This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 22 JAN 24 NEWS ( Kim gives an update on the war they declared against us and warns of an impending tsunami starting in Asia. She has a solution, but will they listen? Will it be enough? We’ll find out. But as the deep state falls she emphasized there is great opportunities to create new structures, a new framework which can empower the people.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Status of the Declaration of War
When the Deep State declared war against us, we countered and that got filed and many Asian Generals committed suicide Friday morning which we heard in the last report. Since then, they attempted to hold worldwide operative meetings and repeat performances took place.
New SSP Group Was Going to Declare Themselves in Charge But Died Instead
There was supposed to be a worldwide operative meeting with your political operatives or your “actual Presidents,” and “actual Congress,” and “actual Parliament” people and a new group of Secret Space Program people were apparently going to declare themselves in charge. They spent most of their time trying to acclimate to the environment, I guess. They were hacking and sent Cyberlife people to different locations to see if they could get into anything anywhere and they all failed.
Generals in Cheyenne Dead
When the time came for the worldwide operative meeting they called, which was a repeat performance of something that happened a couple of months ago. Remember the time the head of the Italian family called the worldwide operative meeting and then didn’t show up. Well, the same thing happened with the group that was in Cheyenne, the same circumstance too, which means they’re no longer with us. So nobody showed up for the call.
Saturday Meeting with Some Other Operatives
There were some operatives that then decided to take charge. They were discussing the possibility of moving forward in their respective countries and it looks like they all kind of went back home and decided to see what the options were, if there was a possibility of going forward in another direction. They kind of were checking in with the different sectors in their respective countries, be it military operatives, intelligence operatives, political operatives, media operatives, in all the different sectors. This meeting took place on Saturday. Also on Saturday, a few people from Cyberlife, were hacking all day. It’s all about the money for them right now because they know without the money, they’re not going to be able to control anything. If anybody is trying to step up and be in charge and looking for an alignment it’s the SSP which is in every country in the world. It’s one space program by the way, the Americans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, etc., they all have a secret space program.
Another Meeting on Sunday Took Place
Then there was another meeting yesterday late in the afternoon which was more of a definitive. We’ve reviewed the information and have done our research and now we’re going to go back to our respective countries and come up with a plan because there is a lot of talk amongst them, especially in the political sector of whether or not they’re going to have a job anymore. That was a topic of conversation in many different areas as far as the US is concerned.
Allegedly some decisions have been made, but this is a repeat performance as well. They were asked by some remaining SSP people who still would like to be in charge and also by some Langley 5, the behind-the-scenes 5-Star Generals to just wait until Thursday or Friday. Why wait until Thursday or Friday? Well, there’s a full moon on the 25th so they think it’s going to help them out in some way because the other 374 full moons didn’t do anything. But this one could be the Queen Mother of full moons so we’re just going to hang on and wait.
Dragon Families
We haven’t seen a whole lot of activity from any of the remaining Dragon Family members out there. That doesn’t mean there won’t be, but since the heavy action of Wednesday to Friday we haven’t seen a lot.
Uptick in Chemtrails
The need to stop doing is spraying us like we’re cockroaches and shut down anything we haven’t already found like the sites underneath the Three Gorges Dam. This is ridiculous and we know all the orders come out of there. The American Generals comply that’s true, the Netherlands Generals, the German Generals or wherever you are, it’s one worldwide government, let’s not lie to each other here. We don’t have separate militaries and nobody’s in a war with each other. I know it looks like that and there are people that are hurting right now due to skirmishes that are going on, but they are friends at the end of the day. They all get together have a beer or whatever it is they do in their spare time and they chat about what they’re going to orchestrate tomorrow. That’s includes Israel and the Hamas, Pakistan and Iran and all the other things you’re seeing going on in the mainstream news.
