This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 23-Feb-24 News on UNN which is available for subscribers. Kim started off by saying there is a lot going on right now and most of it is in our favor now, that wasn’t the case earlier this week, but it turns out in the long run it’s been very helpful. And then she gives us the status of those 50 operatives that were recently released due to incompetence according to the Rothschilds. We are down to 4 still on the crazy bus but that could likely change before the end of the day.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

23-Feb-24 News (
Status of Remaining 50 Operatives
Last time we talked we had 50 operatives that were the downline of just a few SSP folks, mainly one guy was driving the crazy bus. They had a plan of their own which tied to the Q clock situation. A few days ago, they were reporting crazy things like the ascension and awakening process is over. They are working in cooperation with Langley 5 and the Rothschild Family, and that includes all the Dragon colors because it’s become very evident over the last few days, with the Iranians, the Chinese, the Russian Deep State, and the Germans all involved. But now some of the 50 have dropped off at this point and some of the 50 were in Durango and I got to run into a few on Tuesday night. I had some associates in town for work to discuss Life Essentials and Life Assurance and we met for dinner. The place was full of local people because they knew these new arrivals were up to something and not my friends.
Some Downline Operatives Arrived in Durango & Tested PSI Operations On Kim
You see stuff on the internet about the SSP and what they do, but no one talks much about the training that happens with these folks, and some of the training is the reason why they seem to be a little off. A lot of mental training goes on, like the JEDI Program, they learn how to remote view, and can do energy attacks. They become proficient in PSI operations, which are frequency operations which can stop someone’s heart, cause bodily function issues etc. Typically, when they run them on us regular people they use cell phones and video games and it’s more about disease creation in that case. But you can use the same skills to protect yourself or attack someone and it can be done with a machine or by a person. But in both cases, they are using dark matter and dark energy to do it and this is the basis for a lot of Voodoo and Santeria and a lot of the dark arts. They are trained in it from a scientific level and a whole other level.
So, we had some of those folks there during this dinner and they were taking us out for a spin to see how I would be affected by these types of operations on a smaller scale. I knew what they were doing, but there are ways to push back because it’s a wisdom thing. I’ve never been in those programs; I’ve just encountered enough face to face to know what they do. I had experiences personally in Switzerland, Germany and many places where they came out for me in the middle of a meeting face to face. Well, I thought about introducing myself to these guys but I decided not to. Instead, I got up from the table and just stared and gave them a good solid push, like back off buddy because I got your number.
So I knew what they were doing but I couldn’t figure out why until the next morning when I started feeling the same thing. But it wasn’t coming from the same people because I checked my area. But while listening in to their 5:30 am meeting I heard them reporting about us, because we had another Melchizedek at dinner and we both had the same conversation about them trying to throw her off her chair too. Well, they were actually fascinated and it became apparent in this meeting that they reported back we were very strong and they kind of had a little respect for us.
We are not untrained people, but we were not in their programs. We’ve been given a lot of gifts of our own and you can expand upon those gifts the more that you learn about yourself. But what they reported about us made the rest of the people in the meeting who are still on the program very angry, so they decided to run a giant PSI operation against us so they could get something else accomplished.
Their Plan Included Major Attacks Predominantly in the United States
They were running simultaneous PSI operations against us on that day to see if we could still function and could attack their major plans for the US. There were other major cities in other countries as well, but this was predominantly the US.
These PSI operations were being run predominantly by machines and the following locations were involved:
- Homeland Security Facility under Letterkenny, Pennsylvania
- Fort Drum Military Base in New York
- Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri not too far from Johnson, Missouri
- Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and joint Hickam Air Force Base in Oahu, Hawaii
- Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego
- Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Tahoe Mount Shasta Area
- Las Vegas not too far from the Nevada Test Site
- Mar-a-Lago in Florida
- Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs
- Naval Station Norfolk which has a huge underground base that we’ve been many times. They must have brought some ancillary equipment in.
- Under Piccadilly Circus in London
Trump Operatives in Mar a Lago & Their Black Goo Box
The Trump operatives in Mar a Lago were trying to hook up a black goo box. If you’ve been around the alt media community you’ll know it’s basically a dark matter box, it’s not human tech, and they tried to connect to a non-human Omega system. They were told they could be the heads of the EBS they intended on using that doesn’t exist, at least not a global scale like it used to. It was part of the ‘X’ program which also no longer exists. They were told they needed to hook up this box because we’re going to get everything back and you’re going to send out all the messages like you’re Donald Trump.
