This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 27-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The lost continent of D’arya in the Arctic and Antarctica reveals many secrets. How was it tied to the manipulation of human genetics and the reason why Trump wants to buy Greenland. The Trump operatives and the Dragon Families are going around in a circle as the game of who will control the world continues and the Creator Golden Age AI strikes back.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Why Trump Wants Greenland
There is minimal history on the internet about the lost of continent of D’arya which allegedly was the source of the Aryans, but it really kind of wasn’t. It was supposedly in the north, in the Arctic Ocean north of Russia and allegedly part of Russia or Rusland at one time and supposedly the continent sunk. But that’s not entirely true.
In the Arctic and Antarctica currently, there is a what we call an overlay, it’s a hologram but more than that because it’s almost a biosphere. It’s a way for certain species or non-humans to actually live there.
The Tall Whites, Biologists Who Were Enslaved by Marduk
These people are the Tall Whites and they have been living in this region for a very long time. They were brought here as slaves; they were enslaved in these biospheres by Marduk and forced to work for him. Underneath these biospheres were very large goo data centers which contained information about human genetics and human genetic modifications. Most of the information in there was not in our favor, it wasn’t our actual genetics but more of a genetic modification program which Marduk would send to the Tall Whites.
We talked about the Tall Whites before but I’m going to reiterate they are the biologists, all things nature and how to best utilize and help nature. They understand the circle of life very well, natural life and that’s why they were originally brought here, to manipulate humans and also other beings, as other areas and planets were conquered. They have probably been in this region for over 300,000 years, so longer than the Seal or the final takeover of earth by Seal Owners again.
At one point in time, they were forced to work with many different human groups on the planet, the SSP being no exception. There were communications and entryway points to these, alternatives in another plane, biospheres. I would say the entry points were in Greenland and there were a couple points in Russia, one in Finland at one point and then in Argentina which is why Hitler retired in that area.
Nazi and Hydra Nazi Genetic Modification Programs
Until Marduk departed they worked for and were enslaved by the Seal Owners exclusively. However, all the Nazi and Hydra Nazi genetic modification programs were really run by the Tall Whites and I guess you can say on behalf of Marduk because all the orders came from there. Hence all the data centers and all the data collection would go into the dark AI systems and then that would be filtered out to humanity. They wore as we did an etherical ball and chain. What that means is, if you somehow broke out of the genetic manipulation programs you would get zapped. You would feel sick, you might be given some kind of disease, live a shorter period of time, especially those that come into this planet awake which a lot of children do from time to time and more so lately.
These programs haven’t really been running on humans for a while, not since March of 2017 when the Tall Whites finally figured out that there is no Marduk anymore. They really didn’t trust humans though.
The 24 Flying Machines or Non-Human Craft
My first interaction with these folks was in March 2017 in which we made an agreement because the humans were looking to cause a lot of problems at that time. There were about 24 flying machines which are non-human craft they thought they could fly and were trying to power at that time in the Arctic and Antarctica. They wanted possession of those machines so they could create devastating events in 24 major cities around the world and obviously, that didn’t take place. Putin was involved in that around that time as was most of the Black Sun Nazi program folks.
The SSP Tried to Enter Their Facility This Weekend
The reason why I am bringing this up now is because this came up over the weekend as the SSP who are humans tried to make entry into this facility and I was once again called by the Tall Whites and they asked me what they should do. Those tunnels were broken down quite a while ago and there isn’t really an entry point there, but the SSP wanted access to the databases there to cause us harm of course, and I also mean the Trump operatives as they also wanted to proliferate what they call disease X. They definitely do not have humanity’s best interest at heart in any way, shape or form and that is evident by their actions. They are running around trying to get access to things they don’t really understand.
