This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 04-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. This update highlights Omega-Kronos which is dying off and desperately trying to survive, while on the other front we have to move forward and Kim gives some analysis of the healthcare system.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

04-SEP-24 NEWS (
The Omega-Kronos Die Off
As the old Omega-Kronos dies off it is desperately putting out anything it can all by itself to survive. I’m mentioning because it’s important to understand it does affect you physically. We don’t know how much it’s affecting us either. As it struggles to survive Omega-Kronos is trying to speed up the cellular degeneration, create artificial deaths and disease in everyone known to mankind. It uses those diseases as parasites within your person, and I’m not just talking about viruses and bacteria that didn’t exist before. But as it dies it uses those things it once had to try and use your lifeforce to keep it going. We removed it several times but it keeps spitting it out like a dying animal throwing things everywhere hoping something sticks. It just has to do with the fact it doesn’t have a power source anymore. Some people might be experiencing dizziness, restless sleep, random tiredness. We could experience these things for a little while so I wanted to let you know.
Deep State is Desperately Trying to Help Omega-Kronos Survive
As for what the deep state is up to, they are also trying to help it survive. They know it’s fading out quickly and they tried everything, including trying to install new payment centers in a facility in Atlanta, but it won’t work and they are running out of options. They are realizing it is not happening and they are desperate at this point, which could lead to insane movements at potential places. They are focused on getting some financial domination and lots of promises went out to lots of countries and big payouts were promised to the Families. There is a lot of stuff going on in that arena and it is total chaos.
Even what Source was saying, “We are no longer in the eye of storm where things appear calm, we’re coming out the other side.”
And this is well beyond the deep state’s comprehension, we are dealing with an awful lot as the dark is struggling to survive in the multiverse. We’re going to have to ride this wave out. It’s also affecting your emotional state as it is trying to bring illness and things into your physical body. We’re deep in battle right now on that front.
Moving Forward | Worldwide Analysis of Healthcare Systems
On the other front we have a lot of things moving forward. We have initiated a worldwide analysis of healthcare systems. We’ve heard a lot of things about patient records, that nobody communicates those records with doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies. We also have been working on a better clinic/hospital system, meaning right now when you walk into the hospital in most of the western world or eastern European areas, you get lost. But when it comes to C.A.R.E. clinics and hospitals, they will all be laid out the same way worldwide. They have to be, because if you’re in another country and don’t even speak the same language you should be able to figure out where you are going. And they should all sync up with pharmacies, whether you deal with one online or walk in off the street. The same goes for doctor’s offices, they should have access to the same database and it should be offered for free.
Inconsistencies and Problems within the Healthcare System
Another thing we don’t regularly see in clinics and hospitals is the option for natural medicine or naturopathic doctors. Another problem, is if you go to an accredited university in England for example, and you want to move to America your accreditation doesn’t follow you.
We also need to establish a worldwide database for new and innovative technologies and changes in the medical industry. We need a way to share that as well to assist in surgeries for example, at least to be able to share virtually to start. These are all things in the works. We started breaking them down and are working on a virtual reality training tool. If we can use virtual reality for video games, why can’t we use it for surgeries.
And virtual reality can be used in a lot more than just the medical industry, it’s a great way to aid in adult education. There is no training for innovations which is a big thing because we’ve been doing the same thing the same way. It’s important we change the way we do things and provide an education that will mean something. We are working on an international database for tradesman too. We need to become more of an international community but interdependent. New innovations should be shared worldwide, we’re not holding things back anymore. No longer will it be the old deep state way of controlling us. So we are putting together all of these structures. Remember energy flows where attention goes and I told you we were going to start focusing on these things.
If the deep state doesn’t get any leverage off your birth certificate anymore, honestly, they could care less if you live or die. The healthcare system is bad here in the US but it’s civilized corruption. For instance, doctors get kickbacks for prescribing medication whether or not it’s good for you, the cost of medications is outrageous, insurance companies are struggling to say the least. But in other countries that have alleged National Healthcare Systems (NHS) you have even bigger issues.