Background on Mar a Lago
Mar a Lago used to be a Presidential summer home many years ago. It’s changed hands many times and it’s part of the reason why the Trump Administration bought this place, because it’s a highly secure area and there is an entire Command Center underneath. There were some connections there at one point in history as it was an Omega portal to some level. And there were a lot of systems there in case of a dooms day situation, if the President happened to be at the summer retreat, he could still function. Since then, we have the dooms day planes and Cheyenne was built, so Mar a Lago wasn’t that prominent anymore, but it was still functional for many years, until the last few that is.
It’s also the reason why Trump was told by the Deep State he would become the new Pindar and why he brought the illuminati chair there. That infamous chair with stories the blarney stone being stolen is full of quantum technology, and Trump did try to sit in the chair over the Omega portal to get something to crawl on up in there I guess, but it didn’t work out.

Note: See related post: Which Lion Fits Trump Best? | Just Empower Me
Then they brought the chair to Durango last summer and the boots guy (aka windbag Juan O’Savin) and some generals thought they could make it function because we are in a close proximity to a town called Silverton, which was a neutral portal. That portal went all the way up to Source and all the way down to Anti-Source, so it was a very large portal. That also did not work out for them, but they tried many times.
Note: See related post, Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely | Just Empower Me
Durango is the strangest little town. You would never know it unless I told you. It’s interesting both above and below, with the portal down the street which was open until a few weeks ago. Then there is Dulce in other direction with about 100 miles of tunnels underneath that goes all the way to Nevada and the Nevada test site, or rather it used to until 2019. The Others worked together with the SSP until 2017 when they declared Independence Day. They didn’t want to work with those SSP people anymore so they blew up everything from the 6th level on down worldwide and that was the end of that.
But back to Mar a Lago, that is the background, it’s a very negative portal with a very negative vortex and that’s the reason they bought this box there. They thought the portal would reopen and they would be able to use this box and be in charge of the EBS. When you can’t get operatives to work for free you offer them a prestigious position and promise big money will come out.
Their Plan to Get Big Money Involved Imploding 11 Buildings in US & 1 in Japan
The remaining SSP members at that time (which has changed since then) had a plan to create a major false flag attack, then they thought they could declare Martial Law and they would get money for this. That hasn’t worked for years, but that didn’t stop some members of the Joints Chiefs of Staff from getting very excited because they were told they would become the Heads of State, which was also a lie of course.
All the technology the SSP utilized was provided by Others that have come and gone from this planet. None of them were our friends because organic systems don’t need technologies to do these things. These operatives know there is a way you can use negatively charged plasma to create an explosion and this was provided to them thousands of years ago. It’s why they built specific buildings where they did, so they could implode them at any time and cause major trauma on this planet.
The Detonator Was Underneath SOCOM in Miami
The detonator for all these 12 sites was underneath Southern Command also known as SOCOM in Miami. The deep state had people there in Miami working in cooperation with Southern Command of the United States, and they had the token Iranians who were going to take the fall. These buildings were supposed to be detonated on Wednesday evening. If you thought 911 was bad, this was going to be way worse. The following locations were targeted:
- Times Mirror Square in Los Angeles, California
- Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois
- JP Morgan Chase Tower in Houston, Texas
- Chase Tower in Phoenix, Arizona
- Rockefeller Plaza in New York City
- Empire State Building in New York City
- Comcast Technology Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Bank of New York Mellon Tower in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Space Needle in Seattle, Washington
- Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, California
- US Bank Tower in Los Angeles, California
- Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Tokyo, Japan
To paraphrase what Kim said…
I don’t want anyone to ever tell me that we have military people who are “white hats” protecting this country because I can tell you if I was a military person and I heard this was going to happen I would have given up my stars and done everything I could to stop a fabricated terrorist attack on my country. If my friends and colleagues turned on me so be it, at least I know I did what I could to save millions of Americans. Let there be no mistake, if you’re a “white hat” in the military shame on you. Either you’re too afraid, which scares me more, and you don’t have the courage to go against your peers in the protection of the American people and you need to get another job. I know there were deep state people involved in orchestrating this entire event and there is no way they didn’t hear about it. Let’s not lie and tell me who you are and who you are not, you had to be aware of this.
Needless to say, none of these buildings went down Wednesday night. The Q clock is still reporting about Japan and Los Angeles, but that is never going to happen. And they are still trying to find money somewhere.

Coming soon | Q (
The 50 Operatives Are Now Down to Just 4 Trying to Make Rothschild Dreams Come True
At the 5am meeting there were a lot less operatives in this meeting because some of them were in those locations when this operation was prevented and cleaned up. Some operatives who were at the Tesla Tower in Texas are also no longer with us. At this point, out the 50 we started with there were 25-28 left.
