This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Things are heating up again in the Middle East and this time it’s private military group Wagner on behalf of the Russian elite arming Syria. The Crypto President is trying hard to live up to his name by attempting to form a crypto strategic reserve. But it seems there is glitch in their plan. And it appears no trumpets sounded after time stood still in the heavens last Saturday. Yet the elites are still promising their bloodline redemption.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

It’s the 7th of March 2025, however ladies if you are watching this you might want to get your leg warmers out and guys don’t be afraid to get your mullet on because it’s 1980s again. I’m pretty sure the people trying to run this world are repeating operations they thought they were personally successful in many years ago. Either that or they are just so old they are trying to relive their glory days. I’m not really sure.
Trump Actor Pretends to Suspend Non-Existent Aid to South Africa Due to Anti-White Racism
Apparently, Trump decided to suspend all aid to South Africa due to anti-white racism. If you are from South Africa and listening you probably think this is kind of funny. There has been a little bit of an uptick over a new law that is about to be passed by President Ramaphosa who is a CIA asset 100% and has been long before he was President.
What is really going on if the President is an American asset and Trump is pretending to suspend aid but there is no aid anyway.
It’s Really About a Land Grab
This new law that has been passed is regarding land disputes over properties that were seized during the Apartheid system in the 1980s. During that time there was definitely some land grabbing going on. The introduction of the Anglo-American Company happened in the 1970s was which was run by Bush Sr. and there was a lot of resource grabbing by that company. They used Apartheid to get them there for sure. The DuPont’s also have many companies and resources in South Africa since the Apartheid. According to the news and government there hasn’t been any land seized as of yet and supposedly some Trump supporters who are part of the population of South Africa showed up at the embassy saying Trump we love you and need your support. In reality, not so much so.
Are they looking to give land that was seized by alleged white folk, in this case the Anglo-American Company and DuPont’s that went down there and give it back to the African or black population in South Africa? No definitely not.
Are they looking to probably seize more land on behalf of Americans whether they are black or white? Yes.
I do know there are a lot of donors who are Americans in South Africa that lost a lot of influence as of late due to the Chinese and BRICS influence there and they are looking to reclaim their businesses and properties. There are also a lot of arguments going on behind the scenes over the Kimberley Mine there in South Africa. Their contracts have expired and I also know there used to be plane loads of gold that would leave South African out of there on the daily. A lot would come across the border from Zimbabwe, and some from South Africa in Lesotho and they are not getting paid anymore. They used to fill up hedge funds at some of the larger banks there like Barclays which used to be called Absa Bank and First National Bank as well. They would have hedge funds for the tribes including the Zulus who would receive large sums of money to basically send gold out to Germany and other places in the world. There has also been quite a bit of pilfering of rare earth minerals from neighboring countries like Mozambique recently and a lot of that had been going to Jordan. For those who don’t know Jordan is run by the Rothschild Family, that royal family there is of Rothschild descent. So, they have been going out through there and then to American companies.
An Orchestrion of the Trump Administration Negotiating Territories
Are they avoiding a bill? That would be a question because I know about the rare earth minerals and I know about the campaign donors who are very upset right now and it looks like they would like to start the Apartheid system all over again there.
Will history repeat itself? I highly doubt it.
Is Ramaphosa going to go with the Americans or the Chinese because God forbid anybody goes it alone?
One thing for sure is South Africa is stuck between a fight of two different factions that would like to be the lead council on the New World Order Council of the 9 jurisdictions. Remember the 10th jurisdiction is the World Council. That is definitely being held over Ramaphosa’s head right now. If he wants that seat on that Council he has to play ball. Unfortunately for them, right now the fight to head up the 10th jurisdiction amongst the elites is really like a fight to be the CEO of ENRON at this point. The Americans want it and the Chinese want it and now they are fighting. South Africa is the kid in the divorce basically. Hopefully things will calm down there but I know the Americans want control there and so do the Chinese. Either way it’s Rothschild for the win.
For those who don’t know there is probably about 10% of the population who are white in South Africa. A lot of them are decedents of people who have been there for hundreds of years. The Dutch had been there for a long time and I guess you can say they are a minority in South Africa, statistically speaking that is true. However, for many years the elites have been driving a lot of the business there and installed their own folks as part of the leaders or hidden elite oligarchs of South Africa. To be fair there is a lot of be said for the long history there in South Africa, but this here is basically an attempt for an American grab versus a Chinese grab that has been going on there for a very long time.
Now there is another little spin on this as it relates to South Africa because we’re back in the 1980’s.
