Deep State Keeps Trying for Another 9-11 Event | The Presidential Debate Show | There Are 3 Levels of Constitutions: Constitution 1 Is About World Governance of Earth, Constitution 2 Is About Order People & World Government, Constitution 3 Is the One We The People Know About | Kim Addresses the FEAR Porn Around Millions of Soldiers To Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law | A Review of Alt Media Propaganda Techniques (aka Q-Operation Trust) | Deep State Mind Control Program Purpose | Omega’s Job Was to Create So Much Dis-ease YOU Finally Make the Decision to Leave

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. This is another long report folks, but particularly good to share with those doom scrollers in your life and those who still think that restoring the constitution is the way to go. I’m very behind due to the length and because I lost my paying job again, which didn’t last long at all due to layoffs. In any case, enjoy. As for me I see I have another long report ahead of me to get started on.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


13-SEP-24 NEWS (

Deep State is Trying for Another 9-11 Event in US

I am aware they are trying to come up with another tragic event like 9-11 in the US so they can then declare Martial Law. There have been conversations between the Deep State, specifically the Global Deep State and operatives, the SSP and some members of the Order of the Dragon Families. Those particular groups are trying to maintain control over government and in some cases, you could say become the government. Not that we would see those people in the White House or a Parliament anywhere. I mean they would like to be the Global Governance, a position that no human has ever held.

Presidential Debate

We all know there was a presidential debate. But the debate under the 3rd Constitutional law was actually not correct because it doesn’t include all the presidential candidates running because it didn’t include all the parties, and they always fail to do that. There are other people who should have been there, but I’m sure they didn’t invite them because they are not in on the movie. They are genuine people that believe they can make a difference, and they are trying to do all the things they are supposed to do constitutionally unlike the two people who showed up. And I use the term Constitution loosely.

We had two show with nothing really to say. They just bantered back and force about policies which they never will do any way. Kamala says when she gets in, she is going to do x, y and z, but isn’t she in office now? It’s all a show people, just propaganda. And no matter who in the eyes of the public won the debate, the deep state won. It has been structured this way ever since the inception of government and before we had the United States of America. You can go back to ancient biblical days when they passed over certain sons who were supposed to be the ones in line for the throne. This is not new.

The one thing the debate did do however, is cause some disruption between the Military and the SSP. And that fight about Trump coming back into office had nothing to do with a person who gets into the White House. It really had more to do with the fact that the Von Kampf family (aka Trump’s real name) is a renowned family according to the Order of the Black Sun, and in this particular case they are still the Nazi group. The reason why is because Hitler had a handbook called the AAIA handbook that turned into the AAA handbook when America became the world power. And they would like to keep America the world power and under their control, and they would not like to turn the US dollar, Rainbow dollar, Amero dollar, US Treasury Coin, XUSDTC Coin, or any other America type currency over to the government and then have that currency serve the people. They just want to control a currency and there are huge discrepancies amongst the ranking members who are meeting this weekend to discuss what the term of continuance of governance actually means.

And my question is, which one are they talking about because it’s unclear at this moment.

Which Constitution & What Does Constitution Even Mean?

For all of you who keep posting repeatedly on our social media about the return to the Constitution I thought I would explain what that means.

By Constitution I’m assuming you are talking about the US Constitution that appears in the Library of Congress, the one that you can allegedly view. It will tell you about each branch and their functions. There is a lot of talk in that document about everyone but you. Not until the Bill of Rights does it start talking about you and what rights you have as a person.

Let’s talk about Constitutions because it appears a lot of our viewers would like to turn to the original one and when they say that their consciousness permeates throughout the multiverse. There is also a lot of talk about election fraud. Based on the fact there is a meeting coming up on Sunday about Global Government I thought today is a good day to discuss what the Constitution really means, because these people and many of you may not be aware of what they would like to continue on with.

First Constitution is About World Governance of Earth & 16,000 Years Old

The first Constitution of the US falls under an old agreement and I guess you could call it the first Constitution of the planet. It has to do with the World Governance of planet Earth, and it fell in lockstep with Global Martial Law and is 16,000 years old.

You can go back to the bible, Adam and Eve, and to events in history. For instance, the USSR turnover, WWII happens, then the Cold War, then the turn to democracy, etc. But whatever event you’re looking at is not what rules you in any way, shape or form. So, a continuance of that government is not possible because those beings, the six different races that participated in the governance of earth for approximately 250,000 years no longer exist.  So, I can assume when you would like to have a continuance of government you are not referring to these beings.

