This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 08-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Behind the scenes the deep state people are desperately hunting for an omega back-up system they thought was going to go into effect during the Aeon Flux and new moon last night, but alas nothing happened. That has left them in a panic, but even more so because there was a second part going on for a couple of weeks which has come to fruition this morning. Since Kim can now talk about the second part that is underway and they need to know that she knows, that’s the topic of today’s intel report.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

08-May-24 News -Broadband High (
Committee of 300 Claims They Control Numerous Holding Companies
If you’ve been researching for a while you’ve probably seen documentation around the Committee of 300. Some internet sites show a long list of banks worldwide they allegedly control with large numbers beside them, they are well known documents. And in part, the Committee of 300 claims they control the holding companies of all these banking institutions, and to some degree the holding companies had an operating system of their own.
So, I spent some time preparing for what I could foresee coming.
Because all operating systems were dual operating systems, what we’ve been doing is converting them to Alpha Harmonic Genesis operating systems, eliminating any view from Omega. So, these accounts, although they didn’t hold any real money because they had no allocation numbers, they could see the holding company within the financial system at the higher level. By higher level I mean Family level and above government levels.
IOUs Are Being Issued Against These Holding Accounts Reflecting Fake Money
Someone who claimed to be an heir and descendent of Committee of 300 decided to take all these accounts, show them to countries and explained to them that on the 7th of May these accounts would go live and become active. So, they began issuing a tremendous number of vouchers, IOUs if you will, to people like the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, to militaries and a lot of different places. I’ve kind of been watching this as the new currency of the deep state, because it’s always going to be good some day in the future. They also tried doing business again with a group called the Boko Haram in Africa. That group has a lot of physical cash and lot is super notes. They have been unable to launder that money into the system since the shutdown of a UN black site in Kenya a few years ago by yours truly. So, the Treasury Dept and BIS thought they would help them out and figured they could use allocation numbers from their stacks of cash to legitimize this money that is on off-ledger accounts in these holding accounts.
Remember that move back in March of 2022, when the Russian oligarchs ended up minus $1.8 trillion? This next section kind of reminds me of that.

The Lioness Strikes Again
So, we watched them try to set it up. They also tried to use these holding company accounts for their new digital currency system which they tried again to relaunch yesterday. There was a meeting at the BIS with Global Headquarters and militaries worldwide trying to get this up and running. That failed miserably and by late yesterday afternoon they started to panic. But we were prepared for this situation and what you always want to use is the element of surprise. You never show your hand. Now based on the fact this did not work out we figured by early morning EST today everyone would be in full-on panic. And since Global Headquarters is predominantly based in the US, we set this to go off around 7am EST because they would just be getting up after a long night of zero accomplishment.
The things we set off at a specific time…
We Took Over Every Operating System for Those Holding Companies.
We were set to take over the holding companies operating system for every single bank listed on those documents starting at 7am this morning. Not only that, we also made sure the same time we took them over we zeroed out every single account and shut down the base platform for militaries and intelligence agencies worldwide, NATO and the back-end platform for internet security. We also shut down all Treasury systems on the front-end from the base platform. So, we’ve not been slacking in any way, basically governments are now shutdown as they have no eyes or ears because we’ve come to the conclusion governments aren’t doing anything, they are just a tool in the toolbox for the deep state. We’ve given them hundreds of chances and they gives us lies to buy time. So we proceeded to finish off the financial system with backbones of tax authorities and different types of things so everyone is having database problems this morning.
The next location I hear they are going to try is Malaysia during the full moon. None of this is going to work and the lies had to end. And zeroing out the holding companies is not going to affect you in any way, that is all the genetic shareholders leverage against your deeds. For example, if you get a mortgage on your house, that is a source of those high yield trading programs, these are the programs that run off those types of accounts. So as of this morning everything erupted into a giant zero in communications lines, access, ownership and they have no ability to hide it anymore.
They Were Taken Completely Off Guard by Us When the Black List Went into Effect
They are getting it from me on every single level today. AND they are also having a lot of problems and issues from people calling asking where their money is because it’s been zeroed out. AND the cartels contracts went into full force last night, so our Raymond Reddington crew they hired and paid are on the hunt. They formulated a Black List of who lied, cheated, stole, and keep playing the tomorrow game. That list is composed of Black Nobility Family members, SSP, Global Headquarters people, Order of the Dragon Family members, Langley 5, UN and UN Security people, Treasury, Government, Political and Military people worldwide. There are high profile names on that list and they already started hunting them down after they found out their plan, which entailed their back-up system kicking in didn’t work out.
