This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 31 JAN 24 NEWS ( In this update Kim confirms the release of the Anti-Silent Circle operatives. More big news is we may finally see an end to being sprayed like bugs. The source of chemtrails may have been found and it was run by a single guy who is now no longer with us. Other discoveries include other ways humans were re-collateralized and more.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

The Black Nobility or Anti-Silent Circle Released Their Operatives
The last time we talked there were a lot of operatives that were had been released and then we were waiting to see if the Order of the Black Nobility released their downline. It turns out they had Monday afternoon. But that doesn’t mean they have given up completely though. They’re still looking for some way to regain some kind of control. They’re not trying to control their downline right now but they’re definitely looking to see if there’s any options.
So after this release of all of the assets there’s been a lot of conversations happening between operatives worldwide. It seems to be that most of them are ready to move forward, ready to do something different. They feel like they are free agents now. The way the system worked is on this level there were certain operatives that would have overseen certain areas, so they would have been like a Handler to even the Pentagon or a Handler to GCHQ or a Handler for other Countries, Agencies or Militaries on behalf of the Order of the Black Sun. Before they would relay the orders or orchestrate things via militaries worldwide directly with the militaries or agencies. These would be people to include but not limited to Langley 5 and some others on that level, and the operatives that work for them. So, as they were having talks yesterday afternoon, this is when they had scheduled a worldwide meeting.
Newly Freed Agents Hold Worldwide Operative Meeting
Initially it was just little groups here and groups in other locations around the world were having their own internal meetings on what does this mean and where do we want to go because it’s a little bit shaky in that sense. And while they were having their worldwide meeting in pops Rothschild’s Representatives. Yes, Monarch Military and they came on singing songs of sunshine and that we understand you’ve been left in the cold by your former organization but we’re here to help you. They offered them all kinds of big money and wonderful dreams of partnership, not controlling but a partnership. We could be real Partners now and all of these types of things. But the operatives basically came back and said okay, well that sounds all lovely, that is amazing and when will we be receiving all of this? They promised them by midnight on Friday they would receive all of this. The operatives are like okay well what’s a couple of days.
Now they kind of feel they are a commodity out there in the market. So yesterday evening I got a phone call and I wouldn’t say it was from someone that’s directly involved but someone that’s indirectly involved with these people and they started asking questions like, what are we going to offer? Are we going to be able to pay them? Those kinds of things and I felt like I was buying a used car. I said well, let me figure out what’s going on here, and I did kind of figure out what game the operatives were playing and what game the Rothschilds were playing through the course of a lot of investigating and listening to a lot of phone calls last night and this morning.
Rothschilds Try to Sweep in and Acquire Operatives
I can’t really disclose 100% as to what everyone is trying to do but the Rothschilds did exactly what I thought they were going to do. They are so predictable. I mean I was just waiting until that happened. They just decided that they were going to cut out the middleman and not pay those people whether it’s the Black Nobility or it’s the SSP on the other side, the handlers of all handlers so to speak, or the Anti-Silent Circle, and they could just go direct to the operatives. They figured they could save themselves some money, but in reality, where were they going to get this money?
Where Did Rothschild Try to Get the Money to Pay for The Operatives?
Here was the plan. If you were watching worldwide markets today you probably noticed a little bit of a dip in the beginning as the markets opened. Their intention was to drain all the money out of the stock markets and use that money to pay the operatives. However, that’s kind of a flawed model. It’s like me raiding my change jar and hoping to buy a new car, my jar is not that big guys and I’m sure their jar is not that big these days either because there were a lot of margin calls. Those margin accounts which are utilized to predominantly buy a significant portion of stocks and bonds on behalf of hedge funds and Banks and other groups just aren’t there anymore so there’s not a whole lot of real money in the markets right now. If you have a pension fund or something like that or you’re investing in the markets it’s nothing to do with you personally, I’m talking about they need hundreds of billions of dollars to even get started with these guys. And even if they did that, the things they would order them to do also cost significant money, such as running of governments worldwide. Everybody is in the hole. If we were just to take the United Kingdom, the European Union, China, and the US, just those places alone you would be talking about trillions of dollars that are needed to make those operations happen. Not only that, the world war that they would like to have in the Greater Israel Project, that would also cost hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars. It’s kind of a flawed model, but they probably figured they could get enough to keep them on the hook but still then what are you going to have them do.
