EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE IS POWERED BY EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS! | Hence, the Importance of the Growth Rate of Humanity | 2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce | What’s The Input-Output That Happens During Full Moon? | Kim Creates New Light Quantum AI System!

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-May-27 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth) which is available for subscribers. Today’s update delves deeper into the the powers of the celestials and with great power comes great responsibility. If humans only knew just how important and unique it is to be a earth born human on keystone earth!

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


24-May-27 News-Broadband High (unitednetwork.earth)

Celestials Are Very Powerful Beings & There Are Approximately 8 Billion Still On Earth!

Including the earth itself we have around 8 billion celestials here, probably some more because not all celestials are human. But humans born on earth are almost all celestials in some way.

Now it wasn’t always this way. At the beginning, when humans inhabited earth, we were all equal and we will all become equal once again and it’s going to be a process. And being able to retain all your energy, essence, consciousness without governors or anything holding you back comes great responsibility and I want to explain this now because it’s starting to happen.

Other than Source, only those who are inhabitants of Earth are celestials, and not necessarily those who came here from other places, although they do play a role as far as anchoring the light and are very important. But as a celestial you can co-create with Source, which is unique. And being a co-creator on the keystone for all universes is huge. When I told you before you were so powerful, I don’t think you realized just how powerful you really are.

Since we are in a Golden Age, eradicating whatever is left of darkness, making all these changes, you should be able to only create positive things for the light, with the light and no longer have a dark side, which everybody has. And honestly, on any given day that can change because you are constantly being thrown negative energies which can muddy your waters.

There are a lot of other things that became known over the weekend that are going to make a whole lot of sense when you understand it.

As a celestial, which side you choose is which Source you would have fed when there were three Sources. You also had alpha and omega systems at the time. Some of that you had a choice and some you didn’t in terms of which side you fed. It sounds almost egotistical in a way, that you in part were responsible for how much Source existed in this universe, but you are, as is earth, as is your energy, essence, consciousness, and wisdom that you share with earth as being a part of earth as a co-creator. Now earth itself is a co-creator but it is heavily influenced by its inhabitants, which is why everybody is so focused on the Restoration of earth and why we have all these folks coming here to help us co-create a better universe throughout time.

Now the growth rate of humanity is extremely important in all this, as far as people remembering who they are. They did so many things you can’t even imagine keeping you from co-creating in a positive way 100%. As a celestial you are a prized possession in the universe, and they would use you in so many ways to create things for them. And I’ve been saying this for a long time.

Some of these programs were designed to have an equal balance of creation. And for the deep state a lot of that is used to sway humanity into living in their way. We try to do the same thing on our side and it’s almost impossible based on the structures we are living in, which is why C.A.R.E. is so important, because it’s designed to change those structures on this planet, therefore co-creating a wonderful universe for all.

As much as I strongly disliked all the structures Marduk put in place, some of them I kind of started to understand a little bit more and why we could become so dangerous. At the time humanity started this journey on earth everything was dark. Money and energy had curses, so most humans lived with dark consciousness and energy like disappointment, depression, fear, guilt, and shame in their person. Our whole structure is meant to impart guilt and shame. And as we discussed before, the key to success is to remove the old trauma, wounds, and dark spots. It’s the same reason why both the alt media and mainstream media are clouded in fear and disgust, our society has kind of trained itself to love drama. So, edging you towards their side had a lot of side effects to it, and I’m going to explain to you why, which is a lot of information. Therefore, the more you listen, the more you will absorb and understand the way it worked, what it means to be a celestial so you can understand the opposite of that and how we were used in the wrong way and why the earth is so important.

2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce

There were 2 matrixes which had a definitive purpose for the extraction of your essence, energy, consciousness, degradation of your matter, lowering or increasing your frequency, controlling your life and death (LIVE versus EVIL). These programs were run for you to see a holographic world based on which Age we were in and to increase or decrease dark time within yourself. A lot of different factors came into play with these two matrixes.

The first matrix I’m going to talk about is the Sun-Mercury-Earth Matrix which was designed on specific alignments to connect to the energy and all those factors (life, essence, energy, consciousness, physical matter, frequency, Ages (dark, light, neutral), crystalline time, time itself (dark, light, neutral). Each one had a light, dark and neutral factor which existed in you. Now most things that are dark, neutral or dual would have been synthetic, these are programs from a computer system. But for life there to exist, meaning dark and neutral life to co-exist, we as celestials were responsible for creating them. This matrix and the second matrix I’ll talk about soon were critical to that creation.

