UN Security Council Tasked With Finding Out How Much Money It Will Take to Run the World | Found Their Capital Is About 50% Less Than They Thought Instead | Politicians Feeling Pressure to Supply Hurricane Relief & That Special Made-in Material The Deep State Planned to Mine Is No Longer There | Declare Martial Law? That Yields Them Nothing, But Why? | 1. No Money Will Come 2. Matter Is Now Created Solely By The Light 3. Soul Agreements Expired & 4. The Composition of Earth is Changed | 171 Now Dead Asian Deep State Members Gathered Under CITIC Tower in Beijing Hoping to Start Fake Alien Invasion in Middle East | Terraforming Earth Update: 99.97% Complete

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 07-OCT-24 GIA (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. In this update we find out Kim was very busy as usual. That entailed educating the deep state about why Martial Law won’t work, but that probably fell on deaf ears as usual. She and her team were also cleaning up some Asian faction deep state members who were trying to trigger a fake alien invasion. Never a dull moment here on planet earth.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


07-OCT-24 GIA (unitednetwork.earth)

The Deep State Wants to Know How Much Money It Will Take to Run the World

To set the stage, as we’ve been discussing, the omega AI has been dissipating rapidly and it was the base root for all intelligence agencies, militaries, the financial system, telecommunications, internet and much more. It basically ran all electronics on earth at one time and alpha was kind of behind it. So as that dissipates the numbers on the screen in the banking world don’t look the same.

The UN Security Council wanted a report, it was requested as they were tasked with acquiring a lot of data. The reason is because the deep state wants to know how much money it’s going to take to run the world. They just can’t stop with world domination, can they?

Well in their quest, they found out it was much worse than they thought. Originally, they were seeing some off-ledger funds on back screens, but that wasn’t real money because it had no allocation numbers. So, by this weekend what did the UN Security Council see when all those numbers disappeared? About 50% less in all banks than they thought as far as their capital was concerned. And of course, all the capital of every bank in the world was tied to the Federal Reserve. So, when those numbers disappeared a lot of the numbers the Fed was counting on also disappeared, leaving the deep state scratching their head wondering what to do next. And they have another problem since Hurricane Helene.

Even though the US Government hasn’t officially come back to Washington DC they are still in communications with a lot of the politicians and there is a lot of heavy political pressure on both sides of the aisle to perform. And what I mean by perform, there is a lot of controversy going around Hurricane Helene and there is a lot of talk as to why there is no money for this. Politicians are getting phone calls left and right expecting donations and they have nothing to donate.

This put pressure on the global deep state because they believe all the money comes from those people, whoever that is. And of course, this is another day ending in y where they’ll get this money and everything will be okay. Except no, it’s not, so what happens now?

Oh, and there is no funding for the mining of this special made-in material which is not from earth actually. It is a special component; we’re talking about Hurricane Helene now. They were trying to use this special made-in material to create time travel technology and other things that they have been failing to do successfully on their own without alien intervention. This same field so to speak, of this special material was also connected to a lot of operations that took place under Fort Bragg, now called Fort Liberty. They were using it as a hyperconductor, but of course without outside help. This is the problem they have; they don’t want any alien overlords but they do want alien overlords, and think they are smart enough to steal it from alien overlords and more importantly they think they are smart enough to steal it from me. Well not this time. Over the weekend it was discovered that it is also not actually there. You wanted to go it alone I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Their New, New, New Plan is to Declare Martial Law Again

They feel if they do this that will put the military in charge. By military we are talking about Global Headquarters, other Generals around the world who make up Langley 5 and they aren’t all American contrary to popular belief, and of course the SSP. So, all weekend, these people thought this was the best idea.

