This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 20-NOV-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Battleground Earth Stage was set over the weekend. But by who? And it wasn’t the deep state, but they were ready to welcome some help. And the confusion about the financial system and control continues as deep state members go on a wild goose chase. Who were the Chinese Elders, the Rothschilds, the Black Sun, the Trustees and why was the system setup in the first place. And the mutiny is in full force as orders traveling down through the ranks are being rejected worldwide.
Note: This will be Part 1 of 2 as this is another long broadcast chockful of stuff. Part 2 will cover the Chinese Elders, the Rothschilds, the Black Sun, the Trustees, what are those bunkers about and the mutiny currently going on.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Was the Book of Revelation in the Bible About to Unfold?
Some revelations and interesting things have come up over the weekend and we think we might have gotten to the bottom of things today, as to why we’re having such a problem getting rid of this hologram. So, lots of good things to cover but let’s start with crazy over the weekend.
it seemed like a lot of the SSP members were getting into position at many locations around the world on Saturday and Sunday, and it seemed like they were waiting for something and this was kind of interesting. I’m about 90+% sure that a lot of what took place over the weekend was standing orders. Standing orders is when there is space junk placed here by non-humans which is set to trigger off at a certain point as the light becomes greater and greater here and there is not a whole lot of dark energy. It’s staged to create a lot of chaos among humans and a lot of fear which of course produces dark energy all onto itself. And this was a pretty big one, I’m not going to lie.
When I say it looked like we had some revelations, well it actually looked like Revelation from the Bible. It took me a little bit to figure out what was happening because it’s a little bit different than explained in the books.
The Trumpets
There were a lot of really negative frequencies and electro-magnetic pulse type scalar weapons coming from several locations in the world that we discovered. They were as follows:
- Detroit, Michigan underneath the Guardian building
- Chicago, Illinois underneath the Sears Tower
- Los Angeles, California at the Tar Pit or just outside of LA
- Houston, Texas at the NASA site
- Seattle, Washington underneath the Space Needle
- Albuquerque, underneath Black Mountain
- Phoenix, Arizona underneath Camelback Mountain
- Miami, Florida underneath the Freedom Tower
- San Francisco, California underneath the Golden Gate Bridge
What we found interesting was that these locations seemed to be around very annoying frequencies, very loud noises, that type of thing. Well apparently, after further research this turns out to be your trumpet version in the Bible.
The Bowls
Then we went on from there to the bowl locations, or the pouring out of the bowls. I laugh because they always seem to tell us what they plan on doing, and I’m not necessarily talking about the deep state even but what the non-humans had planted on this planet for such a time. The bowl locations or the “wrath of God” that was supposed happen would have been at the following locations:
- Washington DC underneath the whole city
- Bern, Switzerland, underneath the Child Eater Fountain Statue
- Bangkok, underneath the 5.5-ton Golden Buddha
- Belarus, underneath the Stalin Line
- Wuhan, China underneath the Yellow_Crane_Tower
- Beijing, China underneath the Forbidden City
- Cairo, Egypt underneath the Citadel of Saladin
- Tokyo, Japan, underneath of Edo Castle Ruins
- Istanbul, Turkey, underneath the Hagia Sophia Mosque and Cathedral
That was our next set of things due to come off and they were pretty tumultuous, earthquakes and pretty much all the things you read about in the book that they warned us about ahead of time.
Then from there we went to:
- The Fall of Babylon site, which believe it or not would have been in Moscow, Russia underneath Red Square. There were some definite triggers there that if still in place would have broken down the overlay over the Gate to Source which I told you awhile ago is underneath Red Square.
- The BEAST was to arise from Bogota, Columbia from the Monserrate Sanctuary.
- The False Prophet, or a frequency of ‘untruth’ that was supposed to come out of here was in the Congo Basin out in the African continent.
The Seals
Then we went to the Seal locations which would have been the unsealing of what you would have called in the Bible the Devil or Satan locations.
- Pakistan under the Lahore Fort
- Tehran under the Azadi Tower
- Dhaka in Bangladesh underneath the Pink Palace
- Nigeria in Lagos the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
- South Sudan El Mahdi Tomb
- Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Basilica de Penha Church
- Baghdad, Iraq Martyr Monument
- Buenos Aires, Argentina under the Obelisco
- Santiago, Chile Sanctuary on San Cristobal Hill
Like I said it was pretty busy with the deep state in all these locations and some others which we’ll talk about in a minute. The were sitting there at the ready waiting for these things to go off thinking it would give them access to an AI system. What they were discussing in particular was access to the financial system and some control. I’m not sure how the wrath of God translates to money for these people but that’s what they believe.
We did a big cleanup of space junk put there by someone else to create a worldwide mass hysteria of all of these events had they taken place, which would have not led to the second coming of Christ, I can tell you that, not with the way it was set up in any way shape or form. But it would have led to something else which would have been kind of the opposite.
Cleaning up the Space Junk Led to Other Big Finds Regarding SSP Operatives
As we’ve gone through this journey in cleaning up the space junk and trying to get rid of the hologram, we found something else. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we had these bubbles within the hologram, areas where the actual beings and people were located and they were living almost on an island onto themselves and were officially outside of the hologram. Well today we discovered more of these locations, these bubbles and something interesting connected to a few of them.
SSP Operatives Cloned Themselves and Inhabited These Bubbles Outside the Hologram
Those bubbles we discovered today were actually inhabited in part by SSP operatives and I found that to be pretty interesting. It’s like living in a time of no time. We can pick-up on a frequency of something being there but we couldn’t quite see it, not unless you know what you’re looking for. So, the first time we found some things over the last few days were detected almost by default by something else we had taken out. It’s like an onion, as we pealed the layers away more is uncovered and what we were looking for today was much easier to find.