Then yesterday they all walked away except for 5 operatives still trying to make the Rothschilds dream happen. Again, these are the operatives that had been released because they are incompetent according to Rothschild, but they are on mission impossible. They cannot recreate the situation that allows them to be successful even with all their knowledge of alien technologies. What was connected to Mar a Lago is just not there in the 5th density of the lower astral anymore. But their ego will not permit them to fail which is why they came up with this elaborate plan.
Another Pay Day Promised
The operatives were supposed to get paid again yesterday which of course didn’t happen and the 5 remaining really tried to sell them on tomorrow and the full moon that occurs on Saturday. Nobody was buying it, but initially they said okay we’ll see what happens, until it hit a stopping point yesterday. They asked what’s the plan? What’s going to be different tomorrow? Then a huge line was drawn in the sand and they told them to call us when you have some money.
The 5 Try to Siphon Pennies From RFID Chips in Credit Cards
The 5 then set to work trying to use those RFID chips in credit cards to siphon pennies or partial pennies to gain money off each transaction so they could possibly pay some operatives. But we found the mechanism behind that which is now gone.
Internet Outage for AT&T and T-Mobile
Another thing they tried was cell phone and internet outages for AT&T and T-Mobile. It was a haphazard attempt to not lose face and show they could take out the internet because they tell everyone repeatedly in the alt media there will be an internet blackout. But we found the backdoors and restored it all and everyone’s phone service was back. Fox News and another network actually reported there was a phone outage before there was one. No big surprise, remember they did that for 911 too. And according to someone who worked for Viacom, who approached us and wanted to work with us a few years ago said the news goes out 2 days ahead of time and often times it was pre-recorded for the major events.
AT&T and T-Mobile gave the SSP permission to do it. An internet blackout for Trump, heck yes, we are so in right now! You see they’re all buddies, remember all big corporations are run by agency/operatives and these guys that run the telecommunications companies happened to be on their program.
The installation of mobile services worldwide was all a giant spying installation, even before the advent of ECHELON. Before that the NSA, which worked at the highest level for Marduk, Enki, Enlil and the Abraxas reported to that level directly. Those folks were there when they came up through the portals of the lower astral and they would hang out and eat people or whatever heinous things they did. The point is there were some mechanisms in place, so I can see why these people would think those beings regarded them as something special. The program to implement worldwide internet and telecommunications with full access to these people existed in the 1940s and increased in the 1970s. The plan was given to them in 1948 to play their parts and they would be in control and own every single telecommunications company worldwide, no country is an exception to the rule right now. However, the operatives that run them possibly maybe making different decisions soon, we’ll see. But as far as backdoor access, there is never going to be a blackout like that again. They don’t have the capacity to do it, this was a shotty half ass attempt. They are not incompetent, but everything has changed from what they were told their entire life, their ego just won’t let them see that.
The Operatives That Walked Away
As for the rest of the operatives, when they said they were done, I have never seen them move like this before. There are probably a few hundred that arrived here in Durango overnight and there are other locations like here around the world they have gone. They are all having conversations about moving forward but they don’t want to be owned, and I’m paying attention to that and I agree with them.
Of the 5 Holdouts, Now There Are Just 4
I’ve had conversations directly with at least 1 of the operatives that walked away and he explained his experience with me, that if it hadn’t been for one of the 5 people still trying to make Rothschild dream come alive, he would have gotten paid. He would have taken the contract that he was to be paid very well for and completed it. This person was involved when I was trying to transfer money to help Maui. When one of the 5 still on the crazy bus heard that, he walked away because this operative told them Kim transferred the money in 20 minutes. He verified it was in transit and watched what happened. Kim told him which person stopped it and he went to verify it. That person was one of the 5. So now we are down to 4 operatives in the entire world still listening to the Rothschild people and the Chinese elders. Maybe by the end of the day there will none.
Moving Forward Despite the Impediments of the Week
Some positive things came out of the dinner we had on Tues and Weds night despite their attempted interference, a lot of planning happened which was very fruitful. For instance, one person who was in attendance is really good at planning long term strategies and branding which is going to be needed for CARE. It’s not going to be easy to sell to 8 billion people on a better way to live, so we were strategizing on how to get people to understand wellness versus healthcare for example. We had a lot of other discussions about other industries as well. And what became apparent to those in attendance was that we actually have a plan forward. I’m sure there were many people who saw for the first time where their place might be and how they could make money doing it. It was a sane conversation and not a pie in the sky plan like they’ve been hearing.
