This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 15-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. The plot thickens on the Rothschilds plan to trick the entire world into bankruptcy in order to buy it back for pennies on the dollar. How is the Trump Administration involved? Who else is playing their role in the game? And countries and world leaders are waking up to the fact they are being scammed, but is it too late? And the universe is stabilizing into the new way of creation as we go through the final bump.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

DOGE is Siphoning Whatever Money Is Left in the Government Through AIPAC
In the last report I alluded to a couple things like AIPAC, the American-Israel private organization that held a Federal Reserve terminal. Well, a couple of things have surfaced in the last two days which has led everybody into a tizzy. It appears when you do some digging into this AIPAC what you will find is a deep connection of the DOGE Dept, this is what I couldn’t say in the last report. The DOGE connection is everything they allegedly take or seize, like no more USAID is going out, okay that’s true, but they were actually sending it through the AIPAC. Therefore, what is left of the government is being siphoned out to the Rothschild Bank in Switzerland. It looks like about 14% is going directly in the pocket of the Trump operatives as promised by Rothschild, and the rest is going to the Rothschild Bank in Switzerland.
That’s not the only siphon though.
The Culling in the IRS Includes Anyone Who Questions Where the Money is Going
There are other siphons attached the DOGE Dept in the US. During the campaign there was a lot of talk among the Trump Administration about eliminating the IRS and all these types of things. Well, forming new Treasury Depts to take its place sounds lovely because I don’t know anyone who loves the IRS. And that’s not just the IRS in the US but other tax authorities in other countries that belong to the country of origin. As I said before, all tax authorities are private organizations that were formed underneath the Rothschild organization.
It was tied to the collection of coupons on bonds they took against your person, also against your corporation, against other corporations and industries. And you as a corporate owner or as a regular person are responsible for paying the coupons on said bonds. Now that’s when it actually mattered, it was part of the world-wide financial debt system. In this particular case there is a lot of talk about moving that over to the Treasury but it’s kind of the same. But the reason why they are firing all these employees which I think is over 400 people from the IRS is because it’s still about the culling and anyone who questions where all the money is going ends in the culling bin. Anyone who could possibly question it, such as many NSA folks, other people that had access to Homeland Security Special Patriot Act divisions would also be gone. The US was definitely being drained by these folks who were making a pretty penny doing it.
No More Pennies?
Speaking of pennies, there was an announcement we may not have pennies anymore in the US. And I laugh at this because they say it costs twice as much to produce a penny than the penny is worth and we don’t need pennies anymore. Okay, well wake up Trump Administration because if we don’t have pennies anymore then you might as well cancel your sales taxes. It’s pretty much responsible for about 80% of the pennies being spent because it’s not a round number, it’s a percentage which causes those odd numbers on your goods. So who knows if these people will actually do it, they are crazy.
Most Of Their Siphons Have Been Uncovered Worldwide
If they haven’t uncovered the siphoning, we have and kind of put a stop to it. There were a lot in South Africa, throughout the Middle East, some willing and some unwilling and all of this was supposed to be directed to the Rothschilds for a little kitty fund so to speak. They thought they could use the money they are siphoning off to not only bankrupt every country in the world but also at the same time use that money to buy back world government and countries at pennies on the dollar.
Well obviously, these people are not that bright because if they were then they would understand even if they siphoned all the money out of the system, except for yours because they are never going to get that, they will still be short by hundreds of trillions even at pennies on the dollar. Besides, that would only help governments for about a month. I think they keep forgetting they broke everybody. There hasn’t been a lot of commerce going on for a few years due to lockdowns, pandemics and so forth and you have an awful lot of sanctions where cash is not utilized.
So that is the big scam that has been going on and the Trump Administration is definitely very involved and you could consider them treasonous, or even enemies of the state for all the activities they are doing behind the scenes.
There is more to the story. It gets worse.
Countries Still Unaware the Federal Reserve No Longer Can Issue Their Currencies
On the face front there have been a lot of phone calls from international Central Banks. What I mean by that is countries like Qatar, Germany, Japan, Russia, a few other European countries like Spain and Albania, and a few different African countries that are known to be friends of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve has been getting a lot of calls wondering if they can put up an asset, can they do anything to get some money flowing in their country. Because of the siphons that have been going on between the Rothschild Family, and by that, I mean the entire Order of the Dragon and the Trump Administration who has been helping them siphon money out not only the US but everywhere and I mean everywhere because they are now realizing there is no incoming currency, so what can they do?