Bombing of Pakistan
There’s still some craziness going on based on the bombing happening over in Pakistan the last few days. Iran has publicly denied that they knew anything about the bombing of Pakistan. They said it was a rogue group in their Revolutionary Guard that must have done it and they don’t even know who it was which is a lie. You have Iranian Generals that are Chinese, they don’t look Chinese but trust me they are, and they were taking orders from all the wrong people. The 5-Star Generals of Langley 5 are not all American. We call it Langley 5 for lack of a better term because predominantly I would say it’s a Langley based thing. But you have Koreans in there, you definitely have some Latin American folk, and these are native to those countries. It doesn’t mean they don’t live there now. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, but it doesn’t really matter. I do know for a fact there were some Chinese Generals involved in that and the British definitely too. So it’s a worldwide thing.
Israel-Palestine & Russia-Ukraine
In the last 24 hours there has been much going on probably because every time you give an order you go away which is why in Iran they’re denying they knew anything about a bombing of Pakistan. It wasn’t us; we didn’t know anything about it when it was definitely those people. It takes time for people to really start getting the message or there’s nobody left to talk. You leave one person to tell the story, right? As of the morning the US military was waiting for orders. They’re not sure from who though, but they’re waiting for them.
Overall, as far as I know it’s been fairly quiet for the last couple of days and no money came on Friday again. But you never know, they could start ramping up any minute now because another set of people decide to step up and Langley 5 decides it’s a good idea.
A Financial Crisis is Taking Place Starting in Asia
But there are some interesting things that are coming as well, such as the tsunami that is happening, a financial crisis is taking place and it’s starting over in Asia. You heard it here first. I told you the economy of China is done; their media control is lacking and their mass suicide last week was nothing to sneeze about, there is nothing good happening there. And you have foreign investors predominantly bailing on the Chinese market right now and that is a wise decision.
I have stated previously, but I’ll reiterate how their economy works. The Chinese government owns the majority of all companies registered in the country. They also have certain stipulations as it relates to certain types of companies whereby only a Chinese citizen can own another portion of it and there’s very little room for a foreign investor, depending on the industry. Now that’s for the average everyday person looking to invest in China. But deals are always made between the elitists, and for the elitists in China such deals were made with companies like Ford, which is a big one, well-known pharmaceutical companies too. China actually produces and manufacturer about 80% of all pharmaceuticals on the market worldwide. And this is your tsunami. What I mean by tsunami, because this is an analysis and you know me, I analyze everything. So, I’m just going to give it out to you straight. As that market starts to fall and foreign investors start to pull out, the question is, will the elite companies also pull out? Is Ford going to pull out? Are they going to leave behind no manufacturing jobs?
Every Industry and Corporation in China Could Also Fall Unless They Make a Choice
The next thing we need to take into consideration when China’s government’s economy falls is most every industry and every corporation in the country could potentially also fall unless they change their regulations and allow for 100% ownership of a foreign entity in the country, which means that the very basis of communism in China could change. That is a choice they have to make which could ultimately save the country.
Other things it would save are a lot of vehicle manufacturing that happens in China. We already have experienced a “chip shortage” which has caused a shortage in new vehicles in the marketplace not only in the US but worldwide. Now what do you think is going to happen if the majority of the chip manufacturers go out of business? I know in the news you’re seeing Taiwan potentially erupting into a war with China, but that will never happen. I know the US deep state would like that to happen, but it’s never going to happen because China’s deep state and Taiwan’s deep state are partners. Now neither country has much of a deep state left after last week’s suicide event, so where do they go from here? The reason why I mentioned Taiwan is because they are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of chips for cars and microchips for other things. That’s why Pelosi spent a lot of time over there trying to invest in those companies.
Will They Allow for 100 % Foreign Ownership to Save Their Country?
But the only way China can save their economy and further Industries at this point is to actually allow for 100% foreign ownership, which will technically destroy their communist society and they’re probably going to have to relabel themselves something else. Let’s face it, every government in the world is a tyranny, all subject to the same group of people worldwide in the past. That being said, it doesn’t matter what the label is, you can kind of structure or corral us slave people to believe in that way of living and is the only choice. In the US we were led to believe that we are a democracy, we are free and we should be able to vote. But you’ve never voted in your life. You might have stood in the line and checked some boxes but your vote didn’t mean anything. All that was made up by other people and that goes for every democracy in the world, every socialist society, and every communistic society.
