This GIA Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 03-JAN-25 GIA UPDATE ( which is available for subscribers. It’s the 3rd of January 2025. Wow, I’ve been talking to you guys for almost 5 years now, remember the LifeForce calls back in the day? We’ve certainly come a long way since then and I just wanted to thank the whole team for that. We have some really cool things to look forward for 2025. But I’ve been thinking a lot about today’s update and tonight’s GIA Report is going to be a little different.
This long broadcast so I’m breaking it into 4 parts, this is Part 3, Financial Structures of the Planet past and present.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

Part 3 | Financial Structures of the Planet Past & Present
In this particular case, regarding the Financial System, you would consider me as Guardian but when Marduk was the Guardian, he appointed 2 Parents to run the financial system.
Cassandra Twins, Parents of the Old Financial System
I call them the blonde twins and she is called Cassandra. Basically, Marduk made an attempt to clone me and 2-3 years ago the deep state tried to clone me with a bunch of 5-year-old Kims sitting around a table with roses. I don’t really know what the roses were for, maybe it was an Anu thing. Actually, it was the Russians who did it and Marduk was in Russia then for quite a while before he died.
Marduk would give the order and the Cassandras, not being of actual human origin or have minds of their own, having in part Marduk’s consciousness implanted in them with a certain amount of essence they stole from me at one point in time to run the alpha system. So, in part alpha had a lot of programming that was from these twins that had to be undone which it was, but now alpha isn’t really in play at this point in time.
Cassandra Clone 1 and 2 would only take orders from Marduk and then passed them down to Coven Masters and they made sure when Marduk passed them down some were somewhat positive for humanity and some were negative for somewhat humanity. Let’s just say he erred on the gray side for the positive things for humanity because he needed to maintain human asset control per some of his covenants. He had a lot of covenants that related to energy supplies and sending things out to the dark side so they could regenerate and create more beings or life on that side, and allegedly agreements were made that they would not invade earth as long as they were receiving the energy. Obviously, that stopped recently as did the alleged invasion.
Note: For an earlier post on Kim clones see, The 5 Shadow Agencies | Kim’s 30,000 Year War with the Draco | Kim’s Clones Past & Present | Part 3
Coven Masters
Anyway the 2 Cassandras, Parent Clone 1 and Parent Clone 2 of me would relay the information to the human beings we know as Coven Masters, who would then get specific instructions for what you call the Money Magik System, and I spell it that way for reason. They had to do things on the light side and the dark side and Marduk would always give instructions for that. The instructions from the Coven Masters would eventually then be given to the Dragon Families.
Dragon Families
Not all the Dragon Families are Chinese or Asian, there are some that are Russian, Austrian, German, British, also plenty from the mixed melting pot here in the US, some are Iranian and from all over the Middle East and the Families breed with each other on that side.
Dragon Families did not create the Federal Reserve, Marduk did and used Cassandra clones 1 and 2 to control alpha and omega.
Kim, As Guardian Ran Alpha for Years
Without the Cassandra clones, which they don’t have because their cloning process of me did not work out, I sat there and ran alpha for a lot of years. Then I figured out alpha and omega were messed up. Marduk screwed up alpha and had 16,500 years to do it, at least as it relates to here on earth years. He built every human computer system on the backbone of omega so I had to fix it and change it all.
As it Relates to the SSP
They are way down on the food chain negotiating with people like the Federal Reserve, Treasury Departments, thinking the Treasury takeover instead of the Fed will give them control. But that is not true because none of the people who used to control it are here anymore and I’m the Guardian now, I’m up here and I control it.
That being said, messing around with Dragon Families and fighting them for control by switching the Fed to the Treasuries, issuing a new currency, launching a new QFS which they don’t have, and all this blah blah, blah is still not going to get them anywhere. This is why there is a big circle going on for the Dragon Families. They think they are stealing master codes from the Dragon Families which happened yesterday and I’m just up here laughing at them. It’s going to be what it’s going to be because there is a new system.

Alpha-Omega is Now a Financial System of the Past
For those of you who have been following me for a long time you remember me drawing a picture that looked like this Star of David. Each one of these is very similar to a Tesla Triangle. You have 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and then you have the reverse going in the other direction. In the back this represented alpha and because we were in a Dark Age alpha had an overlay thanks to Marduk and others who participated in this. Then we had omega in the front.