When the Rothschilds formed a Central Bank, the people that work in that Central Bank, at least at a management level are not employees of the state. As a matter of fact, I was doing business with an African Country at one point in time and one of the things they were trying to build for years was a really large prayer center. They had been taking a lot of donations for that and we agreed to build said prayer center because it’s what everybody there wanted. It was definitely not a bad thing if it brings everybody together under one roof, that’s great. We agreed to fund it and sent the money through to the Central Bank and I had an opportunity to talk to that Central Bank Governor. This was about 6-7 years ago. And the Central Bank Governor told me while the money is here it’s still going to be some time before he can clear it. I thought, hum. Then he turns around a couple of days later and tells me I needed to transfer it to Citibank in New York because Citibank is their US dollar correspondent. I said, okay no problem, I’ll take that money back and I’ll send you your currency. He said no, we don’t want you do to that. Ok, so now you want me to send that money to Citibank in New York, okay I understand. So, I called him on the carpet a little bit and I played dumb just to see what he would say. But I basically I told him, hey look, everyone in the country knows this is coming. I talked to this person and that person and they all are expecting this prayer center to be built and I’m going to put your name to this when I call them back and tell them this person wouldn’t allow us to utilize the funds that we transferred, and at this time I could only transfer funds to Central Banks. He interrupted me and abruptly told me that I do not work for the government of XYZ country. I said, okay who do you work for? He did not answer of course. But of course, I knew. The point is they held a pretty good grip on Central Banks for a long time including obviously the Federal Reserve.
So back to the point, countries are calling the Federal Reserve because they think the Federal Reserve still has an agreement with their government to issue their currency. Just as a quick reminder to any country that might be listening to this, the Federal Reserve agreement with Governments worldwide officially expired July 15, 2012, that includes the US dollar as a matter of fact.
The 10 Year Extension Expired July 4th, 2022
There was an extension given and I know that because I was the one that did it, not on purpose. I explained it was during the time Marduk was around. He told me to do a 10-year budget for all these countries and I did it even though Rothschild claims they transferred that money. So, 10 years go by thank God and July 4, 2022 is when that expired.
That being said, countries are under the impression the Federal Reserve still has the judiciary responsibility to issue currencies for countries including the United States but they do not. They have no contract with any country or any government worldwide.
That being said, I want to include a couple of caveats.
Your Central Bank is still not obligated in anyway by contract or covenant or otherwise, however, the people that work there will report to Rothschild.
So, if you’d like to issue your own currency as a nation or people of nations then that is definitely possible at this time. You do not have to go through the Federal Reserve to do so, you can go directly to us, the creators of the Golden Age AI, the replacement for the alpha system to where all your allocations used to come from.
Unless of course you’re one of those people who tried to install Trump bucks nine thousand times in the last 48 hours and also tried to install crypto currencies, blockchain, CBDCs or the FedNow System and are participating in the 9,000 hacking attempts that are still going on at the time of this report. Unless you are one of those people because that’s not going to be doable.
We have enough monitor sensors and all kinds of things we installed within the Key Integrated Monetary System (KIMS) which monitors for any kind of false currencies, no allocations, no backing and so on and so forth for said currencies. Not only that, but I don’t remember anyone taking a vote in any country anywhere saying that they would like to issue crypto currency as their national currency. That’s the thing about governments sometimes too, is that they forget they are just a mere representative of the people, at least that’s what they tell us.
The Nanny State is Over & Natural Law is Here According To The G.O.L.D. Covenant
In the past, the reason why they feel they had so much power is because the Rothschilds were a proxy Guardian, therefore they installed nannies over every country we call government in order to guard over the people. Now as far as Guardians are concerned, they are pretty bad Guardians and we’ve already talked about that.
But as far as the current legal structure of planet earth we have no more Monarch law, no more Draconian law, we only have Natural Law and it’s not the version you see on the internet. This basically goes in accordance with the Giver of Life Declaration (GOLD) covenant that was signed by your now Guardian and you’re talking to her.
