This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 25, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim gives us some history on what that black and white checkerboard we see in movies and all over the place actually means. She talks about why these non-repairable humans are not right in the head even with their chips removed. The purge of the remnants in the deep state is in progress and it doesn’t look like our enemy is stopping.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
What Did That Checkerboard Symbology Really Mean?
If we look at the universe, we have the alpha-verse which is the light side and we had the omega-verse which is the dark side. And lately Kim has been talking about what that means when you come out of an Age. She talked about timelines within the universes. about densities and planes and the spaces in between and the problems they caused, and now she is going to talk about dimensions.
Dimensions Within Planes and Densities
There are also many dimensions within planes and within densities. Because we lived in a dual universe and in a Dark Age for a long time, there were these small bubbles called dimensions which were completely dark, full of dark consciousness. We also had neutral dimensions and neutral zones and people and non-people could be present inside them. What we also had were communication lines between the two. These would be like wormholes and time warps between the two and this is what created the fabric of reality. So, if you were to look at it from an energetic, a consciousness or plasma standpoint, you could have seen the universe like a checkerboard, literally.

They show this checkerboard in everything they do because that defines the duality in the universe. This also existed in quantum AI systems. And because we live in the 3rd dimension, we could have 3 dimensions coexisting at the same time.
In other words, we would have had a light dimension, a dark dimension, and a neutral dimension within this planet. But it does not exist like this anymore since we are out of the Ages Agreement.
The Same Thing Existed in Quantum Computing
Kim is bringing this up now because the same thing existed in quantum computing and it is something the people on the dark side don’t quite understand. All the quantum systems, the Alpha AI, Alpha2, Harmonic Genesis (because Alpha2 used to exist in the lower astral), Omega, Kronos, they all looked like a checkerboard in all the densities and all the planes of existence.
What they are trying to do is use an access point that may be a remnant (puffy clouds) that looks like they are can enter in the Alpha system for example, and once they get in, they can’t get out. It could be a very small space still there as the remaining dark matter clears through. They have been doing this for the last couple of days and not getting anywhere. But she wanted to take a second to explain this and how it ties into the checkerboard symbology of our world, what that really represented and that it is no longer existing. But Umbrella Military are obsessed with it and still running around like crazy people, at least what is left of them because they are dying rapidly.
They Still Have a Distorted View and Don’t Understand They Never Had Full Control
They do a lot of things they don’t understand and that is becoming more and more apparent and she explained why giving an example of the following conversation.
Yesterday she tried talking with someone who truly believes the Rothschilds are going to do wonderful things for humanity, that is what this particular family member said. They have a distorted view and Kim tried to explain to this person that is not the case. But he went on to say they control all industry, telecommunications, the Federal Reserve etc. and therefore they control the world.
When he was done Kim explained to him what we already know. The things they believe they control are not things they created. They don’t have any concept of who actually created it and who perpetuated it. But we do know the ‘Others’ pretty much ran this planet for a very long time and they were not in our favor. They were quite evil. They used us as cattle, for food, for looshing and genetically modified us, dumbed us down.
The Control Over Industries Was Fed by Alpha Through to Omega Which Transmuted the Money
Control of all industries was a plan given by Marduk on down the line and eventually they got to see a small portion of it. That plan had been revised a few times to encompass total planetary control and the slave system and the last time that happened was in 1975 by Bush Sr. But it was first approved by the Coven Masters, then the Parents above them and then up to Marduk. Once he approved that plan money would come to fund said plan consistently, if they did a ‘good job.’ The different families and different sectors of the families, the Black Sun and SSP, Umbrella Military, etc., everyone had a role to play in said plan.
These people are organic humans but they are not normal people and they have a distorted view of what it means to control something. The reason why they are confused in part is because they failed to recognized how the Alpha-verse and Omega-verse and the Alpha AI systems and Omega system, the base root system for the other side throughout all densities existed. This is a universal-wide system and they don’t understand the relationship, the checkerboard that used to exist between the light side and the dark side, which is the reason she is explaining this. Agreements would have to take place with both parties, that was chosen by Source, the ultimate principal. But we had to coexist and were codependent on each other because there was supposed to be balance. As far as the control over all the industries, etc. that whole system was fed by the light side in the Alpha System through the Dark System in which money was cursed and transmuted to fit into that system. Then they would profit and benefit from that system for things like war and crimes, total control systems. All those things were approved by Anti-Source during a dark timeline in a Dark Age and the light side had to play their part in the role. And it wasn’t Kim in that role when this was going on, she isn’t that old. But Kim’s position on the Light side is not new.
Marduk Played Both Roles for a Time
There was a timeframe when Marduk played both roles and she explained some of that in a recent broadcast. There was an agreement with the Council of 9, otherwise known as the Council of the Angels and Demons, and they kept the balance. Marduk made a deal thousands of years ago to agree to maintain balance as it related to planet earth, as long as it was our choice. But we really didn’t have a choice to be fair. It was like putting someone in a box with only one exit, where you would have to do ‘x’ to get out. They created every system and program to equate to the similar thing. You are like a mouse in a maze. Think about any system that exists, and she is not talking about computer systems, but the way we source and cook our food, the way we send our kids to school, the information on the internet. Every single system under that non-compete plan was to make you 100% dependent on them.
