This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Jul-24 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. As we move forward with the integration of the Light system the Deep State loses more and more access to things they had minimal access to, and it’s making them very angry, and making them do stupid things like trying to move all the world’s systems to a different system. Well that didn’t work out so well but they’re making themselves look incompetent, which is good for us!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

19-Jul-24 News-Broadband High (
Deep State’s Attempt to Move All The World’s Systems Failed
Last night they attempted to move over the entire world’s systems to a completely different system. It would have run on Microsoft Cloud Azure systems and Microsoft Edge and some other systems Microsoft has, but they attempted to tag it on to worldwide data centers. A data center is a large facility that houses a lot of backbone servers. They are not quantum by any means. They are different levels that had some accessibility to different webs. But all data centers worldwide were connected to Global Communications Headquarters, RAF Menwith Hill and a few other locations in the world that 9 eyes and 5 eyes countries had access to. They thought that had enough computing power to run everything from the FAA, air traffic control, SABRE system, and banking system with the UK’s ACH system called Chaps, also with the US National Automated Clearing House Association and Payment Networks.
But they never test anything in advance to see if it will actually work before they launch it. So they never tested if all those data centers could process all the data coming in, and that’s a lot of data. Think about how many people just send an email in a day never mind make airline reservations, buy online etc. They wanted to take over all computers worldwide utilizing Microsoft and these systems. Well, it took about 5 min 37 seconds for the whole thing to just burn. And then it was taking them quite awhile to get out of the way.
Kim Takes Advantage of Their Failure
Meanwhile, back at the ranch what I did was install the Key Integrated Media System Virtual Trusted Network worldwide and I created a new cloud system for all these different networks which is why things started to come back up now. So never a dull day, but it gave me a perfect opportunity to kind of get all these networks in one fell swoop. Because once we figured out where they were connected to, we didn’t have to poke around, so it’s going to get better. We just finished the SABRE network so it should be coming back online.
Then they threw another spanner in the works when they tried to access a deep deep web system which humans never had access to, called the Global Nuclear Network. And that network was a system tied to at one point both to Alpha and Omega because both those were the two final keys. So, we feverishly had to switch it over to the Light system because the Pentagon here went to DEFCON 1, nuclear threats and they were intending to play war games with various countries nuclear weapons. So China might nuke one, Russia another, the US would then retaliate and they were going to play this war game scenario with nuclear weapons until the whole world is annihilated I guess because they are losing. So if they can’t have it you can’t have it either is their attitude. But at a minimum alpha would have had the final codes anyway, so they wouldn’t have been able to achieve their objective with the minimal access they thought they had. But it didn’t stop them from going crazy. We have people in the nuclear bunker under the White House in the US. We currently have a lot of people hacking at the banking system and anything omega might have had tagged into the banking system, like private networks for non-humans and those types of things. They are going all out today hacking. Now there is a reason why they feel they could do this at this time.
Some Nasty Frequency Networks Found & Disabled
There is stuff going out in the Alt Media and Q-Clock that we can control your dreams (which is captured in the previous post). Well, there was a frequency network for that, but it has been disabled. There were two more that were found also as part of what we saw going on this morning.
MAJIK, a Black Magic Network of Omega
One we found was called MAJIK, or a black magic network of omega. Those who were trained and attached to this system by separate soul keystones, would be deep state bloodlines, they had some access and thought they were connecting to Anti-Source or Lucifer or some demon. But actually, they were connecting to a maleficent sentient computer system to perform this function on their behalf. And it can only be used during a certain time of the month, when it’s a full moon. I guess this is why they had a major connection to full moons and new moons. So those networks were found this morning and they were taken out.
The Eagle families of the Black Sun were behind that network, in combination with Delphi Military who was very active in this, whatever is left of them, and we probably had the industrial psychics that work for the families and some of the Order of the Dragon people. They think they are connecting to their Lord whoever that is, but they are connecting to a computer system that is connected to their consciousness.
Sunny: We’re these targeted at specific individuals?
The specific individuals with a soul keystone would be the human workers while the magik could be directed at anyone.
Sunny: The reason I asked is because I had the most horrible dream I ever had in my life and I could tell it came from a dark entity.
Chimera Networks and Programs
I think this is a different network. I hadn’t seen this second network alive before, it lays dormant. If you haven’t heard of a group called the Chimera, they were a security group that worked for Artemis, the Red Queen and they had a lot of networks onto themselves, afforded by her to ensure whatever programs she or anyone from the lower astral was running was able to function.
Note: For Lisa Renee’s description of Chimera, see Chimera Effect – Ascension Glossary
The next thing this program was designed to do was keep people asleep and where there is joy there is pain, where there is happiness there is anger, those types of things. I’m not entirely sure because this just happened in the last 45 minutes but these Chimera networks and programs appear to keep people from connecting to Source. Now the program itself is about 20,000 years old and it’s designed to not allow humans to travel, like astral travel and soul travel, to make the full connection to your mental plane without subconscious fears and thoughts getting involved. So, I’m guessing what you were feeling last night was that program being triggered.