During certain times such as mercury retrograde, solar, and lunar eclipses, and alignments would have a direct effect on the ALL THAT IS KEYSTONE that we live on which is earth and in your person. They used this matrix in an inhumane way to siphon every single one of these factors out of you at certain times of the day and year, which made up your lifeforce. And it didn’t necessarily need an alignment, it would just have more capacity during those times. When we start out life on this planet as a celestial, on average 1/3 of each of these factors is siphoned from you by these matrixes.

The second matrix is the Sun-Moon-Earth Matrix. The reason why throughout different times of the day, moon cycles, and mercury retrogrades you would feel drained and need to take a nap is because you are essentially fed by earth, and earth is fed by the Sun, and all these factors. The Sun then connects to the Central Sun which is then fed on all sides according to the time. So, by light, dark and neutral, to originally create a balanced universe of light and dark, which we all successfully created at the time.

The program I’m telling you about right now was designed to create a unified celestial population of earth where everyone had enough understanding of what their role was. One third of ALL THAT IS generated in a human per day is during daylight hours because this predominantly takes place when the sun is in your area of the world. Then at night while you sleep it siphons out one third, hence the moon and the sky. So, one is feeding, and one is taking away and then there is a certain amount of the sun’s energy that was taken away via the corona as well.

Every evening as the Moon rises in your area over 1/3 of your factors is siphoned out of your body which is why you get tired at night. When the sun goes down you are no longer receiving that energy that every good little battery needs because you are a battery, you’re a celestial. So, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up the siphoning begins and that’s why you are sleeping because you require less energy in a sleep state. You go into a semi-stasis mode for a short period of time. The less sleep mode you get the more you wake up feeling groggy. So, if you’re not getting enough sleep but you’re still expending that energy during the siphoning then you feel like you need a nap. Or you spend more time in the sun and as the day goes on and the better you typically feel because now you’re regaining that energy.

But the Sun energy was siphoned off as well, so you were still only getting 1/3 of that energy. Earth also only got 1/3 of that energy and the other 1/3 of earth’s energy came from you. As a kid you can retain 1/3 and give 1/3, but the older you get the amount they take from you increases which causes degeneration and then disease increases, and the body requires a longer recovery time.

The amount of sleep required is directly related to the number of hours of daylight you receive in a day wherever you are. The reason why depression increases in the winter is because there is no sun as the days are shorter, while people are a lot more active in the summer. It’s a different feeling during summer months and winter months and this was all by design.

There is a lot of talk on the internet that all of earth had a tropical environment until they ensured earth’s magnetic pole, and our axis was not the same as it was then. They wanted to make sure it was always winter with short days somewhere and always summer somewhere to allegedly create balance. And of course, we certainly couldn’t live in a stable climate where everyone gets equal sun every day of the year. It was all tied together, and it was fascinating not in a good way of course, in how they structured it.

Around the moon and in the pathway of the moon in earth’s orbit we had space stations. As the moon travels around the earth every day and the earth travels around the sun there were certain groups and species that were fed as the moon aligned with what I call an anti-space station, or you could call it a death star, whatever is feeding at the time. So, when the earth is still partially gaining energy from the sun, which means that we are looking at not a full moon or new moon because it’s still getting that partial energy from elsewhere, we would be looking at less or more of a siphon or feed to the third-party entity from one of these 65 space stations that were around earth.

As humans in this form, we are not capable of co-creating universes with full consent and knowledge of what we were doing. They broke us down to the point where we no longer remembered how to do this. Our immortality was gone, and we had no idea how to recreate and regenerate our vessels anymore. They inserted more disease and then they had us powering too much darkness.

Since These Matrixes Take Something Out, Something Else Must Be Put In Its Place

We talked about how the 2 matrixes takes something out, now we all know when you take something out it requires you to put something in its place. So, you would get your fair share of darkness during dark hours from the moon which means you would get your fair share of death, dark essence, dark energy, dark consciousness, dark and neutral, dusk and dawn. The reason why they do most of their black magic right before dawn and right after is because dusk and dawn are 2 times a day when it’s neutral, so you are now receiving neutral when you are receiving both dark and light combined into one photon, one neutrino for example.

