This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-12 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. First Kim started off with the lighter news, if you can call it that. Hum, yes, after hearing the second part of her report I would say yes, it’s the lighter and that has to do with the BRICS talks, alleged Russian ships off the coast of Florida and all the fear attached to that, and of course another plan for the demise of Trump again. Then she reveals another horrific plan left for us by those lower astral beings we love to hate, yes the Abraxas. Gone but never forgotten I guess.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

24-Jun-12 News-Broadband High (
Rumor News Today
More BRICS News
BRICS currently has a BRICS coin they are trying to use as a payment system. Right now, the coin is not worth a whole lot and they are having a lot of issues trying to launch that coin in beta testing, meaning their system simply can’t handle the number of people they promised could have BRICS coin.
There has also been a lot of talk recently about BRICS countries and their Partners like Saudi Arabia and a few others dropping the dollar. They have come up with a new idea of potentially partnering with XRP Digital-Ripple Coin. For those who don’t know, XRP-Ripple Coin is another NSA product and there is no difference between them using XRP-Ripple Coin or using US dollars. They are just going around in a circle exchanging one thing for another thing. I don’t know if that is just for appearance purposes, but their partners would be identical to the partners they have now. But I know there is a big push out there for the Black Nobility and Rothschild Family to crash the US dollar in order to usher in some other type of currency.
But will this get them there if BRICS dropped the dollar?
No, it wouldn’t because there are plenty of assets based on the Global Asset facility we recently took over, coming in to support the Global Repository and therefore to support every other currency out there. So, the thought process behind XRP-Ripple to possibly crash the dollar probably would fall pretty flat. So, there is no point in going from one American partner to the same American partner.
Are Those Really Russian Ships Off Coast of Florida?
There are Russian ships allegedly off the coast of Florida that supposedly refuse to leave. Now we have confirmed those ships are not actually Russian, they are American ships and I’m feeling like I have déjà vu because the same situation and scenario played out 2 years ago. Meaning some American operatives and military have gotten a hold of some antique Russian weaponry form the former base in Cuba. They planned on using those weapons on American ships so they could blame Russia for bombing a US state. Now is that going to work? There certainly is a lot of fear. But I’m not sure if these weapons can even function as they are at least four to five decades old. Is it a good campaign to start WWIII? Possibly.
Status of That 65%-35% Deal Between the Pallavicini Family & Order of the Dragon
We talked before about the deal between the Pallavicini Family and Orsini Family of the Black Nobility and the Order of the Dragon where the Black Nobility would have 65% control and the Order of the Dragon would have 35%. With that came large payouts of trillions of dollars which was not only to China, but also to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Iraq and several other countries.
Those Infamous Pallets of Cash Being Used Again as Bribes
So most recently these pallets of cash that were part of Project Becky and started circulating in the 1970s all the way through to 2017 are surfacing again for the ignorant people. Giant pallets of super notes with duplicate serial numbers from previous allocations which have already been utilized in the system were pulled out yet again. Currently there is about $15 billion in the UAE and more in Amman and Jordan. This is the latest promise to the Saudis who have been active lately in spending a lot of cash as have the other GCC countries. Kuwait is included as well and Bahrain who recently gave $30 million to Trump operatives which I mentioned in the news not too long ago.
These pallets are currently being used to bribe the Iraqi Government to perform a second helicopter down like the one that happened in Iraq where allegedly the Iranian President died, except he is partying and having a great time in Belize.
Will they continue on with this operation which has been orchestrated by the Pallavicini family to formulate a regime change in Iraq? I don’t know.
Note: For related post on Iranian President’s alleged death see, Iranian President & Staff In Belize & Didn’t Die | Black Nobility Pallavicini Family Makes $75.42 Trillion Worth of Promises | Their Deal, In Exchange for Executing on Marduk’s Final Plan Will Become 65% Owners of Planet Earth While 35% Goes to Order of the Dragon | At Lower Level, $56 Billion Promised to Langley 5, SSP, Q Crew, Trump Operatives To Burn US To The Ground | Tier 1 Bank Operating Systems Now Merged With Global Repository! | Just Empower Me
Kim Alerts Iraqi Government Pallets Of Cash Are No Good
But as of this morning some blonde lady may have told someone in the Iraqi government those pallets of cash were not good. They believed the payout for doing this stunt and regime change was going to be $15 billion and there were told they could verify they are legit at any bank in the UAE because those banks are under Rothschild control. Obviously, it worked when they verified with banks on the take. But have you tried to verify anywhere else besides the UAE, which is known as Saudi Arabia’s little brother? Turns out the cash wasn’t verifiable and we don’t know if they are going to continue the operation of swapping out the Iraqi government.