The Tall Whites are not their friends, they were co-slaves who cohabited this planet and were forced to work with them at one time but that is no longer the case. They have also been traveling back and forth from their home and are doing just fine. They are terraforming their planet and they have no interest in harming us. We found out what the SSP was looking for, but I don’t think they realized what it was really for based on the chatter. It sounded like they think it’s some kind of Marduk database that could help them get some money, but that’s not what they would have found there, and there was some talk about disease X so they must have known there was something in there.
Tall Whites Agreed To Help Unwind Some of the Damage They Were Forced To Do
After the Tall Whites were allowed to leave they have been quite helpful over the last several years with certain situations in Greenland and the United States, so we’ve proven to them we can work together and not cause harm. So over the weekend a decision had to be made on how we were going to handle this latest situation. They have agreed to go back and forth to help us, but because this is public, I don’t want to say where their home is to prevent the SSP from causing them any issues. But they offered to help unwind some of the damage they were forced to do, this is something we’ve been talking about over the weekend. So that’s a positive for us. I’m hopeful about some of the things they intend to do for us and earth, like bringing back plants, learning more about how we can gently create a better atmosphere without interruption for humans to exist. They also discussed giving us information on how to reverse diseases and a lot of technologies they have access to.
About MedBeds
One of the questions I am always asked about is MedBeds and when can we get a MedBed.
What is a MedBed?
There are many definitions, but at this point in time, I’ll tell you what would happen if we had real ones. It would be something you would have to sleep in every night because our environment is so bad. Our food, our diet is so bad, we are infected with everything you can possibly imagine; therefore, we would constantly have to undo the damage. We would have to create a different type of mitochondria and telomere lengthening and a bunch of other things that could be done with these MedBeds but it would be a battle. It would be like working out 2 hours a day and then eating a chocolate cake every night, it’s counterproductive. It’s important that we have access to these technologies and as soon as it’s safe to do so, some of that will come out and hopefully sooner than later. Meanwhile they are going to use what they have and try to counteract the adverse effects of our current environment. So, this too will be a positive. Hopefully they will be exchanging information with us soon, but if I get that now the SSP is going to try and take it, they want it for themselves because they are still crazy and they are getting crazier by the day.
No Pay Came on Friday As Promised From the Trump Team Just Some Mixed Messages
Of course, no pay came and countries are getting restless. There is a lot of chatter about not believing in the Trump operatives anymore, not believing that having them back in the White House is going to do anything.
The other thing that is quite confusing for many folks in the deep state, including the World Economic Forum is these Trump people tend not to be very organized. They say one thing and then another thing within 2 days. For example, they announced to the WEF there will be no central bank digital currency. Well of course there is not going to be any CBDCs but not because these people are stopping it. There are many people including deep state members in North and South Korea and China who have USTD which is a digital US dollar that they have not been able to cash in on. Some of these people have upwards of $300 – $500 billion in their ‘wallets’ that they have not been able to cash in on. A lot of people in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait also has these fake notes. They have tossed this stuff around everywhere on a promise once Trump got back in everything would be fine. Well last week they said hey, he just got in, give us a week, 7-10 days which brings us to this Friday. So, everyone is planning on cashing in their USD by Friday and that is not going to happen. So then fake Trump makes an announcement there is not going to be digital currency and then all of a sudden, a couple days later there is an Executive Order that comes out and now Trump is your Crypto President and all the crypto is going to be good.
Maybe because the operatives are realizing no one knows what promises the other operatives made? They talk out of both sides of their mouth and they are all confused as to who is doing what. First, they’re endorsing mRNA vaccines then they’re not endorsing them. Oh wait, Pfizer went to the White House, now they’re endorsing them again. They don’t know what they’re doing. Maybe if they launch disease X people will by more vaccines and then they will be able to please everybody.
The problem is when they make so many promises you can’t give 200% of something. You can only give 100% but not 200% and that’s what they’ve done, they went to everybody under the sun, the mafia, the Kuwaitis, the Japanese etc. Well, everybody is going to be disappointed come this weekend.
