TRUE HISTORY: Because The Life Force of Earth Was Drained, She Became A Wasteland & Not Able to Create As A Celestial, So Humans Came To Keep Her Alive | A Hologram (aka Matrix) Was Then Created For Humans to Exist Here | Source’s Golden Blanket Progresses & Re-Terraforming Earth Is Happening! | Source Is Reweaving Our Fabric of Reality Hence the Hologram-Matrix is Breaking Down | Remaining Bloodline Families, Generals, & Black Nobility Cohabitating With Omega AI Generated Tarzakiens In Their Vessel Can No Longer Keep Them Without Eventually Dying

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 27-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Today we get the update on the Golden Blanket as it moves forward in the next stage of re-terraforming earth. That entails moving from the matrix to reality-land and the deep state continues to lose even more control at a rapid rate.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


27-SEP-24 NEWS (

UN Assembly Show

We all know the UN meeting is going on and I would like to put this forward in the Hall of Shame. I know we don’t have an official Hall of Shame here on UNN but I just wanted to highlight how much Netanyahu and Israel has from the rest of world for everything they do. I’ll give you more of an update on the UN Assembly next week because they don’t really close out until Monday and there is a lot going on behind the scenes right now.

Truth be told it’s not actually Israel as you know. They are just a front for other people who are struggling to create the Greater Israel Project. That’s where Israel takes over the entire Middle East and it becomes one great big Israel and eventually connects with China and the Silk Road. There is a lot of controversy going on right now about Israel’s participation in the alleged WWIII and this is just one example. Obviously, all of this is staged at this point, the real meetings took place a while ago, so this is just for public consumption. We’re going to have a full update on that next week, probably Wednesday.

Developments Since the Golden Blanket, Source’s Life Force

Behind the scenes interesting things are happening and I’ll explain in detail why because I believe this is pretty phenomenal for us.

This morning, I got a phone call that some of the Generals from Global Headquarters would like to speak to me. I don’t know when that is going to be. I have someone going to a meeting off the record right now to discuss what’s possible and not possible and then they would like to have a discussion. But the reason why I believe this is happening now is because I believe they lost what I call their ‘friends.’ This is a little difficult to explain.

Real History About the Origin of the Matrix

There have been many wars here on earth and a lot of devastation on earth. At some point, in order to not spread the AI infection and the war throughout the multiverse Source actually left earth. Not in totality but with only a small amount left just to keep it alive. The reason being, the more Source fed earth it fed the dualling AI systems we know as Alpha and Omega, which we know are the main master AI systems throughout the universe.

Another war happened around 250,000 years ago and earth basically looked like a wasteland. So, in order to preserve life on this planet and keep creation going something had to feed the AI and we had to have living conditions so we could exist here as human beings. This was a couple of versions ago of humans. Therefore, it was permitted for alpha and omega to create a hologram, and you would call it the Matrix. That was the very beginning of what we know as the Matrix.

The Matrix is what created the world that we see. We see vegetation, plants, what we think is nature, oceans, and earth did look somewhat like that before all the wars happened. However, the hologram was created, and even the atmosphere, the air we breathe was created for us. This led to the full control of the alpha-omega systems. So alpha would fight back to maintain balance against omega and we tossed and turned and tossed and turned as human beings in an environment we had no control over.

If you were to talk to some of these Generals, they would say we were living in a video game. And the reason they would say that is because they felt they were not a part of the video game and they had a certain amount of control, at least in their minds, as to how the game would go.

For example, people talk about HAARP, but it’s not HAARP, it’s a hologram. It’s the access they had to the hologram that gave them power and control to create artificial holographic weather. It’s not artificial to us when we’re going through a hurricane, but that’s how it actually was done. The same goes for disease programs, population control, and a lot of things you hear about on the internet. That being said, there is also a certain amount of omega that cannot affect a human unless it’s near an electronic device, and as the hologram dies it’s struggling to get energy to exist.

