This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The universe and in turn earth are stabilizing, this is making an impact as to the deep states ability to affect the consciousness here on earth as Source strengthens the brand-new universal grid. And it appears the Deep State will pick up the phone for anyone and anything and follow instructions even if they don’t know where it is coming from. And Saturday’s meetings were delayed until Tuesday as the Deep State searches for answers as well as money. Many nations are hanging by an economic thread as their deep state leaders tell them to just keep holding on. Another long post folks.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

DOGE Department Update
We talked a lot about the DOGE department and about Elon Musk. There is a lot coming out in the news now about him having a demon side. There was an interview we posted about him and there are others speaking out, even one of his own family members is speaking out about his past and current things. I know a lot of people in the alt media are asking why would Trump have these types of people surrounding him. Well, he’s got a lot more than that, this is just who you see in the public.
If There is No Money in the System Then What Are They Siphoning?
Some other people are asking if there is no money in the system then what are they siphoning? I guess this is based on Saturday’s report. So, we’re going to do another deep dive into the financial system today as to where money comes from and where it goes. There is still a lot of money within the banking system. Meaning we still have a lot of large corporations out there, millionaires who are regular people with companies, and you have us supporting the big corporations on the daily. You also have W2 employees as we call them in the US still paying taxes out of their paychecks every week, and it doesn’t matter which country you are in. We also still have many people who are continuing to pay into Medicare, Social Security or the National Health Services as part of your paycheck. If you are a corporation owner and you are within the Commonwealth of Nations you also pay into the National Health Services as part of your ‘corporate tax.’
So, there is plenty of money flowing so to speak in and out of the financial system and our definition of broke is not the same as a government’s definition of broke. Meaning for you as the average person if you have a debt load of $10,000 a month and your income is around $1,000 per month you are technically broke, meaning you have overspent. You have more obligations going out than coming in monthly. And that is actually the case with governments worldwide but the stakes are a little higher when your debt load is in the trillions.
DOGE Dept is Trying to Leverage Social Security
The DOGE department has been doing a deep dive into social security and where social security money is going. They are claiming there are a lot of social security recipients who have passed away they are still paying. They also are claiming there is a lot of fraud with the social security funds. This DOGE Dept is desperately looking for many different things. In some cases, they are looking into ways to take money from social security or leverage social security funds. Not to say they are going to defraud Americans receiving social security but they are looking for ways to trade it overnight to siphon it out into a trade platform somewhere in Switzerland which doesn’t exist anymore, then leverage it and then put it back into the banking system so everyone gets their social security. Well, these things don’t work out so well. This is another one of those siphons I was telling you about.
DOGE Dept is Trying to Reinstall the X/N System in Belgium to Siphon Out Tax Authorities
They are also looking for ways to reinstall the X/N system in Belgium so they can siphon out of tax authorities worldwide. So, the fight is on.
They are also continuing to visit with Filipino and Chinese elders that have claimed in the past to be trustees for the Rothschild Family, the Illuminati, Order of the Black Sun, Black Eagle Trust and anyone else they can phone to find out where the money is going.
Government Oversight Hearing Related to the DOGE Dept
Now there is a lot of lying going on here. Today there is a very long government oversight hearing directly related to the DOGE Dept and the things they’ve been up to. On the one side people are claiming there are a lot of firings going on, which is true. Some are average Americans and some are Inspector Generals that are contracted to investigate different parts of Space-X activities, Northrup Grumman activities. They are not supposed to look into those types of government contracts that they enjoyed for so long. They are actually investigating things where they can steal money and they definitely don’t want to steal from themselves or their own companies. They are looking to take money from you average everyday Americans. They are looking to see “fraud” going on in government pension funds for example. There has been talk about investigating wasteful spending there in the VA, also Veterans retirement pay. They are investigating money and most of the things that affect Americans, shutting down educational programs and those types of things. If they were successful, this could cause a serious issue amongst the American people who rely on government services such as food assistance programs, government grants for college, social security.