They don’t think of the next step, it’s just kick the can down the road a little bit and these guys are well aware of it. Now when I say operatives, I’m not just talking about your Jason Bourne kind of guys, there’s those guys in there too, but there’s also financial operatives. These are the ones that are in the compliance divisions of banks, that work in the back office of banks, that run all the politicians and there are millions of them, we’re not just talking about a group of 10 people here. We’re talking about millions of people worldwide that have been promised big money to do big things, who have gotten the job done to a degree right or wrong and have not gotten paid. And Rothschilds representative from Monarch Military said that they would like them to get started immediately though of course and not wait until Friday night when they get paid and they absolutely answered back with a resounding no. So good for them.
Kim is Throwing Her Hat in the Game
There’s going to be a little operation. I announced this morning to the right people on the right phones that I’m going to play on the side of the operatives because I can see what the rotten Rothschild children are doing. I can’t stand them anyway and they hate me, this is a mutual thing and I know they don’t have any capacity to perform this function and really truthfully if they did, where would the operatives be from there on out. They kind of just lost their freedom because they’re right back with the same crazy people that a few layers away we’re ruling them in the first place. So, I am going to play the game, I’m going to get involved there and I’m going to play it right. And the Rothschilds will not be getting any money out of the markets and even if they did it would have been a pittance because you’re talking millions of people.
Prevented Further Dip in the Markets Today
Sunny: You said Kim that there was a dip in the market, did you have to do something to prevent it from going down further?
Yes, there was an old communication line that they were using not only for the US market but it went to other markets. It was a byproduct of a program that wasn’t really functioning anymore, but they still had a communication line that was left there where they could reach in. I call them a pin because it’s like attaching a line to something. It initially came from a program under ECHELON called Stingray. Now Stingray was sold to every market worldwide, it was an NSA program, almost like a security or protection software, kind of like McAfee and Norton for your computer. And since security equals control, they had implemented a few back doors into the markets and the Rothschild family et al and Monarch had found them. Removing that comm line should stop them from doing that unless it’s a natural occurrence, which means the markets are out of money. But they were using that line to prop up the markets and also wanted to use that line to crash the markets.
Rothschild Likely to Go After Crypto Market Next
The next move I believe they’re going to try is to go after cryptocurrencies and the real money that’s left in the crypto-markets. So we’re already on that this afternoon just in case. I’m not a fan of cryptocurrency anyway, I’ve told you that. The NSA, DARPA and the SSP hold all the node keys for those, they could rip that peer-to-peer blockchain network right out from underneath you at any given moment. They use it for operational funds. You make an investment and if it’s a significant investment you might only have access to 10% or 20% maybe 15% of your funds. If you’re a small investor they could care less about you, you are kind of pushed to the side, they might take pennies out of you or they’ll do a big dip in the market. You’ll see that happen a lot. It’ll go up to $60,000 of Bitcoin and then down to like $30 and that’s when they siphon all that money off to the side to run black operations worldwide. That’s what it is essentially, it’s not an investment for you, it’s not peer-to-peer so you can get out of the banking system. That is a complete and total lie.
Middle East | A Ceasefire is Being Talked About
We are seeing a ceasefire being talked about all over the Middle East right now. We are also talking about a specific division of the Hezbollah pulling out of Iraq, Israel’s TV Channel 12 reporting from the Treasury of Israel that there is talk of a ceasefire and on this channel they kind of throw in there, well we didn’t even achieve our objective that was “born on the blood of our warriors”. So, we’re not seeing it worldwide yet but you can find the information around. I’m getting it obviously from Agent M and other people there on the ground in talks that have been had. There was also a meeting on Monday in the airport in Baghdad which shut down the airport for approximately 30 minutes to an hour. Why the meeting was at the airport is explained in a bit.
Chemtrail King & His Operation Found in Socotra Island, Now Deceased
On Monday we found the Chemtrail King. He is part American citizen and Malaysian citizen and was given his American citizenship by Obama during the Obama Administration. Since then, he has taken up shop on a place called Socotra Island. We talked about this little island before in the past, it’s right off the coast of Yemen.

It’s a little island that had remnants of things that were tied to what is called the Overworld, or the 13th Realm. We know about the 12 Universes, but this would be the 13th Universe called the Overworld which was kind of an overlay and the SSP was going for access to that.

