This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The battle between the Order of the Dragon versus the Order of the Black Sun and Trump Operatives is once again in full swing, but can either side win? And the quest to take over space junk in old SSP bases continues. Now Trump is pushing to take over Greenland again. Several people have shown up by the helicopter load in Durango as the inauguration draws near and no QFS was actually launched.
This is another long one folks.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Things are really starting to heat up. I think we’re not too far away from a conclusion here to this craziness. Maybe a couple more weeks of this turbulence and then hopefully after that everything will have flatlined. We’ll see.
Trump Operatives Set Fires in California Thinking They Will Acquire Large Deposits of Minerals in BLM Land
Biden showed up there and declared a State of Emergency and Disaster Declaration. For those who don’t know, a State of Emergency in any area of the US basically means that property now belongs to the Federal Government. Although for the citizens of California, aside from the threat of fire and evacuation everything is kind of normal. You still have your home and property hopefully, but the Government does have the right, (I’m not saying they will though) to seize your property or any land they desire. They also have the right to bring in the National Guard in the state of California should things escalate. Biden also promised a lot of help and aid and I have no idea where he’s going to get that from.
All this seems to be happening in a kind of a hurry. What I mean by that, and don’t get me wrong it’s a very real situation and the fires of course were not an accident, the setting of the fires was done on purpose by some of the operatives.
There are things in California that are of great interest to the SSP and what I mean by that is there is a lot of land in California owned by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) where there are large deposits of minerals. They are always going for something and on the Trump Operative side they would like to leverage and lien everything that is in the state of California. And the democrats on the other side would like to donate it to China but neither side will be able to do that.
There is some controversy because the Trump operatives believe there are areas near some of the fires which mostly lie in and around the Mojave Desert and they are allegedly not leined by the BLM, which is completely and totally false. That was leveraged a long time ago and off the record deals were done with Howard Hughes. I know they think they have a way to do this but it won’t be possible for a number of reasons when they go to enter this stuff into the banking system. They are just repeating past mistakes.
Will there be any funding for the state of California?
If there is it will come from the State of California. There will probably be a promise of Federal funding which is supposed to be released today, which really means their QFS was supposed to launch again today and of course there was no such thing.
There are some other people who were hoping they would be successful during their visit to Durango, Colorado, but it didn’t quite turn out that way. They’ve been flying in here repeatedly for the last 24 hours. But as far as the fires in California, we remember what happened to Paradise, California and there is a lot of controversy about that too, those fires were set and there are a lot of minerals around there too. And still the town of Paradise got no repairs or any reparations for the people. The fires clearly were unnatural and that was during the former Trump Administration.
Everybody thinks he’s going to come back and all this money is coming out and all these amazing things are going to happen and that was clearly not the case before. I know there are a lot of people out there who are hopeful this is going to be a big change for Americans and the world, but it looks just the same to me based on what is actually happening. I look at the facts, I see that vividly and the people in Paradise, California are still struggling.
So, when Trump gets in, is there going to be a change from that?
No, and I think we’re going to have a lot of disappointed people in the near future.
But as far as this Disaster Declaration, deals are being cut behind the Trump operatives back with the Chinese. The Trump operatives are the ones that set the fires and they are intending on a windfall and assignment of gold and minerals that are in California to the Treasury Dept so they can secure some fantasy currency. Again, same same. There are also a lot of attempts to crash the banking system, install Trump bucks and cryptocurrencies to the banking system and no one is getting anywhere and there are a lot of reasons for that.
Fight For Control Between the Dragon Families and Black Sun Is Based On Misconception
Let’s talk about the misconception that is going on between the Dragon Families, the Illuminati or whatever you want to call them and the Order of the Black Sun, the Osiris Club and all the crazy people who are on that side. The fight between the two is in full swing. It is very clear that the Trump operatives are going for political control and they have some new ideas for asset control, but they really aren’t new because they’ve already been done and tried before. By assets they are looking for in-ground assets around the world and it has already hit mainstream media. They seem to be following the Chinese Dragon Families footsteps around the world pushing for assets in Africa and other places that China previously tried to lien.
