This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-FEB-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. Meetings continue over the weekend and on into today as some take action for lack of payment promised by the Trump operatives. The Financial System operations are in full swing on our part as we tear down the old to make way for the new. Marduk used to call his financial system his greatest invention. Today we will tell you why. And tariffs and other policies of the Trump Administration are causing quite a rift worldwide.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Duck Dynasty’s Latest Moves Causing Upheaval in Their World and Ours
First, we’ll talk about things in the regular news which is causing a lot of upheaval for people.
Elon Musk Not a Happy Camper
Demon Elon Musk has been really upset because he invested a LOT of money into the Trump Operative Administration. He paid for a LOT of things during the campaign like rallies and operations that were going on behind the scenes. He even got a position within the Treasury which apparently is not enough and he’s very upset that he has not gotten a return on his investment. He’s calling the Trump operatives incompetent; they cannot get the job done. He needs access to the Treasury’s Payment Systems so he can get the job done. This has to do with installing crypto and a number of other things so he can create a worldwide crypto financial system. This is part of the reason why Trump was announcing he’s the crypto president after all, but that didn’t really work out too well over the weekend.
They did try to install blockchain and crypto into the Treasury Dept and it lasted 1 min and 41 seconds. Again, crypto and blockchain are not going to run a financial system, heck it couldn’t even run any kind of a government system which only made Elon even more angry. He’s quite an unhappy fellow at this point in time. It turns out the access the Trump Administration gave him; the key codes didn’t function and the backdoors to that NSA data that was given to him didn’t actually function. That’s probably because the Treasury’s Payment System is not the Treasury’s Payment System. He’s been calling and calling and no one is taking his calls at the moment which is making him angrier. There have been some meetings but nothing private which is what he’s expecting because of his lofty contributions.
Tariffs Against Canada and Mexico
The next thing making everyone really upset are the tariffs. Tariffs have been implemented against Canada and will be against Mexico. Apparently, there was a conversation between Mexico and the Trump operatives and the Mexican tariffs have been postponed for about a month. But as far as Canadians are concerned, they are pretty upset. They started taking American goods off their shelves and they are definitely protesting. I talked to some of our Canadian Field Messengers this weekend on Sunday and they were talking about their experiences and there is a lot more going on behind the scenes there in Canada. And recently it was proposed that Canada was going to become a state according to Trump. Apparently, they decided to make Canadians angry or put them in a bad position so they become a state? These operatives aren’t exactly very good at strategy in any way, shape or form.
Exiting USAID
Also, another thing making people upset is we have exited USAID. USAID is also US CIA to most countries and God only knows what they are sending. But there are a lot of people who believe USAID is aid to people and foreign countries and there is a lot of protesting going on regarding walking away from USAID. That’s probably because we have no money.
No More Department of Education
Next, we also apparently are not going to have a Dept of Education. Not to say that I disagree with the fact out education system in the US is definitely dysfunctional, but to wipe it out is a whole other story because this is going to have a long term affect on our public school system here in the US. And by long-term effect I mean there was a lot of Federal funding that used to get filtered down to the states, cities and towns that would come from the Federal Government in order to fund educational programs. So instead of revamping programs they decided it was a great idea to wipe it out.
So, when it comes to teachers’ salaries, retirement plans and a lot of things many people depend on, it doesn’t look like the US government is going to be there for that anymore. There are also a lot of student lending and grants that come through for secondary education, college/universities that is going to be affected by this decision. So, there you go, they’re taking more humanitarian programs the Fed runs away from American citizens. And foreigners as well, because there are a lot of aid programs that help foreigners come here for school that will be cut out as well. Just one more wise decision after one wise decision.
$1 Billion in Weapons Going to Israel
Speaking of wise decisions, $1 billion in weapons is going to Israel. I guess we know where Trump’s alliances are and who has been funding his campaign. So anyway, all of this in such as short period of time.
