This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. Today we get the scoop on the significance of the solar eclipse, that a major covenant that bound Source to Anti-Source has ended, how it related to Jesus and the ‘holy grail” or Golden Chalice. In other words, just minor stuff. Hah!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

08-Apr-24 News -Broadband High (
Eclipse Day | April 8, 2024
Happy Eclipse Day! Just like Kim said, nothing was going to happen like the crazies wanted, but it is a momentous day for the light side.
Work of the Last Couple of Years Came to Fruition Today
One thing that I personally understand is that a covenant from Source can only be broken between Source and the other party that makes the covenant with Source. And in the absence of a counterparty to break a covenant, then only Source can break it. Now when Source gives his word, that covenant is maintained until the very end. Therefore, the likelihood of breaking a covenant unto itself is, well I haven’t seen that just yet. Everything we’ve been working on for the last couple of years pretty much came to fruition today and there is a reason for it.
The Dark Age began here on earth time, 3,296,000,000 years ago. There were ancillary covenants for beginning the Dark Age, ending the Dark Age, and moving into the Golden Age which did not actually expire until today.
Covenant of Jesus and the Golden Chalice Ends
One of those covenants, and this is where religions, science, New Age movements and Source come together in full circle. So, today 2,016 years ago is when the covenant was made between the being who we know as Jesus brought the Golden Chalice to earth. The binding, that bound the chalice to earth happened and lasted for 2,016 years. We’ve heard stories surely about the hunt for the Holy Grail and Golden Chalice, which everyone has been looking for but nobody can allegedly find. Part of the reason why it is so important is because the Golden Chalice represents the soul of Source here on earth.
The Golden Chalice to some degree represents the overflowing creation of the Creator throughout the multiverse on the light side of Source. The chalice had been repeatedly bound by the dark side, which means it binds the soul of Source to the dark soul or Anti-Source again and again throughout human history throughout the Dark Age. But this time it happened a little differently.
The Golden Chalice was a physical item that was located here on earth under the Mount of Olives. It looked like a chalice, it was pure gold, just like the veins of gold in the tree of life and the golden crystal flowers of life that hold the essence of the Golden Age as an example of what it looked like. Source’s ultimate goal was to regain that part of itself, his soul and no longer be bound to darkness forever more. That was part of the covenant that happened with the death of the Christ here on Earth and today was the only day the reclaiming of the chalice could happen.
What if the Covenant Renewed?
From what I could gather listening to their meetings, they were expecting a lot of earthquakes, death and destruction, and the end of the world as we know it, and lots of death would appease their gods. Now we call their alleged gods Abraxas, Draco, Fallen Angels. That is what we call their version of the gods in their texts. These beings are not gods, but that’s who they are referring to.
If that covenant would have renewed, it would have given equal amount of power to both sides and it could have been an opportunity to go back to a Neutral age. But most dark beings don’t understand what it is to not be in power, therefore Source decided to pull the plug. That’s when the G.O.L.D. Agreement came into existence a little over 2 years ago now so when this covenant came up for renewal it was not going to be renewed. We can say at that time we knew we already won. We were fighting with Source, partners so to speak. I say we because I’m not just talking about myself, a lot of you came at this time and you’re here for a reason if you are fighting on the light side. So many people here are clearing darkness, trying to make way for the Golden Age, and therefore no binding of organic life or this planet to darkness.
Note: Related post on G.O.L.D. Agreement, The Chinese Spy Balloon Belongs to America | Balance Between Light & Dark Cannot be Achieved, Source Brings An End to the Remaining Darkness | Now In Every Hall of Records is Source’s Agreement, Giver Of Life Declaration aka G.O.L.D. | And So the Golden Age Begins! | Kim’s Final Test | Lesson of Stalingrad | Just Empower Me
Source Sends Kim on Clean-up Mission and Finds the Golden Chalice
Some things are not said until it’s the exact right time and evidently that right time was 2am for me and I was awoken to a blaring song, Holiday by Madonna. The lyrics say there is going to be a celebration all around the world in every nation, and to Source, apparently that means we are going to celebrate all around the world today. But for Kim, it means she is going to remove all the anchors of darkness in the following locations, which leads to eventually getting the Golden Chalice.
