This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 09-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim let’s us know what is happening behind the scenes as the crazies continue on the same path trying to get World War III going, some kind of control of the financial system. They are also intent on killing or at least harming as many of us as possible with negative frequencies. More fun stuff folks.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

09-AUG-24 NEWS (
Port Explosion in China
The was a port explosion in China which was allegedly a Taiwan ship carrying some hazardous materials that just happened to explode within the last 48 hours. As you know there are definitely tensions between China and Taiwan being provoked by the deep state. The fact it was a Taiwanese ship is not surprising to me. China is looking for a World War on the cheap, so no surprise they would orchestrate this just in case there was a big payout today, then they would be able to increase the tensions between China and Taiwan. That’s what I believe is happening behind the scenes.

Now we’ll be going back and forth in history during this report because it appears they are running the same operations they have run throughout the last several decades.
Megaquake Warning in Japan
In Japan there is a megaquake warning now as the Nankai Trough area off the coast was having a 7.1 earthquake. This was also a similar region that sparked the earthquake and caused the tsunami in 2011. Are they looking to create the same situation? It’s possible. Will they be able to create it again? Highly doubtful. There was always alien technology throughout the Teutonic plates in the ring of Fire and they are trying to trigger these things that don’t exist anymore. There were also disturbances over in California in the area on the San Andreas fault line as well, and we reported that in last broadcast. So, it appears they would like a massive earthquake. But like I said, we experienced some things from this Lion’s Gate that we have not experienced in the past and the technology was not from this planet, but I think the Deep State is hoping something will happen to this magnitude. So again, we’ve gone back to 2011.
Reference: Japan’s Nankai Trough earthquake advisory: 5 things to know – Nikkei Asia
Al-Qaeda and ISIS Have Reappeared
Now we’re going back to the early 90s to early 2000s with the reappearance allegedly of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, both were an American creation. A Taylor Swift concert was cancelled in Vienna because they found items that have been linked to these groups. Apparently, the deep state would like to revive them, however in this case there might be something to this story they are telling as far as the cancellation of the concert.
Reference: Taylor Swift terror plot linked to ISIS: Are they still a threat? (
Erik Prince, Alive and Well is Running a Lot of Military Operations
In the last 48 hours we have spotted top person from Frontier which is really Blackwater. They say Blackwater is no longer, but Erik Prince is still alive and well and running a lot of military operations. He’s also been spotted in other places where we’ve seen situations going on. For instance, some of his associates have been seen in Bangladesh, where there is a current coup. They were seen in Venezuela no so long ago, where there was also a coup. Now he is in Syria, so we are definitely expecting to see something happen in that region.
I do know they are heavily backed by the Chinese deep state and Chinese government. There are a lot of Chinese government corporations that are behind Frontier. Although, Erik Prince is not the CEO anymore allegedly, because of some things that happened during the Trump Administration, but he is still very active in the manipulation of global affairs on behalf of whoever hires him. I do know there are substantial campaign donations on behalf of the non-existent orange person from the past and the present from this group.
I have seen a lot of talk between some Saudi Arabian royals in this group as well. I’ve also seen some talk with Al Sadir, which is a well-known Iraqi Sadrist group, and a very large group in the region. I’m not exactly sure thus far the result of that as I haven’t gotten all the phone conversations between these two groups.
Another group that has come into play is called Allied Universal: Security Services, Systems and Solutions ( They look unassuming, as they look like they do school and event security. But it appears they have a lot of ties and have been very busy worldwide. Not long ago they bought out a group called G4S Global which was comparable to Blackwater in its day, and they appear to be expanding their global roots. They have ties to groups like the Council on Foreign Relations (, the Heritage Group (, of which Henry Kissinger was a well-known member, and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (
They do have some reaches and involvement in what has happened recently in the Gaza Strip with Israel. They seem to be more involved with Israel at the moment than with other Middle Eastern countries. They’ve made a lot of trips in the last few years to Kazakhstan which is close to Ukraine, and it seems that officials from both sides of that war have been have meetings with these folks. So, I don’t know if you would consider them right or left. They hit the radar and I was wondering who is the G4S, because of talks with people from G4S and some representatives from Frontier. It led me to the Allied Universal folks and what they have been involved in. They appear to have some money behind them, although I wouldn’t call it significant, not enough to cause a World War but enough to cause a lot of disruptions. They do have some relationships with the Texas Ranges and have offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Texas Rangers and some other groups are known to make a lot of money off a lot of things that cross the border. At this point there is a lot more research to be done and we’ll see what else we can find in that arena.
