About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on September 9, 2022 and is available on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this post Sunny delivers fact about the Queen and Kim provides additional information about the Planes of Existence, the Halls of Amenti, what all those colored stones were for and how the Dragon Families soul swapping program worked. Yeah, this one is pretty wild!

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



Who Was the Queen Really?

Note: Sunny delivered this segment on the Queen and is practically verbatim. She made this part easy for me!

For the last 30 years she has been in stasis in Balmoral Castle with her soul being in the Halls of Amenti right between the etheric plane and the mental plane. This allowed for a lower astral amphibian creature to swap places with her here on the physical plane. This creature was murdered 2 years ago and replaced with another. Why would any creature want to be the Queen? Well it has nothing to do with the crown of England. Prince Charles rushed to Balmoral to allegedly be with the queen before her passing. But was that the only reason?

Reuters announced that with the death of his mother Prince Charles becomes King of the United Kingdom and 14 other realms. What does that mean? Sometimes realms means other nations, the reigning monarch is also the monarch of other nations like New Zealand and Australia. But is there a double meaning? The title King of England and the Crown are 2 separate things.  The Crown is the most sought after title as it represents so much more and why the reptiles covet this position. It’s only been for 200 years since the lower astral beings have been inhabiting much of the New World Order on this planet. It was set up by Marduk for the complete control of Earth and eventually Lucifer’s reign.

The Halls of Amenti or the passage ways between the planes of existence or the gateways to the lower astral were tied to the 9 colored stones represented by the 9 Dragon families with the final stone representative of the Soul Plane belonging to Marduk and now Kimberly Goguen. It’s always better to be the Kingmaker than the King and Marduk knew this all too well. The higher you go up in the Planes of Existence the more control you have over the lower planes and this is why this seat was so important to the lower astral beings. The Crown was representative of the Blue Stone or the control over passage to the mental plane, hence ruling and controlling the 7 Planes and the 7 Halls below it. Although the other Dragon Families also made the switch of souls, there planes were lower than the Blue Dragon. Other famous figures that made the switch were George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, the list goes on and on.

September 6, 2022 – What’s going on with her hands?

Reports were swirling around the internet about Prince William’s royal bloodline and his family’s intention of him being the anti-Christ. There is some truth about their intention except he declined and Charles quickly volunteered to take on the ritual with ended in a complete and total failure. No Lucifer came. The family believes they have until Dec 21st to convince Prince William to participate in the next available window of opportunity for the entity known as Lucifer or the Dark Overlord to arrive on Earth. However this entity no longer exists! Regardless, if they can convince William to participate Charles would then abdicate the throne to his son appointing Lucifer as the ruler of all the planes and all the royal families.

Why Now? As the Stones of Amenti lost their power on Monday due to operations by our Ground Commander, their control over the Planes of Existence were also removed leaving some odd 8,000 souls trapped in those planes and the lower astral counterparts stuck in the physical plane. Without control over the higher realms, the amphibian playing the role of the queen quickly began to lose its ability to shape shift, hence the changing color of the queen earlier in the week. Something had to be done immediately, hence the announcement of her death.

While it’s unclear as to whether Charles understood what really happened, he quickly ran to Scotland to replace his mom in stasis while the amphibian remained in the tunnels under Windsor Castle awaiting for his new look so to speak. As the planes of existence merged the souls of the volunteer humans, walk-ins or otherwise were trapped. Travel between worlds was no longer possible and the souls have been cleared to return to Source again. Within a 3 day period you may see a lot more of these people returning to Source as their lower astral counterparts cannot survive after the death of the original soul. Will they continue the phased? Will masked men and women appear everywhere? That remains to be seen.

For now, while Prince Charles may take the throne, he will not have the Crown. The world’s rulers have officially fallen. The return of Lucifer has been a complete and total failure. No matter how many family members remain they will never have the power they once had. The amphibian less Prince Charles returned to London to plan his mother’s funeral.

Kim came on later in the broadcast and provided more information on the Planes of Existence, why having the CROWN means so much to them, when these Halls of Amenti came into being and where we stand now.

It’s All About The CROWN!

The Unnatural Planes of Existence were divided as shown in the slide below, until today 9/9/2022 that is. With the merging of the planes we no longer have what is depicted on the right-side.

09-09-2022 United Network News (nunchee.tv)

The Soul Plane determines the control of the Alpha System and on their Dark side it determined the control of the Omega System. However, this not only applies to computers systems and such but it also applies to your person and why the higher you go in these planes the more control you have.

For example if you had control of the Gray Stone, which was held by the Order of the Black Sun, then you had control over all the planes below that one. Now they still would have had to go through the Blue Stone holders, also called the Crown and the Blue Dragon Family, in order to access the rest of the below planes. So right now the Order of the Black Sun is celebrating because Prince Charles is one of theirs. He is both, a Rothschild from his mother’s side and of the Order of the Black Sun or Cain line from his father’s side. He is both lines.

