This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 18, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this update Kim confirms no aliens came and no financial windfall happened. I’m sure you’re all stunned. But the non-event did lead to some fact-finding missions yesterday that she explains. She sheds even more light on what has been driving the different agendas within those Italian families of the Silent Circle. Yet another mis-informed person dared to appoint himself Black Dragon.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Meetings Taking Place
A closed-door meeting went on with the Federal Reserve and they are expecting some changes to happen. No details were given but Kim was told to expect to see some things and some movement from the Fed in the next 24-48 hours. She isn’t holding her breath there.
There was also a meeting within the Military on Sunday. Everyone is starting to question things and there are still some nay-sayers among them.
A much higher-level meeting between the higher-ranking operatives and the Silent Circle also took place. The Silent Circle presented them with new information they have recently found and basically told them Kim is telling them the truth and there needs to be some changes.
Silent Circle Update
Kim shares even more about why those few families within the Silent Circle did not want to comply.
It turns out a person from one of these Black Nobility Italian families has been driving a lot of different agendas around the world behind the scenes. He believed the aliens were coming and he was very close to the head of the Silent Circle’s father. The father was not a good guy at all. He was very familiar with the Abraxas and probably partnered with them, and this is where things get confusing for all those who work for them because nobody knows who is pulling the strings.
Mr. Nay-sayer Filled Black Dragon Slot, So He Thinks
When the father passed away several months back, this guy she referred to as the nay-sayer kind of took the reins and was sort of playing his role. He did buy into to some of the esoteric knowledge passed down from the father and this is the reason today has been crazy. This father was also the Black Dragon which is probably why he passed is my guess.
Operatives Worldwide Awaiting His Rep’s Phone Call
A worldwide meeting has been called by this Mr. Nay-sayer over there in Italy. He currently has political operatives, Fed Reserve operatives, Treasury Operatives and even as far down as Trump operatives all sitting in various zones around the world, much like the Durango zone waiting for a phone call from a representative in Washington DC. This representative also works with the Federal Reserve, but the call was supposed to happen around noon EST and it has not happened yet. The reason why is because Mr. Nay-sayer has recently verified a lot of information Kim sent to the right phone last week. He personally sent people out to various locations that Kim listed and they reported back there is nothing there anymore. 99% of what Kim sent him to verify has been confirmed, therefore, the person in DC is waiting for the call from a rep to tell him what to tell everybody.
It’s rank and file in the Order as we know. You have your higher-level ranking operatives and then your lower-level ones who are the fixers, freelancers, political fixers that she talked about last time, and that lower level is who is waiting for this call. Everyone else already heard the information yesterday and were given the opportunity to verify it.
What does she expect to happen?
Mr. Nay-sayer Perplexed How Kim, A Woman, by Herself Ran All Her Operations
Mr. Nay-saver is a little shocked and probably a little afraid of Kim, and he should be. In their world Kim, who has done what he just verified is an oddity because women don’t do these kinds of things in their world. They do have women who participate to various degrees, as operatives, cyber people, and they always have beautiful women who get information from men. They do have those types in those roles, but none would be in the position Kim has. In the Order that would be totally unacceptable.
The other shocking thing for him is he doesn’t understand how she does this. She said there are people that have been scouting around her house looking for telecom equipment that could run a Key Intelligence and Military system. But quantum systems work differently so they aren’t going to find a phone line or anything like that. Mr. Nay-sayer and company just don’t understand why the information she gave them comes back correct. It’s very confusing to them how she does what she does and they are trying to trace it back to her in Colorado. 50-100 people have arrived there just in the last 3 hours and she said it’s not the only zone in the world crowded right now. So that is lot of people running operations counter to Kim and Kim is just one person. She has a few people who help her, but nothing like they have.
We talk about Trump operatives doing this and others running other things but the person ordering all that of late traces back to Mr. Nay-sayer, who kept himself pretty well hidden. It was on his orders that we have this war in Israel. He has been ordering the military people in the Pentagon, GCHQ, had many calls to the Kremlin and was running the Ukraine War, those types of things. He has definitely been the linchpin behind these people so far.
‘White Hat’ Operatives Find Out They Were Promoting Dark Agenda
How Mr. Nay-sayer operates.
There is probably about 2 or 3 layers between this guy and most operatives. A person was sent to Africa to verify what Kim has talked about regarding Mount Kilimanjaro and this person has told other people in the alt media where he is located. I assume Kim is referring to Anu and what went down there in July 2023. She didn’t go into specifics so I’m filling in the gap regarding what I think she is referring to.
Did this person sent to Mount Kilimanjaro know who sent him? Nope, but he thought he was doing something for the patriot community. Also, as part of the meeting among the higher-end ‘white hat’ operatives who are 1-2 layers below this guy who knows Mr. Nay-sayer by a code name likely, is the realization they were promoting a dark agenda for quite a long time and not the ‘white hats’ they thought they were. Now among all these zones worldwide there are a lot of very angry people who have come in guns a blazing. These are the guys on the opposite side of us so Kim is Dr. Evil. They don’t understand how things are working, they just know that Kim is taking out the ‘white hat’ agenda which is completely the opposite. They just don’t know who they are working for.