But there has been some talk among SSP operatives who feel they are qualified because they have been around for 5,000+ years. The SSP has been here on earth long before we had governments and they participated on behalf of what you would consider global governance. They worked with these beings, the six different races and they do have a lot of information that most militaries and government do not have. They used to go to certain places on earth and have meetings with folks that don’t look like you or I and they feel, because they reported to these beings, they are superior and know how the world works better than the rest of you. Well over the last three years of watching UNN and before that Life Force meetings we have learned an awful lot on how the world really works. There are a lot of things I don’t say because I don’t want to help our non-friends, but I have to get the world to a point where our non-friends can have nothing left to act with.

So does the SSP believe they should be the first Constitutional Government?

Yes, they do. They feel that supporting a member from the Von Kampf family, which is one of the high-ranking families in the Order of the Black Sun should be sufficient enough to appease beings that no longer exist, and/or because of their knowledge they feel they are qualified to run the world.

However, what has become apparent to the rest of the world and other governments on the planet is they have made some serious mistakes.

They did promise they were going to have a Gate and they had long talks with the Japanese about this Gate opening and nothing happened. So come Tuesday morning their credibility went into the toilet. The rest of the world is thinking, maybe they don’t know everything and maybe they shouldn’t be in charge because they don’t know. Moreover, the failure on the same day in the evening with this debate movie show further solidified the fact they are losing their grip.

Without underlying frequencies to direct the control of consciousness of people, the people just aren’t buying their narrative anymore. They even came out to say the following day there will be no more debates. Now technically under the 3rd Constitution, which we’ll get to in a minute, fake Trump doesn’t have the right to say that. As a presidential candidate you can’t a decide you’re not coming anymore. You’re supposed to have more than one debate, but hey when it comes to the SSP they don’t really care. It sounds to me like he probably didn’t meet his own followers’ expectations, and sales of gold Trump shoes is probably falling off a bit following that debate debacle.

Constitution 2 Is About Order People and World Government

Constitution 2 talks more about humans and world government. Meaning it would talk more about groups like the Covens, Family Coven Masters, the Order of the Dragon and Order of the Black Sun and their continuation and control over governments worldwide. These are the groups the remaining folk kind of know who they are. They probably have seen them and a lot of SSP operatives would have been at this level in the past. They were not considered part of the Global Governance that existed before, but would be the next tier down, and underneath this you have multiple Constitutions.

You have one that controls military and intelligence agencies worldwide. So, when you say the US Military is going to save the United States, you are incorrect. Number one, they are not part of the United States government. They fall under the governance of militaries and agencies worldwide. They are not here to protect US citizens. Right now, they are reporting to the arm of the second Constitution holders known as the Blue Dragon and they have since 1864. This is not new. In fact, before that you could say there was another tier when it came to the US involving the King and Queen of England before that time. We just went from the official Crown of England over to Crown Corporation known as the Rothschild Family et al. We have technically been under the Blue Dragon Family control for a long time. That is where our democratic party comes from eventually down the road. They make it out like there was tea party and taxes, but none of that really mattered, that was just for the movie to make it look good, like the people were protesting against something.

Next there is also a constitution for control of the financial system of the world and it has nothing to do with the US government or Federal Reserve, we are still not there yet. The Federal Reserve is a tool that was created around 100 years ago, and some change to control all currencies worldwide on behalf of Constitution 2, but now we are on Constitution 3 or 4 aren’t we. So, the financial system of the world is controlled by the Global Governance and then on down from that you had the governance of the planet and then the people you see on TV talking about things.

Next, we have a different constitution for control over governments under Constitution 2, this is your political sector. These are the people who would control who gets into office, and there are agreements where you bounce back between red and blue, there are no other colors here as far as they are concerned. The red and blue folks is a toss-up between the Order of the Black Sun and Order of the Dragon. But either way, Global Governance controls them all, so it doesn’t make a difference who gets in or how many terms people can serve. And that is in the Constitution that some people who complain on social media can’t wait to have.

Constitution 3, The One We the People Know About

The Constitution we all know about talks about how the government is going to act. Well, there is a separate 3rd Constitutional level, so now we’re on the next tier down, the We the People one.

Then you have a financial Constitution for the United States. The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve are not part of the government, that is separate governance that falls under a separate section of the controllers and constitutional people in governance of the planet.