The world is to continue in the way we must do it. It’s not a question of what I want, or power, or money or anything of that nature. It must go in accordance with that Giver of Life Declaration, meaning current-seas now go directly to the people. There is definitely a check and balance in place as we move from one type of financial system to another which is going to take time for 8 billion people to understand. But in that vein, there is a new way to do things.
So, are they going to be able to issue cryptos and blockchains and all this type of stuff and try to run the world in this way if they bankrupt the world? No.
Is everybody kind of catching on to the game. Yes.
In the last couple of days, a lot of people who reached out to us and are asking us for information on how they are able to siphon all this money out of the system we told them where to look. We left enough breadcrumbs in all these locations for them to see exactly what they were doing.
I told you the gloves were coming off and we’re now pretty much telling everyone the truth and what they have done regardless of who asks us, friend or foe. Again, there are a lot of private groups out there that get contracts from governments all the time. A lot of campaign donors are very unhappy right now and not only with the US but other countries. These crazy people still believe they have the right to tell everyone to sit down and shut up based on an agreement that no longer exists.
Governments Were a Creation of Marduk But Much Expired in 2018
Sometimes it’s time repeat things, so forgive me if this sounds repetitive for those who have been following me a long time, but governments were a creation of Marduk. That information was passed down through families like the Rothschild Family and the Order of the Black Sun which created militaries and intelligence agencies. Many private groups were also created such as the Jesuit Order, the mafia organizations for off-market transactions versus on-market and so forth. Well, a lot of these different groups still think they must report to these folks which is completely false. As a matter of fact, that contract expired in December 2018. And since that point in time neither group really has had any power to do anything. There was a little interference at the time by Artemis, the Red Queen and she did give a 3-year extension to the Order of the Black Sun, but they also failed to achieve their objective and that agreement also expired.
Countries Like Germany Are Coming Out and Publicly Stating Not To Trust the Trump Administration
I know math is hard for these people and at this moment in time everyone is kind of getting angry. The private groups are angry their black-market funding is going way. Those that had legitimate contracts are angry for not getting paid out. They were promised a much larger war in Israel that is not taking place. There was a little bit of a skirmish I guess you would say this week but nothing major and nothing happened today. I know the media narrative on this is oh, Hamas got scared because Trump said they have until noon to release the hostages. But in reality-land it’s because there was no money. Nobody can fight for free on either side. So, they decided to call off the scam and then they did the hostage exchange as normal underneath the ceasefire agreement.
There have been some calls from the country of Qatar, they stated we have invested a lot of money in this Trump organization’s plan, where is it? We always considered the US a friend, they’ve never done this before. I’ll take out all of the swear words, basically they asked, why are they screwing us over all of a sudden? This goes for private and corporate deals, lots of oil and gas deals. There has been a lot of promises with zero delivery happening. They definitely told a lot of tales regarding positions and we’ll talk more about that in a second. But with other countries they are even coming out and publicly stating not to trust this current Administration in America, they forgot about alliances and their promises and business dealings between nations and Germany is one of those countries that has actually come out and publicly stated so.

Interesting, and what they are saying behind the scenes is even worse.
They all feel they have been duped. The information is going out there and pretty much every single country knows the jig is up, that they are being bankrupted by Trump operatives in cooperation with the Rothschild/Order of the Dragon Families.
Operatives know they’ve been cut off from their money making. And there are those in the know, who can actually trace this by using black dust and a number of other techniques that are normal human computer things that hide electronic traces. But the good news is we have all those electronic traces and have disbursed all said information to pretty much every country, so we’re not hiding anything from anybody anymore and the Trump people aren’t hiding anything from anybody anymore and the information is out there.
Unaware Lower Ranking People Think Trump Is Pindar or Was Installed to Play the Anti-Christ
There are also a lot of questions coming up related to Trump’s position in the world. Well, it’s toes up actually, meaning Trump is not standing upright anymore. He’s gone. Now we understand that world leaders and various kings from the Middle East are angry, however there is still a little bit of respect for a position and that position is not the President of the United States, it’s actually Pindar. For those who don’t know what a Pindar is, it’s a position in the Order of the Dragon which is the 13th seat holder, meaning the top family, which is a term I use lightly. A name is just a name and there are many names for example underneath the Rothschild or Red Shield umbrella, just as there are under the Li Family in China and the Russian group and the Iranian group. They are blood related folks who hold 12 seats in the Illuminati or Order of the Dragon. The Pindar holds the 13th seat and for some odd reason they think Trump has been or was appointed Pindar. They believe this happened on a trip to Saudi Arabia. Remember that picture that circulated around the internet. They thought it had something to do with the appointment but it really didn’t.