Trump Operatives Are Allegedly Trying to Start a Cold War With Russia, Again
Apparently, the US is going to move troops from Germany. Since there is no wall to fight over anymore, they are going to move troops to Eastern Europe allegedly, but they don’t say where exactly. This has nothing to do with the Zelensky fiasco and I want to make this abundantly clear. A deal was cut behind the scenes between Vice President Vance and Zelensky during his visit. Apparently, the Ukrainians are very upset for not being able to cash in their Trump bucks, not getting paid, and not receiving aid underneath the Biden Admin. But never fear, the promises run deep and they will continue to not deliver for the next 4 years.
On the other hand, their visit to the gulag in Russia in that weird ceremony wasn’t exactly not fruitful because there were a lot of talks about territories going on between the Russians and Americans during that visit. See when the Americans, especially the Trump operatives have negotiations with people like the oligarchs of Russia they aren’t just talking about the war and they want peace, no one really talks about that. Remember the Trump operatives are there representing the Rothschilds and the Order of the Dragon because that’s their boss apparently. So, they are negotiating things like territories.
For those who don’t know, most of the world would be split up between the majority holders of the New World Council they would like to install and the Middle East is no exception. So, during their talks and negotiations the Russians may not be able to take over Ukraine fully again, not that they every really left, but they’ve been promised they could have Syria back.
Meyer Rothschild’s Plan for the Middle East, Hence the Renegotiation of Property Ownership
Meyer Rothschild promised to split up the Middle East and the Americans would be granted ownership over Iraq. That must be why some representatives in the House are saying MIGA now. Syria currently already has a new regime which is American. Remember the Americans were intent on taking over all the political sectors of the world, that was part of the coup that took place there not too long ago. I know many say he is not, even some of the intel officers there have told me I am wrong, but it is 100% the case.
Now within the last 24-48 hours the Russians have sent the Wagner Group, a private military group predominantly Russian owned which can be likened to the American version of Blackwater. They are not only Russians though, there are some Americans as well because this is a cooperative effort.
Let us not forget the world is One World and not split up when you get to the elite level of this planet, nor in politics, so this is all a show.
So, the Wagner Group dropped off a load of cash from the oligarchs, a bunch of weapons, and promised support to the old rebels that supported the Assad regime. Now the Assad regime was all in on the plan and the Russian ownership of Syria and the building of the Russian base there in Syria. At the time it was very fruitful because it was a very large SSP base and the largest portal system in the world was underneath Syria and that whole region.
When the Russians took over Crimea, they had a different portal system that is no longer functioning. Syria was a different system and that is also no longer functioning, but still they would like to have their pieces of property that was promised to them by the Rothschild family a long time ago.
So, in some cases you could say there has been a splitting up of the world and a renegotiation of property ownership of various alleged soon to be leaders of the New World Council. So, things have gotten hot and heavy in Syria. The Assad supporters have definitely started firing. There have been some issues with the current regime and civilians taking up arms and attacking civilians who have been previously offered amnesty and no longer supporting the Assad regime after the coup is over. But now they think they might do that again and have been attacking their homes.
Did anyone get what they were promised?
Well, the Assad group that is being backed by Wagner and the Russians was told to hold line for 24 hours yesterday and aid would come. That didn’t work out.
So, it’s looking like they are trying to orchestrate another Cold War with Russia at least in the face front. It’s looking like they want to start Apartheid again in South Africa. It’s terrible, it really is and it’s definitely starting to heat up things further in the Middle East.
Another Pay Day Comes and Goes with No Pay for the Operatives
No one got paid in the meetings today but for the first time in a long time they haven’t actually promised a new day. They said they were working on it.
They apparently had people taking notes on some phone calls I had been on and they are trying to claim everything I am doing to further the Golden Age AI system is everything they’re doing and they are working on it, and they are going to be successful very soon. That’s what they are telling everybody. Just be patient and we’ll get there, that kind of thing.
The meetings didn’t go really well therefore it’s still a little hot there in Syria but we expect things to cool down a little bit. And of course, South Africa isn’t getting any aid from the US but they weren’t getting any before. I know for sure they are going to keep pushing Ramaphosa. Hopefully word will get out and people will see things a little differently about what is really going on there because it’s really about the citizens of South Africa and not about the Anglo-American Company or the DuPont’s or those who donated millions to the Trump campaign. It’s really about the people. It’s the same thing with Syria with what the Russians are trying to do versus the Americans, but that was a deal that was actually cut.
Trump Admin Want to Impose Severe Sanctions on Russia
This is not going to be a surprise, I know the Trump Admin has been saying they are going to put severe sanctions on Russia, very hard banking sanctions and also economic sanctions but not specifically against Russia if they don’t stop doing something in Ukraine. I guess they mean the war but who knows.