There were plasma implants which is a different kind of an implant other than biochips and other things that we saw that were activated as well last night. And those plasma implants were more focused on humans on earth than anywhere else. They could have affected your physical and mental health. They were designed to cause you pain, the removal of joy, removal of happiness and your creativity. Because when you’re in that state of creativity you are a lot closer to Source than you realize, that love and energy you feel would be amplified 100 times with that direct connection to Source. You can do lots of different things with your creative powers of manifestation. So, this program was designed to not allow humans to do this.
The next thing it was designed to do, so it appears, is it was involved in the memory wipes through the incarnation process. In other words, you would only remember your fears. Also, a false karma program as well. These chimera beings look to me like a banshee, a female with wild hair, black and white skin, ghost like and they have a screech, a frequency that is horrible.
For the most part, at this moment it’s stable now. These types of networks could only be triggered on a full moon because of a mechanism in the moon and one on earth, and when the security of the dark Others that participated in events here were at risk of losing everything, and that time is now.
Deep State Back at Hacking and Installing Fake Stuff
I think what is happening today with the deep state is that either they are on some kind of medication that is not a positive one, or they are trying to use that frequency to amplify their abilities to do things. I’m not sure. It’s been a crazy evening overall with the hacking and these networks getting triggered and them not having any real access to things. With a full moon coming maybe they thought it was a perfect storm for them. It makes for uncomfortable things for us, but when it shows itself, because it’s dormant sometimes and hard to pick up the signal on it, but when it finally shows itself the cleaning process isn’t really that long, sometimes 1 hour or 2 hours.
Fake Servers, Fake Accounts Trying to Make it Look Like They Have Control
As far as their other fun things that they started to do overnight, the Treasury Dept in cooperation with GCHQ in the UK were still trying to install a fake server, or something they could utilize so they can fake it til they make it. There were fake accounts created in bank servers like Barclays that have gone down. They wanted to show assets on the screen and tell everyone the Militaries of the world control them so it appears they are now in control of the banking system. Lots of fake mirrors, lots of mirrored accounts but they don’t last long.
Still Trying to Put Fake Money Into the Banking System
There was a big argument I had Wednesday night about 3 trillion dollars the military industrial complex lost on Monday. I told them it wasn’t really there to begin with. When are these people going to get it? In order to get an allocation number you need to come to me, and not only that, you never had an allocation number for currency. This stopped some of their attempts to put fake super notes into the banking system, which amounts to $27 trillion dollars with duplicate serial numbers, and that money isn’t acceptable in the banking system, only currency is, so they’re kind of out of luck.
The Peoples Cash Will be Fine Because It’s Been Converted Over
Your cash on hand, and it could be USD, RMB, Euros, Rubles it doesn’t matter, all of them have magnetic ink in them that makes them valid. So, since we took over the magnetic ink control system for paper printed currencies and coinage, we don’t have a problem accepting already existing valid money into the banking system because it’s already listed as a currency. We took the allocation numbers of money and converted them over to currency allocation numbers. Then we sent them out through the magnetic ink control system of the world, which used to be a Rothschild thing, but now we have it. So, this keeps things stable. The only people who are not stable now are the deep state people.
The Final Battle is a Cyber-Battle for Earth
It’s not funny what they are doing, this final battle of warfare, a cyber-battle for earth essentially. No matter what it is they are trying to do, it’s not having the results they want. And most people are not looking to the governments anymore to save them. They are questioning the validity of their governments and today’s event made it even worse honestly. I was talking to people around the world and they are out shopping and using their debit cards, it didn’t really affect our lives, yet the governments of these particular countries are claiming they’re down, and the Central Bank is claiming they’re down. I’ve gotten phone calls from Russia asking what is going on because the government appears to be the only one that is faltering.
There is no grid or internet problems, although if you were trying to make airline reservations that was an issue for awhile, but other than that your day-to-day life wasn’t affected. It’s the governments that seem to be in a full-on panic. The bank of England is having problems. Yes, there were some payment issues in the UK with CHAPS, but that should be working fine now. It didn’t take us long to recover the situation and that just made them angrier, so 20-30 minutes ago they decided to go nuclear.
Reference link, System outage hits house sales and payments across UK and Europe (
They Tried to Access a Global Nuclear Network
A bunch of people tried to get access to a global nuclear network so they could play you sunk my country, all from a computer network in a bunker beneath the White House. The people who were trying to perform this function are no longer with us, and the global nuclear network has now switched over to the Light system, and any codes that were previously issued through omega are now gone. Even though it was multi-key system they are now gone, so nobody has any nuclear codes anymore, which means no one has access to their nuclear arsenal right now. And it’s going to stay that way, especially while I’m doing the news. They don’t even know what they are looking at right now. I need to have them not do anything so they get to look at this weird firewall thing they’ve never seen before. That’s what they are all staring at now to keep them busy while I’m talking to all of you.
