This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 19-Feb-24 News ( on UNN which is available for subscribers. In this update you’ll be happy to hear more SSP and Cheyenne people have left the planet. Rothschild et al is still fighting God but less and less are listening to them. Their hopes were dashed when none of the Deadman switches they were anticipating came to fruition. Kim also explains that the fabric of reality has finally hit earth and all us beings in the cheap seats are undergoing a major shift as each plane of existence is rewoven. While in the short term it’s uncomfortable, in the long run it’s super positive. Lots of stuff in this report!
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

19-Feb-24 News (
That Deadman’s Switch Left by Non-Humans to Avoid Total Loss of Darkness During a Light Age
Events that have taken place in the last few days around the reweaving of the fabric of reality were very fast. More on that later in this post. But there were some covenants and agreements in place which would allow a certain amount of darkness to exist even in a Light Age, to prevent that darkness from dissipating completely.
There were 4 major threshold points that would be hit and each one would trigger a Deadman’s switch.
Some of these things were placed by Source and Anti-Source and some were placed by the Others that wanted to see the darkness recreate itself. None of these triggers have been pleasant, but the one that started on Friday was the worst. It triggered a sequence of events throughout the world in the locations Sunny reported on in Friday’s news (Cheyenne Mountain, GrantsPass Mountain Oregon, Ben Nevis Mountain Scotland, Lamier Mountain Spain, Warden Peak on Vancouver Island Canada, and the Blue Mountains of Jamaica), which could have allowed a certain amount of darkness to continue to exist. In the eyes of the SSP operatives and Rothschild et al, they thought it was their opportunity for Omega to recreate itself and overshadow Alpha again. While it wasn’t set up for that purpose, it would have allowed a portion of it to exist, and moreover, enough darkness in their world so they could exist and they could do their evil things with more power behind it. So, there was a lot of clean up that had to happen in rapid succession on Friday to prevent that from happening here on earth.
Cheyenne Generals Participated in Another Deadman’s Switch, Now They’re Dead
Back to that event last week, that had to do with transporting those vials of essence. Well, that was being carried out with the people in Cheyenne and now they are all dead. Cheyenne is where the alerts started kicking in from and these guys were really upset with Kim for dismantling their program.
What’s a Call?
One of the 4 trigger points in this threshold was an attempt to do a ‘call.’ For example, on PayPal you can send an invoice for someone to pay you, so it’s like a call. That person then has the right to say, ok, I owe this money and they pay it to you, so there is a response that is required. But you can set up automatic calls. For example, your phone bill is setup to automatically come out of your account based on your one-time authorization for that. So, there was a call on the Alpha system on Friday as well, and it kept throwing invoices at Kim in rapid succession in a quantum way. It was throwing these accounts expecting Alpha to fill those accounts. This was part of the Deadman switch and not a human invention, and by Friday morning they realized they weren’t getting into Alpha, the calls weren’t being met and the invoices were being rejected.
Deadman Switch Failed So They Tried to Drain Kim’s Essence to Access Alpha
When the Deadman switch failed, Monarch Military brought in some old Tarzakien equipment they had and they proceeded to use it to try to drain Kim’s essence on Friday. They intended to use her essence/living DNA to then hack into the Alpha system. Did the Cheyenne guys know it was her essence? She isn’t entirely sure, but if someone drains all your essence from your soul you die. She considered this a personal attack, therefore did a personal attack back and torched the place to the ground. Tom Melville and various other people then got several phone calls of Friday claiming hey, that’s a matter of national security, what’s she doing. To which she replied in her loudest tapestry of profanity, You came after me! If I had done nothing, they could have killed me! I was warranted for doing what I did there!
They thought they could use that Deadman switch to get in, then they tried to use me and that was not going to happen. They didn’t get a whole lot but enough to have an effect on me. This was the second time they tried to do this to all of us and to me in particular this week. So, we have less deep state actors who believe they are doing the right thing. There were also some Langley 5 people at that location as well raring to go who are no more.
