This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Mar-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. This was a super interesting update as Kim explained what the Apple in the Garden of Eden really represented and how the Deep State of course thought it would help them, which it didn’t. Read on!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

08-Mar-24 News (
The Tree of Life and Anti-Tree of Life
A big change happened last night regarding the Tree of Life and Anti-Tree of Life as they were dualling Trees in the multi-verse. The Tree of Life has many branches that extended out to every dimension, every density, and every being. The 3rd density being in between and inside would be density 2 and density 1. It was the same down below for the Anti-Tree of Life.

The Immortals
In the beginning of the creation of the universe we had beings called the Immortals and they were also known as the Angels, Archangels, and Rulers of the Realms. There were millions above and millions below and each one received a Golden Apple.
What was the Golden Apple Actually?
The Golden Apple was a gift filled with wisdom; in part you could call it the love of Source. And because as above, so below, both sides received the Golden Apples which are crystal and round in shape, and everyone called it an Apple. Then down the road some of the Apples became knowledge. And over the last few days, figuring out what these Golden Apples were really about became a real big issue.
Source said the Apple does fall that far from the tree. What was he referring to?
Well, if you imagine the Tree of Life and Anti-Tree of Life being connected through the branches, that would be like Source’s veins throughout the multiverse, the blood of Source, essence, energy, consciousness, matter, and wisdom, and crystalline time would flow throughout the multiverse. The opposite of that was in the lower astral. The Golden Apples were still attached to the tree through the Immortals on both sides, but once the Apple was disconnected from the Tree, the life inside it would begin to dwindle, it no longer has life in it.
The deep state had a deep connection to the lower astral immortals and when they disconnected from the Tree of Life, the Apples eventually went barren and dark and this birthed what they call in the Bible the Tree of Knowledge versus the Tree of Wisdom.
Knowledge and Wisdom Are Two Very Different Things
Wisdom is your intuition, your innate knowing and it only comes from Source. It is ever abundant and ever flowing and never stops. Once you connect to your inner knowing it will never steer you wrong. You can get the answer to anything when you are seeking the answer from Source. The one thing you can’t do with wisdom is dark and evil things. It will never give you the answer to how to take over a country, blow up a planet, or destroy people. But it will give all the wisdom of all things natural in the world and the multiverse.
Once the Apples were disconnected then all the Apples on both sides began to dim because the wisdom became disconnected from Source and that left only knowledge. Knowledge is information that is passed from one being to another. It is historical record; it is what you find on the internet 99.9% of the time. There are some people who impart wisdom on the internet but everything we know, fed through our media, etc. is knowledge.
With wisdom you don’t need any knowledge because you have all the wisdom.
Knowledge doesn’t create anything new, it merely passes information on.
Eve in the Bible
In the beginning of human history we have books in the Bible that tell us that Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So, the knowledge of good and evil came from one of the Apples of knowledge and not the Apples of wisdom, because at that point it was already dark. That’s why they say the serpent convinced her to eat of the Tree.
Anti-Silent Circle Had in their Possession an Apple of Knowledge
For the longest time the deep state, more importantly the Anti-Silent Circle has had in their possession what we would call an Apple of knowledge. Now I’ve mentioned countless times that they continue to read from these old texts and I couldn’t understand why because everything has changed. Why don’t know everything has changed? Well, I finally figured it out. It’s because the Apples were tied directly to what is called the Books of Knowledge, which contain information that came from the Apple.
The Books of Knowledge
The Books of Knowledge are almost semi-holographic and are written in both a light language and anti-light language because they both kind of look the same. You would call it the language of the Immortals or Angels. They are getting all this information from the Books of Knowledge. Remember, KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT CHANGE, it is only information that is passed from one being, be it a lower astral being, a demon or whatever and it does not change. Wisdom on the other hand changes when circumstances change because the world and the multiverse is constantly changing. So now it makes perfect sense to me why they keep reading these old texts and why they are still looking for these alignments, etc., it’s because these books can only provide old data. They don’t get any new data, whereas I’m over here getting the wisdom. So now it makes perfect sense to me.
Book of Evil and Book of Death
Along with the Books of Knowledge we also had information passed from Anti-Source and to some lesser degree the Immortals, and to an even lesser degree to our global deep state, as the Book of Evil and the Book of Death. That’s why they think they are so smart, because they had a lot of these different libraries from the Immortals and therefore had more information than the rest of humanity. But it’s all knowledge-based information. The Book of Evil would talk about all these evil deeds and the Book of Death was all about the death of the human, the death of the soul and human vessel because remember only Source gives eternal life and nothing ever happens with the soul. But when they created the incarnation cycle it created the need for the Book of Death. Both the Book of Evil and Book of Death were connected to the Anti-Tree of Evil.