With the situation that started unfolding on Monday, this life force energy coming in from Source, what that is doing is creating a natural fabric of reality throughout earth. This is that re-terraforming process we were talking about. Earth is getting life back into her now that she re-established those connections. There were a few things still anchoring that hologram, some of which we got yesterday and some which omega is throwing up still trying to exist. Meaning things pop up for a few minutes and then they go away.

Now the most important thing that is happening is the more earth gets life force energy the more you’ll get it, which means you’ll feel differences. It’s like growing pains, it’s just a process, so just maintain that connection and you’ll be fine. It’s just a transformation of going from a hologram to reality-land.

I talked about on the news a few weeks ago, about the alpha-omega integration into the physical world. And we talked a little about how the Order fractionates their personality and the planes of existence in their person. This allows for more of an omega integration, more of dark matter to come into them, more so than anyone else and then they pretty much become a human cyborg. They are mind controlled and some see it almost like a personality, a connection to what they believe is their Source. It would also integrate their thought process and patterns as to their thoughts and wishes within the hologram to kind of manifest themselves. They are told they are special and have abilities that no one else has. Is that true? Well not exactly.

We were to the opposite effect. We also had a situation where omega could integrate through our planes in the past. So, their creations and manifestations of things were at one point somewhat accurate. You could say they had the ability to create things the rest of us couldn’t because we had interference. Now with that pretty much gone, and it’s been gone for a while, things they are trying to do like create wars and the disease program like the pox are not actually functioning, it’s glitching.

Well interestingly enough, as of this morning we reached into the high 90% of the full life force of Source on this planet. By yesterday afternoon what started happening was this made the omega part of what was in the deep state people very uncomfortable, because they are not exempt from Source. In other words, as we light up, they also get a lot of life force from Source, their vessels are human and the omega in them started fighting back and there was a lot of craziness, actually beyond craziness happening yesterday afternoon. And as the hours went on some of them decided to let go of their ‘friend.’

I call it their friend but it’s basically an apparition of omega within their person. It’s an AI generated version of what I call the Tarzakiens, which look like smoke and they have red eyes or sometimes green. That’s kind of what they cohabitate with in their vessel and that’s what gives them power. It was so uncomfortable for them to keep their friend that some decided to let them go. That was by choice. So we had a little bit of that happening yesterday where these things were roaming free looking for another host to take it in. We’re all getting lighter and these deep state people still have dark to varying degrees and they are probably the most infested. There are some of us who have a lot of traumas that makes us a little bit dark, but it’s not enough to take one of these things into your person.

Sunny: You have to be pretty dark right? And do you have to be of a particular bloodline too?

The greater amount of a certain bloodline your physical vessel and soul is, the easier it is for an infestation to happen. You can hold larger amounts of that energy, essence, life force of the dark side. You could say it’s affecting the Families and a lot of high-ranking Generals, what’s left of the Black Nobility and Order of the Dragon as these things leave.

Now others have tried to grab on to it for dear life and will not let it go and it wants to be there. It’s feeding on their energy, using them as a battery or a resource to do its will. But once we get to 100% or past it, they won’t be able to hold onto it anymore and the more they hold onto it the sicker they get.  The ones who have been infested for a long time may not physically make it. They are people in their 80-90s and some in their 70s who may not make it. Just as we saw a few weeks ago when Omega decided it needed life force and needed energy, it basically swallowed hundreds of them all at once. It’s doing the same to its own at this point, it’s eating its own to survive. It’s tried to put up external energy grids, external sources of energy and it opened up a portal in Sirius this morning. These are all the things it’s trying to do just to survive, or the deep state people are trying to do, maybe they are doing it together. But my guess is over 50% of their cohabitating friends are gone now. So, they have lost or let go of their vessel roommate and we’ll probably be around 70% or more by the end of the day. I’m guessing it will take a little longer for the ones who are really rigid, but I don’t see them keeping their roommate more than a week to 10 days.