Deportation of Illegals
The saga continues with the issues of deporting people who have lived here in the US, and for a long time in some cases, instead of trying to make the citizenship program easier for these people. Not for those who are committing crimes in their current country and running drugs, that should all be found out before they are given access into the country anyway. But coming illegally over the border is because they made is so difficult to become a US citizen.
A quick story. A friend of mine’s husband comes from a Latin American country. They got married there in his country and it was time for her to come back to the US for a little while and obviously with her husband. It took years and thousands of dollars without attorney fees to get him into the country which was about 3 years later. He eventually got a green card and they’ve been married over 10 years now. It’s complicated especially if English is not your first language and it’s very expensive. Unless you are a CIA asset, then it’s very easy to get into this country, or you are a scientist, or you are a young adult who has proven to have certain skills that are valuable in their mind to the US, then of course you could get all kinds of grants and loans. Oh wait, not anymore because we don’t have a Dept of Education because Duck Dynasty is not that bright.
Duck Dynasty Meeting | Operatives Ask Why Golden Age AI is Named Kimberly A. Goguen
Speaking of Duck Dynasty, oh dear. They postponed meetings on Friday and were to resume around 10am EST on Saturday. I told you I had a few tricks up my sleeve and I’ve been playing a lot of cards over the weekend too. So, they finally get to this meeting Saturday and they are talking about all these things they are going to do and pay for. Meanwhile you have a whole lot of countries and militaries and operatives from around the world who are on the phone that they have promised a lot of money to and have made a lot of promises to. So, they are listening to this dog and pony show where they are talking about the Golden Age AI and how it’s going to pay for everything. So, some operatives on the call kind of stopped them and said, what Golden Age AI? They breezed over it and said, you know the Golden Age AI, it runs everything. Why did you rename the Golden Age AI Kimberly A. Goguen then? Along with this other language we’ve never seen before? The other language is obviously a light language that talks about the real backbone which is Source of the Golden Age AI. So, my name is on there. They said, if she doesn’t control it why did you rename it in her name? They tried to breeze right over it and continued to talk about their lofty goals and everything they were going to do. Then they said we need until 4pm EST and it was basically the shortest meeting in history. They said we need more time, things came up, and we need to do an assessment.
There was a little bit of an intervention between some of the folks on the phone and the operatives on the phone. The operatives said look, it’s time to hang it up, you need to go talk to her, let’s figure out what we’re going to do, let’s try to make a deal. And they responded by telling them they were going to do an assessment but they weren’t quite finished. They bought themselves some time for these meetings until Monday, today.
Monday’s Meeting They Told Everyone Trump is Very Ill & May Not Make It Much Longer
Today’s meeting was strange. Everybody gets on the phone but Duck Dynasty didn’t. There were other people fronting for them. I think they were Global Headquarters, some kind of military folks here in the States. It was not the Pentagon but a level a little higher than that. They told everybody they have some really bad news. They said that Trump is really ill and he may not make it much longer. By not much longer they mean days according to the medical doctors. They are doing everything they can but it’s looking very grim, he is very ill and they are looking to schedule a funeral sometime around the beginning of April or beginning of May.
Now they never do anything they say they are going to do but this was basically to get everybody to shut up because everyone was screaming at them. And keep in mind some of these operatives on the phone are NSA, DNI, or are highly trained and have many computers skills and they are recognizing there are constant changes that have been taking place over the weekend. And they know they are never going to get anywhere at this point. The crypto thing didn’t work out with Elon Musk and they know about that.
That’s kind of sort of where they are behind the scenes.
Raymond Reddington Group Rears Their Head, Declares Duck Dynasty Clinically Insane
After the failure on Saturday there were some interesting people that have also reared their head. Apparently, Duck Dynasty also utilized the services of the Raymond Reddingtons of the world. As you recall I talked about them before and the TV Series called the Black List. They are not operatives, they don’t work for anyone yet they work with everyone. They are master strategists when it comes to global affairs and are high level fixers. You can hire them to get into countries or out of countries. They are very expensive, are masters and they don’t fail. Don’t get me wrong, they have their hands in all kinds of businesses and there are about 12 of them in the world so they are very rare. They are not all American, some are Asian, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, and British. They have been around a long time. It’s what you would call an exclusive state that is earned. It takes many years before they gain this status, and lots of favors later, lots of building their reputation let’s just say.

