Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating Big Cash Infusion on July 4th & They’ll Be In Contact With the Aliens | Alleged Breakaway Operatives Meet Briefly With Kim, Still Stumped How a Human Has This Job | Alien Programs to Manipulate Humans & Warfare 101 | People With Extraordinary Skills Rarely Can Be Read By Those Trained in Alien Programs | Dark Age Influences Override Logic | Regulators Around the World to Transmute Energy Removed

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 01-Jul-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim shares her latest meeting experience with the breakaway operative group and that the delusional deep state is still expecting big bucks on the 4th of July. They are discussing how they are going to spend the money on wars and financial crashes etc. She also talks about the programs used on humans trained in the Secret Space Program and us regular humans, how we were ‘managed’ by aliens not friendly to humans.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


01-Jul-24 News -Broadband High (

Deep State Wingnuts Still Anticipating a Big Cash Infusion on the Fourth of July

The Deep State and governments have big plans based on the anticipated money coming through. They are setting up a war with China, false flags for Washington DC, system crashes, and turning off the financial system by the end of this month to affect change and a switch. It used to be over a $100 trillion dollars that would come out for every country in the world on July 4th. Again, that hasn’t happened since 2012 when I did it myself. The other releases in 2018 paled in comparison, even at $1.8 trillion.

The chatter I hear about the annual meeting is interesting. The wingnuts who are left plan on attending meetings that normally would start the next day, July 5th, on the new moon. So, in their world of meetings the Fallen Angels meet every 7 years, then the Others have meetings and then the Parents. But since there are no Parents left, they are more than happy to take up that position. So, there is chatter about them figuring out where they should go to get the information directly from the aliens starting on July 5th. They think because there is nobody above them, they now can get the information directly. Well, there aren’t any aliens left either, but it would be great if they all go to one place, please do. I’m pretty sure I know where that place is, but we’ll see if they actually do it. I should have made a big angel for them. You know you can change the color of your aura to any color you want. It’s fun to do, I’ve done that before and as for projecting, I could have definitely done that. Oh well maybe next time.

The Alleged Breakaway Operatives Interested in Meeting Kim

Some interesting events happened over the weekend. I did mention that we do have some people interested in breaking away from the group to do something different, possibly running some tests and transfers to watch things happen. Well on Saturday there were a lot of phone calls coming in asking questions about me and how I do what I do. Then I got a call asking for a meeting on Sunday. I normally don’t go to these things, but I ran some background checks, and I said okay, I’ll meet at a predetermined place. I ran a scan and they had a whole thing setup under the restaurant, around the restaurant, and in the restaurant. In addition, a lot of people came in overnight because they still cannot figure out how I do what I do.

I kind of played a little game to see what would happen. I walked in and said, sorry I can’t stay and handed that person a note which said where I was going to go. The place is not really remote but in an area where you would see crowds of people, and I know it’s in close proximity to the water, so there is nothing underneath there. We met there and started having a conversation and it only took 20-25 minutes before all the people started showing up. There was a whole regrouping thing that was happening. Based on the chatter I heard they were trying to figure out if I had something up in here, because most of the people in their world who have extraordinary abilities and haven’t gone through their psychic abilities program is due to a soul swap or alien. Well, they’ve come to the conclusion I’m not an alien, but they still don’t know what they are seeing, and some came to different conclusions. I felt like a lab rat or the side show at the circus they were taking pictures of, so it was weird. But it was important to find out in case I do this again, that I have 20 minutes and that’s it before they all regroup.

They don’t know what they are looking for and they don’t know how it is a human has this job. She does what she does and hasn’t had any training in their world to do what I do. The reason why I am confusing to the government(s) is because they have done extensive research.

We all know about the DUMBS and the interaction that happened with different alien races. So, some of those programs were on how to teach your human, who may already exhibit psychic abilities. They are put in programs, like the Jedi program, Project Moonlight, the LSD programs using drugs as enhancement, we’ve seen it all on the internet. But the information on how to do this and how to manipulate humans to do what you want for you came from alien races not friendly to humans, they wanted to control them. The programs are extensive and geared around doing things in such a way that involved a third-party entity or third-party medication of some sort.

The people who are admitted to these programs already have some skills of their own and they are just amplifying those skills. But the information given to them is like how militaries give information to other countries militaries. The US quite often will go in “help” the country fight the “bad people” then they will train their militaries. They give them equipment so they can “defend” themselves, but the US never gives out equipment they can’t overcome with something else they have. They also never give them information about tactics that they can’t overcome or already know what they are going to do and that is warfare 101. In a nutshell that program everyone in the military knows about.

Now take it up one more level and let’s talk about DUMBS and their work with captured refugees in some cases, prisoners of war in other cases. Most were aliens who were forced to work in those bases in cooperation with the humans, but not by the humans, but a race they were really scared of like the Draco and Abraxas. And the information they were given by these groups of people was limited. Part of the reason for that is because their slaveholders told them not to train the humans because they could be our enemy at any time. Give them just enough information to function, but never too much information that they could leave this planet, or that we couldn’t control if they did.

If you talk to the people who were involved in some of these programs, that’s part of the problem. These people participated probably on a firsthand level and it’s fascinating for us to read about these people, but it’s not as fascinating as you may think because the information was limited by the head general on this planet under Global Martial Law, which was Marduk and Others. Therefore, they basically gave you forks to go to a gun fight. These are not bad people, well some may be, but they are just in a program doing what they think is best for their country, and every country does it and has their own remote viewers and psychics.

