This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 24, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this report Kim let’s us know Bushwackers/Trumpers were given an ultimatum, either they announce Trump is dead or the GIA will and the story will be quite different if the GIA makes the announcement.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Should my site go down in the future, I will post at the below link like I did for the past couple of weeks.
This will be my backup spot if you want to bookmark. Hopefully I will not have issues again, but just in case.
Posts | Pamela J. Zeller (
Argentina Has a New Head of State
We are moving along very quickly now and one of the things that happened in Argentina is that the new Head of State just announced he is closing the Central Bank of Argentina, without question is what he said. This is all part of the unraveling of governments Kim has been talking about the last several weeks. She expects to see a lot more happening.

Fun little facts about Argentina: Hitler’s ‘death’ was announced after WWII but he did not die as many of us know and he did not retire when he went to Argentina. Hitler and a few others in his close circle had been running the government in Argentina for many years. This was a deal he made with Bush Senior at the time. His associates took over after he passed away basically of old age.
Car Bombing on the Rainbow Bridge between Canada and the US
The alleged car bombing on the Rainbow Bridge between Canada and the US was an orchestration by operatives and you could call it a 911-Light because they tried to repeat the same thing. Their aim was to call it a terrorist attack and amplify the need for WWIII. However, it was a very small event compared to 911, terrorism on a budget is Kim’s guess. Then they announced they found an Iranian passport at the scene. But behind the scenes they were discussing if they should blame the bombing on China, maybe on Hamas, or any other known group that is obviously in the media right now. I guess they determined Iran was the biggest bang for the buck so that story started hitting social media and the news. Then by this morning it was downgraded in that it was not a terrorist attack and there is no mention of the Iranian passport anymore, it was just an accident where two people allegedly died, although Kim doesn’t think so. She would say it was a staged event that didn’t go off the way they wanted.
Operatives Hunt for Money as Usual
The operatives figured Kim was celebrating the holiday with her family and thought she would not be at the switch, meaning at the Alpha system. But she always is and her alarms always go off and she takes care of things as they come up. And that was without anyone realizing she was working even in her own house. I suppose that’s how she knew they spent all day looking for money yesterday and the reason for that is because they never understood there was always a wizard behind the curtain, Marduk and other Coven Masters playing various parts. If you remember the war on terrorism many years ago, money always came flooding out to fight the war on terror. But none came for them and they were perplexed. However, what became clear to them last night was that nothing they are doing is working. Why didn’t help arrive for them, why was it so difficult to get things started in Iran, why is it so difficult to get this world war started and why didn’t no money come? Hum, they have so many questions which all could be answered if they watch UNN or read my blog! After all their failures they had a meeting last night. They are very angry that everything they are doing isn’t working out and Kim is being blamed for that which isn’t the case, it’s really because of the change of the Age. They were supposed to have more meetings today as it is another promised pay day.
But no war funding happened which is a positive thing and them coming to some sort of a realization that things are changing actually made for a quiet 12-14 hours in the Middle East. So that is a positive thing considering what is happing in the Middle East. These people are figuring out this isn’t working. Kim will find out more later this afternoon when they resume their meetings, but she is anticipating whether they want to or not, putting down their flags or acknowledging she is the only way to get money at this point.
Rothschild Update
As for those younger Rothschild members who are next in line for leadership but said they were going to fly straight, well that didn’t go very well. They did step up late last night for fear of losing power and they have decided to employ several people (probably without pay) to continue the hacking. So, this is what has been happening the last couple of days. Kim did not say they were exited off the planet however, but I hope that is the case.
Team Trump Situation
Trump operatives were part of the Bushwacker team as Kim discussed last time, and they have been given an ultimatum by the GIA. If they do not announce that Trump has passed then the GIA is going to do it for them and the window is very small. They can make the announcement in which they are some paid concessions, so they will finally get a paycheck other than the revenue on Christmas ornaments and MAGA hats they are selling. If they do not make the announcement the GIA will do it and the narrative will be quite different than what they were told to put out. Essentially, he is either a hero or he is not, that’s their choice and they do know this window is very, very short. So, Kim suggests they make good life choices and stay upright and continue to work and find a different type of a job. And who knows who will be President next and if we even have a government. If they continue to block government from receiving funding and won’t move past the old deep state agenda, we won’t have one.
Well, I know which way I want this to go and that would be for the Legion of Angels working for Source and the GIA to tell the world the truth. How can humanity commence a Golden Age while being told lies. It’s just not right and not a good start for Restoration if you ask me. Then again, Kim might not be expecting them to take her up on the option. In all these years, level after level, no group has before. So perhaps the strategist has other reasons for making such an offer?
