This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 21-MAR-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The war in heavens was directly tied to our financial system. It appears buying and selling of souls was big business for the deep state as they try to become their own masters of the universe. According to the deep state all they needed was to acquire 80% of human souls in order to start the Great Reset. And the DOGE Department hands out stimulus checks but the amounts keep changing and what does it take to qualify?
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Happy day after the Equinox. Always an interesting time of the year and this one was no exception. There is a lot of information I should disclose because it does involve you and how the world really works. But first some regular news.
The DOGE Dept Stimulus Checks
Why would they hand out checks from tax payer money? It’s tax time here in the US and that gives them a little bit of cash flow. Normally about 80% would go to Rothschild et al. There is a little bit of negotiation going on behind the scenes regarding tax money and of course the DOGE Dept has been stealing money left and right from all over the world as well. They also feel they should have access to things which the Rothschilds are trying to give like SWIFT so they can steal from there, ACH, CHAPS if you are in the UK, and of course other payment transfer systems around the world where they can siphon more money. From time to time, they think they have it because they are given codes by the Rothschilds, NSA or someone else that should allow them access. The NSA used to have a lot of access to a lot of different things and most don’t work anymore but it doesn’t stop them from trying.
As for the stimulus checks most of this money is coming from taxes paid by you. The qualifications are rather stringent. Some people think it will be $5,000, $1,400, $1,700. They can’t make up their mind how much these stimulus checks are going to be. As far as qualifications, it’s a very small window as I understand it. If you are $3 over the amount for example you won’t qualify, so there must be a pretty darn small window. You also must be employed and paying taxes to qualify which leaves out most who are on state assistance and social security exclusively. It’s an interesting process and there is a definitive reason as to why they are doing it.
Popularity of Politicians Amongst the People is Important To Them
Some would say, oh that’s because we vote, but that couldn’t be further from the case. Although your vote does count in terms of buy-in of what they are selling and this is of extreme importance to the deep state. So, handing out stimulus checks, albeit to a small amount of people they believe works in their favor. And at this point they are desperate so they are doing everything they can to get you to buy-in to what they’re selling.
Your Buy-In and Implied Consent
For them, it all ties into the financial system in a roundabout sort of way and the reason why Marduk was so proud of his financial system. It has to do with implied consent essentially. To some degree we all know the more money you have, meaning sure you could make it to the few million-dollar level, but are you going to make it to the hundreds of millions or billion-dollar level without being approached by these people offering you a deal in order to keep your money or your debt instruments. That deal involves some pretty high stakes for the individual.
We know the people running around the planet with that kind of money are members of the deep state. Essentially, they bought into their side and they are called upon to do a lot of things for them, become bagman for them, and fund a lot of their operations because of course what is yours is theirs in their mind. According to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and many others they own all money in the world. Well, not so much, that was obviously owned by someone else. But when it comes to these people you never know who is talking through their mouth. That could be an AI system, a being from the lower astral in the past, it could be anyone. So, who is telling them they own the financial system? You just never knew at that point in time.
We know a lot has changed in the universe over the last few years and as we go along you are always informed. You might not quite understand everything that is happening but you are being informed for a reason because eventually at some point it’s all going to make sense to you if it doesn’t already. But my telling you this information is really important because somewhere in the back of your mind if you are ever approached by these people, this niggling thought will be in your head and you’ll really understand what they are trying to do to you. And there are many, many programs out there, we talked about media and financial control and military and intelligence control and of course their savior programs that they run.
But as you know the war has been much bigger than that.
The War in Heaven
Archangels and Angels
I have mentioned to all of you about the war in heaven. And in the war in heaven there was a lot of fighting going on between beings that had turned dark, you might call them Archangels if you are a religious person. Eventually these beings became what you call demons, the Devil, Satan, and of course there are the 72 Hierarchy Demons that really did a great job during the war. Then on the other side you had what you called Angels or beings that are exclusively dedicated to Source. On both sides you had those who were dedicated to Source and those who were dedicated to overthrowing Source based on agreements of Lucifer and of course Lucifer led the charge against Source a long, long time ago.