At the exact time of the full moon, it was a full-on assault, no one was taking their calls, people are running for the hills and they don’t even know who they are running from. So, we thought it was a great time to piggy back on that this morning which is why I timed my takeover to start at 7am. There is no going back from here, no more talking to those people.
And we have a few more steps which we won’t tell ahead of time to conclude over the next 48 hours in the takedown of the remaining deep state. It may or may not involve some media things. While I don’t want to justify their existence, I don’t want to cause panic in regular humans who don’t know what we’re talking about either. But we have several more things that are definitely going to happen in the next few days. We’re hitting them high and low and watching the Raymond Reddington crew too. We’re not working together, but it’s a coordinated effort. You might as well ride on the back of what everybody else is doing and prepare what you can do on your side and help the process along.
Hitting System After System
Since this started in the last 3-4 hours we’ve been hitting system after system. We don’t know the end result of it, but I’m not interested in negotiating with these people. They were obviously trying to tank the financial system with whatever it is they were doing. A call came in the night before from someone in the military known for not wanting to move in either direction. But he made comments to us about a financial system crash and asked what are you going to do about it. Well, I’m not going to tell you if that is the case, but everyone is on high alert. Now we didn’t shut down the financial system for you, you can still go to the bank and ATM and it will work fine. What we did was shut down the back platform for it and that’s where they usually try to commit the most amount of fraud on a larger scale. But we did shut down military and intelligence and NATO and that entailed two other systems.
We Took Down the Doomsday System
If the Doomsday protocol is triggered it means that everything flips over to the Doomsday system for the world, which happens to be run by the US under the White House and Norfolk. What I mean by flip is, it mirrors the financial, military and intelligence systems so they can be up and running in the doomsday bunkers and planes. Once that kicked in, it took just a few minutes to take it out, so that’s now down.
We Took Down the Non-Human ‘X’ System
Then worldwide another system kicked in which was not a human system and it was called ‘X’. This is not something SpaceX would have had access to, although some of those systems were built on a portion of the X platform as permitted by the former owners of this planet awhile back. So, after doomsday went down, X disappeared in short order.
There are no more backup systems for planet earth, the only one that will remain is the Alpha Harmonic Genesis system.
There is also financial security and military security systems, a deep state operation that intertwines with all militaries, intelligence, internet, financial, and media systems worldwide. It’s like the security aspect or another level of control as far as security is concerned which they no longer have either.
Deep State is in a Massive Panic
The success of this operation has many running around looking for anything to log into. They knew last night they were under attack but thought they could still cash their vouchers. Then they thought about using the Doomsday system, then the X system which are no longer options. Now, it’s looking like a full-on panic and there is no way they are going to escape the Raymond Reddington crew for long.
Will We See Results in the Outer Scape?
We expect to see some serious results, but are they going to come back with masked men and women? Maybe they will try, maybe they will delay announcing in the media. Everyone is frustrated and we’re getting complaints from the Archivists and the visitors here from other places because of the reverb from this planet. I for one am extremely frustrated and I can imagine how tired you all are, but I’m one human here with a few friends and unfortunately it can’t be made all right in a day. There isn’t a magic unicorn coming to erase all the problems in a day. I wish there was. Even Source, it’s a co-creative process, it was always a co-creative process. So other than all of you focusing on the positive we want to see, the changes we want to see in the world and then acting on those changes to the best of your ability, there isn’t a whole lot you can do to change it. Protecting yourself and your family and doing the best you can. But I can’t imagine this continuing too much longer.
Interesting Developments of Corporate Systems All of Which Will Revert to C.A.R.E.
All systems that focused more on corporate controls skimmed 10% off the top everything. That number went up in the food industry based on the pharmaceutical deal that happened a couple years ago. But they skim off every single one of their companies. And most of their large companies were connected to the same operating system so they can shut them down. They can also shut down the manufacturing and they could put something in products using the same operating system. The same thing goes with firearms control and then of course the things they put in tobacco. There are also customs and tariffs, the world trade organization system and all the breaks and discounts the deep state got were listed in that system. So, they would know when deep state products are coming in and wouldn’t charge them customs.