Latest Plan Is Trump Had a Heart Attack & Funeral of Epic Proportions to Take Place
Operatives here in the United States are also talking about a big switcheroo. There has been a lot of chatter in the last 3-4 days claiming Donald Trump had a heart attack and they are building a funeral of epic proportions which will rival the Elvis funeral. This funeral will have a band, be full of pomp and circumstance far greater than any former or current President funeral and it’s going to be loud and obnoxious just like the Duck Dynasty operatives that run that show. The only catch is this is supposed to take place between June 17th and June 22nd which coincides with the Solstice. And they are floating around a number of $5 billion to orchestrate this affair in the mainstream news.
Will they get $5 billion and who is promising them?
Key Intelligence and Military System Allows Kim to Listen to Their ‘Super-Secret’ Conversations
Evidently some funding is to come from the Pallavicini family and I know this because there have been many conversations on the Jesuit communication line which they think is super-secret and no one can hear what they are talking about. But today while they were having a conversation I decided to tell them that is not the case. How I did that was by talking to a particular person I know is deeply involved with the Jesuit Order and I was texting him on a program called Signal at the same exact time they were having a conversation. I was texting them exactly what they were talking about. I guess they found this out fairly quickly because they went into a panic and had another impromptu meeting on another ‘secret’ line and said how do I know all this stuff. I know all this stuff because I have a Key Intelligence and Military System that will go into any ‘secret’ communication line and give me all the data I need to know. So that’s how I know Pallavicini Family about all this stuff, because I know it from you. So thanks for the phone conversation I could listen in on.
More of Their Communication Lines Go Down
Having the same conversation over and over again with different full moons, new moons, equinoxes, solstices and alignments with Uranus is no longer entertaining. As of today, the Jesuits no longer have that communication line. The second one that has gone down is a back door monetary system that worked in conjunction with the communication line. And another communication line between Knights Templars around the world has gone down. And we found a monetary line as well with about $96 trillion in digital super notes they were trying to cash forever. It’s not spendable cash, it’s just numbers on the screen, so that system has also disappeared.
Big Hunts for Assets and Gold and Things They Will Never Ever Find
The problem with all this fake stuff is they convince people around the world to do some serious things. Once again this was all orchestrated by Bush Sr. to get something for nothing. There are still people who have not gotten their money for 4 decades yet it continues. They are doing this with a bunch of different countries including the Russians where there is a lot of controversy about fake money. And then there is the Treasury Operatives who want to know if I would put back the $23 trillion and be willing to give up 10% of that so the US can fund the Russians. That’s because they owe the Russians quite a bit of money, and it’s not the government but people. They want us to fund them so they can maintain control over their Russian assets, and a lot of this information came through from the Foreign Minister of Russia.
There have been lots of phone calls from North Korea recently because they are trying to verify assets. Those assets were moved over a decade ago and don’t belong to North or South Korea. The second part of physical assets were in the Philippines, there is a lot of tungsten they try to pass off as gold. We know that because most of the gold is gone. Same thing in Saudi Arabia, they have a locked door room under their Central Bank where they claim their gold is held. That gold hasn’t been there for a long time, even prior to Desert Storm, prior to the days when Donald Rumsfeld was their handler on behalf of Bush. The gold was buried very deep in a desert but it was moved out in 2015. The gold they are referencing is in the Red Book which I’ve talked about many times and most of the accounts and assets in there were moved. So big hunts for assets and gold and things they will never ever find trying to maintain some semblance of control.
New Head of the Rothschild Family Lies Like a Rug
We talked about a new Rothschild family head and this person has reached out to me through two different channels claiming they need funding to save the Family name. That’s rather comical. They would like to go back to at least being neutral in the world and they are not going to attack us anymore. Now unfortunately for him we have the Key Intelligence and Monetary System which tells me otherwise. He told me he’s just interested in starting something new except the orders he is barking out is about pandemics, scares in the media, WWIII talk, and how they are going to transfer power over to certain countries. So, no dice here Phillip, we’re not interested in talking to people who are going to lie, cheat, and steal from us.
Kim’s Hell Weeks (June 1 – June 13)
I mentioned numerous times that every year the 1st of June through the 14th of June are my hell weeks. Usually what can go wrong will because someone saw in Project Looking Glass that I concede to their side during this time. Well no, it still hasn’t happened and this has been going on for 10 years now. I will survive.