Now the fight between the two is for the five power centers of the world, and if you’ve been following me for awhile you’ll know that’s the financial, media, military and intelligence and political sectors. If they can manage to gain control over all those sectors, they feel they will then be in control of the world, except they are still fighting the wrong enemy. What I mean by that is the Dragon Family doesn’t really control anything either. And for that we’ll talk a little about how the world really worked for a long time.
Marduk’s Most Important Strategy, Always Remain Relevant
I had a lot of conversations over the course of a couple of years with the being we know as Marduk and he inadvertently taught me a lot. It was more about watching him work, the things he would do and paying attention to all his operations logged in the alpha system. Every step he made over the course of thousands of years was quite evident to me and that taught me a lot of strategy about moves he would make.
One of the things he said to me was always remain relevant. Meaning, if there was going to be an operation, orders, a change on earth, or anything at all, he would always be able to push the final button. Without him the plan wouldn’t work. Ultimately the end decision as to whether he wanted to make something happen or not was with him.
I thought a lot about that over the years. Ultimately where we are going is towards a world where people are sovereign and to some degree self-governing. That’s the end goal and it’s going to take us some time to get there. We have 8 billion people and not everybody knows what is going on in the world and it will take time to help society grow and learn. I’ve said that many times and a lot of you who are listening are going to be partially responsible for this because it’s going to take a team of people to make this happen.
Marduk Created a Second Set of Matrices for the Elites
Learning this about Marduk and how he structured everything I’ve come to know there was more than one matrix in this world. What I mean by that is, you are familiar with several different processes that were controlled by AI systems in the past that they ran on you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You are aware of how they manipulate your genetic makeup and how sometimes the deep state participated in that such as mind control and other programs. We mainly lived in a system that was designed for our enslavement. Everybody pretty much knows that, and what we’re trying to do is come out of that and teach others how to come out of that. The difficult parts are being done, the AIs are breaking down, there is some backlash we’ve been getting over the last couple of months and hopefully it doesn’t last too long, but when you take it out it fights you back. It’s like a dying cornered animal, it will scream, send out frequencies to stay relevant, etc. And that is well over 200 AIs that all do different things, so we definitely had a rocky road.
But we had a second set of matrices in the world and they were specifically made for societies that reported to Marduk. It didn’t matter if you were part of the Black Sun and tied in with the Abraxas more or you were more on the Dragon Family side, it was kind of all the same group.
The non-human Seal people, those that signed the agreement to control earth together and all of earth’s assets including you as a human asset pretty much worked hand in hand. There was definitely an agreement and some measures put in place if any one of them violated that agreement.
Now we are down to having some humans on both sides of the same coin, the Dragon Family side and their downline and the Black Sun side and that downline who fail to realize they were in what I call the second matrix. If you were the SSP you were also involved in the second matrix or matrixes that were created for you. Humans lived a different aspect of the matrix, but the elites as the human management crew they were also living in a box.
They seem to have forgotten this, or it’s because no alien races or AIs have come to help them, or the tools they used to a lesser degree to build programs and currencies are not coming back, or it’s because they were so low down on the food chain, they never knew they lived in a matrix that was created for them in the first place. Maybe they didn’t understand those who passed on didn’t have 100% control either. Maybe they think if they just get rid of the other side of human slave masters they could then be in control. But the systems were never designed that way.
Marduk, Enki and Enlil Actually Hated Humans
Things I learned from Marduk over the few years when we talked for hours and hours and hours a day is that Marduk, Enki and Enlil didn’t like humans, they actually hated human beings. One time they were going to run an operation that could have been very detrimental to humans and because of the alpha system I held the seat and voted against them a lot. And I said I like humans. They said yeah, we know and they laughed at me. They laughed because they don’t even like their own people, meaning their bloodline families who feel are the elites of this planet, therefore they always made sure to keep them all inline and that even includes semi-non humans we call the Parents.
That being said let’s talk about matrixes and systems of the elite.
Matrixes and Systems For the Elites
The systems that were created for the elite were clearly created to control their every move.
The impression people have who are left, be it the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, Langley, the SSP operatives, the Chinese Deep State or the Rothschilds, they are under the impression the money would just come on these specific days of the year and the AIs would do what they want them to do because the AIs did what those who came before them did.
That is incorrect.