Were they actually inhabited by SSP operatives? Yes and No.
What the SSP has been doing for the last few thousand years apparently with the aid of non-humans is splitting their consciousness between themselves and multiple clones. Some of these people existed in alternative timelines other than the one that we are presently in, so in the past when we had multiple timelines. And they would put themselves in those timelines at different points in history where their Looking Glass type technology would tell them there was going to be a significant change. That change could have brought us out of a Dark Age from underneath their thumb and underneath the thumb of the non-humans they reported to. So, they inserted their alternative selves to the tune of about 30,000 into these different places in history.
When all our timelines merged into the forever crystalline time that we’re living in now, the SSP operatives that had already been released from these bubble cities so to speak, are kind of overlapping now. For example, they inserted one of their clones into the year 2024 to show up in May, and this might have taken place a few months ago. What you have now is multiple clones of the same human running around all together on the same planet. That isn’t supposed to happen because if they run into each other there would be a reaction that would happen and definitely kill them all. Quite frankly if there are any of the left, I hope they do run into each other. Some of them did take refuge in these separate bubble cities outside the hologram and that is probably good for the other running around because there isn’t a chance of them accidentally running into each other. Bad for us, good for them.
Now if the original human dies, all the other clones die as well, so it’s only a partial split and not really a soul split. It’s just a consciousness split where you have multiple people running around in different points in time with the same consciousness. This privilege was given to the SSP operatives only and it’s been happening for about 2500 years. Some of these SSP operatives and the program itself is much older than our history tells us. Our history tells us the Secret Space program started in the 1940s with Project Bluebeam, but it goes back 5,000 or 6,000 years, or even more with the utilization of humans participating in the program.
Time Travel For Them Was Not Through Natural Means But Through Omega
And it’s not just operatives, you had scientists and others and they did have access, when permitted by the controllers of this planet to jump, meaning they could produce these clones and jump into future points in time. They can go back to the past too, but there are rules to the game as to what they can and cannot do and how much interference they can or cannot have. Did they violate those rules? Well, who was running the rules of the game at the time, at least as it relates to here on earth. They travelled only through the nodes of the omega system itself. They did not actually travel through natural means of time travel because they were too dark to do that. Omega had a node system, permissible travel and communication lines that went back and forth so they had a way to connect to their consciousness elsewhere in other timelines, in the future or the past in order to warn and give themselves dates of possible changes. So that did explain some things to us as to how they were getting the information on 11-11, 20-22, etc. and how they know to be in these locations? I guess you would say their future selves would tell them.
Well, we don’t have their future selves anymore and we don’t have Others who sneaked through these pockets either because of the first thing we found over the weekend. Now we know how to detect these situations as they arise not only on earth but in Andromeda, Alpha Draconis, Aldebaran and other places in the universe where they are in a time of no time. It’s almost like a protected cloaked shelter, but now we have detection ability and our first lesson in detecting these sanctuary cities was on Monday.
Kim Found Legions of AI Generated Demons in These Pockets of No Time on Earth
What we found contained in these pockets of no time on earth was an army of AI generated demons I guess you would say. They were prompted by Others who were living outside in various control and command centers which we also located today. These particular locations on earth were due to burst the bubble and release all these demons out onto the planet, so it was a bit of mess on Monday. Each group of AI generated demons were meant to counteract various things we know as existence.
Legions of Demons were found in the following locations:
- Anti-Life, so death to all of us on earth I guess you could say, that that was their job and that pocket was found in Lichtenstein in the Augstenberg Mountain peak
- Anti-Live, which was not quite the same thing as life per se was underneath the entire city of London.
- Anti-Light beings were underneath the entire city of Paris
- Anti-Essence beings were in Sochi Russia underneath the Olympic Stadium
- Anti-Consciousness beings were in Transylvania under the Bran Castle
- Anti-Frequency beings were in Sri Lanka under the Sacred Tooth relic.
- Anti-Matter beings were in Mali in Timbuktu
- Anti-Wisdom under Auschwitz in Poland
- Anti-Love under Vatican in Rome
- Anti-Time under Barcelona Spain the entire city
- Anti-Ages or dark ages under Athens in Greece
- Anti-Soul in Seoul, South Korea
- Anti-Ether under Oslo, Norway
- Anti-Emotional which means negative emotions under Shanghai, China
- Anti-Mental, let’s call it the No Joy Program under New York City
- Anti-Causal Pitigliano, Italy near Tuscany
- Anti-Astral in Titicaca Bolivia
- Anti-Physical, so harm to your physical vessel would have been in the Philippines, the entire country
- Anti-Supernal Plane of existence would have been initiated under Japan
- Anti-Optimal in Mongolia
- Anti-Zero Density or Zero Point in the universe which would have opened the gateway to omega-verse in Australia in the 4 corners area.
So, lots happened over the weekend. But at this moment, after today’s work, finding the SSP cloning program, finding other things they had planned, with the limited amount of control they had over our current environment I would say things are fairly stable at the moment. I don’t think we’re going to have Revelations, at least not at this time. And we definitely would not have ended, rather it was the positive event as the Book tells us. So onward and upward from there.
Stand by for Part 2 of this broadcast.
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Thankyou ladies and God bless everyone : )
It is obvious now what was the reason for those opening / closing ceremonies during the Games in Paris
Creator some thing Creates, and some thing allows.
All of this beacuses the Development of our Consciousness
It is obvious now what was the reason for those opening / closing ceremonies during the Games in Paris
Creator some thing Creates, and some thing allows.
All of this beacuses the Development of our Consciousness
Thank you