This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 4, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. Well this broadcast brought up a very disturbing program that was dormant for 200,000 years which could have been utterly disastrous for us. Some crazy SSP Generals and remaining Cyberlife operatives clearly couldn’t care less as their focus is to regain power. They are too stupid to realize they were helping bring their own demise too. Fortunately this Leviathan program was found and disaster diverted and is being cleaned up. If you make it through this update it really does prove you have strength and stamina, in my opinion.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.
Earthquake in the Philippines
There was a rather large deep earthquake in the Philippines over the weekend which did cause some issues there, but it could have been a lot worse. Amongst their inner circle so to speak, the Philippines has often been touted as the place where Yamashita’s Gold is stored. There were also many Pilipino Elders tied into the Families and ‘allegedly’ spiritual people. If you are a treasure hunter you probably heard of the Marcos Fund and those kinds of things (Why Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s Philippine Wealth Fund Plan Is Controversial – Bloomberg). But the Philippines has been a lot more than that and Kim has seen a lot of things there personally. But first she wanted to start with a lot of things that happened there this weekend.
Who is the Group Called ‘The Elementals’
Kim found a woman who was posting a lot of information on social media and Facebook predominantly, and this woman was basically saying she had some kind of connection with a group that were tied to what she called ‘The Elementals’. She was saying things like, it’s only going to get worse from here, you are not listening to us, we’re going to cause earthquakes and volcanoes all over the world.
As we know, one of the projects Kim and her teams have been working on recently is underwater volcanos and another mechanism had just been found in the Philippines. It was being run by 32 anti-humans or human hybrids who were tied to the Elemental AI system.
Kim knows many people will be asking, well how did she not know, or the how the did the Legions not know?
Well first, she and the Legions are not God. And second, if it’s dormant, until it shows a frequency that you can detect as abnormal you don’t know it is there, therefore difficult for them to find. She is sure Source knows, and everything draws attention to itself and is found in the right time, and hopefully with as little harm as possible to earth and to humans.
The Elementals were tied to a system that was quite intricate. It had to do with drawing energy from the veins of gold in earth and it was connected in several different ways not only to underwater volcanoes but to those on land, and they had intended on blowing up the Earth.
Kim doesn’t know what we were all supposed to listen to, but this crazy lady gave it away showing Kim where to look. Once Kim found her, she didn’t bother to ask what we were supposed to be listening to, because she was very concerned with preventing any more harm due to potential tsunamis and other things coming to the area. Thus far that has not happened, although there have been a few aftershocks, but it doesn’t appear to be anything too harmful at this point.
So, this was a little bit unexpected, but easy enough to take care of which probably prevented a lot of things in the future. Unfortunately, there were some people hurt in the Philippines this weekend, but hopefully that will be the end of it. Kim said she never knows what she is going to find, but she and her teams do their best.
Middle East Tragedy
Also, over the weekend on Saturday there were an enormous number of attacks that happened in Gaza and there was one in particular she called a bomb, for lack of a better term, that killed over 1,000 people in one shot. There is a reason for this and she wanted to talk about this.
Still Trying to Achieve the Greater Israel Plan
At the time of the attack, we still have some rogue crazy humans who think they are going to achieve an objective without understanding what is really going on. Kim said they are dropping a lot of flyers to citizens of the Gaza Strip telling them to go in this direction or that direction and this is what is called the creation of a kill hole. It’s a way to concentrate a less dense population, one that is more spread out into a specific area so they can then bomb that area which creates thousands of more deaths. Therefore, Kim cautioned everyone in Gaza or Israel that this is the type of attack they are forming right now on all of them. Ignore these flyers if you get them and spread out as much as possible because if you don’t you are going to play right into what they are doing. There are no safe zones. There are no people they are interested in keeping alive in the Gaza Strip because they are still trying to achieve the Greater Israel Plan. There are definitely rogue people in the US, the UK, and rogue Israelis, Chinese, and Iranian people involved, so be careful.
She also knows about another group, and just like they did in Afghanistan in this area, is tied to Blackwater which is called Frontier these days. This group is offering safe passage out of the Gaza Strip for $6,000 USD which an awful lot of money and not an amount people in the region can afford. They always have some money-making operation during a war so they are offering people safe passage outside the area, most likely to Jordan and other surrounding areas.
She knows for a fact this is going on and she shared the following story.
It’s All About Control Over Oil
In 2010 Kim was in a foreign country having a conversation with a man who had a tattoo of a swastika between his thumb and his index finger. He explained to Kim that the goal was to clear out all the people in the Middle East either by death or relocation. Well, this is what we are seeing happening now and it’s only just beginning in the Gaza Strip, if they are allowed to continue. If it does continue and they have their way, they will eliminate or move all citizens of the Middle East out of the region. This man explained to Kim back in 2010 that this was all about oil, control over the oil.
