This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim explains in detail the structure of the collateral pools that are disappearing. This explanation was explained within the context of the controller structure which was established 250,000 years ago after the Causal War which related to Atlantis. However Atlantis is not a land mass like many people think.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

China Markets Still Falling
China’s markets are still continuing to go down and they will continue to go down. Remember the government of China actually owns more than 50% of all of the companies in China, maybe slightly less but it’s right around there. There’s obviously a capital flight leaving the country. Petroleum is a big one and the foreign ownership allegedly was done in order to get cheaper prices on oil and gas those types of things. So it’s not really a capital flight per se, but it’s not to the tune of $6 trillion dollars like the news is talking about, but in terms of value in the market I would say definitely yes. Now the thing the market is not reflecting is the portion owned by China, obviously there’s no contribution there, not a whole lot of sales. There’s not enough to carry those companies worldwide. There’s a whole lot of promises and absolutely zero delivery on a lot of items.
It’s only been 48 hours since we started talking about the tsunami but it is continuing to happen and they are somewhat considering the fall of Communism in the country and the advent of a different type of political system. They are definitely considering 100% foreign ownership of corporations in the country. So, we’ll see if that is going to be enough to save China. It wouldn’t be if the communistic structure in the 54% or even 10% or 20% ownership was still mandated by the country.
Drone Show in Charlotte, NC
There is a video going around about Charlotte, North Carolina this week and the SSP and the Q clock is even trying to promote it. This here is a drone show. Here in the US I know they’ve done drone shows during the 4th of July shows the last couple of years. They are small little drones all coupled together and have been actual explosive fireworks due to concerns about fires starting and people hurting themselves, that type of thing. They do them in Japan and in China and many other places in the world. It seems that everybody’s kind of moving towards the drone show and apparently so is the Secret Space Program now.
Are there enough drones in the world to stage a fake alien Invasion which is where they’re going? I’m going to say probably not at the ready. They would probably need several months in manufacturing and then there’s the coordinating of the drone, the people that control the drones, and all of this stuff. So probably not at this time. I know that is another rumor that’s going around out there so I wanted to tell you the backstory behind that and that they have tried to use it. It’s also being reported on the 2012 Portal site I think that’s Cobra. It’s everywhere and they’re talking about an incoming alien invasion of some sort. They can hope for that I guess but it’s simply not the case.
The Causal War
The Causal War you’ve heard me mention before happened about 250,000 years ago which is a drop in the bucket compared to what happened during the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages were going on for about 3 billion years. But there was a big war here on Earth which relates to Atlantis.
Atlantis is About a Reptilian Race and Their Control Over the Causal Plane
Now there is a lot talk about Atlantis and what life was like in Atlantis as if it’s like a country on Earth, but that is absolutely not the case.
They glorify Atlantis because it was actually part of a Reptilian race that came to Earth at that time and maintained control over the causal plane. So today we’re going to talk about this and I’m going to tie it in to the financial system of the world and the ownership of you so you fully understand the mechanism behind it.
What is a Realm?
First let’s define the word realm so you understand what I’m speaking of. The word realm literally means a kingdom an area that you or someone has ruled over or continues to rule over for a period of time. That is what the literal translation is. It’s important to understand what realm means because we need to understand who the Kings were in the Multiverse and how that affected Earth before I can tell you why we had so many bonds against us.

We are in the 3rd density and there’s planes inside the 3rd density. Under the 3rd density you have densities 2 and 1. Then you have one going in the other direction down to 2 and 1 and 3. Then below that we have the lower astral, -4 through -9. In the upper realm we have +4 through +9. When you get to the 9th density that’s where Source lives and when you get to the 9th density down here that’s where Anti-Source lives.
The Agreement for Co-creation Process and Ownership Over the Race of Co-creation
Each one of these densities is under the peace agreement called the Agreement for Co-creation Process and Ownership Over the Race of Co-creation (which is us) when that agreement was enforced. That gave certain beings control over the Realms, so, these are the kingdoms of the Multiverse so to speak.
