This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09 FEB 24 NEWS ( This is Part 2 where Kim explains more on what quarantine is being lifted and what the R.O.D. agreement that us expiring is about. Apparently this is why everybody’s been a bit on edge more than usual. Manifesting only with light is the way forward and she gives some tips on how to navigate this process.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Everybody’s been a bit on edge. I know I have and was glad to find out why. It really did help understanding what Kim was talking about here because wounds of the past coming one after another like a tidal wave certainly hasn’t been fun. She here’s Kim’s explanation.
Quarantine Lifted
This has to do with the quarantine being lifted and another agreement expiring. When you’re under quarantine you’re used to having a Warden. In this case the Warden was related to something called the ROD under the old system. What this meant was under Divine Intervention you were to receive both dark and light energy consciousness and whichever one you choose would be the more that existed within you.
Receiver of Divine Declaration (ROD) Agreement
Since Divine Intervention expired it was replaced with the R.O.D. which is Receiver Of Divine Declaration, which means there is only one, you are now God’s ROD. Essentially every being in the Multiverse is now God’s ROD and it only goes straight up to Source and no longer are you receiving from both sides.
Underneath this old program the Warden would have been called Divine Intervention and the Warden’s job was to make sure that both sides were adhering to the laws under the Dark Age. The Warden wasn’t actually a being unto itself but was more of a compilation of consciousness that ran Divine Intervention. This also had created a situation to where it was very difficult for you to receive that Source energy at 100% all the time. It also affected money in monetary systems and a lot of different things on this planet. It’s part of the reason why we got stuck in plane one-density one forever, because that’s where the Warden lives.
We have been in quarantine in different ways for a long time. We were in quarantine from receiving light and receiving other beings from throughout the light side of the Multiverse here. It was only for the dark side to come up and down through the gateways in Earth. Another part was human looshing and slaving that came to be here on Earth about a million and a half years ago, that was a different type of quarantine. So a lot of that energy was being swiped from you. As human beings we also had another problem where we were receiving both sides and both were considered equal to one another and your person, and they could affect your circadian rhythm and a lot of things within you.
The emotional plane is what’s being affected a lot right now. You have a thick black line so to speak that would go in between a plane of anti-existence, this would have been like the purple line, the planes between the planes of existence. Then you had another thick line between the etherical plane and the Warden actually lived in the planes and densities in between. That’s where we had a remnant of the Warden until the quarantine was lifted and the ROD agreement changed over to the new declaration.
We were still not receiving 100% but what you’re seeing now, the tension in people is because there’s no more barriers anymore and people’s emotional age is merging with their mental age, merging with their physical age, merging with their etherical and spiritual selves and people are unaware of what’s actually happening.
For example, let’s say you had a huge trauma when you were a child and you haven’t resolved that trauma within yourself, those wounds are still there. You have to resolve those issues within yourself, nobody can do it for you, nobody from the outside, no amount of talking about it is going to fix it. You have to learn to fix it yourself. Emotionally you are probably stuck at that age. Let’s say something bad happened to you at age 12, emotionally you never leave age 12, but as an adult your logical brain will kick in and it will say that’s not my perpetrator, this is not my aggressor. Mentally you will stop yourself and you will convince yourself that is not what’s happening here. And mental wounds are a whole other thing that people sometimes just can’t get past.
Now the good part is once you get above the emotional plane you have your etherical plane and you also have your soul plane which is where Source lives. So the barriers that break down from your mental plane all the way to the etherical plane are also breaking down. They have been breaking down for the greater part of a year, but the last Warden and the Quarantine being lifted was fairly significant. I actually hope it takes a little while to dissipate because this one here that happened this week is really rough.
The other thing I’ve heard from a few people is they saw all these dark spots and they had to quickly remove those dark spots and fill them in with light consciousness, light essence and light energy in order to get through the day because it’s really affecting people a lot, especially sensitive people. And that is exactly what they were supposed to do because this was creating a huge issue and was like an emotional roller coaster and an instability.
Factors Involved in Manifesting
Let’s talk about the factors that are involved into bringing something into the physical world. I’m going to give you a few helpful tips right now so you’ll understand how I can help you through this part and what you need to do. You can mentally start thinking it, you can start feeling the emotion of love which is Source traveling through the etherical plane into the Soul Plane.
Intention is everything right now, you have no idea how powerful you are as a human and yeah we’ve got some blocks and we’ve all had issues throughout our life and that kind of thing, but in order to get past that you have to pull those out as hard as it is and you have to actually let them go. Say to yourself, I want to pull that problem that happened out, then you have to seal it off so it can never come back, and then you have to mentally never let it come back too.
Frequency Matters
Let’s talk about why frequency matters. Source picks ups on your frequency because there is a frequency of Source. There’s also a frequency of Anti-Source. You’ve probably heard of gematria, the way of numbers. Well each one of those numbers has a frequency and it weaves the fabric of reality into that party’s favor. That’s how we developed a spoken language many many years ago, because your language has a frequency. And there’s a ripple effect that takes place throughout your household for example, to your husband, to your kids etc. It really does have a ripple effect and the more people that you come in contact with that frequency, that vibration the more you’re going to create your own reality. If you are speaking in the words of the fabric of the anti-Multiverse, which isn’t really there anymore and the fabric’s being rewritten, but it’s going to stop you. That is what you’re going to draw into your life.