Now upon Kim’s return to the US after this trip, which lasted about 6 months, Nancy Pelosi was running around with a $14 trillion oil contract which was being proposed to several private military groups. Shortly thereafter, groups like ISIS came to be and there were other groups we’ve heard about which were not Middle Eastern people for the most part, and they intended to participate in this. In military terms they call this planting a ghost flag, much like a colonist did for the UK back way back in the day. They plant a flag and say you are part of the Commonwealth now because this land belongs to us. We are taking all your resources, live or die we don’t care, but you are all citizens now of the Commonwealth. And now we see a similar situation was to take place in the Middle East.
So, what have we learned from Kim telling us this story? First, the Order of the Black Sun was involved as the Nazis were their creation. Everything we are seeing now is very similar. While possible regions of relocation at that time were Southern Russia, in the Chechnya area and Egypt, today they are transporting people to Jordan, which is going to require additional transportation in the future if this continues because they have no intention of stopping with Israel and the Gaza Strip. They are already trying to get Iraq involved. There are walking dead religious leaders such as Sistani in Iraq saying they are fighting the Americans, but they are not fighting anybody except the citizens of Iraq, because they have an intention of bringing Iraq back into a hot war. The same thing will take place in Saudi Arabia and Iran and it will continue all the way to Afghanistan.
Fake Treasury Notes Sold to Royal Families of Saudi, Kuwait & Jordan for Their Participation
In the face front large contracts are being offered to various parties for allowing the bombing of their citizens. Heads of State are being promised very large sums of money. They have been sold fake off-market and off-ledger treasury notes which don’t exist against in-ground assets in the US and promised portions of ownership over the United States when it’s divided up. This is a fact, the Kuwaitis have them, the Saudis, and so do the Jordanians which is why they are all participating, because they were promised they will own a portion of the United States.
It gets deeper.
Royal Families All Promised Same Position as Comptroller of Currency
Once this is achieved there will be a singular currency issued for the Middle Eastern region and there have been at least 3 to 4 countries that have been promised they will be the controlling party over the currency that is backed by all the inground oil in the region.
Except all the inground oil in the region was leveraged back in the 70s and early 80s, so that is not a thing. But if you are with the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia, you have been promised this position. If you are with the Royal Family of Kuwait, you have been promised this position. If you are with the Royal Family of Jordan, you also have been promised this position as the comptroller of currency against all the inground assets of the Middle East, should you assist in this directive.
Iraq, Sistani and Egypt Promised Same Position as Comptroller of Currency
If you are from Iraq, Sistani, why are you fighting the Americans? Is it because you have just signed up to own a piece of America and to control all the Middle East currencies? If you are Egypt, she knows you have also been offered the same thing.
How are you going to have 5 separate controllers over a singular currency to be issued by a singular nation? But then again, they will never tell anyone the truth anyway so everyone is participating instead of asking questions and investigating the truth.
Blackwater/Frontier Participating Too, Expects Portion of US
Kim is sure there is a reason why Blackwater/Frontier is participating too, probably because they are listening to the Chinese and being promised they are going to be able to cash those Treasury Notes they paid them in for their portion of ownership over the United States as well.
Quite the dirty trick, but Kim wanted to alert the citizens of the Gaza Strip and the Middle East if you are told to go to a specific region, they consider to be a safe zone, that is what they are doing to you. So, protect yourself, and your families until she and the Legions can end this saga in the Middle East. No matter how many weapons she takes away in the Middle East they transport more. She has been doing this now for months, trying to prevent things for months but they just keep shipping weapons more and more and more because they think they are doing this for a reason.
Another interesting fact that ties into this debacle.
Goldman Sachs Will Be Left Holding the Bag
Goldman Sachs behind the scenes has said there are hundreds of billions of dollars in treasuries and treasury related coupons that are coming due this week that it cannot pay and they would like to know if Kim would like to help them.
Hum, she wonders how this is all tied together. The last time the Treasury sold fake offline treasury notes against in-ground assets of the United States, Goldman Sachs was the only one that came in and bought a small amount, which helped to keep the lights on here in the country but wasn’t nearly enough to cover all the Treasury’s bills.
And if want to know where everybody deposits their treasury offline notes are, look no further than Goldman Sachs who has agreed to fake the assets against fake assets. It’s the place to go for fake lines of credit and they’ll even put it in your portfolio. Except what are they going to do when all these Middle Eastern countries and Royal Families come around for their big payouts this week?