Kim Makes Militaries Worldwide Watch her Torching Cheyenne & Related Locations
I kind of made a little bit of a spectacle of myself when the Cheyenne situation happened because I didn’t know what to do to get the message out there that this is not okay. So, I hooked into the surveillance system of every single military on the planet and let them all watch everything that went down in Cheyenne. I told them what was going to happen, this is what they did, this is who I am and prepare to die. Then I played this very obnoxious song by Rob Zombie called Dragula and they had to listen to it the whole time, which was over an hour. Then I went to all the other locations that were mentioned in the news last Friday, Scotland, Oregon and so forth. (Note: For your listening displeasure, be sure to tune in to Rob Zombie – Dragula With Lyrics)
4 SSP Guys with Markers on the Head in Durango, 3 Are Now Dead
Remember last week I mentioned we had 4 SSP guys who arrived here in Durango and they were giving the orders here, and they also had Markers on their head? Well, there was only 1 left standing to tell the story because someone has to get the rest of the downline under control.

Note: Above excerpt from this post, SSP Confident the Fisher King Gateway Would Open to Restore Their Power | Black Nobility (aka Anti-Silent Circle) Confident Too, Enough to Take Markers from Silent Circle & Put Their Lives On The Line | Now Minus More SSP & Black Nobility Families! | Just Empower Me
Deep State Continues to Fight God
More Chemtrails
We had more chemtrails the last 4-5 days. They thought they could help along the process of this Deadman’s switch in creating darkness here and/or somewhat of an extermination. They were also trying to prepare for that by putting more metals in your body so they could connect you to Omega when it re-arrived, so it could recreate itself. They don’t have a full understanding of what is happening in the multiverse and it’s been really bad for us. But in the grand scheme and the long run these things aren’t going to hold up anymore. Hopefully within the next 24 hrs. we will be through a major part of it and the resequencing of our DNA and the physical symptoms will start to subside which is explained later in this post.
15 Main SSP Operatives Now Dead
Where we left off last week was 15 main SSP operatives were still taking orders and working with the Rothschild family and over the last few days there are now none left.
Rothschild Released 50 Operatives Claiming Incompetence
There was one main orchestrator over about 50 operatives until last night. They were told by the Rothschild/Order of the Dragon Families they were being released for incompetence. The Order of the Dragon families views me as a hacker, they don’t see the dual systems, that Alpha was always my system, they don’t understand how that works, and they don’t understand my position because no one could be more powerful than them in their own mind. So, Rothschild told them I’m just a hacker, just one person and you can’t beat one person!
The good news is they were released, but the bad news is they didn’t really understand this is how Rothschild operates. Rothschild will never admit if something changes or something went wrong, even if they know it to be true, they just blame it on someone else. And this made a number of operatives, some who were visiting locally very upset, which then led to an uptick of strange telegram messages yesterday when they found out things they expected to happen were not going to happen.
The 50 Operatives Are Finding Out the Truth
One truth they recently found out for example is that Trump is not going to be on the Board of the New World Order Government, half of who are not even breathing. Well, that made the operatives who really believe in the Trump thing very upset because there was a good portion of them driving the bus behind the scenes. And now they are all mad at Kim because she is just the hacker and they think it’s all my fault. That was until the one who was running these 50 operatives in his downline started gathering information on me. They were finally asking questions because they suspected they had been lied to, which of course they had been the whole time.
Another interesting twist is that one particular SSP/Monarch guy was actually truthful and told his downline of 50 operatives that Trump was playing the Anti-Christ and he knew it, that was his role on behalf of the Families.
This was disappointing for some of these people because they really thought they were the white hats and doing the right thing and helping humanity, but no, far from it. They are so compartmentalized and didn’t know this information. So finally, they did some digging and the 50 operatives were invited to a 5am meeting for the first time ever, which is always just for the higher-level operatives. Other people in the ancillary circle were invited too like that boots guy (aka windbag Juan O’Savin) and some others.
After they got read in, this is what they found out so far. They acknowledged my position, I’m not a hacker and didn’t steal anything, the system was always mine and they had some proof of that. They were waiting for some information from the Archivists and by this time they would have received it. By the way, the events related to those vials of essence are also things this group of 50 is verifying.