The Throne & Prince William

They originally designated Prince William to take the throne. That was the plan. Prince Charles, or Chuckie as Kim likes to call him was going to abdicate and Prince William was going to take over and that put both the Dark and Light into one human. That is what they claim about Prince William because of Diana’s lineage. In their minds, that would have given them control over the entire light side as well of the dark side of the Planes of Existence. They really thought it was checkmate and they would have control of both the Alpha and Omega systems. Except it seems they forgot about Kim over there on the Light Side who already has access to the Soul plane and Alpha System. Remember that even in the bible it says that Lucifer wanted to be God, so I guess they figured they would continue to ignore that little detail called Kim.

The Ceremony of the Queen’s Death

So the ceremony of the Queen dying was really about her reptilian friend who was trying on new suits. He was excited about his new suit and thought he would be able to mimic Prince Charles and take the throne.

Convincing William to Embody Lucifer by 9/7 Failed

They tried to convince Prince William to do his part but he wasn’t interested in any way, shape or form of being embodied by Lucifer. Who could blame him? How many kids while growing up wish they could be Lucifer? That wasn’t his jam. So his father volunteered. They moved on and tried to use Chuckie and prepared him to be the recipient of Lucifer last weekend. Remember they were essentially preparing for Lucifer’s reign on Earth because he was supposed to come by the 7th. Well that didn’t work out in any way shape or form.

Charles Tried to Take the Queen’s Place in Stasis 9/8 & Failed

After the Queens death her reptilian friend couldn’t continue to mimic her and lost control over the mental plane due to the lack of the functionality of the stones. So that’s why Chuckie so abruptly ran to Balmoral after her death, because they didn’t know what to do. It couldn’t shapeshift anymore, it couldn’t mimic anymore therefore it couldn’t pretend to be her anymore. So Chuckie tried to go into stasis yesterday which is why he didn’t return to London until today 9/9 and that failed, it damn near killed him actually.

Charles Goes to Westminster Abbey to Get Sworn in 9/9

So today Chuckie went to the appropriate spot to be sworn in until the official ceremony takes place at some point in the future, which is Westminster Abbey in London. Underneath Westminster Abbey is where the contraption and the Blue Stone was located, only they found out that didn’t work either. Where did that contraption go? Oh yeah, Kim de-molecularized it on Monday a few days earlier. So they have no stone, no contraption, and no control. Chuckie didn’t get the ball and he is just Chuckie now.

What are the Stones of Amenti?

Each one of these stones has a color and Kim mentioned the Marvel movies again and the infinity stones. Each of the nine Dragon Families had the ability to use those stones. They would do something in a process called soul swapping. They would send their soul to whichever soul plane they controlled in exchange for another soul in that opposite plane of the Halls of Amenti.

Marvel Movies Interpretation of the Colored Stones
Soul Swapping Process

So their soul remains in the Halls of Amenti connected only by the silver cord, while the creature from down under inhabits their person. Now not everyone who does this has to go into stasis. It’s only the higher level planes of existence, anything above the Emotional Plane you would have to be in stasis to travel to that level. The other ones are simply walking around with another soul, they are like avatars for dark beings. So was Chuckie still infested with something? Yes. Kim said we’ll see how long he lasts. But the real Charles was taken over by some demon decades ago. I guess he has lots of company in that skinsuit of his.

By the way, the Breastplate mentioned in the Bible with all the different colored stones was supposed to represent the 12 Tribes of Israel, but like Kim said, when you look at it like this what did they really represent? They inverted everything like they always do is my opinion. In any case, it’s really not a good idea to trick God and be so arrogant! 

What is a Hall?

On the right hand side of the slide she shared, you are having access to the Halls of Amenti. The Hall is a connection from one place to another. So they essentially made a hallway in between each one of these planes that they could control with the dark systems. But not only to prevent you as a person from connecting to your soul plane, they could also have control of your human and the systems for control of your money. So all these colored screens, amber, orange, green, etc. existed in all of your electronics and they also existed within your person, and all organic life actually.

This is why it was so important to replace the ownership of the system, especially the Soul Plane with the Dark Overlord. That’s what they were counting on during the ceremony last weekend.

This Happened After the Atlantian War 250,000 Years Ago

The stones correlated to which Hall you could control and they have existed on this planet for over 250,000 years. This is part of what happened after the Great War or the Atlantian War. And look at all the lovely things on the right side of the graphic they implemented into our person so we could never be a whole person.  

Note: For Lisa Renee’s explanation of the Atlantian Cataclysm, which entailed three events over a long period of time, see Atlantian Cataclysm – Ascension Glossary.

