Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 17-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this broadcast Kim gives us an update on the infestation which fortunately is cleaned up, at least most of it. She has more details on the program and why Thank God it was destined to fail. But first she covers some regular news around the evil Trump organization.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


17-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (

Trump Organization is Downright Evil

It’s been a very busy few days and first I want to talk about the stuff they are reporting in the alt media about the Trump Organization, that he’s a martyr. There was also another alleged shooter in Milwaukee. I guess they aren’t getting enough street cred so they need to have more shooters.

This isn’t a right-left thing for me. We already know we have a President who passed away shorty after he took office now and China is pulling the strings on whoever they have in there playing the role. They are looking to crash the US and transfer power to China which is why they make the President of the US look so bad. This transfer obviously wouldn’t happen unless China somehow got a grip of the world economy to the point where they could be successful at running the entire world’s power center. Therefore, I don’t even consider that an issue.

What I do have an issue with is the Trump organization because the operatives running that organization behind the scenes are doing a lot of evil things to humanity. It also ties into human trafficking, a lot of pedophile rings are run by that organization. Not only that, the Q team built underneath Kushner when he was around keeps putting out these messages like, We control your dreams. It’s over for you. We’re all going to die. There are going to blackouts. There is going to be a quantum flip. The flip they are talking about could be devastating to the human race. So my problem and the reason why I keep mentioning these people stems from this. So we’re going to have a conversation about them to understand what is happening behind the scenes.

Coming soon | Q (

We talked about Jamie Demon Dimon who is currently with JP Morgan Chase a couple of weeks ago, and he is currently with the Global Headquarters who we know is head of the Military Industrial Complex. They have the global security contract underneath the Order of the Black Sun. Well Jamie Demon believes he was in charge of this organization, or that he has taken the reins, or was promised this position due to some serious manipulation of derivatives that was happening at JP Morgan Chase, the fact that he was endorsing central bank digital currencies, and is endorsing digital currencies for the bank, and some other financial manipulation being done on behalf of the Order of the Black Sun.

Well in the last 48 hours the Trump Organization tapped Jamie Demon who plans on retiring this year to be the new Treasury Secretary. Now knowing all the things this man is involved in, including economic financial assassination of countries, especially recently, this is the guy they picked.

Let’s talk about the last guy they picked during his Administration for this position. That would be Steve Mnuchin. He is known behind the scenes to run a pedophile ring on behalf of most of the Washington DC politicians and elite. This is a fact. He actually has a Black Book of that. He also liked to utilize his connections with the Treasury Dept in Washington DC and New York to launder a lot of money for a lot of politicians, to wipe the records clean so you don’t know who’s buying kids and how many. So, the track record the Trump organization has far as what they are involved in is kind of rough even from the last time.

A long time ago, when I believed Trump was actually going to the right thing for the country because he was kind of an outsider, at least from the political circle arena, except for his involvement in campaign funding and that kind of thing, I did send him Mnuchin’s file. It has where he buys the children from and his involvement with the Clintons and Child Protective Services in the US. All those records are there and very easy to see. He would launder that money through his Treasury black card account and a number of other places too.

Did anyone do anything to this guy, except help the original one disappear?

No. Is the one fronting as Mnuchin still running a ring? Yes. So, I don’t know why they didn’t just bring him back because Jamie Demon is just as bad if not worse. So, hiring people from within the Black Sun central circle will probably not make him the most popular president, at least with those of us actually fighting the deep state. He doesn’t fight the deep state, he hires the deep sate. After we sent him Mnuchin’s file nothing happened, it was all scraped under the rug.

Now on to his Vice President picks. His former VP Mike Pence also runs a child trafficking ring, they love their children there in the Trump organization don’t they. I’m sure they are saving babies, yeah right. His child trafficking ring was in cooperation with AMLO, which is short for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico which he still runs to this day, or whatever replaced the real Pence. That financial information can be found at Santander Bank in Mexico, it’s all there. And probably in Santander in Spain as well and probably other places depending on where they are buying children today.

