This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 30-OCT-24 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Coming up today, what happens when humanity starts to wake up? Enter Project Sandman. Find out what it is and how it affected you. Political operatives around the world have been sitting at secret voting machine for days waiting for a response. Today you will learn how voting for heads of state really works and who gets to vote. And the Secret Space Program contemplates the reality of the situation they are in.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

What is Project Sandman?
If you follow Alt media you might have heard that Project Sandman is going to save the day for the Q people, and there are all these weird symbols coming out on the twitter pages. So, I wanted to tell you what it actually is because it could have affected you.
Was this a human created program like you hear about various CIA programs?
No, Project Sandman is not a human created program. It is a program that existed in omega and tied to a covenant with Anti-Source. It had to do with the rate at which humans were waking up. Meaning, the more awake and aware you were the less of a hologram there was, the more connections you had directly to our Source, the more you are starting to realize something is wrong. You’re realizing maybe you had more powers than you think you had, that you can manifest things, and maybe you can change the world and change your life, which is true, to a degree.
What Project Sandman does is it kicks in via a standing order and triggers some frequency machines that were located around earth’s core, and it was a silent frequency.
Sometime you hear higher pitches in your ear or lower pitch noises and you know there are frequencies coming in from somewhere, be it your electronics or through some program somewhere. Then all of a sudden you start to feel it, you feel tired, sick, an energy drain, whatever it actually is, and these frequencies were actually silent. Our frequency machines didn’t pick up on those frequencies and we were having a hard time finding where they were coming from. We were getting a lot of reports from people saying I’m really tired, I’m depressed, I’m sad for no reason, I feel lost, confused, disconnected, there is no hope. These are all things that Project Sandman was sending out frequency-wise and you wouldn’t have even been able to detect it. Even the most sensitive people could not detect why they didn’t feel well, had sleep disturbances, brain fog, etc. And this was going on for over a week, but we found it today. Hopefully within the next few hours a lot of you who have been experiencing that will start to feel a little bit better, but I’ll continue to look to make sure there are no other fragments. The SSP folks might have been aware of it simply because they were expecting it, because people were no longer believing them or buying their BS, and this is a program that would kick in to put us all back to sleep. That’s pretty much what Project Sandman is.
SSP Trump Operatives Make Kim An Offer
Yesterday they were running analytics programs and are trying to figure out where to go next. After our GIA Report on Monday, they know it’s not here. Well maybe it could be, maybe.
They ran their reports again and if they were to work for us and do exactly what we say their chance of success is 100%. If they were to work with the Order and against me, their chances of success were 0%. If they were to come up with a compromise, maybe a happy medium their chances of success were about 10%. That 10% reared its ugly head today and the SSP Trump operatives have reached out to us with a potential offer.
They would like to know if they could get Trump and Vance into office, and then within 6 months they would then announce Trump had passed away of natural causes, so nothing major. Then Vance would take over in Trump’s name and all that kind of stuff and of course we would be in support of a live, breathing human.
The Numerous Reasons Kim Won’t Do Business With Trump Operatives
Now they are under the impression that the only reason I won’t deal with these people is because they have a non-viable person, meaning the person they are putting in the Presidency is dead. Well, that is one concern I must say.
My other concern is I’ve done business with the Trump operatives. I know these people. It was 4 years of back and forth with their handler and funding of things that never came to fruition. I spent 4 years of promises of my 2% getting paid out. Tom Melville went to Manhattan 100-200 times to try and collect his fees and he never got paid. I know for a fact that the handler they set up for me did not get paid, neither did the handler’s handler get paid. And I don’t’ think anyone around here locally got paid. So, the only ones that actually got paid was them. They had taken every single dime and didn’t pay anyone, even though there were some people I had dealt with in their Administration that were on their side. They certainly weren’t on my side in any way, and they didn’t pay those people either.
So that being said, I have done business with these people in the past and I know for a fact that every administration, every single one of every country in the world in run by operatives. Now let’s just say they decided to find God and change their mind. Then what the heck were they doing in Israel Friday night? See my point. I’m still dealing with the same cowboys; Duck Dynasty I was dealing with 4 years ago. They still think I’m under the impression I believe a word they say. That’s the first reason I won’t deal with them, because I know for a fact if I was even willing to participate the 6 months would never come.
The second reason is because we would never receive our portion and our part which is much higher now that we flipped into a Golden Age. No longer are we subject to the 79%-21%-2% rules of the game because all those covenants and contracts have expired. It is now my turn to write my own rules.
So are they going to put this party into the office?
Well, they don’t really listen to a word I ever say, but I have zero desire to do business with these people. I’m sure if any of you had ever worked with or for people like them you would never do business with them again either, even if it wasn’t about my portion of the funds. For example, at one point in time we paid off student loans to the tune of $1.4 trillion. That stayed paid off for about 20 minutes and then it was reversed out. God only knows where they were going to send it, so I took it back because it didn’t go where it was supposed to go. The same thing with the funding that went to hurricane Michael victims and everything else we tried to do through the government.
