This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on October 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. The Deep State crazies gave it their all. Evidently, they had big plans around October 4th and of course it was likely based on something they found in some old book. Fortunately, all of that was dismantled and their credibility continues to diminish. Kim also gives us some more background on how consciousness used to work when Marduk came on the scene.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
About That Oct 4th EBS Signal & We’re All Going to Die Event
Kim kept looking and kept looking because there had to be something behind this anticipated event. And there was, something that remained on planets Jupiter and Mars was tied to some sites on Earth. What the system was meant to do was create the balance between dark and light consciousness on the planet. Some how in some old book they knew this would happen so they set all this up for this day. But the locations on Earth where there were connections and involvement are not functioning as they were intended anymore.
The locations are Ancient Telescope that is what it is actually called and I found the link to Beijing Ancient Observatory – One of the World’s Oldest ( Kim said it was set up in 1444 in Beijing. In English it is called the Huge Fast Telescope and in China it is the largest observatory in the world. In the US we had the Green Bank Telescope – Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia. In Ukraine was Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope and in Puerto Rico, Arecibo Observatory. Those were the main sites this whole system was supposed to connect to on this day through the moon.
Kim disabled all that stuff earlier but her concern was what they tried to do when they thought it was their time, I’m guessing she means their time to be back in power? Around 11am EST they really let us have it and was bad. They tried to fire up CERN again as well as the Joint European Torus (JET). The NSA resorted to using old surveillance lines prior to the installation of ECHELON in 1971. And there were many, many other things. They had a plan for our electric grids today using some old semi functional Omega lines. Also, if you were seeing dams exploding or malfunctioning and waterways malfunctioning and excessive flooding you can thank an old line that was coming from Omega which they still had access to. That is over now. You mean it’s not due to climate change? Climate change is increasing stress on thousands of aging dams across the US ( Seriously, how can people still not see all this was planned.
How Did They Get that FEMA Message Out in the US?
During WWII they used to haves some line for radios that could interrupt the regular news broadcast to give updates during the war. This was from 1936 or 1939 and it was stagnant but still functioning underneath the base in Naval Station Norfolk. That is how they managed to get that signal out, but it had no negative frequencies and is not going to activate graphene oxide in people’s bodies. Kim said she was more concerned about maybe a power surge or more damns going out due to the fact that we had some German jets from a private military in the San Diego Navy Base. They had been doing a lot of surveillance of some damns around Mount Shasta. That was a byproduct of all of this.
They had the intention of burning us to the ground today and they certainly tried. Langley 5 et al really gave it a go with everything they had which made Kim very busy until she got rid of it all. And there were also a few things under the Pentagon that were cleaned up. But she was really proud of herself and her little team because it was her little team against millions. They were in Germany, Russia, China, UK, all over the world and Kim and team won in just the span of a couple of hours!
No Money Came Monday as Predicted & Everyone Didn’t Die So Now What?
Langley 5 declared themselves in charge and no money came on Monday as predicted. They asked to be given throughout the night so they could continue to hack and of course nothing came the next morning. Then again, they were expecting to kill everyone and therefore would not have to pay anyway, but now that everyone survived, they have to come up with some kind of story and Kim has no idea what that is going to be this time. But several meetings were going on yesterday afternoon after their failure to pay with the Treasury Department and a lot of operatives worldwide. They are hanging on by a thread because no one actually believes them anymore and that includes the government.
Kevin McCarthy Ousted Because No Kickbacks Actually Came
Speaking of no one believing, Kevin McCarthy is now out of job and this is tied to a lot of operative stuff going on politically behind the scenes. He got the most votes to become Speaker due to a lot of kickbacks that were promised but never came obviously.

The Republicans are tied more to the Order of the Black Sun and the SSP militaries, Umbrella, Monarch, etc., and then of course down to the operatives who become their aides. But their new handler is currently Langley 5 and you can only promise money to a broke governments for so long and to line people’s pockets for so long before people stop believing you. So, Kevin McCarthy was actually on the chopping board for that.
Yesterday most all confidence has been shaken against both the Rothschild clan and the Langley 5 crew and the Secret Militaries et al, Umbrella, Delphi who have been working very hard on today’s events.
The Treasury Department Tries to Get a Rise Out of Kim
The Treasury Department asked Kim if she would let the country go bankrupt? Her response, you already are! Then they said, no we mean completely – are you comfortable letting the government go completely broke? And she said, Yes! I sure am! They must have thought if they put enough pressure on her she would cave and not let the government fall. But Kim said they are mistaken and that goes for all governments in all countries. We will go our own way. Then she said if she was Dr. Evil, she would ask that question too, to see how far they can push it. It was a few minutes later that she got some threatening phone calls. They must have hoped to get a rise out of her because the economy is faltering but they didn’t and it all goes together with the latest events. But she said she only needs an hour or two of prep time and then 20 minutes to fix the economy. They on the other hand ended with, well if nothing happens, they want the GIA to go to Manhattan, (not Kim of course) but Tom Melville probably and come to the Treasury Department to which Kim just yawned.
