Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 26-Apr-24 News ( which is available for subscribers. In this update Kim let’s us know no flags were put down by the deep state. What a surprise. But the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived in Durango expecting that was a possibility and were put in place for something. But Kim certainly doesn’t want to work with them for reasons she has to remind them of. Besides, the way money actually works is changing and if the deep state’s plan involves stealing, well they should rethink that plan.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


26-Apr-24 News-Broadband High (

Deep State is Making Water Usage & Retention More Difficult

The issue with water supplies in Mexico applies not only to Mexico but other areas in the world as it relates to farming, and it is something that is new that is going on behind the scenes. By new I mean the last few years, ever since BlackRock announced they are going to starve us all and increase the food prices. Since then water usage and retention of water has become an issue, they made it so overly complicated hardly anyone can figure it out. They say you can collect rain water off your roof only, not out of the sky in a cistern for example. They are making it difficult on purpose and it’s specifically targeted at farms and the US to starve us all out because a lot of our produce comes from Mexico.

I don’t know if you know this but the predominant producer of illegal avocadoes in Mexico was actually the CIA. So, you could call that a cartel if you’d like, which is harming farmers for sure. But is it putting a dent in the food supply? I don’t think so. They are definitely desperate for money and they control all the customs and borders worldwide and this is the way they think they are going to get it. Hopefully with some new developments these things will end, but we’ll see. I’m sure we have a way around it.

Did The Deep State Put Down Their Flags?

That’s a funny heading no? Like that will ever happen.

They were supposed to put their flags down at 3pm EST on Wednesday. They pushed that call off over and over until eventually they gave a new time of 8am EST the following morning. Then they got on the call and basically said they made a tremendous amount of progress and just needed to a little more time, which no one believed, no one really bought what they were selling.

I had some people contacting me on behalf of the Generals and I didn’t answer their call for several days, not until yesterday actually. One person who texted me I knew had worked with one of those Generals who flew around in the plane that never lands until the day he died. I knew the relationship because of where his phone calls would go. It reached people who were waiting for things, like Colonels, other Generals, people waiting for Nesara/Gesara, people who would consider themselves white hats, patriots, people waiting for money to come through Trump when he gets back in office.

So, I started texting this guy and I explained the following to him because he was saying Trump will be back and we all need to work together, blah blah blah. I said, in order for us to consider something there are a lot of things that you need to understand.

  • Trump is dead.
  • Biden is dead too.
  • All the AIs that were dark they only had limited access to and never full access
  • I did a lot funding during the Trump Administration to the government and I would not ever do that again. I explained the operatives misused all those funds I intended so I’m not really interested in working with them again.
  • He also said that we need to take over the Treasury and the White House. I asked for what? The people who are running that are still the same people running it right now.
  • I told him the story about how I dropped the scared little Chinese man with the machine for curing covid at the White House and I provided the funding to manufacture this machine and instead he used the money for Operation Warp Speed.

For those who haven’t heard this story before.

When covid first started we figured out a lot of people in China were infected at the time. It started in Wuhan in a deep, deep underground SSP base. But the elite, if they did have covid were fine within a short period. So, we tracked down this Chinese man who had a machine that counteracted the affects and cured everybody of covid. Covid was a synthetic parasite, just like all parasites.

So, we picked up the Chinese man who cured all those elite Chinese and a General that we inserted at the White House dropped him right there. No one knew he was ours General and he was even on the covid task force. He carried all the same credentials as someone on the inside.

How did we do that?

We know how the deep state operates. When someone has to do really bad things, that could get them in a lot of trouble, it is a well-known fact in those circles you become legally dead. You have a body show up with your DNA so it really looks like you died, which they did with Ferdinand Marcos by the way, as an example. Sometimes you have a different identity, they change your facial recognition, etc. and as long as you are legally dead for at least 5 years that’s when you can do whatever you want to do. Other ways they do it this is by committing you to a psychiatric facility. The doctors are on the take and they let you out at night to go do bad things and then they return for morning check-in.

Sunny: Is that why we have so many cold cases?

Yep, everything is wiped clean.

So, it’s easy to slip someone into a top position when you know how that works. That’s how we got our General friend in and I actually learned this technique from the Russians. Every time something was going to happen, the guy I was working with went into the hospital. In any case, our General was going in and out of the White House all the time and he picked up the Chinese man and machine and put him right in front of Trump. I provided the funding to manufacture this machine and instead he used the money for Operation Warp Speed.