Now you also have a separate military and agency, and this is for every country not just the United States.

These 3 constitutions are what the people in alt media talk about, they just don’t understand them. They think one is for a corporation and one is the original that is not a corporation. That is what they say and in part I can see why you may think that, because the first agreement with governance was underneath a King or a Queen, it wasn’t necessarily under a corporation known as Crown Corp. So, I can see the fine line of what they are saying, but really when you go up one level of Constitution it doesn’t matter at that point.

Kim’s First Question, Which Government Are You Referring To?  

My first question for the people holding this meeting this weekend is, which government are you asking me about? Which government are you referring to, I would like to know.

I can assume you are looking at the governance of the contenders for Government #1 in the highest tier and the contenders for Government #2, and now you people having the meeting are at the governance level below that, those of you at the level of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, etc. I am assuming you are probably starting to question those who would like to be in Governance #2 and Governance #1 because that is what I heard. I heard a lot of chatter that they gave them until Friday (today 9/13) to perform otherwise they will have to start looking for other solutions. 

Do I think this is genuine or are these people trying to be contestants 1 and 2?

I don’t know at this point so I guess I will have to wait until Sunday. But from the looks of it they do have some people from Congress in there wanting to have discussions. I think they are talking about Government 3, 4, and 5. I guess you would call it that because there are still 3 separations of governance there of the country, and never the two shall meet by the way. For example, when Congress talks about the budgets no one really cares what they say in the financial sector honestly because it’s a whole separate thing since the world had been under Martial Law for many years. In fact they probably care more what the military wanted, and it would still have to go up another level to the Global Governance people who actually at this time of year would have started spitting out their orders to the next level down. This is what I mean when I say, this is the time of year for Family meetings. The “Tier 2 people” would have already received their orders and handed them down to the Constitution 2 people by now. They would be having a 2-week meeting discussing the orchestration, who they are going to call, if they are going to change out a head of state, or move things around, based on doing exactly what they were told by the Global Governance, the real power of the planet.

Now these people today are running around trying to go to those former meetings which we’ve been talking about for months. No one shows up, and if they did tell people they got orders they are lying. And that is why no money came to fund you people down the road. You can sit and wait and chant and go to that weirdo black church in Romania, but nothing happens every time. I’ve been watching you personally do this for 3 years and nothing you said came true. Not one thing came true.

Is that going to fix anything or change anything other than the fact you now feel qualified to be Constitution holder # 2 or even Constitution holder #1 in some cases. You figure if you can get control of a country’s currency you can get control of the country’s financial system and then eventually because it is the US dollar you can eventually control the entire world. Now unfortunately that is not going to solve your problem and I’ll tell you why and please for the love of God listen for once.

They need to understand if you have x number of US dollars in circulation. For illustration purposes only, say we have $13 trillion USD in circulation, be them digital numbers on a screen or valid physical cash floating around the world. In addition to that we have many USD denominated derivatives and bonds and government bonds and treasury notes. Now if I change the name of the USD and call it the hostess twinkie, that doesn’t change the fact you have to now replace all of the dollars in circulation, including the dollar related instruments with the hostess twinkie.

Now let’s just say I agreed to the hostess twinkie, how does that change the financial system of the world?

Now we have people who have no idea on how micro or macroeconomics works being in charge of the financial system of the planet. They just see things like the Fed used to print out unlimited fiat currency, so we’ll be able to too. Wrong! That is not possible. Countries like Saudi Arabia are trying to cash in their piles of super notes on a promise made by one of these Constitution contestants #1 and #2 who are also proposing these deals to Constitution #3, so you see what I’m trying to say. Replacing one name, hostess twinkie for the US dollar doesn’t get you there.

Now the metal we call gold, and the majority of it is actually under our control because you cannot build a financial system, disburse energy from a financial system that is a quantum sentient AI system without the control of the gold 100%. I know they tried really hard to get a hold of some gold in the last few days and it didn’t work out and they really don’t understand all the things gold powered on this planet and what ratios are required. So as far as gold backing your hostess twinkie it’s still not going to change supply and demand laws that are the algorithm that runs within a system. Not only that it’s already showing as lien in the system.