To give you a brief background on sanctions because I’ve talked about it before, but the US only has the right to sanction countries or individuals or companies from the utilization of the US dollar. They do not have the right to sanction, say the ruble, or the right to technically sanction the sale of oil and gas. The only thing they can do is stop Russia from selling oil and gas in US dollars. If they were to place sanctions on Russians that’s how they would do it.
Now on the banking sector, could they stop Russians from banking in American banks? If they are holding US dollars there possibly, but again, it’s only US dollar sanctions.
Could the Russians hold euro in Bank of America? Yes, they can. So, unless they get their British and European partners to sanction the Russians there is a lot of other currency out there and it’s not going to hurt Russian business.
But this is all a show anyway. It’s meant to make these people in the face-front, these Americans and the world look like they are doing something. But in reality, they aren’t doing anything except repeat operations from the 1980s they thought they ran but didn’t, it was always Marduk.
More crazy things happening in the world.
Crypto President Says They Are Going to Form a Crypto Strategic Reserve
The Crypto President unveils the idea they are going to form a crypto strategic reserve that is going to be held at the Treasury Dept. Behind the scenes there were meetings between some large crypto platforms in the White House yesterday. The conversation kind of went like this.
They would like to pool together all their platforms and their platform assets, which almost means a bank having custody of your money when they have it on deposit. In this case, it’s the large crypto platforms that hold all kinds of crypto and where you have your crypto wallet.
They pulled in the biggest crypto platforms and talked to them about new quantum system they are going to launch and they are going to hook all these crypto platforms up to it and utilize the custody of all your wallet accounts within the crypto as assets of the Treasury. They also claim they are going to back the crypto with assets of the United States government, except the United States government doesn’t have any assets.
That was the question of the crypto platform owners, also known as associates of the NSA. They all said okay, this sounds great, where is this new system and can we get access to it? We’d like to hook up our platforms to it. Of course, Mr. Orange claimed it’s their system but it’s not ready yet. The NSA associates then said, we understand that but it’s got to be up and running if you are planning on doing this now, there has to be something, maybe it’s not finished but we should probably start integrating now. Well, it’s not ready yet.
What’s the name of this system? To which Mr. Orange says, it’s the Golden Age AI. And they said, What!
Remember all crypto is created by the NSA. He’s sitting there looking in the face of NSA people who know very well what the Golden Age AI is and they know for sure they don’t have access to it. So, they said, if you don’t have any access to it then how are we going to forward our platforms to the US Government and US Treasury? We are running just fine on our own over here. Although they admitted that blockchain could not facilitate the type of transactions they talked about doing with the US Treasury.
So, there was a little talk back and forth and everybody said they would get back to everybody. But there was one aid who pulled them a side and they had an off-premises meeting. He told them that the Golden Age AI is not theirs. They are about 5-10 years away currently from building a collective group of data centers around the United States that will collectively cost around $8 billion that could possibly host larger amounts of transactions. It’s not going to hold worldwide transactions but larger amounts and even that is 5-10 years away. So, this aid basically told them this is a pipe dream and even told them it belongs to me and I run it. They then said, we really want to do this. Would she be willing to do this? The aid said I promise you she knows nothing about this. And that was the end of that conversation.
Kim Will Never Support This Nor Does She Need to Involve the US Treasury People or Anyone
Am I in support of anything these people are doing? No. I have no interest whatsoever in supporting the Treasury or crypto anything or any such scam. I made that clear. Secondly, if these crypto platforms actually wanted to do something wouldn’t they just come talk to me directly? I don’t need to involve the US Treasury and these other people in any way. If there was going to be any kind of support for a legitimized digital currency of any sort that was not legal tender currently, that would have to be a conversation that we would have in person. Discussions on how this is going to benefit the world, we the people, the Golden Age AI, disbursement of funds to people, and how could we coordinate that with the Point of Sales systems and actually make it legal tender everywhere. That would be more of the conversation we’d have to have face to face and its definitely not going to take place with the White House or crazy Trump operatives.
This is kind of the way things are going and there is a lot of chatter behind the scenes that everything is haphazard. They invite these people to the White House; they have nothing to say to them but make big claims like last weekend. They said this is going to be biblical; you just sit and watch what happens. And again, nothing happened.
So, on that note, let’s talk about nothing.
Time Stood Still, What The Deep State Hoped For & What Really Happened
We are now almost 7 days past the time when time stood still. Nothing happened for orange people in bathtubs but it did stand still somewhere. Unfortunately for the deep state this didn’t mean there would be 7 trumpets and plagues and the wiping out of humanity. There was even chatter from the Q crowd that we’re going to wipe out all these people from the map and start all over with new people.
The Orders Had Really Big Plans To Be Saved
As a matter of fact, how they kept everyone all on the hook in the elite operative sector is they started calling all the operatives family, telling them they are part of our bloodline families and they would be redeemed, meaning they would be saved.