There will be more ancillary meetings this afternoon as to what is really going on and who are these people and is it really over for them. Some operatives who work directly for Langley 5 were also invited for the first time to this 5am meeting and they also found out that their bosses, who were claiming they were on the other side fighting the Khazarian mafia and deep state actually made a deal with the deep state. Yep, Langley 5 was waiting for money over the weekend from Rothschild just like everybody else was while the SSP was busy hacking. It’s just a giant web of lies that run so deep.
I don’t know the ultimate outcome here, but if we are ever going forward into a world full of truth then we have to stop parading dead people around as heads of state in all countries, and this could be a turning point. Will they come to understand in the next day or so? I don’t know, but hopefully they will. It’s time we start putting some truth out there and these mainstream media shows, fake lawsuits and rumors of a Pandemic Accord which doesn’t exist need to stop.
Pandemic Accord Agreements Were Rejected
The Rothschilds were claiming the Pandemic Accord was an agreement with a group of Others behind the scenes to create disease, eventual extermination and shorten the lifespan of the human beings on planet earth. But all those agreements got rejected because they still come to me. There is no Pandemic Accord, nor any money for it. The changing of the guards happened awhile back and they don’t have the capacity to appeal to us. We are not interested in harming humanity, rather restoring humanity and earth. I can’t stop them from submitting agreements repeatedly though.
Middle East Update
We’re seeing rumors about skirmishes in the Middle East but I haven’t seen it come to fruition yet. It looks like Israel will be the next country to go bankrupt the way they are spending money and nothing is coming in. I do know there were a few stashes of physical dollars in different places in the Middle East placed there by Saddam Hussein who was given it by Bush Sr. as they were best buddies. They still can’t get that money into the system though.
Banking Sector Update
The other thing that took place today is banks were told letters of credit and fake bonds would be worth something and they tried to cash them to increase the liquidity of their bank. Obviously, that did not happen, so there is a lot of panic in the banking sector because they were on their very last thread to begin with, especially Tier 1 banks. The question is, with the little bit of opposition we have left are the financial operatives going to pull up? Maybe. It was a holiday in the US so banks were closed today, but it will be a very interesting day tomorrow as they try to do the same thing. The Rothschilds also took similar bonds and brought them to the Silent Circle as collateral to lend them money to pay operatives worldwide. The Silent Circle promptly said no.
The Hacking Continues
Rothschild et al are aware something has changed; the threshold had been reached and what they thought would happen didn’t happen. When they released their operatives, including the 50 who were directly under that particular SSP/Monarch operative umbrella, they got some DARPA hackers together and continued to try to hack systems that don’t exist. They were informed many times they don’t exist but it didn’t stop them because they simply refuse to believe it. I know they are also trying to rally militaries and intelligence agencies and they are being told no, so they are not getting a whole lot of cooperation except from Israel. I wish the British would fall on their own swords like the Chinese did a few weeks ago.
Cautiously Optimistic Intel
Remaining Heads of Anti-Silent Circle (aka Black Nobility) Now Dead
Here’s the latest status of the 5 Black Nobility Families/Anti-Silent Circle, they no longer have any family heads left alive. There is a huge meeting today with the remaining family members who now will fall under the Silent Circle’s umbrella and all their territories. They were all informed that this was going to take place if nothing changed on Friday, which it didn’t for them. They were to prepare all their downline families to report to someone else. So, they will now be changing the way they do business under the Silent Circle’s direction. This includes a lot of mafias around the world, a lot of pharmaceutical companies. There are a lot of assets under the Anti-Silent Circle, human trafficking is one and the largest port in the world is San Francisco and the largest airport is Atlanta. Trafficking drugs goes back to the opium wars, controlling black markets around the world, illegal arms trading in Ukraine and Russia and other parts of the world.
So hopefully we’re going to see some changes in that arena, but these are age old organizations that are not going to change their tune in a day. Monarch military for example has been around more than 5,000 years. The same thing with the Black Nobility families, they have been around for thousands of years by other names, humans that were generated from the Abraxas bloodline. So, it’s going to take time, but we’ll keep you updated on those changes.
