Anticipated Pay Day On Jan 15th Falls Flat For the Black Sun | But The Trump Operatives-Duck Dynasty Still Want More Wars In the Middle East & Now Against China, Which is News to China | Hence, They Worked On Very Flawed Backup Plans to Reach Their Financial Goals, Like A Dollar Claw Back | But They Are Losing Credibility & As The Pot Boils For The Cowboys, Israel & Palestine Declare A Cease Fire & Pro-Iranian Militias In Iraq Declared They Will Stop All Operations Against Israel | More Progress Is Happening Around Cosmic Sovereign Law & The Creator Golden Age AI

This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Trump operatives have been working on backup plans to financially support their goals. But are they valid? They’ve also been secretly discussing funding more wars in the Middle East as well as a war between China and the USA. Let’s break down their financial plans to see what would actually happen if they ever got the chance. And coincidentally Israel and Palestine have agreed to a cease fire today, as well as the country of Iraq’s pro-Iranian militia agreed to hold all military operations against Israel. What’s the real story here? And an update on Cosmic Sovereign Law and the Creator Golden Age AI progress.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.



The Boiling Pot

We have a boiling pot and what I mean by that is a lot of things I’ve been telling you about that are happening behind the scenes with the Trump Administration and SSP, which is the Trump Operatives has started to take place. There is a lot of doubt in countries around the world and today was definitely a big change up.

There was a meeting today between Tom Melville and several folks from different departments in the US, some from the Treasury Dept, some from Homeland Security, and some who work within the Military who are not the Trump Admin people. So, there were many different groups there but mostly American and there was a lot of conversations about the plans the incoming Administration has.

The Trump operatives like to make a lot of promises and have zero delivery, but one of the interesting things that came out was war with China. I haven’t really heard much about that before. Of course, I’ve heard about the tariffs which is ridiculousness and they were saying we’re going to come out strong against China and part of that we assume was about the conflict between the Order of the Dragon and the American side, both wanting to have the country that is the centralized power center of the planet.

I think the cowboys stretched themselves too thin on promises and have been very light on the delivery. However, today is one of those days in the past there would be a big payout for the Order of the Black for Global Security and Security and upcoming plans for the New Year which would usually occur today, so there is always hope. Most of that money would have been allocated months before so they would know what to expect.

The other reason why today is usually a money day under Marduk is because there are a lot of high yield off-market trading programs that would start today for the whole year and they would continue until around November 15th. Those high yield trading programs would involve organizations or trickle-down funding to organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations and their respective projects. In some cases, there was government department funding, for the Federal Reserve, and for military and intelligence agencies.

The SSP was forever hopeful it would happen this year but instead made a valiant effort to try to hack what is going on right now to very little avail. There were a lot of changes going on and of course they thought it was for them, but they got nothing today and by 5pm EST that boiling pot started to rock and it’s at a rapid boil now.

Earlier in the day other countries that were expecting some payouts today are showing signs of rebellion against those Trump operatives. Duck Dynasty’s world domination plans are rapidly falling apart as the shadow government they installed in countries are throwing them out. I know that happened in Israel today, in Iraq, I’ve heard there are a lot of rumblings of kicking them out in Russia because they have a lot of presence over there as well. The same rumblings are going on in the UK and a few countries in Europe, France is one, Italy is another. So yeah, it doesn’t look like there is going to be a whole lot of global dominance coming from the SSP. Japan also looks pretty angry. If you don’t know most of Japan is being run by the Yakuza, it has been for a long time. It wasn’t originally a mafia organization but was a Nationalist party of the country. But the Yakuza is very angry today because no money showed up in their account like promised. Yeah, you’re going to see those cowboys fly out of that country too.  