Decision Time for Mr. Nay-sayer and Self-Appointed Black Dragon
Kim is waiting for Mr. Nay-sayer to decide to make the phone call. He is waiting to verify one more location as far as she can tell. He has people in the old Senior Executive Services (SES) facility under Manhattan and they are looking for a signal, or portal, or any remnant left in that facility before making the phone call. He’s already been in contact with those operatives 2 layers back who reported there is nothing there. She is guessing within the next hour they will get that phone call and eventually it will get to his representative in Washington DC who is supposed to call these people.
Will Mr. Nay-sayer realize Kim has done all she claimed, or will he still promote this agenda with no money? He is kind of at the point where the rest of the families he does business with don’t want to talk to him anymore. He has lied and told people he is the Black Dragon, which is the most powerful position within the Order of the Black Sun. Yes, he’s been pulling all the strings and has esoteric knowledge of when aliens are supposed to come, he feels like he has a lot of information, therefore he stepped into the shoes of the Black Dragon who passed away and expects he should have that entire network at his disposal. The Black Dragon who passed away would have never told him he wasn’t in charge, so Kim said she can understand why he would think that. And he believes he’s fighting the Order of the Dragon, the Kazazian Mafia to dominate the world, he’s still on that agenda. This whole story line about the blackout, 10 days of chaos, the Q-clock, etc. can all be traced back to this Mr. Nay-sayer. There is an entire pyramid with hundreds of thousands of operatives worldwide that all goes back to this guy.
The best-case scenario is he figures out his predecessor was not in charge because that has changed and he will fall into ranks and work with Kim. Everyone can make good money and he’s on her agenda now. Or he continues his agenda and ends up being no longer with us. If that happens, the next 5 down in the rank are likely to fill the void and the whole pyramid will have to be dismantled which is the longer road.
Kim said she is watching him in real-time from her Key Intelligence and Monitoring System and he’s not looking so good, he might need a change of underwear. I guess that’s because the war he started in Israel is running up bills for trillions and he had the treasury issue hundreds of billions he can’t cash or pay. He has debts all over the world mounting around $80-90 trillion and he’s stuck. This Black Nobility Mr. Nay-sayer guy has 2 options now. He can call Kim to get him out of his mess or he leaves this planet like every other Black Dragon before him who thinks he works for the Abraxas and should be important.
What About the Rothschilds?
July of last year is when Mr. Nay-sayer’s predecessor allegedly joined back with the Rothschild family. And one of the bones of contention was the Rothschilds were claiming they had a 5-year extension that didn’t end until the end of Hannukah 2023, which was a lie and Kim talked about in previous broadcasts. But the 15th just so happens to also be the countdown on the Q-clock, the last day of Hannukah. So, think about the chain of events here.
He knew he was going to take over and he knew that job was free to takeover as of the end of their 5-year extension, and his predecessor made agreements with the Rothschilds to let them have some power if they did this and that. So, he was just waiting for a prime moment to take the job, which didn’t rear its ugly head until this weekend. Not to say Mr. Nay-sayer wasn’t involved in running all the operations per the Rothschilds wishes. Remember the final battle is in Israel, the gates of hell are in Tel Aviv and Anu is coming back to appoint them as Guardian. These moves all look like old Rothschild texts and remember they are Draconian splices. But when that didn’t happen, he thought now he’s up. He played the game, the Q clock said Anu is returning but now we’re in charge.
The Spaceship and Financial Windfall That Never Came
Did anyone believe the cloaked spaceship arrived over the weekend? Probably not. The Treasury knew no money came because they were promised lots of personal bonuses which they haven’t received since 2019 when Kim, via the Global Repository funded the government and paid the budget.
Now Congress is allegedly trying to put forth a $4.2 trillion budget. That’s not happening, but now Kim knows where it’s coming from. Mr. Nay-sayer behind the scenes was telling them they are ‘white hats’ and they are getting big bonuses. In fact, they were all called back into work today when Friday was supposed to be their last day before the holidays. At this moment, they are all sitting around looking at a blank screen waiting for the representative who is three layers down from Mr. Nay-sayer to come to the phone. These people will wait as long as he tells them too because he owns them like dogs.
Legion of Angels Update
The Legions were busy in Colorado Springs last week but they have been more focused on the neutrinos coming in, making sure they didn’t miss anything like portals opening, any mechanisms that could still be around, because that’s the stuff that can really harm us. Not to say these crazy non-repairable people can’t, but you have to choose your battles and their job here is to make sure we are fully reconnected back to the Creator, the planet is and the universe is back in line. And if anyone gets in the way, they go away. They are here to protect Humanity, but in a way you might not always understand.
It’s touch and go now. But at least Kim knows why everyone in the world is doing what they are doing. It’s because of one guy’s misinformation.
Wednesday’s broadcast should be interesting.
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