SSP-Trump Operatives and Crypto Focused LGbank
There is a bank not based out of Dubai but is in Dubai called LGbank and they are crypto focused bank. That might be true, but they are also involved in a lot of other things. Their origin is out of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. They do have a registration in the British Virgin Islands but consider themselves a global bank.

Infamous Pallets of Fake Cash Surface Yet Again
They have a lot of registrations, and it appears talks started around November 2023 between the crypto focused SSP Trump operatives and members of this bank. I do have some signed documents that I have received that also involves the Federal Reserve dating back to 2023.

These documents seem to be related to lots of pallets of cash found in a warehouse in the Middle East and the ridiculous amount of C130s flying all around the Middle East which now is transporting those pallets of cash. One pallet equals about $100 million, and they are flying all over the place. There are several in the UAE that have pallets of cash, and it has come to our attention that other countries like Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Lebanon do too.
To bring you way back in history, the Lebanese President who allowed for the bombing there years ago still has been unable to spend his $100 million that he was given in the 1980s. The Iranians are still trying to cash their pallets from their 1979 coup. There are also pallets of cash in Saudi Arabia that date back to Desert Storm that they’ve been unsuccessful in using. The list goes on and on. I am also starting to see pallets of cash surface in and around Malaysia and the Philippines.

The Deep State Thinks the Philippines Holds All the World’s Gold
The Philippines, in the words of the Cabal is probably the headquarters for where they think all the gold in the world is, and all the cash, trinkets and artifacts. They believe there is billions of metric tons of gold in the country, but that is not actually the case.
Former Pindar Ferdinand Marcos
The stories you hear about Ferdinand Marcos are not entirely true, aside from the fact he held the position of Pindar, which means he was the head trustee for the Order of the Dragon for a while. He did write a proposal for the Order while in jail which landed him the position of Pindar for cross-collateralization of inground assets and how they could possibly use them to back the financial system. Once he got the position of Pindar, then we went off the gold standard and the rest is history. But they consider that to be momentous enough to have him as the leader of their group.
Marcos Gold, Fool’s Gold
As far as the Philippines is concerned you always have folks from the Federal Reserve and US military there all the time, and they are always trying to convince their people they need to give up their gold, which they don’t even have most of the time. There is not a whole lot of real gold there, not enough to support a country and certainly not enough to support the world. There are some mines and some other things that are there. But some of the trinkets from days of old in bunkers which are historical assets and is tungsten, it’s well disguised but it’s tungsten which they use as fool’s gold in the Philippines and other places in the world. You can look up Marcos Gold and you see all these pictures of Marcos gold that allegedly has been given to Saudi Arabia, Dubai has some, and there are pictures of Iraq with all these bars of gold they allegedly have, Thailand too. But a lot of it has been changed out. It’s the same scam they run with the Gemological Institute when they certify large amounts of gems or diamonds. Once they are cut you run the risk of getting a replacement for that actual stone, if it is something that could be used in some sort of a technology that is more advanced than anything you’ve ever seen on the market. This would be SSP or ‘Others-Non-Human’ technologies.
Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud, The Operatives Piggy Bank
But there has also been another person I attempted to do some business with over a decade ago, and I say attempted loosely. An interesting guy, his name is Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud. He’s from the Saudi Arabian Royal Family. He is half Lebanese and a cousin of Mayer Rothschild, as is the entire Saudi Arabian family. But this particular man is known in the past to have shares in Citibank and makes a lot of investments on behalf of the family. He’s very eccentric behind the scenes so there is a lot of dirt on him that the operatives who worked with him have. And they have decided over the last several months to call in a lot of favors to keep that dirt from coming out, so they’ve been using him a their personal piggybank for some time.
Public investments this man has made are to people like Elon Musk for his X-AI program he wants to launch to the tune of $24 billion, that’s what they claim. That was the public announcement. Non-public announcements would be investments in destroying the Central Bank of Lebanon not that long ago. He definitely bribed and paid off a lot of Lebanese officials to pull off that task. He also has some ties to the Hezbollah and some other groups. And he is more than willing to pay, on behalf of the operative groups who run him for those weapons that they acquire from American war dog companies. So that being said, he’s been participating a lot in what is happening there in the region and I’m not surprised.