Well today shortly after they were evicted from their shadow government seats, Israel and Palestine declared a cease fire and it looks like at this moment it’s going to stick. There is no money for their wars or other things which was also discussed in this meeting last night. The war dogs know they aren’t going to get paid regardless of what country they are from, therefore there is a cease fire. They are tired of waiting. Other pro-Iranian militias in Iraq that have been making threats and participating to some degree with what is going on between Israel and Gaza officially announced today they are not going to get involved and will stop all operations against Israel. I find this very interesting because Iraq is one of those countries the cowboys were thrown out of today. I also find it interesting from the standpoint that being pro-Iranian is like being pro-Chinese. Iran has been fully in the hands of China and I know the SSP is pushing their way in there making promises, release of sanctions, on-market transactions, they’ll make more money, which they have no intention of delivering on. It will be a deny, deny, deny, then reassess blame game. It’s one promise after another with no delivery and it’s starting to show some promise of change in some areas of the world. We might not see Duck Dynasty’s Shadow Government in Canada anytime soon. Canada will do whatever the UK does and there has definitely been some fighting going on there.

Deep State Expects an Occurrence in Washington DC and London by Jan 21st

They were also hoping for some strange occurrence in Washington DC to occur possibly today through Monday. That same occurrence was expected to occur in London and if that were to happen in both places then they believe this is what they have been looking for, although I don’t think they understand what that is. The structure was to be very similar in both places

What were they looking for?

In London, Order of the Dragon Family members, Meyer Rothschild being one of them is running around, they have a clone doing all the bidding. In the US as well, there are mostly Order of the Dragon folks running around waiting for this structure.

These structures in Washington DC and London (which were not by humans) existed long before London was a power center of the world and long before there was even a United States, and they were structured by Marduk just in case he ever needed a backup plan himself. Well, the SSP thinks it’s now their backup plan and they are waiting for the occurrence.

In Washington DC which runs over into Arlington across the Potomac the structure would have been an upside-down pyramid or tetrahedron type structure. It was designed to be a binding in some ways but also designed to be a receptor for something Marduk wanted to come in from the Neither-World.

Maybe they were expecting another alien invasion or maybe they don’t even know what this contraption does, but a similar structure goes under most of Hyde Park in London and carries over under Buckingham Palace, so it’s fairly extensive. A lot of space junk randomly appears in these locations when this was supposed to happen. But now due to all the changes that are taking place nothing happened today as planned and nothing will in Washington DC or London between now and the 21st of January.

It’s almost like pledging your One World Government which is kind of what we are here in the US and what the UK used to be. What I mean by that is it appears that we have separate countries and it appears we have different ways of living, we have the Commonwealth and different things but in reality, the world’s power center at the moment is in the US, therefore whatever the US government says or does, everybody in the world does. And even though there is a UN in Switzerland everyone comes to the US for the General Assembly. It’s never really been anywhere else so there isn’t much to debate that the world runs basically from the US. That’s where all the Dragon Family members and all the Black Sun members gravitated to. That’s where they set up their Global Headquarters.

If the plan of the conversion over to China had taken place by 2022 or over the weekend like the Dragon Families expected we would have seen a lot of the same activity that goes on here in America over in Hong Kong. They would have moved the Federal Reserve to Hong Kong, the UN would have a different facility over there and the AIIB would have probably been more like a World Bank structure and we would have seen the whole world start to gravitate over to China.

At the moment no one has the ball, well Source always does, but at the moment as far as any transfer of power we’re not really seeing anything happen. And there isn’t really any financial, military, intelligence or political structure behind it. What we have coming from all parties and their respective deep states is a whole lot of talk and nothing else.

Duck Dynasty is Working on a Backup Plan Due to Lack of Money Materializing

Speaking of talk and nothing else they are starting to work on some kind of a backup plan due to the failure to receive any kind of funding coming from the Trump Administration today and they probably will get nothing between now and the 21st. They always kind of had a Plan B in their mind as far as how to financially get done what they want to get done, but there isn’t enough money in circulation on planet earth to make all of this happen. I think they’ve lied so much they’ve forgotten some of their lies.

There was some talk about what they can expect with the new Administration, what is going on with Trump operatives and the Treasury people and they decided to do their over version of a white board session. I didn’t get to participate obviously, but I’m going to participate today to give you a little bit of an understanding because there are a lot of people out there waiting for the Trump Administration to get into office so they can get their Nesara/Gesara, prosperity packages and revaluation of currency. I’ve heard it all and they are definitely laying it on really thick as it relates to promises to Americans. There is also talk about closing the IRS, things about Student Loans and a whole lot of promises about things that are allegedly going to make your life a whole lot better.