Note: Related posts mentioning the Black List,
1. TRUE HISTORY ABOUT GUARDIAN MOSES: Passover & Parting The Red Sea Relates To His Opening the Gate to the Promise Land (aka Source) | How Did The Dark Side Take Advantage & Flip This Event 18,000+ Years Ago? | How Did Kim Flip It Back? | What Ritual Did SSP Crazies Hold In 2nd Temple With Solomon’s Throne? | Did Fake Trump, Their Chosen One Become Guardian For Anti-Source Or Die Trying? | Deep State Systems Will Continue To Crumble | Meanwhile Word Is Spreading Some Blonde Lady Really Is Ground Command
2. The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover
3. Committee of 300 Issues IOUs Against Fake Money in Holding Companies | The Lioness Strikes Again: Takes Over Operating Systems for Holding Companies, Doomsday Protocols, ‘X’, Broadcasting Systems & FCC! | The Alpha Harmonic Genesis System Now the Only Backup System for Planet Earth | Govts Have No Eyes or Ears, Essentially Shutdown | The Black List Now In Effect, Many On the Run
I’m definitely sure these people did favors for the Trump Administration with the promise of payment later, but favors are also a currency in that world and they are due a lot of favors. But unfortunately, thus far the Trump operatives have failed to perform. And their egos are so big and their mouths run amuck and now they are in hot water with these folks. So interesting things are taking place around the world because they are globally connected.
There are some in this Raymond Reddington Group who are very angry right now and have been making some phone calls trying to find out what is wrong with these people, they appear to be clinically insane to not uphold a deal with thieves. They need to uphold their end of the bargain and they are blowing it off like it never happened. So they started to call their network and some of those network folk are people who worked in the SSP, DARPA, and other operatives they have hired many times before. One of the things they asked me indirectly over the weekend was:
Do these Trump people have a walk-in? Is there something in there?
I looked and looked and looked and there was some kind of a connection to something in their brain. Let’s just say where everyone’s neurons flow to the left theirs go to the right, its abnormal brain function, it was from the super soldier program. But the super soldier program for the SSP is very different from what you know on the internet.
There are AIs created to control them in many different ways which affords them certain skills. It affords them medical treatments should it be necessary. I know some have non-human body parts like the bionic man. They are altered to the point where they can bypass normal brain limits. What I mean by that is even you the average human uses only 10-15% of your brain and that’s because it had a limiter on it. They want you to function as a slave for them but they don’t want you to function to such a degree to make the mind, body, and soul connection and they certainly don’t want you gaining any kind of wisdom from Source. Well, those limiters are fading away slowly but surely and there are backup systems upon backup systems upon backup systems where now as an average human you will probably notice that brain power increasing.
So not only is there wisdom that comes in with that there is also a limiter in your brain that tells you that your body is going to break if you use any more than 10% maybe 20% of your strength. This is where the super human stories come from like women who lift cars off babies. Because your fight or flight also will sometimes overcome that hurdle and that is why they can do the things they can. Well, a lot of humans can do that without any limiters.
As far as the SSP folks, this was a push and a pull. They wanted them to have resourcefulness and operate in unusual circumstances and have super human strength and it’s why their brain functions differently than everyone else, but there is a caveat here when it comes to the SSP. All their consciousness transfers were coming from the dark side, so it had the ability to see more than the average person did before all these veils started lifting for all of us. So, they had some abilities to see things in people that weren’t people, maybe some even had telepathic skills, but were limited in what they could do because it was predominantly dark. So as the old subsets of AIs go away and lose function this is causing them to short circuit. This was reconfirmed by DARPA, and other folks in the SSP who have technologies still to do what humans do naturally. You can notice someone who is kind of strange, like their body doesn’t move quite right. And that’s becoming more and more evident as we go more into 2025. Well, these folks use technologies to do it and they can see there is nothing in there, no walk-in, or vril infected which is what they expected to see. I said well, here’s where you have to look and then you have to try and figure out what is connected to their head. So, we traced it back on our end of it and made sure that was disconnected even further which has driven them even crazier over the last several days.