Fallen Angels Are Luciferians
Now during the war there were many what you call Fallen Angels, by fallen these are the Luciferians, the groups that came to be lower astral beings or cast out of hell you would say. Those were the beings dedicated to proliferating the dark throughout the universe, to eliminate Source in totality, blocking Source from any beings of his creation, and trying to take over the entire omniverse.
On the other hand, you had those who continued to fight for Source and although technically, things up there with Source are pretty calm now, there was a line drawn in the sand. Nothing positive could pass below the 7th density of the lower astral and nothing negative could cross over through the 7th density of the upper astral and this was for the ones who had chosen a side. On a rare occasion such as myself, you find people who are of Source who have permission to cross there, in order to return dominion of the universe to Source. These are things that have been done by permission which I guess you can say is a blessing and a curse in some cases.
Another Group That Wouldn’t Make a Firm Commitment Are Called Fallen Ones
In other cases, you have another group. During the war there are those who didn’t really pick a side. Maybe they were more for one over the other but out of fear didn’t definitely choose, or they just wanted to be on the winning side, that happens a lot too. And they are beings with sovereign will, so they have the right to choose. Those that wouldn’t make a firm commitment and fight for either side are called the Fallen Ones.
As the story tells us those beings were condemned to roam the earth forever, and there have been other beings throughout our history that we know are stuck here with the rest of us on earth. Now because it’s been a long time, these beings have chosen one side or the other, or they lean one way. Very rarely do you find them not participating on one side or the other and for a long time a lot of them were on the dark side. Therefore, you could say they participated heavily with Marduk, Enki, Enlil and in some cases the deep state. They also participated in rituals and those types of things along with the covens.
Then there are those who were on the positive side desperately trying to help humanity and grow and go to Source, that type of thing. Even if it was in a church, they tried in any way possible, those who walked the walk and did good deeds, generally they are good people.
Which Side Wins the War?
One of the things they have been fighting about here for a very long time is which side is going to win. Well, we have about 8 billion beings walking the planet right now and that is a lot of people to sway to one side or the other. The ones on the positive side try to get the ones of similar caliber to turn to the positive side and the ones on the negative side try to get the other fallen ones to join the negative side. This has been a fight back and forth for a long, long time.
About The Legions That Came Here 2 Years Ago
We’ve talked about the Legions and those types of folks, that they came here and there was a fight. I know a lot of you were expecting them to take out politicians and quite frankly I was expecting the same thing. I was expecting to have them help us or humanity thrive, but unfortunately there are rules to the road of the fallen. Unfortunately, most of the fallen have also been cursed. That means it doesn’t matter if you are on the positive side or the negative side, you are cursed by Lucifer who cursed all the Fallen Ones to turn everyone over to his side. So, there are certain things you could and could not do if you wanted to exist underneath a Dark Age and Lucifer’s dominion on the planet.
When our Legions came here to the planet, which was about two years ago in October they did fight. They were fighting beings against those of similar caliber. I know we were hoping to see more and I know there was an attempt in political circles and those types of things, but then again you never know who is sitting where and who was being influenced by what at that time. We still had some coven members floating around in places like the White House and you don’t know who is who. Meaning some of these Fallen Ones did participate with Covens and with a lot of the Coven Masters, the Parents, and they helped out Marduk a lot. Just being around those people would definitely influence the average human being. Sometimes they are seen and sometimes not, sometime they look like regular people. That being said, there were a lot more on the dark side than on the light side simply because it’s been a long game and the curse was very real for them and that type of thing.
Currently at this moment in time, there might be as many as 4 million who are dark walking around the planet. Some of them are not permitted to interfere in the surface of this planet due to infractions and violations. On our side of it, we have somewhere around 124,000 coming in and out of our lives. As things change on this planet, they are getting freer and freer hands. Now a lot of them were neutrals that joined our side over the last few years as we progressed. They can see Source is coming back and can see the changes that are happening and they know it’s only a matter of time before dominion changes hands, which is predominantly what has happened since last weekend on our side.