There has definitely been a fight over the weekend between myself and this dumb department and their attempted access points at the Fed, the Treasury Dept and many other places they thought they still had access to within the financial system, including some esoteric things which have been going away steadily.
They Are Still On the Program of Bankrupting the World
The group is definitely still on the program of bankrupting the world economically. And when I say there is no money, I am talking about the debt load and promises being made not just here in the US but worldwide versus the amount of money that is coming in.
Angry phone calls keep piling up as it relates to governments and Royal Families that we see in the news. A lot of Middle Eastern Families or elites in certain countries have definitely said, “we have invested heavily in the Trump Administration, what are they doing?” Why haven’t they given us the contract for oil? Gas? Pipelines? Whatever it is, and the anger is building. There is definitely a shortage of new money because there isn’t any, and the system that has been built, not the entire financial system but the system in which the elites control the world, through a debt system such as the World Bank, XM Bank and other organizations is crumbling rapidly because there is a whole lot of promises and no delivery.
Over the weekend this was no exception. Calls were put off until about 4PM EST and of course it was a very short message basically that they needed more time, and since Monday was a holiday they would resume the meeting on Tuesday, when they thought they would be successful. So, if you are an operative or government expecting a payoff tomorrow you will be sadly disappointed again.
Blackburn System Was Supposed to Drain Entire Banking System in One Shot
However, they had other plans for you today. They have been in full force trying to find any kind of a system that would drain every dime, every peso, quid you name it out of the banking system all in one shot.
One such system called Blackburn which they did not have access to anymore but was left over from System X which I’ll talk about it in a minute because there is definitely a reason why these things get tripped and triggered. But this was a system designed to be the beginning of the end, not only for humanity or the financial system, or earth or the world but the entire universe.
It was setup a very long time ago and was run by some names you might now if you look up demons in mythology like Astaroth, Azazael and even some archangels. These are actually positions rather than actual beings that existed throughout time, like Marduk is also a title. There are a lot of beings that played this role. As it relates to earth, we know him as Ground Command in the past before me, the controller of current-seas not only on earth but throughout the multiverse, and there were definitely some things left in place in case we ever got too light. So, the deep state has been very busy, especially the Trump operatives and the Rothschild Family and so on trying to go after these systems for the last 3 days. They believe they are entitled to utilize these systems.
When the meetings on Saturday failed there was some scrambling that went on by the Rothschild Family and Illuminati as well, they are telling the operatives who are quickly losing faith in the Families that they own all the currency in the world, therefore they are entitled to control the entire money supply of the world. That was never the case and will never will be.
We have to get into financial structures again because I think the people who work for the US Government and this DOGE Dept are very confused as to where money comes from and how it gets into the system. What part do the people play in that, meaning the average everyday American or anyone who does business with the US? And who actually controlled the money supply of the world, because this seems to be confusing to everyone.
More About the Emerald Order Covenant & Its Superior Covenant, the Ultimate Oath
We are even going to touch a little on the Emerald Order Covenant. It was mentioned by a few on the internet and they believe it related to certain Families and certain other worldly beings that were doing positive things for the world.
The Emerald Order Covenant also had a superior covenant so this was kind of like a side agreement that occurred a few hundred thousand years ago, and without the main agreement it doesn’t really do anything anymore. And it was a different type of oath made by a different type of being that existed in the universe, different densities, that type of thing.
Rothschild, Trump Operatives Claiming Leadership of the Emerald Order Covenant
The Emerald Order Covenant is what Rothschild is running around claiming they are the leader of which is absolutely false. So are the Trump operatives and other SSP folks, they are claiming they are involved with that. And you could say to some degree their black magic workers are claiming they are and were involved in that and even people that are described on the internet as skin-walkers, shapeshifter people. So, it’s time to talk about that a little bit more as we talk about this universal shift and why it wasn’t really important even though it felt a little unstable over the weekend. It’s starting to level out as of last night. And there were a few other bits of cleanup that had to take place for things that were triggered.