Note: Above excerpt from the following post, Generals Send New Handler to Dupe Kim but Lose Credibility Instead | Marduk’s Old Plan 7 Settlement Institutions & 7 Currencies Plan is Wingnuts New Plan | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) | Northrup Grumman’s Joint All Domain Command Control Technique (JADC2) | Where Does Hong Kong Fit in? | 2 Queens Waiting in the Wings? | Status of Kim’s Offer to BlackRock | Just Empower Me
VP Pence and Mexican President AMLO’s Accounts Holding Profits From Human Trafficking at Santander Bank
Speaking of funding terrorists and how they go about it. We found out something really interesting in the last 48 hours. It’s a well-known fact the US military is having a tough time funding their situation they created and participated in. So are some high-level generals who participated having a hard time performing in the Global Headquarters, and they are not only American but from all around the world. They were expecting of course big windfalls and all this tech coming back to them, but it’s been waylaid and delayed. But there’s been a lot of promises to operatives and people who move weapons and things to get this World War III started so they have to come up with some money pretty quick. Well they came up with a little scam amongst themselves.
They sent some cannon fodder to Santander Bank in Mexico with a letter of credit that was originally signed by the ex-president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro and involved the then ex-Vice President Pence. So, he takes this letter of credit by Bolensaro who is also an investor in this LGbank, the crypto bank in the Middle East. They take this letter of credit to Santander Bank and says it’s on behalf of Pence.
If you’ve been watching for awhile, you will know there are people playing Pence and Mnuchin, they are not the real people and we’re not sure who they are. But they asked to receive some funds directly from an account Pence had at Santander Bank. Now that account has been dormant for awhile because there was nobody to withdraw the funds and they didn’t want to increase the heat at that particular institution because there are a lot of high-profile people who bank there not only in Mexico but in Spain and other locations. Now this account had quite a lot of funds that belonged to Mike Pence under a company name. The other party who was getting an equal amount of funds was the Mexican President AMLO, or Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
So, this cannon fodder person is an American Military person who was going down there, and he has both American and Mexican citizenship. Apparently, there were some pre-arrangements made by higher ranking generals and other folks who were involved in this deal, and they were allowed to walk out with $1.5 million which was wired to an account at PNC bank in the US. It was wired to General Ratcliff (I think it may be this guy John Ratcliffe). Then what they wanted to do was take the old letters of credit from last weekend’s scam, which I told you was $880 trillion in letters of credit that went nowhere. But they thought they could then get the rest of the money in this account to the tune of $678 billion. However, that account suddenly disappeared, and it doesn’t look like Radcliff is able to bank at PNC either. Santander Bank has been notified of the fraud. I don’t expect them to do anything because Santander bank is involved in a lot of illegal things like most big banks. But they hosted the account for Pence and AMLO which affords them 10% of profitability of all human trafficking coming through the Mexican border. So that $678 billion was only from Trump’s last year in office, so 2019 until now. And that was only half of the 10% because AMLO had the other half. You can see how many people are coming across the border and how profitable it is. And there might have been some smaller accounts for operatives or other groups that were involved in facilitating the human trafficking across the border.
So, for those who like to think the Republican party, aka orange people would like to stop human trafficking and put up that wall, think again. They would actually like to funnel it so they can control all the traffic across the border because they were making a hefty profit during the entire Administration.
I know the name of the guy they threw in jail and used as cannon fodder, who made the deal between AMLO and Pence. I guess that was their attempt to get some cash together to blow up the Middle East.
Note: Related posts on ex-VP Pence,
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2. Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity | Just Empower Me
Lion’s Gate 8-8 Did Not Bear Fruits of Demons Like They Hoped
Yesterday was 8/8 they felt that was a significant day for them and they should be making enormous amounts of cash today. But so far, we haven’t seen a whole lot going on in the Middle East. I see a lot of preparations like the explosion which just happens to involve Taiwan, issues in Japan, and they are talking about a Civil War in the US. But now they don’t want a Civil War, but possibly civil unrest would be good though. They feel if there is a Civil War it would shut down all the commerce which would hurt all the deep state companies that operate out of the US because they import/export an awful lot. So they are talking about possible civil unrest now instead. But I’m not sure how much more restless Americans can get when you have one guy telling all the patriots to get their guns and fight, fight, fight. So they got maybe 80-100 million people all riled up and ready to go. Great job SSP or whatever is left of you Duck Dynasty people, way to destroy your own country that you allegedly convinced the world you are a patriot of. But again, it doesn’t look like they’ll have enough cash to pull it off. Today was another pay day and none came. Lion’s Gate did not bear fruits of demons like they hoped. So like they usually do we anticipate them hacking all weekend.