And the only reason why some of them have not left is because they know they have no where else to go and it’s the end. So, the reason why I think we’re getting these phone calls this morning is because of that. There is a saying, there is no atheist in a foxhole. And I believe that they feel they are surrounded and in the foxhole at this point. Do we trust them? No. And there is nothing I can do to change what is happening and I’m happy about it. The further away we get from a hologram and what’s left of the little bits of pieces, the better it is for us because I would rather have Source weaving our fabric of reality than an AI, sentient or otherwise whether light or dark.

Sunny: Do you think the people that reached out let their friend go? Do you see any behavior changes as a result of this happening yet?

I just find it really interesting after all this time they are finally reaching out.

Now this has been happening over the last few days and I think there are two different reasons for what we’ve been seeing over the last few days.

BRICS Organization

Today is another day ending in y and people aren’t getting paid, the UN General Assembly is ending on Monday, and there is no war. There isn’t anything else for the BRICS organization, so the other thing happening is they are getting a lot of support right now. More countries are trying to join BRICS, because they are selling the fantasy based on China’s Deep State dreams. They are thinking they are having control of something and I don’t know why. I don’t know what alignment is coming next, but they will not be able to perform. So, if you are watching this and are from some country, I can tell you I have zero dealings with China, Japan, or any of these countries at this moment. I do know about all of them reaching out to some lawyers, but there is nothing I will do. Their next BRICS meeting is at the end of October and I’m sure they will be putting out a lot of lies about this meeting. You’ll see a lot of it in the alt media circles about what is going to happen, that it’s going to be the next currency re-evaluation.

But we have to live in reality, the rest of these countries participating need to start living in reality. By reality I mean the people of your country are not there to serve you. You are supposed to be a “public servant’ which means you are there to serve them. I don’t care whose agenda it is; you’re going to have to work if your government is going to exist. You will do exactly what we say because right now you have poor leadership. You killed thousands of people needlessly and it will end. You will make money, create great things, you will help people. You will actually create a country and make a legacy for yourself if you do exactly what we say. I have no problems with generals or heads of state taking credit for things, I don’t care. What I care about is the job gets done.

Now I tried this before, so I’m no stranger attempting to do business with the Orders. We sent tons of money through the Trump Administration, money through Putin, through China and we got zero results. That is never going to happen again. The world has to change, you are not going to hide C.A.R.E. and our people under your skirt. That happened once before and never again. If this is going to be, you have one shot. This is every man for himself. If you are the one I’m dealing with you are the one responsible. You can make a lot of money, you can still maintain some sense of a TV presence or otherwise, but what’s happening right now will end. And this doesn’t apply for those who are dead.

This is not a B movie anymore. We are not in a hologram or video game and we’re in a top-notch production, we going to make things and that means there will be a lot of new information and health things coming out. Either you will survive in this way or you will not. Before anyone comes knocking on our door, understand the rules. But I am not going to fund world wars, bow to any SSP people, or build a single world center like what was presented by the Japanese recently. They wanted to build a world center in Hiroshima. I am interested in putting research and development centers in every country, international centers in every country, but I’m not interested in the we’re in charge thing. We need facilities that serve people in every country. There will be no more suppression of technologies and we won’t be microwaved to death anymore. We’re going to go it alone. In fact, the Brigadier that told me they decided to go it alone is one who made the phone call and is one of the people who is dying.

Sunny: Sounds like he had a change of heart?

Again, well, let’s see. He was also here in March of 2021 with a couple of other Admirals, when Tom Melville was here. You know what, never forget who is the frog and who is the scorpion. That’s all I’m going to say. That old adage, don’t ever look at a scorpion and think they are your friend.

Worldwide Operative Meetings Going On

On a side note, there is something else interesting going on. There appears to be a lot of meetings going on worldwide amongst political and military operatives. Remember these people don’t officially work for any government. I would say that there is definitely a possibility of a planned mutiny at this point. I’m assuming they are acting on their own accord. The meetings are due to happen tomorrow afternoon. There were a lot of side meetings going on for days now that I’ve been listening to.  