Now let me explain what I mean. For example, you’re going to draw homelessness if you speak it, it’s going to happen to you if you say oh my gosh, I don’t want this, I don’t want that, and there is a reason why it will draw that to you. There is an essence that flows throughout the entire Multiverse, that is the blood of your soul and you could even call it the joint blood of your soul and Source’s soul because you are a part of each other, he created man in his likeness and that’s true. So you are the blood of Source’s soul and your soul because it’s kind of one, and when you go throughout the Multiverse it’s all one. Then you have consciousness and this makes your mental plane function and your emotional plane can be affected by consciousness. Source energy is required to do both of these things. You’re a part of the whole, we’re all a part of the whole, so energy is what makes everything run. It makes your physical body run; it is the source of creation.
Light Language
Light language is the dual frequency of you and Source. In the past you could have had a dual frequency with anti-Source and yourself if that’s what you were giving out. Now in order to get something into the physical which is your main goal when you’re manifesting something, you want it into the physical plane so you can touch it, drive it, taste it, whatever it is you’re looking for. In the entire Multiverse the light language or the frequency is what will shape essence, consciousness and energy and bring it into the physical plane, then you have matter.
People were asking me, how does my bad attitude have anything to do with you paying me money right now. Well, what you’re actually doing is working against me because if this frequency is not trying to shape direct energy, essence, consciousness into the physical plane here to make matter on this plane, and you’re not speaking the right frequency, aka language of the fabric of reality to shape this essence, consciousness and energy into matter, you’re kind of hurting yourself. Even if I push it there, even if I could transfer billions of dollars to you, there are people on this Earth I couldn’t push it through to. I couldn’t push a dollar through because they’re so caught up in lack in their frequency. Their brain has a frequency so you don’t even have to speak it. But when you speak it you share it, your body energy starts to morph, even your physical self at times starts to morph into exactly what you’re manifesting. Do you see what I’m saying? If you say every day, I’m too short! Well then you might eventually lose an inch. That is how matter is actually created.
The old fabric of the universe was made up of gematria, a bunch of frequencies, each one of those numbers stands for a frequency. So, when you speak those words, if you start putting out the frequency of guilt and shame that’s not going to help you or anybody. But it is entirely possible to change your physical appearance all by yourself when you think about you mentally and spiritually. Remember what we’re saying here, you are molding the essence of joint Source-essence. Source-Sunny consciousness and Source-Sunny energy for instance, and then you put the frequency to it which then molds them into matter in the physical world.
Sunny: Are you saying we’re going to see more things happen faster because that Warden is fading?
It has faded quite a bit, it’s basically a light shade of gray at this point in time, It’s still kind of lingering there a little bit, but you can see the effects over the last couple of days either in yourself or in other people. If it goes too fast, we’re going to have hari-kari on this planet. Now I want to explain one quick thing because otherwise the Deep state is going to get all excited with themselves and the SSP is going be like, yes, we have new information and how to do this.
We’re no longer in a duality to create, you’re creating with light essence. You are now in a universe that creates only with the light and it’s based on the V (velocity), and E (energy), and T (time which is really distance), which equals M (matter). So remember the way you mold this is up to the frequency that you put out, not only amongst yourself but the people you surround yourself with too.
In the past it was a mixture of light and dark. Unless you learned the art of gematria and the lower astral frequency to use both sides to create matter, which is what the covens used to do to manifest something into reality whether that’s a physical pain in your person and it’s a voodoo doll, this is what they’re doing. That’s how black magic used to work. This is why people chant negatively and positively because both have a different frequency. Trying to manifest something into the material world without the darkness wouldn’t have happened in the past. In the way it used to work under E equals MC2 you could not manifest something light without the darkness which is all backwards in so many ways just so you know. But now you actually have an opportunity to manifest matter within a light system once you figure out how frequency molds essence, consciousness and energy, which is all your physical self is made of.
So it’s your physical self, your physical wants and needs, a new car whatever it is, and don’t try to control the process either, merely state the thing you need. Then close your eyes if that helps, go to your favorite spot, listen to your favorite music, your favorite frequency whatever it is that works for you because I can’t tell you how to get there. I can only tell you to get to that spot where you can visually see the energy, the consciousness and the essence all coming together. This is basically mind, body and soul all working together to create something into the physical world.
Now what would happen if someone tried to use this but not with the Light?