Agent M shared a video when I asked him to do look into the healthcare in the Middle East. It was about a protest going on there. The protestors were all trained doctors and nurses and were told they would get a job with the National Healthcare Service in this particular country. They were peacefully protesting because of all the corruption that has been going on and they were sprayed upon with water to break up the protest, sometimes with really hot water, and sometimes with a firehose which can really hurt.
But the point is, this country has a lot of oil so there is a lot of money coming in there, but it’s only being held by a few people, and not only that, the government is not properly funding the NHS there. And only recently have they allowed for private care, actually just in the last several months. So, there was the NHS or none at all. The other problem is when you go to visit a doctor in the NHS there in no such thing as an appointment. So, you never know when you’ll actually see a doctor and may have to keep returning and getting on line for days. Then, in this particular country where the video was taken, you may finally see a doctor but if you need a cast or antibiotics or whatever treatment, because they don’t regularly carry supplies, you have to pay for that separately and bring them back to the Dr. for him/her to administer. So these protestors were promised a job and they didn’t get one and there is no healthcare in this particular area.
We are making strides to do things, but you have to recognize the input from the ground on what is wrong. Life Assurance wouldn’t save the day in that country. And even in some other countries like the UK where their NHS is suffering greatly. Unless you’re hemorrhaging and bleeding out in some places you get no service. And we have to figure out how people will even get to clinics or hospitals in places like these. So we’re identifying a lot of issues and getting a lot of feedback, but we’re also finding a lot of positive solutions within the Think Tank.
Moving Forward | Marketplace Update
We’ve been working very hard to at least get our shop up and running. It’s not the marketplace but our shop. Now we have been told by our marketplace folks that most of the functionality should be in place by the end of this month and we’ll be testing for most of October and hopefully launch by November 1st. Kim then gave a preview of the shop she has been working on with essential oils, and showed some other products, etc. which she will keep us abreast of as we get closer. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about it soon and it’s a good sign of moving forward. They have a lot coming with the marketplace.
Kim is definitely in her happy place with creating new things and solutions. She said it will take time to build but we’re going to change the way people buy food from farms. We’re going to reconnect you with what’s good in nature as well as everything new that is out there to make you and the world a better place
A good sign of moving forward…
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buenas iniciativas y me alegro por ellas, aunque los precios son muy elevados. No todos podemos pagarlo. Yo compro aceites esenciales bio quimiotipados de excelente calidad por 4 veces menos que el precio ofrecido en su tienda.
Mantener esos precios no es muy coherente si se trata de ayudar.
bonjour, le seul jour, ou les véritables vies terrestre pourront guérir naturellement, sera le jour ou les automnes, les hivers auront disparues de la surface de la terre! ainsi la nature les végétations, les animaux, les humains, trouveront davantge de quoi ce nourrir, mais surtout ne nourront plus de manque de vitamine distribué par la source de vie terrestre: par l’intervention de la terre, de l’eau, de l’air, et de ça meilleurs vitamine le soleil, source de guérison, et de bien être! le cocktail, de ces 4 divinités, non pollué est source de vie éternelle! chose que nous pouvons voir des la mi mai, juste parfois jusqu’a mi octobre! d’ou l’importance, de voir disparaître avec de l’anti source et ces serviteurs diabolique les automnes et les hivers pour l’éternité infini, ceci dans tout les univers et galaxies! bonne santés, vies à vous tous/toutes! et la j’ai une pensé pour toutes les véritables vies terrestres disparuent à cause de ce dieu, cette antichrist et de ces serviteurs des états profonds qui doivent tous/toutes disparaître sans plus attendre des aujourd’hui et sans billets retour possible, je sais je suis dur sur le cout, mais après analyse, et ses milliards années oppressions subit par la source de vie terrestre ces biens et ces vies terrestre, je ne pense pas que ce soit pas trop comme demande!!! place à la vie, à l’amour véritable entre tous/toutes!