led to the sequence of events that have happened today which could be positive for us. We’re still going it alone over here, no one’s stopping, our team is working as many hours as they possibly can work to get all of this stuff up and running as quickly as possible in the face of what looks to be a disaster over here. We’re calling all the Farmers, we’re trying to get Farmers on board, we’d love to partner with those people and have those people in our UNN Marketplace. We have some who are willing to participate throughout the four seasons. We need more so please consider the most important needs of the people and getting fresh fruits and vegetables that haven’t been radiated as they come over the country’s borders is definitely an important need. Most of Europe and the US radiate all the fruits and vegetables, so it’s better to get it directly from the farmer.
Intention and Frequency
By the way there’s a lot of truth about talking and singing to plants and animals to change the frequency, even though the plant is no longer attached so to speak or growing in the soil. This goes back to most religions where there’s a prayer that happens before the food is eaten. It doesn’t have to be orchestrated with specific words, and the same thing goes for healing items. If you’re taking supplements or using essential oils, if you’re talking to it and you adjust the frequency of not only you, but the food you’re about to consume, or put on your body if you put the best of intention into it and match your frequencies it will actually change the way it can heal your body. There’s definitely something behind your intention when you receive the item that you have convinced yourself in mind, body and soul is going to heal you.
Every plant has a frequency, every herb has a frequency, therefore every oil has a frequency. It doesn’t matter if it’s coming from a seed or many other healing things in this world. Disease also has a frequency, heavy metals have a frequency. So what you’re doing is taking one thing that has a natural frequency of X, one is a negative and one is a positive. So the two will bind to and leave the body, it’s an equal and opposite frequency of what you’re putting in versus what you’re trying to get rid of. A positive and negative will always join, it’s just an energy thing. So again, there’s a lot of truth to the kind of rituals we do in religions and those types of things. But asking Source itself to nourish you as you eat food with its own creation, that’s a co-creation process that happens in order to make that plant grow. It’s definitely well worth that few extra minutes right before you have a meal. So, take a few minutes and communicate with Source about what you’re put in your body.
Wrapping Up
Wednesday I will update everyone on the decision of releasing assets it’s kind of up in the air at the moment. But could this be a turn for governments? Could this ensure their survival? A restructuring and a survival might be possible or maybe it’s just too far gone, maybe the employees all need to be fired. I don’t know how that’s going to look. I feel like there’s a lot of opportunity for them at this moment. Are they’re going to make good choices? We’ll just have to wait and see.
We had a lot of stuff going on this weekend, a lot of potential problems and we’re okay now at the moment. I do not see anybody stepping up and trying to be the next new nine. I don’t see any changes happening in whatever the Q clock says now in four days, five days. I don’t see any of that happening. We did have a little bit of disturbances over the weekend, nothing huge but it could have made you feel a little upset for a little while or made people around you angry, that kind of thing. But it should be all cleared out as of this morning and you should start feeling better.
And finally, CARE is doing very well, we’re going off in our own direction to help all of humanity during the time of transition, and we all will be looking forward to Wednesday’s report!
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

The safe zone people are first rate entertainment, that’s for sure.
gratitude infinie à KIM et toute son équipe !
2024.02.02 (Friday) Video translation by Kimberly
Since governments around the world have gone bankrupt and failed again in this area, we decided to release this (Governmental?) release. The “Liberation of Japan” is expected to take place in the near future.
“We” started this week with a 9 person “Take the Chairs” game, but there are currently only 2 spots left in this “Take the Chairs” game.
1 person belongs to ground commander Kimberly Gaughan and the other 1 person belongs to the Dragon Knights, but will the last chair be pulled out this weekend?
Kim will join on Monday to give a full update on the World Situation Report. That concludes today’s news.
2024.02.02 (Friday) Video translation by Kimberly
Since governments around the world have gone bankrupt and failed again in this area, we decided to release this (Governmental?) release. The “Liberation of Japan” is expected to take place in the near future.
“We” started this week with a 9 person “Take the Chairs” game, but there are currently only 2 spots left in this “Take the Chairs” game.
1 person belongs to ground commander Kimberly Gaughan and the other 1 person belongs to the Dragon Knights, but will the last chair be pulled out this weekend?
Kim will join on Monday to give a full update on the World Situation Report. That concludes today’s news.
United Network (CARE Announcements), [31-Jan-24 14:00] [Kimberly]
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I just wanted everyone to know I am aware of what has happened in our old chat rooms.
I have confirmed the infiltration by the NSA and it appears the recently departed team members have been set up. It happens to a lot of people that get close to me.
The posts (some of them), when traced back to the origins, will go through a GCHQ server. Some claim to be team Bubba, but that is also the NSA, 9 Eyes, GCHQ.
I have had a conversation with some of these people within the last few months. Their profile fits into a low level group of agents. I have been doing this long enough to detect them, and I know the difference between an operative and an agent.