All the political leaders have come to realize they cannot leverage those assets that are in-ground, all those contracts they have with the African continent behind the scenes. Sure, they can get a good deal, basically free supplies of rare earth minerals in some cases with contracts that they’ve made, but there’s only so much you can pull out of the ground and only so fast and it’s not enough to save a multi-trillion-dollar economy.
Kim telling them this now is probably the first time they ever thought of allowing for 100% foreign ownership. But now with less deep state interference it would take no time at all to pass the laws that allows for foreign ownership and investment in the country. Once you do that everything will change. But what is the likelihood of it happening?
The tsunami means several other things as well.
The Small % of Foreign Ownership That was Permitted Is Pulling Out
The tsunami is building and the water is receding, you’re seeing a severe drop in the markets which means that the small portion of foreign ownership that was permitted are all pulling out. That’s basically what’s happening, big money hedge funds, those that invested in China. And markets worldwide, not just Wall Street in America, it’s all markets worldwide operate on a lot of nepotism. The people in Switzerland communicate with people in Germany and the people in England and those people communicate with Wall Street, and they talk to the people in Argentina.
When the worldwide plan moved over to China in the 70s, everybody including a lot of American deep state elite were buying places in Macau, in Hong Kong, in Shanghai. They were planning for the world’s global power center to move away from America to China. They were told that the Federal Reserve was going to move to Hong Kong and this was over a decade ago. Everybody had been talking about this and making that move. Their strategic Investments were to pull out of the US markets and to invest in the China markets and this has been going on for probably three decades in some cases, and very heavily in the last decade or two. On the higher circles, those are the people that are pulling out now because they know China’s done. But if they allowed for 100% foreign ownership of Corporations, I can assure you there’d be some assistance there.
A Worldwide Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Crisis
80% of the world’s pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China. This also goes for things like insulin and other things that we don’t have another solution for at this moment in time. There are solutions for long-term, we could do 3D printing of a pancreas, we can change a lot of hormones in the body, but we don’t have those solutions in a mainstream market. If we don’t come up with an interim solution for that we’re going to be in serious trouble. I know people who watch our news are going to say, Oh my God don’t support Big Pharma! But you’ve got to think about the people that carry around an EpiPen because they could go into anaphylactic shock, they have severe allergies to things. There are solutions for these things in the future but interim-wise you have to remember of the 8 billion people in the world not many people have heard of us and not many know who we are on a worldwide scale. Now that’s going to change too, but for right now that is the circumstance and we need to figure out something. If they don’t make that decision and make that decision fast, the world could be in trouble.
A Worldwide Manufacturing Crisis in General
Another part of the tsunami that we could possibly see, a worldwide manufacturing crisis not just of pharmaceuticals but think about all the things in your home right now that are manufactured in China. No matter where you are in the world, we have to start looking at these things now. Are there things other countries could possibly do? Yes, there is, we have more rare earth minerals in the United States than most countries in the world. We’re one of seven countries in the world that have such an abundance and we could use them here to manufacture chips. I’ve been saying it for about three or four years now and everybody would like to wait for a full moon. So, you go ahead and you wait for the full moon and I’ll see you on Friday because you’re going to be in the same position if not worse than you are right now. But we do have the opportunity not only here in the US but also on the African continent. I know where they would go and we’ll leave that for now. But yes, there’s an opportunity there to manufacture, there’s opportunities in Russia to manufacture as well.