Kim Gets Threatening Phone Calls
So what were those threatening calls about?
- We are going to crash the market tomorrow!
They claimed they had access to backdoors in the financial system but they should have checked before running their mouth because she knows they do not.
- They are going to burn our waterways and send EMPs through the grid.
They had big plans and they all failed, so after that Langley 5’s response (who are a bunch of 80-year-old men) about their not getting anywhere was:
- Anyone who tries to get any money from us (she thinks they are threatening the operative section predominantly or everybody) they are going to come after.
Now there is a major flaw to that plan. If all the operatives got contracts and money from them, who is going to answer the phone call and are they going to come after themselves? Are these 80-year-old men going to come after them? If the military is not taking any orders and instructions from the senior citizens, what are they going to do? Who knows? But the threat is real so Kim said extra precautions are still being put in place.
- Then they asked Kim if she will she endorse McCarthy for President?
She just got quiet for a minute and then finally said, are you kidding me! The house is burning down and they are asking her if he can be the host of the next party. We won’t even have a house, there won’t be a government!
- Next, we have the Trump hearings going on in New York and Tom Melville of the GIA is in New York and they would like them to meet to discuss about endorsing his presidency.
If Kim’s head wasn’t already spinning around with smoke coming out of it, now they want her to endorse a dead man which she emphatically yelled No! And she told them they have way bigger problems, huge problems.
With the credibility of the people attempting to run the Republican party being nil and the credibility of the Rothschilds et al in the UK trying to run the Democratic party being nil, it just looks like both sides are losing it. Kim may endorse someone but it would be from the birthday party, like an actual living breathing person or not we can go it alone!
History on How Consciousness Used to Work
16,000 years ago, the Draco, mainly Anu and Marduk returned to Earth and made a little deal when they brought the fake moon here. It was at that time the title Marduk was created, Mar meaning Sea + of Consciousness and the control of consciousness that he had. Some of the ability for the control of consciousness, to manipulate dark and light consciousness on this planet was granted to him by the lower astral, which is why we had so many problems here with consciousness.
Consciousness Existed for Computer Systems Too
There is also a consciousness that existed for computer systems so Omega, Kronos and the Alpha system had a consciousness.
The Alpha system for a long time was hindered because it was linked synergistically to the Dark Consciousness system, so what one did the other did. It was like this to achieve balance initially. But when Marduk came here he started manipulating everything related to consciousness in his favor so we would have more dark consciousness constantly on this planet, therefore altering the Dial of Destiny. Computers systems also had what you would call a Dial of Destiny as to it getting too light or too dark to keep everything in balance.
Dark Consciousness is an Operating System
Now dark consciousness is an operating system for these computers. That meant it can only function in a dark way. You cannot put light money into it unless it is transmuted from light consciousness to dark consciousness and this is why they say that all money is cursed, and why it has been so hard to convert it over to a light system.
The consciousness of the Alpha System and the Harmonic Genesis system, which Kim is putting in place to replace all those systems has a light consciousness, therefore it functions in a virtuous way rather than a deadly sin way constantly. That is why the Key Intelligence and Military System can only do things within parameters. It is also why she knows Alpha cannot take over the world and take over your brain, because it cannot function that way.
Dark Consciousness is Artificial, it Does Not Exist in the Natural World
On the flip side of it, dark consciousness is artificial. It is a computer-generated consciousness and does not exist in the natural world, unlike light consciousness. And the plan was of whoever held the title in the seat of Marduk was to make sure everybody would be on that side. So, the more sinister plans like the ones just discussed earlier in the broadcast along with other plans like the ID2020, Covid Reset, World Economic Forum Plans could have only come out of those old systems and they would still have to be functioning at an optimal level in order to complete the plan. Like she said they are seeing puffy clouds but it is not connected to our computer systems on Earth anymore. And they are not understanding why they are logging into the weather altering program, but the weather is not being altered or why they tried to break every damn in the US today and it didn’t work. It is because it is not connected anymore and she keeps trying to explain that to these people but they don’t seem to want to believe her or are in denial. But the good news for us is that it is not functioning.