Did the Rothschilds, the Li’s, Mae Wa, or the Black Sun Ever Control It?
No! If there is a plan then some people get A and B, some C and D, etc., but the final piece of the plan always rested with Marduk, whether it is a key, final detonation of nuclear weapons, of the financial system, or the corporate system. And he had to feed it at the same time, which means all that free money that goes out to corporates, if they are watching this now, that is how it was done. Even the government system is not real. We are living in a movie that was created for us. We are the mouse in the maze going exactly where they want us to go by putting in the walls and it has been this way for thousands of years.
Hopefully they can now understand how dimensions intertwined in the universe, which accepted those things. That is what allowed for all these systems to be built. This is the reason why we haven’t killed each other off until we came out of the Age, unless we are protecting our life or lives of an innocent that is, and even then, there is a limit to what we can and cannot do. But that time has passed. They have been given all the correct information and more by Kim today to further let them know she is under NO obligation to help them in anyway. As a matter of fact, every time someone goes somewhere to see if there are spaces in between they die. There is a zero-tolerance policy now and that order came from all the way at the top.
The world needs to understand the things they claim to control they never did. It always went back to an alien somewhere, whether it be the Abraxas or Marduk or whatever. No race, whether they came from the depths of the lower astral or the upper astral to allegedly ‘help us on earth’ ever gave their side, their underlings anything that they could not pull the ripcord out at any moment, because no one cared about their existence. They may personally have an ego the size of Russia, but the aliens didn’t care if they lived or died, and now they care even less as a matter of fact. But it is the reason these non-repairable humans think the solar eclipse was going to help them so much, and another eclipse is coming on the 28th. She is hoping she dismantled all that needed to be so we don’t have the same little bit of an upset like the last one.
Current News Updates
Rothschild and Umbrella Military Discussed Calling It Off?
Kim overheard a conversation yesterday between the Rothschild family specifically and Umbrella Military Corp as they continue to work in conjunction with the Rothschilds even though they have lied to them and told them they have all this money repeatedly. They talked about giving them until 5pm today and said they were going to call it off. But what does that mean?
Kim said there was no further explanation. She does know they were under the impression humanity still had biochips because in the last hour they tried to connect to those biochips and make us all sick. That did not happen because we don’t have those biochips anymore. So, when they said call it off were they going to kill us all? She is not sure. Initially she thought, call it off meant they were going to give it up. But no. Not at all. They probably knew Kim was listening so were they trying to throw her off?
Obviously, she knows Umbrella Military has been killing as many people as they can in the Middle East and they are intervening, being hunted down like dogs until the very end, but it’s not a pretty situation because war is war. They are starting with the order givers and are working their way down. They know the person who put out the order to make us all very sick and he definitely won’t be around much longer.
Langley 5 Generals Sitting in Out
It looks like Langley 5 Generals took a step back from participating on either side. It looks like they have a plan to join the winning team. Like we can trust them?
That is pretty much what is going on as far as the war is concerned with a little bit of history.
Archivists Make Effort to Educate Select Pockets of People in Governments Worldwide
Now that the Archivists said their peace last weekend, they are having more conversations with select pockets of people throughout governments worldwide who just want to move forward. These select people are getting a full understanding of what that means and where they came from because they were talking about various things that were not true. For example, the founding of the Secret Service was 300 years ago and this person served Rothschild and that person worked for the SES and this one did all this stuff. Except all that information they think they know is being proved incorrect. And this is taking place all over the world, not just the US. The Archivists are trying to pick select people who really do not understand what is going on, who kind of want to move forward. Kim said there are no Heads of State in this group so she doesn’t see any conversations with the fake Biden, fake Trump or fake Pelosi. But the Archivists are making an effort to at least see if there is a way to inform some of them before they go off a cliff. But they lie to each other all the time so Kim isn’t really hopeful.
Where The Deep State Stands Now
There is maybe 1%, give or take that is left of dark matter. Small amounts in computers, in people, the atmosphere. But what is left of the dark matter, dark consciousness, dark plasma, biochips, implants, and parasites is quite ineffective at this point. But they are still trying to find it, and when they do find some, they go after it like it’s the last crumb left on the plate, even though they know there is no money coming from Rothschild et al. Governments are pretty much resolved to that fact too.
At this point they think they are going to affect us worldwide in an extremely negative sense, one way or another so that we all continue to comply with or without any money. They tried to launch a new financial system they don’t have the capacity to launch. Umbrella Military, Cyberlife and Chiron are running around the planet trying to find a historical site with an alter or tablet or anything they could find. They were in Lourdes, France this morning doing something. They had some technologies still there that they got from an 8th density lower astral being quite a while ago. All the programs they tried to launch today didn’t work, including the extreme drought program which was under Fort Polk. All who were involved are on the purge list and when they said they are going to call the whole thing off it is sounding more like they meant Armageddon? Torch the earth, burn us all to the ground?