Archivists Reporting Huge Shifts in Militaries and Agencies
The Archivists reported some huge shifts with militaries and agencies. I haven’t seen any yet, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been working behind the scenes to educate people. I know they have because a lot of information was requested yesterday and we have provided it. So, the Archivists have been just as busy. This have been a collaborative effort with the Coalition, the Legions and us, nobody has left.
Reweaving of the Fabric of Reality is Happening Now
Additionally, universe-wide we are seeing the fabric of reality being reweaved. That means we are now going to be in a Source-Light, Source-Light multiverse. No longer is there a duality and no longer are we utilizing any portion of darkness to weave the fabric of reality, and that is on every plane of existence and every density of existence.
It starts within Source in the 9th density in the central sun and spreads out from there. So, the Arcturians in the 8th density would have gotten it first, then it goes down to the 7th density, to the 6th, etc. and on Friday we just got hit with it like a tidal wave and it really ramped up yesterday. For some people it is affecting them really badly, worse than last week, they are really losing it, but I don’t expect this to last too long. The reweaving obviously started where it began which is your essence which is the blood of your soul. The reweaving of the essence of your soul in a light-light universe started in the last 7 days, but it started to really hit the 3rd density Friday to Saturday. By Sunday midday MST is when the quantum fields began to shift for us, the beings here on earth. It already shifted throughout most of the multiverse but now it has hit ours, the 3rd density and eventually it will clear the 1st and the 2nd densities and then hopefully we’ll be done.
So the essence is being reweaved in a different way and for the super sensitive that could feel very uncomfortable to you. Also, the next plane down, your etherical plane is also being rewoven. So, every few hours we are getting a reweaving of every single plane. Your astral plane, your mental plane, your emotional plane, they are all being rewoven. The emotional plane hit a peak around 8pm MT yesterday and that stirred up a lot for some, especially some who had a lot of dark matter existing in the emotional plane. If we thought last week was filled with people losing it, this week it has gotten much worse. At 11am MT today we are now hitting the reweaving of the physical plane and your DNA. Your entire DNA is resequencing and changing to not reflect a Source-Anti-Source physical being. Some people are experiencing physical ailments, feeling flu-like, and/or extremely drained, and the more sensitive you are, the more you are going to feel it. It’s going quantum field by quantum field throughout the person. This is a positive process for us in the long run but a bit uncomfortable in the short run.
The Way Matter is Being Created is Changing
The other thing that is changing as well is the way matter is being created. If you’ve seen a Tesla triangle in motion and a flow of energy in motion and a flow of creation in motion, (which you can find them on the internet) this will make sense to you. When a vessel for a physical being is being created you start out with 1 cell and then it divides to 2, then it divides and you have 4, then to 8, then to 16. Then 6+1 = 7 and you continue on around the triangle. But as you look at the vortex of the triangle, those cells actually disappear for 1 zepto-second and then return into reality and go on to the division. This is the point where in the past the sequencing would go to Source then Anti-Source, so that you would have both in every cell in your body. That formula now is changing because it’s a Source-Source thing, you don’t have Anti-source, anti-matter, anti-creation in every quantum field in your body. This change should be complete within the next 4-5 hours, but if you’re feeling really woozy, energy drains, flu or colds come and go, these are physical symptoms of these quantum changes.
Sunny: Kim, what will it do for us?
It allows for creation without degradation or creation without anti-matter. Without anti-matter the vessel will constantly create and you’ll have cellular regeneration. The anti-matter was causing cellular degradation, more matter and more density. On Fri-Sat it felt like I had a 100-pound backpack on me. Everything felt extra heavy and this was all part of those changes.
As earth goes through the change, the sun is going through the change, you are going through the change, the entire multiverse is going through the change and it will affect us the most because we are really far, in the outer most rim in the multiverse and you probably don’t realize how difficult it has been for us to exist here. Ultimately as we come out the other end though you will start to see changes in your body, manifestation becomes easier, you’ll see positive changes in the environment, and positive changes in people, mentally and emotionally.