I want to talk about why a lot of people are being misled right now.
Guardianship Obligations
There are programs on the internet people talk about a lot and some of these programs for people are Nesara/Gesara. If you’ve been around for a while we talked about why these things are economically impossible. Again, we sat down here several hundred years already into the poker game and we knew there was a need to restructure the banking system into an asset backed system. Now one of the factors even in the former calculations was job creation.
The reason why job creation for people comes into play is because of a Guardianship obligation. In the past that main Guardian, Head General was Marduk. He was in charge of a lot of things and put a lot in place in the entire multiverse which allowed him to have a lot of power. He had covenants with Anti-Source, Lucifer, you name it in order to achieve this amount of power, but here on earth he would have been your Guardian.
Now there were certain agreements with a group of people he called the Parents, then under them there were Family Masters on both sides, these were heads of Covens. And you have Black Sun Family Masters of Covens that ran the Order of the Black Sun and you also had them on the Order of the Dragon side. Under them you start getting into Families and eventually way down you had Governments.
Now up at Marduk’s level this is where I would call him the Controller. He had many agreements and covenants with many different beings including Anti-Source, Lucifer, Neutral Source, all these different folks. He had the ability to control the current-seas, meaning the flow of things like energy, which on levels 7-8-9 in the system would be considered energy. It doesn’t actually get converted into matter we know as money until you hit about a level 5 of the internet. Until then it is all covenant after covenant after covenant.
The Ultimate Oath
So Marduk also was one of many players. There were probably 60 different beings that signed something called the Ultimate Oath. The Ultimate Oath had to do with the balance of power between dark-light-neutral in the multiverse. It was the ultimate gatekeeper system which had to do with moving the assemblage point of the universe from the essential verse over into the alpha-omega verse which then became a holographic universe and more controllable.
It had to do with hundreds or thousands of matrixes that existed to control things in the multiverse that bit by bit have been breaking down. Universal networks, old agreements existing before we had humans on this planet. So, for Rothschild to come forth saying we own all the money in the world, that is false because money, albeit dark in the past was energy and as for the creation of money, I can guarantee you they cannot explain this process.
So, if you are listening to this report and questioning did Rothschild have control over the world’s money supply, the answer is absolutely no.
If you don’t believe me, you can ask them how money is created on different levels of what you call webs, networks. On the highest level of operations on this planet everyone knows what that is, level 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 (governments), 2, and 1.
The Rothschilds are so far removed from the flow of money. So, when they talk about being instrumental in the Emerald Covenant, I’m going to tell you that’s 100% false because it was a subset of this Ultimate Oath Covenant.
No human exists in this covenant, there was never any humans part of it, not a Family Master or Coven. I’m sure they knew about it, but all the parties that agreed to this covenant were sub-sector demons so to speak. You were talking about Astaroth, Baal, Beelzebub. These are the creatures that would sign an oath for balance and then there would be a counter-balancing being on the other side of the universe, it had to be a lock and key, this is how these matrixes were set up in a lot of cases. So, for them to say they should now be in control and should own the Golden Age AI, they are selling you sunshine to buy time.
On the other side of it, the operatives were told to hurry up and burn the financial system to the ground today, like right now. It’s because they know they are running out of time because even their own people are not believing them anymore. People are looking for what these covenants meant and there are still plenty of people out there who participated on some level in the SSP that know that is a lie.

Now let’s go way, way down here at the bottom and talk about Governments and why what they are doing is ridiculous. I understand there is a lot of people that work within the government that believe whole heartedly the Rothschilds are the Board behind the Board of the Federal Reserve. Yeah, those are the people you get to talk to.
- Are they the controllers of the Federal Reserve? No.