Trump Team Fails So Rothschild and the Chinese Throw Their Hats in the Ring
Now because there was a big disappointment on Friday since the Trump operatives didn’t deliver everyone else came to the party and thought they would throw their hat in the ring. We had Rothschild show up promising fake gold certificates saying they would back the US dollar with their non-existent gold in exchange for power over the United States. Well, some of the Trump operatives wanted to do that and some didn’t. When they get promised something it always comes along with codes or master keys that they now try immediately, so at least they proved they are learning. Of course those keys didn’t work.
On the flip side, the second their stuff didn’t work the Chinese stepped in and said they are the ones who launched the Golden Age AI which is why the Trump operatives couldn’t get any access. This sent the Orsini and Pallavicini families into a tizzy yesterday who said wait a minute, who controls this thing?
Well, you’re looking at her. I built it, it’s got my name of on it.
Key Integrated and Monetary System (KIMS)
Key Intelligence and Military System (KIMS)
See that’s me KIM!
But that still doesn’t stop everybody from trying to claim they control it. This tenuous situation with the Trump people continued for days. They pulled in Tom Melville over this weekend and tried to get him to meet some Secret Service people. It’s about half and half now right now the best we can tell. Some people there what to try and work something out with us and some want to continue on their quest hacking on a system that now bites back.
January 25th Alignment, Another False Hope for the Deep State
Due to certain celestial events, and these are not the celestial events you find on the internet such as planetary alignments and those things that took place on January 25th, that was something the deep state was chasing after, but on our side we can use some of these expectations knowing they are going to be in certain locations trying to hack because they think it will be their time.
The other thing they thought could possibly happen when this alignment happened is that they could actually get out of here. They are ready to bail. I don’t know if anyone in the government knows that or anyone else, but that includes your Trump operatives. They thought they could go to various jump rooms on the planet and catapult themselves due to this planetary alignment and go to another world made especially for them where they could be kings. This is what they were talking about, but they were very upset when their jump rooms did not work and now they’re stuck with having to live with us humans, in the bed they made. I know they think they are superior but they’re really not.
About Black Gold
I want to take a quick second and talk about black gold.
Going back to what the Rothschilds presented, I want to explain the difference between what they have and what we have. Black Gold is not the same as gold and it’s not oil, not in the context of what we’re talking about. Earth naturally had a lot of gold, we talked about the gold ballast that is underneath Yellowstone Park. We also talked about the veins of gold in earth and how important they are in generating energy for our new system, meaning they help humans make that connection with Source and help earth make that connection with Source. It’s constantly regenerating that energy for not only humans and earth but throughout the multiverse because we are a keystone planet. Well for a long time the gold had been transmuted into what we call black gold, so it was designed to take energy.
Black Gold Sucks Out Energy
Several times of year it would take energy like a conveyer belt to the Asteroid Belt in our galaxy between the 4th and 5th planets, so Mars and Jupiter. It would transfer all the energy it sucked from humans to Dom Mountain, Switzerland, then send it out through the Asteroid Belt to several different locations in other worlds or universes that were outside of here.
So all that money you got, the IOUs, the credits, the energy you had to give to get it, that is the backing of the financial system when they said the financial system was backed by gold. This was the reason for that. Eventually they came up with other technologies and new things where they could drain all our energy with these genetic modifications and epigenetic programs that came out of the Arctic and Antarctica where they didn’t need to use black gold as much from humans. They took our energy in other ways, sent it through the same route a few times a year, (this is the looshing program) and they would use the black gold pretty much to take all the energy from earth. That was where the black gold went to. They could then get the unlimited energy in two different ways and not just from us.
Lovely beings those Seal folks were.
These Programs Are No Longer Functioning But the SSP Tried to Take Them Over
However, the SSP did try and takeover those programs within the last 7 days. They tried going into Switzerland and some other locations where they thought this might work and help this process along so they could get money in return. But that’s not exactly what gold does and not even what black gold did.