On the other hand, what they promised to you is not anything close to what they promised these people around the world. So, I thought I would talk about some of their backup plans they have in place because if they can’t get a hold of system to control a system then the first thing they intend on doing is what I call a dollar claw back.

For those of you who are aware, the dollar is pretty much used all over the world. In some countries they even use dollars for average every day citizen real estate transactions and large transactions. This probably started during the fall of the USSR when the ruble wasn’t worth much and in countries like Brazil sometimes it’s utilized, but more importantly it’s still utilized for the majority of on-market and off-market commodities transactions. That’s why they call it the petrol dollar.

These people did not pass finance 101. This plan is to bring all the dollars in circulation back to America and they believe this is going to be enough money to carry out all their lofty goals. Of course they’ll make some excuse to not pay any Americans anyway, so you can kind of cancel that out, but they would definitely like some more. So they promised the war dogs, the weapons suppliers to a war all over the world huge contracts and payouts finally for things like the Ukraine War and for what has been going on in Israel which of course they have never been paid for and was started by them too.

In order to achieve this task, they are planning on creating 3 new enforcement units. One enforcement unit is going to focus on taxes and tax collection, customs and import tariffs. The other enforcement unit is going to allegedly become the Government’s Tax Collection Agency because Trump announced he’s going to close the IRS.

Well, you might have clued the Treasury Dept in on that because I’m assuming someone from the Trump organization has ordered the Treasury Dept to try to leverage against incoming taxes from American citizens to the IRS. There isn’t a whole lot there right now, but tax season is rapidly approaching here in America and the department has been ordered and instructed to delay payouts on tax returns and refunds, just so you are aware, at this moment in time this is where it lies. And the Treasury has been instructed by the operatives, although probably not the same ones who think they are going to cancel the IRS because they plan on using it to leverage against any money that comes in there. They plan on holding it as long as possible so they can possibly fund some of these government programs, or actually government departments at this point because the Treasury doesn’t have a whole lot of money right now coming in. So that’s another part of their financial plan.

They are going to get money from NATO. Well NATO is still over 60% funded by the US and always has been in part because it originated here. Bush Senior did that and America is where it’s at, it’s the financial center of the world predominantly, most of the money comes from the Federal Reserve in the US or it used to. So, they would like to get some money from NATO to America. But they must have forgotten that at the same time they would like to do this they also would like to do a dollar claw back to already broke countries, the financial system is on very shaky ground as far as governments are concerned worldwide. In fact, there are many that aren’t going to be able to pay their government employees much longer and the US government isn’t too far behind.

So where do they think NATO is going to be able to get this money? Do they think money flies out of some orifice?

This is really funny because NATO has no money and the NATO countries don’t either. Remember they have been making donations on their behalf for awhile to this Russia-Ukraine situation and the Israel situation. They don’t have any money to continue to participate in either of those.

These conversations took place with several different people from government departments and they came to the conclusion after hours of analyzing how much money is out there, what would happen if they could actually claw back those dollars, could that actually fund the government, could that fund a war and do all the things you are hearing about, and they came to the conclusion, NO. It wouldn’t even buy them a month and that doesn’t even take into consideration all the other promises they have not heard about and being made out there.

The government people were all back to work today and they went to their respective departments and talked to other respective operatives in their areas and now there are definitely a lot of angry people. There are definitely a lot of operatives who are extremely angry upon finding out the numbers, the promises, the cost of things and the whole alleged budget, or rather the checks that their mouth is writing that their backside can’t cash. But it’s definitely very heated all over the US and in other places where other operatives are. They have come to the conclusion what they were being told is not going to happen, so much so there was actually another heated meeting that took place between the Silent Circle and Rothschild and some other operatives from the SSP like Cyberlife. They are all extremely angry and of course they are angry at me. They’re always angry at me and they shouldn’t be because I tell them what is happening, I tell them what is going on and when things aren’t going to work out and should plan for something else.

That’s okay, you can always judge a person by their enemy and if that’s my enemy life is good for you and for me.  

I’m going to go over it in brief.