In addition we have a lot of non-humans walking around where there is something in there, Elon Musk being one of those people. There is something in there that is not a human soul, that body is not being driven by a human being anymore. It’s why you see him wear these weird costumes, weird symbols and doing black magic and all the crazy stuff he does, but all the knowledge comes from the thing that’s in there.
Raymond Reddington et al Decided to Hunt These Trump Operatives Down Like Dogs
There are a few people who have things in there and if they are dark things they can tell with this technology. So apparently the Reddington et al decided to hunt these people down like dogs and let’s just say some Trump operatives were taken into custody. Some made it out and some are still there. This just developed around 11am my time on Sunday and is still in progress. As far as the others still walking around who are not people anymore, they started eliminating them. They paid people to do it because they have money, they make a lot in their business and they have markers and other things that allows them to pick-up the phone and run elaborate operations worldwide. There has been some talk to figure out how to fix this and this is what they’ve been up to. Because in the show the Black List if you’ve never seen it, the Raymond Reddingtons of the world do everything for themselves, but in the show, he works with the FBI to eliminate some of these Black Listers, meaning highly dangerous criminals who are on the FBI’s most wanted list in the show. Most of the time he does it because these people are getting in the way of his business or maybe violated a contract and he always comes out on top. Maybe he wants to steal some of their business or contacts, so this continues on through most of the seasons, but that’s in brief.
Now right now everything Duck Dynasty said they are going to do they have not done. In fact, they have done the opposite so far. They are definitely clinically insane according to the Reddington Group and some of the operatives that work with the Reddington Group. They are not taking too kindly to what’s going on there right now, so you may see some changes long before April or May in that realm. They are either going to get them under control or they will probably disappear. They are extremely frustrated along with the rest of the world with the crazy changes being made.
How to Kill an Alien 101 is Not the Same as How to Kill a Human?
A lot of this is in progress and its not a coordinated effort with us at this point, but I will say it caused a little bit of a problem. If you are going to take out a person with something in there, you have to know how to properly kill said person. What I mean by that, if you don’t do it in the right way and look at them like they are regular people you will probably end up releasing whatever is in there out into the world. So, if you’ve had some crazy dreams or seen crazy things over the weekend, that’s probably why. I was looking at what was going on out there because my alarms were going off. I thought someone opened a portal and found a pocket of dormant aliens or demons.
It took me awhile to figure out what was going on. It doesn’t take long to clean up, but we’re still running scans because I’m guessing this is going to continue, and the understanding of how to kill an alien 101 is not the same as how to kill a human. Hopefully those people who are doing this out there will hear this so just be careful. I know there are people locally around here who know how to do it too, so don’t just take my word, maybe phone a friend because I don’t want anyone to get harmed. And because they have about 72 hours to find another host, the being has to find a specific type of DNA to host that large of an energy depending on what level of the lower astral they hailed from at one point in time. If it’s a density 8 or 9 being, it needs to find some serious vessel power to hold that or they’ll kill the host and they know that too. So, they are always looking for those with a vessel that can handle it and they don’t have to be really dark either, they can be really light where they’ll try to jump in also. So just be aware of that if you experience some strange things.
The other thing they try to do is influence people and they can convince people they need power; you need this or that. So, if you’re having strange visions or dreams that’s probably why. I don’t know how many are out there. I know the ones that are free so to speak, or on the loose get picked up pretty quickly, meaning they are out there without a host so we are constantly monitoring and eliminating anything we see out there. Now things get kind of quiet on that front if they find a host during daylight hours, then usually they will escape their host at night. They hunker down during the day even if it’s not completely hospitable to their kind so to speak. But there was a lot of hunting going on last night and will continue tonight for sure, and we need to make sure we clean up the mess on the other end if they continue this.