Before 250,000 years ago we had Five Root Races on Earth and each one of those Root Races was governed by something or someone else from somewhere else. So, let’s talk about the Realms and who had ownership.
Realm: 9th Density | Enlil & Source
The 9th density was run by Enlil and Source jointly. It was an agreement and it had to do with Essence. So, Enlil not only participated in the rulership of Earth he also had control of the light essence and dark essence. Enki, Enlil and Marduk all agreed to create balance under the Council of Nine, which is why they were granted the rulership over the kingdom or the realm known as the 9th density down to the 9th density up.
Realm: 8th Density | Fallen Angels (Lucifer & Baphomet) & Angels (Lucerne)
Next, we have the Fallen Angel Lucifer in -8 down in the lower astral. This is also the source of the Fallen Angel Matrix, and Lucifer’s sidekick was Baphomet. And in the upper astral we had Lucerne in +8 which was the equal and opposite. You have angels in the upper astral and you have fallen angels in the lower astral.
Realm: 7th Density | Marduk
Marduk is in the 7th density. Marduk stands for Mar which stands for the Sea and he is the Duke of the Sea of Consciousness. He controlled both light and dark Consciousness, the Dial of Destiny as it relates to Consciousness control over your personal Consciousness. So he is in +7 and -7.
Realm: 6th Density | Enki & Baal
Enki is in the 6th which is also your mental plane and he was in +6 and -6. Enki and Baal were buddies. Now people talk a lot about technologies in Antarctica and how we’re all going to die. Well one of the main technologies that used to be in Antarctica but is not there anymore is the Baal frequency machine. Baal controls every mind control program on the planet. It came from this system. Frequency controls the Consciousness which also controls the emotions which also controls the etherical field and your essence.
So these densities also are related to the planes of existence that exist within your human and who rules those here on Earth.
Realm: 5th Density | Reptilian Race or Orionites, or Atlanteans
The Reptilian Race is the 5th density which is the Causal Plane and this is the big one. The workers in the Causal Plane are known as your Reptilian race. They’re also known as the Orionites, and also known as the Atlanteans. In addition, they were run by someone called the Red Queen. The Red Queen in cooperation with the Abraxas were the Kings of the Causal Plane and Causal Density both in the upper and the lower. That’s what the Causal Wars were all about. The Red Queen is also called the Anti-Pleiadean Queen because you had Pleiades in both the upper and lower astral.
From that point on is when that overlay started that I’ve talked about before. Everything is centered around the 5th density and we were very concerned that it would bleed up further. So, the 5th density in the upper and the 5th density in the lower astral basically became one for a long time.
Realm: 4th Density | Angel Raguel & Demon Astaroth
Astaroth is the demon in the 4th density lower astral and then in the upper realm we had angel Raguel. You have Fallen Angels and you have Angels. The demons basically are your highest Realm of the Fallen Angels and then you have other Realms of Fallen Angels. So Raguel and Astaroth were counter parties and counter partners as it relates to governing the astral density of the entire Multiverse.
Realm: 3rd Density | Angel Raphael & Archangel Raphael
Angel Raphael was over +3 and Archangel Raphael was over -3 and now we’re getting into what’s called the Null Zone. 3 up and 3 down is considered a separate realm unto itself like a Neutral Zone.
Realm: 2nd Density | Angel Gabriel & Archangel Gabriel
Angel Gabriel was over 2 above and below and Archangel Gabriel was above 2 and below 2 as well because what is above so is below.
Note: They’re two different entities, one is a Fallen Angel and one is a still an Angel. All Angels originated from Source fallen or otherwise. There were some that were selected to fall down in the lower astral. You have Archangels and you have Angels. Angels are the ones who are still governing for the Light and Archangels are the ones that are still governing for the Darkness and yes they have the same name in English because we wouldn’t be able to pronounce the real name which is a frequency.