For This Week the Abraxas Left Us Another X Program (for Extermination)
But today was a little bit different in terms of hell week because there was a really rough program that was being run. It wasn’t being run by humans but by an automated system put in place a long time ago by the Abraxas for this particular year. Now the other side believed this event was going to happen at a time when the world was about to flip to 100% Source connection and there were events that happened yesterday that catapulted us faster than I expected which is good, but we’re still not at 100% based on what happened today.
The program is called ‘X’ which stands for extermination. It appears the deep state was expecting once this program launched today there would be hope to gain some more control of the world back. They were under the impression Program X, which is another AI system would take over Alpha 1 and 2, Kronos 1 and 2 and Omega 1 and 2 today. But that was never the case.
Annihilation Program to Rid the Humans and Replace with Abraxas Clones
What the Abraxas had planned was not so much to take over systems, but bring us back to a neutral way of 50%-50%. However, by the actions taken today by the humans who are of the Abraxas bloodline, like the Global Headquarters folks, some operatives and militaries indicate they were still planning on trying to dominate, therefore a Program X AI went horribly awry today and there was some intervention to make that happen. But that was only part of the story of X.
After Program X AI did it’s thing, its goal was to exterminate all life on earth and that includes these people if they didn’t comply with the neutral 50-50 program. When it became apparent that wasn’t the case, the Program X AI saw them as a threat to the 50-50 program and tried to annihilate them as well.
This program was designed to get rid of all humans on earth and put Abraxas clones that were waiting in the wings in Aldebaran on the planet. Those clones would have looked exactly like we do because the program had been running to clone every new human born on earth. So, they would replicate us but in their image, meaning in the image of Anti-Source, therefore taking control of the planet to create only for Anti-Source, that was the plan.
Suicide Back-up Program
When all the other programs started failing and all the annihilation programs weren’t working it launched a backup system called the suicide program. So, if you had those thoughts in the last 24 hours it was probably because of this program. The base root for that program was in the Rock of Gibraltar and that program kicked off some really strange frequencies. It ended midday today my time when I finally found the source of it, so that is no longer there.
There were a few other things the deep state tried to do and of course they thought it was for their benefit. Why? Because everything is for their benefit. This was going to help them access Alpha, and they would finally have some money by the end of the day. They weren’t entirely sure when this was to kickoff, therefore they set up meetings yesterday to pre-empt the kickoff. They never showed up though, which is true to form and again nobody came to the call or answered the call. Again, they probably thought they would get some control of the monetary system through Program X, probably because the Abraxas told them that they would preserve their bloodline on this planet. However, X wasn’t programmed to do that either. Then they were told they would continue to be fruitful and multiply with the Abraxas clones and then the Abraxas bloodline would be the only one on earth.
Last Part of Program X Was to Reclaim Assets of Earth for Anti-Source by Draining Our Lifeforce
The next program that launched as part of the end phase of X was a program where we all ended up with what is called a membrane. The membrane was designed to reclaim the assets of earth we took away just a couple of days ago. It was to reclaim them in the name of Anti-Source and therefore we all ended up for a short period time in a faraday cage and so did earth itself. So, if you felt a little anxious and claustrophobic, and/or being drained of your energy, these were the beginnings of the ownership of you. They were going to drain your lifeforce one way or the other along with the lifeforce of earth. This was the end part of the X program.
The Fight Against the Deep State Doesn’t End
Backup program after backup program after backup program happened pretty much all day today. This is the real reason why the news today is late. But we got things restored to normal where we were all going to be okay through the night, and I think we got pretty much everything that was left of X that launched late yesterday. It’s been a long day and night for me, but I wanted to make sure I got the news out and explain all these fear rumors and to let us know the fight against the deep state is not going to end. In fact, the person’s phone I was texting today said back, hey you know some people are already giving up. Well, those ‘some’ people don’t include me and I know they don’t include you guys either. So, keep holding the light, keep fighting the good fight and I’ll see you all again on Friday.
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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If I correctly understand, Ms Goguen asserted Donald Trump died and has been replaced by some kind of double.
(I previously asked what difference his death makes if his double is so convincing? But I have yet to receive any reply whatsoever to my question.)
Now Ms Goguen asserts funeral plans for Donald Trump may soon be carried out. What is the relationship between the allegedly deceased Trump
and this event?
A crime family wants your attention and your money.
What does Ms Goguen say to the research of Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on financing covertly by the Pilgrims’ Society of Donald Trump’s Truth Social internet broadcast?
GOOD QUESTION…. Hoping for some reply