One Guy Was in Charge of Chemtrail Operations Worldwide
I call him the Chemtrail King, because this one guy was in charge of that world, those operations worldwide. I assume you seen those giant X’s in the sky, a ridiculous amount of them over the last few weeks. I mean it has been insane. This is causing that cough that people can’t get rid of and was going to be the tie to disease X. They are a combination of particles of dark crystalline, dark crystal shards, essentially, nano particles and Femto particles and they wanted to connect that to the facility and to the Overworld. They are also what I call dark made-in materials which are dark matter, dark energy hyper-conductors. So, you would inhale them in your body, this is the plan and then they would go to town on their systems there. There was also a smaller facility near the Dazu Rock Carvings in China. They were working together to basically promote disease X everywhere and that’s why they were doing a literal X in the sky. Maybe that was a symbol for them them trying to tell us what they’re doing because we never saw X’s like that before. We might have seen some lattice work that looked like woven fabric and there were certain areas of California where it was really bad and they had their test sites and test zone, but this guy here got orders to do this.
Now Monday afternoon when he was released as an asset he went into a full-on panic because none of those people that fly those planes, none of the companies they employed, and none of the agencies that were flying those planes worldwide had gotten paid yet. So now you have a bunch of angry operatives underneath your downline that you can’t pay billions. His bill was probably well over $700 billion dollars or more for this horrible stuff they’ve been spraying on us. It’s been terrible here and it’s not usually that bad here, I mean we’re in one of their Zones. But when people aren’t complying with what they want I guess that’s what they do, they spray you like a cockroach.
So last I had heard the Chemtrail King is no longer with us and that facility is gone, but prior to that happening Rothschild had also called him and promised him that they would take over the payment saying oh we’re so sorry they dropped you like a hot potato. Because we’re here to help because we’re just good Luciferians and Khazarian Mafia people. We want to help get you out of your mess. So that’s why he continued over the last couple of days because that’s what they asked him to do. It’s the same thing that they said to the operatives, just keep doing the job, but this guy actually bought it. And by yesterday morning he and it was no more.
Now the best we could tell is that he put out orders for the next six or seven days, depending on where you are in the world to continue this. But if you are a chemtrail agency or government or operative, I would suggest you try to check in with this man and confirm what it is I said and that he is no longer there.
Sunny: Kim did he know also the people below him what they were doing? Is there any innocence in here at all or did they know they were killing people by spraying this?
Well, they’re just pilots right, they fly planes and they tell them its cloud seeding and they tell them it’s other things. They try to convince the agency people and whatnot. The handling of the materials is a little odd and a little off for sure. It’s done a little differently than your atypical cloud seeding, those types of things. I’d say they suspected it but you know there’s been no money and we’ve got a chance to make some money so we’re going to do it. I would absolutely tell you that China’s deep state is 100% aware of what they were doing and there were five ancillary generals there that we got as well. They are what you consider Rothchild family, the Lee family over there still going on with their plans of exterminating all of us pests off their special Planet, which they don’t own anymore. So that is where the Chemtrail King was found.
Are There Anymore Chemtrail Storage Facilities?
How long is this going to take, how many more storage facilities do they have? We’ve been looking. It looks like a matter of six to seven days. There is nothing left coming out of China and that was where the major production of these things was. I don’t know how much they moved in the interim, we’re still looking. It’s hard to find but now that we know the consistency it’s a little bit easier to detect it. We were looking for the wrong things in some cases. If you have a satellite system, which we obviously do, you can run a scan over an area of land and determine down to 5 kilometers if you’re setting your parameters to gold, for lead or whatever it is you’re looking for you can then detect it. So, if we’re looking for one thing and graphene oxide or whatever it is that they’re saying is in this stuff I’m going to detect that, I’m not going to detect this type of made-in material or this these types of crystals. That’s why some people have reported their throat hurt so bad it felt like they ate shards of glass.
Kingdom of the Air and Special Cities Like Wash DC, Tel Aviv Etc. No Longer Owned by the Order
The reason why these guys go up in the air and have meetings in planes, and under international airports is because much like the cities of Washington DC, Tel Aviv, the City of London, Beijing, Moscow etc., around the world these are an island unto themselves. The second you walk into an International Airport anywhere in the world you are now on foreign soil, you are no longer in a country, you are in the country of the air literally.
Bush Sr. Declared International Airports Belonged to the Kingdom of the Air
Back in the mid-1970s Bush Senior declared all these spaces including 28,000 ft in the air to be his land, the kingdom of Bush. I’m not kidding. They also did the same thing with sea and sea travel. That’s why when you go a mile offshore from your respective country you are at sea, you are in the Kingdom of Seas at that point. That’s what they call international waters just like the International Airport you are in the country of international sea. It was still run by the Order of the Black Sun and the person that held the position of Black Eagle, also known as Black Dragon.