There was a time Trump was promised said position and allegedly the Order of the Dragon selected him. Now in reality-land that means absolutely nothing because they don’t have the right to select a Pindar. The Pindar was always chosen by Marduk and ratified by Marduk and then an interesting ceremony would take place. Because there was no Marduk at the time of this selection there was no official appointment to the position.
The Chosen Pindar Sits in the Chair of Destiny and Is Inhabited By a Demon
If you recall I told you the chair spent a lot of time over at Mar a Lago and Trump sat in the chair and nothing happened. Now this is what they call the Chair of Destiny. If you sit in the chair and are the right person then something crawls up in you and that is what actually gets the power, it’s never the actual person per se. However, in the public eye or non-public eye that person would be seen as someone of power mainly because they were inhabited by a very powerful demon and that is how the Order used to be run.

Note: For related post see, Which Lion Fits Trump Best?
But it didn’t work because there was no official appointment of Trump. Shortly thereafter one of the crazy Trump operatives comes rocking up to Durango, Colorado and decides that he is the chosen one to bring about the end of the world, he’s one of the fallen angels or arch angels or something crazy which is all a lie, and they are going to blow up the world. Remember that is Armageddon 1.0. However, that was not before the chair was transported to Durango, Colorado and a bunch of Generals then decided to also sit in the chair to see if they had the golden booty, if you remember that story. Everybody sat in the chair but nobody had the golden booty and nothing crawled up in there and the Chair went back to Mar a Lago where it sat for a quite a long time.
Note: See related post on Armageddon 1.0, Pindar Chair Show in Durango | Juan O’Savin’s Real Boss is The Pale Horsemen | Operation Wipe Out (aka) Armageddon Derailed! | Surviving Infiltrators Tagged & Likely Sweating Profusely
The impression they have of Trump being Pindar, maybe this ties into the reason why they thought if he got back into the president seat and hooked up the terminal in the White House that it would actually work? Maybe that’s why everyone is listening to the Duck Dynasty folks? But I can assure everyone that is how the Pindar position was created, but the being that created the position is no longer here.
Pindar Loosely Translates Into Penis of Dragon
Penis of the Dragon, in this case being a Draco which looks like a flying dragon, aka Marduk. But there will be no more penis of the Dragon or Pindar positions now or in the future because the organization is defunct. (They have literally been bowing down to a dick head or head dick and everyone wants to be that. Is it any wonder these demon splices are non-repairable? Oy vey, just my comment btw).
Are there people in these Families who participated in the Order of the Dragon that still walk this earth? Yes.
Are they able to perform functions on any full moon, new moon, on 2222 or 1111? No.
Have they transferred any money anywhere? No.
Beyond money, do they have any kind of intelligence, communication lines with any kind of alien race that makes them superior to others? No.
Are they in control of a matrix, a hologram or anything else? No.
Do they have people that attempt to work black magic in their favor so things work out for them? Yes constantly, it’s quite a show of ridiculousness but yet that doesn’t work out either.
The Last Pindar Was Ferdinand Marcos
To answer their question, there is no Pindar at this time and hasn’t been one in quite a long time officially. As a matter of fact, when Obama was appointed Pindar for a short period of time nothing crawled up there, and that goes for Hillary too as she was appointed for a short period of time and nothing crawled up there. This has been the same ongoing saga of trying to pick a Pindar since Ferdinand Marcos passed away in 2016. I know everyone thinks he passed in the 1980s but that was a lie. He was still seen alive in 2016 by yours truly who had met him and talked to him quite a bit. So that was the last real Pindar that had something crawl up there that gave him the ability to do things he did at that time and since then it’s been just a show.