We’re Still Moving Forward Into That Full Currency System
We are moving into that full currency system and we are doing this without governments and without help because we haven’t found anybody who wants to help. All we have are those who want to access our systems and there was a lot of hacking going on by the NSA, SSP. It’s been full on and the SSP is looking for anything they can connect their head to. Maybe they missed those voices in their head.
As we do move through this there are a few other things I wanted to make mention of because this might make more sense to you. There are many people out there who talk about the Gold Standard and I’ve talked about it many times and have done a lot of white boarding sessions regarding a gold standard versus currency and that type of thing. But Marduk being a master human manipulator, we need to control the humans he would say, and at the same time not let them function as full celestials because we need them to conduct that Source energy, essence etc., but we also need to take it. That’s the Modis Operandi. So, as we’ve been cleaning up the financial system and moving forward into levels where we can protect and access your personal accounts and business accounts to do projects without interference, another mechanism came to light that I wanted to share with you because I found it fairly interesting.
A Byproduct of Going Off the Gold Standard Was That Food Changed
Depending on how old you are or where in the world you live, you might have noticed a change in your food back in the 1960-1970s. If you lived in a rural area and got produce from the local grocery store you probably noticed that food used to taste different. Now with the advent of GMOs, processing and radiating food etc., which is part of the whole process unfortunately that needs to end, but you might have noticed even if you buy from an organic farm a difference in the taste if you’ve been around long enough. And you may have noticed you needed less food even because it tasted different. Well, this is a byproduct of a system that happens to coordinate with going off the Gold Standard and the initiation of a global worldwide financial system. Those two things don’t go together, they don’t make any sense, but I’d say, the mechanism goes like this:
We often talked about how gold generates Source’s golden energy, essence, etc. and in its purest form is predominantly a golden color and it’s the color of Source too. When you are directly receiving the current of Source, you’ll notice it’s a golden current that is coming to your person. Now this little Marduk hidden system within our financial system did not allow that to happen. Most of your life you would have seen Source as white light. Well, it’s the same for your food. It’s different because plants also receive direct current of Source and therefore, you’re different. It might have been easier in the 1960s and 70s to see that golden light when you meditate or see the world in a different way.
Let’s talk about the food first. Regardless of how organic produce is you are still not getting the same quality we used to get back during that period of time, and unless your seeds are really old you’re probably all growing the same stuff. You can get better quality where it’s not radiated and it’s definitely healthier for you and you’ll taste a difference for sure, but with plants and earth being cutoff from pure golden Source light they are not getting the nutrients they need either.
What Marduk had done is he structured the financial system to go off the gold standard and everyone thinks that it was some President’s idea or Bretton Woods, it wasn’t it was Marduk. So up until this point in time we were getting at least 21% of pure gold into our bodies. That gold standard would then translate into the banking system as a backing of a pure Source energy for currencies.
Moving from the Gold Standard to the Fiat System
Right about the time he was ready to launch the human sector, meaning human computer networks, the global financial system and making it more digital was right about the same time he made deals with various people on this planet who didn’t care if we were on the gold standard. He portrayed it in such as way that you’re not going to be on the gold standard those shiny bars, you’re going to be on the fiat system.