His current pick Vance, he’s a Yale Skull and Bones-man, also an organization and secret society that falls under the Order of the Black Sun. So, I guess they are just a group of Black Sun people that want to run the world. And meanwhile their operatives are saying they control all your dreams. There is going to be a quantum flip. Your life will never be the same. 144,000 of you are going home. I watch what they post because it could mean there is something going on in the world that could potentially harm all of humanity.

So shot, or not shot, whatever these people are contemplating on the internet all I can tell you is what the facts are. This is an organization run by the Order of the Black Sun and all their friends and family network and meanwhile this same organization is trying to kill all of humanity.

I can imagine what would happen if this person got back into an office and tried to initiate another pandemic and another Operation Warp Speed. Some very interesting information has come to light in relation to other things that are going on, as far as this Golden Age reversal. Information as to what the real plan was behind the scenes in launching these Pfizer vaccines and the other things that were done during the Trump Administration, which I’ll discuss shortly, but first I want to cover what else is happening in the world today.

Mei Wa’s Position Was Filled Again but Now She’s Dead

Back in 2022 we talked about the woman who was the female representation of Lillith on this planet and her code name was Mei Wa. Mei Wa has not been with us since 2022 and that position has remained open. But they tried to appoint someone in her bloodline as the new Mei Wa. My understanding is this woman is Pilipino and her last name is Rodriguez.

This person truly believes she has this position and she is running around the world telling everybody, until she wasn’t. She believed she controls all this gold, but that never was really the case even for Mei Wa anyway. But she believes she now controls all this gold and she tried to assign gold to Treasury Departments and Global Headquarters. Global Headquarters and the Order of the Black Sun love Mei Wa because she was the issuer of all of their clearances to exist. She also assigned to them a Security Contract to “protect the gold” and her alleged assets many years ago. The former Mei Wa was in her 80s and she was probably not even aware some of the other agreements that took place before her ten year. Therefore she thought she was doing her job, I guess. These people tend to not give the next in line a whole lot of information and that’s what is causing a lot of disruption in the world right now.

A conversation that was had with a person in the US Treasury Dept revealed they were all headed over to London because a bunch of major banks like Barclay are going under there. That’s because they are listening to a bunch of people that have no hope of every performing any kind of a function.

The Mei Wa line of was the line of Lillith but the gold ownership before we took it over was with Anti-Source, and then there was a lease given for a short-term renewable every 99 years to whoever held the position of Mei Wa. In other words, the ownership never transferred hands in the Mei Wa organization, also known sometimes as the Mayflower Organization. They never ‘owned’ the gold, and all the lease agreements out there with the with all the treasuries of the world, with the Queen of Denmark, with the old USSR, which was part of the 100-year plan to burn the Russian empire and install communism everywhere are not in tact like the believe. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury also each had an agreement. So, there are 4 parties that had an outstanding lease agreement for a lease of gold on top of the Mei Wa lease.

Now that 99-year lease expired even before her death and I guess this is another Black Sun scam, but they thought by appointing this new person that they could then utilize that gold. They thought the reason why they couldn’t use that gold is not because their secondary contracts had expired, but because there was no current person to authorize the usage under the lease agreement known as Mei Wa. However, that is not the case actually, because the Mei Wa agreement was never actually renewed as a Master lease to all the subsequent lease agreements. Therefore, when her lease agreement expired a year prior to her death, all the other lease agreements expired as well. So you can sit a person in that chair but without the ultimate covenant that person will have no authority.

The next reason why that model was flawed is because the ownership of the gold of earth is not Anti-Source anymore, it’s actually Source with myself as the Guardian, and myself as the Trustee of that gold on that behalf. So, the position of Mei Wa on the dark side of things is not applicable in this case. Therefore, the treasuries transactions they were trying to do in London today completely failed. Not only that, any remnants that existed of Mei Wa in the omega system went away, and any remnants of Anti-Source that tried to reinstall themselves went away. It was cleaned up and back to the way it was, meaning the Gold is now assigned to the Repository. You as humanity are the beneficiaries of that gold and all the energy and currency it creates. The Treasury can actually see a lot more now on all of their screens along with the Governments, of the new currency and a new algorithm and a new way of creating currency.