The War in the Heavens is Done But For Earth It’s Still Going On By the Fallen Ones Who Want to Be Rulers of the Universe
There are important things to understand about these Fallen Ones in the actual war. Although the war isn’t going on presently in what you would call heaven or within Source, the war is still somewhat existing. A lot of that existence of this war was no longer in the upper realms or upper astral, but as it relates to earth, earth was a very important piece of real estate for Lucifer. Even though Lucifer is no longer participating in the war and has gone back to Source, and most of the lower astral beings have gone back to Source, we’re still stuck with some of these Fallen Ones, which have caused somewhat of a disturbance.
Being disconnected from their master, their leader has definitely taken a toll on them. They don’t have the information or the knowledge they used to have, a lot of it has been faulty. There have been times we’ve run into folks like Daniel for example who was working with the Global Headquarters group and of course there have been a lot of humans who don’t have the best of intent anyway. Sometimes it’s like keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer and sometimes that’s what these folks would do.
The Fallen Ones Ability to Control Human Souls Has Been the Base Root of the Deep State’s Existence
The war for them was in part with humans. Technically they had the ability to influence humans, but ultimately the decision is up to the human being. But all deep state members, and this is the base root of how we got the deep state on the planet who chose the Luciferian side, they have been fighting for that side and for human soul control for a long time. Their ability to control your soul has been the base root of their existence.
If it wasn’t for the fact they were not humans, they don’t get on TV and the media and they make songs with bad frequencies and all the things they do to us, no one would care in the real war they existed. No one. They feel that since there is no Lucifer they would surely like to be the rulers of the universe and take over the fight for their side.
This has been going on for awhile now and they have been haphazardly working their way through it trying to go against the grain of everything in the universe. They used to have power based on the fact they had some dominion leftover from Lucifer. There is a lot of talk that God turned dominion over to Lucifer. Really that wasn’t the case, it had to do with the fight and the war, playing fair and the game, the Dark Age, and a lot of factors in the universe that came to pass.
Why the Financial System Was Marduk’s Greatest Creation
The reason why the financial system was Marduk’s greatest invention at the time when it worked in their favor is because the entire base root of the financial system was to indebt you, it was to give you cursed money or debt instruments in exchange for a tremendous amount of energy that you would generate.
They say that money was evil, and at the time it was very very true. Money was definitely by implied consent the root of all evil and I don’t disagree in some cases. But like I said too, we all have to do it unless we live in the forest on nuts and berries. It doesn’t mean if you participated in the financial system that you are doomed and your soul is sold to Lucifer. But there are people who take money to a whole new level. It’s okay to earn money and even spend money and have a little bit of debt, that’s not what we’re talking about here. There are those who take money to a whole new level and will do anything to get it, evil deeds, join crazy deep state clubs to get it, will fight whoever to get it. There is a reason why money is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, it because it will make humans do crazy things sometimes. And I’m not saying an honest day’s work doesn’t deserve a good day’s pay.
Now we have been working really hard to remove all the curses and for Source to take over dominion of everything including the financial system. We are converting over to a currency system, the base root is gold for a reason and it has nothing to do with black gold or the deep state’s way of siphoning energy off of people. In that way, when money begins to flow we won’t feel a sense of lack as human beings brought on by our fear of not having things, or our need or want to have things we don’t currently have. In some cases, people will do crazy things for food to feed their families for example, it’s all about intent, so that doesn’t quite count. But the financial system is a really big factor. The second most important factor is media, social media influencing you into doing things, especially as our younger generations these days follow things that are trending.