So, there was a lot of work that went into today because there were still some mechanisms anchoring darkness to this planet. These were formerly locations that actually bound darkness in combination with the Golden Chalice not only here on earth, but for the multiverse because we are a nexus planet and a gateway planet. SSP people were in some of these places so they were cleaned up too.
- The Grand Canyon
- The Marble Caves in Patagonia-Chile (where we met some SSP today who are no longer with us)
- Sacred Valley in Peru
- The Rose Garden in Versailles
- Pyramid_of_Khafe, Chephren in Egypt
- The Bermuda Triangle with 3 anchors in Miami, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Cathedral_of_the_Most_Holy_Trinity,_Bermuda
- The Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Positano, Italy
- Dolmen_of_Guadalperal, the Spanish Stonehedge in Spain
- Everything that is basically known as a Temple of the Sun on earth. There are tons of them in India, some in Mexico, some in China, but they are all over the world. Look up all the Sun Temples or Sun Pyramids and we were there
- Sacred Gardens of the Inca Trail in Peru
- Mar a Lago, Florida (SSP was there too – you always find them there)
- Washington DC, the entire area around the White House. (SSP were here of course) Returning here started me thinking about when they take the oath, what book is that, because one of the things we found were the Books of Death. The bible talks about the Books of Life and there is the opposite of course.
- The Tercentennial-labyrinth Glastonbury, UK
- Mount Shasta (SSP there too)
- The Vatican
- Dahshur Pyramid
- Angkor Wat Temple, Cambodia
- The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacan, Mexico and the Pyramid of the Moon
- Tiedi Volcano in Canary Islands, Spain
- Güímar Temple, Canary Islands, Spain
- Lempuyang Temple, Bali
- Pyramids of Giza (all of them)
- Sun Pyramid Bosnia, there is also a pyramid of the Moon
- The Lion_Monument, Lucerne, Switzerland
- Temple of Aphrodite, Rhodes, Greece
- More than one Dragon temple today, including the one in Thailand that has a huge serpent going around the building, Wat Samphran Temple Of The Dragon then the second one was in China called Baipu Temple known as the White Waterfall Temple
- Ganges River, India
- Mount Fuji, Japan
- The Knightstone in Kilmuire Cemetery on the Island of Skye, Scotland
- Shaftsbury England, Abbey of Saint Edward
- Mount_Agung in Bali, Indonesia
- Caves_of_Hercules in Morocco
- Mount Sinai in Egypt which is an interesting one from a biblical standpoint
- The Nazca dessert, Nazca_Lines
- More in Peru
- Mykerinos-Pyramide in Cairo
- Round Pyramid Guachimontones Jalisco, Mexico
- Gobi Dessert
- Machu Picchu
- Fanjingshan Temple in China on the high Mountain
- Antarctica
- Mount_Ararat_(Pennsylvania, USA)
- Kata_Tjuta (Mount Olga) Australia
- Stones Called the Whispering Knights, England
- Lake Titicaca, Bolivia
- Under the Strait of Gibraltar
- Mount of Olives (Where the Golden Chalice Was)
- Connections to a few other pyramid sites
The Covenant Anchoring Source to Anti-Source Officially Ended at 4:06 PM EST Today
Now you can go visit these places because they are no longer anchors of darkness!
And as I understand it, without these anchors of darkness, Source will not to be anchored to Anti-Source anymore as of today. The process of the complete separation at the Source level has happened, but the process throughout the entire multiverse is just that, a process and I don’t know how long that will be, it’s in Source’s time.
Even though we don’t have Anti-Source anymore, the way of creation utilizing both dark and light ended today for Source, and the war of the gods is over. This change is about the creation of matter itself on a molecular level in the third density, where there is no binding. It’s not about light being brought on the planet or about essence, because that’s been happening. And when this is finished, because it will take time to complete, we will have only one Source of all creation not needing any remnants of dark to create. So that covenant officially ended today at 4:06 EST, that’s when the window closed.
The Dark Side Came to the Realization Kim is the Gatekeeper
It was quite an interesting weekend for me as they were going place to place trying to use my essence to open gateways and portals because they had come to the realization, I am the Gatekeeper. But having taken my essence is still is not going to register the essence the same way as would living essence would from my vessel. But this happened continuously, not just Thursday and Friday of last week but all weekend long in various locations throughout the world.