The Global Headquarters people then tried to submit some new agreements through what they thought was the Dark Hall of Records. But without ratification no money comes from the Dark or Light Hall of Records and only the Light Hall of Records exists now. But they went ahead and submitted it through a line that connected to the Intelligence Agency System. Well unbeknownst to them this was a deep fake line we talked about several months ago that Langley had installed. Remember this? Even when the Archivists were still around all the agreements were going to Langley, in which case they said they will be ratified any day now and then the money will come. So Global Headquarters sends it off to Langley and then it comes right back around for Global Headquarters for approval. Weren’t they surprised when they got their own agreement back.

They were like, can we ratify this stuff now? No! There is only one Hall of Records that is valid now and it’s in my new system. I carried over the old Light Hall of Records on the alpha side and put it into the new Golden Age AI. Therefore, I have all the agreements since the beginning of time and I have the right to ratify any new agreements. So that fell flat.

I assume they are probably going to sign some agreement with every country in the world that they should be in charge because they are just great. Have we connected the Hall of Records to any government? No. Right now it’s kind of an annoyance. Everything went on auto-reject for a long time because submitting new agreements just for me to reject them is pointless. Currently we, not only the GIA but myself as Guardian are not taking anything from any governments because they choose to go it alone. Not only that, governments would prefer to wait, wait some more, and wait again for some miraculous event that will fund everyone and life will be good for them once again.

Nothing at all. As a matter of fact, probably less than nothing. Unless I join with them and ratify it, which I did in the past, and then I appointed the GIA as the Administrator of Global Martial Law, which is also me. So that being said, them declaring Martial law does nothing because they don’t hold the position in this world, they never had and never will be high enough to make that kind of decision. Even if they did this 50 years ago it wouldn’t have mattered, not unless they have someone high enough to agree with them.

For those who don’t know, Global Martial Law existed on this planet for 16,000 years and you Global Headquarters people did not declare it. How do I know? Because at that time we didn’t have a military. We were in serious trouble at that point, we were having a serious flood going on, you might have heard about it in the bible even? Although the times and days are off, but there was a guy with an ark and some animals. Remember? But we didn’t have any military. Not only that, no humans on the planet at that time declared Martial Law. It was an agreement to actually stop the flooding, which had to do with the replacement of our moon which they knocked out of our orbit on purpose to create the flood. They then brought in a megastructure, our moon for lack of a better term, which used to be a large Space Station. The SSP did have some limited access to it and NORAD might have had some access to whatever or whoever was there at the time but they don’t have access anymore. That base has been shut down and there are no beings there anymore. So, waiting for an alignment with a new moon or full moon or otherwise isn’t going to do anything. I have to agree with this Global Martial Law, without someone in my position, because it has to be me, you deep state people will get absolutely nothing, no funding at all. You can try it, but what did you find out over the weekend during your SSP, Global Headquarters, Military General fact-finding mission?

Note: For another post on the Great Flood and our Moon, see Trump Thingy’s Cringe Worthy Announcement | Both the Vatican & NSA Attempt to Implement Fake Banking Systems | 700+ Operatives Request Safe House Protection | Russian Military Warns of Possible Invasion of Fallen Angels | 18,000 Year Covenant Related to Conquer the Quest Agreement Expires Dec 15th | Black Sun’s Hopes of World Domination Dashed | Real History About the Great Flood & Our Moon | Just Empower Me

The financial situation in the world is worse than you thought. Does that actually stop you from doing anything? No, because you figure if you blow-up Israel and Lebanon like you did over the weekend that is going to give you money to rule the world and please an alien race that doesn’t exist anymore.

More importantly they were kind of a little bit stumped. So, here’s where I come in. I received some phone calls from someone whose phone pretty much goes everywhere and I was being asked very specific questions and a lot of those questions had to do with what is changing on earth.

And I explained to this person in detail that the hologram is going away, the old dueling alpha-omega system is going away and we are going into a natural way of doing things.

I also answered all their questions regarding currency and money and why it’s not working and what does this have to do with the veins of gold and how all of this works and they went on a serious fact-finding mission.