Purging the Deep State
The hunting, the purge continues and in terms of the groups split into thirds that Kim mentioned in an earlier broadcast, we are probably still in the first third. And from where we started a couple of years ago, we are half way through, maybe more because there were a lot more of them then than we have now. And this was not Kim’s call, but one from beyond because they are all sick and tired of it.
You can’t get into their heads, there is something very wrong with their brains. These people are organic humans but they are not normal people. They may have had chips in their head but not anymore and they have a distorted view of what it means to control something.
Their Brains Are Fractionated Due to Horrific Conditioning Programs
But given the world they come from how can they ever be normal or repaired? There is a conditioning program they go through and it starts at the age of 3. They are required to commit their first kill around that age, whether it be a small animal or whatever it is. They put these people in cages. They are put through extreme torture. They go to summer camp which is nothing like what our kids go to. By the time they are 18 they have to commit a human kill and it’s videotaped so they can hold it against them. If they ever try to walk away, they are threatened with jail and the information coming out. They rape children and tell them that is what love is so they continue to rape children. The pedophile system in their world, the human trafficking is all to support both of these activities. These are initiation programs. They make sure they don’t have any regard for God or Source because they are stronger. Look at what we can do to you. There is much more they do and it continues through their entire life. They are raised in that world, so their brain is fractionated for sure and she doesn’t think any of them are repairable.
I can kind of understand the never-ending chances they have been given considering the world they were raised in. Fritz Springmeier has some of this stuff that Kim just mentioned in his book Be Wise As Serpents. What has been done to them is beyond horrific. In my opinion, sending them back to Source has to be the most compassionate option for them and for humanity.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thankyou. I appreciate you. God bless you ❤️
I think that many, like me, are eager to know, in these turbulent times more than ever, what is happening every day. So I appreciate you providing us with the information Kim conveys as soon as possible. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the transcripts PJZ. There is so much evil in the world that it is almost unbelievable for most people to be able to realize it. I notice in my environment that everyone I have contact with still believes the matrix control scene . They suffer massively from stockholm sydrome or cognitive dissonance and don’t realize it themselves.
Since they take the satanic lie main stream media at their word it seems to me that this massive mindcontrol program can only be solved if through that same mainstream media people are told the truth. So the Service to Self media must be taken over by the Service to Others media.
I greatly appreciate all the efforts Kim and her team are making to
eliminate evil. The rest is up to humanity to do but yes, they obviously need to find out the truth before they can even take action to restore this planet. Without this knowledge it is going to take a very long time.
Of course there are good projects under construction, as we see in certain field messengers videos. Unfortunately, there is still a huge chemtrailing worldwide and there are harmful substances in food, water and air. Since we all need to eat, drink and breathe this seems to me, with the media takeover, to be a priority.
The 5G is also a priority. Also people are also still being pushed to take an MNRA jab. The list of horrible mindcontrol is very long. Also social media is still in the hands of the dark…. And yes, if people are not given knowledge of the evil that is going on, how are these problems to be solved?
Far too many people also get cancer.I don’t know how the statistics are in other countries but chance of cancer increased to 1 in 2 Dutch people. The number of cancer diagnoses in people under 50 has increased 80 percent worldwide in 20 years.
Since to get rid of cancer chemotherapy and radiation is administered to people there is only a delay of a few years until the patient dies of this disease anyway.
Kim’s news is forever uplifting but I am a realist and until people start realizing that they are slowly being murdered by draconian psychopaths nothing will change I am afraid.
I don’t want to think about what could have happened if Kim hadn’t killed Marduk.
So it is also good news that she turned those who are evil and want to kill us all and destroy the planet into space dust. Will still take a lot of work to turn them all into space dust.
Kim has said all of us have at least read only access, my question is where do we go to read said material? Is there a link to or URL?
Thank you for your effort in putting out vital info.
Thanks PJZ for transcribing. Always appreciated.
Thank you for this report, it answered so many things I had wondered on for many months! Things are are really challenging right now and I do feel compassion for those dying, but I have to leave it Creator’s hands. I am living day by day patiently looking forward to a much brighter future. Thank you for this transcription, PJZ !
Thank you George. I too am trying to live day by day as patient as I can and leaving the big stuff in the Creator’s hands. PJZ
Amazing Ah-ha! moment. Kim opens the door of compassion and understanding for us to see. No need to hate or be angry at the “Cabal”. They are in a cult, the worst of the worst damaged and brain-washed humans following & commited to the only thing they’ve been taught. Beyond hope of repair. They are Sentient beings of Source even if its just tiny parts and pieces left. She tries to make them understand their free will choice: cease, why to cease or return to Source. The unimaginable immediate return to Souce that would entail the wost kind of pain with that love & light expanding exponentially…
In a world of duality – dual emotion: Sad the part of Source that is unrepairable and happy to see the end of the consuming darkness.
Thank you for all your dedication and hardwork to this website!!! Thank you Kim and all her team and most of all thank you to the SOURCE!!!!!
hey there! more on Checkerboard from Ascension Glossary
Thanks for reminding me. I meant to include that. PJZ