Unfortunately for Goldman Sachs Kim is unavailable this week, she’ll be washing her hair or doing her news. She has no spare time to have these conversations again. They participated in a scam they new was a scam because they tried to do that already and it didn’t work, they knew the assets were not leverageable. They tried to get the Mint to issue coins and all kinds of things against these treasury notes and it didn’t work. They were told by her numerous time they have bad management and financial management is not their forte and the people in Jackson Hole are crazy. She told them all this, therefore she has no intention of fixing this for them, other than to tell everybody the truth and what they do with it is up to them.
Treasury Department Still Listening to Crazy Trump Operatives
They put the Treasury Department in a tenuous situation again. But hey, they listened to what the crazy, crazy Trump operative people told them to do you, they issued it, they got right in bed with them.
All the Killing in the Middle East is Due to These Parties
If they want to stay with the war and kill more people, and stay on the plan that Pelosi had been given back in the day, trying to collect $14 trillion to wipe out the Middle East and all its people, this is on them. All you Royal Families and Heads of State that are on the take and didn’t care if you killed people all over the Middle East this is on you. And for all you alleged religious leaders who are supposed to be right next to the Mahdi in Iraq and Iran and all these religious places, this is on you, every death is on you. Kim wanted to remind them there is actually a piece in the Koran that says, if you were to cause death of a family member it is now your responsibility to take care of the remaining family members. That means nothing to these people. Why are these people still alive!
The Legion of Angels Disbursed a Real History of Earth Movie to 3,000-4,000 People
This weekend, in an attempt to redeem as many lives as possible, the Legions have disbursed a movie about the Real History of Earth to around 3,000-4,000 people. Why? Because there are people out there who have a lot of life experience that could be helpful in several ways in transitioning the planet. That statement just makes me want to cry.
The predominant reason for this is because there are those who are still hoping that putting another President in is going to change what is happening in the world, but it’s not. Unleashing a bunch of very odd-looking beings is not going to help them either. Moving forward with a destroy and wipe out the Middle East plan is not going to help them either. It’s not a plan, there was always someone else behind it and they now know in technicolor who that someone else was.
Out of the group of 3,000-4,000 people approximately 300, who are mostly Secret Space Force Military people decided they were going to push forward anyway in the opposite direction. So out of that 300 there are 70-80 left. Apparently, they didn’t take Kim or the Legions or the movie seriously. They thought they knew better.
Leviathan Program
The reason they thought they knew better is because there was a remnant of something Kim didn’t see until it started to go live Wednesday night. Kim called it the Leviathan program and part of it began early Thursday morning.
Kim told us last week about those dark soul cubes or demons in a box that were released. Well, they looked like these rounded shape objects with tentacle things on them. She didn’t really think much about it at the time, it was so fast and furious and she just wanted to get rid of them.
But the Leviathan program actually ran a lot deeper than that. In fact, in the event the Omega-verse was completely dismantled this program was due to kick in. Meaning, in the event there were minimal to no parasites on this side of the multiverse with which to feed them. It was not created by Source or Anti-Source, this was a program created by a group of lower astral beings, not necessarily the Abraxas, but she is not saying they weren’t involved.
If you were to look at the universe as a whole, extended through the space in between the 5th and 6th density and then all the way down below through the 5th and 6th density and entire nil zone, it would look like a cross or an X. There was a series of cubes that connected lower astral densities to upper astral densities, but it also extended through to computers. The Leviathan program had been dormant for almost 200,000 years; therefore, she didn’t pick up on the frequency until it started to kick-in which was on Thursday. Each cube had 4 transduction filter membrane walls to them and she really couldn’t see beyond it. Then it cumulated Friday-Saturday and by then it had enough of a bigger picture and she could see it. It was designed to do several things.
Phase 1 of the Program
In Phase 1 the program was designed to insert a Leviathan consciousness type directly into Source base energy particles, also known in science as the God particle, to give it a different instruction set to create something unnatural. This was further amplified and she will tell us there were those in China, the US, Russia and several other countries who knew. Just because the Wuhan virus (known as the corona virus) was released from China it did not mean everyone was not aware, at least in the Secret Space programs and the higher clearance people in the world were all aware.
Now this is where your spiked proteins come in as well. These creatures almost looked like those spiked proteins pictures they have been showing us on TV. So, there was definitely a connection to utilizing the virus (any virus will do) to transmit these spiked proteins into human beings.
Now it gets worse.