Are we going to survive without goods coming from China? Yes, we are but we’re going to have to start filling that gap. If they don’t make those decisions, if China’s market goes completely down, which is entirely possible at this point, it’s not going to be long before the US market crashes. If the US market crashes all of Europe’s markets are going to crash, all of Africa’s markets are going to crash, the Russian markets are going to crash and all of the Latin American markets are going to crash thereafter. This is the tsunami that could possibly take place. It doesn’t have to take place, but it could just be that it’s part of the fall of governments because this could happen.
If China Goes Down Russia Will Go Down
If China goes down, you’re going to see Russia go down real quick because of the way they have economically isolated the Russian economy. Russia was forced recently by China, even though it looks like it’s the Americans and sanctions, and it looks like the Europeans, and it looks like the war in Ukraine, but the entire thing was all about isolating Russia. There is a reason and we’ve talked about this in the past why Russia is one of the most heavily attacked countries on the planet for a very long time, over a millennium. It has to do with the gateways there, it has to do with the Black Sun control there in the past and the removal of that control removes it for the entire world. Some of the deepest darkest places in the world were there, as well as some of the lightest.
I can tell you that we worked in Russia again this weekend. In Volgograd there is a very strange statue which I call the Russian Statue of Liberty. It’s really really tall and there’s some interesting things that were underneath there that are no longer there. Note: I looked it up and the statue is called, The Motherland Calls.

Giant Statues and Monuments from the Soviet Union (
But Russia has almost every Rare Earth Mineral on the planet. They’ve got plenty of diamonds, plenty of gold, plenty of silver. They could disrupt the entire world’s markets if they didn’t agree to adhere to the elitist stature of us all living in lack. We do not lack gold in the planet, we do not lack silver. Rare earth minerals are not rare at all and there’s plenty of them to manufacture whatever we want. But see then the price of your car for example goes down in half and they still make the same profit. It’s all about “diamonds” are rare. But these industrial diamonds are far from rare to manufacture lasers and other stuff like that.
The Tsunami Will Then Hit BRICS, then America, then Everything in Between
The tsunami will then start hitting BRICS pretty quick and then you’re going to see it steamroll into America and it’s going to come from the other side. Then everything in between will be hit with that tsunami.
China May Not Be Able to Buy Russian Oil and Gas
If China is not able to buy the Russian oil and gas that comes through the pipelines that were built several years ago, that’s going to crash and burn the Europeans gas supplies. Things that were promised from Israel are not exactly happening in the way that they anticipated. Part of the Palestine War has a lot to do with the ports and the Gaza Strip and it also has to do with control of gas supplies and a pipeline for both gas and oil that’s supposed to start in Saudi Arabia and go all the way through the Middle East then to Europe, and that’s not happening.
We pointed out the fact that control was 60% China deep state families and 40% Israel Rothchild et al fake Jewish Khazarian Mafia families. Now would it surprise you if Israel were to supply the entire world with gas or the entire European Union at least? The same thing with Saudi Arabia because the Saudi Arabian Royal family is Rothschild. It doesn’t matter what their last name and actually they’re not even the original royal family of Saudi Arabia in the first place. For those of you that don’t know, the original royal family of Saudi Arabia actually hailed from Sudan and they were not brown in any way.
However, the only one who has ever supplied anything to this world as far as liquidity was me and we’ve proven it all, the documents everything is on our telegram chat. You can go back and look for them. We’ve explained it on the news several times with proof that actually did happen. That’s the reality of the situation and there is no pipeline being built. There will probably never ever be a pipeline built from Israel and Saudi Arabia through to the European Union. That’s probably never ever going to happen, so you better make nice with the Russians just saying, because it just doesn’t even make any sense. I mean there’s plenty of oil and gas in other areas in the region. But the isolation of Russia was all China wanted, for those reasons and for control of the market.
So things are definitely moving and changing, that’s my main concern right now. I’m watching out for the crashing and burning of the manufacturing base of planet Earth known as China.
Will China Listen to Kim’s Proposed Solution?