On our side of it, things are going very well, we have a lot of things very clear as far the Gate and Source current which is what we were looking forward to. And we don’t have any of those old agreements anymore. There is some minimal stuff that fades out, we’re seeing things coming through gray or light gray as faded dust so to speak, because of the light coming in from Source.
Deep State Has Been Sending Out Lots of Negative Frequencies
They have been an extra concerted effort on their part to send out a lot of negative frequencies. Whether that is through regular military equipment and/or SSP equipment, and they are really focused on sending them out to humans. We’ve seen a lot of weird disease being sent out. I will say this, until we find every last place on the planet where they were sending these dark frequencies, and we’re up to 432 places today, I would suggest you take notice. If you start feeling anxious, that is one thing, or have an abnormal histamine response. In that case I would say take a few moments to breath through it and put up your own frequency shield and amplify it by doing something that makes you happy to really ramp up that frequency in your person. If it goes away you will know it was a frequency that comes out against humans. Remember these people would like all us all dead and off this planet if they had their way because they would like to control the collective consciousness of only dark folks, aka them and their brood. So be ever mindful this weekend. We are going as fast as we can. But remember, because they are coming after us you have the right to defend the life of an innocent always, even under Source Law, so keep that in mind. You are not as powerless as you think. You can fight frequencies and have the ability to fix it, especially now with more direct Source connection. So, you can keep it from manifesting into a physical illness.
Wrapping Up
For the most part today, the deep state has been a hack-o-rama. I’ve seen many operatives I have personally spoken too involved in a lot of hacking, trying to revive old grids, really doing some detecting to see what is going on with the Lion’s Gate, trying to install Trump bucks or insert fake currency here, working with the LG crypto bank using pallets of cash as backing to various crypto currencies. I don’t know what their plan is from there on out though, issue new world currencies on crypto, even though they are against it of course when they do their YouTube channels. But I’m sure by morning I highly doubt there will anything left of those pallets of cash in those warehouses, and I don’t know how this bank is going to function after that either, so I guess you could say that’s pretty much what has been going on.
This frequency thing was a bigger concern of ours, more so than this money laundering thing which has been going on for a long time. At least we’re putting some perspective on how this then escalates into war if it’s not stopped. The war can only change with 2 different things, an Act of God or money, and these people manipulate the world with money, with fear with greed. They have destroyed nations and have killed billions since they have been on or around this planet, both humans and non-humans for their own benefit. Believe it or not, the reason why they do it is to save their own soul, to earn credits in hell. Anyway, that’s probably a long soul contract story for another day. How the deep state soul contracts differ from ours, the ones they committed us to anyway, at least the non-humans did.
That’s it for the 9th of August and hopefully if we stay diligent, we’ll make it through this Lion’s Gate which ends on the 12th. But the Q crew is saying it will end on the Blue Moon which is 10 days from now. But from our standpoint, I’m just looking forward to a world where we are restoring the planet and don’t have to consider these people as a threat anymore.
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Wouldn’t that be nice….exactly when are they gonna run out of cash? Or stop hacking? Or stop anything they try? Everytime Kim wishes this, they come up with something else.
We all know this is all going to keep going at least till the end of the year. I don’t know how Kim can think that this will be it because it hasn’t stopped them before.
I certainly would love to have a button to just push and all the bad actors go poof!
It’s probably a good idea to just forget about it all and just live our lives the best we can. We got the Q white hats constantly yelling emergency and EBS and today JFKjr just enacted Gesara….LOL, yea, I thought Trump already did that. It boggles my mind why people keep holding onto hope this will ever work out for them.
The Trump Jesus meme was too funny though. guess if nothing else we got a good laugh out of it.
thanks for the report and all the hard work!
Thank your Muse.
You have studied Keylontic Science by Ashayana Deane and the info from Lisa Renée so then you must also know that Kim works in a black whole quarantine system and that her info about there being 9 densities and God living in D 9 is nonsense. This whole 15D time matrix system is black whole system and in quarantaine. The Yunasai (Almighjty Creator) is outside this 15d system.
So then you should also know that the only way out of this is not to wait till Kim solves problems with deepstate people and or negative aliens but to heal ourselves. I quite believe Kim is right about political info and I particularly appreciate her efforts to save us from the dark practices of these parasites. But it is like carrying water to the sea.
Her information about the Universe is far from correct. It is interesting though to learn how she tries to defeat the parasites but when one parasite is dead then another one rises. So it is pointless to wait for Kim to save us humans. The only one who can save You is You.
Here you can learn how.
Thank you for posting the world SITREP from Kim. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you to Kim and Team for shutting down the Archivists–they had to go, thank God it’s done. See August 12 situation report.