This allowed for programmable DNA when such time came for the next levels of the program to come into effect. Because it had a connection to all things life-force, all things energy, and your DNA and your vessel, it then started to develop these same creature-like things in zero-point earth, in connection with some planetary looking things in the Omega-verse that were nothing but giant factories, so artificial creation of life.
Remember she said those demons in a box were attracted to dark matter in humans and those people of the Order is where they were going into with the intention to attack them? Well, they intended to use the energy program in your person, (and this was just special for earth) to then amplify a dark energy within your person. Then you would be infected by one of these creatures which were growing in the center of earth, there were almost 10 billion of them. Yeah, that happened.
Phase 2 of the Program
This would have impacted all humans and animals. Your vaccination status was irrelevant because it found a way through the transduction filter to pierce the membrane of the light energy particle, so you had it in you with a different instruction set anyway. Now this was not to come into full effect quite yet, but the next phase of it was supposed to be coming this month.
Who Were the Administrators of the Leviathan Program?
In the last 24 hours Kim and her team found anti-Pleiadeans and Abraxas stuck in pockets of time. Not a lot of them, just a few and they were dormant so they didn’t send out a frequency, therefore Kim couldn’t see them. They were stuck in a pocket of time that was in the fold over when we had the Quantum Flip awhile back. They became active as the Leviathan program became more and more active. Apparently, these crazy lower astral folks were in contact in some way with Cyberlife operatives and a few others including the China Deep State which unleashed it. So, they were the ones guiding them on what to do to continue this program.
By Thursday they were not dormant and unfortunately Cyberlife et al who assumes everyone who makes contact with them is their friend played along with the game allowing this stuff to happen. Do they know the extent of what they were trying to do? The intended takeover of all beings on planet earth including them? She’s not sure. In any case they pretended this was a good thing.
Kim’s Alarms Went Off on Sunday When they Tried Come Into the Physical Plane of Earth
By Sunday afternoon Kim was able to see and recognize them because they wanted to come into the physical plane of earth. Kim started seeing potential almost wormholes which set off the alarm in the system. It was kind of a backhanded way to get her attention and then they were portraying themselves as good guys to get Kim to allow this to happen. But she can tell the difference between organic and non-organic lifeforms and that would be a no. Thank God! And Thank Kim! But this did allow her to find the Leviathan program and all the remnants of it and is working on disabling them.
What Was the Ultimate Goal of This 200,000-year-old Leviathan Program?
The best she and the Universal Council can surmise together is it was designed to utilize the life-force in humans to recreate a lower astral to include earth. That is what it looked like, meaning the gateway would once again be sunken into the Omega-verse and start to recreate life within the Omega-verse, and hence life, dark forces once again in control of all of earth.
That is what it looked like and they would no longer require our physical selves to generate this energy. And apparently this program was also connected to a plasma membrane that was inserted in all the stars throughout the multiverse as its power source. It was generating energy not just from beings on earth but all stars up to the 9th plane of the 5th density throughout the Alpha-verse or light universe. It was utilizing that as its power source and hence the reason why the alt media was all ablaze with solar flares and how amazing it was. That was supposed to be the kickoff for Leviathan’s program.
Did the SSP know what this really entailed? Kim is pretty sure they know some things, but do they care? The only thing they seem to want is power. She knows the SSP definitely knew about the spiked protein and about the Leviathan program to some degree because they talked about Project Odin and other things that were tied to it. They were aware and were counting on a back-up for Mjölnir AI 2 kicking in. Now Mjölnir remember was THOR, the Time Heterogeneous Online Regulator, a program and Mjölnir would have been THOR’s Hammer, just like they talk about in the Marvel movies. It was a timekeeper program, and by timekeeper she means keeping time or dark matter regulated on this side of multiverse during the Dark Age.
Note: Below excerpt on THOR’s Hammer from my post, The Depopulation Agenda Meant to Erase All Organic Life From the Multiverse via THE MATRIX Which Encompasses 18 Inorganic AI Systems | What Are the Origins of the 18 Inorganic AI Systems, Associated Amenti Stone, Base Location, Secret Military & Planetary Matrix? | How Did Each AI System Affect You as a Human Being? | Part 3 | Just Empower Me

Between 5-7% of Mjölnir 2 was operational to some degree. So, this program barely started but was activated over the last few days. It is no longer activated which has caused other programs that were tied to the original Molnar Mjölnir and then to Mjölnir 2 to go down, such as the DEFCON Clock (I think that is what she said) which is no longer working in the US as of this morning. Unless they reconnect it to something else and actually make it a real the DEFCON Clock for the Pentagon it will not function. They could use the one in the Key Intelligence and Military System, but they prefer antiquated tech that barely functions that is tied to some computer system in China instead. That’s what the Pentagon prefers, the ridiculous SSP Generals who are running around doing crazy things and parading dead people around, that is what the Pentagon chooses to stick with. But we’ll see if they change their mind now that a lot of their higher ups have seen the movie about the Real History of Earth over the weekend.