Souls and Redemption Then and Now
Let’s talk about the souls. Clearly in the past there have been a lot of decisions made for us that we did not technically consent to. Some of it was past lives, things we have done knowingly or unknowingly. Some was complete buy-in of the deep state’s programs. Some of it happens to be because we got a little greedy, but you know when you crossed the line. Of course, Source is always there to forgive you now for things. Redemption exists now. It didn’t exist for a long time without an intercessor which is the reason they create religions on this planet. You can go directly to Source and ask for anything you want. Going directly to a person and asking for forgiveness from those people, well you don’t need to. Who are they and who do they work for? Think about that, who are you asking redemption from.
I’m not saying gathering with friends and family in a building and raising money, helping the homeless, etc. is bad. That is what community is all about. If you choose to do that in your church then I think that is wonderful. Hopefully whatever building you choose to do that in is directly related to Source, you are showing up for God, however you want to say that, it’s the intention behind that is what matters.
When Implied Consent Ruled, We Had 50-70% Souls “Sold to Lucifer”
At one point in time unfortunately we were up to about 50-70% souls that were sold to Lucifer due to implied consent or I would say the gray or borderline of consent. You have heard of Cestui Que Vie and the Vatican holding all your souls and that isn’t entirely true. They were intercessors, slave masters of human beings who were managing things. They were making sure you were selling your soul one way or another by creating all kinds of programs, intercessors and media campaigns that make you strive for things that are crazy and outlandish and beyond your means.
So, at one point in time that is where they were at. But was that enough? Because any day it changes. It could go from 50% to 70% on their side of it at the drop of a hat. Just because one day you are on that level and there is a temporary ownership event that happened, you could always redeem yourselves.
But unlike these Fallen Ones, that was definitely not the case, the rules were different there.
Where Are We At Now?
It’s kind of important to know we’re at probably less than 20%. You still have all the deep state people and the ones who are excited about what they do and love to go to these coven meetings and are trying to weave black magic. They really want power and control and are willing to kill people to get it. We all know those people, we see them on TV every day.
To get into that kind of a power position in the world you are pretty much gone which is why for myself I could care less. I don’t care about credit, about power. What I care about is restoration and that is the only reason we are changing currency, so we can do that on behalf of Source.
Saviors and Hero Worship is Also Considered A Buy-In to the Deep State
There are a lot of things that need to be redeemed, it is not just human souls. That being said, over the last the last few days they were expecting to create all kinds of events to get people to buy-in. On their side a buy-in isn’t necessary just evil things, buy-ins come in many different forms. For example, when they put a savior in front of you or a hero and if you are following that hero you are giving all your power away to that hero which is also a buy-in to the deep state. It’s the reason why they put out programs like Nesara-Gesara, the Universal Income, the RV, the redemption, the Great Reset and all the other things you hear them talk about, because it’s buy-in.
You are buying into their media campaigns whether that is a politician or a religious figure that is a savior. Anyone of their beings who comes out and tells you they are the savior which is usually done by media campaigns, or their panels of experts, oh look at Elon Musk he has now taken over for Steven Hawkins as the expert in the science realm. These are all people who have portrayed themselves under the savior program. Therefore, you have to be pretty careful when it comes to who you follow. But you see, people are not buying into their savior program, there hasn’t been enough people doing that. Even at the height there was maybe 70% doing that.
The Social Media Program Was Designed So You Worship These People
Now there is also following of people on social media. You follow your friends, stuff you find funny, and that’s fine, but the program itself of following was designed so that you worship some of these people. There are a lot of people out there who are your average people who are selling what they are told to sell. There are a lot of alleged ex-government people, a lot of them bought into the fact they are doing good things and working for the white hats. I met a lot of them, a lot of those good guys who have done a lot of bad things. What I mean by that is some of them say oh, we’re going to turn a corner, we’re going to fight the deep state, but in reality, all they have really done in front of my face are bad things.
But you can’t lump all people together and now every person has the right to choose for themselves. But as far as showing up here and thinking you’re going to manipulate me to do things for the deep state, well you’ve lost your ever-loving mind. Been there-done that and this is all from the alleged good guys. And there are a lot of people in social media talking to these people too, and maybe they don’t know any better. Maybe they haven’t had the experiences I had the displeasure of having and maybe they think this information is true and they put it out there.