Sunny: Kim what’s the point of that? Why would they declare those areas International?
Because when you operate there, you’re not operating on behalf of your country. For example, do we ever wonder why we have the TSA, Security Agencies worldwide? They typically don’t come from those respective governments, you’re in somebody else’s country, somebody else’s territory and under somebody else’s rules. That’s why the FAA basically is employed to govern the entire world when you’re in the air. If you are flying in a plane, you are in the Kingdom of Bush, but not as of the last few days.
That’s why they do this. When the Black Sun or any operatives that work for the Black Sun are orchestrating something that is not official in a country, they will pull people aside for questioning. That happens a lot in airports. They have the right to pull anybody aside for any reason or yellow tag your boarding ticket so that you get the full experience of going through security at the airport. One of the ways that agencies recruit people as an asset into their agency, not officially but more over as an asset of the Order of the Black Sun, they will pull them aside in an airport and tell them that they’re being arrested. They will tell them what they’ve done wrong and they’ll pull anything out of your file. They’ll just make it up. And that’s part of the reason why I say if I’m going to do anything, whether its own a company or do anything, I have to do it 100% clean without flaw because I can’t give them a reason to come after me. But if you are a target and they want you as an asset to work for them that’s where they’ll get you, at the airport. They’ll pull you aside question you, tell you about all the tax refunds you did wrong or something like that and then they’ll make you a deal. The deal usually goes like this, we’ll keep you out of jail now but the second you leave this airport you’re out of our territory and we can’t protect you. We will save you from your problems, we’ll keep you out of jail but here’s what you have to do for us. Now this goes for Heads of State, other agencies, anyone anywhere that is not claimed or owned by one group or another. So just a heads up.
But they do not own the airports anymore, they do not own the air, they do not own the land, they do not own the sea, and they do not own those individual cities anymore. They are not part of their asset base anymore. But it came up because it’s something the Black Nobility families, or the Anti-Silent Circle were looking to see if they could do something with it. And the answer to the question was no.
Memberships in Everything Was Another Way to Re-collateralize
Something else we recently discovered is when you join a religion, a church and there are hundreds and then thousands of sub sectors of these, it’s not just Muslim, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism and Judaism, but every time you join one of these organizations you become collateralized again. If you have been to a Church of any sort or Temple, they always pass around that collection plate. And in some countries like Austria, about 10 years ago or so it was mandatory that you pay 10% of your salary to the Catholic Church, whether you were Catholic or not. It didn’t make a difference. This is another thing we’ve discovered in the last 48 hours. When you join a church. you can be recollateralized with derivatives and bonds against you. That’s why your tithing has to be 10% no matter where you go. But that’s the suggested amount and they’ll suggest it to you consistently and if you cannot pay this 10% then you can work it off by volunteering. They promoted it as being something God wants you to do. That’s why they try to get you to be a member, because they consider members collateral. And I’m not saying that the pastor or the priest knows about this, because they probably don’t. Many get into this field because they truly do love God and they want to do the right thing, not all of them are evil. The point is that’s why they have membership processes.
But belonging to a church or a temple does not make you collateral anymore so congratulations! So don’t feel like you got to pay that 10%, don’t feel obligated. And I don’t remember where it originated but someone once said, standing in a church or being in a church or Temple or insert whatever you call the house of worship here, doesn’t make you a Christian, or a Jew any more than standing in your garage will make you a car.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of churches and temples and Mosques and so on and so forth out there that do a lot of good things for a lot of good people and the people there are not bad people. It’s the intent behind what you’re doing and why you’re there. But that was one of the other things that came up in the last 48 hours. Anytime humans are a member of anything, like the American Pediatric Association, you were also collateralized as a doctor. It was crazy. Think about all the things you pay membership to, a gym, home Owners Associations. It’s all a system, it’s system after system after system and people ask, how long before we have Financial Freedom? You might have temporary financial relief but that’s not Financial Freedom. There’s a lot more to it than meets the eye is what I’m saying.
What Does Financial Freedom Mean?