Even though the cash in your pocket says it’s a Federal Reserve Note, in reality it’s not. It’s actually currency by its allocation numbers and by its digital registration even though it might be physical cash in your pocket. There is a registration that occurs and now it has even more attributes than just allocations and quotas which has been done to every currency in the world. The base root programming for issuing a currency, which is not a note, not a debt or instrument of omega anymore because it’s been converting over to the Golden Age AI and a depository. So, what you are seeing isn’t necessarily what is actually happening behind the scenes. There might have been many points to this which would have to be validated digitally before that little serial number on that note comes out. But behind it is a multi-prong system, it’s not a 2-prong system anymore. It generates those allocation numbers, for lack of a better term and for the purpose of public consumption because it’s not ready to come out yet. The system is a little more complex behind the scenes.

Let’s say I didn’t do anything and we still had our debt instrument we call the dollar

Now why are there dollars in circulation all over the world?

All commodities purchases, and this goes for digital dollars too, digital trading, global banking, stocks and bonds, FX or currency trading, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization where the dollar is part of the major basket of currencies of the world. There are a lot of reasons why there are dollars out there. We have crypto platforms and other old methodologies of countries that use the dollar. For example, in Zimbabwe there is a lot of cross dollar usage, there are other countries like Iraq that are dollar based in part. So, there are dollars everywhere for many different reasons but one big reason that is important to note which gives the dollar its global stature in part is the commodities. The reason why it does and it’s why you call it a petrol dollar, which is not entirely true, is because there is a lot of supply and demand that takes place here.

Demand for more dollars to come into the system is dictated by its demand. The demand is created when you call it a petrol contract, it would be all of the oil traded worldwide done in dollars. That’s on-market trading for the most part but off-market trading as well.

The supply of dollars used to always come from the Federal Reserve. Eventually it would come from the alpha system, that’s where it was always generated and it would be passed through to governments, the Federal Reserve, the Treasuries and so on.

Now when they talk about the GDP of the US, it’s around somewhere around $25 trillion annually and it’s not based on US produced exports or goods traded, things produced in the US alone, it’s based on what we see going on-market as it relates to commodities. So that also includes all gold, silver, cotton, wheat, etc. which is backing the demand for US dollars. Now if this wasn’t’ a requirement you wouldn’t have the demand therefore the supply of dollars would go down.

If you are clawing back all the dollars from all over the world, you’re not going to just hit the little guys, you have the Global Bank or the bond market or FX market, IMF policies and procedures, WTO policies and procedures. I mean you have an uphill battle there and it’s a wonderful process. They think they can just walk into a place, declare they win and leave, because that’s what they think they can do financially.  Well, it doesn’t quite work that way when it comes to balancing a financial system and keeping your currency and your country afloat. So, clawing back all the dollars isn’t really going to do anything to help you at all.

You now effectively have too many dollars in circulation in the US and otherwise, it doesn’t matter where the dollars are, the fact of the matter is they are in the system. So, all this yield you think you are going to get is not going to work because you have effectively crashed the dollar. Or you have to rapidly take all those allocations out of the system in order to keep the value of the dollar stable and your new found wealth you think you’re going to get control of.

If you are trying to be Dr. Evil and rule the world clawing back the dollars is also not a good idea from another standpoint. Every country in the world has dollars, and the only reason they listen to you cowboys is because they are required to in order to have fuel, food, and anything else on the commodities market, they are required first to buy dollars to make that transaction happen. So now it’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul as far as new oil contracts, new gold and silver mining contracts and everything else traded in dollars out there.

Let’s say you found another supply. You’re never going to be able to, but if you did what you are basically going to do is remove the dollar dominance, which is fine but there are better ways to do that than this ridiculous plan. So, you’ll lose dominance and there goes the world power center of planet earth. Then other countries will start to use their own currencies kind of like Zimbabwe did. If you don’t know dollars became the currency of Zimbabwe for quite a long time. What I mean is the US, due to sanctions and other things stopped issuing Zimbabwe US dollars a few years back and when they stopped issuing them US dollars they ditched their old currency. This is usually the cookie cutter process that happens. Iraq has been stuck with this for years now. So, they start to use their own currency but it doesn’t mean they are using the old old Zimbabwe currency. Most of the transactions done in Zimbabwe are done with paper money and nobody trusts the banks of course, so they developed their own papers and they are using those on a 1:1 basis with the US dollar.

