
Skynet In US & China Proves Terminator Movie is Non-Fiction | Heavy Activity Around War in the Middle East & Now 1/3 of the African Continent Could Potentially Participate | Act Blue Money Disappeared So They Extracted Millions Out of the Market for War Effort, Hence the Down Market | China Deep State & Rothschilds Fighting As Neither Can Deliver on Yet Another Promised Pay Day | Weapons Tracking & Termination Happening With Help from Sky Command, (aka The Enforcer)

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 02-AUG-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. Oh boy, it’s been an all-out war and today Kim gives us the back story as to what the deep state is trying to achieve even if they don’t know what that is. Skynet is the big topic as well as diffusing […]

Skynet In US & China Proves Terminator Movie is Non-Fiction | Heavy Activity Around War in the Middle East & Now 1/3 of the African Continent Could Potentially Participate | Act Blue Money Disappeared So They Extracted Millions Out of the Market for War Effort, Hence the Down Market | China Deep State & Rothschilds Fighting As Neither Can Deliver on Yet Another Promised Pay Day | Weapons Tracking & Termination Happening With Help from Sky Command, (aka The Enforcer) Read More »

Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish?

Today’s post is Part 2 of the 11/08/2021 Situation Report update provided by Kim Goguen and it’s time to bring back the Nibiru narrative. It’s on course to crash into us and we’re all going to die! No, not that narrative, we have a new one and it’s quite an interesting story. Nibiru came on Kim’s radar

Is Nibiru a Planet or Giant Floating Petri Dish? Read More »

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