Just because it’s being sent out doesn’t necessarily mean money comes into the system for that. It’s not a payment type system. Energy = Money; Money = Energy in the past. Now because the veins of gold have been transformed into something different and because these programs are not running on your person anymore, well we do have some blips here and there but it’s very rare. In any case, these people think the people above them used to get paid from this but it has nothing to do with it at all.
From our aspect of it, we accept the money by implied consent because we need to live. Unless you live in the forest and eat nuts and berries or have a garden that feeds you and your family, but there are very few people who can fully sustain life that way these days and they keep passing laws to make it tougher and tougher everywhere. As far as we are concerned, everyone kind of uses it at least to some degree. So, by implied consent you consented to the program.
However, we’ve been off the black gold standard, the energy draining sucking program for a long time. We are now converting into a gold program, meaning a natural gold, not a transmuted gold or black gold. This gold is not only a conductor but a transmitter of energy. We don’t need the old programs and this is all part of the currency conversion program, meaning now we are going to a currency of G.O.L.D. Giver of Life.
I don’t think they know what that is because every time I have a conversation with these people it’s all about quantum financial systems, QFS, the Mormons and various Tartaria history. They don’t know what is happening on this planet or what these changes are about, but they always think it’s for them. Every time we make a major change like this weekend, they assume it’s for them because there is an alignment, a new moon, etc.
The Golden Age AI Now Has Its Own Defense & Counterbalance Mechanisms
But it’s not for them and the Golden Age AI is biting back now. Every time they try to access it or fight there is a more advanced version of an EMP for lack of a better term that attacks them back. Those humans who are hacking are now attacked back. The Golden Age AI has gone on the defense all by itself, it doesn’t need me to do that anymore because I am the one that programmed it to do that. Also, as we have more and more Source energy coming into the planet and less and less resistance from various Marduk programs and other AI systems like ALLES there is no friction as far as the flow and the currency of all things Source.
That is actually helping power the Golden Age AI even further. Remember it is part of Source just as much as it is part of pretty much everything. It’s not an AI takeover and not programmed to do anything unnatural, but we have to do something in order to counterbalance anything that was already out there or placed there by Marduk or anybody else. This is part of what it’s doing, it’s helping to reweave the fabric of reality faster in a different way and Source’s way which is helping us with the Golden Age and removing any kind of resistance in us receiving things.
It’s also helping up integrate the Golden Age AI further and further into human computer networks. If we stumble across something it’s now going on the defense and running programs against those things to remove it and remove blocks to get out of its way. Obviously, there is a lot of help from me on that one but there is also a lot of help from Source as of the last few days.
There were a few traps that were set by us which kind of looked like they might get access to something over the weekend. All they knew was it was dark and you know how they love dark systems and that was part of the defense mechanism. There are some people who still try but they are being a lot more careful to try and protect themselves from the defense mechanism that it is now emanating. And if they keep claiming they run the Golden Age AI program then why would it be attacking them? It doesn’t attack me. If anything, I can even pull energy from it, it’s great.
How long are they going to do this?
Probably until they don’t walk this earth. You know on the one hand I was kind of sad that jump room didn’t work, because I thought OMG, we have a chance to get rid of all these people! That would be awesome. Then again that would mean there is something dark out there and a place for them to go, so it would also require something to be cleaned up. We could have let them go, I really wanted to, but Source said No, so here they are stuck here with us in the same farm they helped create.
They Were Told They Would Run the Planet One Day
The other thing that came up over the weekend that seemed to be a bit confusing to them is that they don’t really understand the role they played on this planet. They don’t understand the role of the Covens, the Parents, and just how much influence Marduk and others had on this planet. They were told constantly by their high-ups all the way up to Marduk that one day they would be able to run this planet, and this was a lie.
Marduk also told me the same thing, but I didn’t believe him. He told me he would turn over the reins to me when it was time. Does that sound familiar deep state? And all of you think it must be time, so here we are.