Are they paying them for it? I don’t know, but you can kind of tell when there is a trend. If everybody is saying the same thing, one of two things is happening. Either they are listening to someone else’s report and they are doing a summation of that or they are pretty much on the payroll. That is one way to tell.
You also have people who tell you they are receiving messages from alleged positive beings and I have to tell you, there are a lot of beings out there that are fairly negative but they come and tell you they are the good guys. So be careful out there and use your inner discernment, you’ll know the difference.
The Deep State is Trying to Get Back Things They Leveraged Against Souls & Renew Covenants
Right now, at this moment in time the collective securities and other things they used to be able to utilize to leverage for financial purposes against souls that were sold to Lucifer to issue cursed money are not there.
They have been trying desperately to get those back and tried to renew a couple of different covenants like the one in the Kolyma region I mentioned recently. The other one was a covenant for themselves with Lucifer.
The Fallen Ones Favoring the Dark Now Want To Be Kings and Takeover the Universe
We talked about the fact that there are the Fallen Ones that didn’t make a decision to go to either side, but eventually over time they would lean toward one side and some became terribly evil or absolutely saintly. So as far as this group is concerned, the ones that are firmly in Lucifer’s corner are super excited he is gone because now it’s time for them to be the Kings and takeover. So, they are trying to renew covenants Lucifer had with Anti-Source and they’ve been doing this for days now. They’ve been hunting down old space junk; old bindings that had the Fallen Ones bound to earth because they would like to take over the reins for everyone now.
That’s not going over very well. But they would definitely like to do that, take control of all the Fallen Ones who are left. The Fallen Ones don’t necessarily have wings and fly around, they are humans in some cases that have incarnated and (glitch with the audio). So, these folks are not necessarily walking around like holy ones or demonic looking creatures.
When Lucifer Died the War Pretty Much Ended Everywhere Except for Earth
We are still fighting a lot of those people. In this case we are fighting human beings that would like all of us to sell our soul to the dark side and that’s part of the reason why they are ramping up programs like the Great Reset. By the Great Reset I know a lot of you are concerned about things you hear from the World Economic Forum, additional pandemics like monkey pox, the black plague, another H1NI, the bird flu and all kinds of things they are tossing around now. It rotates every time they think they are going to get a leg up and some money but that hasn’t happened. The generation of what they call money has changed and it’s not going to fund those things anymore and this is part of the underlying war too.
Source Has Taken Dominion Over the Currents
Dominion has returned to Source and all the positive people on this planet are participating whether you realize it or not. We no longer want to give any dominion to the deep state and therefore have to ensure any kind of covenant they have or had or tried to take over, that Lucifer had is gone and part of that is giving all the dominion back. And it’s not just earth, it’s been everywhere, the currencies, the energy generations, the essence, the souls, the ether. It has been turning the tides of the sequencing of computer systems and assembly processing of AI systems in order to ensure we are no longer following a sequence that is backwards. And you probably noticed over the last few days the day is either dragging or it’s going too fast. It’s a little bit of a fight, it’s changing sequences, changing the way currency flows and it could be just in one aspect of things and it feels weird and different.
So, when we say we are fighting the deep state it’s not just the deep state, it’s the whole origin of their existence, of why they live on this planet. Their fantasy of taking over this dominion of Lucifer is a fantasy and it is a fantasy because Source said so. These people forget there is a Source, nor do they care because of course their goal is to become greater than Source throughout the multiverse as it was Lucifer’s.
I feel that we have definitely turned a corner in the last couple of days. As difficult as it has been I am happy to see them try and renew covenants with beings that don’t exist. I’m also happy to see they are trying to take over covenants that have already expired because that means we are doing our job, there isn’t any more dominion for them to take from us. We are making sure they can’t renew any contracts for souls or get any to sell. You see on their end they feel there is a loop hole at least as it relates to dominion on earth.