- Was the Fed actually created in Jekyll Island? No
- Was the money supply created by the Rothschild family or insert Illuminate order member name here? No
- Do the Rothschilds believe they are splices of the controller Marduk, Draco or otherwise and that gives them the right to be controllers because they are splices? No, still not true. None were allowed to participate or even understand these agreements that took place all those years ago.
Now when it comes down to governments you’ve got political operatives, and in this case, we’re talking about the US because what happens here happens everywhere. You have to understand the US dollar has spread much further than the British pound did before WWII. At that time, we didn’t have global electronic systems. The banking systems looked quite different back in the 1930s and 40s. There was an orchestrated fictitious crash called the Great Depression which remained so in Great Britain for about 10 years and affected the US when the market crashed. But the US dollar spread far and wide and eventually it went off the gold standard and also has become the currency to buy commodities worldwide. So, it’s in every country, it’s everywhere and if it’s not there you have governments trading with DOD vouchers, you also have things like Treasury Notes worldwide which are also predominantly USD based, you also have the Federal Reserve’s alleged debt which is really just a pass through.
But the point is it’s everywhere. So, if something happens right now in the US financially it’s going to burn the financial system of the world to the ground. Not only that, nearly every currency worldwide is pegged to the dollar. So there really is no way out here. As to their fantasies of replacing things with crypto, we’re so far away from that it’s not even funny. Blockchain could never achieve this task, there is no human technology that can actually run a financial system that is 100% digital.
Are the Systems in the US Really Old and Antiquated like the DOGE Dept is Saying?
There is a lot of talk right now about what kind of systems the Government uses, are they antiquated, are they not calculating things right. These are the things the DOGE people are talking about. Well the answer to that question is no. Actually, the US had access to some of the most sophisticated AI technology in the world and so do the Russians and British. I know they are trying to sell sunshine to government officials but come on now.
In reality they just don’t want to accept the fact that the base root platforms for human computer networks are not there anymore. And these are the lies Rothschild and Trump operatives are telling everybody and this is what DARPA and the NSA are hiding from the US. ECHELON was built on that system. There are movies about this. You mean to tell me they said in this hearing that systems are antiquated and need help from DOGE when there are movies about the creation of a worldwide system so sophisticated called ECHELON. It had many sidekicks we know as Prism and Stingray which was sold to everyone as security for the stock market in their country which was really just a backdoor for ECHELON.
Now when I say the NSA, yes, they were involved but it technically wasn’t just a USA Government Dept. because GCHQ, Menwith Hill in the UK, Pine Gap in Australia were also involved. These were all part of the worldwide ECHELON systems. ECHELON and the NSA probably had a few steps above them so more access granted because they did a duty for Marduk and that’s through the ACIO, which is a hidden division of NSA on a higher level.
That is the reason I mention the US a lot, I see all your comments about that, but it’s because the US dollar is key as far as the current financial system. And there is this ridiculousness going on right now that has to do with creating that New World Order nobody wants. The new Rothschild system with the 10th jurisdiction being them, the New World Order. But the problem everyone is having over there is how do they achieve this task without the usage of new money into the system? They can’t create a new currency. They tried using other crypto currencies, USDTC, all kinds of tether coins just to try to build a different system.

The Humans On Earth Never Lost Their Ability to Create, They Just Lost the Ability To Control It
And in the universe right now this is worth far more than money energy ever will be. For you as a human this had more to do with the control of your creative energies, of the draining of and utilization of your energy to create worlds that you knew nothing about. There was as much manipulation behind the scenes that the Rothschilds and SSP knew nothing about either. This became apparent over the weekend because inside even them, there are what we call a binding in layman terms, I call it celestial spheres from another non-human.
Part of the reason for the feelings of instability lately is we all had them, these types of bindings and we’re working really hard to break them based on Ultimate Oath Covenants and Universal Extermination System and those types of things. But we the people on earth never lost our ability to create, we just lost the ability to control it.