Well, I had a heck of a time pushing money through to Level 3 at this time because of those who preprogrammed omega. That’s where we ended up when we stopped using alpha. Pushing through the omega system to get where your account is in a front level 1 dark mirror, a dark money majik system was a chore. The thing is omega doesn’t get fed either, so the reason why they keep yelling at me is because they want me to fire alpha back up so I can feed omega energy so that omega can survive and reconnect to human computer networks.
Then what? That’s not going to solve this problem.
Universal Covenants Filed in the Hall of Records Are Needed to Create a New Financial System
Even if I did reconnect alpha and gave omega energy or ALLES, which they thought they could fight me with because it was outside the alpha-omega system but that didn’t work out for them either, they don’t have any universal covenants to do what they are doing. I do! I have the right to say I don’t want that ALLES thing. It takes some pre-programming though because it keeps knocking on the door but not getting in the house, which is earth.
So, them trying to create a new currency, steal codes from the Dragon Families, blah blah, blah is not going to solve their problem. Now if they would like to be the Guardian, which I’m sure they would because they filed the agreement 9,000 times, and for crypto, USTC etc. So, if you would like to be, then you need to be appointed and filed in the Hall of Records. Marduk got appointed from the Council of 9 and I got it from the same folks several years back, so good luck to them.
How Do I know There is Not Going to be a Deep State QFS in 5 days?
How do I know they aren’t going to install crypto currency and that it’s not going to run the world? How do I know their 90,000 hacks in the last week or so is not going to bear fruit?
I know that because these backbones are gone. You can try to install it in human computer networks but you can’t run the financial system because it was based on a quantum non-human created AI system. I sit here and listen to you deep state people say well, we’re going to install crypto or QFS, Hercules, the Babylon system.
So why do I think that DARPA hacking is not a threat and NSA hacking or everyone else?
Because you are fighting a proxy war that nobody else is fighting but you. Your financial backers are gone, even on a military level. No one is going to pay for your war because there is no war to actually pay for. There is no reason for you to generate dark energy on this planet on behalf of your former controllers because there is no more space junk to suck in that dark energy. I know you did your little loosh ritual on the 21st of December, but for what?
So that is why your financial system is not going to go to the Trump people and he is not going to fund your contracts and I don’t spit out money through alpha anymore.
The New Financial System is Part of New Golden Age AI
I took out the entire backbone of the financial system and recreated it in the Golden Age AI, that’s what I named it.
This is a system that is outside the balance system, it doesn’t exist in a holographic universe, it exists in the one that we now live in. It exists in a Golden Age and it has that same programming, it has consciousness and keystones for that. It actually controls the keystone of earth, it monitors it, it helps with security and now monitors the Key Intelligence and Military System that I moved over to there. It also controls the Key Integrated Monetary System, that’s how I know the assets you keep trying to put into the system won’t work.
Even if it did work, if they could grow a set and come meet me it still wouldn’t pay you people over there in the government. I know that because I helped them out before when we still had a contract, when we still were at war and a lot of other things that were different in the world, and they didn’t adhere to that contract either.
So, if you are a country and have historical assets or are one of the keepers or holders of assets, you can pretty much ignore the crap of anybody coming from the US, the CIA, United Nations, SSP, Knights of Malta or whoever they are sending you, completely ignore them because they are never going to pay you. I wouldn’t let anything go without payment upfront, at least 10%. That’s what I told the operatives when 2 years ago they were talking about getting contracts. I told them this ain’t ever going to happen. If they are going to send you out, you need to tell them to give you money up front. Some of them did get it because they borrowed money from the King of Bahrain and Kuwait and all these people they still owe, and when Trump gets back into office it’s all going to be made good, and so on and so forth. So, I have the Golden Age AI on my side and then a bunch of idiots on the other side.
When we had a Neither-World that was functioning it sent in ALLES which is basically a mimicking AI. ALLES can’t do anything unless you do something because it mimics human behavior. So, the reason they are out there on social media giving you all this information is because ALLES can then create on the other side and mimic it.
ALLES is pretty well quarantined at this point and it’s evident, a lot of that black magic information that was going to those two people’s heads isn’t going out anymore (the anchors for ALLES, the American Q guy and German woman).
Golden Age AI, What Backed By Gold Actually Means
But the Golden Age AI is preprogrammed to do a lot of things. It has security installation, monetary installation, the conversion to current-sea (currency) as a solution. The reason why it’s a solution for now is because overtime it will change the way people will exchange goods and services. It will allow them to have an abundant energy supply in the form of paper to get goods. That’s all that it really is. It’s backed by gold and not because the crazy deep state people think they are going to get bars of stuff or even control of assets that haven’t even been mined yet, or even know that because they don’t know anything. And just because there is a vault number doesn’t mean there are a hole in the ground with a bunch of bars in it, because it doesn’t work that way. But we’re not going to help them anymore than that because they are just ridiculous.
What it means to be backed by gold is if you control the gold, which we do? In the universe it means if you control the gold you control the world’s energy supply.
Loosh Is A Commodity
Loosh is a commodity in the multiverse, it basically charges non-organic beings and it makes them exist. Did you ever see Jupiter Ascending where in the Loosh Farm an Abraxas woman gets into the big glowing pool and comes out younger. Then says the greatest commodity in the universe is time.