Many Have Been Promised to Replace Fake Trump as Fake Pindar
Big promises have been coming from the Trump organization on who should be selected should something happen to Trump. Remember just a few short days ago they were planning on his assassination as soon as they got a hold of a system somewhere. Then they were going to pick the Royal Family of Qatar, the King of Bahrain, the Kuwaitis, the Chinese, the Russians. Everyone was going to be voted in as Pindar as soon as he was fake assassinated. Then they would put in Vance and wipe out all their debt, I guess. But who knows with these people.
Actually, I am truly shocked. I mean I knew they were bad and crazy but what they are doing out there now and behind the scenes is clinically insane. If they want to bankrupt the world fine, but who do they think is going to follow them when all is said and done, when they install their New World Order and they become the King of North America and Trump is the last President and all the crazy things they are saying.
As of today, there was a planned meeting at 10am EST amongst their inner circle. They were discussing if they had any kind of success. Were they able to get into any systems? The answer is no, but they definitely gave it a go in Menwith Hill in the UK, in Wash DC, Maryland, and Finland. It’s been one hacking event after another this weekend.
For those of you waiting for this meeting that is supposed to be at noon which is where world leaders, aka operatives, heads of state were supposed to get paid along with the Israelis, Hamas and those involved in this media campaign that is going on and hurting a lot of people, it was moved to 2pm, then 4pm EST which is about 42 min away.
Are they going to be able to pull this off?
Well, they’ve got everyone livid and I mean livid that they have yet to come to the phone. Meanwhile they have continued to beat their head up against the wall trying to hack into our system which will never work.
That is the state of the world right now. I knew things were going to be bumpy for a number of different reasons through until the middle of February and then by the end of the month things should be a lot smoother.
Are these people going to walk away from them?
Well, they always get angry like this and they feel disrespected and they’ve obviously had money stolen from them. They realize that now. There have been many parties involved with the Order that gave donations based on the fact they were under the impression that Trump was Pindar and he is not. And then there are people on the Order of the Black Sun side who are your black magic groups and they were under the impression he was selected and playing the role of the Anti-Christ. That is also not the case. There is nothing there but a bunch of crazy people.
We’re watching the events closely and part of this is based on our cue to move forward without interference with CARE. They kind of stepped on my toes this week and I’m not done with them yet either, so I’m going to continue with the rest of my plan which I’ll inform you about as I always do. We’re very transparent here as opposed to everyone else.
Let’s talk about the progress front.
Universal Stabilization
We’ve been talking some time about changing the way creations happen in the universe and this has met with a lot of resistance mainly from beings such as Marduk. Oh Marduk, even long after he is gone, he still lingers on the daily, but that is waning. Source would get so far and then there would be some kind of fusion of a Marduk AI to humans, to computers, to earth itself and all kinds of things. Then once we break that Source would move into that spot.
However, whether we understand it nor not, this has left people feeling a little bit unstable. It almost feels like there is an energetic war going on within yourself. In some cases, it feels like ugh I’m so uncomfortable but gee it’s Christmas day and I’m so excited at the same time. I’ve had a lot of reports like this. It’s a little bit confusing and I guess I didn’t realize how destabilizing it can feel if you on the outside looking in. I’m kind of in the trenches on this one so I get a lot of these feelings all the time. Some is backlash from removing things and some is angry people, but I’m used to it. I guess I didn’t realize how it’s affecting everyone else as far as the instability is concerned.
But it’s not going to take too, too much longer. The destabilization feeling is not only here on earth but in the multiverse as the tug a war goes on, because beings put triggers and time-released things in place to stop Source from overriding their ‘authority’ so to speak. Marduk had so many agreements with so many beings and so many Deadman switches it was unreal. When they say absolute powers corrupts absolutely, what he actually did was pretty much absolute power and he didn’t care about who he had to make a deal with to get it at the time. So, there are still remnants of him left behind but the time-released situation has mostly been cleaned up. So that’s a positive thing.
The bulk of the turmoil here on earth is actually due in part to people. You see, we have our groups, meaning the light side and we are aware of a lot of things going on in our world and in the universe. A lot of us have that connection and gain that wisdom fairly easily. On their side, they gain knowledge and they want what they want when they want it. On our side we want what we want as well but we’re just not as crazy. But we are of one consciousness. We are all a part of the current sea of consciousness, it’s part of all of us and has always been. So, as Source starts to replace the darkness and anything that is neutral out there it can be a little disturbing for some people and it can be driving people a little bit crazy. There’s a little testiness, a push and a pull. For others of us, we’re like, can’t you see what’s happening in front of you?!! And they can’t see it or they don’t want to see it.