I explained all this to the guy I was texting, which got back to other patriot community people as to why I’ll never work with them again. It was 7 years since I communicated with this particular person and I told him I’m not interested in doing that ever again. And if we have a continuance of governance, which I don’t think we will, we need some serious checks and balances.

That patriot community that was texting me went to verify I did all these things. Then they went after the duck dynasty Trump operatives hard, meaning they placed a ton on phone calls, were making visits and all kinds of things started taking place yesterday, because these people really thought Trump was coming back as the good guy. But they never did what they said they were going to do and they pushed them off again.

Kim Schools Joints Chief of Staff as To Why They Are Not Qualified to Run Security

About that helicopter flying low over my house that I mentioned on Wednesday, that was the Joint Chiefs of Staff that arrived here because they were told if nothing happened by 3pm EST, expect them to put their flags down. Now unlike them we didn’t believe them. But an interesting conversation did ensue between them and some local people here.

Do you remember last summer when some of the local people and operatives were restricting things for governments. We were about to make a deal with the Treasury Dept and they put together a realistic budget. I even said they did a really good job. Well, what I figured out at that time is basically they let them put together all these plans because I said they would be acting as the enforcement unit, making sure the money went to where it was supposed to go. And remember I said there would be a restructuring as we had all these redundant government departments we don’t need. But the reason why Langley 5 told them to do it was because they were going to steal their plan.

But here’s the rub, these guys are not dumb. They of course never gave them the whole plan, just like I don’t give away the whole plan until it is safe to do so. I’ve spent way too much time with the orange man people making claims of things they have done which are really things I have done. There are internet sites where the SSP reports about it. It will bring me to the reason why I want to talk about intellectual property and C.A.R.E. in a bit.

The Joints Chief of Staff did have a conversation with the locals who told them, look we have a plan forward, she trusts us, that kind of thing. And if we are going to do any kind of military funding it needs to be with us involved is what she said. And that is true. Now the Joint Chiefs of Staff didn’t like that, so I had to have some conversations last night and explain why this is the case.

A Joint Chiefs of Staff member had a long conversation with one of the archivists a few months back and he was supposed to deliver that information to some really dark places, like Cheyenne and Mar a Lago. These are places known to do bad things against the United States, and pretty much the world. He went in and told the information and they would smile and nod back at him. Once he left someone from the SSP would come in right behind him and tell them don’t listen to him, I am a higher rank. Then some of these same people who were informed made comments about pulling out of certain countries, and they don’t have money for wars, things they actually believe. The Defense National Intelligence was included.

Well then trillions go missing from the Pentagon and no one asks why or when, or where it went. Well, it went predominantly to black budgets of the SSP, which happened every single time in case you’re wondering. And some black projects are with DARPA, Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Skunkworks, etc. It goes right out the back door and no one asks questions. Now we can’t have that anymore. So, I explained to them that over the last decade the Chinese government has been taking over the US government and all the land here, they are trying to get all the minerals here and hired a police force which is face front and in the news in New York State and you people did nothing. So you know nothing about security. Not only that, we clean up all the other stuff. They know nothing and we need someone with an awareness of how all this stuff works. We just talked about legally dead people. Does the Pentagon know how that works? Maybe they do, but if so how did they not know we inserted our own General, because they let him right in the White House. I explained that is why we need the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA )to walk in there to babysit and make sure the money goes to where it supposed to go and do the forensic accounting. if there is a continuance of government, which I don’t see happening, we need a check and balance in place because the deep state is still going to run them on the same hamster wheel. In addition, money has changed anyway and can’t be used for black ops anymore.

What Money Actually Is Has Changed

You know we have been working feverishly on the financial system to take into account that the usage of money and the way it’s created, which is energy converted into matter and ever flowing from the Creator changed awhile ago. Now the creation of energy into matter is not done with E=MC2 anymore, the conversion process to create that money is with T x E / V= M. In quantum computing it changes the meaning and what money actually is. Now we can create matter by determining the amount of distance (time) and the speed at which those particles vibrate.