Unnatural Planes of Existence Removed as of 9/9

Now what happened on Monday was extremely important for you has a human, and also in receiving funds that could not be interfered with. Kim spent a lot of time removing these Unnatural Planes of Existence in the system and now since Monday she also removed them from your person. It was completed this morning, September 9, 2022 and then it was sealed.

What Happens When you Have Control over the Full Armor of God?

So now we are in full control over all our Planes of Existence without interference. It has been sealed with what we call the light of God or Armor of God. Now we as humans, our souls are firmly placed in the light. It’s our free will and choice to become all those things that the Breastplate represents in one. It is only up for us from here.

Will We Feel Changes?

We will but it will take time and will depend on how far along each of us are in the awakening process. That connection is going to get easier. We will notice a lot more access to certain things and less interference. The savior program will start to fade away and their power will start to fade away.

Soul Swapping For Last 200 Years

Remember the families never had full access to all the Stones and Halls of Amenti, and they never had a complete understanding of why they had them. They knew about the agreement because Marduk told them and it’s only been in the last 200 years the families started to do this soul swapping because Marduk convinced them to. The purpose was to try and get more dark beings on this planet for control over the planet in time for what expired last weekend, when they thought Lucifer would be in complete control.

About 8,000 People Got Stuck in the Halls

When the transition from the Unnatural Planes of Existence back to the Planes of Existence completed there were around 8,000 people who got stuck in there, in the Halls. Their souls so to speak were all cleared out including their counterparts here, those walking around in that person on the physical plane. That finished up a couple hours ago. Some passed right away and went back to Source. For others it may take up to 3 days to pass depending on how integrated their demon was and what plane level they were at and those types of things. 

Now Down to 4,037 People

We’re already down to 4,037 still walking around. When we say ‘them’ she means those people in the ‘system’. Although the original agreement was made with everyone 250,000 years ago to create the Planes of Existence, the agreement for the Dragon Families to utilize this soul swapping was only made 200 years ago. And even though the Dragon Families have been around for a long period of time we have only so many souls swapped out that are still left. We’ve already gotten rid of Covens and Coven Masters and plenty of ‘Others’ walking this planet for thousands of years who weren’t our friends. They already left or have gone back to Source.  So we have very few left of these Dragon Family members who had done the soul swap. She also mentioned on an aside that there is a special ceremony of taking in a demon that the Dragon families do but the recipient must be over the age of 40.

Zero Left in 72 Hours?

Of the 4,037 that are left Kim expects them to be gone within 72 hours. You can only walk around for so long without any soul. They don’t have either one anymore.

Why Did Prince William Refuse?

Did he see the writing on the wall? Kim said she doesn’t really know. She said he was likely told at a young age he was to be the anti-christ but they won’t kill him because he was too important to them and he knows that. They bred him with the light families and the dark families. Normally they will take you out right away if you against the family but in William’s case they wouldn’t do that.

But nothing would have happened anyway. There is no Omega system, Dark Overlord, or Lucifer. There would have been nothing walking into that body anyway and you can’t trick God. But in their minds they believed the dark was equally as powerful as the light. Is that true? No, of course not because by God’s own admission he deleted that. God gives life and God can take it away.

What’s Next for William?

She doesn’t know what will happen with William. There were discussions going on about keeping the reptilian going as Chuckie for about 6 months. Then the reptilian will convince Chuckie it’s a good idea to bring in Lucifer during their next window of opportunity, which is between now and December 21st.

Do Regular People Have Beings in Them Too?

There is such a thing as possession and they came from the Unnatural Planes of Existence based on your decisions, will you sell your soul here or over there. But the coexistence doesn’t exist anymore. And the people who remain after these 3 days will have to make a decision. They can’t bring one of the demons back. The door to hell so to speak has been sealed off and armed with God. So your choices and decisions are now your own without interference.

No one will interfere adding undo fear in your conscious or sub conscious mind. No one is going to represent Investiture or Royalty in your mind anymore so you’re not going to automatically think you can never talk to this person or that person for example. They ingrained this in your person in the Unnatural Planes of Existence to believe this stuff, like you have to go through them to get to God. All these stones happened to be under temples and churches for a reason. It was because they were using our energy.

Divine Right Timing

Just to be clear, Kim said the Dragon Families never had full possession of the stones, which was always under the control Marduk. He held both of them, the light and the dark and also the rainbow stone. Kim destroyed the dark one but she has had the light one or clear one and the rainbow one for years and didn’t know what to do them. But it’s serendipitous, we’re always one step ahead of them she said because the guidance comes right on time, not before, not after, always right on time.

How did she know to do all that running around regarding the stones on Monday? She admitted she certainly didn’t know exactly at first, but then it became clear. That’s when she and The Enforcer ran all around the planet collecting the stones then used his sophisticated machinery to get rid of them. Then Chuckie started panicking two days prior and they couldn’t hide Queen Lizardbeth’s death anymore. They really thought they were going to get control with the Blue Stone and have control over the Mental plane. Well, it’s becoming very obvious they don’t have God on their side, and they will never return to power.