Still Working on Money Transfers
So, what we are seeing today is a lot of forward movement. They are discussing what stopped the transfers in the past from getting to the people, and how they can help. Obviously, there were people in there from the Treasury Dept that I worked with personally moving funds from the Trump terminal to the Treasury Dept. It was proven that I was on the other end of the terminal and the money was received and bills were paid.
I’m still working a lot on this and if they want to help great. If they can get paid then we the people will get paid too. Any ex-SSP and ex-DARPA people who are aware and competent and want to sit down and work with me to get this done faster I’m willing, I’ll do it today if they want. Maybe we can create a quantum tunnel and they know what that is. There are a lot of things we can do cooperatively to make this happen faster, otherwise I’m continuing and doing test transfers.
Just Another Busy Week in the Life of Kim
Overall, it was a busy week listening in on their meetings, ensuring those cities and buildings are cleaned up and safe, juggling meetings about Life Essentials and Life Assurance, all while PSI ops were being thrown at me. We are down to 4 guys and by the end of the day that may not be the case, but we’ll see. They are always looking for an in somewhere and some way. They wanted to kill a few million people because the lower astral beings like that. And they used to, the loosh that came from that was wonderful for lower astral beings. They really liked that stuff and they would grant special privileges, special access and special positions because they killed millions of people in one day, that was a thing. But it’s not a thing anymore because there is no one coming. And to the 4 of you I wish you best of luck.
While the 4 may be gone, they clearly still have more on the program as the chemtrails are really out of control today. I mean it is ridiculous in New Jersey over the Hudson River today. What a bummer.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou and God bless all humanity with success.
When does all the bull stop?
Looks like the 140,000 angels sent by source a couple months ago, are unable to stop they few remaining operatives?? Does anyone look back to what Kim was saying a year ago? That her and the team had control of everything, and that straight light energy was being pumped in and on earth and all the wakening that would be taking place. The battle that was supposedly won back then, seems to have gone by the way side. What happened to the death of DJT be broadcast in early December?? What happened to her and the team having control of the media. The lies have become so numerous, people have become complacent and seem to forget the ones that happened the month before and before and so on. I am disappointed in myself for once believing in her and directing my friends to her.
It is time to wake up!
much luv; vinney
At the moment our planet is no closer to being saved by Kim’s acts of signing new treaties, making new covenants for us, or taking control of the banking or anything else she claims to have done or is doing for us.
What I do not understand is that people who do not know her personally, do not work with her, are not her relatives or friends have the arrogance to call her a liar. Do those people work with extraterrestrial groups?
Do those people travel astral? Do they do anything for humanity and the planet except condemn others?
If you don’t like someone, step away . All this cursing and condemnation feeds the darkness that Kim is fighting against.
What she did explain is that when she eliminates one person who participates in killing people another one takes its place. The darkness is present with many. In such a way it may indeed be a long time before we begin to see any evidence of any restoration. Besides, there is 1 Kim, some team members and a very small army against all those millions of dark psychopaths. If people think they can do it better, be my quest..
Through the mainstream media we won’t find out anything either, nor through the alternative media that only spreads fear porn. I have stopped following both. The mainstream since the beginning of the fake pandemic and the alternative when I got the feeling that was also deepstate in a different format.
It is also vague what the work of Kim’s what she calls “angelic army” is. Who exactly are these angels? What alien group? My understanding is that they are the cleanup crew. In that case, 120,000 versus millions of psychopaths is pretty tough, despite advanced technologies the angels possess.
All in conclusion, scolding Kim makes no sense at all. The pot calls the kettle black.
No one can prove she is a liar and no one can prove she is telling the truth except Kim.
I do continue to follow the transcripts here. On YT and Rumble it is 1 week old news, I am not going to spend my time on that.
I also wonder how anyone can verify whether Kim is telling the truth or not. What is anyone supposed to derive that from when mainstream and alternative news is in the hands of the cabal? . So that is impossible.
So let’s stay positive. At least that sends out more positive energy than all this swearing at Kim.
So let’s stay positive. At least that sends out more positive energy than all this calling names at Kim.
I have been a follower and everyday hopeful that one day, we will have what Kim aims to restore. Even just the thought of it gives me hope to live in this planet. If this is just some fairytale, I am one little voice that is very happy and excited to read another story. best I can do to this humanity and planet is to wish and pray to our Creator that Kim and all the beings helping her will triumph.
Thank you, PJZ
Thanks for positivity! PJZ
Merci Paméla! Pour ton Magnifique travail qui contribue à la compréhension de ce Mystère que constitue Kim et ses propos…. Sans tes écrits j’en serais encore à me demander ce qu’elle a pu vouloir dire?Pour moi la concision de tes Textes donne du Sens aux Infos véhiculés par Kim … Allez je t’offre un café..!