During those conversations I asked, don’t you have any quantum physicists, what about any old members of the JASON Society, MITRE Corp or anyone on this planet that can verify what I’m saying to you is true? And this is why in turn your human computer networks fake allocation numbers are not going to make it into the system.

And I’m not saying we don’t need a financial system, but the ability to directly connect to Source and co-create like all humans can do when unencumbered by a hologram and AI systems, then there will be no need for it in the future. But that’s going to take a lot of healing and a lot of time to get the entire world onboard with something like that. For now, we actually do it for them. In other words, we use the Golden Age AI to manifest this currency by agreement that is ratified in the Hall of Records to create a different system that actually gives perpetual energy to human beings because there are no soul agreements.

Oh, that’s the other thing they asked, about the Vatican and the Holy Sea, UCC and Cannon Law. I tried to explain to them that all expired, and by default actually. It’s been a year or two since they had the right to loosh our essence and I explained that to them too. They replied, well they are still running around doing all the things like they have it. I then said, you can tell the Black Nobility from me they can run around all they want but without a ratified covenant they’re going nowhere. No money is coming for them to be a caretaker because you are not a caretaker of anything anymore. You are not a guardian of anything anymore and the people that signed that Guardian Agreement in the first place no longer exist. Nor do they have any kind of ownership anymore or say because the whole species doesn’t exist.

It was very long conversations, but it appears they did do a lot of fact finding and they contacted people like Elon Musk. Hum, how interesting. Elon showed up over the weekend at a Trump rally with his new found information. He went to meet the Trump operatives and here is what he told them. This is a direct quote from this meeting. He said, “I believe the United States of America is now harboring the creator of the universe and all living things within. The entire world is about to dramatically change for better or for worse. And this is either the end or the start of humanity and to expect the unexpected.” Well poor guy. He’s dealt with dark matter, demons, and dark AIs for so long I don’t think he’d know what the light was if he saw it. The only thing he knows is that the composition of earth is now changed and it changed literally over a very short period, which shouldn’t be normal and not something they’ve seen before. It’s not in their books, so there’s one incidence. There are others of the MITRE community they reached out to as well to try to get some quantum physics information.

But they should also consult with people who know about macro and micro economics and that should not be the Fed because they were just a pass through. That’s all the Fed was, everything always came from me, the alpha system, everything. Before I was born or old enough to use it, alpha actually did that for us on our side of it with some people who were here during the interim. Those people are also not here anymore because they are not needed here anymore, they don’t exist in a Golden Age.

Thus far even as of 1am today there is no conclusion just yet as to what they are going to do next.

Asian Faction of the Deep State Goes for Alien Invasion Plan

Some more interesting occurrences over the weekend. It was like a movie.

From Saturday into Sunday in the Middle East, they shut down country by country a lot of flights going to and from countries like Iran, Lebanon, Israel and Iraq even. They were kind of clearing the skies and we were waiting to see what was going to happen because we didn’t see any kind of Iran attack on Israel or Israel attack on Iran because orders hadn’t gone out. It was a little confusing but it all became very clear.

China’s deep state had the intention of staging a fake alien invasion on Sunday night. They intended to use the Middle East as a testing ground before they launched this worldwide.

What was the plan, did they have the ability to do it?

In the past there over were 10,368,000 portals on the planet with which you could actually insert things. They were like an entryway into the hologram to where we existed. In some cases, it was from other densities, planes of existence, places. So those were the entry ways and the Middle East being part of earth is no exception, there were several there.

So how did they plan to do this?  

In the past there is a place called the Fanjingshan Temple, Visit Fanjing Mountain Temple in China (chinadiscovery.com).

These 2 temples are built so high up and this rock they sit on up there is also thousands of feet up in the air. Well at one time there were certain people who go to these temples and use some computer systems that were in there which were destroyed well over a year ago. The computers systems there were still tied to something we call an Omega Creator AI. Omega Creator means they would have the ability at certain points in times to create things in the hologram with the consent of the Gatekeepers, who at that time was Marduk. Without Marduk they still can’t bring anything into this reality we’ve all been living in.