Realm: 1st Density | Angel Michael & Archangel Michael
Angel Michael was over 1 above and below and Archangel Michael was above and below as well.
Sunny: We see these dark entities that were up in the higher dimensions is that simply because we were in a Dark Age. If we were in a Light Age Source would have never let that happen, is that right?
Kim: Well, we would have been in a Neutral Age. The Multiverse has never seen a Light Age yet. By Neutral Age that means that we had a Neutral Zone where both parties could come and go there. Then you had our upper realm with no interference through to the Causal Plane and then you had the lower Realms here with no interference from the upper planes. Everybody is in their corner.
After the Causal Plane War this became the structure of the Multiverse, at least for the last 250,000 years. This also predetermined the control over Earth and these are the rulers of the rulers of the rulers, and I will explain why. The 3rd density is kind of like the line in the sand for both sides because both parties could actually exist in density 2 & 1 and 1 & 2. That is why Earth was almost like the last line of defense, Earth being a Nexus planet and Earth being a Gateway planet. But we weren’t the only one, there were a lot that were destroyed like Tiamat. (Note: See Tiamat – Ascension Glossary)
Now we have determined that every Kingdom in the Multiverse was ruled by somebody or assigned to somebody. Now let’s talk about Earth since Earth was such an important planet and everybody wanted to control it, and during the Dark Age we were pretty darn dark.

The Ultimate Rulership of Earth 250,000 Years Ago
Let’s talk about the rulership of Earth. Density 3 where we live is right in the middle. Then you have 6 densities going up and then you’ll have the Neutral zone and then you have 6 densities going down because pretty much this was joint ownership when you were in the Neutral Zone.
6th Ruler of Earth | Anti-Source
The ultimate rulership of Earth that took place here 250,000 years ago was Anti-source, sorry to say but it was. You remember me saying the dark never got too far here, that we were always 21% and they were only 79%. So, they had 79% control of Earth and we on our side believe it or not still had 21% control, even though it certainly didn’t feel that way.
So we’re only talking about one of the five ruling parties of Earth., other than Anti- Source being the sixth.
5th Ruler of Earth | Abraxas & Lucifer
The Abraxas reported directly to Anti-Source.
Order of the Black Sun and the Black Nobility
What birthed from the Abraxas were people like the Order of the Black Sun and the Black Nobility. You’ve heard us talk about some of these Italian names and there’s some Greek names in there and a few others.
SSP (15 Secret Militaries) & The 9 Eagles
Then underneath these people you have what I call the SSP, so the Secret Space Program, the 15 militaries. So, they’re pretty high up in the ranks, they report directly to the Order of the Black Sun and Black Nobility. Then underneath the SSP we have:
- Thule Society
- Scientists of Project Paper Clip
- Jesuit Order
- There are other people that reported to the SSP, all of those lovely human experiments that went on in DUMBS. If you were recruited into any one of those programs and actually worked in a DUMB you were underneath these people. These people ran you on behalf of these people and then eventually the Abraxas.
- FDA, Food control systems
- Oil control systems were the Rockefellers
- Any other industry you want to name here
Nine Eagles
Then equal to the SSP on this level you would have had the Nine Eagles. This is your Black Eagle, your Brown Eagle, etc. Black Eagle as an example was the position that Bush Senior held, and Prescott before him. Mussolini was also Black Eagle. We’re starting to get into people that you know, but this is kind of how they got so much power. We had other groups under this umbrella:
- The Vatican
- The Templars
- Langley 5 Star General people of the world
- Every Intelligence Agency on Earth
- Every Military on Earth
So this is basically the upline to the Abraxas, one of the Rulers of Earth.

Now as far as you as a human are concerned the ultimate ownership of you and all control structures on Earth was Anti-Source 79% and Source 21%. Ultimately the entire control structure then gets sucked up into here.