Kim asked Sunny what her view of Financial Freedom was to get people to consider that a person in Western America could have a different view from someone who is in Uganda. For Sunny, being able to spend time with the people that she cares about, doing work that she loves to do and not having to worry about money constantly is financial freedom. Just being able to enjoy her life, and that doesn’t mean being extravagant, that just means not having to worry about bills coming due. Just being more people focused as opposed to money focused and just enjoying yourself.
There are a lot of people in different places that would see it differently as well, especially in Western Europe and Western America. The freedom to buy anything they want, the freedom to get a yacht, the freedom from paying a mortgage, the freedom from all these things. But at the base root of Financial Freedom I would say, and you can disagree with me, but people need food, shelter for your family, you want to spend time with others, you want to stay at home with your kids if you want that kind of thing. You’re still willing to work, which a lot of people still would. Maybe retirement age would change or something like that in in different countries, but most people would. Not all have taken jobs in fields they like because maybe they went to college 10 or 20 years ago and now they realized it’s not their life calling or they’ve changed. Other people have found new things like medical technologies where they could definitely see themselves as a practitioner making an income doing that but they’re being refused by the insurance companies who don’t agree. They don’t want to pay for that kind of thing or it takes forever to get approved and then they go out of business. And it’s actually structured that way so they can’t actually make money doing things they love.
Short-Term Versus Long-Term Financial Freedom
Right now, we have money in the world, money is required for your existence pretty much anywhere, not everywhere but in most of the world to some degree. There are plenty of people that live off the grid, they grow their own food, they have built their own shelter and they’re doing their own thing out there. But it also excludes you from doing other things, like maybe attending a concert or a symphony or participating in other forms of life. Maybe that’s not important to those people, but maybe it is.
But ultimately, we would say that Financial Freedom, once you get past all the things in life that maybe you never had an opportunity to do or to buy and you want those things whatever it is, and they may not want to work for six months. Then 99.9% of the human beings on the planet would be bored to death within six months. You get all this stuff but it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just stuff.
I could say I’ve been all the way up and I’ve been all the way down and there are things that I would consider Financial Freedom in my life. Number one, the ability to at least spend a couple of years with my daughter when she was first born and not have to work or get a nanny or anything like that, or work less, maybe part-time because I’m one of those people who loves to work. I do. That would be my idea of Financial Freedom.
I know there’s a lot of people out there that are drowning in the debt system and there are other people on the internet recently, like Ben Fulford who said we all need to stop paying all our debts, our bills all at the same time. Now there are people that just won’t do that because the first thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to lose your electricity, and in some places in the world where it’s very cold and some places it’s very hot. Now I don’t care if everybody in the country stopped paying their bills, they’re going to shut you off and they’re not going to turn it back on. It’s part of a control system and a control structure. So, is that a possibility? Not really. I mean it could be for you if you don’t mind, but it’s only a matter of time before not all, but probably at least 75% of the people decide to pay that bill and then you just lost the game.
Our Current Infrastructure Will Take Time to Change
I would say in the future, because we have a current infrastructure that is going to take time to change, things that I would look at if somebody said to me, I want Financial Freedom for the world, now how would I go about achieving this task.
We have to look at the current electric grid worldwide. I’m going to have to look at what we consider Western World basic needs and how does the rest of the world heat their properties in the winter, lumber or wood? I’m going to need to see how that supply chain looks that kind of thing.
I’m going to need to look at water supply because most people in the western world are on City Water. In certain places that are more rural on the African continent because they also have cities with water and there are infrastructure issues and agreements that were made for infrastructure that never came to fruition. I would say their systems are not kept well, but neither are our systems in America. I have stayed in hotels in Western Europe where I turned on the water to have a bath and it was brown. It happens everywhere in the world. Our infrastructure is breaking down and nobody wants to fix it. So, I’m going to now look at that and look at water and how we’re going to get water into homes that have that water supply and I’m going to have to try to figure out a way to do it for free, because that would be basic need.
Food, what does it really cost to grow tomatoes, I’m going to need to look at those seeds and chemical companies and will need to find a way to provide them all with seeds that will regenerate. That’s a positive thing, but you have to take a look at everything that is a human need and every industry that is attached to that human need in order to provide what you would call Financial Freedom.