DUMB Found in New Zealand
There was a DUMB in New Zealand as well as several others around the world that were found which had some standing orders remaining in the Omega-verse that were removed last night. The fight to clean-up the mess that ‘Negative Others’ made, not these operatives, not Bush Sr, not the Covens, not the Dragon Families, and not the Parents, is finally coming to an end. We are very close to being at the end of that and Kim hopes before the rest of the holiday season is upon us, we’ll move forward with the Restoration Plan.
How Kim discovered some of these programs yesterday
Yesterday was a holiday in the United States obviously and the start of the holiday season everywhere is on its way, which makes humans produce more energy. In the past, due to standing orders this extra energy then triggered an amplification process. In other words, it amplifies the amount of energy they drain from humans during this timeframe which is also within 30 days to the Winter Solstice.
Creative energy is loving energy, so it also is good for breaking the time-space continuum, for keeping portals open. It does a lot of things because only Source can open and close these things, so we become a prime target around this time of year. If you ever wondered why there are a lot of colds and flu this time of year and why people tend to sleep more, it’s darker outside and people feel more tired in general, it’s really because a program was draining our energy. Those things are all being cleaned up and hopefully we will be our normal selves, at least of this version of human we are at, and if we can achieve that before the end of this year, she will be ecstatic because she is tired of these programs too.
And we are too! Let’s hope the light at the end of the tunnel is finally within reach!
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Just wondering how many times she is gonna threaten to announce this herself instead of letting the operatives do it which she has given them way too many chances as far as I’m concerned. The WHOLE truth please…thank you very much. I’m so tired of the White hat vs the black hat narratives that it makes me almost sick. All I will accept at this point is the whole truth, how humanity was hijacked and put on a prison planet in a matrix that sucked our energy and lied to and controlled for thousands of years. Time humanity grew up like she says but again, please quit giving them so many chances….they’ve already proved time and again, too many to count, a chance to do the right thing but they have used it as another way to try to once again, prop up Trump and the narrative of the white hats and keep us all in waiting in their ‘trust the plan’ BS and yeah…been done and over with them for over 3 years now.
Kim…..Please no more chances, I’d like to get on with our lives and don’t want martial law and so on. There is another article by a madeera Greene that says the GIA has initiated INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL LAW…which I never heard her say and not sure who is saying she did this, so wondering if they are setting Kim up to be the bad guy doing this crap they are doing so no one will see or believe she is trying to restore this planet and humanity’s sovereign rights over our lives.
Hi just came across your blog..brilliant writing love it.. I’ve been following Kim for 3+ years, yes she did initiate martial law a while back. However nothing seems to get through to the world and am also sick to death of waiting. How do ppl know we have been enslaved if no one tells them or at the very least explain how the world operates. We all need those flood gates opened now, and the beans spilled, so we can see , know and eventually understand.
You made a lot of good points and I agree they should not have gotten all these chances because it has allowed a lot more innocent people to be killed and it is obvious that they will never change the way they are or their minds about succeeding in their goals. Truth is we cannot know if Kim has been set up to be the bad guy or even if she is just another face of deceit to fool us all like Donald Trump as they do these kind of things . However; what always sticks in my mind is that we would be dead now if no one was stopping them and starving them of funds and a lot of their programmes are falling by the wayside they are failing and people are awakening. Kim did say that the GIA would initiate martial law but it will not be forever it will be necessary to get into government offices to change the way things are being done and clean out the garbage. In my heart feel that Kim is for real and she is doing a lot of great work.
I agree completely! Thank you for posting
Thankyou and God bless you and everyone who cleaned out the NZ DUMB.
Where was it located please?
Gracias, por compartir, sea pues la luz única e.indivisble
Thanks for the updates.
What is GIA.where is it the abbreviation of.
Global Intelligence Agency (Kimberly is its director)
Thanks. What is their work? I mean what do they do? What is the term intelligence standing for? I cannot find it on google. Or on this website.
Furthermore, I think if there is an announcement that people have been deceived for 2 years by not announcing in the media that Trump (and the rest of that political mafia) that Trump died of cancer, there will be a huge shift in consciousness. Because once people realize how they have been conned then they will start looking further into what else is not true. A soft announcement, NO WAY. So Kim, if anyone on your team is reading here, we, who follow your updates, can’t wait to see that announcement. I think this is also very important for the credibility of the updates for a lot of people who are ridicularizing Kim right now.