Quite frankly these operatives are greedy and just want to take all this money. They talk about their cowboy boots and Bentleys and expensive cars and big houses online. I think you’re disgusting quite frankly and I have no desire to do business with people like that at this point. Six months would turn into years and on and on and before you know it would be the end of the term. First of all, I wouldn’t support it for one day never mind 6 months. I’m also not interested in doing business with the Kamala or Biden people either.
How Voting For Heads of State Really Worked
We’re days away from the selection which everyone around the world watches to see what happens, especially with all the false promises that Duck Dynasty is putting out there, what are they going to do?
I’m not telling you what to do or not but these are the hard facts:
Voting on the Highest Level
Voting in every country of the world is not what it is perceived to be, even in democratic nations. As we talked about before it is a selection. However, a little more than a decade ago was a group of people that do vote. They talk amongst themselves as to who is going to be the talking head and their selected operatives to participate on a higher level than they are now. There are also discussions on this level whether it will be someone from the Black Sun or Order of the Dragon, which group gets to participate on that level. And of course, all the operatives come from the Black Sun sector as far as the talking head is concerned. Then it would be which group would get favors and benefit the most from transactions and deals.
Kim Selected Obama, and He Was the Last Ratified American President
The last time there was actually a vote for a Head of State in the US from this group it was Obama’s second term, because on this level, by the time 2016 rolled around there was no Marduk anymore and the other players really didn’t have the keys to the political system to make that vote. But I was present during this vote and given the options, and being new at that time, I said well, just give Obama another term. So he was the last ratified American President. I knew a little about McCain and that whole situation at that time and what he was about and involved in, so Obama gets a second term. Now I wasn’t political and never voted in my entire life, but this is how I knew weeks ahead of time that Obama was going to be elected. And now Obama, or rather whoever is playing that role because the real Obama is gone, is currently going for a third term. What I mean by that is he is the driving force behind Kamala.
No One Answered the Voting Line When Trump Was Selected
The next time there was a selection it was the end of 2016, we’re all familiar with that, it was Hillary versus Trump, and Trump ended up getting selected by their own selves because no one answered the voting line at that time. And he was never ratified as president or head of state, nor was Biden, and that’s because no voting took place on this level. There was nobody home to care or vote, so they made their own selections.
But at that time there was still an obligation until 2022 between myself, or the person who sits in the chair, the Federal Reserve, and Governments, and I did adhere to those contracts that were set forth far before my 10-year and participated. That’s how I know Duck Dynasty so well.
A Meeting Takes Place a Month Prior to the Selection
Probably a month if not more ahead of time a meeting takes place, usually on a Saturday evening, and I have participated in one selection for the United States and one selection for Russia, so I know this for a fact. They choose who is going to stand up in front of the American people as the leader of the not so free world and who will move into the big White House and there were some contemplations that happened. So, that was the American presidential selection.
I also voted for Putin back in the day when they were trying to put in one of the Khazarians at the time. They tried to convince me that was a good idea, but I said no, I’m going to vote for Putin because I believed he was good guy at that point. That was before I spent every Saturday for over year having meetings with the guy and learned better. But either way it didn’t matter anyway because the operatives run the head of state. So, I guess you can say I participated in an American election and a Russian election and the meetings were pretty much the same.
The Decision Then Was Sent Down Through a Master Political Line 5 Days Prior to the Election
Once the decision was made who was going to be the next selected person to play the role, then the orders would go down through a special master political line, similar to but not exactly like a diplomatic line, and this is where the order would come down to the operatives to tell them who would be selected.
Now the selection process doesn’t occur until about 5 days before the actual selection. So, five days before that information would then be released through that master political line and that would be the party that would get ratified and that party would get all the bells and whistles associated, and their selected operatives associated with the selection.
Voting by the Lowest Level, the People
Some of you may or may not vote, but those who do go to a polling station or you mail it in and then you watch the selections and you believe you have voted for a candidate.
Well, this is how it really works, it’s kind of like the Hunger Games, because we live in a “democracy”, and if you live in a democracy wherever you’re at, you’re doing the same thing. In reality, that’s just for you. It’s kind of like going to a Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you’ve never been, there is a special theatre and a movie would play in the background, and there were actors that would play a part in front of the screen. So, they sort of participate like characters in the movie. Not only that, the audience gets to participate. Say it’s raining in the movie, then it will be raining on you, so it’s kind of interactive. This is kind of what voting is like. You’re not actually in the movie or a hired actor in the movie but you kind of feel a sense of participation in the movie because you voted, you threw the popcorn when you were supposed to, you got rained on etc. Therefore, you feel vested, you’re giving your power away, your energy away. And a lot of people watch the selection night all night long. That’s hours of energy, attention, and consciousness you’re giving to your selected candidate, which would then go into a looshing bank. And then this particular candidate would get credit for that and their group of operatives.