4th, 3rd, 2nd & 1st Rulers of Earth | Marduk | Enki | Enlil | Satan
The fourth ruler of Earth was Marduk, Enki, Enlil and Satan. Welcome to the rulership of Earth. So each one of these entities took over one of the Five Root Races on Earth, the Brown, Black, Red, White and Yellow. So, we would say the Asians would be yellow, obviously the white Europeans or whatnot at the time, the red race are all your Indigenous people, not all but a lot of your indigenous people and so on and so forth. Each one controlled a different area and therefore a different group of humans. They took ownership in possession of those humans.
So Marduk, Enki and Enlil had a different structure from the Abraxas line and is as follows:
21 Parents
They had the 21 Parents, all from different colors to manage the different races.
Coven Masters
There were 42 Coven Masters and this number fluctuates so don’t quote me on that.
Coven Members
Somewhere around 112 coven members. Those members would then trail down into the Order of the Dragon or the Illuminati.
Order of the Dragon (The Illuminati)
We had nine sectors, and nine Order of the Dragon families also known as the Illuminati. This is your line of Solomon people. Each one of these, much like the Nine Eagles controlled the different sectors on Earth. The Nine Eagles and the Nine Order of the Dragon Family heads would often communicate, they would work together.
But I’m telling you this for a reason because this is going to explain what’s been happening for the last 24-48 hours or maybe even a week based on us saying we pulled the roots of the bonds away and it was only a matter of time before everything fell apart.
The Order of the Dragon was predominantly responsible for two areas of the world, Political control and Financial control. Whereas the Abraxas/Order of the Black Sun/Nine Eagles line you could say had more control of Media, Intelligence, Military, and in part NATO because that really falls under the 9 Eagles. In a lot of cases corporate control was shared on both sides.
Political Control
- Governments (minus your military and your agencies)
- NATO also falls under and under political control because if no government, then no NATO
- United Nations
Financial Control
- Federal Reserve
- Corporations could be things like Tier 1 Banks, Tier 2 Banks, Tier 3 Banks, the Federal Reserve
- NATO also falls here under financial control because if no money then no NATO
By the way, the military is running around like crazy right now. The Allies are kind of going against the United States and it’s hilarious really because they still think the US has money which they don’t, nobody has any money. But prior to recent events they would get to the financial control by being over Tier 1 Banks, Tier 2 Banks, Tier 3 Banks, etc.
Both Sides Have Secret Societies
There are secret societies that report to both sides. We talked about the Jesuit Order being one example. Then you have the Order of the Rose and several other societies that fall under the tutelage of one side or another. But essentially, it’s pretty much full control. Both sides had Covens, you probably wouldn’t recognize most but one example is the Sanhedrin.

The Structure of Collateral Pools
Down here in the financial system you have Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Banks which are Credit Unions and smaller Banks:
- The first lien that goes against you and everything you have will compile Tier 4 into Tier 3 Banks
- Tier 3 Banks control every human that is in Tier 4 Banks and more.
- Tier 2 Banks will control everything that is Tier 4, Tier 3 and Tier 2.
- Tier 1 Banks control every human account on the planet that was in Tier 4, Tier 3, Tier 2 and Tier 1
- And The Federal Reserve controls all the banks.
It’s like a Christmas tree on that level. There’s a bond against you for the former custody. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a Tier 4, 3, 2, or 1 bank, because everybody from here on down goes into the Tier 1 Bank and you have all of these bonds. Then they issue new bonds off you for every level you go up.

This is your credit system:
- Tier 3 has the right to issue bonds against all Tier 4.
- Tier 2 has the right to issue bonds off Tier 3 and Tier 4.
- Tier 1 Banks can basically issue off every single bank on Earth, they are the controllers.
- Then the Federal Reserve goes ahead and issues a bond against everybody underneath there.
There’s your financial system. Well not quite…
Financial Control & The 9 Sectors of the Order of the Dragon
The Order of the Dragon control nine sectors and the Federal Reserve controls 12 jurisdictions.
Order of the Dragon Had the Right to Issues a Bond
- Against all of you
- Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 Banks
- The Federal Reserve
- All Governments
That is why you see them having so much control.