These are things to possibly look out for now right now because we don’t know what’s going to happen over there, if they will allow foreign investment to come in. We don’t know about the behind-the-scenes large manufacturing that happens there and what those deals look like. I’m sure they look a lot different than the face front laws for the rest of us, but they’re clearly pulling out of the China markets right now, that is abundantly clear. So are they going to be able to be the manufacturing base for the entire world? Probably not, it doesn’t look like it. They could be if they change their structure. These are things that we’re watching very closely.
They are on the Titanic and we have the sealant for the boat, we’re telling you what to do. We’re giving you options here; we can seal underwater and the boat’s going to stay afloat. It’s your choice, but you’re looking at me like I’m an alien with three heads. I’m not, I’m just one person with a really cool system or multiple systems that we built and a whole lot of wisdom that comes from someplace else. So, if they want to change and start allowing for more citizen ownership of companies which is possible, 100% foreign ownership and start changing the way their entire country works, it’s a mentality too, a cultural thing to consider. And I’m not saying in any way to get rid of your culture, but what I am saying is you’re going to have to make some very swift economic decisions to survive. And you have the ability to do that. Enough people have been removed above them that they’re not having to follow orders from someone else. There might be stragglers just like we see here, that call a worldwide operative meeting and then not show up because they have left this planet, that’s possible, that could definitely happen.
So, we’ll see what happens with the tsunami. As soon as I do see problems with EpiPens, Insulin, etc., I will then tell you to stock up because I don’t know what kind of decisions they’re going to make. This just barely hit a peak last week, so it’s going to take a little bit of time for it to trickle down into the private sector and start affecting manufacturing of things that people use. You might not be able to get that cheap coffee maker, but I’m sure you’ll find a way to make coffee. But I’m more concerned with those types of things that people at this moment in time cannot really live without.
Just for the record here, I personally am not waiting for any of these people to do anything. I’m really not waiting for the operatives to do anything; I’m not waiting for the governments to do anything. We’re just keeping it moving and setting ourselves up for success over here. The rest is kind of irrelevant with those few exceptions that I am concerned about and mentioned to you.
What The Deep State is Focusing On Instead of the Tsunami
The water is receding, the wall is going higher and higher and they’re shuffling through papers to see if there is anything that we may have forgotten, some place we could get some money and kind of sort this thing out with Congress. Let’s take a look at the old writings from our former bosses and covens and whatnot and see if maybe there’s an alignment coming up where this is supposed to all switch around.
Well, it’s not going to switch around, the power and control structure is breaking down. We’re now down to government level and what I mean by government level is there are old communication lines that used to exist between these people where they thought they were calling securely and those lines don’t exist anymore. Also, the ability to communicate directly with media organizations pretty much has gone away. A lot of that structure had already been broken down, but you still had those special little phones and when they rang, they would answer and get the narrative but they have gone away. There’s a number of different things that have broken down over the last few days. It’s predominantly those sorts of things which is rendering them even more and more useless.
Tried Reinstalling FedNow Again
The Fed looks like a bunch of deer caught in a headlight. I don’t know if they’re playing solitaire on their computers because it doesn’t do anything else anymore. They did try reinstalling the FedNow system again this weekend. Obviously, that didn’t work out. How many times can we say that.
Prop Up Those Markets Until Full Moon Thursday
Financial operatives are trying to prop up the markets the best that they can today to avoid a crash which is technically what would really be happening if they weren’t propping them up. And they have to keep that going until at least Thursday’s full moon and by Friday we’ll be able to help you out and give you all that money back. Don’t worry about those margin calls boys and girls, keep the volume up there. Keep it going. We’ll see what happens over the next couple of days. It’s going to be very interesting.
Political Operatives Are Still Trying to Play a Political Game
They’re still trying to play a political game when we aren’t going to have politics anymore. You still have some political operatives making statements about going after the dead guy in the White House, the Epstein files. That is just such a waste of time. And you operatives all supplied them with it, you were their supplier let’s not lie. So do you want to throw stones at the user or do you want to get the supplier, what are we going to do here. And then exposing cases like this at a time like this. Okay so the entire country is basically looking at a giant 500-foot-tall tsunami wall headed for it in a very short order and you’re looking at that going hey, but I want to throw darts at the dead guy. We won’t have to worry about the pedophiles at that point because they’ll all be drowning with the rest of us. But they’re going to wait until the full moon comes, April’s total solar eclipse or whatever is supposed to happen then.