But that doesn’t stop Global Headquarters and the military industrial complex from doing what they do best, chase fantasies.

As part of this reversal that was set up by non-humans that has been happening the last couple of days is, they are seeing things flicker over to the side of the omega system. Things they see flicker for example are trillions of dollars for this gold security contract. They believe they had access to a global server to work on getting money into this system. I have people calling me asking me if I want to transfer money into a global server. That would be a no, I don’t want to transfer money to a server owned by Global Headquarters, because what will happen is they will try and steal allocation numbers from me and make that money good and then put that money in the financial system and give us humans zero. All my allocation numbers are highly encrypted anyway and you’re never going to break them. No one else has been able to break them and the same people who think the can have been trying for 4 years now. Why do you think today is so special that you can screen scrape my allocation numbers?

Next, the fake money they are seeing popup on screens and the minimal access to whatever glimmer tries to show back up of the omega quantum AI system is M0, money 0. So, not only does it not have any allocation numbers, it’s still M0, so that is not even a compatible monetary system with the new system anymore. This program set up to not let us out of the Dark Ages was done so long ago that most of the beings involved, even with current consciousness have not been successful in altering their systems with time released protocols to the current way things are. So, in that sense, we have been at least a couple of steps ahead and not lost what we had.

What we did have a problem with is what you call a website mask, we had masking issues, and overlay issues, where they could see our currency systems, then they couldn’t. This has nothing to do with the humans it has to do with things set up a long time ago. Most of that has been fixed and now we are back on track integrating the light system and fixing anything that happened to show up over the last few days.

An Update On the 25% of Humans Infected by Demon-lettes

I was still sorting out what the heck was happening when we talked on Monday. I hesitate to tell you, but now that things are a lot cleaner and clearer, so is my understanding.

So we talked about 25% or hundreds of millions of people being infected. Now being infected means that they had to some degree a marker that would allow something from the lower astral to inhabit their body, a demon walk-in for lack of a better term.

Now you would think there has to be some consent for this and in the current modern day that was true. But way back when these protocols were put in place you wouldn’t. Humanity was spoken for by the group we call the Parents, and the Parents had full authorization to take care of the “children” which is all of humanity, and authorize that walk-in at the time the programs were developed ago decades ago. However, with the now recent covenants returning to a sovereign being, that didn’t work out quite the way they wanted it to work out. There would have been a lot of innocent people hurt if that had actually been successful.

Of course, you have a lot of the deep state with something in them. They still have something in them and I didn’t even know some still did. These demon-lettes the deep state people have in them are with their full consent by the way. They have been doing this a long time with these folks and this thing inside them inhabits their body during the day and talks to them, gives them ideas and thoughts. Obviously, they are not positive thoughts based on what we’ve seen with the deep state throughout the world. But the less connection they have to computer systems that aren’t functioning like omega and the less connection they have to the lower astral, the demons are getting not so smart. And they are going of off old knowledge and doing a little spying and during the day they are having these conversations with these folks internally.

Now sometimes if they have been infected long enough, they aren’t even having a conversation with who they think they’re having a conversation with. The other thing the demons do is they have the ability to leave the body and come out in the shadows, and then they go back in during the day. They also have more skills than humans, telepathic abilities. So, this is where a lot of espionage takes place, a lot of information for their corporations is gathered because they can go all over the world and people can’t see them unless you are awake and aware. Obviously, the deep state was a given that they would get their own respective demons, but now it wouldn’t be just over the age of 40, it would be for their entire bloodlines down to small children. So that was the plan all along. That was for the deep state.