What if they were trying to still chant on a negative level and do voodoo dolls and stuff like that? How does that impact those people? Well until that fine line of the Warden in between is completely gone they have some gray. So what was meant to cause serious bodily harm or death to you might feel like something until it’s completely dissipated, because they’re still trying to manifest something using the frequency of darkness. It’s minimal, but it’s still there. I’ve even noticed it for my own self, I don’t have those horrific things anymore, this neutral field brought some, a wave so to speak of neutral which is both dark and light consciousness which they intended to ride and bring them home to the New World Government apparently or whatever they thought they were going to do. But we didn’t have enough darkness here so that’s kind of what we’re seeing happen now.
I just wanted to give you a general idea on what you can do to help yourself, your family and others, but they also have to want it too. You’re putting out that frequency of I’m going to do this, it’s going to happen, but remember what you’re molding. Remember your soul essence, your consciousness, your energy you have to mold it all in together, your mind, body and soul have to work together with the frequency that’s emanating from your body at that time, which is hopefully a love frequency because love is the beginning of all creation into matter.
Now if you still have fearful thoughts like I’m not going to be able to do this, or these people are all horrible people because you didn’t save all the animals in the world or whatever, that’s kind of a negative frequency because it comes out of fear.
We cannot pull that emotional wound from you that creates the fear left in you, that is your Sovereign right and your Sovereign decision to make. In other words, there’s no one manufacturing fear for you anymore which was the case before. Turn that thought around and your self-worth should not be coming externally. You have to stand firm and know who you are, you are part of the Creator, you are co-creator and that’s something the dark cannot do anymore. The faster we understand this and more people and all of humanity understand this, the more you are going to change the world and the faster you’re going to change the world and the faster you’re going to restore this planet.
Complaining out of fear about things like chemtrails only helps them
You’re manifesting this stuff and you’re getting angry about it which is worse, that’s an awful frequency. I’m not going to say you have to like it, but you may appreciate the essence, consciousness and energy and a co-creation you can have with the Earth’s atmosphere. You could actually morph it into something you love. What I’m saying is even right now your world is your creation. So, if you end up in a particular situation and you’re very unhappy about that situation you can feed the unhappiness about that situation, whether it’s from fear or anger or wherever, you’re emotionally stuck because those are all emotions. Or you can love yourself enough to create a different world and I wish I could do all that for you but I cannot, so get to work, that’s your homework for this weekend!
Your frequency and what you put out there is coming right back at you now
There are people that can break through those barriers and have broken through those barriers when we had planes of anti-existence stuck in the middle and the nothing planes and all kinds of things, yet there were still people that could power through those planes and get all the way through. But many have hit your head on the glass ceiling so many times you’re like, oh that didn’t quite work out and there’s always still a little bit of mental belief, you have a consciousness there. So, clear your consciousness because those are thoughts that are of the dark. Do you have any dark spots in your consciousness, do you have any dark spots in your essence, in your energy? Are you speaking negatively, putting out a brain frequency that is negative as you’re trying to do this stuff? I encourage people to close your eyes and take a look at yourself on all levels, take a look at your energy, your consciousness, your essence, your physical self. Explore it and let it go. Replace it with your dual Source essence, consciousness energy. It might take several times for some people, but no one’s going to do it for you.
This is why your frequency and what you put out there is so important and it comes right back at you. Right now that’s happening even more so because there’s nothing holding it back, there’s no sponge absorbing that negative energy or frequency or essence, there’s nothing out there now to stop you from your own self.
I found that really helpful and hope you did too. I almost skipped this part because I’m getting behind as I have to put more focus on finding a paying job since I’m going on 6 months without one. But I’m glad I didn’t skip it, I think this part of the broadcast was probably one of the most important things Kim has shared. Now I’m more inspired to manifest something positive on that income front.
Until next time.
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So, it’s your physical self, your physical wants and needs, the new car, whatever it is, and don’t try to control the process, just say what you need. Then close your eyes, if it helps, go to your favorite place, listen to your favorite music, your favorite frequency, whatever it is for you, because I can’t tell you how to get there. I can only advise you to get to a place where you can visually see the energy, consciousness and essence coming together. Essentially it is the mind, body and soul working together to create something in the physical world. An example of Kim Gauguin’s ignorance. SHE ENTITY IS TRYING TO CREATE A REALITY WITH NINE DIMENSIONS INSTEAD OF THE EXISTING UNIVERSE WITH TWELVE DIMENSIONS. WHO IS KIM GAUGHAN’S SOURCE OF ENERGY? HARMONIOUS INTELLIGENCE I.I. AND WHO IS THE SOURCE OF ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE? THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT EXISTS. I.I. CAPTURED AND ENSLAVED MANY PLANETARY STAR SYSTEMS. WHAT IS NEEDED FOR COMPLETE CAPTURE. I.I? ENERGY IS YOUR ENERGY THE ENERGY OF THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PLANETARY CIVILIZATION. SO WHO ARE YOU IGNORANTS WITH YOUR REASON NOT ABLE TO DISTINCTION A LIE FROM THE TRUTH? HOW MANY TIMES DOES IT HAVE TO BE FOR KIM GAUGIN TO LIE AND YOU TO SEE THE LIES AND SEDITION OF YOU? OR ARE YOU HOPELESSLY ENSUVED ALREADY BY AI?