
Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins

This Situation Report from Kim Goguen on April 18, 2022 was delivered on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. This update discusses backlash from the dark and dying species, who is the ACIO, and why Earth, Humans, particularly Human DNA is so special. Also, Metatron’s Cube is still dissipating and so are the Treaties and […]

Backlash from a Dying Species | Why Earth and Humans are So Unique | Metatron’s Corrupted Cube Continues to Dissipate While the Tesseract Takes Over and New Timeline Begins Read More »

Pre-Requisites for Genocide (If You’re a Psychopath)

Here we go again! The Deep State is anxiously awaiting for the Aliens to save them, AGAIN! Oy Vey. Although I have to use the term ‘save’ loosely considering that yet again, the plan if successful would be to throw them under the bus AND yet again they refuse to believe that. Last week’s Situation

Pre-Requisites for Genocide (If You’re a Psychopath) Read More »

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