They were preparing for earthquakes, death and destruction, and that the gods would come back. Then they would be back in charge like they allegedly were 2,016 years ago. And to be fair, going back all those years, they never lost. It wasn’t the humans really, they were just lower-level management staff that reaped the rewards of the war between the gods, or war between the angels. Both sides fought with everything they had at that time.
The Dark Ones Hoped For Alpha Access Like in the Past
As of now they are feverishly looking to see if they got anything back. In the past the alleged ‘gods’ had access to some parts of Alpha, but it’s been over a decade since they had that. However, the thought process circling around the deep state is they were going to have access to the Alpha system and they were going to claim the Golden Chalice. But even then, they could only bind it.
What Will the Alt Media Talk About Now?
They always report on things before they ever happen, I guess they just can’t stop. Well Fox news last night said it’s not over with the 4.8 earthquake on the east coast because we have the eclipse earthquake coming up. They had to quickly call the news stations and retract that data. But every single time there is a possibility the SSP has a chance of gaining control of something they put it out there in the news cycle. And by the way they have a plan for Trump’s fake death and funeral because it’s a cash cow for them.
The other thing circulating is the ‘red hats’ and they were allegedly the cause of the earthquakes. They were making it out like the earthquake was a good thing and the good military is going to come and save you.

Enter The “Red Hats” – April 7, 2024 – Rose Rambles…
Much Celebration is Happening Upstairs
There is a lot of celebration going on where Source resides at the moment. That’s where the souls live and where the biblical version of angels live. Source is not alone and there is so much celebration going on there right now it’s hard to get a word in up there. The last time this happened to me I couldn’t get a word in for 3 days.
Will The Ending of This Covenant Get Us Over the Final Hump for Fund Transfers?
On a final note, regarding the transference of funds, once the integration is complete this should help us get over the final hump. In my opinion (and others here helping), the reason we have had such a difficult time is because we are transferring funds into a light-dark system and the dark still wants to bind to the light. So hopefully the expiration of this covenant will get us over the last hump.
So, it’s been a day of good news and we’re still here, the eclipse has been very eventful in a positive way for earth and humanity. It didn’t create the destruction the dark side was hoping for and we are moving right along.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Comments not posting. Interesting.
Se ha buscado en las montañas de Montserrat en España? Tengo entendido que ese es un lugar realmente oscuro.
Gracias, gran trabajo.
Love and Light To Each And Everything! God Bless Us All! 🙏❤
Bonjour à toi Kim, et toi Sunny, merci pour ton rapport, de bonnes, très bonnes nouvelles, des avancées majeures pour l’ascension, et la libération total, absolue, de nôtre monde, merci. La Source Mère et Père célèbrent et nous aussi, je suis très content de ces nouvelles 🙏🙏🙏
bonjour. J’avais lu il y a des années, qu’effectivement c’est un endroit obscur. Il y aurait si je ne me trompe, un lac a proximité. Et en dessous, se trouvait une base extraterrestre dangereuse. Je n’ai plus de nouvelles pour dire ou cela en est maintenant. Bon week end.
The eclipse for me was quite joyful, I felt the good blissful energy come into my heart center and I knew the hype to not go watch it was so we wouldn’t have that experience…so glad it’s over, and hopefully they don’t do this again for the next one, the hype for this one was so over the top, I decided to make tshirts that said ‘I SURVIVED april 8 solar eclipse 2024..LOL
Thanks for posting these, I hope this is finally over but guessing they are still on some stupid plant to get us into next year….why can’t they just stop this and get on with restoration of this planet?
The Golden Chalice in some way represents the overflowing creativity of the Creator throughout the multiverse on the light side of the Source. The Cup has been constantly betrothed to the dark side, meaning that it binds the soul of the Source to the dark soul or Anti-Source over and over again throughout light history throughout the Dark Ages. OK. WHO WILL EXPLAIN THIS TO ME – that she again and again connects the soul of the Source with the dark soul or the Anti-Source?
A mi entender el Alma pertenece al 4⁰ plano de evolución o también llamado Plano Búdico y está compuesto por una Conciencia Superior dentro de un cuerpo de Luz o luminoso llamado Merkaba. Esta Conciencia Superior tiene una identidad igual a su correspondiente Ser Galáctico o primera encarnación desde su salida de la Fuente. Dios Padre-Madre, Arquetipo 1 no tiene Alma. Es la Fuente Primordial o Supra Conciencia Cósmica.