If they can gain control of 80% of the human souls walking this planet right now. If they can get 80% of human to buy what they are selling by Great Reset default, meaning they chip everybody and force everybody into their social crediting programs and those types of things and become even more oppressive than they have in the past they consider that a win. That is why they are pushing so hard for these programs, that is the base root behind it. They need 80% and believe at 80% they can control earth because they control most of the souls of earth.
Source is Back On This Planet and Implied Consent Doesn’t Apply Anymore!
You’ve seen the demon on one shoulder and the angel on the other shoulder, and which one wins is the one that you feed. Well, that couldn’t be more true in the world. But at this point Source is back. Source was forced by covenants and dominions where he could go and what he could do but those limitations and the gloves are off now and it has to do with a lot of work all of us have done. So, I thank all you for working really hard helping bring Source back to this planet because without all of you we wouldn’t be here. And now that you have sovereign will you have the right to make these decisions on your own. Implied consent doesn’t apply anymore. So even if they implemented their social crediting programs or pandemics and lockdowns it doesn’t matter to you because what it matters is it’s your sovereign will and choice now. Just because you receive currency, that is a flow of the Creator that you are entitled to as a creation of Source, it has nothing to do with their strange curses and programs anymore.
The Fallen Ones Have a Choice To Make
As far as the Fallen Ones, they have a lot of choices to make and they have been. We have a lot more left on our side than they have on their side because a lot of them are being taken out. We have the right to do these things because there is no dominion, no order, no covenant, no right for them to be doing what they are doing here anymore. So, for that reason they have all been informed they need to comply with what is happening or disappear and we have been disappearing them left and right. At one point in time, they were about even. But now we definitely have the majority and the minority is going to depart this planet very quickly if they don’t comply with what is happening. They are not cursed anymore; they do not have the curse of Lucifer anymore and if they want to continue to work with those people they can go right ahead at their own demise. And there will be no mercy at this point.
That’s pretty much what has been going on in the last several days. The war definitely got a little hot here for awhile, but other than that it’s going fairly well. On their side I know they keep hoping for something different. I am also seeing messages and alerts come up as I’m talking to you all tonight because they think if I stop taking calls I’m not working or something. But I work all day and all night when I need to.
But as far as their agenda, it’s not going to yield the end result they are looking for whether they know they are looking for it or not. Some of them desperately want control of the financial system and now you know why. It’s not just about money, not just about money flow, it’s the curse that came along with it and what they feel they can do to human beings along with it, with control of it. Which is why they try to come out as the good people, the savior and get you to buy into these programs and make you worship those people. Let’s face it, there are many out there that look at orange Oompa Loompa guy and say, that’s our guy! I’m so glad he’s doing such a great job. I am even hearing it from people in other countries and I am shocked because these people should be smarter, they should know what politics is by now and should know this is ridiculous.
But they are trying to gain more acceptance because in some cases Americans are starting to question what is going on there because it makes no sense. They had to come up with something to keep you on the hook. But unfortunately, that is not a hook anymore for them, it doesn’t get them any closer to this 80% in any way, actually if anything it works against their survival at this point. And I’m sure they’ll be talked to by the remaining folks on their side who have all been informed over the last few days on how it really works now. So that being said, a busy week and I’m glad that part is over. I hope you have a better understanding of where the true origin of the deep state came from, that it was beyond even Marduk. Now you know where Marduk came from and why he did the things he did.
Just know in your heart of hearts that Source has dominion over this planet. I’m sure Source definitely has dominion over you and is watching over you. And we are making great strides towards eliminating the darkness here.
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bonjour, merci pour ce rapport! yes, oui, je désire de tout mon coeur, voir la disparition totale des ténébres, et de tout ce qui y touchent de près comme de loin! oui à la victoire totale de la source de vie naturelle, éternelle, indestructive, guériseuse!
bonjour, merci pour ce rapport! yes, oui, je désire de tout mon coeur, voir la disparition totale des ténébres, et de tout ce qui y touchent de près comme de loin! oui à la victoire totale de la source de vie naturelle, éternelle, indestructive, guériseuse!