Then we are leveraged again
UN and Governments
- The UN has the right to issue bonds against every government in the world.
- Governments would issue bonds against everyone who is registered as a citizen of that country, they own you. They have a bond against every single one of your persons. This is the control of you personally, while what Kim outlined above is control of you financially. So for people who are filing UCC filings, nobody really cares when you get up here.
- Governments will also issue bonds against politicians, against everyone that works in the government, and all of you.
- The UN then has the opportunity to issue a bond against every single government in the world which also includes you. See how that’s kind of going up the control structure here. Then the UN and all its ancillary governments and everyone else underneath.
- The Order of the Dragon then has the right to issue another Bond against all the Governments, all the countries and you — it goes into another whole collateral pool.
The Nine Eagles | Black Nobility
- The Nine Eagles had the right to issue bonds against media, their corporate structures, NATO and all militaries of the world, and all intelligence agencies of the world. They would group them all together and then they would hand them on a nice little platter to the Black Nobility who then would issue a bond against all the Nine Eagles and all their control systems in different sectors of the world.
Then we are leveraged again
The Coven Members which exist on both sides above the Nine Eagles
- Coven members on both sides, of which there was about 112, issued 112 different new collateral pools against everybody else’s upline. Each had different sectors and different Families of the Order of the Dragon. It could be the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Tavistock Institute, Club of Rome, The Heritage Foundation and all other political control sectors and all the other people we’ve come to know and just love right. So, the 112 covens could then take all the people in the different corporations, different societies, etc. underneath their control.
Then we are leveraged again
42 Coven Masters
- Coven Masters would collect everything else in their downline and they would issue another bond against you. So they would collect from whichever coven members reported to them. So, you were leverage-leverage-leverage-leverage-leverage-leverage-leverage. And we’re not done yet.
Then we are leveraged again
The 21 Parents
- They then took control of all the Coven Masters; all the Covens and they re-leveraged all the downline again into a new collateral pool.
Then we are leveraged again
Marduk, Enki and Enlil
- The Parent pool was then split into three parts between Marduk, Enki and Enlil.
Then we are leveraged again
Satan and Lucifer
- They eventually would pull it up all again, each one would get their own pool depending on which one of the Parents they controlled.
Then we are leveraged again
Source & Anti-Source
- Then all the pools would come together and fell under the custody of Anti-source which had 79% of the universe or Source which had custody of 21%.
That percent has now flipped because we’ve gotten rid of most of these people’s control, although they can still talk to the intelligence agencies and to the militaries. But now you know why they call and they still respond to these people.
But the system that started breaking down about a week ago is all of these pools of collateral started disappearing one by one, inch by inch and yesterday it happened to be the government’s pool and the Tier 1 Banks pool. So that’s what happened yesterday and that is what is sending everybody into a tail spin. The same thing is happening on the other side where NATO is. The reason why NATO’s talking about moving 90,000 troops, and behind the scenes they’re telling the US your job in this whole mess was to fund us all and if you don’t want to participate and are not providing the US dollars we’re going to leave you behind. Now that’s hilarious because NATO doesn’t seem to realize all the other countries over there are broke too. Haven’t they heard they lost their bonds? And the bonds that NATO had against you are also gone. What that means in totality is every single level that went up the food chain here had a line of credit against its pool of bonds that allowed for its existence.
The Goal is to Take Hold of This Realm Which is Nearly Done
So financial control is a lot more complicated and then it ties into the Realms and the Realm Controllers. So this is just control of the Five Base Root Races on planet Earth which predominantly still exist to this day. And they might squabble over control if one person gets together with another person who is of a different race. Can you imagine the conflict if say a white person marries a black person? Which one owns them? Which collateral pool do they go into?