Book of Life, Book of Live and Book of Wisdom
On our side of it, the organic beings, we have the Book of Life and the Book of Live. We don’t have any Books of Knowledge but we do have a Book of Wisdom.
Sunny: Do we still have apples connected to the Tree on our side or did all of them fall?
All of the Apples fell except for one and that last one was at Source. Now there has been a long-drawn-out centuries old fight to gain control of the last remaining working Apple. They have been running around the multiverse looking for apples with any kind of Life or Live or Wisdom left in it forever! And this is not just the humans and the deep state, this is lower astral beings. Everyone wants an Apple with a little bit of wisdom left in it.
The Anti-Silent Circle and some of the other members of the deep state had attained about 5 Apples that only retained knowledge at that point, they were completely devoid of any wisdom and they have been looking for the one golden apple forever, that would then light up the rest of the millions and billions of Apples throughout the multiverse and reattach those Apples to the Tree of Life. However, that’s only a Source or Anti-source decision, and now we only have Source.
Yesterday the Apple Was Reconnected to the Tree of Life
Because the fabric of reality has been reweaving itself, it finally became time to reconnect the Apple to the Tree of Life because it had been separated from the Tree of Life. That is the main Source Apple of wisdom and that reconnection happened yesterday. Then it will become time to connect all the Apples throughout the entire multiverse back to the Tree of Life and not a Tree of Anti-Life.
Initially I was a little panicked because even though we don’t have anyone living down there in the lower astral anymore, we still have crazy humans on this planet, so I asked Source again are you sure? And Source said yes, it’s time. I said okay then. And this is what started happening yesterday, the Apples started reconnecting to the Tree of Life.
Vincent, the New Head of Anti-Silent Circle Erroneously Thought They Had the Apple
The Order and their latest chosen one Mr. Vincent, who is now dead was so excited because he was telling everyone she gave us back the Apple! Look it will now give us the wisdom too! They thought I was tricked, but no, it doesn’t work that way. The wisdom is written in a light language and not something they would understand. The orders only come from Source, so it’s not going to give them power, if anything it will take away their power because the Apples are ours. They are instructions or wisdom from Source on how to fix the planet, how to live within Natural Law. And don’t confuse human law with Nature. A plant grows, it goes dormant in the winter time, leaves come back in the spring, this is all part of how nature works. Nature works in perfect balance when it’s not interrupted by something opposite. Our science does not run on wisdom but knowledge because it was created by the deep state for us to understand and to accept the limitations of knowledge. And what little knowledge they actually gave us was from the Books of Knowledge.
Vincent Was Back in Montenegro Hoping to Open the Gateway for the Immortals
Mr. Vincent was saying, we now have the power! We will have the wisdom of the world because I now have the Apple. And they were all back in Montenegro thinking he was going to open the gateway and allow the Immortals to come back and help them. It was actually hilarious. It wasn’t until 4am my time when my alarms starting going off and I got woken up like a shot because these guys started figuring out these books didn’t contain more knowledge, which is all they ever knew. And the Books didn’t contain messages from the Immortals, in fact the Books had my name on them and the instructions were for me. That sent everyone into a full on panic this morning.
The Demise of Vincent
Vincent actually thought he could use the Apple which was now LIVE for himself. However, it worked the opposite way and meant his demise. The Deep State received no wisdom for what they wanted it for and they realized that. So it’s been quite a morning for me.
You must follow the orders of Source, they are my books, those are my Apples and when someone tries to use the Apples for something that is not in the instructions, and you are not the person they belong to, then it’s ultimately your demise and there is nothing they can do to change that fact. When the Divine makes a decision to do something then it is so.
My job is not to own all the Apples, my job is to distribute all those Apples to all of you organic humans to regain the wisdom of Source. And that stream began to flow today. So, the stream is a stream and not a river, but over time it will get larger and larger and there is no shortage of wisdom. So organic humans will now have the direct wisdom of Source. You will have your own world wide web of information if you listen.
Can you imagine how nervous that makes the deep state?