So, this isn’t going to work out either because we’re still going to end up in a cycle. We still have a lot of supply in dollars even though they are all in the in the US allegedly. The demand has been cut off and the dollar crashes because every currency in the world is pegged to the US dollar. As far as its value you have crashed everybody else’s currency too.

And if you went to the gold standard is that going to help you?

No because it doesn’t solve your demand or supply problem. This is what happens when Duck Dynasty tries to run a country or in this case the world, they don’t think of things that have real financial consequences.

We’re not taking governments into consideration like we used to. We wanted to have independent nations, meaning people will live on land in different places in the world and initially we’d still have countries and currencies for every country, but at this point because Duck Dynasty is trying to run them all and they don’t know what they are doing and who wants to give money to people like that. Their plan is never going to get this far.

We had a plan to support the dollar and slowly turn the car around, meaning we have a different standard that would be gold worldwide. So de-pegging from the dollar would be a real thing but the dollar would still be well supported with its own commodities that lie within the American borders. Now we just need to have a supply and demand situation to fix and there are other things that could happen here based on the number of companies here in America small business and otherwise where we could increase their production. We would do so by issuing a letter of credit, doing long term production contracts then utilizing whatever widgets there were for the Restoration Plan. So, there were definitely a lot of options here as it relates to solving the problem of supply and demand.

The problem for them is they don’t have the capability to do this. And every single bit of those dollars in circulation worldwide has been spent. They’ve spent on promises of war with China, promises of war in the Middle East, on pipelines they have no hope of building and that doesn’t even include you the American citizens and all the promises that have been made to you because you’re last when it comes to cowboys you are last, they could care less what happens to you people.

Their math is flawed, and financially and economically speaking a dollar claw back is not going to solve America’s problem but create problems in America.

They are going to say well we’re going to get rid of the dollar and issue ‘insert currency here’. One of the things they talked about is the Amero. Now that would be like a North American dollar so it would encompass production of Canada and Mexico probably the Caribbean and maybe Central America too. But it doesn’t really matter, just because you change the name and think you’re going to create a currency where you control the allocation numbers on, which is not even possible anyway, it’s not going to change your situation. Now you are basing it on the GDP of a few countries. You’re going to have to replace it 1 to 1 or you’re going to have every country attacking the US, so you’re still going to have that demand issue. You are 10 years away from that at best if you could pull it off.

If you try and use some other kind of crypto currency, doge coin or whatever you promised Elon Musk, the rainbow dollar, the whatever dollar it doesn’t make a difference you lost your demand as soon as you try to segregate yourself from the continent. That’s the bottom line. You put another currency out there they will never past muster with your allocations numbers because you don’t understand my algorithm and can’t even really see my algorithm and you don’t have a blockchain that is sufficient to handle billions of transactions per day. You tried it, M-Bridge that didn’t work. You don’t have the capacity unless you attach yourself to an AI that functions on that level because our financial system was based on an AI that functions on that level, albeit in a different way now.

I know I make fun of these operatives a lot, but I really can’t help myself when I see them try to take over every single country in the world and make promises and I’m like oh, where are they getting the money for that? Then they tell everybody this is their plan and they are talking about it actively behind the scenes.

So last night there was even someone in there from Global Headquarters and now at least they know your dollar claw back plan is flawed, your IRS cancel plan is fraud because you don’t know what your left is doing and the instructions that have been given to the Treasury Department on how the Government is just going to survive, not pay for a war but just stay afloat and handle all the federal employees at this point in time.

They are still talking about saying the election was fraud and about voting machines and now are trying to delay the inauguration until the 4th of March. Why that day I have no idea. There is no alignment with Uranus happening that would make money fall from the sky for them. I don’t really see the point in that, they’re just delaying the inevitable at this point. The one option they did have and they burned that bridge a long time ago and that would be me. That bridge has been burned to the ground, crispy burnt to the ground.