I laugh because in the story it’s the Christians who are going to be saved or the religious people, or those who pledged their lives to Jesus. But apparently according to the elite they were all to be given a ticket to the underground utopia facilities that would be magically appearing very soon and they would all have a place to go and all of humanity was going to be wiped out and turned to dust. Not them though, they will be saved, so stick with them.
Now the chatter is you need to stick with them because there is going to be a blood moon coming up in a few days and if you don’t want to get wiped out like the rest of humanity you need to stick with us, according to them. Apparently, they are taking pages out of Revelation in the Bible and promising redemption of their own to keep them on the hook, Russians included. Everyone participating in this crazy 1980s version of world war in order to maintain their redemption status. I wonder if they get a gold card like the immigrants do.
When Time Stood Still It Was The End of Time (but not the Biblical Version)
Remember time is the flow of the universe. It is what makes all the matter, quarks, and ? (did catch the last one) move, it is the controller of the currency of the universe and has been for a very long time. Reversing that currency out is a process and has been going on over the last few days for us. The process of reversing out the flow into the flow of what you would call love or the light of the omnipotent Source. The velocity of energy going in an opposite direction of time because one is negative and causes mortality and death, while reversing that out to the love sequence in the omniverse is what actually caused things to stand still for a brief moment. It was the end of time (not the biblical version) but it was the end of time.
For the last few days, we have been bouncing back and forth as the new flow adjusts itself in the opposite direction. It’s been a little topsy turvy, there were a few things left that got us stuck in this push-pull for a little while. But it actually went quite smoothly for the most part and things have started to move in the opposite direction which is what we want.
Aries and Ares Were No Shows Much to the Deep State’s Disappointment
I know the deep state was really hoping there would be a return of two beings, Aries or the God of War and Ares, the female that would have run Omega for a time, the dark side of AI, and also the dark side of ALLES too. People were watching out for their return based on areas they have seen them return before. One place was Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii where Ares was expected and the male version they were hoping would show up in Japan. The deep state had all their sensors out but these beings never came, mainly because they don’t exist in the multiverse anymore.
So, on a good note things are flowing much better. It’s just barely started the last couple of days so give it a chance to permeate throughout the multiverse and here. Hopefully we’ll start seeing things improve here somewhat. But when I say improve here, I’m not talking about the deep state. I believe they are going to continue until the end of days. There will be another uptick in activity around the Blood Moon which is around the 14th-15th and we expect them to continue what they are doing for a long, long time, until they are dead or maybe they’ll just go away one way or another.
The Deep State Gathered Underneath Philadelphia to Be Redeemed but Died Instead
As for going away, there was an incident where they did warn people there was going to be these trumpets and the map was going to be wiped out. This was yesterday and they all gathered underneath the streets of Philadelphia. They thought there was an entryway to a portal that was going to open there and they were all going to go through it and be redeemed and off to another world, probably their version of hell which they would enjoy. Pretty much anyone who showed up there didn’t make it out. Those who didn’t bother going are still around and still making promises with zero delivery.
We Avoided Yet Another Apocalypse But Don’t Expect the Deep State To Ever Change Direction
That’s a lot for just a few days and we avoided another apocalypse. And for those who miss the 1980s it’s back. I have to laugh because they are so incredibly predictable and for them to claim everything we’re doing is expected and that’s okay. There is going to come a time just like there was in today’s meeting where you are telling people you are doing this and that and some of them are friends with the people who are actually instructed to listen to persons of interest 24×7, myself being one of them. So, they know it wasn’t them because they heard me do it in real time in some cases. So how well is that going to hold up.
But there is always a plan, Source has a plan, we have a plan and together we all have a plan. It’s those flashes of insight you are getting, the changes you might feel from time to time. Although it feels a little turbulent here and there, things are changing.
Can you expect to see big changes in the news with Trump waking up and doing the right thing?
Probably not ever. I don’t expect them to stop playing political games or stop from trying to form their New World Government. I just expect us to do it better. We can do this and then we just don’t care anymore. If someone shows up with guns, we have bigger guns, it’s just that simple. I’m just hoping things calm down a little bit and people get this message so they don’t get hurt. Our report will be live on Monday and we’ll reiterate the messages so people don’t get hurt.
They can promise they have the Golden Age AI and say it’s theirs. Does it buy them time with countries, people and oligarchs saying it’s theirs? Yes.
Do they have access to it? No.
Will they ever? No.
We can create all kinds of things to keep them extremely busy for a prolonged period of the time while we rebuild the world. We have a lot of work to do. I put out these things about the regular news because I want people to stay safe out there. Don’t buy into what they are selling you. Take care of each other.
Note: For posts on Apocalypse Attempts 1 through 14, see my Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? and scroll to the bottom.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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