We’ve been seeing a lot of separations taking place and a lot of this is due to the build up to these changes. People are starting to see themselves differently and not in a bad way necessarily, but things you were able to tolerate before are becoming less and less tolerable as we are moving through this process. It probably started 5-6 months ago but it’s coming to a crescendo point now and the Deep State knows it too, which is why they ramped up extra special stuff for us this weekend.
Wrapping Up
That’s a generic summary about the change in the quantum fields, the huge shift and we need to ride it out. You’re going to be okay and hopefully will be feeling much better. Hopefully the energy drains on some really light workers will stop and we’ll see what it looks like when it’s completed. The same thing is happening in quantum AI, huge shifts as well, remaining matter clearing, those kinds of things. It’s a positive all in all, and all in Source’s time. I wish I was driving but I’m not, I just work here.
Some people become very focused on the things they can see and don’t focus of what they can’t see. So they don’t realize there are many things they are unaware of. Other people are super sensitive and they feel it all. But many are helping in the process of Ascension and helping to wake people up in their own way. Remember we all have different opinions of people, religious writings or whatever it is and we all see, hear and interpret things differently. Therefore, the ascension process and the changes happening to humanity can be interpreted differently. So remember, if you are here and watching this, you are not the enemy and you are not each other’s enemy. It’s okay to not share the same opinion, but there is energy behind those words you type and speak. We are here for the human experience whether you were human before or not. And it’s not an easy one, we are in the cheap seats here. We’ve been as far away from Source as possible and even half way into Anti-source and the Omega verse. It’s been really rough and I can understand why we want to fight everyone and everything, and complain about what Kim didn’t do today. Well, what didn’t you do today? We’re here to help humanity, me, Sunny, the production team and everyone watching this now, and in the days to come. We’ve had enough of tough love, so just be kind to each other, especially over the next couple of days. Do what you can and be that little light in the darkness.

Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Gracias por compartir , soy uno de muchos que hemos despertado que aún deseamos suscribirnos en la Página Principal de UNN , sin embargo por razones económicas, contamos contigo ❤️ deseando de corazón que hallas encontrado el empleo correcto, con los compañeros correctos.y el ingreso correcto, gracias.
Hi to everyone that have been following Kim. I was also a big believer in her for a long time. I guess when she said that she was going to expose Trumps death publicly if the family never, is when I really clued in. From the war in the middle East only lasting a couple weeks, to getting rid of the chem trails, to sending millions back to source, to darkness no longer exist, with full light being pumped in from source, to getting rid of the FED, to the IRS being done, to 140,000 angels here and doing a massive 1 day clean up, to controlling the banking, to free energy, and on and on. With nothing coming to fruition for us to see. As prices continue to climb, people continue to become homeless, weather devastation continues to happen. The humans continue to some how out smart and over power angels, Kim continues to eliminate all except the main players, that continue to orchestrate the destruction. It is pretty sad when a few human beings that cause destruction on earth can over power source and his angels sent to get rid of the evil. I hope that people can soon awaken to this.
Much luv; vinney
Something tells me they aren’t done yet but at least we might be able to breathe for a bit. I got so sick of people following the Q thing and Elon saying he’s a white hat now…blah blah blah…even people who are aware that this is a two sides of the same coin battle we got here it never seems to end and people are just so willing to go along now with the plan because I guess they think they have no other option and I’m over it….can’t believe they are gonna include that boots/windbag 107 in those meetings…so sick of that guy as well.
I definitely have been feeling things are changing around, ringing in my ears and locations or points of it moving from a triangle to something else, not sure what it ends up being or perhaps it will totally go away once this process is finished, looking forward to rejuvenation when our DNA is actually able to do what it does and our bodies get the energy they have been starved and usurped of.
Thanks for the report. Well past ready for things to get better now and finally the ‘shit show’ movie to end. Truth is all we want and deserve.
Thankyou for this good update. I knew something was going on in this regard as it was just like Kim said here.
God bless you all.