For these dark side AIs they always gave them orders and instructions down to a T of things they needed to do in order to receive money on specific days. The next big day for that money is the 15th of January because it used to be that was the day when the Order of the Black Sun would receive big payouts and orders and instructions. Those payouts and orders and instructions didn’t come to the people we have left, they came to the Coven Masters and the Covens. The Coven Masters would go to specific places and messages would in come through that AI and then orders would come down through the food chain. Now the people who are left are under the impression that they were subservient to those who received the money and orders, therefore they had to follow everything they said. But there is that second oath they take, that oath to their country and also to the Luciferians or whatever sector they reported to. And they know they take a second oath 100%, but now they feel since those people they allegedly took a second oath to are no longer here they have the right to take the money and can do whatever they want.
But that was never ever the case because they too lived in a matrix.
Within a matrix you also have various systems and by systems I’m not necessarily talking about AI systems but societal structures. We as humans also had societal structures that we have lived in, meaning the number of hours in a work week is a structure, paying taxes is a structure, the way they give you money in exchange for what we call work, and then they take it back in the form of taxes or buying things from their corporations, that’s a system. These systems were created for the majority of the population so they can control us. If they can’t control us through the food we eat that we need to survive because of our genetic modifications, we didn’t actually need food as humans like we do now, there are a lot of changes to our genetic makeup as you know. But these systems were in place for us, let’s call them slavery systems. There were many types of slavery systems and if you look at your life and really break it down in detail at all the things that were created for us, there is nothing in our life that is not a system.
Now for the elites, they are under the impression they are outside of the matrix and this has been said from their lips to my ears, but that is absolutely false and I’ll tell you why.
Programming Is So They Don’t Break Out of the System
First, they all go through programming. They go to summer camps as kids and learn specific trades, whatever their specialty is, and they go through rounds of testing.
There is a lot of training and a lot of programming for them as well so they don’t break out of the system. If there wasn’t we wouldn’t have operatives taking their phone call consistently waiting for a paycheck, because no human in the world would sit there and wait since 2007 for a currency revaluation or a paycheck, or had taken dinar or bitcoin or this latest e-money scam or anything else in payment. Next, it’s rainbow dollars and US coins or doge coins or whatever they are selling these people. No one in their right mind would continue to work if you were not getting a paycheck.
Now on our level of human, if you worked for a decent sized company and they couldn’t pay you anymore the company would go bankrupt. They would let people go so you could find another job where you could get paid because we have a human aspect that cares about people. So, if the company fails that’s what we do.
If you are part of the SSP Trump operatives, Dragon Families, and everybody else who is fighting for control, they haven’t paid these people properly in years with the exception of 2012 when I transferred money into the system, and 2018 when I transferred money into the system, and a couple times after that in 2019 during the Trump Administration. And remember in 2018 that was to every country in the world. I’ve since stopped the funding because this is getting us nowhere, so I had to rethink and re-strategize around these crazy people because they are never going to stop what they are doing.
The Elites Are Programmed Because of That Second Oath
Now those down the food chain going for world domination, they have not left because of that second oath. They still pick up the phone call every time there is a payday and they are being sold loads of sunshine when Trump gets back in office you’ll see, we’re going to pay for that pipeline, and we need your support, and we need you to do the war in Israel, and we need you to do this and of course the militaries get involved and it’s a giant mess. They even told our military to wear skirts and dance around a fire and they did it. And again, this is their matrix, their programming, they live in a different matrix than the rest of us humans. It’s a programming, it’s mind control, they have the same kind of mind control we have just for a different purpose and outcome.
The Elites Are Programmed Based on Former Paydays of the Past
The next thing that Marduk did that is really critical for these people to understand, and for us to understand is when you see upticks and things going on in the world you can assume that they are making another promise based on former paydays of the past. It’s an alignment with Uranus, a full moon, doorways are supposed to open on certain days. They know this because that’s what the documents they stole from the covens say. Now the covens are no longer around, although we still have some who dabble in black magic, but the things they used to do or the people who used to run those areas of the world don’t function anymore. That’s really clear and it trickles down to the lower end in the operative section as to why they are promised they are going to get paid for something and it doesn’t happen. But the thing on both sides that is abundantly clear is that they both lived in a system that they didn’t understand.