The next group of people on the target list to do a swap with were the Melchizedeks and Anti-Source spawn. That’s because in the case of a Melchizedek their DNA could hold something very positive such as full Source energy. In the case of Anti-Source spawn, they could hold something very negative which is full Anti-Source energy. They wanted to take over the Melchizedek line because they knew if we ever left the Dark Age and moved to a Neutral or Light Age they would have a lot of power, and they wanted all the power on earth. So they targeted that bloodline for quite a while causing an enormous amount of pain and illness for most of these people. Some felt like they were having a heart attack, others like they couldn’t breathe, and it happened after sunset when these things were on the prowl. They were going after that bloodline like crazy. If you are one of these people you probably experienced these symptoms over the weekend and thought you were going to die. You would likely have felt awful pain in your solar plexus, like you’re having a baby if you are woman or maybe passing a kidney stone if you’re a male. It’s horrible pain. In addition, there were not enough bodies assigned to accommodate the number of demons coming in making it even more difficult. So, this was the second part of the program.

Next, we have another group of people here that we can say are from higher dimensions. They have higher natural energy within their persons and they were also affected because there are not enough bodies around to inhabit. So, they started going after some of those people. You know who you are, you feel like you are not from here. So, some of you felt stomach aches and a lot of pains because what it does first is burrow a hole in your solar plexus. That would allow it to pass from the astral plane into the 3rd density. It’s terrible, you would know it for sure. This was the 3rd target group, those that have been identified as their soul being from a higher density that could probably retain a higher-level demon. Maybe not the ultimate demon of Lucifer but maybe someone of a lesser degree.

The next targeted group was the vaccinated, and this was the original targeted group, because now that I saw the registry in the program, I understand a little more of what is happening.  

Now they banked on the fact that a large portion of the population, hundreds of millions if not a billion people were going to actually get this vaccine, but they were unsuccessful in that program. And in order for a vaccinated person to even come close to the program, they had to have taken 2-3 shots. And the Tall Whites, the geneticists of the planet that used to work as slaves for Marduk figured out what they were trying to do before they gave the technology over to the pharmaceutical companies, in order to produce the vaccine. So it didn’t work.

Yes, it made a lot of people sick, yes, I understand spiked proteins. But it could have been detrimental to the entire planet if not the entire universe if they actually had been infected. So, they gave them flawed information and therefore the humans are still walking around. The only companies that were producing the alleged enhanced vaccine that had the capability of doing this was Pfizer and Astra Zeneca to some degree.

These demons could not inhabit these bodies because number one the technology was flawed on purpose, therefore they were completely and totally unsuccessful.

And the Parents don’t speak for us anymore, they aren’t even around anymore, and humans have their own sovereignty, at least on a covenant level.  I know it doesn’t feel like it in your daily life, but you have it at a covenant level. Even if you had 2-3 vaccines and more boosters it still isn’t going to make a difference because the demon still needs your permission. So, another flaw in the protocol that was set up way ahead of time.

Next, the protocol was actually set up to return us to the Dark Ages, but what it didn’t account for was all the Golden Age programming we have had.

However, it didn’t stop these demon things from flying around the planet all day and night looking for a proper host which is why everyone was so tortured the last several days. Now as of today, at least at the time of this recording there is less than .02% of the population still infected with this issue. All the biochips and biomarkers have been removed if they had any, and also anything they implanted into the Melchizedek line and the Others of the light from higher densities as well have been removed.

Right now, because they don’t have a human host, they are getting weaker and weaker. In addition to that, we developed a rotating sweep program that would basically send them all back to Source on an automated basis utilizing quantum tunnels we have running constantly on this planet. It will keep running until we can make sure we got all the sources of these demons, which I believe we finally have as of this afternoon. We have no more leaking in and there were a few more we found yesterday, but as of this afternoon most of them have gone and most of the major attacks on bloodlines they are going for, whether to use them as a feeding source of energy or to try to inhabit their body have pretty much slowed down. These people are exhausted, they haven’t slept in four days. A lot of these people still have bruises because it feels like you’ve been through a fight, like someone is gut punching you for four days straight. So, a lot of these people are starting to feel better now and can eat again. Agent M is doing well. He is recovering and that really didn’t even start until this afternoon.