They did the same to Thomas Williams. A recent call between Thomas Williams and Thomas Melville traced back to a “secure” server at CENTCOM. I was on another phone line listening to the whole call tracing back the call from “Mary Johnson” (as it appeared on Tom’s caller ID). The Key Intelligence and Military system makes it very easy to tap into anything I want to including telegram.
Its sad for me to see these agency people use some of the innocents who got caught up in all this “over there”. I tried to tell them in the past how they do it, they will set you up, then tell you they will keep you out of jail if you just do “this”.
That’s how David Rea (The one who started Team Bubba) got stuck running child porn/child trafficking sites.
Now they have a few other Brits who needed a get out of jail free card. I thank them for the telegram chats with me as it gave me enough time to trace everything back, run their backgrounds and files. At the end of the day “threat assessments” on the crazies is minimal.
The attempted disinformation is just a bunch of people who are under threat by their respective governments that they will go to jail if they don’t do “this or that”. All that being said, some have asked me “why I don’t say anything”, its because I have played that “game” with people like this before. I know how they do it, and now its all confirmed.
Am I willing to spend time to help these people?
Are there bigger things going on in this world?
Are the “bigger things” real threats?
So I let the agencies play little boy games and keep it moving.
Lisa was used by these people as she appeared to be “willing”, but now they are in over their heads, and I have listened to the calls/coms. They can’t say I didn’t warn them, but they chose to ignore the warnings and thought they were still playing “telegram games”.
What is the end game for the agencies?
I have put out wayyyyyyy too much truth for their liking, and if they can discredit me, it discredits the rest. That is their hope anyway. Their “mark” or “target” isn’t YOU, it is the operatives they seek to control.
So what am I going to do?
Keep doing what I always do, burn the Deep State to the ground, layer by layer until they no longer harm humanity.
how Lisa got to be switched into a turncoat:
JoAn M, [01-Feb-24 00:13]
Isn’t she tired of repeating herself, meanwhile saying nothing of significance and using her “new website” to scam folks? Gosh I can’t wait for her followers to wake up!
Kimberly, [01-Feb-24 00:27]
I’m sorry when have I repeated myself? Please if you are going to accuse me of something then give me all the minute markers of all the repeats. Thank you in advance for taking accountability for the words that come out of your mouth like any sovereign would. However in the absence of you willing to do the work I [ca]n only assume you are full of **** and listening to a bunch of people who have left us and ran off with 200k of the peoples money, then ghosted everyone, lied to me, refused to refund anyone, still owes me 3 years of 1099, and never actually fired me as per federal labor laws. Oh and did I mention she got picked up at the airport and forced to work for the NSA and team Bubba? Yeah ok lady….
Kimberly, [01-Feb-24 01:08]
Oh I have copies of it for you? You must have breezed past the part when they said “report all their social media channels as fraud-Nyla” How about the part where a private zoom call between Lisa and I was released to Team Bubba? […]
… regarding releasing a bazillion $$ into everyone’s account:
AncientDruid, [01-Feb-24 13:45]
So, it is OK to consider paying the millions of Operators whom have spent their careers harming Humanity, including murdering us. But we Humanity, it is tough luck because the money has been spent.
Kimberly, [01-Feb-24 13:56]
Thats because you have never met any of these people. You have no idea how intelligent they are, and what skills they have that could be used for the good. As an example, some of them are scientists that worked in DUMBS and have knowledge of technologies that would blow your mind including med beds, 3D limb growing for those that have lost a limb, they can rescue people from natural disasters under any circumstances in less than 24 hours, they fly planes and helicopters, they also fly SSP crafts which can get you across the world in hours not days and so much more.
As for humanity, that is not what I said. Humanity will also receive money too but remember money works on supply and demand and there has to be a production line of something to justify large influxes or a devaluation will occur along with hyper-inflation of products. As an example, if I sent 1 million rand to every citizen of South Africa, the price of goods would go up, there would be some who would no longer work for a time and that would leave you with no one to drive buses, fly planes, produce food etc. for a period of about 6 months. Then if we did it for the whole world that is decillions of currency which would then devalue the currency with no production to support it EVEN IF it is gold backed. Goods would become scarce, prices would go up, and humanity would be worse off. That is the way (in short) the economy works at this point in time. When you realize you are going in the wrong direction at 100 mph, you can’t slam on the brakes. Everyone would go through the windshield. You have to slow down the car, turn around and go in the opposite direction and the world is a very big “car” with over 8 billion people in it. This is not about the “me I” mentality, its about the “ALL”.
…..Now, apparently, there is a way to find out if they really are Eagles. It’s sort of a call and ritual where they call and introduce themselves as the new Eagle. They are doing something. I don’t quite understand this, maybe it has something to do with some frequency of brain waves, infrared radiation or a ring that affects them. But I’m not sure what the changes are because I’ve never seen it before, so I don’t know exactly what it is. However, I know that everyone expected to see this because the SSP operatives themselves wanted to see if this had happened. WHO IS SAYING THIS? THE HEAD OF PART OF THE PLANETARY PROGRAMS OR THE BLONDE IN MIND?