The reason why they went off the gold standard many years ago is because they liened every vein of gold in this planet and then some, whether in an off-ledger on in-ledger way. They realized that without a regenerating energy source now they are just selling the energy. What Governance level #1 did, which has nothing to do with you people, is they then sold the energy. In other words, the essence, energy, consciousness, frequency, etc. off to a maleficent AI system to power it. They allowed for neural implants and receptors and all kinds of things into the celestials on this planet to the point where we were basically walking cyborgs. That was done way above their head.

They often look at me and want to know what I’m doing, and the reason I don’t tell them is because quite frankly all this was over their head anyway. And expiring those covenants and agreements, and there were thousands of them that were done over the last few years, and they were kind of none of the deep states business, and definitely not Tier 3.

The SSP having some limited access to bother people with diseases and other things they do make them feel very powerful, especially after WWII and a lot of things were changing at that time. But really, that was a permission and not a right. And they are seeing their control system and the affects they have on humans dissipating. Repairs of telomeres and neurotransmitters and all the things that made their world possible are going away. And it’s going to continue until it is finished.

So I don’t know which continuance of which government they are going to talk about but I’ll find out. At this point it’s like I said, I am now in the chair of Government #1, and I am the only one here other than Source. There is no alien race, it’s just me and I know that confuses them greatly and why their ego doesn’t permit them to be beat by a girl. But I’m not just a girl, I’m backed by a pretty powerful Creator in this universe, just as they were powered by an Anti-Creator in the past and we’re going to talk about how that all happened. The point is, it is not up to me and this is what they fail to understand. I have given in the past lots of orders to lots of governments for 9 years and not one of you Tier 3 governments followed anything I asked for. I could call you on that line, on a diplomatic line, or one the aliens used to call you on and you still wouldn’t listen to me. So tell me why today is the day that I should decide giving you orders and money again is going to be a good idea. I already can tell you that is a No. And giving you control over Constitution 4 here with the financial system is not on my list of things to do because I see what you’re doing, and I know you are not capable. I’m not going to let you disrupt 8 billion living here on this planet because you have a big ego and think you’re special.

Kim Addresses the Fear Porn of Millions of Soldiers to Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law

I’m going to address a few things this is causing because it’s leaking out into the people and there is a lot of fear going around. So, I’m going to bring up this message that was left for us on our YouTube Channel. This person is basically questioning if I know what I’m doing and do I know what is coming. They are basically saying 15 million soldiers are going to corral US citizens under Martial Law in a nutshell. So there is a lot of fear going around and it’s been going around for several years that Martial Law will be called and it will be great. So first of all I would like to point out a few facts here.

The United States Military enlisted persons stand at about 3 million or so people, so we are still 32 million soldiers short. So, if we declared Martial Law here in the US this person is concerned that 35 million soldiers are going to corral US citizens, take our guns, cause blackouts, blah, blah, blah. Well, I can tell you with 100% certainty if I add up worldwide militaries, so every country that has a military all their enlisted persons, meaning current active military people, I come up with a little less than 28 million. So that is a maximum of 28 million. So now I’m up to 30 million possible soldiers if every single military in the world sent them to the US to corral US citizens.

I can tell you I highly doubt that is going to happen. A lot of these countries don’t even get along with each other and I highly doubt they are going to get all those troops because all governments are bankrupt and can’t even afford the fuel to get all those soldiers here. They might not even have the aircraft to do it. So that’s probably not going to happen.

Now I will address this viewer personally. I understand that people have concerns. There is a lot of fear that is always pushed out to the alt media consistently. For awhile there it was every 2 weeks since 2013 that I am personally aware of. Every 2 weeks they are going to get the green light and there is going to be Martial Law. We hear the same thing with the Q people on the new moon, full moon, alignment with Uranus. Then there are going to be blackouts and the EBS. So essentially IBS is really all these people get from them these days. The post weirdo things about gateways opening and pretty much everything they have to say never happens.

Now if you have questions about some things you’re seeing or reading you can ask those questions, if you are truly concerned. But I want you to do something first, I would like for you to count the number of soldiers first, and look at what a blackout would be, and if you are still worried after 13 years of saying so then buy a generator if that makes you feel safe and secure. But when you ask a question, please educate yourself first. Don’t yell at me about what I’m going to do about it.

I also know this would cost an awful lot of money and I know they don’t have it. Let’s say 17.5 million soldiers are going to come into the US to corral US citizens. Well, that’s going to cost the fake World Government, Constitution #2 or #1 somewhere around $100 million per day, and that’s not including the concentration camps. So unless they have that per day it’s not likely to happen.