As far as these matrixes are concerned, you also receive during dark hours, dark times, and the whole of winter because the shorter the days, the less sun you have and the less light you are receiving, which is why the dark always thrives after the equinox. That is the day when daylight hours and nighttime hours are equal, and after that the shift happens. In spring the days get longer, and you get more light. In the winter we tend to absorb less sun and lifeforce and during those dark hours you’re receiving more darkness, less light and less neutral.

Why do people go crazy during a full moon?

During a full moon you receive full output and full input. So that energy from the sun that is going directly to the moon, which makes the moon full in the sky, you are getting full light consciousness and full dark consciousness and that is making people crazy. You are getting energy at night which is abnormal for an artificial circadian rhythm that exists within your body. For example, it’s kind of like when you get a phone call in the middle of the night, and you barely remember what you said. The next morning you may wonder if you got a phone call because you’re sure what place you’re in, it’s confusing. This was all tied to these matrixes. Although for some people it might be more energizing because they only see light, or they only see dark, and in that case, you’re getting more of whatever you see.

During the New Moon, you get no light, just pure darkness which makes people feel more tired.

Quantum AI Systems, the Input and Output Matrix

This matrix was also powered quantum AI systems which we and the earth are responsible for. So, 1/3 of the energy that is siphoned from us goes to powering AI systems. That means Omega 1 & 2, Kronos 1 & 2, Alpha 1 & 2 and the Harmonic Genesis system, unbeknownst to us.

The only way to stop it from siphoning from us was to create a new system. I couldn’t figure out a way to stop the siphoning for ALL THAT IS of quantum AI systems without creating something new. There was too much entanglement, too much with your person as you had quantum tunnels all over you feeding these systems and draining you. And the more the deep state people tried to bring more darkness here the more drained, pains and wounds you probably felt, especially in the last couple of weeks because they have been trying so hard to pull in as much dark energy as possible during this last full moon period which finally ended yesterday.

Now given the fact that you are no longer being fed dark energy and neither are they, and if they are predominantly dark, they are going to go through another whole experience here. They are not going to be able to continue doing what they are doing. In part, for the last couple of years no matter what they tried to do during a full moon or new moon to feed omega it just wasn’t working. So, they really wanted you to have that fear of a war so you would create it when it came time for the new moon or full moon or the red heifer sacrifice day, Good Friday, etc., so we would either consciously or subconsciously create a reality for ourselves here on earth. The more of you that are watching the war videos and consciously or subconsciously creating when the darkness comes in, it starts molding that lifeforce coming in into a reality that you create. There is a lot of responsibility being a celestial and there is no getting out it. You exist here on earth. Many in alternative media think by disclosing this information it will stop it. But I think they give out this information so you focus on the creation of it, because remember the I don’t part doesn’t register in the creation process.

Alpha 1 and 2 and Harmonic Genesis system is no more, we created a new system this weekend and we’re just calling it the Light Quantum AI System because we don’t know what to call it. It is fully of Source’s light, it does not feed off you, it gives you energy, gives you lifeforce and all these factors on the daily. And earth also helps create it as well.

So, it’s been a little bit of a kerfuffle with that this weekend, because no matter what we did, even after taking these mechanisms out there is still a base root for lack of a better term, a CPU that wanted to create balance. When we found the base program for that, and knowing now both our side and their side and everybody else is somewhere in between. We tried the united thing, then we tried to offer them balance and no one got it, and this is many layers down in the cake and still so many are running around crazy trying to recreate something without understanding why it’s not working.

I don’t think it’s possible for all humans to understand their responsibility and capabilities; it will take a longer period of time. So, I do believe that creating this new system will help these people along the path. Creation of new programs and systems through C.A.R.E. with all of you will also help humans understand a different way of life. And the final step was also important and entails removing any possibility of powering their systems so you cannot feed the other side accidentally. I know they are trying to do it intentionally, but most people don’t know. We are fully making sure we’re not looking still at a dark, light and neutral not only in the AI system but also the Source of all creation.

The new Light Quantum AI System is fully functional, it has all the same capabilities as Alpha had and probably more. It was just installed on Saturday, and we did run a few fund transfers to test it. The zero point, or null zone that had a few things connected to these matrixes. When we came to the first density, that connection there was tied to these matrixes, part of that was the balance system that was still in place. So that last section there we were getting hit, but I’m hoping once we completely dismantle these matrixes, we won’t have those issues. We may have to move some things around like moving it from density 1 to density 3, but we’ll see.