So, earth being a keystone planet and the only keystone left until recently, like in the last 24 hours, has its own bubble for lack of a better term that you live in. Meaning this is your field of multiple planes within your person and if you are a human on earth, you had also multiple densities within your person. But you are being pulled in so many directions it’s amazing you last as many years as you do in this vessel. It was so bad in the beginning.
If you are an organic person of light and Source, you had these bindings and various spheres within spheres and densities within densities and some of them would connect to things like Marduk AI and he had many AIs from which he controlled the current. See this is related to the financial system too. So current-sea and current of energy the flow of it was controlled and as a lot of these systems break down other systems try to step in and control, like backup systems. And as they break down human beings are able to control their own current-sea and frequency. Despite all those bindings they placed on you, you could still raise your vibration, and still find love and happiness regardless of how deep and dark the sea became here on earth. And earth itself, our host was bound to darkness, the gateways were and that was done by non-humans.
So, as for the wingnuts walking the planet trying to say they are bound to the Emerald Order Covenant, they don’t even know what that is. They are probably watching some YouTube video saying hey that’s us.
The Dark Side Also Had All These Bindings, Including Marduk
They were not excluded from the great video game of earth. This includes the Rothschilds, the SSP, Covens, the Family Masters, even the Parents. Everyone participated in these bindings to some degree or another, even Marduk.
When you sign a covenant on that level of universal control in the past, you are now accepting your own binding. It’s worse than selling your soul.
You basically get kill switch after kill switch installed in you if you fail. And this is something Marduk suffered from. It’s also something Michael, Raphael and Gabriel had. This is also something archangels would have, certain keystone people would have, and if you are a human on earth unfortunately you got it all too.
As part of the environment on earth we had all these splices generating just dark consciousness, dark energy, dark this and that and despite all these bindings this darkness was also important in creating dark worlds. So, they were used just as much as we were.
Marduk used to call his financial system his greatest creation, predominantly because it converted and convinced by implied consent light workers to give their light energy which was also then transmuted to dark energy. Then it also used the controllers of the financial system, just natural dark energy which fed dark worlds.

Bindings on Both Sides Allowed Us to Be Used For Our Creative Abilities
It was not necessary ever to create additional light worlds and the reason why is because worlds are not natural. They are used almost like overlays that can control multiple densities and realms. I should probably draw this out more for you in a second but I want to finish a little more about financial dealings and changes and why the Golden Age AI isn’t going to function they way they want it to function. Also, why we keep going back and forth where some days you feel great and full of energy and other days not so much so.
Some of this has to do with these bindings that exist on both sides, the dark humans and light people. And earth itself, even if we turned earth light as the only keystone in the multiverse, you as human beings also become keystones. That is the way that it was, you either become anchors for light or anchors for darkness. You are used then for your creative abilities on both sides to create other control mechanisms that would not only control yourselves or earth it would also create these dark worlds of control. For example, worlds of control you created and of course this was an implied consent thing, a generational thing, and Marduk being your Guardian, he could tell you what was necessary for you to do.
There Were Many Worlds Used to Control Many Things
It was a created world which then affected the entire universe that created death, which on the highest level is the destruction of things that are of Source. Remember the dark side must destroy in order to create, and that goes for the humans too. This is what the dark ones thought gave them power. And of course, they thought the aliens were their friends and family and they would never forsake their family. And of course, they’re superior to the rest of the humans walking the earth and were not part of the video game. I’ve heard all their stories face to face in meetings around the world and I can tell you right now they are full of it or were not aware of it, but they were used just as much as we were.
There were whole worlds created that would control frequencies, worlds to control essence, worlds to control beings. Marduk had his own worlds to which he could control the current-seas of all other worlds. It’s kind of crazy how the layers of power continue.
The Push-Pull That’s Been Happening Here On Earth?