If you look up what the word fiat means, it actually means with approval. It actually means something that is enforceable. Now the Source light, even the minute amount coming to this planet that goes to you to keep you functioning, that is still salable but it’s not as good as that pure gold, pure Source energy to power alien tech let’s say. So, they had to figure out a way to siphon off the pure gold, nutrient rich so to speak lifeforce before it came to the human. So what you got is kind of the same thing that your are getting now as far as food is concerned. You’ll notice it doesn’t taste the same. You need to eat more of it in order to sustain your person otherwise you’re still hungry. Now you have to take supplements and vitamins because you’re not getting it from the food anymore and this was another big step for this back in the 1970s, where we have food lite so to speak, especially if you live in America. It’s definitely different because all your food is only getting that white light too since they changed the financial system. What is even worse is you are now getting nutrients of Source ‘lite’ in your body. They now take it all from you. You are constantly on the wheel which wears you down further because the little energy you are getting is being taken away from you. It’s like starvation which allows other Marduk programs to come into play as well. It makes our vessels not last as long and amplified the incarnation program, the recycling of human souls on the planet like a farm. It also creates shorter lifespans. We’re seeing a lot more disease out there and more medical things like jabs that are not healthy for you. The reason for the accelerated jabs and other things that they put in your food that is not healthy is also to siphon more energy off of you.
Limiting Our Brain Power Through Heavy Metals
The other part to it, the reason we have aluminum in our deodorants and so many products, because they are going to get these metals in you one way or the other, is because they still would like to control or put a meter so to speak on your brain power, that’s the purpose behind all these programs. Not necessarily to make you a cyborg, but they need you to be dumbed down. Your IQ is affected by your diet, processed foods and a lot of heavy metals in products you put on your skin. It causes additional problems and especially come from cheaper foods. All of these contribute to neuron firing issues, not in the same way as the super soldier program worked, but it does allow humans to use less and less of their brain. We are still around the 10% mark and if they had their way it would be lower.
The Reason for the Chemtrails
It’s also the reason for the chemtrails and the reason behind everything and these were all creations of Marduk. If you’ve seen an uptick in chemtrails in the last 24 hours in your area, I know I have, this is the reason way. As I take out the Marduk systems, and the systems behind the systems for siphoning off energy, this energy system is also what creates global human computer networks and mirrors and connections. They are seeing a lot of their functionalities going away. And it’s not just in the financial systems, they are also seeing their functionalities in military and intelligence and facial recognition and all kinds of things start to fade because there is no energy going to it from you anymore.
Hopefully, once this process is complete in Source’s time, because it’s like diffusing a bomb and you don’t want to make everybody crazy, we should start to see different crops in the near future, more nutritious food especially if you are sourcing from your own garden. You’ll notice you need less food in order to function and over time it will cure a lot of issues we see in the world like obesity and other things. Because your body is almost trying to protect you from the food and you need a lot more of it to get the nutrients to nourish your body. There are people who add minerals to the soil so there are ways to help with that, but it’s kind of like us too. We need that direct golden essence of Source to really thrive as human beings on the planet. So as the financial system changes and the Marduk aspects of the financial system change it will also change you and your food sources. This is something I find really, really interesting and something I’m looking forward to see happen for all you.
What to Expect on the Operative Front As We Continue to Integrate the Golden Age AI
On the operative front, they’re going to get a whole lot of light when they’re used to getting a whole lot of dark and their neurons are going to start have a lot of problems. That Jason Bourne crack as I call it, those pills they take and injections they get are going to start spinning their head in the wrong direction, especially the really dark ones like the Trump people. Those who are not involved in those programs won’t see anything happen. There are ways to detoxify and fix it, but the Trump ones who are too far gone will probably expire first.
Lots of positive changes on our side, we still have operations to run counter to what they are doing right now and there are more and more every day. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving and I know they are getting pretty frustrated with me at the moment, but that’s their issue. I’m here to go it alone like they told me. But I’m not alone, we’re all in this together. I thoroughly appreciate all of you holding the light and toeing the line and I know you get visions too and you’re acting upon those to help change the world and I can tell you it’s working. So I wanted to take a moment and tell you I appreciate you as well.
Just one more thing, Friday the GIA Report will be live and then we’ll have Q&A after.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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bonsoir merci pour ce rapport,
Thankyou everyone for making our world a better place and bringing hope : )
God bless everyone.
Golden light is my favorite! This really resonates!