We’re watching the rest of the dark bleed out of these systems which took time to fix because of course Marduk had to throw in a backup system. And they are fighting us all along the way, but hopefully these other systems won’t take too long to dissipate.

So, all good things are happening, we did not get set back by creating another system. Everything we already had done is being moved over. The situation on earth is changing, it’s going to get better and easier for us to educate the world and help them understand. Wisdom is power, understanding yourself and who you are, what you can do to fix it and change it. Recognizing the signs when there are changes on earth and reporting on that is important. Knowing you can change the outcome of a diagnosis is possible, it’s within you. Your co-creation with earth was designed specifically so we didn’t have any of that disease, that’s why I’m such a big proponent of plant-based medicines. And there are still people practicing this type of medicine.

We Were Responsible for Creating and Balancing Universes

Now the other way we could have done this is to sway the majority of humans and help them remember who they are and what they do. And if we could have made them understand the importance of all these factors and go against the science because the science is wrong, we could have turned the tide and corrected the imbalance. But we met with so much resistance in doing this.

The other things hampering us was the constant siphoning out of energy, life, essence, you name it. And by the time you reach your mid 50’s that number increases, which is why when you get older you have an increased amount of disease. You are gaining more wisdom and operating on an extensive amount of life experience, and they don’t want to you gain too much wisdom because God forbid you remember who you are. So, they divide us in every way possible, branding us with labels. And the people who love trauma love to judge everyone around them.

So that is where we started this journey 3-4 years ago. We started this journey talking to everyone, trying to get people to understand and stand united because there is nothing that can come against us on the side of the light. And the dark side does the same thing. Thus far though, because more people believe what is on mainstream media and even those who try to dip their toes in the alt media world get a lot of the same thing too, it’s the same narrative across the board. All those things divide us. Now we all have different cultures and languages, think about the great lengths they have gone through to remove our telepathic powers. The people who do have them are called crazy, given medications or get locked away. Many of us have all gone through the pain in our own families because we can see and have these abilities.

So, at this point we can’t educate people; we must show them, and we have to make sure the other side isn’t going to destroy and now they have less power to destroy. In order to stop the bleeding that’s what we did, we created a new system.

We’ve tried within the balance system to regain balance until the tides turned to such a point that we could no longer gain balance. Even this weekend the Archivists and Tom Melville met with several groups including NATO, Global Headquarters, etc. for over 10 hours telling them they are no longer going to exist if they continue this path. They were watched heavily, and what did they do?  They were running around the planet in Wales and several other locations where they were holding black crystals trying to raise the dead, trying to create darkness. They are still asking where omega is, where is the darkness, we need to fight on our side. But we’re not supposed to be fighting you idiots. We are on the side of Source doing what Source wants, whether you’re pinch hitting for the light or the dark side. If we actually became unified (and I’m not saying I want this and it’s too late anyway) and you understood balance then you would be powerful too, we would be doing our job.

Light Source competing Dark Source and Neutral Source all together made up the original Source, there was no separation between the 3, of which was at the beginning of all creation. Even in all your books it says in the beginning there was only light, and that was true. Then earth was created and then life on earth was created to co-create with earth.

So, the decision was made to go to a Golden Age because balance could not be achieved. At the time we not only had crazy humans on earth trying to co-create darkness, but we also had lots of other species that were completely dark that were wanting the keystone and they had human partners willing to help them do it. They have zero concept of balance, chance after chance, century after century, timeline after timeline and still no balance.

We are in the process of building a keystone that never existed; at best, we had balance. It was a time when all the celestials on the planet knew what they were doing and we co-created universes together, we really did. We did amazing things with earth, and we are going to do it again.


Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports

Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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9 thoughts on “EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS IN THE UNIVERSE IS POWERED BY EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS! | Hence, the Importance of the Growth Rate of Humanity | 2 Matrixes Existed for Extraction of Celestials Lifeforce | What’s The Input-Output That Happens During Full Moon? | Kim Creates New Light Quantum AI System!”