Now let’s talk about the plans because both sides have big plans.
Programming for the Dragon Family Was to Shift Power to China
The Dragon Family side has been told in the past, whether that came through the Coven, the Coven Family Master or the Parents, or whoever told them back in the 1970s that there was going to be a shift of power and that time was supposed to be a year ago. That hasn’t happened yet, but they are still trying because they believe if they make it happen then the money will just come flying out.
Now again I will repeat, Marduk never gave an order or instruction that he couldn’t pull the plug on at any given moment in time or that he couldn’t restructure at any time.
Marduk understood humanity.
There were many, many satellites that would monitor human behavior, belief systems, religions, government structures such as democracy and communism, which ones work and don’t work, and the one thing they knew about humans is if you’re going to have a centralized location on earth known as a country that holds the world power, in this case the President of the US is the leader of the free world, what ends up happening is somewhere between 60-75 years of that country dominating, the people start realizing that they are the bad people because of the things they do.
Throughout history for hundreds of years there has been a centralized control nation or kingdom or area that has controlled the entire world. That makes it easy, you typically have centralized currencies now, centralized banking, political, military and intelligence systems. You centralize all 5 main sectors to control the world. That was done by design and you can go all the way back to Caesar to see this is true. Like the UK did, they planted ghost flags everywhere and started enforcing their customs, rules, banking systems, their this and that. Now America has done it and we’re at that point in time where all of humanity is looking at the Fed and the US Presidents over the last few decades and they are starting to say America is evil. So, it’s time for a change. This is on the Dragon side, and this is the good cop-bad cop game. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with anything going on, but this is just human nature.
So now it’s time to transfer that power center and it was decided that the new power center was supposed to be China which is why the elites of China are doing the thing. They’ve gone through all of Africa, Latin America, taken over key financial pinch points around the world and tried to establish themselves as the world power ripe for takeover as America is supposed to fall.
For those who are well read, when there was a change from Great Britian to the US being the centralized world power there was a depression for 10 years, Britain kind of fell after the war. There was definitely a transition that takes place and it’s a cookie cutter process everyone is trying to follow but it’s not working.
It’s not working because Marduk, who is no longer here did not push the buttons, he has not been here to push the buttons. The buttons I’m referring to are financial buttons in part, media buttons, orders and instruction on how to get the masses to understand America is the bad guy and China is the good guy. This is what the whole world needed to understand.
There is also a political change. You make the President look like an idiot. We’ve all seen that in the President of the US. So you can see this is the elite attempted game on the Dragon side and they are still hoping that money will come out to do this world domination thing. We’ll probably switch to the RMB, you can see that BRICS is trying to move away from the dollar. They’ve tried to come up with new crypto currencies because that was also part of the social crediting plan in conjunction with Skynet where the whole world moves to digital and everything you do is monitored, it is anyway but we go to a much tighter slavery system for the masses. They keep going through this process.
Without Marduk and His Final Key Their Power Shift to China Will Never Succeed
But the Dragon Families of the world do not have the entire plan which is why everything kind of haphazardly moves along, but why doesn’t the thing happen? Why didn’t it work? Because they only have some of the parts, the other parts were left up to Marduk with the final key. So, they go back through all the papers and they don’t understand why it’s not working and they never will. I know it won’t work and that’s a fact because Marduk is not here and I have the keys. It’s never going to work because as Ground Commander I can do certain things, I stop your wars and stop your funding and stop all the things they need to be successful because I have the rest of the plan and I think it’s not what we want to do.
Switching from the right hand to the left hand is the same people. China has been deeply embedded in the US government for years, mainly the democratic party. They have bought a lot of property here and around the world. They have basically gone broke doing all these things. They try to create new currencies; they cornered Russia and basically without China right now Russia isn’t going to make it. And all the BRICS countries join then they walk away, then they all join and then walk away because they know the end outcome. They’re sold on the end outcome but then it doesn’t work.
Why don’t the countries walk away?
Again, They Are Programmed by That Second Oath
It’s very simple, it’s that second oath and they are all part of it.
There is not a single US President, including the incoming and outgoing one that did not go to Bohemian Grove and did not for lack of a better term get on their knees for someone else, and usually another male. It’s a show of power.