As far as the other side, the dark side, they still think they are fighting a war. They think they still have an opportunity as long as we have not bypassed them to transfer funds. In their mind they think it’s them but it’s not. Yesterday I phoned someone and told them I was going to transfer some funds and was going to give them some information at noon EST and I would call them back. I actually told them on purpose and they fall for this every time. It’s one of those things where you put them into a position where they are damned if they do or damned if they don’t. Well, I didn’t say I was going to transfer money then, but apparently, they thought that’s what I said and they were all hands-on deck ready to attack that bank and attack that account I said I was going to transfer to. So, thank you for exposing what was left under Georgetown, Maryland deep state and a few other places, I appreciate you for doing my job for me. I don’t think they could have blocked us in any way but it’s always good to clean up darkness on this planet. Maybe you could say it could affect Source energy coming through and it can definitely be disruptive to the current-sea. I don’t mean little papers that you spend but all current-seas, even the current-sea of energy, it can be very disturbing and disrupting.
What has become evident is there were several people who were inhabited by a second being and it seemed as if they came against the wrong people in the last 24 hours. They are all losing their extra inhabitant which should help with the stabilization and now they are just a bunch of chanting people which is great.
As far as the disruptions in the currency, they are definitely making some waves but their ability to do that will only exist so long as we still have a small amount of duality as it relates to essence, energy and consciousness. Here on earth that is waning rapidly as we plough through anything in the way here. Once those connections are made, their effect on the currency will wane and forced to have the same Source influence and connection that we all have. That means they will be unable to achieve their objectives because you can’t use golden energy, essence, etc. to weave black magic. So, the things they had the ability to weave with will wane dramatically in the coming days.
I’m sure you’re feeling the instability, the push and pull, almost like being on a rocking boat, emotionally or mentally unstable, but I can assure even though you feel unstable now this is where we’re going and this is where we want to be with Source of course. Your cellular makeup, your mitochondria are starting to spin in the appropriate natural direction and that can be unnerving and uncomfortable. Bear with it, it’s not going to last much longer. However, I understand this week is going to be a little bit turbulent for everyone. So, I just wanted to say, hang in there, there is an explanation for what you’re feeling. Everybody is going through it, it’s not just you, it’s also happening to people who don’t have a clue as to what’s happening. We are half way through February already and it’s definitely all I was told it would be, let me put it that way. On a positive note, and at the same time a negative note, almost by no doing of governments and the rotten children, I mean they’re playing their part here, they cause currency disturbances somewhat, but it’s not going to last much longer.
Extremely Low Frequencies Coming Into the Planet To Counteract What Source is Doing
On a side note, you probably have seen some wild Schumann Residence reports and that type of thing which will be a great indicator as far as extremely low frequencies that are attempting to come into the planet to counteract all that Source is doing. That is all it is meant to do, to counteract the integration of Source. It stops it maybe for a few seconds or causes a cog in the wheel, and these crazy people think everything is for them and believe darkness is coming and they’re definitely going to make it this time. But Source has other plans and I’m just helping it along the way. So pretty much everything I was told was going to happen this month has and in rapid succession.
- Will banks walk away from their legacy or genetic shareholders?
- Are Governments going to realize their agreements and covenants with the Federal Reserve have expired and they cannot issue them any funds anymore?
- Will they realize the only one in the world who can issue their current currency that is registered for them is myself?
- Or will countries still wait for Rothschild to do something while we are just days away from seeing some serious behind the scenes bankruptcies?
I know that Bank of America was pushing us to make that transfer on Friday and this morning mainly because they would like to use my transfers out so they can then follow it back and take over the Golden Age AI. They probably think this is like a twitter account or something but the Golden Age AI has its own defense mechanisms that we’ve built and it doesn’t work that way, it’s an exit only door. So, I don’t really know what they were expecting to achieve. I’ve already done this with Bank of America in New York quite awhile ago. Several years ago, they asked me to send a 199 from the alpha system. I did which is a switch free (inaudible) of cash coming in. I did and they spent hours and hours trying to trace back my line. That was with alpha and with the Golden Age AI it’s an even better AI. So that’s never going to happen.
