This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 24-Jun-17 News-Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Kim updates us on what sounds like an utterly dreadful weekend, but ends by saying we had some excellent finds and they found out why some things would come back. Leave it to her to put a positive spin on the hell weeks that seem to never end. God bless her, truly. I keep asking Source to help her out more and wonder when that is happening. I know it could always be worse if they succeeded in any of these endeavors so make sure you continue reading to find out what these utterly crazy wingnuts were up to this time.
I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.
When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.
Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.

24-Jun-17 News-Broadband High (
G7 Meeting Ends With Empty Promises
The G7 ended and they were all promised by the deep state they would have their currency reset done today by 3pm EST. As of the time of this recording which is now 6pm EST no one has anything.
Q- Crew News
Alleged “Russian” Ship Off Coast of Florida
In the previous broadcast we told you there were alleged Russian ships off the coast of Florida which were actually American, and that they got those weapons from Cuba. Well over the weekend the Q crew, who is very informative as to what the deep state is doing because they are deep state, posted the following tweet:

They are claiming the USS Helena has arrived in Cuba to deliver ‘someone’ to Guantanamo bay and this is absolutely not true, and why use a submarine. This makes no sense, there are plenty of flights and ships that go there and if you were delivering a singular person you wouldn’t need an armed submarine. I’m not surprised they are going back to Cuba though as they are probably trying to get some different alleged Russian weapons to create another scare.
The Aliens Are Here
Other news the Q crew is reporting, which is actually relevant is “THE ALIENS ARE HERE” and it happened right before the rest of the events happened Friday night which ended up being one of the worst nights I’ve had in a long time.
Were they expecting this to happen because they detected some kind of a signal, have some books from Marduk on what to expect after their banking system fails? I don’t know, but whatever it was they thought this was going to help them get an advantage, and of course that wasn’t the case.

Events That Kept Kim Busy All Day & All Night All Weekend
Thousands of Cyborg Beings Waiting to Soul Swap With Every Human
We talked last week about finding synthetic Omega souls in the Aldebaran star system. Well, this one here was a little bit worse than that. They basically had cyborg beings that were in every megastructure (or fake moon) within our galaxy and there were thousands of them.
The plan, had they got access to earth’s vortex, was to swap out humans with these beings who would then take on the life of the person they swapped them out with. This is very similar to the vril procedure and a complete soul swap. Then this alleged alien invasion was going to then utilize these cyborgs to take over the world.
The deep state of course was under the impression this was for them, they were going to get help from alien forces to take over the world. They are flat out crazy because it wasn’t for them at all. They would have been swapped out as well especially because the main focus was on people in positions of power and they would have looked at the deep state as people in positions of power, at least to some degree.
But they had an intention of taking over governments, CEOs of corporations, it was a rather intricate plan. Had this happened the ultimate end result would be that person’s physical body would have charged the omega battery that was now in their person and then act on behalf of omega against the rest of humanity. This was essentially to enable the omega system and these little omega-beings to completely take over planet earth. I guess you can call this plan B when the events of Friday failed.
Backdoor Deals and Empty Promises Related to Treasury Takeover
Speaking of the events of Friday, when we last talked more and more information was coming in the rest of the day. Some of that was these people had made a lot of backdoor deals to various countries. They said the Federal Reserve was going to start working again in the US and everything was going to be fine for a Treasury takeover of the Federal Reserve and they would be running the financial system.
That didn’t quite work out and reason why is because things were installing all over the world in different locations and those countries who were promised a lot of money and access started calling those running this operation which includes the US and the Treasury Departments to complain. They were saying they stabbed them in the back and they never had any intention of following through on their deal. Except everything attempting to install was completely out of their control and they were actually forced to admit it Friday night on another ‘super-secret’ conference call.
Now these people true to form don’t like to be embarrassed, so they were looking for any kind of secret communication line other than the Jesuit and Templar lines of course, which was taken out last week. And thank you deep state for finding the Knights of Malta secret communications line and secret monetary system attached to that, which we are taking out along with several other systems, and any remnant the NSA still had left. Plus. there were some fraudulent backdoor things going on behind the scenes with real money that is acquired by selling bitcoin, so that also is no longer an option for the deep state.
108,729 Brute Force Attacks Against the Light System Started on Sunday
The fun didn’t end because by Sunday afternoon they had a plan in place to setup a brute force attack which is when you group a bunch of data centers or even laptops or computers together with many people involved and they combine their power into a centralized processing unit to do a mass hack attack. This particular brute force attack went on for 2 hours until they got knocked off, but it resulted in 108,729 brute attacks against the Light system.
Were they aware they were attacking my system?
I don’t know because they were trying to attack servers and operating systems of HSBC and the Development Bank of Singpore which now fall under the Global Repository’s umbrella. Perhaps they were thinking they were hacking the Global Repository. In part they must have known it was actually the Light system they were hacking because they were also firing in rapid succession agreements to the Hall of Records. All were rejected and nothing made it past our firewall, and I have all the records of all the places they tried. My guess would be is they were using a routing arbiter system that was formerly used to regulate internet traffic, which was also taken out.
But this attack did not end there. They continued doing different types of attacks all yesterday and today, although not as prolific as the first one. They are stopping at nothing until they can redeem themselves and try to find this system.
Marduk Left More Gifts for Future Events Should They Ever Lose Control of the Financial System
But there was more to the system than they thought that was attempting to be installed. They probably just thought it was an electronic thing and happening spontaneously because the omega system was back. I’m not sure, but one thing is certain, because of their brute attack and joint efforts we were able to locate two specific facilities which were also gifts left by Marduk for future events. One was under the main HSBC Hong Kong headquarters.