There are a lot of different things they do to show power over people we see in the public as leaders. So that’s why you really don’t see countries walking away. And now there is chatter on the internet coming from the Trump side about McAfee and we have the FULCRUM and the files. Well, no one is going to care. You can defame anyone on any news channel and life will continue exactly the way it is. The blackmailing of political operatives using things like the Universal Trust and it’s the entire world is not going to work due to that second oath. And the reason why they take the second oath is irrelevant now and being subservient to either side is ridiculous now because there is no consequence anymore. It is all just their programming. Walk away.
Are they going to walk away?
I don’t know, but we’re getting pretty close to that area so to speak.
Programming For the Order of the Black Sun Side is to Maintain Marduk’s Old Systems
Now I’ll talk about the Order of the Black Sun side, the Black Dragon side and this encompasses all the militaries which is why they say the military is going to save us, and by militaries I assume they mean the SSP military operatives because they are trying really hard to keep everybody in line. So far, the downlines have proven quite loyal. The Pentagon, GCHQ, GHQ, militaries and intelligences agencies throughout the Middle East, Mossad, the Russians, the old KGB-new SVR, and in part the military of the Chinese Politburo, Japan and South Korea are in very deep with these people and they are switching out political control and countries and doing the thing they’ve always done.
But again, there are things they don’t understand and their plan is still just a partial plan. They don’t have the end trigger which is why every time there is an alignment with Uranus, a full moon, new moon, black moon, any day that is normally a black magic high day that corresponds to a payday, it just doesn’t happen. It’s not happening on either side.
There are rumors of a golden parachute being promised to the Canadian Prime Minister that I know for a fact hasn’t happened. They started rumors in the last 48 hours amongst Wall Street where the dollar is going to crash and they have to go to bonds, so they might have gotten a little money from that but it’s all a scam. Nobody is going to crash anything unless they get the rest of the plan. The few pages in between are critical to their success, and I’m not going to do the part. So, I know you’re only going to get to a certain point consistently and then you’re going to get stuck which has proven to be correct since I stopped funding anyone. I stopped letting any money trickle into the system and I’ve stopped looking at banks like we’re going to get any cooperation there. Banks are on the one side and of course the Black Sun is going to take over all those too. And they think if they take over what they seem to believe is control of the planet that the plan will finally work and it just doesn’t. Well, I’m not an AI system that just spits out money because they tell me to.
That’s why I know they are not going to make it and it’s just a matter of time and data and analytics will tell you that before both sides figure this out, that that lived in a matrix unto their own, the elite system of the planet which isn’t too far off from ours.
Yes, they had privileges and were handed corporations that constantly required money to exist. You see it’s a business plan and we all have some sort of a business plan. Now if your plan required a constant influx of money in significant amounts to keep it running and it doesn’t come in, you’re in trouble. Well, this is the case for a lot of large corporations including the Military Industrial Complex of the planet. Same thing with governments, they don’t make or sell anything. You can say the Fed sells dollars and currencies but really governments worldwide don’t sell anything. They do collect taxes, but 80% goes to the elite to feed their own matrix. But it still requires that influx of cash annually to keep it functioning and running and that hasn’t happened since 2019, that was the last time it actually happened. Since then, they’ve been robbing Peter to pay Paul to keep things running and they have hope and why I don’t know. But missing pages in your plan book is still missing pages and for some reason they won’t let go of the thought process, thinking the rest of the pieces will happen automatically.
Kim is Not Part of Their System, Is Not in Any Matrix and Can Create a New and Better System
This appears to be their plight at the moment and it’s causing some issues around here for sure. There are comments being made and they call me ‘b’ words and other four-letter words of course saying I just need to do what I am supposed to. Well, I’m not supposed to do anything because I don’t operate in either one of those matrixes. I do what I have to do existing as a regular human, I can’t give them an in so to speak because it would cause me problems. But on the other side of things, I’m not part of their system. I am creating a system outside their system because I can see that their business plan is a flawed model. And unless I continuously feed it over there it’s going to die. It was designed to enslave the enslavers. Marduk enslaved the slave masters which is what we call the remaining humans still fighting for world domination. His job was to keep everyone in line including his own people. He created them and don’t think for one second the elite created them. He created matrices for them and for us and he needed to make sure none of us, including the SSP, Dragon people and all their downlines would ever be free of him, he would laugh about it. And without him doing his part it simply will not work; they will never break free of his system and both sides are still trying to maintain his systems.