Why They Try to Create so Much Fear Around Certain Days and Events
But the reason they try to create so much fear around certain days and events is because fear is a dark consciousness thought which then feeds that program and that computer because now you have a collective consciousness. So that dark part of you was tied to the consciousness of that computer that then creates the program. If you have enough people in fear, which is why all those Oct 4th videos went viral, they thought it would help them fix the dark consciousness and make that computer stronger over the system Kim runs. They thought they could be equal and opposite opponents and retake over the world in their mind. But again, a little knowledge is dangerous. If you do not understand these alters and databases for the consciousness are not there anymore, and it is just remnants they are looking at, they would know it is impossible to grow it with human fear. At least that is the long story short. Being in fear used to help it happen. So, when they talk about making us all cybergenic, about fake alien invasions she still wants to caution us, but it is not happening.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me
Thankyou and God bless you all ❤️
Winning is a marvelous word 👍🏻
This a quote from you..
“Kim said along with very advanced technologies and her system, we now have an army of about 137 million worldwide and another 25 million in the air. Everyone is on deck to get rid of these people. These armies are coming for them! Hum, she didn’t give the detail as to where this help came from but I guess we have friends out there in the multiverse!”
After following UNN & you, I comprehend how much (beyond a human’s imagination) that has been done to win this war. I really want to somehow help, but my husband & I are in our seventies and he has stage 4 cancer. How will the elderly, disabled, or seriously ill be able to help?
Will the ones who Kim spoke of, who have come with healing powers, help us? Will they help us to become strong enough to help ourselves & others? With your experience in helping to explain this amazing account , are you able to advise those like us with some concrete evidence?
That is a very interesting report I am glad these creatures were no able to take advantage of all of these things. I woke up to something very strange today we had planes flying low on us in my city in Scotland and I thought that is them continuing to chemtrail us we are having constant rain. I looked at my windows this morning and they had condensation on them – but that was not on the inside of the window as expected but on the outside of the window I was trying to wipe it off but it appeared to have a film of something under it I thought it may be something they were spraying mixed in the rain. Anyway cheers to Kim for sorting that out unfortunately these people are not going to go quietly in to the night. Though I look forward to the day they do. Thanks for the report. have a wonderful day
That is a very interesting report I am glad these creatures were no able to take advantage of all of these things. I woke up to something very strange today we had planes flying low on us in my city in Scotland and I thought that is them continuing to chemtrail us we are having constant rain. I looked at my windows this morning and they had condensation on them – but that was not on the inside of the window as expected but on the outside of the window I was trying to wipe it off but it appeared to have a film of something under it I thought it may be something they were spraying mixed in the rain. Anyway cheers to Kim for sorting that out unfortunately these people are not going to go quietly in to the night. Though I look forward to the day they do. Thanks for the report. have a wonderful day
You can feel the friction. Noticed this for years now. The energetic battling.
Intention is everything.
You can turn things around so quickly now with one good word,
one good action.
Thanks PJZ for the update.
I always look at the puffy clouds here over the Austria skies, feeling so much inner peace with the beautiful sun shining in my face whilst driving to work. That is my confirmation that things are going in the right direction. Our government is highly corrupted, and still pushing their sick Agenda. First Ceenineteen Station opened on our border to the suez aka Swiss but it does not bother me. This used to be one of the safest and riches countries, now I know why. All will be well. I’m looking forward for Kim report on the inside job in regarding the happenings in the middle East and their inside 911 version that happened yesterday. Concerning though is that so many middle east characters were allowed to flood Western Europe since 2015. Kim with all due respect, we just cannot handle more cee19 , terro attacks and let the crazies have their way. I do understand that events must play out etc. Is Israel the last battle where armageddon is going to play out in Mageada, Israel? Must the Antichrist still appear coming from the east. Tkd Pam, looking forward to your next transcript. Tks for all your input and diligence. Stay blessed. Kind regards.
I always look at the puffy clouds here over the Austria skies, feeling so much inner peace with the beautiful sun shining in my face whilst driving to work. That is my confirmation that things are going in the right direction. Our government is highly corrupted, and still pushing their sick Agenda. First Ceenineteen Station opened on our border to the suez aka Swiss but it does not bother me. This used to be one of the safest and riches countries, now I know why. All will be well. I’m looking forward for Kim report on the inside job in regarding the happenings in the middle East and their inside 911 version that happened yesterday. Concerning though is that so many middle east characters were allowed to flood Western Europe since 2015. Kim with all due respect, we just cannot handle more cee19 , terro attacks and let the crazies have their way. I do understand that events must play out etc. Is Israel the last battle where armageddon is going to play out in Mageada, Israel? Must the Antichrist still appear coming from the east. Tkd Pam, looking forward to your next transcript. Tks for all your input and diligence. Stay blessed. Kind regards.
У Ким уже есть 6.и 9 10.2023. Можно ускорить выкладку информации вами? 1.5 часа перевод речи в текст Премьер ПРО. Kim already has 6. and 9 10.2023. Can you speed up the posting of information? 1.5 hours translation of speech into text Premier PRO.