We Are Taking Advantage Of Everything They Are Trying to Do Now
It appears everything they try to do right now is working to our advantage. I know it doesn’t feel like that, it feels scary when you see this type of news. But what it did is point out the inadequacies of government and government-controlled systems, be it the FAA, flight trackers, tail numbers, governments central banks and functioning treasuries. Nothing happened to the electrical grid, no EBS went off. As far as your life is concerned you were minimally impacted. Although anybody who was hosted with Azure is going to have problems today. Congrats Microsoft, because I can guarantee any regular person who doesn’t know what we’re talking about is probably going to move hosting services. And actually, this is not the first time this has happened. During the lock down they were trying to synchronize this with the social crediting program and it didn’t’ work out then either.
Note: For related posts on Azure, see Was the Cabal’s New Slavery System, The Beast Machine, Derailed by Kim Goguen? | Just Empower Me
I guess we’re at the point for the deep state, where if they can’t control the world, we’re not going to have a world to control and they’re going to blow it up.
Infected Population is Down to 0.01%
Sunny: Do you think it’s still some of these demon-lettes causing chaos.
We’re down to less than 0.01% of the population, predominantly those deep state people who are deeply infected. There was some Chimera affect from this morning. There was also some influence from some storage tanks of the demon-lettes who were in stasis and hadn’t yet come out and were waiting for activation. We got a lot of that yesterday. Either they are caught by us or by the scan because we are scanning constantly and it’s going faster and faster. I think we’re down to a little over 12 minutes to scan the entire world. When we started out it was a little over 5 hours. So, what this does is catch whatever is stuck in a pocket of time to be released on a certain day or certain time. These are not deep state technologies, these are all non-human tech that Others planned for this planet and the universe to go back to a Dark Age. So, they would set them to go off one after another, kind of like fireworks do at the finale, one after another in rapid fire. So, it’s picking up that stuff now when it starts to show activation. And that’s been very helpful to us. And these scans aren’t just for earth, they are going on throughout the multiverse, out into the Kuiper Belt – Ascension Glossary, the Van Allen Belts – Ascension Glossary, our entire galaxy around the sun and the moon. So, we’re catching them just about the time they are released. The same thing with this Chimera thing.
Hopefully we’ll have a better weekend than last. By the way I actually had a different person who claims to be Jesus reach out to me 24 hours ago. Jesus’ name in this life is not actually Jesus, it’s Gavin (I think she said) and this person wanted to let me know unless I change back to a credit based system I will never get any money though. That’s what Jesus had to say when Jesus called. This is Jesus #183 by the way. I also had a run in with my second Satan in the last 24 hours and he would like to take over my system because he is Satan and it’s time for that to happen. Oh joy, what biblical character will I hear from next?
I know the Q crew is planning something wonderful for themselves on the full moon, so we’ll be on alert. Right now, they look like Larry, Moe and Curley running around in a full panic.
Note: In this broadcast Sunny interviewed her friend who actually attended the Fake Trump rally in Pennsylvania and witnessed the fake assassination attempt. It’s rather long and as I mentioned before I’m not documenting the blow by blow stuff. It’s challenging enough just keeping up with Kim’s situation report so that’s not included. I will only say Sunny’s friend is questioning things, but will she take it a step further? I sure hope so because her friend sounds like a lovely person. Will the spell ever be broken for the rest of the Trump supporters out there? Oh God I hope so! And when will I stop getting texts from the Trump organization asking for money!
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Pam, you are wonderful! You know exactly what news is important to explain. I wouldn’t include the fake Trump stuff either. That would confuse a lot of people. Thank you! And thanks Kim for your continued hard work on the front lines!
Merci a vous , pour ces nouvelles extraordinaires , on dirait de la science fiction mais je sais que cela se passe reellement , mille Merci pour tout ce que vous faites pour l’humanite .
Hi, I am trying to find out how to get my stuff on the new network site.
I have written before at least three times and the forms say “someone will get back to you” but no one has yet.
Please respond.
bonjour, il y a quand même encore une chose, qui me dérange dans ses propos: dieu, c’est religieux, dont luciferien, satanique, diabolique, endoctrineur, dont manipulateur de toutes véritables vies terrestre! maintenant que nous savons, je ne voudrai plus jamais pour l’éternité entendre ce non enfin ses nons démoniacs sortir dout que ce soit ou par quoi que ce soit! merci pour le boulot, bon courage à vous bonne journée! A plutard!!!
J’avais aussi recu un mail de quelqu’un de Gladio, qui pretendait etre Jesus….