We on the other hand took a look at that and said nope, I don’t think we want to do that and we are working together, myself and everyone listening to this to create a new system. One that is not full of co-dependency but one that is interdependent. It’s going to take time and a lot of work and re-education and teaching on out part but it can happen. The people who are trying to maintain the current system, it will fall, they will not continue.
Duck Dynasty Went to Durango, Colorado and Erroneously Thought They Were Taking Over
Now some of the people in the Duck Dynasty showed up here last night and we had Global Headquarters here last night looking for answers. They were also looking to test me. They took some pages out of what appears to be their Project Stargate and they were trying to figure out how I do what I do. How do I know they are coming; how do I protect myself. Is it the local people here who protect me? If it wasn’t for them, would I still be able to protect myself and if they forced me out of here in some way, would I still survive? They found out the answer is yes I can protect myself. Well good, congrats that’s not an option for you.
Today it’s the SSP, the cowboys rocked up here in their boots and hats and they said to the local people here, okay boys we got this, we’re taking over now. We’re doing the thing and after a couple of hours of chatting they told them they would just like to meet with me and then they tried to get information from them.
Remember I told you last summer we had some local people who were tasked with coming up with a plan to fix the Treasury, the US government and I how worked into that plan. Well, they came up with some good ideas and I actually told you all that. The idea they came up with would actually function to eventually make the US Government independent of me. At the time we hadn’t quite given up on that program, but it made sense to me. They took a failing business and found a way to make it independent. Well, the SSP would like now to have a copy of their plan. Well, I do hope they gave them plenty of four-letter words back because again nobody is paying anybody.
We are getting to that point where the people who want to be elites of the planet stop feeding on all of humanity.
The operatives here are no different when it comes to feeding off their brain. As for the rest of us, think of all the inventions, cures, and engines that don’t run on petrol, think of all our inventions that are not available. It’s time they stopped trying to maintain a system that doesn’t work. The rest of us, the thinkers of the world are going to make the world function together. Now some people won’t participate and will still wait for that phone call. Right now, some are on the fence and thinking only if you pay me, then I’ll do it.
Will The Operatives Finally Walk Away?
That is what is going on as far as the deep state is concerned. They can’t fix anything without me. Eventually someone has to figure out the gun is not loaded and they aren’t subservient to these people anymore. Eventually someone will jump, it will happen. Until then we’re still watching idiocrasy on TV and by idiocrasy, I mean they continue the quest of the global takeover.
So let’s talk about Global takeover.
Duck Dynasty’s Latest Antics in Pursuit of Their Global Takeover
Because we made public their plan for the Carter funeral tomorrow, as of this moment it doesn’t look like they will do it, but remember you never know with Duck Dynasty, because they did want to use a false flag terrorist attack to push off the inauguration or make it private. As you know there are 2 inaugurations, 1 where they put the hand on the book and say the oath on TV for all of you. The second oath I keep talking about which all of them have done and Trump is no exception. He took another oath long before that too, but the quest for world domination continues and here are the latest and greatest from Duck Dynasty Trump operatives.
They Would Like to Takeover Greenland
There was a lot of space junk there, jump rooms, talk of a Nazi Camp being there. If you’ve ever seen the series Zero Hour 2013 TV Series they talk about a Nazi Camp there. Thule is there which is a big underground base but they renamed it Space Program Base.
They would like to control things that are no longer there because they used to have communication with the Tall Whites there, but not anymore because they aren’t taking their calls. The last time Trump was in Greenland was when he was still in office and allegedly caught Covid and it was me who answered that phone in Greenland, if you remember me saying that. There are also some minerals there they would like to own of course.
Now Greenland is currently a territory of Denmark which is a lofty goal for them and I don’t see that changing. Again, they are looking for in-ground assets, things that they believe are not leveraged but I can tell you with 100% certainty and I can prove it to you that is not the case. Should they need me to send this information to the diplomatic line I can prove we hold the lien to everything there.