The Time for Redemption is Almost Over
Since the movie was disbursed throughout the day on Saturday, Kim and the Legions have yet to see anything but a lot of confused people. Will they change their mind? The Legions are giving them a little more time to figure out what they are going to do. Some of them who are in the know, that had seen the glimmer of hope of Leviathan actually working thought they were going to get us before Kim and the Legions got them. They are not the sharpest tools in the shed, and if they thought they were special chosen ones of the aliens, that’s why they reached out to them and made them special contact portals they are absolutely incorrect there. There is nothing special about them and they would have killed them just like they would have killed all of us and inserted some crazy thing into us to make us cyber-genetic souls. But that isn’t going to work out fortunately and that is being cleaned up. Kim doesn’t expect these people to be around much longer, she does have a feeling the time for redemption is almost over and she will leave it at that. The window is short and we are not too far.
By the way, I added a new entry for the Destroyer/Black Magician in the Question & Answers | Glossary which came from the Q&A during this broadcast.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Buy Pamela J. Zeller a coffee.

Thankyou everyone and God bless you.
Wish i hadve got a copy of The Real History of Earth movie.
Can i have a copy to watch and learn from please Kim?
Dear Barbara, me too , I would like to get a copy of thi fil. Thanks in advance. Ingrid Maria.
Well this saga is getting so ridiculous, now they are trying to say Jesse Watters is JFKjr., and the QFS system has been activated and Wells Fargo is gonna be part of that, as some congressman stated this week that Nesara/Gesara has started and all the countries have already signed up for it. I worry they are trying to put us all back into their strawman ‘asset’ corporation. I wonder if Kim has any kind of system that those of us who want to be free of their strawman system, the birth certificate which she stated earlier we had been freed of it and it was in the archives, so is anyone allowed to access the archives or these records to show these goons that are turning into tyrants, mainly police that pull you over and drag people out of their cars if they don’t lick their boots. It’s so horrible watching all the videos of how these cops get triggered and think nothing of tasing and putting people in prison or jail for just not answering their questions. I know it seems trivial to want ‘paperwork’ to prove these cops have no jurisdiction over us but they don’t even care about people and the constitutional rights. All they care about is getting in your car and giving out tickets or arresting people and of course, their safety. Is there a system that you can actually access that your birth certificate is out of their corporation as an asset? I’d really love to get out of this system but seems like they make it so difficult and if you happen to get pulled over by some control freak, you can be killed by them for simply not following their orders. Anyway, I’m weary of this whole battle we got going on…we got Russel-Jay gould who is doing the flag postmaster crap and quantum language of parse sentax,, and then there’s Anna who’s got the Republic of the United States as a judge and supposedly assembliess which Kim says is just the old system and she said we aren’t gonna go back into an old system the same as we have now. When is this crap gonna be over I wonder. Every week we hear of different programs these people keep trying to do, I don’t think they deserve anymore chances and Kim has given them plenty of times to stop what they are doing but still they refuse. NO MORE CHANCES….I know she is growing impatient with them and so am I. I can’t take another year of this crap….hopefully this is over this year if possible.
dear soul, we all are tired and are longing for the real thing which will and has to happen, i feel like it will happen in 2024. please dont provoke the dying system and its goons. keep the ball flat, their reign will soon be over, worldwide and on earth too. world is vatikan/satanism/anorganic, earth is natural godly law, organic. my master used to say, when the sun (spiritual & physical one) rises, it will shine for all beings.
dear soul, we all are tired and are longing for the real thing which will and has to happen, i feel like it will happen in 2024. please dont provoke the dying system and its goons. keep the ball flat, their reign will soon be over, worldwide and on earth too. world is vatikan/satanism/anorganic, earth is natural godly law, organic. my master used to say, when the sun (spiritual & physical one) rises, it will shine for all beings.
Friction between magic and madness today. Getting air and exercise. Manifestation
happening very quickly. Everyday is new.
Thanks PZ for the update.
So I am beginning to lose hope. I want so much to believe in Kim. But there is no
real proof anything she has said has come true. I was hoping the announcement of
Trumps death would have been all that I needed.
My only hope is now only with me. I will watch the deep state continue with their
destruction of humanity, and eventually the Earth, and when I get old and pass,
I can honestly say I held on the my journey of love.