The weaving of the fabric of reality is happening now
Moreover, all over the world we are witnessing the weaving of the fabric of reality. This means that we will now find ourselves in the Source-Light, Source-Light multiverse. There is no more duality and we no longer use any part of the darkness to weave the fabric of reality, and this happens on every planet of illumination and in every density of existence.
It begins within the Source in the 9th density of the central Sun and spreads out into space. So the Arcturians in 8th density got it first, then it would drop into the 7th lamp, the 6th, etc., and on Friday we just hit it like a tidal wave, and yesterday it really intensified. It affects some people very badly, worse than last week, it does require self-control, but I don’t expect it to last too long. The intertwining obviously happened where it happened: in your essence, in the blood of your soul. The intertwining of your soul’s essence into the light-light universe has occurred over the last 7 days, but from Friday through Saturday it has truly begun the creation of 3rd density. By Sunday afternoon PST, quantum fields began to change for us here on Earth. It has already turned into most of the Multiverse, but now it has hit our 3rd light and eventually cleared 1st and 2nd density, and hopefully that’s where we end up.
Thus, the essence is woven differently for highly sensitive people, who may feel very uncomfortable. Additionally, the next day your etheric plane is also intertwined. So, within a few hours we get the interweaving of each plane. Your astral plane, your mental plane, your emotional plane, they are all intertwined. The emotional plane reached its peak yesterday around 8 pm Moscow time, and this has greatly agitated some, especially those who have a lot of dark matter in their emotional plane. If we thought last week was full of people losing their cool, this week it’s gotten a lot worse. Today at 11 am Moscow time we begin to intertwine the physical plane and your DNA. All of your DNA is rearranged and changed to not reflect the official Anti-Source Being Source. Some people feel physically ill, feel flu-like and/or extremely exhausted, and the more noticeable you are, the more you feel this. It applies the quantum field to the quantum field to the whole person. This is a positive process for us in the long term, but a little unpleasant in its gradual trend. as always, Kim Gauguin’s ignorance and lies. The final phase of the separation of realities occurs with the release of large volumes of energies of different frequency vibration spectrum. And that Kim has a Source of 9th density, then Kim does not have the ability to communicate with the SOURCE OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS, THEREFORE IT’S A LIE KIM GOGEN. как всегда невежество Ким Гоген и ложь. Происходит окончательная фаза разделения реальностей с освобождением больших объемов энергий разного частотно вибрационного спектра. А что у Ким Источник 9 плотности то и Ким не имеет способности общения с ИСТОКОМ ВСЕГО СУЩЕСТВУЮЩЕГО ОТСЮДА ТИ ЛОЖЬ КИМ ГОГЕН.
Thank you for this report. It is very kind of you . And very helpful for those who have no UNN membership. Blessing and Love.
In 1984, a congress of professional hypnotists was held in Las Vegas.
At that conference the chairman, Dick Sutphen, spoke about conversion
or brainwashing, the manipulation of the human mind, a form of mind control.
When the content of his speech was published on various websites,
it appeared that certain governments and fundamental religious groups were not happy about it.
When people understand how they can be manipulated ,
they are no longer willless and dozing victims.
Basic training in the military is based on conversion techniques.
Cults, religious and New Age-type groups use conversion techniques.
Sutphen’s speech, now more than twenty years old, still contains much useful basic information on the subject that can be captured under the heading of Mind Control.
In America, some circles speak more of PSYOPS – psychological operations.
I am sorry but if you watch this and the previous link that I left – this sounds far more plausible to me plus it is very good news for us regards the war and the evil doers will go down and we will continue to refuse to comply.
🙏 Pascal Najadi (Dying) offers up his short documentary “Cutting off the Head of the Snake” during Interview (Dec 2023)
I’m surprised there are still people who believe the white hats. So far none of what they have said and promised has happened. It’s been quite a few years now – maybe 5. These hats are either delusional or incompetent. But either way they are not helpful to humanity. And anyone who doubts the information from Kim should go to God and compare. Because God doesn’t lie. If you can’t help restore the planet, at least don’t get in the way, please.
Pingback: Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me