And furthermore, your angel legion can also have big clearance here in the Netherlands. That will be very nice, Those orange dragons have made the rules long enough.
found something. GIA is a National and International Investigative Agency specializing in in-depth research and the provision of detailed background information on individuals, business entities and extends such research, where necessary, into seeking to determine business relationships. There is a whole list of world wide GIA Agencies with all kind of different services.. Well apparently Kim is the boss of all of them.
Hi Marion, I have attached the details of Thomas J Melville, The US Deputy Director at Global Intelligence Agency.
beautiful – that is what we all need love and hugs and to be able to trust again thank you Will. Thank you Pamela for your work
I have just been accused of being Chinese programmed and sorely mislead by Kim Goguen according to him Kim works for the Rothschilds and I am stupid because Trumps brother Robert died of prostate cancer not Trump. I believe Kim and replied lots of men die of Prostate cancer. Time will tell eh!
Glad to see I’m not alone in wanting the truth and only the truth. I find it disturbing that angels would agree to lie.
Kim mentioned that she really didn’t care if trumps death was announced. If the governments weren’t going to comply. Which seemed a bit like she was backpeddling . I have to agree with the lady who made the first comment on here. People need to know the truth.
Kim said the GIA has taken over the media’s. And that we should start seeing a change in news. But I haven’t seen any change. 100,000 angels last I heard 800,000 humans have been removed from earth……yet NOTHING has changed. I am still.seeing chemtrails! She said that chemtrails are part of an AI program did she not? And didn’t she announce all those AI’S Are gone?
Are we being lied to yet again? Have we been led down another path of lies?
She gets an attitude about people that want actual proof…..BUT MY GOD CAN YOU BLAME US?? I mean no disrespect. I really don’t. But, from what I’ve learned, we didn’t choose those running the world. And we didn’t choose kim.So as far as I can tell, there is no reason to trust her. We all hope for good to win,we all ache for it. But, over and over and over we have been tricked and lied to.
There is a lot that she says that seems to me to fall short of Sources character. For example, agreeing to allow the people to be lied to AGAIN?! Allow Trump to be remembered as a HERO? HOW you guys is this ok? No one……NO ONE that has learned even half of the truth is ok with this agreement to pay cabal members to lie to the people to preserve a satanic, murders name. A hero?
AND she also stated that from now on the moment someone thinks about pulling some stunt the GIA would be there to handle it??
Very short window…..we’re her words…..that was Monday…’s now Friday and still nothing
She called it a hostile takeover……didn’t she? Powerful angels……800,000 gone…..where is the damn proof? It’s time to start asking don’t you think ?
God is light and truth.
the crunchy, defeated devil is the author of ALL lies. Not some lies. All lies.
The world deserves 100 proof truth.
No pretend legacy preservation schemes.
By the way, Kim has already announced to the world, Trump is dead many times. That danged pay wall. She needs to worry about her integrity, not Trump’s faux legacy.
I also check the newspapers every day to see if I see an announcement of Trump’s death. But no, nothing. Just recently she mentioned that in the Netherlands the Orange dragons are in charge. And that the Netherlands is a black sun country. And that the GIA is not here. And that what happens in America happens everywhere. Well I see zero change here in the Netherlands. .
It makes me discouraged
So far I give her the benefit of the doubt but it would be nice to see some evidence. And that is still lacking.
Besides, believing is not knowing for sure but assuming a truth from another as being true.
I also see a lot of newage nonsense in the New Earth News.
That is unfortunate.
Okay, I’ll just stay positive though it takes effort.
Anyway, I thank Kim and her team for their efforts. It seems to me an almost impossible task to change something on the mentality of 8 billion people. And you won’t change those either if no one knows they are so brainwashed. And if no one knows of the existence of Kim, her team and her legion, yes how are these changes be achieved? . I don’t really see that happening. Sorry.
Thankyou Kim.
God bless you good woman.
Can the Angels go across the Land and ‘Release back to Source’ any one with BAD intentions…..seems many children would survive… out of danger from harm…same for the elderly…. all the people coming across borders …. what are their intentions?… who or what is telling them to relocate…and for what reason? Same with so much confusion across the EARTH…. Who has ill intentions to HARM… perhaps these soul could have their Inner Light awakened… now that would be Amazing to see… seems to me there are other solutions that can be used…LOOK how easy it was to CLEAN UP the mess in San Francisco CA…. And where did all those street people go? Same with the event in Hawaii…where are the missing children? Seems to me Angel work could be more about AWAKING with simple clearing the DARK out of many…. Happens all the time with Near Death experience…just thinking from inside to OUTSIDE the little minds of HUMANS…