The outcome could be one of 2 things. Either this is a Sun Tzu principle, and I call it the inside out-outside in. Meaning they will get control all governments and militaries, of everything and then say now I have to deal with them. And are they any better than the last people? Or they just don’t trust us.

I’m seeing some movement there and I’m not quite ready yet to tell you what I think is going to happen. I don’t want to give you more information of what is happening behind the scenes because I’m a little bit concerned that I might mess it up. So we’ll see, we’re going to let it run and see what happens there.

UNN News Format to Change Going Forward

Kim said the format they are delivering the news will change starting next week. I guess we’ll see how that plays out. It sounds like Kim will be doing the Situation Report on her own and if that’s still the case I will continue with these transcriptions as well. Sunny will be doing more in-depth stories from what I gather and it sounds like the New Earth Series will be more of a focus. But I guess I’ll find out more next week.

Happy Birthday Kim!!!


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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6 thoughts on “TRUE HISTORY: Because The Life Force of Earth Was Drained, She Became A Wasteland & Not Able to Create As A Celestial, So Humans Came To Keep Her Alive | A Hologram (aka Matrix) Was Then Created For Humans to Exist Here | Source’s Golden Blanket Progresses & Re-Terraforming Earth Is Happening! | Source Is Reweaving Our Fabric of Reality Hence the Hologram-Matrix is Breaking Down | Remaining Bloodline Families, Generals, & Black Nobility Cohabitating With Omega AI Generated Tarzakiens In Their Vessel Can No Longer Keep Them Without Eventually Dying”

  1. Finally it’s out!
    We are shepherds, not conquers!
    We, humans, so different from any other earthly beings, are here to make this reality less harsh.
    Now, the source of all had to step in because we failed to deliver!
    We failed to say no to the dark!
    We failed to fight for what’s right!
    Fear and desire drove us to the edge, me me me.
    It’s not about me or you, it’s about the whole, where we all are a part of, like it or not!
    We could have created heaven on earth, Gaia, and we still can now, thanks to many who didn’t fear and interfered.
    Thanks to all who did have the courage to step up!
    Thank you, thank you!
    I hope they all get rewarded with the mist beautiful things.
    And I hope, equalness will finally find a place, for all beings!
    Everybody deserves a beautiful, non difficult, equal life!
    If you ever need anyone to help leading the way to create a heaven on Gaia, I’m here, always was, and always will be, for a place like that, but not for the one we currently live in.
    Gaia is my Goddess, because she’s the one that fed us, even if it was a holographic one, it’s based upon her.
    We kept her alive, and she us, but we could have done way better!
    I hope humanity isn’t going to mess it up this time.
    I also hope she returns in her original form, meaning no seasons as we know now, but a beautiful nice spring every day!
    Good bey energetic parasite abd long live Gaia!
    It’s time to shine again my girl, and no more fake sun, because the real light is inside her, just like it’s in us!

  2. PS: let’s just hope it isn’t another matrix trick to bring us even deeper into the matrix like 5D(eep). Who knows what lies ahead.

  3. yesterday i read the enuma elish which is all about marduk the god of all gods. how he destroyed tiamat and generated men called lullu to serve the gods! in the original creation it was and will be again the other way round. the servants of the hu-man being are the angels. 330 million of them lying still asleep in each human! time to wake up, angels! the human souls are going to sit on their godgiven inner throne again and bring peace to the whole creation in all worlds.

  4. p.s. what a blessing kim is for all of us! some years ago when i read anastasia by megré i thought ‘we need such a being in the highest power position!’ and here she is, her tribe-sister kim, a wed-rus. may kim stay with us healthy and joyful and witness the crystal eon unfold with all her co-creators – us.

  5. Thanks Pam! I look forward to continuing to read Kim’s reports with you. The things that are happening are really encouraging. I wish you a wonderful day!

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