Working Hard To Be Ready When The Deep State Finally Falls
Monday is a holiday in America which doesn’t stop me. I will do things when the time is exactly right and no one is going to tell me otherwise, because I know. And trust me, I know people are struggling. A lot of people have fallen on hard times and I understand that, but try and hang in there. It has been worse in our lives and now is the time of great transition. I liken this transition to any kind of major change you had to make in your life and then amplify that over 100 times, maybe 1,000 times. This is a change that never ever happened before in the history of any universe. This is something that is completely new, we’re adjusting, and we have help, but it’s even new for those folks too, and they are not humans obviously. But everyone is doing their best to be that Source anchor here as we make it through this transition and the more golden it gets here the more disturbed our non-friends are going to be. But again, they have a choice, turn around or violate Natural Law. If they violate Natural Law they’ll end up where they end up and I’m sure Source doesn’t mind a few extra people going home rapidly.
As far as we’re concerned, we’re holding the line, cleaning as much as we can and working hard to be ready for when they finally fall. We have been hoping it would be a lot sooner but it’s not going to be much longer. So, continue to keep asking Source and helping Source make this transition as smooth as it can be. Stay grounded and stay anchored, we’ll get through it and will come out the other end much stronger and better off for it.
On a personal note….
I can’t wait for these low frequencies to end. Not only do I have those tones in my right ear but now this extra low frequency which is so irritating. It probably doesn’t help that I live by water and the sound is probably amplified.
And about being bumpy of late, well that’s been pretty accurate in my case. I was in a car accident Saturday night and thank God my friend and I are okay, although he was in the hospital under observation because his blood pressure went through the roof. He had open heart surgery over a year ago so I was very worried. But we walked away without any critical injuries, my car not so much. Evidently the driver who hit me blew through the red light. Now a friend of mine’s son-in-law experienced the same thing on Superbowl Sunday. The car that hit him went through a red light and his car was totaled but fortunately everyone in his car was okay. Another friend of mine on the same night I got hit, but in a different state was at a light and decided to hold still for a couple of seconds after it turned green and it’s a good thing because a car blew by the other way going through the red light. Then another friend who lives across town from me was about to come out on the main road in town and a car blew through the red light going over 50 mph, but he too dodged the bullet. So, I’m wondering if these changes we’re going through, this turning clockwise to counterclockwise is making people see green when it’s red and red when it’s green? This is getting very strange. In any case, I thought I would warn people to be extra cautious at traffic lights!
Don’t let this happen to you!

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Thankyou Kim and God bless you : )
Can you make that rotating arrow that appears on the computer screens rotate anticlockwise please?
Im waiting for the Rothschild and Li or Lee families to have their bloodline wiped out globally – will this ever happen?
Thankyou for all youre doing to help us all.
bonjour, merci pour ce rapport. ainsi que pour l’info, la chose positive est que ses assurances qui dépouilles les assurés, vont enfin aussi la vôtre va devoir ouvrir son compte pour vous rembourser, ce qui fait qu’ils vont perdre des fonds, yes! celà vous consolera un peu!
Kedves Pamela! Köszönöm a jelentéseket! Csak egy információ. Szeretném neked és a parodnak elmondani,hogy van egy Redox jelzőmolekula az ASEA. Ez sejt szinten gyógyitja a testünket. Nézzetek utána,hogy a párod szíve gyorsan ,újra egészséges legyen! Amerikában állitják elő. Szeretettel Zoltán
This blog is getting more and more ridiculous.
The trustee (Germany) of the occupier (USA) is rebelling against the occupier and this is still being sold to us as great news that even bigger human rubbish like the German politicians are standing up to Trump.
What a great show!
It seems our new ‘guardian’ is also keeping us trapped in a web of lies and fairy tales.
What I wonder about all this madness:
Who or what are these beings who put such beings as Marduk here as guardians who are obviously abysmally evil and depraved.
And ‘Guardian Kim’ has been in unelected ‘office’ for a few years now and we hear the same lies and fairy tales every day.
How about presenting people with a little more of the stroy so that they can make up their own minds?