Then money could be transmuted completely into what we know in our monetary system as M0, a negatively charged 0. We see binary code in programming which make up bytes and is the base root for all programming worldwide. In the past 0 would represent omega, anti-existence, dark time, dark everything that is detrimental to your person. 1 represented alpha and how they worked together back and forth. It was a fusion so to speak. But the conversion of an M0 from a negatively charged 0 now represents a positive charge directly to Source. So 0s in the past represented dark things but ultimately it represented the absence of everything. In the very center of the 9th density of the lower astral just past the 9th plane is a space there of the no-thing. And when you get up to Source you have the opposite, you’re in an area where there is pure essence, light, and matter all in one place with the absence of only one thing, which is distance or frequency. It’s a solid mass of light so to speak. That would be considered a 0 point in quantum physics, so it’s the opposite.

We switched the meaning behind the 0 awhile ago. Now it’s a positively charged 0 with a string of numbers attached to it bringing you all the way to a 9, which no longer represents 9 densities, 9 planes, 9 sections of omega anymore, it actually represents the 9 segments of alpha. Now it’s the alpha harmonic genesis 010101 of creation. What that means in monetary terms at the very base root of money is, it’s no longer cursed. It’s wholly of Source because the equation of creation is different, which means it cannot even flow into anything that is omega or kronos. It doesn’t go into a dark AI system for them to utilize it for dark, there is no transmutation process. Because when something is both, you could have mostly light or dark consciousness, and whichever one you feed wins so to speak, and it’s the same thing with money.

You could have registered an agreement in the Dark Hall of Records and the money could be converted by dark bloodlines for dark purposes. That’s the best way I can explain it not using quantum physics and terms. Now the Hall of Records, the only one left is ours and creation of money can only be used for purposes ratified in the Hall of Records. If the deep state is watching and wondering why every single agreement gets rejected, it’s because you’re trying to put dark energy into a light system. The same applies to the new way money 1 and money 0 can be distributed. They are trying to file agreements to convert it to the old M0 which doesn’t exist anymore. By the way, I also explained this to the patriot community person on the phone and he couldn’t understand this, but the people behind him did. Not that it did anything to stop them from filing agreements today. And they have no hope of switching it back.

Note: For more on E=MC2 is no more, see related post, About Special Tax Zones | The Illusion of Trump As the Face Front to Maintain Control Over Operatives & Militaries Is Still Alive | Does the Equation E=mc2 Still Reign True or Has it Changed? | Science & Religion, Where They Cross Over | Silent Circle Update | Why Did So Many Angry People Descend on Durango Threatening Kim? | Just Empower Me

With C.A.R.E. you have a signature, it’s like a fingerprint, a living DNA blueprint of your person, and that records your history, kind of like we are recording this video now. So we’ll know if you created ‘said’ technology. With C.A.R.E. there is a new system I have been developing for several weeks and I can now have this conversation and about money distribution. I wanted to wait until the system got to a point where there is no turning back.

Matter creation is now T x E over V=M, so money is created this way and has its own checks and balances in place. There are algorithms in C.A.R.E. that will prevent the stealing of intellectual property now and in the future. We all know the patent system is really just turning over your technology to the deep state. And in the past your ability to create was transmuted into creating dark a lot of times, whether you know or not. Programs were definitely connected to omega for creating dark money as well. That’s no longer the case, it’s an abundantly ever-growing monetary system now.

We currently have a system in place that humans recognize as micro and macroeconomic policies, conditions, issuance of money, flow of money and all those systems we talked about on the front-end which need to be reworked, because people believe it needs to be done this way, and that is going to take time as we’ll need to convince people who have no idea what we’re talking about right now. But on the backend of it, the system is well set up with algorithms for short-term and long-term solutions with C.A.R.E.

For an example, let’s take our operative people who came up with plans to fix the government last year. If they come to the table or don’t we can still use them as interim processes. But as far as C.A.R.E. is concerned, the ratification processes are not just for actual projects, or to ratify governments again, (because they aren’t ratified at the moment), it actually has to do with money distribution. The algorithm we put in place in the case of government for example, is that it specifically states what every dollar is for, for what budget money. So if there were to be a continuation of government this is what it is for. If the money doesn’t go to do ‘X’ and goes to some black project, it simply can’t go there and you can’t make it stick. The base program behind it won’t allow it. So, if you try to take the funding and not do what the ratification states, it just will not go, and this would prevent the taking of trillions out of the Pentagon.