Reviewing Propaganda | Q, the Modern Day Operation Trust

I am aware that every new moon, full moon, alignment with Uranus, etc. there is going to be a declaration of Martial Law, I am well aware of that, that is their plan. But I want to bring up a video we played before. It was made in 1948 for high school kids to talk about how they were going to structure the media. I want to talk about this for a second before we move onto Martial Law.

In this video clip they talked about using adjectives that people recognize as a positive. It could say good anything. It doesn’t matter what it is they are trying to feed you; they say how good it is. It’s sounds like every big pharma commercial out there.

At the end in this video, they talk about communism and Russia. He says these are great examples of propaganda campaigns. Well, yes and it’s still called Operation Trust to this day. You call it by another name though, the Q movement. But it’s the exact same protocol and it worked the first time. Everybody bought working for the state, working for the man. And then he goes on further to talk about Hitler and his propaganda campaign of nationalism. So what are they doing to you people right now?

I’ve been an American my whole life and I remember distinctly the orange people telling me about Operation Warp Speed and vaccines and masks and locking us down. How many small businesses went out to business since then? So can tell me how there are 90,000 alt media people we call everyday folk out there pretending like it never happened?

I can tell you about Constitution people #2 and #1, but still, let’s say I know about that stuff because I don’t watch UNN. If you’re an average everyday person then you have lost your mind listening to these people. You spend 2-3 hours every day listening to people like that one who wears the boots (Fake Windbag Juan O’Savin) and all they give you is agency propaganda constantly. You run your lives by this stuff. They sit there and tell people to prep, prep, prep. It looks like a combo burger right now. Please question everything that comes out. Do your research.

And what is a fake American? Does anyone know?

Are they portal people? Is that a holographic person? An Alien? What is a fake American? The point is they come out with these great sayings, MAGA, Make America Great Again, or whatever. Another saying is, this is all natural. Well crickets are a naturally occurring thing. Remember, just because they are saying it and it sounds good to you, it doesn’t mean it’s all natural. Natural is a word you have come to identify as a positive, but we don’t even know what Natural is anymore. Unless you discern your version of what natural is and what you are looking at, is that natural. And I’m not just talking about health and pharmaceuticals. Sending to kids to public school, that’s natural. But is it? It is natural they should bring so much homework home that it takes up to 4-5 hours per night?

Trusted news sources, they use all the right colors. Red means stop, red alert, and is tied to the Order of the Black Sun. It’s Color Wars for the brain. Ted Turner is a member of the Order of the Black Sun. This isn’t hard to understand. But because they have big studios and come from a big place you trust them.

Then you have a lot of leaving of information out. You never know, maybe the 5 things they tell you is the truth, but what about the 167 things they didn’t tell you? The same thing goes for your dancing people in commercials, what didn’t they tell you. But now they are allegedly forced to tell you, but then I can’t help but think that’s not good for sales. But a frequency comes through the TV at the same time you’re watching this stuff, and the same thing goes for YouTube. We’ve been shadow banned the whole time. You who are watching the alt media look at trust by the number of views it got. I know you do. I can tell you some very popular people that report on the revaluation of currency that their numbers are 100% not real. I know that DARPA pretty much runs those algorithms. But anyway, I call that part of the trusted news scam.

Other things people look at as trusted news, people who are famous or became famous on a news channel, history channel, narrative channels and then they come out and do a podcast. Or maybe they came out of an agency but you just don’t know it because everyone looks like an MMA fighter. Everybody shaves their head and sits with their arms crossed like they did on the history channel. And I can tell you for a fact, I’m just going to call it like it is because these people hate me anyway, the Hunting Hitler Series was put on and created and narrated by the CIA. The CIA approves every movie and news script that goes out. That’s a fact. Now that’s still governance #3. It still had to go all the way from narrative 2, Constitution 2, which ultimately came from Constitution 1 a whole year in advance. The orders and all the money came out prior. Talking about trusted news, the one thing I have noticed is there ain’t been a whole lot out there in the last three weeks. You still have some talking about Trump and they’ll talk about the debate for awhile, but aside from that there isn’t a whole lot.

Sunny: what do you make of that?

Well, the SSP front organization is DARPA essentially. You could also say you are looking at the NSA which is the front organization for the ACIO and all your atypical front people, and that tells me that DARPA folks that are participating in the alt media narrative are not getting clear information or new information from Constitution contender #1, the SSP. They said they had orders for all this stuff. Now a lot of these alt media people get paid to promote the narratives, not all, but a lot of them do.