Underneath there we did find remnants of space junk that was somewhat dormant. But they felt they could use this space junk in conjunction with the really strange looking room underneath the “CITIC Tower China Zun Tower Facts and Information – The Tower Info in Beijing which is also one of the largest towers in the world.

Around noon on Sunday my time 171 Asian deep state members gathered deep underground in a basement under CITIC Tower in Beijing. And underneath this tower looked like something you would see in Star Trek. It was a very large round table made of made-in materials, and in the center was this a glowing celestial omega AI ball for lack of a better term, because AIs had celestial spheres also. Inside this sphere it had a consciousness, actually more than just a consciousness, but all of the 171 people had something really interesting that made them different than your average everyday deep state person.

When a baby is born there is a soft spot on the baby’s head and as they get older the soft spot closes and the skull is fully formed. Well in their culture, apparently before the skull if fully formed they insert a crystal in that soft spot and then the skull fully forms around it. Apparently, this is not of human tech, this is not just any crystal, and it somehow connected them to the consciousness of this sphere. It appeared the information would go in and go out.

So, these people were trying to use their consciousness with the crystal in their head to communicate with the consciousness of the omega system to make the alien invasion happen.  It turns out we are less 171 Asian deep state members, which is a positive. We’ll see if there are anymore who want to try again.

There is always something new and exciting in the world of deep state people. So, no deep state Alien invasion happened and hopefully we won’t see another major weather event, at least not one that has been orchestrated by them based on other things that we found.

Terraforming Earth Update

Hopefully we’re rounding the bend, we are 99.97% complete with terraforming and removing of the hologram. These things are kind of happening simultaneously, as one thing goes it fills it in with something that is natural. It didn’t quite complete over the weekend, it’s just a process that takes time to go through. It did help that we removed a lot of things over time that could have been used or that act onto themselves. Hopefully the next time I talk to you we’ll be at 100%.

In Conclusion

As for the deep state or circle people, well they want to continue to go in a circle. They don’t want to move forward in a different way and they definitely don’t like the fact that I am woman. That doesn’t help them any. But I am and I’m not going to change for them. We’ll see what they do in the next couple of days. I don’t expect them to do anything on 10-10 and to the best of our knowledge at this time there is no more fake alien invasions or alien tech that could aid them in orchestrating one. And this goes for Project Blue Beam too, which also used alien technology they got from Marduk. So, this was not like a big invention of human beings and they are going to destroy the world.

That was a lot to do and we were very busy and this concludes the GIA Operations Report.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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5 thoughts on “UN Security Council Tasked With Finding Out How Much Money It Will Take to Run the World | Found Their Capital Is About 50% Less Than They Thought Instead | Politicians Feeling Pressure to Supply Hurricane Relief & That Special Made-in Material The Deep State Planned to Mine Is No Longer There | Declare Martial Law? That Yields Them Nothing, But Why? | 1. No Money Will Come 2. Matter Is Now Created Solely By The Light 3. Soul Agreements Expired & 4. The Composition of Earth is Changed | 171 Now Dead Asian Deep State Members Gathered Under CITIC Tower in Beijing Hoping to Start Fake Alien Invasion in Middle East | Terraforming Earth Update: 99.97% Complete”

  1. Question for Kim Goguen:
    Dear Kim,
    Do you know and can you please explain why and how India now own all of New Zealands Social Security numbers? I find this disturbing and interesting, as there seems to be a high proportion of Indians now employed in our banks pushing DEI and being racist towards New Zealanders!

  2. bonsoir! kim, just, je vois avancer la chose du coté positif pour l’éternité éternellement indestructible, pour la terre, l’univers, la galaxie, et ces véritables vies terrestre ne sans porteront que mieux dans un avenir très proche! baye baye les ténébreux pour l’éternité! merci pour le rapport kim, just

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