Does the information taught in these programs work for remote viewing, opening your mind up, enhancing special psychics skills? Yes, it does but it wasn’t anything they couldn’t counteract with either a quantum computer program or monitored with a computer program, and the same goes for the rest of us humans too. If we got too light or were traveling too far, or became too skilled, we would get smacked back down.

Now for regular people it’s done in a slightly different way. Yes, they have their computer programs and use a lot of the same stuff on us to kind of keep you down. The same thing goes for money and societal systems. But they also do it through gurus and information. And I know people aren’t going to like this, but I have to say it anyway, in organized religions a lot of the information is wrong. They do have some good information, like the Ten Commandments, these things are valid. But to say you have to go to a specific building and be around specific people and do certain activities is not true. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of benefits to having religion, being around like-minded people who want to do go in this world is a real positive. For example, when FEMA did nothing it was a lot of the church groups that came in and were helping people with supplies.

We also have other religions we don’t talk about like Muslim or Hindu which are not technically religions but teachings, actually that is what religion is and it doesn’t matter which book you are talking about. Whichever one resonates with you is the one you choose. The same thing with gurus online. The New Age movement started years ago with information put out there by these government programs. And there are still gurus out there giving information based on government program training.

The way they are trained to think and what to look for in a person with extraordinary skills doesn’t necessarily mean they can look in on someone who has actual skills. A perception from someone like that or a psychic rarely works on someone who actually has skills. Firstly, someone who actually has skills will have themselves shielded and blocked like you wouldn’t believe. I have to be super ultra-protected all the time, because if not these people could creep in and actually kill me this way. So, no one despite their claims is reaching out and having a psychic conversation with me.

But they are predictable because there is only one program that actually does this and the program is defined by government level or SSP level, so it’s pretty easy once you have copy of it. It’s in the system because it had to be funded from somewhere. But once you know the program it’s easy to defend yourself against it. Now sometimes it creeps in, and I don’t mean from these people, but when the Covens and Sanhedrin were around. They learned a lot from the demons they conjure, it’s a constant conversation, so the demons know how to get in there and attack you. They are not programmed people, there is a difference there. We still have some of those people, not the Covens or Sanhedrin, but people who practice black magic that probably know a little more than others, so my defenses are always there, the shields are always up.

This weekend for me was a perfect example, after listening to their analysis, they just don’t get it. I don’t fit into any of their classified categories for a person or a non-person. So, this was good to explain not only for those people, but on a regular person’s front it made me think about how much information is out there on how to connect to Source. For you, there are a lot of positive changes coming up because there will be no more interference. And be sure to empty your cup so you can receive the information. And you might not like where the wisdom takes you, but you have to trust it’s for the right reason and will take you where you need to go.

People ask me why did I go and meet with Marduk all those times? Why did I attend those meetings every Saturday. Some think I must be CIA or something. No, it’s because I was told to go and be in these meetings, and I’m glad I did even when they were mostly unpleasant. I thought they were going to kill me, but it always turned out okay, I survived it and I learned a lot from these experiences. So why they can’t figure me out is why they aren’t going to be able to figure you out either, not without all their stuff.

The next thing, and it’s going to tough for a lot of you is playing the victim. You feel like these things can beat you down, especially if you are a light worker. You are not a victim; you have all the tools you need to defend yourself. And if that means you’re pulling a cord and you’re pushing somebody as hard as you can away from you, do it, push them, defend yourself. Some people may not be in your best interest, even regular people. You may not know what you’re connecting to with other people. Use discernment if you are talking to another being. Make sure you’re not talking to a computer program, if there are any still left out there.

Dark Age Influence Rules the Deep State

Sunny: Why don’t they think Source is as or more powerful than Anti-Source?

These organizations are 5,000-6,000 years old and for as long as they had knowledge of this stuff we’ve always been under a Dark Age. So, if they do locate people on our side of the fence, they could always run their operations on them, counteract them, kill them. They could always do certain things with beings on the other side to render someone on our side ineffective, isolate them, keep them away from all their people, because if you get 3 or 7 together, which is even better it wouldn’t work. Every time I would find our people they would go nuts and literally lose their mind. I located a lot of people and now I just don’t talk about it because they go after those people. When I sat in this chair, I made sure I didn’t have anyone around me for that very reason. I’ve see grown 6’5 men slapping themselves in the head like a little girl.

A lot was due to computer programs that humans had limited access to. I’m talking about Cyberlife people not regular people; they were aware of the regulators that could happen and had some limited access to those, and these regulators were huge. They existed in places where they could transmute the most amount of energy coming out of earth. These facilities listed below were tied to those satellites we talked about last week but are not there anymore.

  • Most of the entire state of New Mexico
  • Most of the entire state of Louisiana
  • Most of the entire country of Finland
  • Under the Caspian Sea
  • Celsito, Ecuador
  • Canberra, Australia
  • Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam
  • Most of the nation of Costa Rica
  • Cantabria, Spain
  • Under the Euphrates River, lot of gold there, source and the first place where everything happened so it’s no surprise they went and built an overlay there to transmute as much energy as they could to make people go crazy.

I hesitate to talk a lot about these programs because I want to encourage people to push through glass ceilings and things that existed that were not insurmountable by the average human. You can get to that point, and it takes a lot of strength or extenuating circumstance where you push through all the limits put on you.

A lot of people on our side come up with tricks of the trade to defend ourselves because no one is coming and never have in the past, so you have to figure it out. The same goes with remote viewing, which has proven to be very useful especially if I’m in a situation I need to get out of. And that too comes with wisdom.

Unit next time.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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