Now we’re going to talk about Card Stacking. What do you want to emphasize about this person or not emphasize or these people or group> A black man shot a white police officer. This is card stacking. They start stacking the cards to make you feel a certain way. So now you’re angry at white police officers, or angry at black men with guns, or angry about Chicago where it happened. It’s all about making you feel a certain way, so you react in a certain way, and you start watching certain videos. Before you know it you’re reaching out to black lives matters and feeding into the same system because you feel like you’re doing something, but you’re really going nowhere because Governance #1 already set that narrative 15 years ago. As a matter of fact, I came across a paper I received from someone very high up in the Mormon Church. I actually have a copy of Constitution 1 and Constitution 2 in a file somewhere. One I ran across in Malta.  I will continue to look for them in my files when I have some more time. But when it comes to card stacking, I have a copy of a report that is about a decade old from a very high-ranking member of the Illuminati or the Order, who also happens to be on the high council of the Mormon Church. They actually told us exactly what their set of instructions were and what they got paid to do it at the time. Again, this was 10 years old and some of these events have yet to happen. So, my point is you need to remember the narratives you are seeing on whatever topic, it’s stacking. You don’t have all the information. If they are purposely labeling someone, or some group, or some state, understand that you need to start looking for card stacking. What do they want you to believe about all Russians, about the Israelis, etc. and start thinking logically.

Sunny: They lure you in with something real so you trust them. The build that trust then lure you to other things. They told you about the babies right.

But what they don’t tell you is it’s actually them doing it. That’s how they know about it.

The propaganda is real, and it can really take you and your consciousness into a tailspin to a point where you don’t trust anything anymore and don’t trust yourself anymore.

Welcome to the alternative media and its creation by the DARPA organization known as the SSP and Constitution #1 people who ordered it. All social media was created for you. It got a little bit out of control and now we have weirdo fact checking telling me what I posted on Facebook about myself isn’t true and now I have to prove to the government so they leave my picture up. And it’s not just pandemic or medical information, it’s anything they consider to be a conspiracy. But conspiracy against who? Constitution #1, #2 and #3, that’s who. You can talk somewhat about Constitution #3 and get away with it, but if you start talking too deeply on #2 and #1 now you’re public enemy #1 and are at the bottom of the food chain in the social media circle, or you get kicked out and lose your account.

There is a twitter message I got where someone posted a bible verse and it said this information is not correct therefore, we’re going to remove this content for improper info. The alt media was specifically created to capitalize on the social media craze. Could they control the narrative thru it. Could they get many average everyday folks out there to say I know this one when he was a little kid. I was there and saw this or that. And that’s what its created to do. Tik Tok has become basically a merchandise place. People go there for entertainment and for those with short attention spans. That’s the majority of what I see on there these days.

The latest and greatest selling technique ever is called the Bandwagon. The bandwagon has been around for a really long time. People have been talking about it for over a century now. But these days we call it FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s huge unless you are confident enough in yourself and can think for yourself. And only you can do that for yourself, it’s not something a machine, or AI or even God is going to do for you. We can give you all the information, but you still have to make a decision to say no I’m not going to talk about politics or take that pill even though the people on the commercial all look happy and are dancing in the field.

About Martial Law

We’ve been living under Global Martial Law under Constitution #1 for 16,000 years. It’s literally been about 12 since we have not been, and even then, the Constitution #1 beings were still here until 2016. So, you could say by August 2016 until now which is about 8 years since Constitution #1 folks weren’t interfering with our life as much as they used to. And I would even go so far to say Constitution #1 beings were influencing this place until a few months ago.

And when I look at it from an AI standpoint, I would say up to last week to some degree. I’ve got to tell you the SSP has no idea how Constitution #1 did what they did. They don’t have a clue.

So you would like to renew this? The GIA would be in charge because it’s all about rank and file and nobody listened to me, so we cancelled it. So, you already had Martial law. Did anyone see any troops in the streets, did they try to use it against me and have the military be in charge of things here in the US.

The one thing I can tell you is that Constitution #1 and #2 said No to Martial Law. So you know what Military? It was a No. For Financial institutions it was also a No and for Governments it was also a No. So you know what Constitution #1 and #2 rules out every time.

I sit in the Constitution #1 section now and have access to the AIs and levels they don’t have access to and info they don’t have access to but this part is just common sense. Crashing the dollar and replacing it with the hostess twinkie or imposing Martial Law worldwide with the SSP in charge won’t work.