They Would Like to Own the Panama Canal
Next, they would like to own the Panama Canal. Laughing. This is where the elite matrix comes in. Allegedly, on the record they believe the Rothschild Family built and owned the Panama Canal and created 5 ancillary families in Panama who run Panama and the canal and they all profit from the canal.
The thing they are missing is that I have a $1.7 trillion dollar lien against the Panama Canal and Rothschild never paid us back (that would be the alpha system) for the building of that canal, and that was a long time ago. Did you ever wonder why it still looks like it did and there was never a renovation there?
The second thing people are discussing behind the scenes which hasn’t been made public yet is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico which is a small part of land and there have been many proposals over the year for building a second canal. But they also gave me that lien.
The thing the Trump operatives keep forgetting is America has been at the world leadership position for quite some time now, the UK before them and so on and so forth. And as you take the world leadership position your job is to go claim territories and large infrastructure projects and pinch points which the Panama Canal is, in shipping, the Suez Canal being another one. So what they forget is every bit of it, even when the US military stakes a claim for say oil in many countries, which is a plan Dick Cheney had a part in and was presented to you in the movie Vice, but when they place these liens, plant these ghost flags, there is a bond usually, some kind of a lien is then passed eventually to the alpha system which I have and the money comes out to build said canal for example.
We have all those liens still and I retained them in the Golden Age AI system just in case this happened. So, every time they try to enter this as their property it rejects it. It’s going to reject it for California, just like it rejected it for Paradise California and the Carolinas the same thing. You’re not planting a new ghost flag in any of these locations. And you will not be successful in your quest to control the pinch point.
Are you going to take over control from China who took over control from the Rothschilds?
They are the same people. Again, they are just following the parts of the plan they had because no longer is it Britain’s, meaning the Rothschild et al or the Blue Dragon’s. They had a strong foothold in American in many different ways so they could still maintain their Families control of the current world power center, even after the transition from the UK to the US. Now over the last several years they’ve been following the playbook, at least their portion and turned over their control of the Panama Canal to China because the transition from one Family to another was to take place and that’s the only reason why they have it. Not a lot of money changed hands. They are all just as evil, that’s just how it works and China controls the Panama Canal.
Trump operatives coming in taking control still isn’t going to yield them any result they are looking for and it didn’t yield China the end result they were looking for. China has a whole lot of papers right now and they’ve had them for over a decade. I have watched this personally. They put papers against African countries, they got the help of Obama in a lot of cases and they took liens against a lot of the US military equipment. Just in case you don’t remember, that lien still exists and they keep trying to register it to the Shanghai Exchange in exchange for money because I keep rejecting all their requests. There used to be a line to alpha there that no longer exists. Same thing with Australia and Papa New Guinea and all the other places where China went around pulling liens. They even took over World Bank liens that Rothschild gladly gave them because it’s part of the plan.
Trump operatives doing the same things will also just end up with a bunch of paper and no money and no way to issue new money or put any kind of crypto in a system. Again, they are missing pages in their playbook and their system requires my help. And I’ve known that, so I’m watching them. I try and prevent them from killing as many people as possible. They do their rituals just like they did in the Middle East and still nothing happens for them and we lock the door. They are not getting any help from the Neither-World either so I’m not really sure where they are going. But mark my words it won’t be long. I do not see this continuing much longer. If they decide to continue on their side that’s their problem. What we do on our side very carefully and calculated and strategically speaking is our job. Us planning for our future is our job. Us putting together a business plan for humanity that works is critical and that is what our small CARE team is doing. But you need to think about all the systems in your area and worldwide down to the last nail. And we need to figure out how we’re going to change the public perception. In our case we have UNN, so you are the field messengers, you are the news for a reason, it will be your job to help people understand. And you’re going to have spoon feed them, we cannot give them a huge bowl of the entire world was ruled by aliens in one day. It’s your job to figure out how to pull out your little spoon. We do have plans to help get UNN out there when all this starts to take place to help you along. But again, if you volunteered to help you are putting that news out. Remember ultimately once we cross that line to the next steps of Restoration this is your job and we have to start taking personal responsibility for changing the world together.
Well I hope we are finally nearly there. And I truly hope my 410+ reports and counting will help in this endeavor! Share away to help UNN spread the truth!
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