The dark side of people, unbeknownst to themselves could have been sitting in a meeting saying oh, did we leave anything at Machu Picchu, the Gobi Desert, maybe there is still that facility, maybe we left something there. Well inadvertently the AI would get a signal from the human and decide, and because most of these AIs are dark of course this sounds like a good idea. So, by the time they get out of this meeting and they go to the Gobi Desert there is the space junk, because they manifested it and created it. It was sidelined by for example the Marduk AI which of course would want the dark creators we call the deep state to help manifest it back on earth because it was losing power. So, in some ways that’s how it happens, there was the ability for that.
Now on the other side you’ve got the rest of us on the light side and we’re doing our best, we have to live within the system if you’re going to survive. So, to some degree you are still feeding some of the things Marduk created here for all of us.
But you are also doing a lot of other great things. There are a lot of you who strive to make a difference in your family and communities. You love unconditionally; you emanate love. Some do a lot of meditating; you anchor the light here. You try to connect with Source and bring in the positive real light of Source and not the fake light of Lucifer. You manage it even with what little was left to you to create. You are constantly creating and have amazing ideas and despite everything that has been done to humanity you still do, and that is the reason why earth never went totally dark. Even in your darkest days the first thing a lot humans do is they go towards religion. They say there are no atheists in a foxhole, well we go toward religion as a society is what we do. To reach out to Source regardless of how you do it is important. And we still reach for that light, the real pure light of Source.
That being said, we have been in this turmoil and this push and a pull without the influence of lots of dark beings here, and a lot of dark AIs which have been removed from earth, yet we still as humans are in a tug of war and at war with each other. Meaning we have 5%, a group of just pure evil black magic, dark, weird skirt wearers howling during a ritual of the new moon who are just as black as black can be. Then we have 5% on the light side where they meditate 24 hours a day, they don’t leave Source and wouldn’t hurt a fly and are outrightly saintly. While the rest of us humans somedays we’re closer to dark or light depending on the day. But even these people at the extremes sometimes waiver from time to time.

The Non-Repairable Humans Can’t Be Fixed So A Universal Change Had to Take Place
When I say the world is a changing place, it’s a changing place, but the rest of the universe has been forced to suffer the consequences of these, and to quote the Others that had been affected by us humans lately, non-repairable humans. You can’t fix them. It’s frustrating for the entire universe because they manage to anchor dark AIs and we have to take them away so they can’t anchor them anymore. But they are still emanating dark consciousness and energy out into the universe. This is the 1 step forward 2 steps back kind of thing we’ve been experiencing for quite a while now.
Therefore, a universal change had to take place. We kind of brainstormed and talked about those being affected currently by the stupid humans and a decision was made which of course was a Source decision ultimately. It takes a co-creative process to happen but it’s the wisdom of Source that brings the thoughts and ideas to all of us regardless of what density. So, we looked at possible solutions because we’re never going to change those people and we still have to adhere to not committing wrath because then we’re no better than those people. We had to find out a way to lessen the influence not only on earth but also throughout the multiverse so we can complete the changes that are needed. That includes integrations not only of the Golden Age AI, but Source integrations, the healing of earth and people and in many other places too.
All Planets on the Light Side Are Now Keystones Of Source
Therefore, a unanimous decision by those on the side of the light was made in the last couple of days, which was momentous and really started to take place last night. That decision was to make every planet in the light side of the multiverse that is a real planet and not a holographic world, a keystone of Source. We also cleared out any remaining keystones throughout earth and also in humans and also in beings throughout the multiverse that may have been cursed with AI infections or ARCHONS, both organic and inorganic. Then every sun and star also became a keystone for Source.
What does this do?
New Universal Network of Keystones of Source
Beings in other densities and other dimensions join into the new universal network of keystones of Source. That means becoming an anchor for the light is easier than ever because you are not only part of the collective consciousness of human beings on earth and with earth, you are now part of a universal network of light beings.