These are all interesting and positive developments, because having the ability to change the rules of customs and tariffs worldwide without having to go through World Economic Forums to change what small businesses get charged to move goods around the world, as one is example is a good thing. It’s very expensive compared to deep state companies between the shipping costs, customs and tariffs. So, there are positive things coming out of this too. We’re not only taking down but rebuilding on our side of it.
As far as bank ownerships and alleged vouchers and Committee of 300, eventually all will revert to C.A.R.E. They misused C.A.R.E., remember awhile back they claimed they all were C.A.R.E. So, we have to very careful when we launch that phase. Right now, those holding companies are just zeroed out and under our name.
What About the Media?
We are going to see what transpires in a very short period of time. We know most media is scripted two days in advance, so two days from now we’ll get a general idea on how they are going to mislead public opinion. Now I hesitate on this aspect only from the standpoint of public panic, because you know the normies watch the news, get alerts on their phone, it’s become part of their daily life and how they stay informed. What if that went away? How do we stop the lies? We have to think about public reaction because we don’t want people to panic.
But we’ve had the broadcasting systems and FCC for several days now, which means we have the backbone for every single network starting from the top, Viacom, Ted Turner, all on down. What should we do at this point. One thing is for sure, the way we receive information has to change. Maybe the key is to come up with a new incentive program and creating proper algorithms that are fairer and more equitable so everyone is heard. In my opinion search engine optimization needs to be more user friendly for the every day person who wants to get information out there. Maybe key words can be used for optimization instead of banning videos. People think it works that way but no. For example, the campaign and branding of Trump through social media was designed by Jared Kushner and was the most successful campaign ever. He had hundreds of thousands, then hundreds of millions doing the same thing on social media. Then the bots, oh dear lord. They just keep coming up in your social media feed. They have access to DARPA which means they then had access to the backend of all the social media platforms, so they could program in the algorithm what was to come up in everyone’s social media feed. It’s just the algorithms that need to change, so maybe we can do something around that, we need to think about it more. If you have some suggestions, please add comments at United Network Productions.
But there has to be some kind of check and balance in place and getting real news out going forward because we are probably a couple weeks away from using these base platforms to make some serious changes. At the moment, we’re in the thick of things in a war. Nobody in the universe wants to wait for these dumb humans anymore. And I can’t have conversations about dead people walking around in mask trying to run a country anymore, shutdowns are inevitable.
Sunny: We just want to see it out there!
Well, you are seeing it if you look, and more is coming out. We have a strategy that goes from the outside in and the inside out, but like I said the media platform is the only thing I’m still teetering on.
The war is on fire today and it’s not going to end for several days to come deep state, we’re pulling everything apart. The plans we put together are going wonderfully today and they will continue to go well over the next couple of days. They are going in rapid fire tearing down things that don’t work. This is a real war and we expect backlash, but we’re trying to account for everything.
Until next time,
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou ladies. Great news today.
Re the media – i reckon remove all the climate alarmist reporters coz they wont shutup bleating on about it and to include all the editors who approved the running of the stories – theyve all gotta go. Shut down all these fake news broadcasting companies and dont allow any of the staff (top to bottom) to ever do “news” again.
Just shut them all down by blocking them from the internet – using the facts of the damage and hysteria their liar demons have and are still causing.
If theyre not on the internet then they will have no choice but to print on paper and then the world will see how few people want to buy their garbage.
Every media outlet who gets govt (via taxpayer) funding definitely need to be shut down. This entire part industry being inside govts needs to be shut down too.
And if you could get Jacinda Ardern removed from the internet – a lifetime ban on computer access so she cant keep her filthy hands on her censorship work and just shut her/him down please.
Just when you have a spare moment : )
Keep up the work champions.
Thank you so much! Really great news! I totally agree with Barbara. Someone has to crush the media too. They do a lot of harm to people.
Bonjour Kimberly, bonjour Sunny merci pour le rapport, merci à Kimberly pour son œuvre et à ceux qui l’a soutiennent. Bonne continuation et toute la bénédiction de la Source et des êtres de lumière, joie et bonheur Kimberly. Tout mon amour pour toi. Idir