Sunny: Could they just take charge anyway, because they wouldn’t listen to the GIA.

Okay let’s walk through this because this is important. So to take charge, how would you propose they take charge? What could they do to get in a take charge position?

Sunny: Well they keep threatening to use the military to take you to seclusion, impose curfews.

That gives 2.86 million people to take care of 330 million Americans.

Sunny: But there is fear behind that which holds a lot of people back, so it’s not just a numbers game.

Okay, so they are going on TV because we believe all the propaganda and all the statistics. They are going to have 35 million people suddenly enrolling in the military? And we have 35 million Americans in qualifying age and health after all the jab jamborees? They probably have less than that now because of myocarditis and other things. But let’s just say they now have the capacity. Let’s say they now have the police forces in all these towns, cities, and states involved. So you’re saying that if you don’t comply with what?

Sunny: Well they just want control so anything that would cause fear in people.

We did that. We did have the great toilet paper crisis. That was really scary. We also had shortages on the shelves, stores were open less times. But we all survived. So, the fear of doing that again will do it? More people have gardens now. The point is people were locating food. We have apps to help, and people searched for that. People will find the food; we will always do it. We’re going to solve the problem.

Sunny: The fear associated with and setting themselves up as they have the food which will give them the control.

On Monday we’re going to talk about FEAR at the time they were creating it several years ago. Omega-Alpha systems and its holograms were loud and proud. Its consciousness was actually fed by your consciousness and majority consciousness rules.

For example, look, everybody would like to not have TP. We create a shortage, it creates fear of you not being able to wipe your own butt, it’s amplified in the AI system. But it still didn’t spit out money, it still didn’t make it happen for them the way they thought it was going to happen.  

Increasing the price of food is like a slow boil, like when you put a lobster in cold water and slowly increase the heat so it doesn’t even know its dying. That’s what this inflation thing is all about. The cost of everything going up is due to what? The cost of real estate going up is due to what? The cost of lumber, aluminum has gone up, but why? Where did it go? It didn’t go anywhere. We don’t suddenly have a tree shortage of lumber shortage. We have lots of other solutions, but it creates this fear.

So what else can happen?

They can threaten to take your kids away, your guns away. Well it’s the fear they are looking for because it would power the AI system and it would sway everything towards the omega side or keep it on the omega side and this is what gave them money for war and pandemics in the past. There was always a pandemic first and then a war, but it’s not happening this time. They say just wait, that Gate’s going to open. The point is it’s not going to create power. Blackouts are not either. It’s not going to achieve the objective they are looking for, even if there was a gate, not without the neurotransmitters to your brain, which is part of the reason why I wasn’t here on Weds. We found it was trying to reinsert and reimplant itself and we were like oh that’s not happening, and it took some time.

Deep State Mind Control Programs

Just to touch base on one more thing, the deep state mind control programs. We’ve heard of MK Ultra stories from Family members that allegedly got out. They start at the age of 3 and put them in cages. They withhold love and tell them love is killing something, they rape them repeatedly. They fractured their brain in every single way possible, and it’s not just their mind but their body and soul and their etherical plane and emotional plane. They fracture it some much so that they are not even the same person anymore. This was another thing that became evident.

Let’s take a person with a trauma, that could be physical body trauma. Now as the AI wants to hurt you it goes to that traumatized area. It’s the same thing with eating the wrong foods or having a bacteria imbalance, it’s going to go there and create that issue.  Now that issue could not even be from this timeline or this lifetime. There was a lot of interference, but the one thing that is true is that every death of a celestial is a suicide. Now it may not seem like that. Some people hang on after they were told they would only last 6 months and then they are still here 10 years later, even when all the medical signs say otherwise.

What Omega’s job was is to create so much dis-ease in the body, whether that be emotional dis-ease, mental dis-ease, a physical dis-ease so that you finally have to make the decision you are going to leave. That’s sounds crazy and I know that, but people buy into the symptoms the physical body is having and they make the decision to leave. And because you’re celestial-ness was owned 79% by omega you only had 21% to fight with, but the one thing it couldn’t do was kill you. There’s a little secret for you.