These were probably there since in the late 70’s early 80’s in preparation for all these plans of Marduk, to go off one after another should they ever lose control of the financial system. Now this also had nothing to do with these people, but this facility was designed to transmute any cash in the system and transfer it back to the old debt system versus the light asset-based system. But that facility was tiny compared to the one in an island off the coast of Hong Kong called Tung Ping Chau Island.

It was declared a UNESCO site of course, and it contained a massive amount of alien technology. Basically, it was called the Systems Admin Unit for the omega system. Did they know this is what they were hacking? I highly doubt it. Did they know everything that was going to be installed was still going to be in a centralized system to be controlled by Marduk, and that he would still have to push the master button, issue session keys, and provide access to the new system even if it was fully installed? I doubt it. Again these people are under the impression these things are all for them which is simply not true. Marduk never did anything he couldn’t have full control of. He would never grant a gift to humans whether it be their bloodline or not. And it was pretty evident these people didn’t know what they were doing.
They Tried to Get Hold of Absolute Sphere
There were 3 death stars of the planet they tried to hack into to get the absolute sphere that was in them as well. One was in South Dakota, another one on the African continent, but these people are no longer with us. Note: Kim didn’t mention where the third one was.
Note: For more on absolute spheres see related post, Quantum Tunnel to Facility in Empire State Plaza, Albany NY Snapped Leading to Absolute Sphere Able to Manipulate Dark Matter Parts in Everything | How Does This Relate to Chemtrails Which Are Making People Sicker Than Usual? | Also Found in Earth’s Orbit & Removed Was Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI), Remnants of Omega, & Locations to Communicate With Absolute Spheres in Mount Matterhorn, Chicago & Ellis Island | Just Empower Me
Their Focus Now Seems to Be on the Banking System
We thank the deep state for what they are doing though because they are pulling out all the stops today and it hasn’t stopped. Even now while I’m recording there are alarms going off everywhere. Mainly their focus seems to be on the banking system. In part there looks like an attempted crash of the banking system while others are trying to siphon everything out of the banking system. I don’t think they are entirely sure where they are going.
EBS & Military In Control of 10-Days of Darkness, Really?
They are also claiming the military is in control of this 10 days of darkness and the emergency broadcast system was supposed to go off. None of which happened, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t take a lot of work on our part to make sure that didn’t happen. It’s been a really long weekend making sure none of these things took place.
Jurisdictional Banking System
The other things we had left as a carryover from the Alpha system was a jurisdictional banking system which was not a full banking system, but is a way for them to have control of the 12 jurisdictions of the Federal Reserve. They never had access to the 13th of course which was Alpha, so that would never have gotten them anywhere. They were under the impression they could reprogram my LI-FI, my CODEX 685, or bring back something more antiquated which isn’t working out either. We also changed how the SQL servers work within the financial system for extra security.
Remnants of Creator AI
There were some other remnants of Creator AI which is an artificial form of creation done by the dark side which is why the dark always says it must destroy in order to create. It’s actually not destroying though but transmuting the creation.
Note: For related post on Creator AI, see What is Neutral Source & Creator AI? | Creator AI and Timelines | Black Sun’s Global Security Contract | Why Deep State People Thought They Were Still in the Game This Time |For the First Time Ever We’re Living In Reality | Global Security & The Unified Source Security Force | Just Empower Me
Rise in the Schumann Resonances Tied to Hacking in Hong Kong & Attempted Alien Invasion
We did see some rises in the Schumann Resonances at two particular times, when the major hacking tied to the Hong Kong facilities was happening and the other rise took place at the attempted alien invasion. The gateway for that and extremely low frequencies that comes with that caused the Schumann Resonance to rise until we found that and it went back to flat.

It’s Been a Lot of Work!
These were all night events over the weekend. It’s a lot of work, time and effort that goes into this. That’s why I often say the operatives would be helpful if I could train them on the Key Intelligence & Military System, providing they are willing to do the right thing. We do have a new group of operatives that reached out to us, not all are from the US, looking to see if we can do a test transaction together. They said they are willing to do their part and we set some conditions. First the transaction would take place in a state of my choosing here in the United States and I can have a representative of mine in that location. The idea is to make sure this person walks away with a set percentage, and we’re talking only a couple million dollars, so it’s definitely not going to fund governments or do any major damage. In my opinion this could go very badly. If I look at it from a strategic standpoint, most of the time they offer to do this is so they can see if they can trace back my line to the Light system, and in the past Alpha. But if it works out, perhaps we can get some security assistance. But we’ll see.
We are coming upon the Summer Solstice and maybe they will end when the solstice ends. Has Marduk set off any other traps in the next few days. I don’t know? Hopefully we are at the end of his timers set to go off at a future date. But we will continue on with the Golden Age and crystalline time, we are not going to revert back to any Dark Age, nor are any old AI systems coming back.
Related Posts | Based on Kim’s UNN Situation Reports
Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me
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Thankyou Ladies and God bless you and all humanity ❤️✨
bonsoir Justemp idem Kim, merci pour ces bonnes nouvelles! il y à malgré tout encore des personnes qui n’ont pas compris que: (dieu) ce lucifer, ce Satan, ce gode diabolique antichrist! représentait avec tous ces serviteurs des sectes mafieuses en sacrifices diverses! (le mal être de la terre et de toutes ces véritables vies terrestre) vive notre sourse de lumière de chaleur, qui réchauffe nos cœurs, nos joies, nos espoirs de vies paisibles avenir!!!
Free hugs London
Il y a quelque chose que je ne comprend pas. Est ce que ce rapport est de 24 juin 2017, ou recent ? Car si ce rapport est ancien, je ne vois pas suffisamment l’interet.