Today Operatives are Manning the Master Political Line
Now I do know for a fact there are operatives that are manning that line right now and have been for about 24-48 hours because they are unsure when the information is going to come in and they need to be there. Now I have some bad news for those operatives, the only one with the keys to that line to give you that information is me. And again, the way I felt on Monday night, I’m not going to be sending the information to support either one of the two leading candidates at this moment. It’s not like you’re going to listen to me anyway, but I’m going to send the info through, true to form 5 days before and it’s not going to be either party so you’re both going to be disappointed.
I don’t have any desire to do business with a Chinese American head of state and I don’t have any desire to do business with a bunch of cowboys ever again in my life. That being said, the answer will be different. Will you adhere to what that line actually says? No, you’re not. But what you won’t get is all the perks that normally come with operatives that are supporting the head of state because the only one that has that line is me. Now I will prove it to you because I will sign it with my name, my signature. If you want, I’ll even pick it up and you can hear my voice, but honestly what you do from here I could care less. I have no doubt you that you probably won’t have a government in four years the way it’s going. And if it’s Duck Dynasty it will be even shorter because they don’t know anything about running anything. But I can tell you unequivocally every place they are and everything they are saying. I knew this offer was coming 24 hours ahead of time because I watched you do all your analytics, and I know a lot of you at the meeting disagreed with what the analytics said, but that’s your ego talking. If you don’t want to face the facts then I don’t want to face the fact that you exist either. I’m not interested in participating and selecting Trump, but the secret voting machine is going to vote in the next 48 hours and I don’t know who it will be, anyone but Kamala or Trump. Are they going to adhere to it? Probably not. Those egotistical Trump operatives will think they can force me, which was also a conversation they had early in the morning yesterday. They said, well we’ll make the little lady do whatever we want her to do, in their redneck talk.
That’s pretty much the GIA Report for today. Be careful and have a safe Halloween if you’re in America. You never know what can happen on these days. We’ll be on high alert over here, who knows what they have planned. Of course, they think it’s their special day, the day of the dead. We can only hope it’s for them.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou Ladies and God bless you and all humanity : )
We must be nearly there.
bonjour, Kim, idem just, est bien ici en france, il y a des vidéos qui passent des hologrammes je l’espère, avec des catastrophes météo via l’espagne et valencia
avec une méga arche 1 flan de montagne suspendu par de ridicules chevrons de soutien même un vulgaire ange suspendu au dessus du vide! mais aussi une tir lumineux en direction un énorme nuage de tornade. avec une forte détontion suivi d’un déluge d’eau! mais cela je ne c’est pas si cette vidéo venait d’espagne? sur ce ici dans le sud ouest de la france, ce sera plein soleil après le brouillard! bon wek-end à vous! malgrès la présence encore trop nombreuses de ses fous, du sang, et de la chères!
erci pour vôtre rapport!
I just thought I would check in and see what Ms. Golden was telling people now….I stopped listening to her when she claimed a legion of angels came and was taking over all the gov. Offices. She claimed they would be forced to reveal Trump’s death, and that we would finally see change because this legion of angels was moving quickly…..NONE of it was true. NONE of what she claimed ever happened.
And clearly she is telling everyone the same stuff she was a year ago, it’s obvious now that she’s just taking people’s money. By hiding behind a pay wall. She doesn’t allow her content to be shared even though she claims to want the truth out there. And thanks to Team Bubba and their hard work they have done an excellent job of exposing her completely.
Those of us who actually support the truth cannot allow people like Kim to lead people, good people astray. Please pay attention to not only what she says but, but her lack of followers through. She’s good, I’ll give her that. I followed her for 2 years. She lost of people when she announced those absolute lies about the legion and Trump’s death being announced.
Kim has an enormous ego, and it got the best of her. I’m so glad that I seen the truth about her.
Shame on you Ms. Goguen for lying to so many people. But people are responsible for not vetting her. Those you still believe her, haven’t bothered looking at her body of work….. so I guess they get what they get.
Kim’s heart in no way vibrates high enough for her to be talking to all creator. True Creator despises the ego. And Kim has a huge ego.
oh, We don’t have to be ashamed that we as gullible people have believed the stories of Mrs. Anunnaki Kim. She brings it well but those with eyes that can see have realized that it is all fake.. Let her continue to busy herself with her online shop and tell fake stories. She is just 1 of the many Anunnaki who want to keep us away from awakening consciousness with lies.
I don’t read the bible, but I will “pray” for those that do. There must be a God; and if Source is what Kim calls it, that’s okay with me. Justempowerme is my personal awakening to more hopeful possibilities.