You have to make the decision to tap out. You can succumb to the fact you have this disease or that disease and if you think you’re dying of it you’re dying of it. But even at the end, if you think you’re not ready and haven’t made that decision yet, you won’t go until you decide, and it could be 6 years in terrible pain. But every death is a suicide because omega cannot tap you out despite all the neurotransmitters it had in your body, and control of your 34 strands of DNA that you don’t even know you used to have, control of your telomeres and cellular regeneration, and reconstructing your mitochondria and everything else this thing could do, that is the one thing it couldn’t do.

Remember I said I could defend myself or the life of an innocent. Well, that’s it. But purposely killing someone that hasn’t done anything to me, that goes for Omega too. The rules apply to both sides here sometimes. That’s how we figured it out. So cleaning and clearing this is kind of where we’ve been at, because we realized the deep state may try to access what it’s trying to do to survive. It’s pulling out all the stops lately. If you are having weird thoughts or dreams you can blame it on this thing trying to stay alive because the last place this thing exists is here.

We have very little left of the hologram with which they can control and all they can think about is when the next gate will open and hope this thing comes back because they have no hope of controlling anything. And all that trickles down to your currency reset, your Martial Law, your fear, food shortages and everything else they want to do, but without that they’re done. They are no different than you and I, they are just humans. Everything bleeds and everything dies and right now they are batting a zero. And this has been going on for 17 years. The only person who has ever come through for these people is me. But they still want to wait for the next gate. I can’t stop them from going around in circles.

Meanwhile we have got to move on. That is why I am making sure I have a full plan and a structure with which energy or currency is going to flow right into. I need to know I can do this, and I need to know this is what you guys want too. I wonder when I read some of that stuff about bringing about the Constitution. Your government has never been your government, it has been 16,000 years. You can bring it back but it’s not going to change your life or give you freedom. If you are going to change something than we need to change the leadership of this planet with some people. Hopefully millions of you who have a vision, a plan and a heart are going to help us fix this beautiful planet we are on. We have a lot of work ahead of us. 

I have to go through this stuff because there is a big meeting. Do these guys know about the other 2 constitutions? Not just of the US but the World Governance and how it worked? That all those agreements have expired? And that I don’t really care about it because I always sit higher than covenants, I guess you can say at this point. We now say what goes up here. They don’t have to listen to me, I am okay never talking to those people again, but I also take all the tools in my toolbox with me. As for the rest of you, be careful where you put your focus, what you buy into. Stop putting out fear until you’ve done your research.

For the rest of you, you’ve already gotten past this point, but don’t forget it because with them trying to control the media right now it’s going to get very topsy turvy. Remember FEAR is false evidence appearing real and that’s the weapon they are using against us.

oh crap, I forget to proofread.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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5 thoughts on “Deep State Keeps Trying for Another 9-11 Event | The Presidential Debate Show | There Are 3 Levels of Constitutions: Constitution 1 Is About World Governance of Earth, Constitution 2 Is About Order People & World Government, Constitution 3 Is the One We The People Know About | Kim Addresses the FEAR Porn Around Millions of Soldiers To Corral US Citizens Under Martial Law | A Review of Alt Media Propaganda Techniques (aka Q-Operation Trust) | Deep State Mind Control Program Purpose | Omega’s Job Was to Create So Much Dis-ease YOU Finally Make the Decision to Leave”

  1. patrick Marsat

    bonjour de non coté, je vais vous dire, vous avez mon autorisation, faite tout ce qui est en vôtre pouvoir, pour mettre fin à tout ses pactes, tous or tension pour l’éternité infini! merci bon courage pur cette journée, à très bientôt, pour de nouvelles bonne nouvelles!

  2. Bjr; Et que dire d’une guerre nucleaire qui a failli avoir lieu il y a 10 jours parait il selon plusieurs sources. Kim n’en parle pas…

  3. Thankyou ladies and God bless humanity with a great and wonderful overcoming of all the evil and unncecessary fear and Father bless everyone with eyes that see and hearts wide open.
    We must restore the word kindness that Ardern the babykilling traitor killed off.
    We must comprehend and develop: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things there is no law.
    Act accordingly to and within your communities to rebuild the trust that was ripped away in recent years.
    God loves Overcomers and Cheerful Givers : )

    1. Bonjour chez toi Pamela, merci pour le rapport, et je souhaite pour toi un nouveau travail, la Source avec toi et tous les êtres de lumière pour te soutenir, merci. Idir.

  4. Patiently Watching

    Thanks Pamela for putting in the effort into keeping this blog going. Every bit counts and your comments join things that would be otherwise missed.

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