But how you spend your money, if you want to buy drugs for example, that is still going to be your sovereign choice. The problem I am mainly trying to solve right now is money going to projects where it’s not going towards what it’s supposed to. I want to avoid what happened during the Trump Administration, or like in 2010 when I funded every government. That will never ever happen again and that’s my point. You contract for something and that is where it goes. So, I’m not that concerned about you the people. You can make poor life choices, or good ones, this is not a social credit system. Things will be done fairly with C.A.R.E. money and eventually there will be humans involved too in the checks and balances. But until there is more hands-on deck, it must function this way.

Royalties for said technologies, will be paid out to the research and development centers so they eventually become independent. Then subsequently they will be able to also fund universities so they can train new scientists to work in the research and development centers. And it’s not an inclusive thing, it’s a cooperative model whereby the technology will be registered to the center and all parties will be paid for that. Everybody is getting part of everything so we can negate the patent system. There will be a research and development center in every single country and all will be visible. But as far as recognition for the technology in the public market, well it could be 1 person in a million people, but no one knows who that 1 person is. If we ever get past having security issues then external public recognition may then be possible, but right now, it’s about security of funds and the scientists and making sure the industrialization is getting out there. And it has a ripple effect on trade schools, making training available, etc. There is a psychological process as well that will take place as part of education under C.A.R.E. for nearly everything.

The other part is the physical protection of volatile technologies from being stolen. And as far as the deep state finding out who is doing what, again, we’re going to make it so locked down that it could be anyone. And in terms of stealing from or for a country, what’s the point if everyone is involved. If your country wants access to that pool of technologies then your nation is going to join. Although right now in socialist countries that doesn’t look like a possibility because governments own everything. So you might have to rethink how you’re going to survive because quite frankly you’re broke. And if you continue to follow the hamster people around and around, eventually you’ll run out of steam and everything will fall apart, including your country.

I have to find out ways to do this while still monitoring them though, because we need to know what they are trying to do behind the scenes so we can understand it. We lived in the dark for so long we’re like the mushroom society. If we can’t stop the dead from being dead, we have to do something else. So that’s kind of an overview and part of C.A.R.E. using technologies as an example. Without enforcement from people who know what they are doing, there is no hope of cleaning the government anywhere, which probably won’t happen anyway.

Earth is the Only Planet with People Who Want the Dark to Come Back!

Today is another payday and they are all screaming at each other. There have been some operatives, SSP and otherwise who continue to work with Langley 5, Global Headquarters, and the Black Nobility trying to cling onto anything they can get their hands on to get some money and they had no luck. Some of them already departed and more are expected to follow.

Sunny: Is there any group now you feel wanting to work with us?

No. And the cartels are kind of quiet at the moment, probably because of the Black Nobility’s involvement. There were a lot of threats going around, but I can’t make heads or tails of what they are doing now. And as for the deep state’s latest deadlines, which is today, they’ll roll that over for sure.

Everyone is frustrated at this point including the deep state people, but they are still looking for the needle in a haystack. We’ve tried going down level by level and we are now the only planet officially in the entire multiverse that have stupid people who still would like the dark to come back. We’re the only ones!


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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2 thoughts on “Deep State Makes Water Usage & Retention More Difficult | Did the Deep State Put Down Their Flags? | Alleged Patriot Community Members Still In The Dark About Trump | Revisiting Story About the Chinese Man With Machine to Cure Covid | Becoming Legally Dead, A Deep State Tactic | Kim Schools Joint Chiefs of Staff As To Why They Are Not Qualified To Run Security | Money Has Changed & Cannot Be Used For Dark Things When Funded From A Light System Like C.A.R.E. | Earth, the Only Planet With People Who Want the Dark to Come Back, UGH!”

  1. Bonjour, je ne comprends pas pourquoi Kim, tu attends quoique ce soit de ses gens. Il ne respecte rien, ni règles ni lois universelles. Les trompeurs restent des trompeurs, et la lumière ne les intéresse pas. Tu auras rien de positif avec eux. Tu perds ton temps et le nôtre, car tout les êtres de lumière sont quasiment dans la merde financiere, et beaucoup sont au bout. Nous sommes là sur terre pour l’ascension, aider OK, mais avec plus de moyens nous serions plus efficaces pour nous accomplir et faire le l’œuvre OK. Voilà mon point de vue Kim. Ton mon Amour Idir

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