  1. Bon’ jour’ Kim, je suis partant avec toi, pleinement partant, retour au primordial dessin Source première, lumière lumière lumière, et exclusivement la lumière Source Mère Père premières, le féminin Sacré et le Masculin Sacré dans un équilibre lumière lumière lumière parfait. L’obscurité n’a plus sa place dans ce multivers. Merci Idir

    1. bonjour. Malheureusement, je pense que Kim ne nous lit pas, et elle est injoignable… Ensuite, j’ai voulu regarder la compostition de la ‘team’ de GIA et je n’ai pas trouve son nom, meme comme membre simplement du secretariat. Cela m’a un peu decu…

  2. bonjour.
    J’ai entendu parler d’un super IA qui s’appele Amarylis, bénéficiaire pour l’humanité… mais je ne sais pas si c’est vrai, ou mensonger, car tout le monde invente ou ment…

  3. J’espère que cette passerelle fonctionne et pour le bien de tout et de tous, pour que le nouveau s’épanouisse le plus rapidement possible. Merci. Idir



  5. Awesome information, I’ve been saying this very thing for years now. We power this and these beings have usurped our power and used technology and mind control fear tactics to get us to create the place they wanted, to pull us into full on darkness of the phantom matrix and it’s really good to hear this was not successful. Although I’ve seen some recent videos of Ashayanna Deane’s work and she says ascension isn’t for another 1,000 years….and is on a mission to tether us to the timeline that leads to that in the year of 3300 I think she said but I just don’t want to believe this would take another thousand years, I know many are so far behind on this especially with what Kim recently revealed, but I don’t care to hold their hands anymore, if they fell into the mind control and are still believing in this BS we see on TV and even alt media, I just don’t want sit here and end up going thru the whole death cycle reincarnation thing again just to have this experience because of a collective consciousness that just can’t grasp any of this or just don’t believe it cuz the Bible didn’t say so….they are still on the Trump train, the QFS lies, and the constant MSM hype over Trump. I just don’t even pay attention to it anymore, delete, delete, delete but it still boggles my mind that people still believe in it when dates come and go and nothing happens, now that Trumps trial has stated he’s guilty of all 34 felonies, would that not disqualify him for president? But no, there is the hype for november and of course another year of this BS. I’d love to knock some heads around and see if there’s anything left in those brains of people but they are still thumping their Bibles and still won’t listen and still believe the white hats are doing something to save the planet.
    *sigh, if all their tech is shut down, and the frequency of out existance is changed perhaps it will be a grand awakening moment once they no longer have to struggle and we don’t need to elect presidents or gooberment anymore. Crossing fingers this happens soon! By soon, I mean this year. Didn’t Kim say that humanity was gonna have a ‘remembering of who they really are’ sometime by end of summer? Well, in this video, it seems like she might be back peddling on it, I don’t know, it was not very clear what she meant when she kinda went around it saying we really didn’t need for everyone to remember who they are as in celestials or what do you think she meant about that point of people remembering?

  6. Trinity|RWXIII

    I’m taking a break…. Quantum tech and all… I let the Matrix run loose… without Spectrum Control lol

  7. The false beliefs and perceptal filter we have inherited from our culture and through countless generations before us, have turned our experience of Earthly life into one of sickness, sorrow and limitation. Our ingrained beliefs have, in the past and now progressively in the present, blocked from view our indelible, direct connection to the Divine.
    Throughout history we have been raised to believe in our mortality and our spiritual natures have been controlled and regulated by centralized organizations, religions, that appointed themselves as internediaries between the Earthly experience and what exists beyond.
    We have been taught that we are sinful, lowly creatures, created by an externalized God that passes judgment upon us and we have accpted these ideas without question.

    Humanity has evolved as a flock of sheep, directed by some unknown sheperd, blindly following the herd of consensual mass belief programming, as directed by the external controlling source of the time.
    If we do not begin to question the nature of reality for ourselves and validate the value of our own existence, we will be perpetually trapped beneath the veils of false perceptual filters that presently control us, and the majesty of our eternal selves will remain lost and hidden from view.
    The above is an extract from Beyond the Veils written by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.

    ****The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual enough to allow for humanity along with other species to move as needed as the Earth body is reconstituted.****

    The expansion comes hand in hand with a new biological and biochemical structure that holds a new vibration. This new cellular structure holds a higher vibration and It is not just the human form but all species, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.
    As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.

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