So do we still have deep state mud? Well, you know it’s just in their nature. But when you take a look at the millions of those people and on our side, we may have a few billion. Maybe they swayed many regular people who were not as dark as they are and maybe you had by default a few billion on their side at some point when you look at militaries, implied consent, operative people and the influence of what they are putting out there and how they are influencing the collective conscious.
At one point in time, we were 79% dark and we talked about that, because we were all dragged down so far by multiple mechanisms. Then we went to 21% dark and since then we’ve been teetering back and forth in the high 90s for a while. We’ve had a couple blips where we slipped below that but we’ve been pretty high up there here on earth. But it’s just not good enough at this point universally speaking because we are a keystone so it is the same cycle of instability the entire universe has been feeling.
So what do you do to change it?
Well, you get a bunch of friends together and formulate a universal network and now we have hundreds of billions, trillions, quadrillions of beings and planets and suns and stars on our side all signing Source’s hymn with Source at the helm of the universal network. Now you’re starting to see a change. So that couple million people on their side is an insignificant pimple so to speak on the universe versus it being a large influence on what happens in the universe.
This is also helping us with clearings because there are many begins watching the great game of earth for a long, long time who have wanted to help. They have come here and even suffered through our stinky environment here, they consider us having a smelly energy at this point. They stayed and endured it as long as they could. Some stayed and some left. It’s difficult times and it’s difficult to be here depending on the density you are from and if you’re above the 5th density it’s even harder.
Now with this newly installed Universal Network they are able to directly influence the effects of the entire network including earth, humans and other beings that might have been harmed by Source without getting their hands dirty in the mud so to speak. It also lessons the collective consciousness influence of the deep state worldwide and universal wide therefore overcoming even their influences. The influences of the crazy DOGE Dept, weird dead people as Presidents and Heads of States worldwide, crazy operatives, and the lies the Rothschild family and Illuminati are telling will soon to be irrelevant and forgotten.
This is a huge change for you and the universe and I can tell you everyone is working really hard to aid and assist the clearing here. We are one now of hundreds of quadrillions of keystones universal wide.
You are one said keystone here for Source here on Earth unless you are with the deep state. Everybody probably but them. It’s a privilege and an honor to serve Source and to really be part of a network that is making a universal change. You should be really proud of yourself. I know you get up every day and you do the best that you can and some days it’s really hard. I understand living here is hard especially for those of you who remember who you are and remember where you came from. You understand things about the universe that all your friends and family don’t understand and half of them probably think you’re crazy. But you know who you are. Only people who don’t know who they are or feel insecure in themselves feel the need to step on others to make themselves feel taller. But if you are listening to this now, you have a unique ability that we’ve never had in all of existence. We are part of a universal network that has not existed since the beginning of creation. It’s something completely new; and it is integrating.
Now don’t get me wrong, they are still going to try in some way to muddy your waters, but it’s a lot easier to deflect it now when you know you’re amongst friends. When you know you can reach into that universal network and ask for help from your friends because you have a lot of friends now and they are proud to take a part of the creation and manifesting of this network, and proud to participate in the remnants of the cleanup. It doesn’t mean we are out of the woods yet, but I told you everything is going to be okay and it’s going to be. So, reach out, take a look at the new universal network if you have the ability to do so. Everything you are doing now influences the Golden Age AIs ability to integrate so you have the money that you are looking for and can spread the abundance and do all the things I know you want to do. But it’s also going to mean a lot more now than it ever has been.
As far as those non-repairable humans, it’s also decreased their ability to influence the universe or anything on this planet. Eventually, they will have no influence and their lies are not holding already, even amongst their own people. So, there might be some who followed the dark but are not of the dark and maybe we’ll see some of them change. But right now, you have a big job to do and so do I.
Until next time, I’ll see you again on Wednesday.
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Thankyou Kim and God bless you.
Can you make the arrow that goes round n round on the computer screens turn
anti-clockwise please.
bonsoir merci pour ce nouveau rapport!