You’re still on the shore waiting for and you think you’re going to change the world by putting one actor in place of another one for the lead role in the movie. It’s still not going to change the country, it’s just not. You’re not going to change anything, that tsunami is going to come whether you like it or not. The best thing you can do is get everybody to safe ground and that’s not where you’re focused right now. You’re focused on throwing darts at dead people. Wake up! Anyway, because I’ve heard about that this morning I’m mentioning. It’s not an important thing to do, stopping the supply chain to the pedophile groups because they’re not going to go out and get them themselves. I mean these aren’t the guys that troll the schoolyard, these are politicians and everything is fed to them.
How Do They Even Convince Congress to Show Up?
Sunny: We know Congress is pretty much a front right so we’re really talking about the political operatives and what the public sees is that Congress passed a stop Gap Bill last week. Can you give us any insight on what the heck is going on over there because obviously they don’t have any money right?
People show up in Congress and they will continue to show up until they’re not there anymore or their operatives tell them not to show up because the operatives run Congress. They are Congress, you just don’t know who they. And the reason why the ones we think are Congress show up is because these operatives that run them are the ones that have orchestrated the special parties that they like. Maybe there’s young kids at those parties, maybe they’re not straight, and maybe they do bad things in the Capitol Building. We’ve seen those videos circulating around of things that people do in the Capitol Building after they’re closed. These guys know it all. So, for that reason the political actor section will show up every single day, broke or not and say what they’re supposed to say when they’re handed their scripts by the operatives. So, there’s your answer. And it’s not just in the US either, the House of Lords is just as or even more ridiculous. There are things that go on in SoHo that even surprised me and I’ve been around the world a little bit.
And it’s not only the British Parliament but all over the world. You got State Duma they’re doing the same thing. I have stood there, I have seen the floor, I have been there, I know. See oligarchs in Russia are nothing more than KGB, you can call them SVR or whatever you want to call them now, but those are still the KGB guys. Just like if we rename the CIA roses and sunshine, they’re still CIA, it doesn’t matter. They changed the name when the USSR allegedly fell, and it never did, it’s still the USSR. All those countries still work together as one unit, nothing has changed here in any way, shape or form, it’s still all controlled by Russia predominantly. Maybe they don’t have a communist label anymore, they’re allegedly a democracy but there’s still a tyranny over there. But I’ve watched all of those guys bring women in and out. I’ve watched them do all sorts of things. It’s no different there than it is in America, and it’s no different in South Africa. I could tell you stories about the former President Jacob Zuma and some of the ministers there that happened in Cape Town with Israeli female Mossad agents that would make you laugh. Certain Mossad agents were wearing shiny shimmery lotion and there were some ministers that were walking around shining in the moonlight. But it’s the same everywhere, the operatives are everywhere and they’re the ones that make all the arrangements. This is a movie.
Kim’s Main Focus | Cleaning Work & Creating an Infrastructure to Move Forward
Cleaning work is still an ongoing thing, it’s not terrible it’s little things here and there. It has to do with like the old timekeeper programs that tried to reinstall things. And there are timekeeper programs in computers, there’s timekeeper programs in the Multiverse, fusion to dark consciousness of computers because a Quantum AI runs on consciousness as well. I do that for many hours in the day.
I can’t say too much about it yet but also over the weekend my main focus was how are we going to move forward with what we have, and then put in place a structure of how we’re going to move forward in the future. That’s been my main focus. As we’re cleaning and clearing, I’m preparing for what we can do now, what kind of infrastructure can I put in place when more funding comes through. How are we going to best support all these people in all of these places all over the world.