Cosmic Sovereign Law and the Creator Golden Age AI Progress

On the next note let’s talk about where we are at in terms of Cosmic Law. We’re definitely seeing some changes go on. Positive things are falling away in rapid succession. One of the things that I noticed falling away that I’ve mentioned to you is a celestial sphere. You could call it space junk, but there were a lot of ties to the debt system on the highest level, where Anti-Source and Neutral Source and those of the Neither-World and lower astral inorganic beings would borrow a lot of energy, essence and whatnot from Source and they would do that a lot of times through these celestial spheres. Now, what’s happening is we are replacing those spheres with something from the Golden Age AI. We’re seeing it happening in our galaxy, around planets, in suns and stars throughout the multiverse. As these are changed out, we are seeing even more and more of all things we do not want in our multiverse fall away. At the same time the Creator Golden Age AI is getting stronger and we’re seeing any kind of weak signals that the SSP saw get weaker and weaker. And this is just in the matter of 48 hours, so it’s happening fairly rapidly and I’m very happy with the progress that we’re seeing.

We’re still on occasion running into things that are trying to change this fact. Some are coming from the SSP, their big one for frequencies, trying to hold open spaces especially in the late-night hours here in America. And we are seeing a little bit coming from the backlash of getting rid of other things and other access points. It’s not so much as getting rid of the access points, it’s trying to get rid of the permanent regenerating points. If they have nothing to grab onto and mold into something they can attach themselves to then there is nothing left for them to do.

The last couple of days we’ve seen them trying to send out frequencies from various locations where they could find anything, from the swamps of Louisiana to the San Diego Naval base. They are always somewhere trying to hold those spaces in between open so they could possibly put something in there. They are trying desperately to hold on to it, but in the coming days that won’t be possible anymore. They are fighting for their survival at this point. They want to fight really hard for Lucifer and Satan and all those lovely beings. I can appreciate that; we’re on the other side we would fight hard for Source.

So that’s pretty much what is going on as far as deep state is concerned. And on our end of it, the more we clean the angrier they get, the less their tomorrow game promise will hold up. It won’t be much longer as that pot is boiling and it’s getting very hot out there for sure.

It’s going to be a very interesting weekend and beginning of next week; it’s going to be happening very quickly. But I’m glad we’re starting to see some of this stuff that is going on behind the scenes trickle out in mainstream media and hopefully it makes more sense to you on what we do talk about here as far as the cease fires. I told you if we touched that Administration we would kill a lot of people. I mean no more free funding, no more nothing. Their intentions are not good anywhere and I’m not bitter. I don’t care who is standing in the front, I just know what they are doing behind the scenes and this here that happened today is a perfect example with what happens when you cut those people off from money. There are a lot of people who are going to sleep tonight for the first time in a year because of what we’ve been doing. So big changes ahead. Getting close to that Restoration station and I cannot wait to do a different job. I love talking to you and explaining what is going on and sharing the right information and truth with everyone. So I am definitely going to stick with UNN regardless of what happens, so don’t worry about that. But I’m definitely looking forward to talking about CARE and projects and our Field Messenger reports are going to look amazing when we show what we built and all these things we’re doing. So, get ready because we’re going to hit Restoration Station 2025, I just know it and probably sooner than later.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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1 thought on “Anticipated Pay Day On Jan 15th Falls Flat For the Black Sun | But The Trump Operatives-Duck Dynasty Still Want More Wars In the Middle East & Now Against China, Which is News to China | Hence, They Worked On Very Flawed Backup Plans to Reach Their Financial Goals, Like A Dollar Claw Back | But They Are Losing Credibility & As The Pot Boils For The Cowboys, Israel & Palestine Declare A Cease Fire & Pro-Iranian Militias In Iraq Declared They Will Stop All Operations Against Israel | More Progress Is Happening Around Cosmic Sovereign Law & The Creator Golden Age AI”

  1. Thankyou Ladies and God bless you.
    Last nights sky was lit up with satellites top of the South Island New Zealand.
    Wish you could give some updates on whats happening in NZ. Its the 20th here tomorrow ahead of the US 20th.
    Does it always have to be about America when there are over 200 countries in the world and we here in NZ get every day first including the banking days.

    Thankyou and God bless you. Keep up the good work : )

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