Note: For Lisa Renee’s take on the 5 Root Races see, Cloister Races – Ascension Glossary
How is that for interesting, which kind of makes sense why they try to “keep the bloodlines pure.” And that’s why the Royals are probably worth more in the collateral pool, because everybody had their own bloodline that they controlled. Keep it clean because now you’re going to have to cross collateralize and then it gets really messy. If you think this is messy it gets worse.
It has been a process and it has been a learning process for me too. The goal in restoration of Earth is to take a hold of this Realm, which is what is being completed now. So we’re not 100% there yet, I’d say we probably have a little bit more to go to control the third density or this realm. Once we have control of the entire realm then we have a lot more flexibility here.
What Will the Old Controllers Do After Their Failure Tomorrow?
Now are these people just going to get up and walk away because it’s the full moon tomorrow and Satan didn’t come and the Abraxas didn’t come and Lucifer didn’t come? Because nobody pooped out a bunch of money to the media, to the militaries, to the intelligence agencies, to the corporations that they control. I don’t know. I don’t know what the SSP is going to do and we still have Black Nobility families out there. You get rid of one then another one takes over. It’s his turn or her turn or whatever it is in their world. And the same thing goes with these Order of the Dragon people.
So now that’s why they inbreed, it’s a bloodline kind of situation because the ownership of you is very important to these people up here. That’s the only reason why they keep you alive, they need your collateral for a certain amount of time, to indebt themselves to the Omega system. Remember the video I did about a week or so ago, where I told you Omega was the ultimate lender, the only lender on Earth. You know we concern ourselves with mortgages and all of this, but in order to get rid of all the liens that were on you way down here, we had to get through all of these people at the same time.
The Status of Control Structure Then and Now
When We Started
When we started talking about control of Earth we said Anti-Source had 79% control and Source had 21% control of Earth and that includes Alpha the source-based AI and then we had Omega.
Marduk, Enki and Enlil were the balance people and only had access up to level 8 in the Alpha system because remember they had up and down. And in Omega I’d say they might have had some access to level 9 just because of the Abraxas. And these are your ruling AIs for the entire Multiverse based on the structure that I just showed you. So, I’d say that Marduk, Enki and Enlil each had their own collateral pool for both sides. And Satan and Lucifer each had their own collateral pool only for the one side and that’s kind of where it started.
Where We Are Now
As of this morning we’re all the way to the bottom. For a long time I was talking about giving governments a shot and we waited and we waited and we waited. But yesterday we pulled the government’s collateral pools and Tier 1 Bank pools. Prior to that was the Fed. We’ve also pulled the Media pools and the Military pools. They no longer have bonds that go all the way up to the top.
We’re kind of down on that level now. We’re beyond the United Nations, we’re beyond governments, beyond the Federal Reserve and now we’re getting down to the point where we’re pulling all Tier 2 and Tier 3 and Tier 4 Bank holds on you. And pretty much once we release government bonds against you then all the rest of the collateral pools fall like dominoes.
Ownership of Governments is No Longer There
Now the governments have a big problem and this is the mass hysteria that’s been going on behind the scenes today even more so than it was before; because it isn’t going to be long before we see the fall of every Central Bank in the world. That’s because they were all issued lines of credit against those bonds. That was their line of credit and now they don’t have the good faith and credit of the United States government. That’s what that means on those pretty papers you have in your pocket.
Now We’re Down to Reaching People Without Any Liens
Part of the reason why money/energy from Source is not showing up in a person’s account, why it kept getting stopped, why it was going right back to someplace else is because you don’t exist, you were not a person, you were collateral. Therefore, I couldn’t transfer direct Source energy to a dead person who’s lost at sea, or lost in the sea of essence, or lost in the sea of energy. It’s all the convoluted stuff that was put in between, not by the humans but by the controllers at the top. It was used somewhat by the NSA and some humans and that kind of thing, but really the ultimate control was never given to humans, just a little bit to deal with. So once I figured out why Source can’t transfer energy, which is because you don’t exist, you’re dead, at least that’s a portion of why, I wanted to kind of explain to you today because people keep asking me.