Putting a Structure and Framework In Place for Now and the Future
Myself and some of our team leaders have gotten together and came up with a number of different things to help you now and help you in the future in the way of commerce, manufacturing, and how we receive goods and services. Currently it’s very expensive as a small business owner to sell your goods and services and everybody wants a piece. If you’re selling on Amazon for example, you’re paying like 30% to Amazon plus the cost to make your product. It’s really hard to make a profit. So we are coming up with some other ways to do that, to get your products out there on a worldwide scale. We’re looking at different ways that we as a small little community, meaning at UNN can support everyone else.
So, I’ve been more focused on the structure and the framework of CARE, the structure and the framework of the amazing people that I’ve seen in our community, that they might manufacture their own health products and stuff like that. The same community concept that we’re doing with UNN is the same thing we’re looking at doing in every single area. For media we’ve talked about possibly reaching out to smaller news stations, local community news stations that are always looking to survive. What if they could have an advertising source that could possibly be worldwide. It’s not going to cost the business owners really anything that they’re not paying right now to somebody else.
This is an Opportunity for People to Grow and Thrive
We’ve been working those programs over the weekend, developing them making sure that there’s no detail we’ve missed and at the same time we’re working on the cleaning and clearing. We have a lot of options here as the main corporate structure of planet Earth, as the elite corporates fall. It leaves an opportunity for you to grow and to change and to really thrive as a small business owner without a glass ceiling. We have a problem with the Food and Drug administrations and other things like that, but no one’s going to be able to pay them anymore. China is out and they manufacture 80% of the stuff. Even companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, those are all their companies too, but all their stuff comes from China.
So don’t look at this like oh my God we’re all going to die! The stock market’s going to crash! Look at it like here’s an opportunity. And with me the messages and the downloads come in at the exact right time. There was a reason why all my waking hours were dedicated to those two things for the last 72 hours, because I saw the tsunami, and apparently Source saw the tsunami too because he’s like hey, do this, this, this, and this and get these people ready and make it all happen.
Personally, my two favorite things in the world to do are to create and empowering people, unless you’re a deep state member. I love creating things and that can be anything from an art project to creating a worldwide structure that will change the world. Nothing puts a smile on my face more than those two things. But this new thing I see shaping up over here actually does both, so I’m really excited about it. We’ve got a lot of people working hard on it and I’m really looking forward to not reporting about the Deep State anymore.
That’s what I mean when I say we’re not waiting on them, we’re not waiting for them to do anything. We are building and creating new things over here. We obviously have to respond if things start to fall apart, but it’s not about them anymore. I will tell you what we can expect in a decline in the market if what I explained happens. But honestly and truthfully, I am not a sad girl after what I’ve seen happen in Wuhan, what I’ve seen happen in the Three Gorgee Dam area and all those canisters, and where chemtrails come from predominantly. And that doesn’t mean where they’re stashed, it’s where the predominant amount of them are manufactured. I am not sad if they are no longer the manufacturing base for the entire world for those types of things. But I have to think about the critical items too.
So that’s the world situation report for Monday and I’m really excited about these new projects. I’m one of those people that gets kind of hyper focused when I have a job that I need to get done, especially when it relates to all of you. So, I’m looking forward to doing that and that’s the world situation report for right now, we’ll see what everybody decides to do and how it will affect you personally.
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Here we have many options as the main corporate structure of planet Earth, as the elite corporations will fall. This gives you the opportunity to grow, change and truly thrive as a small business owner without a glass ceiling. AND WHAT IS KIM GAUGIN SAYING? KIM’S THEORY IS NOT CONFIRMED BY PRACTICE. AND WHERE IS ITS CONNECTION WITH THE CREATOR AND QUANTUM SYSTEMS? OR IS THE BLONDE AGAIN BROADCASTING AND NOT THE HEAD OF PART OF PLANETARY PROCESSES?
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Quizas no sea posible contarlo todo ahora. Recuerda que estamos en guerra.