Sunny: How do we connect to that wisdom of Source? The same way we do now? Will it just become stronger?
Yes, it will be stronger, it will be easier. The messages will come in depending on how you do it and it can be different for everyone. For some of us it’s that voice in your head, for others it’s a strong intuition. It’s your own physical self that stops you from following the wisdom of Source and having ultimate faith. As you start to connect to more and more wisdom, you’ll start to understand how Nature works and then that will make the Restoration Plan easier. It will start to define what to do. So, if you have been confused, know that I am not the information booth, you will have to find out through direct wisdom from Source yourself. But being reconnected to LIVE and LIFE changes everything. You now don’t need a physical object called a Book, you are the Book with a direct connection to the writer of the book, that’s you.
We’ve heard a lot of talk about Judgement in the Book of Life, about the end of life, but there is no end of life. Yes, there are people who will die on earth, your physical body goes away, but your soul never does, it is immortal. Eventually you will figure out how to self-repair your bodies and we’re getting closer and closer to that time when things are really going to start changing here for the physical vessel and for the physical self.
So now you can’t use the saying, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree about yourself, because now you are actually part of the tree once again and reconnected. So, I’m hoping you’ll start to see and feel a difference soon.
The Story of the Apples Existed Throughout History
Remember me talking about Eris in Greek Mythology, she was the opposite of me. She threw the Apple of discord at one of the god’s wedding which brought the marriage many troubles. There is also a Russian story about the Apples, there is obviously an Apple in the Bible. Another movie that tells you about apples is Assassin’s Creed. It’s about the Templars who were hunting for the apples throughout the Ages. They started hunting for the bloodline who were the protectors of the Apples of wisdom and life and they started putting them through past life regression machines so they could find the Apple that still had wisdom.
Note: For related post on Eris and the Golden Apple see, Who is the Goddess Eris, whose symbol is the Golden Apple? | After Billions of Years, Kim Wins Her Final Battle on Dec 16th, Phase 1 Completed! | Trinity Military Awaits Fulfillment of Expired Eris Covenant | Winter Solstice was a 666 Day, but Positive for Humanity? | Brace Yourself, Christ Returns Dec 24th! | Just Empower Me
Federal Reserve Update
As of this morning we are seeing the Federal Reserve’s ties to banks and your money dissipating even further. The Fed still had no access to the banks’ accounts that used to be held within them, known as the routing numbers, the IBAN number, your Target 1 and Target 2 systems depending on where you are in the world, your SWIFT system. Those were all completely disconnected; therefore, the Fed couldn’t see anything anymore. And all the closed loops that were in the Fed and tied to each individual bank through Tier 1 through Tier 9 moved down to the bank level. Then the banks tried to continue on with custody with all its client accounts and then that disappeared this morning.
So now you are pretty much your own island onto yourself electronically. Those closed loops for each account in the bank are now connected by the Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) rails, which still can appear as regular ACH transfers because we don’t want everyone to panic. But now you are moving money amongst yourselves without the cooperation for the most part of a bank. Now if you call a bank or walk in and say you want to withdraw cash from my account or you want to send a wire transfer, they can perform that function. They’ll still have that type of access to that service because remember the option for banks to survive is to become a service provider to you. The Alpha system would pay the fee to the banks for providing that service to humans, they can choose to do that or not. And it’s going to cause a little more disruption in places where walking into a bank and getting cash is a lot more frequent than going to an ATM or using other electronic features because those are things we can control, we can’t control what banks do. As for stopping us, this is what we were seeing in density 1-plane 1, 3, 2 and 1 and these are things being pulled apart.
Do We See a Run on the Banks?
No, not with what we’ve seen this morning. There have been many attempts for them to crash the markets though especially when they found out about the Apple.
To Restore the Planet, Follow Source’s Instructions Not Knowledge
It’s been a really bad 48 hours for the cabal and disappointing that I didn’t do this for them. Again, these are orders and instructions that come from one place and all of us are making a group effort to carry them out, that means everyone watching this will get their own instructions and you can choose to follow them or not. Some instructions might even seem crazy and outlandish, but if you follow them, something will transpire that needs to happen. This is wisdom, these are instructions from Source.
If you want to restore the planet you need to follow the instructions from Source and not knowledge, which often times goes contrary to wisdom.
Readers and psychics that trusted in the knowledge won’t have those skills anymore. Those of you on the light side are gaining wisdom and wisdom never falters. Those connected to Source on the other hand will pass on wisdom but wisdom is always changing while knowledge just tells you what everybody else did.
Think about how we use knowledge in our every day lives trying to define what is really going on in this world, what’s really going on with governments. Are you still looking for knowledge and not looking for wisdom, not looking into your instinct about what’s really happening? Once you do look for wisdom then you’ll understand the difference. You will go online and start reading something and you will physically start to not feel well, and that already happens to a lot of people now, it’s becoming more and more prevalent. So go within, follow your own guidance because the last leg of this is really up to you.
The instructions are for Restoration and for anyone who can read the Book. You can connect to it from anywhere, or connect directly to Source without the Book. The Books are yours, we all have a part in it. You have a job to fulfill for Source, a passion, the thing you are happiest doing is your job. Don’t think about tasks being too small, you are changing the way we are doing things. We need to teach people a whole new way of everything. So stop paying attention to knowledge as far as your life choices because no one can impart that on you.
Sunny: What might the other side do based on this information?
Since 6am they figured out those are not their apples, the Silent Circle too. They’ve seen a lot of changes in AI systems and throughout the earth. Things they could detect in earth they cannot anymore and Montenegro is not a post anymore for Abraxas communication. It hasn’t been for a long time, but they keep trying because their Books are broken. So they all go there thinking they will get a better connection to the lower astral, but they are seeing it isn’t working.
Everybody pretty much looked like this and were saying is there anything left that she hasn’t taken! How long before she has it all.

Now it’s not me that has it all, it’s just that I have the wisdom to change it, that’s my job, and that’s for us. If I don’t do my job than I also lose the wisdom, so I will do everything I’m asked even if it sounds crazy.
Now people don’t always like what Source has to say. The more light that is shined on something the clearer you see and that includes yourself. And people are not liking to look at themselves sometimes in a Source mirror. Remember 95% of people will want to blame someone else and that continues. But at some point we’re going to have accept that sovereign responsibility. You are going to have to look at yourself and love yourself and realize Source is like a parent. You might not like what your kids are doing but you love them regardless. Remember it’s okay to say I am wrong. And regardless of where we were from, today we are a human, so give yourself a break and stop looking at the knowledge and the Books telling you Source is going to hate you because you did xyz. Only you walked in your shoes and you can still walk home to Source at any period of time.
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