Whew! That was a lot to take in. Now there is much more to the second part of this broadcast which is dedicated to discussing why isn’t Life Assurance out yet! Yes, apparently many people have been inquiring. So Kim goes into a lot of detail about that. But I decided since there will likely be a lot more discussions around this topic and the new marketplace that is being created on UNN that I would skip for now. Okay, to be completely honestly I am running out of steam as there have been so many long reports in a row of late. LOL! So I’m gonna cheat a little here only because I know this will be talked about more in the near future. But here is a snippet from UNN.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thank you very much Pamela for taking the time to transcribe, organize the text. It’s easier to read and get the main ideas.
It’s really quite complicated and you’ve gone to a lot of trouble to explain it to us. Thank you!
Fine. I will say it….WHO GIVES A SHIT?! Kim Goguen is full of it. All one has to do is look back through her updates. It does not take long at all before you’ll start to see a pattern. And you will realize she’s stringing people along. Yawn. THANK GOD FOR TEAM BUBBA. WAKE UP.. PLEASS
Si suponemos que eres de la Anti fuente, pero ya su tiempo expiró, feliz regreso a la fuente, si no te importa , por favor Lee los blog que resuenen contigo
L’Ideal serait que ces videos du network ou parle cette dame, soit tres bien sous titre en langue francaise.
Gracias Pamela , me cuesta un poco ver los vídeos por la traducción, gracias que me has ayudado mucho con tu fluidez en la información , lo importante es que lo organizas fielmente sin omitir detalles, gracias.
It is a bitter pill to swallow, especially for the brainwashed normies, but Kim has the courage to tell the people the truth.
Causal war
The Causal War that you heard me mention earlier happened about 250,000 years ago, which is a drop in the ocean compared to what happened in the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages lasted about 3 billion years. But here on Earth there was a big war connected with Atlantis.
LISA RENEE: “Truth or Consequences”
“It does appear that the surface Illuminati groups controlled by assorted NAA factions will come to the end of the road and face their maker, alive or in the death passage, where it will be a choice of truth or consequences for their actions. They must cease their nefarious activities sourced from the anti-human blood bonds of the Luciferian Covenant used to secretly enforce the Atlantian Conspiracy, honestly revealing their many crimes made against humanity to the public, asking for mercy and forgiveness. They must continue to cooperate with revealing the truth to the planetary inhabitants by humbling themselves and coming back to the natural laws of God source, or they will face spiritual obliteration through the second death. The second death will be explained to those in this predicament and those that refuse rehabilitation in order to remain anti-God, which is the forfeit of God given soul and spirit and the decimation of the station of identity into consciousness units that will ultimately be absorbed back into the source or central point of all union, as we have entered the planetary liberation phase and there are no further options available. We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness. For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvelously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet. Yet it will also be filled with despair and misery for those groups who are overly attached to the 3D reality delusions and controller system as it collapses, such as the power elite mindset that believe they are above the law and had purposely set out to destroy angelic humanity and enslave this creation for their own personal benefit. In this way, the surprise ending is not a joyful event for everyone. In conclusion, those NAA entities and their representatives in the dark cabal networks which have absconded with Holy Father Solar Dragon body parts such as the deliberate hijack of Ruby Sun DNA for seeding AI Ruby Order hybrids for the purpose of enslavement and genocide of the original Essene Christos bloodlines on this planet, will face truth or dire consequences for their actions.”
~Lisa Renee
I find any subject always provoke in different view or opinion especially in the human history. I don’t know any one alive today still remembered or showed evidence to tell what really had happened in that timeline except heard from many different level of 3rd party including mainstream and ET storylines, therefore, I enjoyed , learned and appreciated all information.
Book, The only planet of choice, indicated that Altean from the Pegasus galaxy , one of the 24 civilizations seeded Atlantean, who has accessed to the AI advanced technology from their seeder. There were motherships and few are still buried undergrounds.
I take this opportunity to thank Kim and Pamela.
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