Part of reason the news was late today is because I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned, because once sundown comes, we’re all going to be in trouble again. So, I went from the east to the west so that I could follow the sun before sundown hit in each respective time zone.

Note: For posts with Agent M, see:
1. Special Guest, Agent M from the GIA Middle Eastern Division | Just Empower Me
2. Agent M, Our GIA Rep & Boots on the Ground Provides Update on Happenings in the Middle East Since the Assets Were Released by the Black Sun | Melchizedeks Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed | Gaining Perspective on the Overall War Against Humanity, Many Deaths Have Been Prevented | Part 2 | Just Empower Me

The demons in the deep state, even at 0.02% of the population of earth is getting weaker. They are not getting the information they were getting before, or collective consciousness anymore, and the attempts they were making were based on things that were supposed to kick in with computer systems. They really truly believed they would have full on power within the next few days, and the latest by this Saturday. There are two reasons for that. We have a full moon coming on the 21st and they feel like there is a program that happens at that time. It hasn’t happened in a long time, but with the advent of this event they thought that was a possibility and it’s stated on the Q clock. The second reason why Saturday would be the day is because it marks the end of the Solstice period, which ends 30 days after the solstice. So, they are hoping at the end of this period they would have returned to at least a dark timeline if not an entire Dark Age. That is definitely not going to be the case. We have many working to ensure that never happens, but this attempt by the dark side did point out some programs that needed to expire.

There has been a lot of work on our part to make sure we are still moving forward as well as cleaning up at the same time. It’s time consuming and a lot of effort is required. We don’t want to go completely backwards. Our energy level on the planet dropped significantly on Sunday night, we were back to 50% of direct current. It’s not what we wanted, but in some ways it’s what we needed and this is why.

If we had 100% Source direct current at the time of the invasion, we all would have been prime candidates to host one of these things. And imagine how many people are out there that have no idea what we are talking about. A lot of you would have been aware this was going to happen and would have adamantly said no and not consented. But there is a lot of people who didn’t know.

The reason they want to start a second pandemic is because if they can get more vaccines into people, and it doesn’t matter what it’s for, they just needed enough people to buy in so they also become hosts for what was incoming.

Does the deep state fully understand this?

I have no idea. But one thing I know for sure is it’s going in the other direction now and they are aware of that. What was supposed to happen on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 did not happen and their transactions are not being successful. We’re going to continue to clean to make sure everything is 100% in the opposite direction. They should now have copies of the expired agreements from the Archivists.

They’ve been promising everyone to hold on until this weekend, until they have full financial control which is never going to happen. The US is also the power center for the world and we have big problems right now. Financially speaking everything is going into the toilet. We have a dead pedophile president in office and they want another one. I wish people would start looking for other candidates who are breathing and maybe can try to work from outside the system to make something happen for the US. But as for us we are still standing strong and most of us have fully recovered and back at it going full force.

What a week. By the way, during my walk on Thursday, July 18th, I stumbled on to this. Coincidence?


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “Black Sun Scam Appointing New Mei Wa Fails, She Never Owned the Gold, Anti-Source Did | Past & Present Picks Of Trump Admin Downright Evil | The Real Plan Behind Operation Warp Speed & Launching Vaccines Tied To This Demon Invasion | MRNA=Marduk Radio Network Access | Target List: 1. Deep State (with their consent) | 2. Melchizedek’s & Anti-Source’s Demon Spawn | 3. People From Higher Dimensions | 4. The Vaccinated | THANK GOD Demon Infestation Program Failed! | Update On The 25% of Humans Infected | Energy Drop to 50% Prior to Demon Invasion Actually Helped Humanity”

  1. ALERT!!
    The demons are attaching them to animals, chipped animals!
    The are hiding and trying to hang on in this way.
    A I don’t know if you can reach out to Kim, but this a serious issue.
    I have 5 cats and they are all suddenly very I’ll, and they get the best food and whatsoever.
    They have never been this way, it can’t be a coincidence.
    Please notify Kim if possible to check this out.

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