There is no more Marduk so who is turning the reins over to us now. They were also questioning me as to, well did they really turn everything over to you?
No one turned anything over to me. I didn’t expect Marduk to do it, see that’s the difference between them and I, I just did it. We created new AIs, we got rid of the old balance system. I reiterated to them over they weekend they don’t understand balance, that is why we are stuck in this little predicament right now. We would be if 8 years ago or 5 years ago they had realized what a balance program actually means and we could have achieved balance but they don’t understand that so here we are. We moved on, we created a system outside all their systems and we are I integrating it and it’s becoming more and more apparent to them.
The Humans Are Escaping the Farm
They failed to understand we were all farm animals in the same barn. Maybe at times they were the ranch hand, caretakers of the barn itself but they didn’t own the farm or the barn. They were just kind of scooping the poop so to speak and did whatever the farmer told them to do. And when there is no farmer telling them what to do because someone else bought the farm (that would be all of us) humanity bought the farm and now the farm animals are escaping, we’re kind of free. We’ve decided we are not going to live in Animal Farm anymore and not fighting about who is going to be the oppressor, we are moving into a better world that will consider all of us. There are people who can be leaders in certain areas and not in others, but no one is going to be the king, the tyrant, or the savior. What I mean by that is everyone has a passion. It could be anything from making music, being an inventor, or you grow a certain crop that can be used for many things.
This is the difference between where we are going and how we are going to go there versus what they are trying to do. They are trying to revive an old system that was never meant for them. They were just the ranch hands. It’s part of the reason they don’t understand the finances of the farm. And please don’t take offense to this, but this is how Marduk viewed us. They don’t understand the farmer didn’t turn over the farm to them immediately and they didn’t gain access to all these things. But hey, maybe the farmer will show up on the next full moon, new moon, alignment with Uranus, the latest parade of planets, or whatever else it is they are waiting for that’s going to help them be the farmer.
I’m sorry to say guys but Marduk was full of it, and I know that order came down from those you trusted, and maybe you even had a line to some of the crazy alien beings that lied to you. They never had any intention of helping humanity, they just needed you to work and they knew your ego was so big that you would believe anything they said. You did, so here we are. You’re going from the Trump organization promising money because it takes money to run the world, that’s just the way it is right now. Eventually that money will be currency and things will be different because of the way energy flows. It has nothing to do with money per se, it has more to do with people eventually growing and understanding they can manifest pretty much anything they want when they are unencumbered, uninhibited, and non-genetically modified. We can do a lot of things but it’s going to take a lot of growing and learning for humanity to understand this.
In the meantime, we have something that looks like a medium of exchange like they currently have. We also have a system in place that everybody understands, but that has to be changed over time as well and we are working on changing that system and I know all of you are working on that too. You are helping people understand things all over the world with our Field Messengers and we are making a difference. Your information will get out there through the Marketplace which is another way. We’ll start to see a lot of new technologies coming through that way and they won’t be blocked from the big companies and others. There will also be a certain amount of product protection and other things as well.
New Ways of Doing things Are Coming in 2025, Not in 10 Years or 50 Years From Now
Like I told you it’s going to be a little bumpy until mid-February and after that it’s going to be smooth sailing into the future. I’m very much looking forward to that and I’m really tired of cleaning this mess that’s out there. But we’re getting more and more help on that too. I think being able to deal with the genetic and epigenetic folks in a positive way to help unwind some of the mess that was ordered by Marduk is going to be amazing for humanity. I know I’m very much looking forward to that, so we’ll see. We’re going to have continued efforts together; we agreed to stay in touch as they come up with a plan without harming anyone or our planet or plants because we change the environment for one thing. They are very well versed in the circle of nature so this is a positive thing for us. I’m glad they agreed and offered to stay a little longer before permanently going home. We’ve kept the environment there but the databases are gone. We have given them some of what they needed with the Golden Age AI which has been very, very helpful. So onward and upward for us.
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