So there is likely going to be more masked men and women running around the planet in a few days. Remember agencies run politicians. Will they decide to work with us and move on with the Restoration of our planet, or will they be ordering more masks and doing podcasts? Time will tell.

How lucky are we to be living during these times and learning what is really going on while it’s all happening!


Source: Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis: Amenti – Ascension Glossary

The halls of Amenti is a time portal passage that holds the race Blueprint field that would allow the fragmented Angelic Human souls to eventually re-evolve back into its original divine blueprint as a 12D Krystal being. The halls of Amenti are six time portal passages that are dimensional pathways to leave this 3D Earth system. In these “Halls” there are large bound holographic books with all of the hidden human history and where written historical records are kept. You can ask for guidance to the most pertinent information for you at this present time and read the book with your life mission and blueprint inside it. Not all of us will be granted access to the HALL, you must have earned it with sincere inquiry of your soul or past lifetimes of access that have demonstrated your purity to your soul purpose.
Lyran Sirian contact expressed that those responsible to guard and protect humanities genetic records and hidden histories were primarily ambassadors of the Sirian administration councils. The Sirian Lodge is a Hall which oversaw the 6D networks which acted as the portal for Star and Indigo Races to incarnate on the earth plane through the Amenti halls. This Lyran-Sirian administrative body created the Azurite council for the sole purpose of a collective team to support the human embodiment of the Jesus Christ or Yeshua Mission to repair these networks and secure the Amenti field. The Azurites were assigned primary responsibility for the carrying out of the Covenant of Paliador which is to recover the lost souls of Tara.
Three embodiments were always used to hold the tone sequence in matter, base, overtone, resonator, or positive, negative, neutral. The Azurite task force was created to protect, build and guard the Stargates on earth from 1D-5D. This failed, thus, the inner gates of Amenti were sealed and LR was disbanded from the Azurite teams in early 2004. Internal conflicts remained and some former members defected.

12 Tribes
The original 12 Tribes were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier to recover during the Ascension Cycle when the Halls of Amenti were opened. The Luciferian Covenant was formed as a result of the earlier war of the Luciferian Rebellion, which was designed to divide and conquer the human tribes through intruder alliances of the NAA. This was to ensure the inner stargates, the Sphere of Amenti, and the Arc Portal Passages would be effectively damaged in order to ensure the failure of the recovery mission known as the Covenant of Paliador.

Rise of Paliadorians
The Paliadorians are the Sphere of Amenti consciousness that can provide the Krystal host matrix template for all disembodied or fragmented consciousness in the lower systems, to be able to inhabit a body that allows that consciousness to continue an evolutionary journey that is capable of ascension and biological consciousness expansion. Apparently in this lower realm, the main issue has been disembodied consciousness that has become parasitic in order to survive, and has not had any option for embodiment so that it could evolve into something higher. The Paliadorians can build new bodies for those who are disembodied, so that they can evolve and be transited out of the phantom underworlds. However, in order to receive an ascending body, the consciousness must be willing to renounce parasitism and accept rehabilitation into another location through the Guardian Host.[1]
Essentially, the Paliadorians placed instruction sets in the earth core so that souls trapped from the Taran explosion could manifest by incarnating in the third dimension or first Harmonic Universe.

Egyptian Timelines
The last civilization to know about the Halls of Amenti and the Sphere of Amenti purpose for holding the morphogenetic imprint for the silicate matrix and evolution for all the angelic human tribes were the Egyptians, who carried this ancient knowledge after the grid networks and records were destroyed as a result of the Atlantian Cataclysm.

Related Posts Based on Kim’s Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me

4 thoughts on “About the Death of Queen Lizardbeth | What the CROWN Really Means | Ending the Halls of Amenti, the Unnatural Planes of Existence | Prince William Declines Hosting Lucifer | It’s All About Divine Right Timing”

  1. Wow you must be burning the midnight oil to get these reports out in such a timely fashion, Pam! Thanks once again for doing this important work.
    I will need to read and re-read this one several times to try and understand it but surely it must be the most important of all that you have published so far in its implications for the continued existence of the human race here on Planet Earth.
    I am not feeling ecstatic just yet as there is probably still more residual rubbish to wade through but I am so looking forward to the day when I can wake up and feel as though there has been real change on the Planet and the positive stuff happening in the upper echelons is finally having an impact on our day to day existence. I am so looking forward to that!
    We all owe a big debt of gratitude to Kim, the Enforcer and the rest of her team.

    1. OMG! I am burning the midnight oil! My eyes are so blurry by the end of the day I can’t see straight. LOL! Those coffees really are coming in handy!

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