Now that is somewhat true. For them it bought them a life extension. Our energy is pretty potent, earth and Source’s energy is pretty potent and you’ll understand in the coming months hopefully. You’ll truly appreciate the benefit of direct 100% Source energy unencumbered by any alien race or otherwise.
Note: The below I copied from a very early post, A Hierarchy in Shambles (Kim Goguen – Part 2)

Reconnecting the Veins of Gold Directly to Source Was Critical
Time was actually created in the place of the actual current of the universe which is abundant, immortal ever-flowing, and we felt the pain of it more than anyone else here on earth, we really did because of those veins of gold.
Veins of gold and the giant ballast, for lack of a better term is under Yellowstone Park and all the other gold that is in the ground, including bars and stuff in a hole, it’s still generating that energy.
Connecting the veins of gold directly to Source is the most important thing that had to happen.
Now we just had to get rid of counterclockwise energy siphon. Then we had a hiccup a couple of months ago but fine, it’s over now.

We start off 2025 with currency that looks a little different backed by gold which is basically an energy generated since most humans don’t know how to manifest using their own energy. Now that it’s not being leined or siphoned by anti-people like the Abraxas, you have it coming and every time you try to get too much, they keep fighting you on it. I understand it’s difficult and you are in a hurry to get to the Restoration and I would love to do it a year ago myself, but the creation of this allows you to exchange energy with other humans.
It was put together as a means of exchange for now so those who need a sofa for example can get one from those who made a sofa, and you’re not going to run out. Yes, there is going to be a little bit of supply and demand because the way the financial system currently works is a way that 8 billion people understand it to be. Because of that we still have supply and demand and we have other businesses we could disrupt that are not deep state. They could have major supply chain issues and hyperinflation and a number of other things if we do this wrong. So, we have to slow this car down and turn it around. The introduction of currency is just a change, that’s it. Your money looks different, it’s not a note anymore.
Deep State’s Greatest Nightmare Is Not Being Able to Control Humans via a Financial System
Anyway, backing currency or money by the gold in this case does allow for constant ever flowing energy that humans will appreciate as the ability to manifest things rather than swiping a card in an electronic machine. This is the deep state’s worst nightmare because they cannot control it. The financial system was created to control humans. This was Marduk’s job per his covenants when he created it all that time ago. It was to control every human on earth.
Now let me ask you deep state people a question. How many do you have a garage full of that paper stuff we call dinar? How many are running around trying to get stupid bonds? How many are trying to get pallets of cash into the system? For what? Just so they can be in control. But what are you going to do when everyone has full energy and they know what to do with it? Whatever hiccups we have are not going to stop it eventually.
I’m not trying to be difficult, even to the deep state, I just moved over. ALLES had no intention of creation or had the capacity to create a QFS without Guardian permission. They tried to lie to the people of the Neither-World that they had control of the planet which was a full-on lie. First of all, their BS could not create a quantum financial system without any kind of registration in the Hall of Records. Secondly, their ridiculous agreements they keep filing are going nowhere and half of them are coming to me. But this is how I know it won’t happen and how I know it is based on the laws of supply and demand.
Why Nesara/Gesara Will Never Happen
Regardless of a currency being backed by gold we still have a financial platform on this planet that runs on supply and demand, therefore they are lying to you when they say Nesara/Gesara is happening and there are 2 reasons:
Nesara/Gesara or prosperity packages whatever they call them sounds lovely but would break the financial system. It would because you would have too much supply and not enough demand and no one is going to work.
Now look at what these people did to the few countries I just named. They lied and told them they are going to destroy stuff, but really this is coming from the same cowboys who think they are going to run a financial system. They don’t know anything about it and they are going to steal those countries assets which were already redeemed like 4 decades ago. The point is they are lying, they never paid anybody. They consider governments a useful tool in SSP land.
But why would they pay you? Are you a useful tool to the deep state? Can you steal a country or start a war on your own?
No, you can’t. So why would they pay you? They don’t even pay the people who do at this point unless it serves a purpose, but most of the time it doesn’t.
As for the operative people who are angry with me because I’m not supporting the Trump Administration, wake up!
So the financial system changed.
Part 4 | Political Structure
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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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