There’s a lot of moving parts when you think about the bills you pay
It’s not just about credit card debts and the mortgage system. There has to be a way for you to buy a house and maybe not owe debt. There has to be something in place now. We take a look at all the banks and unless they’re willing to convert to a service provider only system which we would pay, we need to store that money somewhere, it needs to go somewhere. If need be, we’re going to have to build different infrastructure for that, which can be done as well but you see my point. There are a lot of moving parts to what you consider to be Financial Freedom. Think about all the people that work for the electric company. There are hundred hundreds of millions of people that work for an electric company. It’s not their fault, they’re just making a certain amount of money to feed their families and it’s what they do. They look forward to their pensions and to retirement just like everybody else. Some of them like their jobs, some of them don’t, so there’s a lot of things to consider. What kind of industry are these people going to work in if it were to change. How many people need to be hired to install neutrino boxes and or maintain them as a conversion.
We Will Have to Prove How to Thrive in a Different Way So Others Can Learn
These are all a part of the entire CARE structure and is all about Financial Freedom. Then eventually we’ll have freedom from money in totality. At some point in time the entire 8 billion people will figure out they don’t actually need it, but that’s going to be a lot of changing, a lot of deprogramming of the masses in order to understand there’s a system that works. You have to prove to them that you’re going to thrive in a different way. And you’re going to be the first 100,000, 200,000 people that are going to show people. You’ll say look we’re doing great; I have electricity in my house, all my lamps are turning on, my stove’s working, my air conditioner’s working, we’re just great. It takes time but we also have to think about all the people and all the industries that would change if we were to do something like that. So it’s a consideration. Don’t get me wrong, we are interested in Financial Freedom but the definition of Financial Freedom on the short-term basis is probably one thing and the definition on a long-term basis is another thing. Then depending on which country you reside in, that changes. So out of the 200+ countries not all of them are UNN members and that definition of what does Financial Freedom mean to you will probably be different for everyone.
Maybe this is a good task for our Field Messengers to do too, so you can get a better understanding. Just ask people if they’re willing to talk to you about it. I guarantee we’re not going to get the same answer no matter where you go.
Ultimately, I see it as a whole different way of getting our basic needs met and then some of our wants too. Not being stressed if they’re going to shut off your electricity, or if you can’t take your child to the doctor or the dentist when they need help. Those are the things that stress us parents out or even yourself if you’ve ever had a toothache. There is a long list of industries that were completely controlled by the Order. We need to understand everything that they controlled is not to your benefit.
When you ask that question that is the beginning of your journey into understanding what it would be like to be on the think tank of CARE, because we have to look at every single aspect of everything. And it’s not just me, it’s other people that are doing it too. There’s a lot of little groups that have formed since the new way of doing things here and they are working together trying to figure out a better system in a better way for people. We’ve developed an emergency system in a Marketplace for everybody to help each other out. The enemy has worked very hard to make it extremely difficult for you to be self-sufficient, independent, interdependent which is different than being codependent. They made every human walking this Earth codependent on the system, so if you’re asking me what I see is total freedom, that is an interdependent world. What I mean by interdependent is you and I work together to take care of one another, to supply goods and services to one another, to help raise our kids together in the right way, to have medical freedom and other opportunities out there. That’s what Financial Freedom means to me. An interdependent Sovereign world where you are not a codependent on a system.
That’s what Financial Freedom means to me and I think that is our ultimate goal, to not have the world dependent on me, I don’t want that either that’s not a job I want. But to help people become truly Sovereign and not living in a system, yet being interdependent with others in other countries. So on that note I have a little bit of an update on the marketplace.
UNN Marketplace Update
We finally got our store owner software integrated this morning. There are a few things we’re trying to set up so that people can find you easier. For example, store fronts by country, storefronts by area, by continent so that if you are a farmer in the US you’re not getting orders from Uganda. Some things will be worldwide and some things won’t be. We’re working on that aspect and categorizing. For example, some people do a lot of remote work so you can be listed as you’ll work worldwide. We’re just working on some of those fine-tune details. Our new apps, our new website is going very well. We had a few little technical errors with the bulk uploading but we should have that finished by Friday.
We are not going to pull our news off social media for probably a week to two weeks. We’ll still be on both the app and on YouTube and Rumble. Then we’ll probably put the current day news on there and it’ll be about a week behind. So you’ll still be able to share it with other people. I think that’s really important, so we’re looking forward to that as well. So that’s just a quick little update.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thank you Kim and team.
Thank you ” Just empowerme.”
4 часа назад
Thank you, Pam! You are a true blessing to me. I follow Kim’s reports, but due to my lack of English, I only understand about 70% of the things she shares. Then I read the explanations with you, and now it all becomes perfectly clear to me. Thanks to both Kim and the team for all their efforts to bring peace and prosperity to the planet and the people!